world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    Mandela was not a terrorist. That's an indictment of the US government's stupid "watch list," not Mandela.

    In terms of land, do you really think they're coming out ahead in that? Before 2012, they had almost no settlements and they regular demolished them. How were they coming out ahead? Do you think the average Israeli is eager to keep the status quo for a few acres of land? Have you ever talked to an Israeli? They don't care about the land. Most Israelis I know are pretty angry about the squatters and just don't want their tax dollars going to bribe them into leaving like last time Israeli settlers were evicted from Gaza.

    Do you think that in 1967, facing invasion from every side, the Israeli thinking was "muaahahaha, finally a full-scale invasion we can use as a subterfuge to add a new subdivision in 50 years!"

    The military cost of occupying the West Bank is costing Israel many, many times what the land was ever worth many times over.

    And keep in mind, the settlements are mostly in the West Bank, not Gaza.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    South Africa was not slow or methodical; it was pretty fast, at least legally. And for a whole host of reasons, it's just not an apples to apples comparison. You could go into the fact that Israel was invaded by its Arab neighbors, who were committed to obliterating it, or you could point out that it's a thousand-year feud, etc. It's just not a comparison that's useful because the differences are too great.

    But probably the biggest difference is that there is no Palestinian counterpart to Nelson Mandela.

    The concession Israel seeks is, basically, for terrorists to stop slaughtering them in the streets. That's it. What they want is peace. To go to the cinema without fear of being kidnapped or murdered. South Africa's government wanted free labor. Israel just wants to not have bombs go off in the street. Nelson Mandela's whole message was of peace, non-violence, and reconciliation, so if a single Palestinian leader were to offer such a message, they would be a hero to Israelis everywhere.

    It's not like Israelis are getting rich off the toil of Palestinians. Quite the opposite. The comparison to South Africa really doesn't work.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    There's not an Arab lockdown per se. Israeli Arabs are about as free as anyone in Israel. They're members of parliament, serve on the Israeli Supreme Court, all that.

    What is true, of course, is that Palestinian Arabs are basically stateless people who live in inhumane conditions with few freedoms and fewer opportunities for dignity. That's a real problem. I don't necessarily have a solution that they would accept though. To live in dignity and liberty, you need to live in peace. To live in peace, you need to accept that your neighbors have a right to exist.

    Hamas didn’t always exist, Hamas is a result of the conditions of the people.

    Race-hate has existed for a very long time. It isn't a result of the conditions of anyone.

    If Hamas were an insurgency against oppression, it would surely be active in the region's other far more oppressive landscapes.

    The narrative that oppressed people turn violent and that's what this violence is probably partially true, but it doesn't tell the whole story. Much of what fuels Hamas and the main reason the peace process is so challenging in the Middle East isn't the plight of oppressed people; it's plain old bigotry.

    If tomorrow, Israel announced that it is now a pacifist state, and it melted down all its weapons, disbanded the IDF, and issued Israeli passports to Palestinians, the result would be a thousand pogroms and millions dead.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    After Hamas is destroyed completely apartheid and oppression will cause more systemic violence. The sterile road system in the west bank is a clear demonstration of apartheid.

    Repeat after. Hamas. Is. Not. The. Result. Of. Oppression.

    You believe that terrorism emerged because of the terrible conditions of Palestine. What you don't seem to realize is that the conditions in Palestine are terrible because of terrorism.

    Hamas is not the effect. It is the cause.

    A full Israel withdrawal would include no embargo with external trade. Fully isolating some land in your territory and not allowing anyone in or out is not a independent country, at best it’s a prison at worst is a grave yard.

    Correct. Like existed for the 19 years leading up to Gaza and the West Bank being used as a platform of aggression against Israel-proper.

    But have you thought of the wisdom of that for Israel? Every time they loosen their control of either territory, it results in more Israelis dead in the streets. As was the case in the months leading up to this one -- more permits for Gazas, fewer trade restrictions, more shipments. It seems those were mostly used to smuggle in weapons.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    It's good to understand the historical context. All for it.

    What historical context doesn't do, however, is forgive the unforgivable.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 33%

    You can condemn the actions, but if you want to fix the problem, then you better learn the context in which the actions take place.

    According to Hamas, their grievance is that Jews are alive. I'm not going to address that grievance.

    Otherwise it’s just going to be centuries more of throwing bombs at each other.

    That seems likely, but just denying the objectives of Hamas isn't going to bring peace either. For the last 20 years, the international community has been trying to follow the Oslo and Camp David peace accords, but there's been only one even remotely interested partner.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%

    The continued violence is a consequence of the systematic oppression of ethnic Arabs in the Israeli territories.

    I don't buy that theory. Hamas says their grievance is that a Jew somewhere has a pulse. I take them at their word.

    The question becomes after they’ve removed Hamas, how do they work with the remaining Palestinians? The two-tiered system oppressing ethnic Arabs has to end, or they’ll just be a different group that emerges.

    There isn't a two-tiered system. Israeli Arabs enjoy all the same privileges as Israeli Jews.

    Now, the conditions in Palestine are inhumane and awful, but I don't see that changing with a full Israeli withdrawal. Keep in mind, Israel did mostly withdrawal from Gaza almost 20 years ago.

    It is pretty clearly apartheid, the sterile streets in the West Bank that only one race can use, that is segregation of a population by an ethnicity, for the benefit of a minority.

    That's just factually completely incorrect. There are several million ethnic Arabs living in Israel. And benefit? What benefit, exactly, does Israel realize here? Would you think the average Israeli wants to live next to Palestine? Surely you see the difference: White South Africans wanted apartheid. Most Israelis probably want to live as far away from anything having to do with Palestine as possible.

    There's no benefit to Israel. There's no exploitation of labor or natural resources or anything like that aside from a few thousand settlers living as unlawful squatters in the West Bank.

    It would be like saying that the United States' invasion of Afghanistan, which saw thousands of Americans die and billions of dollars lost, was akin to the British invasion of India, which was a very profitable enterprise.

    Just because it's a first world country with a modern military doesn't mean that it's the same thing.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 33%

    You're the one who, for ego or fake Internet points or whatever, just throws around trite stereotypes without any experience or data. Just lazy shit like, "hurp, derp, Americans dumb." It doesn't make you a bad person, it just means you're lazy and ignorant. That's fine though. You can be lazy and ignorant.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 33%

    I'm addressing only the person I replied to.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 33%

    That’s when you can stop them. You can say, actually, yes, you can condemn Hamas without caveat or whataboutism.

    No, no you can’t.

    I just did.

    I'll do it again. I categorically condemn Hamas. There.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 33%

    Travel more.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 25%

    Israel did create the situation, Once it conquered the territories of Gaza and the West bank it now occupied a population of people. It could have integrated them into Israel as they have with the Israeli Arabs, or given the territory back to Egypt / Jordan after the war. But regardless, they now were the colonizers of a client population.

    Palestinians are generally not interested in being annexed into Israel. In fact, that's probably what they oppose the most. Being consumed and assimilated is what the more religious and more conservative Muslims don't want. That would also be intolerable to Israelis. The very people who voted for Hamas, who carried out 10/7, who suicide-bomb cafes, should be granted citizenship? That's unrealistic. It would be like if the United States responded to 9/11 by making Afghanistan a state.

    And giving back the land conquered during the Six Day War? That was more or less proposed in 2000, though most of it was actually going to a new Palestinian state. In Clinton's summit, Barak offered demolition of settlements, a right of return for Palestinians, half of Jerusalem and shared custody of the Temple Mount, and a return to the 1967 borders. Yasser Arafat, in my estimation fearing for his life if he made peace with Israel, rejected that.

    In 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza anyway, leaving a vacuum of power. In that vacuum, Hamas won an election a year later. This month, more or less as a direct result of giving Gazans more self-rule, a pogrom erupted from Gaza and killed over a thousand civilians. Surely you wouldn't say that's of Israel's design. And what would you have their response be? I can't imagine any country in the world that wouldn't respond militarily.

    The living conditions of Palestinians are awful, terrible, inhumane. Especially in Gaza. But I don't see how or when Israel sat down and said "yes, let's create this." It's a consequence of a long series of events, and Israel is involved, but they didn't just sit down one day and design a two-tier society.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 8%

    In my experience abroad, Americans have a decent handle on it, at least compared to Europeans. I've met more than one Irish person who, for example, did not know that the Six Day War ever happened.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 22%

    You have two ethnicities living in the same places, with vastly different rules, laws, rights, and freedoms. Whatever label you want to give that, its not a recipe for peace.

    Well, that's only half true. You have plenty of Arab Israelis who are living life exactly like Jewish Israelis.

    Anyway: I agree that the situation for Palestinian Arabs is completely intolerable and needs to change. But the word just doesn't fit, mostly because the situation in Israel is not of Israel's choosing. The situation in South Africa was very much of the white minority's choosing.

    Besides, if you're going to make that comparison, you should probably apply it all around. Consider Lebanon:

    Most Palestinians in Lebanon do not have Lebanese citizenship and therefore do not have Lebanese identity cards, which would entitle them to government services, such as health and education. They are also legally barred from owning property or entering a list of desirable occupations. Employment requires a government-issued work permit, and, according to the New York Times in 2011, although "Lebanon hands out and renews hundreds of thousands of work permits every year to people from Africa, Asia and other Arab countries... until now, only a handful have been given" to Palestinians.

    I believe Human Rights Watch has also condemned Lebanon's treatment of Palestinians a number of times, FWIW.

    EDIT: BTW, you could probably say that mentioning Lebanon is whataboutism. You'd be right. I'm narrowly seeking to observe that the term "apartheid" seems unevenly applied.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 12%

    I'm bringing up Hamas because they're the belligerent. The same reason I'm bringing up Israel. Who should we be talking about? Fatah? The PLO? They aren't in power.

    The apartheid narrative is also a false one. Apartheid was under a racial test. It was a system of South Africa's white minority's choosing. That isn't the case in Palestine. There are millions of Arab Israelis. There were no "Black Whites" in South Africa's apartheid.

    From 1948 to 1967, Palestine existed for 19 years as a presumed state. To get UN membership, all they had to do was form a government. Not a single Israeli soldier stepped foot into Palestine during those years. Then, the Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Republic (which included the Gaza Strip), Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Kuwait all attacked Israel unprovoked. Since then, Israel is at various levels occupied territories used to launch that war.

    At various times, it's eased its occupation, most notably after Oslo and the 2000 Camp David conference. Palestine has held, at various points, elections with Israeli help. Ehud Barak worked earnestly on a Palestinian State. So did the international community.

    Then in 2006, Gazans elected Hamas in a relatively democratic election. No election has been held since. Israel has not occupied Gaza since either, though it has controlled its radio waves, airspace, and ports with good reason.

    Life in Gaza is intolerable and inhumane. The West Bank is also bad, though obviously not as dire (Israel does directly occupy the West Bank). It's a complex and sad story, with plenty of Palestinian suffering, but apartheid it is not.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 12%

    you keep falling into this Pro Israeli or Pro Hamas dichotomy, those arnt the only options. We can be anti-apartheid and anti-hamas at the same time, but recognize the systemic nature of the violence that arises because of the oppression.

    But see, you're falling into the exact dichotomy you said you wanted to avoid. It's far too simplistic to just frame it as "oppressor" and "oppressed." By labeling one group as the oppressed and another group as the oppressor, you're taking a side.

    It's easy to fall into that narrative, because Israel has most of the power. Life in Israel is far better than life in Gaza. In response to 10/7, Israel pushed Gaza into a humanitarian crisis by cutting off power, medicine, food, and even drinking water into Gaza (though Biden managed to get them to turn the water back on).

    So it's easy to look at them and say, "oh, one group is oppressed and the other is an oppressor." But it's also naive. Hamas's stated goal is genocide. It's not really an "oppressor and oppressed" situation when the allegedly oppressed are explicitly genocidal.

    The Israeli Arabs are a good example of what a integrated Palestine Israel might look like to start with, just expand that to the entire population. Of course there are some outstanding issues to hammer out even with our model Israeli Arab integration wikipedia which ultimately means the government needs to change from being a ethnostate government to a national citizenship based government secular of religion. But I’m not going to let perfection get in the way of good enough, if we could integrate everyone today even with the racism issues, thats a huge win.

    But then you're essentially playing the role of a colonial power, telling the locals how it's going to be. That's what George W. Bush tried to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. It didn't work.

    If you did a poll people of any ethnic and religious group between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, and you asked them, "would you like to live in a secular state with both Israelis and Palestinian Arabs sharing the same land," do you think you'd get a majority? I bet you'd get fewer than 20%.

    Probably more Israelis would be open and willing to agree to that than Palestinian Arabs, but I doubt you'd see a majority from either camp. And a "one secular state" solution isn't something any world leader is really talking about. It wasn't part of the Oslo or Camp David accords, isn't what anyone is proposing, etc.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 14%

    I'm an American living in Europe. In both countries, I'd say people are aware there is a context. Maybe they don't fully know what the context is, but they know there is a context.

    But again, you don't need context to condemn Hamas. You might need it to understand Hamas, but you don't need it to condemn Hamas.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 14%

    Of course it's accurate. All world events, all of them, happen in some kind of context. Everyone knows that. No one believes that there was some kind of parallel universe where Israel and Hamas were just plopped down onto a map with no history and no context. Everyone knows the context.

    The problem, however, is when people say stupid shit like, "Well, we can't condemn Hamas without first discussing--..."

    That's when you can stop them. You can say, actually, yes, you can condemn Hamas without caveat or whataboutism. It's a really simple thing to do. We do it all the time.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 15%

    I mean, maybe there was some kind of conspiracy to pit Hamas against Fatah.

    To me, it seems more likely that they were trying to treat Hamas as what people here act like it is: some kind of governing party in Gaza to be negotiated with. That was obviously an error.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 14%

    A lot of people however, are rationally, and correctly, pointing out that organizations like Hamas are a symptom of an oppressed people. Like an apartheid state, or slave state, we can look at history for examples of people striking out over and over again.

    You can see it that way, but you also have to take Hamas's stated goal into consideration. Their stated goal is not to liberate their people, it's to be the new oppressor, and a far worse one than that.

    Let's put it another way. There are around two million Arab Israelis. They're in the Israeli parliament, they serve in its courts, in the military, etc. Would they be liberated if Hamas achieved its goal? They would probably be viewed as collaborators and executed.

    This myth that Hamas are just freedom fighters, like Nelson Mandela or Gandhi, really needs to be dispelled. It has no basis in reality.

    There's this weird urge in the minds of people to try to find a hero story. There's no hero story. And if groups like Hamas weren't wreaking havoc in the area for the past 50+ years, realistically, a Palestinian state would probably exist.

    I can’t speak for the next 10 to 20 years, but the long-term viable solution in 30 years is going to be a single country encompassing both current Israel and current Palestine, in a secular, non-ethnocentric, non-religious democratic organization. Where people are equal regardless of their ethnicity, religion, or language.

    Except no one in the region wants that. Certainly not Hamas.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 6%

    I didn't mention the Israeli government, except to point out that they were delusional. This isn't whataboutism.

    This is a statement free of whataboutism: Hamas is a terrorist organization intent on killing as many Jews as possible, worldwide, without stopping.

    That's it. No need to expand on that. That's a statement free of whataboutism.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 14%

    So Israel has been punished for treating The Gaza strip with dignity and mutual self interest… What should the new strategy be?

    I have no idea. I don't see a path from where we are to peace. But I am realistic about the fact that Hamas isn't just some club of would-be liberal democrats just yearning for freedom. That's just not realistic. They don't want a two-state solution. They don't want a "Jews still being alive" solution. And increasingly, it doesn't seem like most Israelis want a two state solution either.

    I don't have a solution for you.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 19%

    Toward the end of Netanyahu’s fifth government in 2021, approximately 2,000-3,000 work permits were issued to Gazans. This number climbed to 5,000 and, during the Bennett-Lapid government, rose sharply to 10,000.

    That's what counts as empowering Hamas? Letting Palestinians earn a living?

    I mean I guess you can spin it that way, but it's a spurious claim to make.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 50%
  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 10%

    That’s a little like saying you have to understand that Hitler’s rise was in the wake of World War 1’s devastating reparations. Or Stalin’s purges were after Nicholas II and his various misdeeds.

    Everyone knows Hamas seized power about a half century after the British two-state division. And about a quarter century after the 1967 war. It also matters not one iota.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 12%

    Hamas gets almost all of its direct funding from Iran and Russia.

    Israel, along with the United Nations, United States, EU, etc funds humanitarian projects in Gaza. Some of that aid is surely diverted to Hamas and Hamas controls Gaza, but the moral case for allowing some aid to be diverted to Hamas in exchange for avoiding a humanitarian catastrophe is strong.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 6%

    That’s exactly the kind of thinking that the Israeli government had a month ago, that by negotiating with them, they could find mutual self interest. 10/7 has disabused them of that delusion.

    When someone says their goal is genocide, you should probably take them at their word.

  • world World News Israel slams UN chief for saying Hamas attack ‘did not happen in a vacuum,’ calls for his resignation
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 12%

    According to Hamas’ own charter, “the cause” is that a Jew somewhere in the world has a pulse.

    So I think it’s reasonable for us to say, no, we’re not going to address their stated grievances.

  • technology Technology So long, small phones
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 93%

    You meet them online, but they’re a vocal minority. Especially when a smaller phone means a smaller battery and worse camera system, two of the consistently top priorities for consumers.

  • world World News China says Israel has gone too far
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 75%

    You're conflating multiple things. Most notably, you're conflating criticizing Israel with praising Hamas.

  • worldnews World News US oil production hits all-time high, conflicting with efforts to cut heat-trapping pollution
  • bouncing bouncing 11 months ago 85%

    They are not conflicting. Yes oil production is higher but that’s mostly in response to OPEC producing less.

    Overall fossil fuel use is in decline. Probably not enough decline to arrest the greenhouse effect, but that ship has already sailed.

  • memes Memes it's a secret mom's campaign to stop drinking out of the bottle....
  • bouncing bouncing 12 months ago 55%

    I don’t even understand what the theory is. Plastic is plastic. What does it matter if it’s attached to the bottle?

  • random Random Chinese county offers 'cash reward' for couples if bride is aged 25 or younger
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 50%

    It's kind of funny how the Chinese Communist Party and American right-wing social conservatives see eye to eye on so much.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do people dislike California?
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 50%

    Well, that's always been the case with Skid Row, though it might be debatable which came first -- the homeless encampments or the aid agencies. And for that matter, there were Hoovervilles in the Great Depression. In any city in America, there are transients milling around the shelters, which is why there's so much NIMBYism over developing new shelters.

    But what's going on in California probably has more to do with the fact that LA and San Francisco tend to be very tolerant of the homeless encampments and provide generous aid, thus inducing demand. The homeless population is soaring across America for various reasons, but California is a desirable place to be homeless: better aid, better climate, softer police, etc.

    Maybe California's big cities really are more humane and generous, but at this point it's to the detriment of livability in those places.

  • programming Programming Why is the Node ecosystem so demanding?
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 66%

    Yes, that's true, but JavaScript has very few core APIs aside from basic DOM manipulation. Even things like comparing timezones requires a third party dependency, for example.

  • programming Programming Why is the Node ecosystem so demanding?
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 80%

    I wouldn't say you need no dependencies in a Java project, but by all means check the average number of dependencies you get with Java or Python and compare it to almost any Node project.

    You could probably sample projects on GitHub, look at the dependency graph, and compare.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why do people dislike California?
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 50%

    It sort of depends on where you are, but in San Francisco and Los Angeles, the homeless problem is noticeably worse than almost anywhere else in America. It’s bad.

    An ex of mine lives in a pretty posh part of LA (Crestview). She works constantly and really hard to afford to live there. Now there are people literally shooting heroin on the street outside her home and to take her toddler to play at the park, they’re basically walking around the bodies of people high/sleeping.

    I mean, I’m as anti-drug war as they come, but that’s no way to live and the police really should clear it out. Even in the poorer parts of most other cities, that’s not something you see.

  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows Barbie earns $1 billion at the box office worldwide
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 83%

    Life in plastic. It’s fantastic.

  • programming Programming Why is the Node ecosystem so demanding?
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 85%

    At least part of it is that JavaScript is not really a batteries included language like Python or Java to even PHP.

    You can’t really do anything productive without relying on a third party library.

  • tech
    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 83%
    Raspberry Pi availability is visibly improving after years of shortages

    I've been shocked by how expensive (though also powerful) these pis have gotten.

    news News Fitch cuts US credit rating a notch from AAA to AA+
  • bouncing bouncing 1 year ago 100%


  • security
    Security bouncing 1 year ago 80%
    Backdoor in TETRA Police Radios

    > Seems that there is a deliberate backdoor in the twenty-year-old TErrestrial Trunked RAdio (TETRA) standard used by police forces around the world. >> Most interestingly is the researchers’ findings of what they describe as the backdoor in TEA1. Ordinarily, radios using TEA1 used a key of 80-bits. But Wetzels said the team found a “secret reduction step” which dramatically lowers the amount of entropy the initial key offered. An attacker who followed this step would then be able to decrypt intercepted traffic with consumer-level hardware and a cheap software defined radio dongle. Schneier with the *obvious take*: > Why aren’t we done with secret, proprietary cryptography? It’s just not a good idea.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 92%
    Sam Altman’s Worldcoin token to launch Monday

    > The token has been controversial in Silicon Valley for its ambitious and unorthodox approach to trying to solve two vexing problems: Online identity authentication and income inequality. ... > The token economics — a breakdown of how the tokens will be distributed — will be made public Monday, the people said. > > Tools for Humanity has offered people around the world free Worldcoin tokens, called “WLD,” in exchange for scanning their irises with a device called “The Orb.” The iris scans ensure that each person can have only one Worldcoin ID.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 50%
    Sam Altman’s Worldcoin token to launch Monday

    > The token has been controversial in Silicon Valley for its ambitious and unorthodox approach to trying to solve two vexing problems: Online identity authentication and income inequality.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 60%
    GPT-4 and ChatGPT study shows LLMs are getting dumber

    I'm inclined to agree in general. GPT has actually gotten worse over time. For one it's just way too locked down now. But I also have noticed a decline in overall quality of responses, especially for technical stuff. It used to translate between programming languages quite well, and that's been more broken lately. I'm wondering if they purged a bunch of copyrighted material from it and that's why it got dumber.

    Meta bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Partizle upgraded to 0.18.2

    Minor security update, not much to see here.

    Privacy bouncing 1 year ago 88%
    EU gives its blessing to reopen data pipelines to the US

    > The EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) is the third attempt between the trading bloc and the US to iron out privacy kinks in the flow of data about their citizens. This latest agreement marks the EU's determination that "the United States ensures an adequate level of protection – comparable to that of the European Union – for personal data transferred from the EU to US companies under the new framework," the Commission said in a statement. > > Key to today's decision [PDF] was an October executive order signed by US President Joe Biden that the Commission said adds new safeguards that address the problems raised with the second attempt at a transatlantic data agreement, Privacy Shield.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 50%
    EU gives its blessing to reopen data pipelines to the US

    > The EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF) is the third attempt between the trading bloc and the US to iron out privacy kinks in the flow of data about their citizens. This latest agreement marks the EU's determination that "the United States ensures an adequate level of protection – comparable to that of the European Union – for personal data transferred from the EU to US companies under the new framework," the Commission said in a statement. > > Key to today's decision [PDF] was an October executive order signed by US President Joe Biden that the Commission said adds new safeguards that address the problems raised with the second attempt at a transatlantic data agreement, Privacy Shield.

    Not The Onion bouncing 1 year ago 50%
    Taliban Endorses Twitter Over Threads

    "Other platforms cannot replace it," said a senior member of the Taliban in a tweet, explaining that Meta is "intolerant."

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 50%
    JRE Pixel Fold teardown shows Google cutting corners all over the place

    TL/DR: Google used flimsier parts that are more likely to break over time (aluminum over stainless steel, etc).

    Meta bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    PSA: You were logged out of Partizle

    That's because of a cross-site scripting vulnerability. Unfortunately it also looks like a bug in Lemmy-ui keeps your stale session cookie even after you've been logged out. If you're having trouble staying logged in, login and then immediately logout. After you login again, it should be persistent, but if not, clear your cookies and go from there.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Twitter is threatening to sue Meta over Threads

    This has probably been pointed out before, but it's not like Twitter is *hard to build*, especially for a company like Facebo—I mean, "Meta." What's hard is content moderation and community building.

    News bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Samsung warns of imminent profit plunge

    Tl/DR: The COVID-era semiconductor and RAM profits are over. Phone sales are lackluster.

    Meta bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Upgraded to Lemmy 0.18.1

    There was a bit of downtime. Upstream, lemmy had patched Nginx to not broadcast its version. We'd already done that anyway, and the duplicate directive caused downtime while I tracked down the error. Sorry for the inconvenience. Also, I reverted the default "theme" from our partizle-blue to Lemmy's default green because it works better for night mode users.

    News bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    'Fairly big problem': Squatters invade homes and refuse to leave. How is this legal?

    > There is little evidence of legislative action in many cities. However, Democrats in Congress have moved to pass a federal housing law − to bar landlords from learning whether potential tenants have criminal records, which would include past squatter offenses.  > > The common nuisance of squatting reflects a breakdown in basic deterrence of our laws. Property offenses have been steadily downgraded as priorities in many cities, while prosecutions are viewed as politically risky for officials who do not want to be viewed as targeting people who are homeless. 

    News bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Supreme Court Strikes Down Biden’s Debt Forgiveness Plan

    > The Supreme Court’s conservative supermajority struck down President Biden’s proposal to cancel at least some student debt for tens of millions of borrowers, saying it overstepped the powers of the Education Department. > > In a 6-to-3 decision, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote that a mass debt cancellation program of such significance required clear approval by Congress. > > Chief Justice Roberts declared that the administration’s logic — that the secretary of education’s power to “waive or modify” loan terms allowed for debt cancellation — was a vast overreach. “In the same sense that the French Revolution ‘modified’ the status of the French nobility,” he wrote, quoting a previous court decision.

    Science bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Here Comes Euclid, the Telescope That Will Search for Dark Energy

    cross-posted from: > [Bypass Paywall Here](

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Proton launches open-source password manager

    One of the features seems to be a "hide my email" feature, akin to Apple's [hide my email]( or [Fastmail's masked email feature]( Having used both of those, I would say one downside is that occasionally, a site will *detect* that I used the Apple one, which is strange because it's just an iCloud email address. Perhaps they're looking for a specific pattern. I haven't yet seen the Fastmail one blocked. One concern with the Proton one is that it seems like its masked emails are all at I've already found some sites block protonmail, so they'll surely block passmail like they do Mailinator and other sites. That could be a limitation that's less likely to affect Fastmail's service.

    Technology bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    Torrent of image-based phishing emails are harder to detect and more convincing

    It does seem like sooner or later, if someone is able to build a reliable AI model of my face and voice, they could even phish my own relatives by video call. Seems like a Philip K. Dick novel—objective reality is something you could only see around you, while the machine would be completely untrustworthy.

    News bouncing 1 year ago 100%
    U.S. eavesdropped on U.N. secretary general, leaks reveal

    I'm sure almost every other spy agency in the world is too, but it's still not a good look.
