chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 hours ago 100%

    Last time it was probably updated was 10 years ago so you didn't miss anything These kids running their full blown browsers just to capture some basic user settings!! yells-at-cloud

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 hours ago 100%

    I have right click scripts that literally do everything. A full blown video editor, vfx, archive extraction, open root window, sudo exec, easy permissions changes, etc. All done with zenity lol. I'm just thinking apps that tap the windows right click menu will not be available in KDE and I probably have some equivalent to what those did in windows.

  • movies movies What did the Remans do In the Dominion War?
  • bortsampson bortsampson 5 hours ago 100%

    Still better than anything that came after Enterprise though.

  • food food Aldi, who else loves shopping there?
  • bortsampson bortsampson 6 hours ago 100%

    I could totally see it. I had the mats luckily and I wore NewBalances with 2 stacks of gels and thick gym socks. I also worked the deli counter. Since I was the only one that could lift the big logs of meats and cheese they always had me cleaning and refreshing the backbar area (basically an open fridge you load from the top and sits about waist height). I remember saving my breaks for when the searing pain in my feet and back was just about to make me drop. Fucking 8.25/hr. I stole EVERYTHING I could.

  • music music Eleven Ponds - Watching Trees [1986 Synthwave / Darkwave]
  • bortsampson bortsampson 8 hours ago 100%

    Ooo this is good. Thanks

  • food food Aldi, who else loves shopping there?
  • bortsampson bortsampson 10 hours ago 100%

    Also, I like that they let their cashier's sit.

    My god would I have hated work significantly less if I could have sat down when I was working the register.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 10 hours ago 100%

    Just install Mint or Kubuntu and grab Steam. I can hook you up with useful KDE(kubuntu gui) right click action menu scripts that I use for everything Windows had but Kubuntu was missing. If you go the Mint route most of them are already there for you. AppImages and Deb files behave like exe installers. Just like Windows you will run into issues but someone here could probably help you out. My Grandma could barely use Windows after XP and took to Mint like a pro.

  • movies movies The Measure of a Man
  • bortsampson bortsampson 11 hours ago 100%

    data-laughing LLM Hallucination.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Conservatives and centrists are exhausting to be around
  • bortsampson bortsampson 11 hours ago 100%

    The kitty litter in the classrooms when I went to school was for when you ate too much candy and barfed. sadness

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Conservatives and centrists are exhausting to be around
  • bortsampson bortsampson 11 hours ago 100%

    This is considerably more depressing of an explanation than I was expecting. I was hoping conservatives believed it was a liberal woke child rearing technique from tiktok or something. Like Alkaline water or breast feeding babies till they are a teenager. I guess I should just default to assuming it's always because evil.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • bortsampson bortsampson 20 hours ago 100%


  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Conservatives and centrists are exhausting to be around
  • bortsampson bortsampson 20 hours ago 100%

    kids aren't using litter boxes Please tell me someone believes this. I must know.

  • movies movies The Measure of a Man
  • bortsampson bortsampson 23 hours ago 100%


  • news news Dozens of Hezbollah members reportedly hurt by exploding pagers
  • bortsampson bortsampson 1 day ago 100%

    "some people felt the pagers heat up and disposed of them" -wsj Potentially used the battery to trigger the explosive? Some kind of emded code was in there.

  • news news Dozens of Hezbollah members reportedly hurt by exploding pagers
  • bortsampson bortsampson 1 day ago 100%

    Perhaps they are using the ones medical professionals use which are a bit more robust than your old school pager. They can do texting and email in some cases. It sounds like these could do text messaging using some protocol and frequency band.

  • videos videos [CW: Racism] Editor-in-chief of National Review's brain autocompletes the phrase "Haitian ______" in the least surprising way possible
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    Must be confusing it with the thugnifficent episode. Either way. yah, that happened all the time in the 90s and frequently on conservative radio talk shows.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank The right can't meme
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    Didnt even own a bitcoin.

  • videos videos [CW: Racism] Editor-in-chief of National Review's brain autocompletes the phrase "Haitian ______" in the least surprising way possible
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    That Boondocks episode I believe was a parody of the Don Imus radio "n" drop.

  • news news Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners, Americans among them, over plot to destabilize country
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    I try to only read the comments on niche technical posts which I find interesting. The rest of the sites comments are grating. It's got more bootlicker comments than reddit. They will parade the most extreme edge cases out as excuses for not implementing any moderately progressive policy then removed about bikeshedding. I also hate how so many comment threads will devolve into a trivial bash syntax argument. Fuck me, the Bash shit really is fucking annoying. Just try to suggest a Bash one-liner to fix a persons issue and you will blow the site up.

  • technology
    technology bortsampson 2 days ago 100%
    Oracle's AI Panopticon

    Famous demon and hater of Native Hawaiian's Ellison paints a future of AI surveillance where everyone is accountable, even while in the bathroom.

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse *deep inhale* Aaah. The Beeg Apple. Home sweet home.
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    It's all good. I have zero issue with reducing the traffic in the city. They are incredibly dangerous within cities. It's just really hard in skyscremovedr dense neighborhoods to eliminate adhoc services without providing some kind of replacement beforehand. I don't understand the rationale of driving a car into Manhattan if you can avoid it. They already have plenty of public transit. I haven't lived in Manhattan for 20 years and NYC for 10 so I don't know how bad it is now. But like, it can't be that bad.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Increase in bds 😈resolutions 👿 (apartheid defense league vol. 452)
  • bortsampson bortsampson 2 days ago 100%

    you get systematically banned and labeled an antisemite. Very cool and rational org.

    doxed, hacked, physically attacked, kicked out of school, gangstalked, denied the degree you earned and paid for...

    It's legalized assault. The ADL is a terrorist organization.

  • music music Need help with vocal and bass effects
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    The venue should be eqing your vocals if it's not a coffee shop, basement, or just diy thing. You can do work with eq's but if you are running a mic through a keyboard amp you are not gonna get far. I've been there. They are not the worst but I would rather go right from my vox mix into a real PA. General rule of thumb I was taught for live sound mixing is "If a mic sounds bad without eq something else is very wrong". You may make sound better at a cost but it won't help that much. The roland amp has built in eq. Who knows where those eq lp, bp, and hp frequencies are tuned to though.

  • music music Need help with vocal and bass effects
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    If you have an iphone get a camera kit, a cheap usb interface that has a mixer on it (get one with a send), and use effects from Valhalla. You'll need a host app for the plug in. Theres a few but one of them should be free and allow you to save your setup as a preset. Run the mic into the mixer and put the iphone on the send. Valhalla plugins should be wet. Don't bother with delay in a live setting. It gets too fucking messy. Use one of the Valhalla verbs. Set to 100 wet. Tweak to taste. If you have an iphone this setup is like 200bucks max used and is very stable. You also can add more effects down the line to your chain should you want to. Light compression/limiting can be helpful. Careful with eqing. If you are eqing vocals in a live setting the problem is your mic or how you are holding it. Do less with effects and focus on technique.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse *deep inhale* Aaah. The Beeg Apple. Home sweet home.
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    You now have a situation where you have eliminated last mile shipping, courier drivers, and contracted service drivers. You can legitamtely ease the transition period by having a built underground scheduled freight service. I would say yes, at this point 20% of those drivers are doing some kind of job related to business. If you want transition large scale to carless you need to provide a goods moving method through out a city heavily organized around last mile shipping services. Building have post offices in NYC. Building sometimes receive mail services 10 times a day. A lot of that is done with cars. The point was to go car free. I made my point. I'm not going to play the move the goal post game.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse *deep inhale* Aaah. The Beeg Apple. Home sweet home.
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    Sure you can get rid of the private cars but there are a shit ton of trucks and cars doing deliveries in Manhattan. You wouldn't really reclaim much of the streets because they would still need the access.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse *deep inhale* Aaah. The Beeg Apple. Home sweet home.
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    There are some grocery stores in NYC that have service train stops underneath. You would need to have something like that built out and easy to plug into before getting rid of cars. It's doable though. Secaucus is already like a park and ride station. Van Cordt in the Bronx has enough space to act as another if they eminent domain all the mansions.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse erm akshually my genetically superior soul prevents me from being born into such a mongrel caste. ☝️🤓
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    I can understand the methodology involved. I did have some education on the fundamentals of social sciences like 20 years ago. I appreciate the refresher and it triggered some part of my memory. My brain has rewired itself over time to a certain rigid scientific modality that can sometimes be restrictive. Humans are chaotic systems lol. Then you put us together and it's just ...complex and ever-changing.

  • news news Venezuela says it has seized 400 US rifles and arrested foreigners, Americans among them, over plot to destabilize country
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    I saw some comments on HackerNews where a bunch of Musk worshipping chuds were claiming to have "conclusively" showed the election had been rigged. They created a model and formulas specifically used to support this conclusion. It required some serious cognitive dissonance. Like first assume they cheated, then assume because there was no supporting evidence they must have used a rounding technique to hide missing votes, and finally "how could it possibly be so close must be fake lets throw out parts that dont fit the model".

  • games games Someone give me a quick run down on AMD vs Nvidia on Linux
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    I got a Nvidia 12gb 3080 for about 250 used and it's been pretty solid under X+Kubuntu. It's like 2 additional steps to get running out of box on most distros. I tried a few different distros but because of the libs I use in my custom vfx/animation pipeline I went back to a Debian based distro. My gaming experience is flawless though I dropped serious money on this box.

    256gb memory 2x2 2tb m2 sdd raid + 2 4tb sata ssds zfs pool
    i9 14k series, 5.8ghz 24 core

    For the first time in my 20 years of using linux I have free memory when I'm not rendering. I've always found the best performance gains from hardware in Linux is ram so I maxed out and regret nothing.

    You might be able to run some CUDA stuff on AMD cards using one of two API translation layers. It's not something I would bank on. If you just want to do diffusion stuff then don't worry too much about. You can still use Llama3 on AMD. I don't really do a lot diffusion work though. Mostly use comfyui as a node based processor for my own python vfx code.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse erm akshually my genetically superior soul prevents me from being born into such a mongrel caste. ☝️🤓
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    When I took the sample it was testing pattern recognition on sets. It required spacial recognition, 1st grade math, and working memory. The working memory component is the grueling aspect since it's a timed test. Feinman was like a 130 guy and people consider him a genius. That's not genius level according to the test. On the otherhand the things they are testing for are clearly useful in all math and sciences. Those are universally useful. However, it does not test emotional, artistic, physical, or social intelligence. It's really limited which tests like this should be but it claims to be some kind of universal intelligence test. We have specialized testing for this reason (LSAT, MCATS, GRE/GMAT).

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse erm akshually my genetically superior soul prevents me from being born into such a mongrel caste. ☝️🤓
  • bortsampson bortsampson 3 days ago 100%

    Substitute tendencies for propable outcomes/distributions, the pair of socks with initial state, and personal history for variance. Any small variance could have radically different outcomes according to Lorenz. I could see this making any kind of analysis of outcomes from arbitrary cohort extremely complex. This is outside my area of expertise and I'm definitely not a scientist (though I use it constantly). Perhaps I'm looking at this from the wrong perspective? It just seems that for any cohort the amount of variance would be so high that if you were to draw a conclusion from data it could already be wrong. And that's just 1 issue of many I can think of.

  • music music Hot take: I fucking hate Pearl Jam
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 87%

    By all account I should like them but I find the music intolerable. If you kinda dig a bit of that Neil Young but dreamy sound then I highly recommend Built to Spill. Keep it Like a Secret specifically. I think they kind of peaked there and never could get back. It's not grunge but it's what I wanted that PNW sound to grow into. Then clear channel ate radio and MTV turned 16 and got pregnant.

  • games games Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    Oh I definitely enjoy those games as well. And it's cool to see them look even better with all the emulator tweaks. I think I've clocked more hours in DS games than I feel comfortable mentioning lol.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Use your platform to incite violence over false claims and then do the 'Well they had legitimate concerns!!!'
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    You are not alone.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Use your platform to incite violence over false claims and then do the 'Well they had legitimate concerns!!!'
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    Planted racist news controversy just before an election? Hmmmm I remember that one Lotta white people in that one. Frat Boy Couch Fucking Dudebro JD Vance is a fucking tool doing the Reagan campaign playbook. "Good for whites" --JD Vance. I'd love to be wrong but this kind of shit only works on Boomers and republicans. It may embolden some child fucking christofacist or maga brainwormed demon but most people will just forget. USians don't have the brain capacity or will to do anything by and large other than sometimes vote and get mad at the news.

  • games games Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    I didn't know about Winlator. Thanks! I just watched someone on the rg556 playing NV on it. It's almost there. Maybe another 10% increase in hardware performance and it would be playable. Apparently mods work too.

  • games games Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    Probably end of consoles in general at this point.

  • games games Italy busts ring trafficking retro video games from China
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    I didn't even realize how advanced portmaster had gotten. I just want to play Fallout NV on one of these cheap handhelds. It's felt like they have been 1 generation away for years now.

    You are right though. The crackdown is coming. They are pushing up against the IPs that still make companies lots of money. Definitely smart of them to pull the firmware. Pretty cool to see a company listen to the community.

  • videos videos Paul Cockshott - "Austerity doesn't work" - actual Marxist economist
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    Wow, yikes. Got through 4 of his posts and he's just an intolerant ignorant asshole.

  • technology technology I 'need' a new e-reader for less than $100 what are your recommendations?
  • bortsampson bortsampson 4 days ago 100%

    I've been down that route and the battery and screen were in bad shape. The loading files via usb is actual fine with me. I keep hoping I'll find something long lasting in the size of a paperback but I guess the demand is just not there.
