games Games Persona 3 Reload Review Thread
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    I took his criticisms of the combat as basically saying "this system is not interesting enough to form a satisfying gameplay loop". That's a critical statement which I actually agree with, though from my perspective that's a key part of Persona's core design: neither the combat system nor the social link system are endlessly enjoyable, so the player is intrinsically motivated to avoid lingering for too long and properly close the core gameplay loop by advancing the calendar. It's that sort of pendulum-like cadence which gives the series its unique sense of momentum.

    I do think that it's a shame RPS's Matt was unable to find joy in P3R's gameplay loop due to disliking the social-link system... but I also see it as an opportunity to better understand the game as a holistic package in a way that can't be achieved through a more carefully measured, quantitative analysis. The way I see things, the game is the game -- I'm much more interested in understanding what's in the game rather than what's not, if that makes any sense.

  • games Games Persona 3 Reload Review Thread
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    I tend to prefer clicking through the unscored reviews first since I find that it's generally a mark of a quality outlet. Rock Paper Shotgun in particular is an old favorite of mine, so their's is the first review that I clicked on and let me tell you guys: it's a real firecracker!

    Matt clearly didn't have a good time and I had to respectfully disagree with a lot of the points he's made, but even so... his points are well-articulated and sensible. I'm rather glad for his uncommon perspective on the topic and I do think that RPS ultimately picked the right writer for the job. He hasn't particularly changed my mind about a day-one purchase, of course -- the main difference is now I'll have a more nuanced and realistic expectation for what's inside.

  • games Games Dark and Darker dev says Nexon's "trade secret and copyright" lawsuit against it has been dismissed
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 94%

    It's a pretty different situation under closer examination. The DnD developers are ex-Nexon employees and they (allegedly) pitched the idea internally before deciding to leave and take the idea with them.

    Nexon thought that they had a legal leg to stand on because of how IP laws work (i.e.: employee ideas on company time are company IP). Perhaps more importantly; they probably felt a need to retaliate in order to send a message to other employees who might want to try something similar.

    Palworld, on the other hand, is made by a team with no ties whatsoever to GameFreak. If Pokemon were a younger franchise they might possibly have a patent case of some kind, but even the 3D games go back almost 24 years now.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are some of the stranger adaptations/adjustments to corporate culture you've noticed, and imagine emerging?
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    History Youtube gets pretty whack about this because Google's adsense algorithm freaks out when words like "Nazi" and "Stalin" appear. To name a few examples:

    The second example is particularly amusing, being a video about how Shostakovich circumvented soviet censorship while self-censoring all instances of "Stalin" within the script.

  • linux Linux Does Nix's break from FHS cause problems?
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    You may be interested in reading this post about the process of packaging Steam.

    tl;dr: It's mostly an annoyance reserved for packagers to deal with. Dynamically linked executables can be patched in a fairly universal fashion to work without FHS, so that's the go-to approach. If the executable is statically linked, the package may have to ship a source patch instead. If the executable is statically linked & close-source, the packagers are forced to resort to simulating an FHS environment via chroot.

  • gaming Gaming Palworld Becomes the 7th Game Ever to Reach 1 Million Concurrent Players on Steam
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 63%

    Yes, exactly. The fans have spoken and we want the real Vaporeon!

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation I got a sizeable raise and am now officially making low six figures and have no one to share my good news with
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    Dude, I feel a lot of what you're saying. I spent years making awful wages at terrible jobs, then fell ass-backwards into a six-figure career. The whiplash is really hard going from thinking you'll die young and poor into having more than you know what to do with.

    With that being said, I have advice to share if you're interested in such things:

    • Six figures isn't rich, but it certainly is more than enough. After this point, finding even more money isn't really going to make you much happier, so start prioritizing other important gains you can make in your career (hours, day-to-day job satisfaction)
    • Focus on improving emotional intelligence. You can afford stuff now, so you can no longer hide behind notions like "this stuff isn't for poor people like me" -- you need to find actual reasons to say no to things and that requires the skill of knowing why you want something.
    • Lots of problems can be solved with money, but you have to be super careful about it or you'll just end up wrecking yourself! Feeling mixed up? Don't buy self-help books -- get therapy. Feeling lonely? Don't buy friends -- take some classes at the local community center. Feeling self-conscious? Don't get a face-lift -- hire a personal trainer and maybe a stylist.
    • Money guilt is real and it's OK. Use that feeling to keep yourself down on Earth. Obviously look out for #1 first -- pay off bad debt, max out your 401k, set aside enough cash to max out your insurance deductibles and still live a few months without income -- once you've done that, dial back on the money hoarding. Be better than the assholes who kept you down: tip well, give back to the people who make the things you love, be charitable. Sharing is caring.
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 71%

    It'll take you straight from pre-diabetes to post-diabetes

  • technology Technology JPMorgan Chase fights off 45 billion hacking attempts each day
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    Ah, yes, just over five attempts for every human alive. I assume they took the reply addresses at face value and have forwarded 45 billion cease & desist letters to Microsoft's Redmond office?

  • technology Technology YouTube to eliminate 100 employees as layoffs at Google continue
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    Could have been MMANAA 😔

  • greentext > Greentext Anon is dissatisfied with the quality of discourse
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    A GIF of senator armstrong from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance quickly turning his head and reacting to an insult with an aghast expression reminiscent of the style of WWE wrestler reaction faces

  • linux Linux Where can I find work?
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    If you hate job boards then you need to find individual company "Careers" pages and go from there.

    How you go about this varies a lot by skillset and industry, but I'll just throw out a random example: lots of Linux jobs exist in the DevOps space (think Kubernetes, Ansible, Chef, NixOps). It just so happens that lots of medium-sized software companies need DevOps people, so you can pretty easily find companies looking for DevOps hires just by browsing Y Combinator's Startup Directory

    With that being said, I get the impression from the way your post is worded that you're looking to break into a new career without having yet established a concrete plan. My advice would be to step back and consider specific options first. Almost all jobs like these require industry-specific certifications (e.g.: CompTIA, ITIL, AWS, Azure, Cisco, etc.). You need to look at your options, pick a certification, earn it, then go job hunting. Certifications are great for securing entry level jobs and the standards body issuing these will often provide an online directory of partner companies who are currently hiring.

  • linux Linux NixOS is better because...
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 41%

    You'll understand when you're older, son

  • linux Linux The last few weeks in KDE: It’s coming… it’s coming… it’s coming
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    Ugh... they got Plasma everywhere!

  • worldnews World News Hezbollah commander killed in Lebanon by alleged Israeli airstrike
  • chaorace chaorace 8 months ago 100%

    You the real MVP 👑

  • announcements Announcements is back up! Apologies for the downtime.
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    This was, without any doubt, a prophetic dream. The apocalypse will soon be upon us! Be wary of the four horsemen: Ronald, King, Wendy, and... Chihuahua

  • linux Linux Screenshot tool for GNOME + Wayland
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Try Satty? It's inspired by flameshot, Wayland native, and written in Rust.

  • sdfpubnix
    sdfpubnix chaorace 9 months ago 100%
    SDF federation is on the fritz again (Jan. 5th - Now)

    It appears that comments stopped federating to other instances again sometime yesterday morning (*January 5th, before 8AM EST*). I can verify that the issue is affecting outgoing comments to multiple different instances (incl. & and that it remains ongoing as of the time of writing (e.g.: compare this [remote post]( vs. [SDF's copy](, my comment is missing). I'll do the honors and ping []( here and now so you guys don't have to. In the meantime, since we're all marooned here anyway: how's everyone's weekend been going so far? Any exciting plans?

    linux_gaming Linux Gaming NVIDIA contributes Reflex support to dxvk-nvapi.
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Nice. Flagship features like these so often feel overlooked in the Linux GPU discussion. I like to think that's because we're all very serious pragmatists who don't care for such frivolous addons, even if the simple truth is that vendors are indifferent towards Linux as an end-user platform.

    In light of that, features like these coming in with 1st-party support is a welcome sign that things are (slowly) changing. Emphasis on "slow"; I don't find it terribly impressive that Nvidia's partially reversed the proprietary own-goal which they call NVAPI, especially considering the still ongoing parade of new (also proprietary!) standards which they insist on shoehorning into it... but I'll acknowledge that they're making progress nevertheless 😤

  • asklemmy Asklemmy To those not in the IT industry, what do you think programming is like?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Still waiting for git good unfortunately 😔

  • games Games Has anyone else quit playing competitive online video games?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    For me they often provoke self-anger. I kept experiencing intrusive thoughts like "That's the third time I died that way and I KNEW it was coming so what the hell's wrong with me?" and "I can't believe I choked AGAIN. I dragged my whole team down and now I'm 100 MMR deeper in the hole to show for it..."

    I wasn't having fun anymore and decided to hang up my hat for good -- these days I stick to TF2 when I want to scratch that multiplayer FPS itch. It's so much nicer to play on my own terms in a setting where whether you win or lose everyone has fun and wants to stick around for another round or three.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Who will die in 2024 ?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%
    • Alexei Navalny
    • Markus Persson
    • David Attenborough
  • games Games Persona 3 Reload - Official Opening Movie
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    I've been collecting these, super hyped for February 🗣️🗣️🗣️💨💨💨🔥🔥🔥

  • comicstrips Comic Strips Meeting face to face
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%


  • politics politics House Democrats urge Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from Trump Colorado ballot case
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    I'll have uhh... a #9 double democracy supreme, with cheese

  • unitedkingdom United Kingdom Head of Britain’s police chiefs says force ‘institutionally racist’
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    The problem was acknowledged in a frank and unqualified manner... and they want to try fixing it? Is that allowed? Things can get better?? I, uh... gotta go return some videotapes

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Sugarcoating pills is fairly common, especially for pills which are frequently ingested or target older demographics. It's because sugar coatings are much gentler on the esophagus (i.e.: less likely to cause esophagitis, "pill burn"). Advil (i.e.: ibuprofen) is a cheap, well tolerated, and non habit-forming pain reliever -- it's about as safe as such a thing could possibly be, so hopefully that helps to explain why a sugar coating might be warranted given the aforementioned upsides (for the love of all that is holy; always read the directions on the label, it's still quite possible that Advil is not safe for you specifically). FWIW: the bottles also have childproofing mechanisms built into the caps (... at least in U.S. markets. Not sure about elsewhere?)

  • finance Finance Minimum Wage Clock
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Nothing quite like minimum wage to help you appreciate the affordability of an air sandwich. It costs zero hours of labor (after taxes!) to go hungry -- great bargain -- plus you can invest all of that saved lunch break time catching up on sleep in the smoking pavilion.

    The above is absolutely not based on a terrible and completely wasted early adulthood wrought with minimum wage toil. I'm fine, that hypothetical experience has in no way permanently shaped my worldviews.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what are the most ethical places to give your stuff to in a will
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 75%

    Watch out I saw these guys about to show up at your inbox

    The Sphinx (of Egypt)

    The Riddler (of the Batman series)

    Morpheus (of The Matrix series)

    Nietzsche (the philosopher)

  • anime Anime Winter Anime Season Kickoff Discussion Thread [Week 1]
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I'm subscribed to notifications for the PR and have been holding out waiting for it to get merged because it's easier to maintain a clean git history that way. If the PR's still not merged by this evening I'll just bite the bullet and do it the (slightly) harder way for the sake of staying current with the new seasonals

  • android Android Any good USBC female to USBA male dongles?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Male A to Male C is abolutely possible. It's the Male A to Female C adapters which are evil. There is no pinout mapping that will turn an A host into a "real" C host and that's exactly what a Male A to Female C adapter purports to do.

    In any case, if you know what you're doing then all bets are off the table. Hack away freely because at the end of the day it's all just copper and bits anyway. With that being said, anyone who knows what they're doing does not require my permission to... vague gesture know what they're doing.

  • android Android Any good USBC female to USBA male dongles?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Like I said: in order to do it the non-evil way you need to cram in an onboard USB chip. Female USB-C from a Male USB-A plug-in is explicitly not possible to implement in a spec-compliant manner because of the pinouts.

    You can brute-force a smaller passive adapter like those online but it's a devil's bargain. Nobody targets these janky adapters when designing products. USB-C things will just break without any rhyme or reason because you're fundamentally breaking the hardware contract and "lying" about the capabilities of your port.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why is Jerma a meme?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    No, but now that you mention it that would be a pretty plausible thing to have happen. Just grabbing hold of a random armchair analysis and then repeating it ad nauseum until it transforms into an irony-poisoned meme totem... you've really gotten my hopes up now!

  • android Android Any good USBC female to USBA male dongles?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 87%

    No, it's because I read an expert opinion on the subject:

    If you hate Amazon you can buy it on the CableCreation website instead.

    EDIT: that monoprice adapter isn't even active lol!

    A screenshot of a Q&A thread from the aforementioned monoprice product page. Paul G. asks: "Is this a passive device? I.e. no electronics,; only wires between the connectors.". Michelle K responds: "Correct, this is an un-powered, passive USB adapter. Although I have not measured the throughput, it works as advertised."

  • android Android Any good USBC female to USBA male dongles?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 94%

    First thing's first: all such adapters should be considered evil by default. The only way to make a compliant adapter is with active circuitry in the adapter essentially providing an entirely standalone USB controller interface.

    With that being said, here's an adapter which does exactly that. Back when I researched this topic in October I found that the linked adapter is essentially the only one of its kind on the market right now.

  • nix Nix / NixOS Flakes aren't real and cannot hurt you: a guide to using Nix flakes the non-flake way
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    I like flakes a lot, speaking as a type of user which I'll call a "casual packager".

    This is to say that I like being a good citizen and sharing my packaging efforts... while also simultaneously feeling totally uninterested in becoming an owner-for-life. Flakes let me share a package without those pesky strings -- when the user installs a package using one of my flakes, a personal lockfile gets generated at the latest git commit and that's that. If the user doesn't like the version they get, then the power is in their hands to choose a different git ref via their own generated lockfile.

    Obviously this is something of a user footgun, especially for consumers of high-impact or security-critical applications, but most of those things are already important enough to get packaged. When it comes to niche, infrequently updated stuff, this approach works super well and helps to draw many reluctant packagers like myself out into the open.

  • casualconversation [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation Is it ever acceptable to interrupt people during conversation or especially important dialogue/argument/debate?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    It's cultural. I've experienced many times accidentally making others uncomfortable with my silence during a conversation. That specific phenomena is known in linguistics as backchanneling (see also: the Japanese art of aizuchi)

    Much like backchanneling, some cultures demand interruptions while others look down upon it. It's important that we don't overly invest ourselves in the virtues or lack thereof lest we accidentally wander into the territory of cultural imperialism. Sometimes things are the way they are just because and you have to roll with it as best you can.

    Making a mental note is often impossible for me, I frequently forget and need to address something immediately in order to remember it, unless I can pause the conversation to make a physical or digital note (can't focus on what they're saying while writing it) which people would probably find even more rude either way.

    I sympathize as a person with (catastrophic) ADHD. Trying to hold in a thought feels like smothering it. The concept of a "mental note" feels like some sort of cruel joke -- my working memory is 6 words long and people expect me to somehow hold a question in there without tuning out the rest of the conversation? Agonizing!

    Even so, I try (and frequently fail) to behave as expected. I find that most people can come to appreciate the effort once they get to know you and your shortcomings. Never forget that people are not monuments; if you mean well and try your best others will bend the rules for you.

  • linux Linux Thoughts on this?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 94%

    I am of two minds:

    1. He's not wrong
    2. It doesn't matter at this point

    It's a mess, but honestly so are a lot of critical FOSS projects (e.g.: OpenSSH, GNUPG, sudo). Curmudgeons gonna curmudgeon. There was a point of no return and that was years ago -- now that Wayland's finally becoming useable despite itself it's probably time to come to terms with the fact that better alternatives would have arisen had anyone thought they could truly manage it.

  • games Games On the last trading day of the year, Nintendo shares *finally* top their Wii-era highs from 2007 to reach a new record.
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    Good for them. No cyclical mass layoffs and any paycuts always happened in the c-suite first. The U.S. game industry could stand to learn a thing or two from their Japanese predecessors, I think it's safe to say.

    Alright, enough cheerleading for a faceless multinational megacorp... I just had to give credit where it was due so that I can still take myself seriously the next time I criticize the games industry for inevitably shitting its pants again.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why is Jerma a meme?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    95% of the time he plays the straight-man and then the other 5% of the time he behaves like an unhinged lunatic. It's the perfect recipe for cultivating an audience of viewers who love to torment him with his own words. After that it's just one step further to put words he didn't say into his mouth and see how he reacts to getting gaslit.

    I make it sound like a cynical ploy but really this kind of thing is just intrinsically tied to Jerma's online personality. Lightning in a bottle. If you ask me the most impressive part's actually how he manages to stay in control of the situation and not get totally swallowed up by the increasingly bizzare behavior of his viewership.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy How to stop eating junk food?
  • chaorace chaorace 9 months ago 100%

    (You've not been good)

  • anime
    Anime chaorace 11 months ago 100%
    Episode Discussion Bot Outage

    Heads up, everyone: approximately 24 hours ago, our episode discussion bot []( stopped posting new discussion threads. Please be aware of the outage and consider posting manual discussion threads in the meantime until the situation is resolved. The root cause of the outage is due to defederating from ([source](, which of course hosts []( Because ! is hosted on, this defederation situation prevents our bot from posting anything new to the community. At present moment, there has been no official statement as to why this action was taken. It is my belief, however, that the decision was made without due consideration and should be reversed. I humbly call upon []( to please take a second look at [the content]( of and their [content policy]( because I believe that the high standard they uphold as server operators is self-evident. Thank you everyone for your time and I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Anime chaorace 11 months ago 98%
    (CONCLUDED) VOTE: Help decide the future of the Episode Discussion thread bot!

    Poll Link: **Background** Hello! I am the maintainer of []( Shinobu is the ! community bot responsible for posting episode discussion threads whenever new anime episodes air ([example]( The goal of the above survey is to begin the process of establishing a community consensus for how Shinobu should be updated in order to best fit the needs of our community. The content of the survey is based upon the comments and suggestions fielded from [this recent discussion on the topic]( Please note that the survey is planned to run until October 16th @ 12:00PM EDT. My goal is to honor the results of the poll however they may turn out, granted that the aforementioned results are accepted as reasonable and legitimate by the community at large. As always, thanks for being a member of the community and doing your part to make it special! ❤️

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Test chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Testing another animated WebP image
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Test chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Testing another animated WebP image
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Chao Island chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Animated webp test
    Anime chaorace 1 year ago 98%
    🎉 Automatic episode discussion posts are now live! 🎉

    It is my great pleasure to announce in collaboration with []( & []( that automatic episode discussion threads will now begin posting to the ! community starting **right now**! # Q&A: ### What are episode discussion threads? Simply put, they're a place to discuss newly aired seasonal anime episodes. [Here's an example]( ### Why do these need to be automated? Automation will lower the barrier to entry for discussions and help to remind everyone when new content airs. More importantly: it's what *you guys* asked for! ([exhibit A](, [exhibit B]( ### What technology does the bot use? The bot uses the same code as the /r/anime subreddit known as [Holo]( We had to fork the bot to make it work with Lemmy, but we intend to merge our work back upstream so that we can share improvements and collaborate with them when it comes to things like code optimizations and show data. You can follow our efforts in refining & upstreaming the Holo fork [here]( Please feel welcome to contribute your own improvements to the PR as well 😊 (*see below known issues list for ideas*) ### Why fork Holo? Two reasons: * Building a good bot is time intensive. By forking a mature project, you guys get what you want faster and us developers don't have to reinvent the wheel, so to speak. * Every season, some poor soul has to perform the grueling task of manually cataloging each airing show. By using a shared codebase, we benefit from the dedicated work of /r/anime's data collection instead of having to do it ourselves. ### Are there any known issues? Yes: * Links to episodes that aired prior to today will point to the wrong place. The bot is designed with the assumption that it can edit every post it links to -- since the *actual* threads prior to today were manually created by other people, it's impossible to incorporate those threads into the bot's database. * Episode polls currently have an anti-brigading feature using Reddit authentication. That's obviously kind of a non-sensical thing to do here since 1) this isn't Reddit & 2) nobody's brigaded us *yet*. We plan to fix this soon! * Anime subreddits currently show up in each thread's "Show information" list, but there's currently no such support for plugging the equivalent Lemmy communities. Eventually, we'll need to get that set up and upstream it, too. 😉 ### Who's the bot? The episode discussion bot is named [](! ### Why's the bot hosted on Let's break this into three parts: * **Why not** Because new user registrations are closed for 🤷 * **Why not** Because is defederated by In addition, smaller instances (*like my own*) sometimes temporarily defederate during heavy traffic. Obviously, we don't want visitors missing out on episode threads just because of federation drama or a recent traffic surge! * **Why specifically?** Because they're on-topic, small enough to generally dodge defederation threats, and [serious about their infrastructure]( ### Why "Shinobu"? Before /r/anime's bot was running under /u/AutoLovepon, it ran on an account named Holo. Clearly the bot's creator was a fan of Spice & Wolf. I named the bot Shinobu because I'm a 🤮 bakemonogatari 🤮 fan. No further questions -- this interview is over. I will **never** apologize!

    sdfpubnix chaorace 1 year ago 97%
    Why have we started blocking (NO LONGER BLOCKED)

    **UPDATE**: []( has responded > It is temporary as was cascading duplicates at us and the only way to keep the site up reliably was to temporarily drop them. We’re in the process of adding more hardware to increase RAM, CPU cores and disk space. Once that new hardware is in place we can try turning on the firehose. Until then, please patient. ----- **ORIGINAL POST**: Starting sometime yesterday afternoon it looks like our instance started blocking ![A screenshot of the page at showing the instance on the blocklist]( This is kind of a big deal, because 1/3rd of all active users originate there! ![A pie chart depicting the top instances by usershare. The instance is in the top spot with 1/3 of the total usershare]( Was this decision intentional? If so, could we get some clarification about it? [](

    You Should Know chaorace 1 year ago 97%
    YSK: How to embed images accessibly on Lemmy

    **Why YSK**: If you want to make Lemmy a more accessible place for all, you need to know how to add labels (aka: "alt text") to embedded images As many of you are already aware, you can embed images in comments using the following markdown: `![](`. That works, but the image will be left unlabeled which leaves screenreader users out of the conversation. This may seem like a *theoretical* problem, but it's not -- Lemmy already has an active blind community: **So, here's what you can do to add labels when embedding images:** `![Earth viewed from the Moon](` That's it! Any text within the `[]` becomes "alt text", which is what screenreaders use for describing images. It's a small thing, but it makes a world of difference. Remember: Reddit took something from many of us here. For some, it was a mobile app. For others, it was the ability to operate their own communities. Comment with solidarity; use alt-text.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    (Rant) Music Software & Interface Design: Steinberg's Dorico
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Melee's Stupid Advantages
    You Should Know chaorace 1 year ago 91%
    YSK: Metric Meters are equal to exactly 1 Minecraft block

    **Why YSK**: If you're an American (*or Liberian/Myanma*), simply knowing that 1m~=3.28ft is... not that helpful. Understanding a unit requires lived experience, after all Well, if you play Minecraft: good news! Blocks in Minecraft are *exactly* 1m^3^. If you can close your eyes and visualize a Minecraft grid, you're probably already surprisingly good at measuring things in meters. Let's give it a shot: * How tall is the average person? A little bit less than ~~2 blocks~~ 2 meters * How wide is the average person? About ~~1/2 a block~~ 1/2 a meter * What's the furthest a young person can fall before it starts getting painful? Just over ~~3 blocks~~ 3 meters * How big is the average room? About ~~6x6 blocks~~ 6x6 meters Some players might even be familiar with kilometers if they use waypoint mods, such as Xaero's Minimap. If a map marker says it's 1000 blocks away, that's 1km. How long does it take a healthy person to walk ~~1000 blocks~~ 1 kilometer? About 10 minutes!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    The Problem with Time & Timezones - Tom Scott / Computerphile

    Kicking this community off with a classic: Tom Scott's increasingly unhinged rant about the absurdity of computer timezones!

    196 chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    [SFW] NSFW Rule
    Gaming chaorace 1 year ago 93%
    Weird Opinion: Half-Life 1 is actually way better than Half-Life 2

    First, some background: I first became aware of PC gaming in 2012 (15yrs after HL1, 7yrs after HL2). I played both games back-to-back and then later replayed both separately. There's so much to be said about these two games, but I'll sum up my feelings in a few bullet points: * HL1 is more thematically unified. It plays true to its Sci-Fi & *Die Hard* roots up to the point of campiness, but that fits rather well for a game whose protagonist is effectively a nerdy Doom Marine -- more a force-of-nature embodiment of survival than traditional hero. * HL2, on the other hand, feels weighed-down by this legacy. It *wants* to tell a serious story about a charismatic freedom-fighter. That's an aesthetic which clashes terribly with HL1's mute, stoic survivalist. * HL1 has a better core gameplay loop. It plays to its strengths: gunplay & level exploration. Exposition & puzzling are almost always delivered through these mediums wherever possible. Those few chapters which depart from this philosophy (*On a Rail*, *Xen*) are the weakest in the whole game as a result. * HL2, by contrast, seems almost insecure. It only trusts the player to stick with the core gameplay-loop for a few chapters *at most* before pivoting into yet another gimmick -- almost all of which (*barring the gravity gun sequence*) feel painfully drawn out: * **Water Hazard**: Boating * **Highway 17**: Driving * **Sandtraps**: Physics "Puzzling" + "Platforming" * **Nova Prospekt**: Wave-Based Point Defense --- What do you guys think? There's a lot worth unpacking here which I couldn't *quite* articulate. What are your takeaways?

    Cosmere Discussion chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    From Imagination to Reality: Mistborn Origins

    New video just dropped on the official channel. 10+ minutes of Brandon talking about the inspirations that led to the Mistborn series!

    196 chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    mission accomplished
    2nd Edgedancer Ideal: "I will remember those who have been forgotten."

    RIP /r/cremposting Long live /c/remposting ![](

    Hurtdesk 2.0 chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    How to exit vim??

    ``` x X qqqQQ quit quit !important help --help -help -? /? :help quit :q :Q :qa kill-emacs (kill-emacs) :QQQQQ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E37: No write since last change (add ! to override) ```

    You Should Know chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    YSK how to correctly link to other Lemmy communities

    Why YSK: right now, Lemmy's autocomplete for the `!community` syntax isn't working correctly. It will *appear* to work, like so: [](/c/youshouldknow) ![]( But the link produced will redirect you away from your home instance and leave you unable to vote/subscribe... ![]( --- To fix this issue, you'll need to manually edit the autocompleted link like so: **[BAD LINK](**: `[!](` ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Remove the domain (i.e.: ``) & append the @ identifier (i.e.: ``) **[GOOD LINK](/c/**: `[!](/c/` --- Removing the domain like this transforms it into a local link which prevents the instance redirection. Doing this will make it easier for newcomers to join your community and participate in discussions! Those interested can monitor Github issues [#369]( & [#1048]( for when this UI bug is fixed!

    Hurtdesk 2.0 chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Please cancel Ney Work Times subscription

    Hello Mr. Times, please cancel goodbye

    Gaming chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Favorite SGDQ 2023 Runs?

    Summer Games Done Quick just wrapped up last week and most of the VODs are now up on Youtube. What'd you guys think about the show this year? I'd love to hear about everyone's highlights!

    Linux Gaming chaorace 1 year ago 100%
    Here’s Everything You Need to Know About MTG Arena on Linux - Draftsim

    cross-posted from: > Found a good round up for running Arena on linux. I've used the Lutris method before successfully.
