• ZDL ZDL 5 hours ago 100%

    This will be an unusual challenge for you. I'm intrigued which angle you'll try to guess my age from.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What's your favorite pick-me-up?
  • ZDL ZDL 12 hours ago 100%

    I learned it from ancient Orkney technology called "sauna". 😉

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What's your favorite pick-me-up?
  • ZDL ZDL 12 hours ago 100%

    What it does is trigger your parasympathetic nervous system (or maybe the sympathetic, I always lose track of which does what). And yes, that makes blood vessels constrict and dilate and I just find that it enervates me and makes me feel really good.

    I'll try taking a shot after such a shower and report back. 🤣

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens Another fortnight, another fountain brush.
  • ZDL ZDL 12 hours ago 100%

    Yeah, I got it because the price was incredibly low, so if it's usable at all it's a bonus.

    And it's actually very usable. I just think the gold chrome plastic pieces are a bit naff.

    But for $1.40? HELL yeah! I'm in.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What's your favorite pick-me-up?
  • ZDL ZDL 1 day ago 100%

    I have a shower as warm as I can to open all my pores and clean them out.

    Then I slam the water all the way to the coldest possible and force myself to stay under it for two minutes.

    That's a huge wake-up call.

  • enoughmuskspam Enough Musk Spam Elon Musk is on track to become the world’s first trillionaire very soon
  • ZDL ZDL 1 day ago 100%

    There are several problems with this report.

    The Line Doesn't Go Up

    As others have pointed out, this implies that Tesla (and to a significantly lesser extent his other enterprises) continues its valuation increase at the current rate. This is not going to happen. Indeed looking just at this graph should show that this is unlikely:

    The 2024-09-16 close isn't even the highest of the past 52 weeks, not to mention the highest of all time (which is c. 2021-11-05). (It isn't even the highest close of the past 30 days—or of even the past 5 days!) It is, in fact, 55-56% of the all-time high, and that was almost three years ago.

    And the pattern of its financials will prevent that line from going up:

    See, most investors invest not because they're cult members (like the fanboi day traders Apartheid Manchild grifts so well) but because they expect to see ROI. And the fundamentals of Tesla are not showing ROI potential.

    So the line isn't pointing up.

    Stock Valuation Is Fantasy

    And on top of this, this is all "paper wealth". All of the Manchild's stocks and five bucks buys you a small coffee at Starbucks. To actually buy more than that small coffee at Starbucks (ideally without an extra five bucks handed to him) the Manchild would have to cash in those stocks. And when he starts selling stock, the stock value will drop. The more he sells, the faster it will drop. That stock bonanza he has is not cash and its valuation is purest fantasy. It's points for score-keeping, not something you can actually spend.

    Basically the only thing you can spend are "liquid assets" and most of Apartheid Manchild's assets are not liquid (which is why he had to borrow to buy Xhitter). Attempting to liquidate them will drop their value like a concussed bee.

    Apartheid Manchild is a Moron

    Apartheid Manchild is not the Tony Stark of Real Life like he seems to think he is. He is a guy who started rich and fell upwards. His most valuable company is not one he founded. It's one he paid for the right to be called the founder of. He didn't invent electric cars. He didn't invent reusable rockets. He didn't invent much of anything, in fact. He has 29 patents to his name. Compare and contrast with James Dyson¹ and his almost 550 patents. The most cited of his patents (with 202 citations) would be #10 on Dyson's list of influential patents. How about a more recognizable name: Sergey Brin at 141 patents.

    And when you look at Apartheid Manchild's actual patents, the 9 that are actually currently active (9 have expired, and 10 are pending) are singularly unimpressive for such a "world class genius". Again Dyson will eat his lunch for sheer volume of practical patents, as will Brin (who himself looks like a playing toddler next to Dyson).

    Yet if you listen to the Manchild, he is the leading expert on everything that Trump isn't the leading expert on. He's the leading expert on logistics (says the man who has chronic supply problems). On manufacturing (says the man whose cars frequently have major quality issues). On electric cars (says the man whose cars are beginning to look positively quaint next to the competition's). On robotics. On AI. On rockets. On ...

    And he's not an expert in anything. Except falling upward in a system whose feedback loops guarantee that once you crack a certain level of cash you fall upward.

    This is unsustainable, and once it stops sustaining, his net worth will fall like so many wealthy idiots before him. The higher he sails on the crack of his quisling's praise, the harder and faster his inevitable fall will be.

    Apartheid Manchild is His Own Worst Enemy

    As a special case of being a moron, a few years back Apartheid Manchild was something that you could kind of find adorable if you had a certain personality type. He seemed like the bumbling nerd made good. Further his fiction of the self-made billionaire tackling the Big Names with gumption and talent is the kind of stuff the American (Opium) Dream is made of. If he'd kept his mouth shut and kept himself out of the spotlight he might not be in the pickle he's found himself in now.

    But he has too large an ego for that, and a serious grudge against the world to nurse.

    So instead he mouthed off on Twitter. Then he trapped himself into having to buy Twitter for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much. Then he turned Twitter into an echo chamber to amplify his real personality.

    And his real personality is repugnant to most people.

    He is damaging the Tesla brand. He is damaging the SpaceX brand despite the herculean efforts of Shotwell and co. He has a long string of business failures behind him that are making people think he isn't the genius he claims to be. And all of this is going to negatively impact his wealth.

    So he won't ever be a trillionaire.

    ¹ Who? Exactly my point.

  • fountainpens
    Fountain Pens ZDL 2 days ago 100%
    Another fortnight, another fountain brush.

    [I already showed one of mine](https://ttrpg.network/post/9974154), but here's another. This is a 莫兰迪 (Mòlándí) brand and it's ... ah ... decidedly inexpensive. Everything you see in this picture (the brush with suction reservoir, 50 ink cartridges, ten copybook pages for calligraphy practice) cost the equivalent of about $1.40. After shipping. That being said, though cheap, the only part that's chintzy is the really badly plated plastic of the brush mount and the little plated plastic disks top and bottom. The cap and barrel are decent metal with fairly good what seems to be electrostatic vapour deposition coloration. (I chose "champagne" coloured.) Disappointingly, though the barrel is long enough for it, something inside of it prevents putting a spare ink cartridge inside of it. It will only hold one. It has one advantage over the linked one, however: it's long enough that I can use the standard grip for Chinese calligraphy making it a perfect practice pen to carry with me. (Carrying a traditional pen and an inkstone is not practical.) This means I'm likely to start learning how to do it soon.

    fuck_ai Fuck AI Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
  • ZDL ZDL 3 days ago 94%

    Why do the techbrodudes always read dystopian literature and view it as a model, not a warning?

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI It's so cool that AI can convincingly mimic someone's handwriting!
  • ZDL ZDL 4 days ago 100%

    And the idiot is selling this as something GOOD!?

    Just execute every LLM researcher. They're going to destroy civilization if left unchecked.

  • dadjokes Dad Jokes How do you fit an elephant in a refrigerator?
  • ZDL ZDL 4 days ago 100%

    I'd reward you with an elephant ear sandwich for this joke, but I'm fresh out of those giant buns.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 4 days ago 60%


    Time to brush up on your vocabulary a little, Sparky. Definition 3.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 60%

    You don't play D&D. You don't use AI. But you're in a thread about AI being used for D&D.

    This makes you either one of the JAQing off assholes or a liar.

    Which is it?

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 60%

    "Profit" doesn't have to mean in cash.

    But it is very telling that this is what you reach for.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 40%

    Say "I am not any kind of artist" without using those words.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 60%

    Ah. OK, wholesale infringement of the works of others is A-OK as long as you use it for your personal profit.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Hasbro CEO Says Everyone's Doing it, so They Need to use Generative AI to Keep Up
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 71%

    Yes. Wholesale infringement of the works of others so that you can turn a profit is a great thing! I can't see anything that could possibly go wrong there!

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • ZDL ZDL 5 days ago 100%

    That's the one!

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation It's Saturday, what have you watched this week?
  • ZDL ZDL 6 days ago 100%

    I found an '80s show that I somehow completely missed: "Sledge Hammer!" I don't know how I missed this show, but I've binged it now.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • ZDL ZDL 6 days ago 50%

    Degenerative AI has not led to any of that propulsion advance, etc. That's "machine learning", not LLM.

    Nobody is disputing the value of non-LLM (non-degenerative) AI. It's the degenerative AI that's utterly and fucking useless for anything except burning down rainforests.

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens So ... where do I post about fountain *brushes*?
  • ZDL ZDL 6 days ago 100%

    It hasn't dripped yet, and I haven't used it enough to answer that fraying question.

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens So ... where do I post about fountain *brushes*?
  • ZDL ZDL 6 days ago 100%
  • fountainpens Fountain Pens So ... where do I post about fountain *brushes*?
  • ZDL ZDL 6 days ago 100%

    I'm in China, so I'd be using it for Chinese calligraphy. When I get around to learning it.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI I asked Perplexity AI to help, but it wrote a virus instead
  • ZDL ZDL 7 days ago 100%

    A "virus" is now "any program that doesn't work"?

    All programs are viruses!

  • fountainpens
    Fountain Pens ZDL 7 days ago 95%
    So ... where do I post about fountain *brushes*?

    I've had this one for a while, but am looking to get some more because the entire concept tickles me pink. ![](https://ttrpg.network/pictrs/image/02ebbd48-8b23-4288-8245-bc863a1ad8e9.jpeg) ![](https://ttrpg.network/pictrs/image/fc4e603d-7e3b-43b4-999f-2b3b0c49abde.jpeg)

    fuck_ai Fuck AI Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • ZDL ZDL 7 days ago 50%

    I guess I was the sucker that just learned to write.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • ZDL ZDL 7 days ago 100%

    Or, you know, I could just search for the links.

    All ChatGPT adds to the equation now is burning down a rainforest or ten.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • ZDL ZDL 7 days ago 100%

    Which is absolutely hilarious to me given how often it hallucinates answers.

    I recently tried ChatGPT as a Google alternative. It looked very impressive as it found things based on the slightest of clues. Except that literally everything it found was made up. It "found" a movie quote by Orson Welles that was never quoted. It "found" a song by an artist that said artist never released. It "found" an album by a group released four years before said group's first release.

    If you're using ChatGPT as a Google replacement you are being dangerously misinformed by a degenerative "AI" that speaks with the certitude of a techbrodude.

  • dadjokes Dad Jokes 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👭
  • ZDL ZDL 1 week ago 100%

    I genuinely did not know that! 😵

  • dadjokes Dad Jokes 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👬👭
  • ZDL ZDL 1 week ago 100%

    This reminds me of a similar factoid.

    Did you know that if you took the entire Pacific salmon catch and laid it out nose to tail across the Sahara desert…

    …the stench would be overpowering!

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI How Does OpenAI Survive?
  • ZDL ZDL 1 week ago 100%

    OpenAI stays alive the same way Farcebook stays alive, Goober stays alive, Xhitter stays alive, etc. etc.

    Flat-out grifting.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRP
    RPGCreation ZDL 1 week ago 95%
    What is the most bizarre or unusual name for "GM" that a game has ever used?

    For me it was "Hollyhock God" from *Nobilis*. Why do game designers do this? Does anybody, anywhere, actually use these weird terms while actually playing?

    fountainpens Fountain Pens [SOLVED] Pen Search Help Request
  • ZDL ZDL 1 week ago 100%

    I solve #1 with some very fine grit whetstones. Any time I have a pen I like whose nib is just a bit too scratchy I use a 4000-grit ruby whetstone to shape it,then a 10,000-grit or better one to polish it. I've managed to rescue some nibs that were constantly shaving strand of paper off a writing surface.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Music Monday - what have you been listening to?
  • ZDL ZDL 1 week ago 100%

    A bit of Korean and Chinese punk. A smattering of Chinese grunge. Some Malaysian Buddhist music. Some Taiwanese Buddhist death metal (no, really!).

  • fountainpens Fountain Pens The Retractable Bunch
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    I definitely have to get a retractable fountain pen to try out. These look sort of nifty.

  • dadjokes
    Dad Jokes ZDL 2 weeks ago 97%
    It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs…

    …because they take everything literally.

    fuck_ai Fuck AI Why don’t women use artificial intelligence?
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 64%

    Perhaps you may wish to look up "anecdote" vs. "data" sometime.

  • fuck_ai
    Fuck AI ZDL 2 weeks ago 86%
    Why don’t women use artificial intelligence? www.economist.com

    The funniest line from social media: > "Maybe it's because we don't need a computer to automate mansplaining when there's already an excess supply produced by men," answers one woman. ![](https://ttrpg.network/pictrs/image/b81f20c3-14e3-480b-8935-d436ffac092d.png) ![](https://ttrpg.network/pictrs/image/0c1f6360-f7b1-443b-baa9-4251d1e58e22.png)

    foodporn FoodPorn Do you want to put my hot dog in your mouth?
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    No. Hot dogs are repulsive.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What part of your life could be improved with software?
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    … how is a free service supposed to be sustained?

    That seems to me to be a powerful argument against "free" services. Because there's no such thing. Not even:

    Free only works if it’s offline/self-hosted and open source IMO.

    "Self-hosted" isn't free. You have to pay for the hosting site one way or another, even if it's on your property. (Those bandwidth fees? That's payment.)

    I’ll bring an example of a subscription service that still hasn’t enshittified: Mullvad VPN. It’s still a fiver a month and you can’t pay extra for extra functionality. It just always costs the same.

    What are the trade-offs associated with it? It was made in 2009. Fifteen years later it hasn't changed its prices, even as everything around it (including its network fees) has increased? Colour me a little … dubious.

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Women get a dog for protection when they walk alone so people don't stare. But I actually look MORE at women who are walking a dog!
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    Have you considered, then, the possibility that you should be on something?

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'll rent you mine. 🤣

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation What was the last time you were lucky? Could be a winning lottery ticket, nice coincidence, be at the right time at the right place, etc.
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    Today. I rolled a beer can on the first try onto the highest-payback patch on a mat. I won a six-pack.

    OK, not really impressive, but I did surprise a few people around me who never landed on any payback patches after three tries each.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI Canadian mega landlord using AI ‘pricing scheme’ as it massively hikes rents
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 92%

    Time to sharpen the blades and oil the tracks of the guillotines.

  • ttrpg ttrpg I am tempted to start a new Shadowrun game in a modified setting that more closely follows the current trajectory of pop culture.
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    There is technology available now that is truly horrific in its implications should people with sufficient imagination and a whole lotta fucks not to give start putting thought into it. I've workshopped a few possibilities with my SO (an electronics engineer). Here's the two best:

    Example 1: Lazy Dog Drones

    A commercial cargo drone can be picked up for a song and a dance when compared to even a tiny malcontent terrorist cell's budget. It is trivial to build a metal box with racks that can be opened and emptied by remote control. It is also trivial to manufacture a bunch of lazy dogs to put into said drone's box. Now you just need a cheap rustbucket pickup truck and a canvas tarpaulin and you're ready to go.

    Park your truck somewhere without straight line-of-sight surveillance. Uncover your drone in the back. Launch it and fly nap-of-the-earth until you're a distance away and then go for altitude. Fly to wherever there's a crowd of people you don't mind killing and maiming. When overhead (about 30m) and going at full speed, release the lazy dogs. While this is going on you relocate your truck (in case someone saw the launch). Have the drone fly off nap-of-the-earth to land in your truck. Cover the drone with your tarp and leave. Reload with lazy dogs and repeat at will until you're out or until you're caught.

    An amazing number of lazy dogs can be held in a box that even a relatively modestly-priced cargo drone can carry with ease. Imagine the carnage one of those would have evoked had the Las Vegas shooter used it instead of relatively ineffectual rifle fire. (Yes, I'm calling the worst mass shooting in American history "relatively ineffectual" by comparison to a single load of lazy dogs.) And even better (from his perspective) he wouldn't have had to put himself at risk while gleefully slaughtering hundreds.

    Example 2: Laser Blinders

    You can get very strong lasers for under $500. The kind that will blind you in milliseconds if aimed at your eyes. You can buy servo kits that can be controlled by a microcomputer for well under $100. The kinds of microcomputers you'd need for this little toy are fairly pricey, though. About $50. (No, I'm not joking. My SO has a kit with an "SoC", whatever that is, that is more than capable of pulling off this attack.) Add about another $300 for assorted optics (a camera, some lenses, etc.) and you're ready to rock.

    This system will be a small turret, in effect, that aims that laser. A camera will be used both to identify targets and to shift the laser's position around to ensure the target is appropriately struck. In Phase I you decide who your target is and train an AI model (not Degenerative AI but still Deep Learning AI) on that target. You could decide you want to attack white folk, say, or police officers, or politicians, or … I don't know, street sweepers? … whatever crazy sociopaths want to attack. For professions, you spend some time in advance doing things like scouring police web sites for faces, or have some people in the field taking surreptitious pictures of street sweepers. For racial types, it's easy to buy image sets that are already nicely categorized for you so you can just go wild. In the end you have training data that will with reasonable accuracy identify your targets. The turret is set up somewhere hard to notice and set to running. It identifies targets based on its training data through the camera, then brings the laser roughly to bear on the target. The laser is fired very briefly—far too quickly for the human eye to detect—at lower power and the camera identifies where the spot was and adjusts the turret. When it's on target (a process that takes under a second … by far) it fires full strength, destroying the target's vision (likely cooking the eyes!) before the target can even process what's going on.

    On a crowded street it can do this with impunity for quite a while before people understand what's happening around them. And there would be no real escape if you're one of the targets if the terrorists put up two or three of these turrets to set up a kill zone with no angle uncovered. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of people could wind up horribly blinded and tracing the attack to specific individuals could be fiendishly difficult given that most of the components are off-the-shelf.

    And remember…

    This is technology we have right now. This isn't some far future thing where we have better and more powerful computers and other technology. One of the reasons I can't get into cyberpunk gaming is that the world presented is … charmingly backwards compared to what the world is now.

  • fuck_ai Fuck AI "9 ChatGPT Prompts To Start Your Own Business" - Do you think Forbes wrote the article with ChatGPT?
  • ZDL ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%

    I just tried asking perplexity.ai about that and … SURPRISE! … it said it wouldn't help me do something "unethical" (because apparently destroying an unethical system is unethical).

  • fountainpens
    Fountain Pens ZDL 2 weeks ago 100%
    I thought I'd share my current working pens.

    [This is a Pixelfed post for further information.](https://pixelfed.social/i/web/post/559201471896821472) TL;DR summary: Wooden barrels with machined brass section adapters and caps.

    Actual Discussion ZDL 3 weeks ago 23%
    (CMV) The west is ethnocentric and hypocritical in its approach to international relations.

    The "ethnocentric" in the title is coded language¹. It was triggered by a [paper](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-03570-9)² I just stumbled over but is the product of by now over two decades of observation (and, to be fair, festering resentment). I bring attention to a key phrase in the conclusion of this otherwise meandering and unclear paper: > Thus, we suggest that policymakers in China consider emphasizing more on the reciprocity benefits and build a collaborative effort across the scientific community. What. A. Coincidence. A study published in the (western) journal³ *Humanities and Social Sciences Communications* comes to the conclusion that the **Chinese** government needs to emphasize the benefits of open data sharing. Yet the very same culture that preaches loudly "open data sharing" and other such nigh-utopian ideals, in a stunning example of "do what I say, not what I do" also practices the precise opposite. For example the Chinese are [specifically barred from cooperation in space ventures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Amendment)⁴ with anything that NASA is affiliated with (which is, essentially, all space ventures and most such conferences). This is not, however, just the USA and just China. Canada (my nation of citizenship), for example, routinely issues thundering condemnation of any nation that treats indigenous peoples badly (unless that nation is aligned with Canada, in which case Japan's treatment of the [Ainu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ainu_people#Ethnic_rights) and Taiwan's treatment of their [assorted indigenous groups](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwanese_indigenous_peoples) gets passed over with an embarrassed cough) while it treats its own indigenous peoples in ways that are positively shocking even to this day, despite the facade of rapprochement. (Keep in mind that the last of Canada's horrific [residential schools](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system) was closed in ***1997***—I was 31 years old at the time!—and that in Canada being a native means you are not a "visible minority", a term fraught with its own weird baggage.) And you'll find similar ethnocentric, hypocritical bullshit all over the west, even down to all the (*well-deserved*!) official condemnation of Hamas over the October 2023 attacks while standing by in embarrassed silence as Israel commits open genocide both in and out of Gaza starting well before October 2023 and continuing to this day. So... My current view is that western powers are a large collection of hypocritical twats whose views can and should be safely ignored by other peoples of the world as far as is possible when so many (chiefly) American guns and bombs are pointed at them threateningly. Change my view. --- ¹ Decoding it: "white supremacist". ² https://www.nature.com/articles/s41599-024-03570-9 ³ Yes the primary authors are Chinese in Chinese universities. [There](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inferiority_complex) are [reasons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandering_(politics)) for [this](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2018/05/16/communicating-respect-know-your-audience/). ⁴ The fact that this has backfired, both directly and indirectly, on the USA multiple times is a never-ending source of amusement to me.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 3 weeks ago 93%
    Autocorrect made me say things...

    ...that I didn't Nintendo.

    Fuck AI ZDL 4 weeks ago 60%
    I had a little chat with Perplexity.ai https://www.perplexity.ai/search/write-a-detailed-critique-of-m-YQNlT6HYREq.qxM3E8sI5w

    Just in case that URL doesn't replicate the session properly I've added a screenshot of the session to the end. A few things are obvious here. First the choice to trumpet the "strengths" of degenerative AI while qualifying the weaknesses is clearly a choice made in the programming of the system. In later interactions it claims that this was not specifically programmed into it but, as it says, it's a black box and there's no way to confirm nor deny anything it claims. Which is, you know, pretty much the reason why degenerative AI can't be trusted. ![](https://ttrpg.network/pictrs/image/5f1b8f60-65df-4a43-b974-688949839c9d.png)

    Dad Jokes ZDL 3 months ago 94%
    I don't understand people who buy shampoo.

    Can't they afford the real stuff?

    Fuck AI ZDL 3 months ago 96%
    The AI War


    Dad Jokes ZDL 3 months ago 98%
    TIL that Albert Einstein was a real person!

    Up until now I thought he was only a theoretical physicist!

    Dad Jokes ZDL 3 months ago 95%
    To kill a French vampire you have to drive a baguette through its heart.

    Sure, it sounds easy, but the process is painstaking!

    Dad Jokes ZDL 3 months ago 95%
    Hey, Jack! Didja hear 'bout the 'splosion in da cheese factory?

    Da brie was everywhere!

    Dad Jokes ZDL 4 months ago 97%
    This is a real TOSser

    Kirk: I'm having trouble hearing lately. Bones: Can you describe the symptoms? Kirk: Homer is a fat guy, and his wife Marge has blue hair.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 4 months ago 97%
    I bought a pet termite. I named it Clint.

    Clint eats wood.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 4 months ago 92%
    I got a new pair of shoes from my recreational pharmaceutical direct sales outlet.

    I don't know what they were laced with, but I've been tripping all day.

    Music with a leftist message ZDL 5 months ago 83%
    Johnny Cash - Man in Black (The Best Of The Johnny Cash TV Show) www.youtube.com

    Adjusted for age this is very much a leftist message.

    Music with a leftist message ZDL 5 months ago 75%
    Bloodywood - Machi Bhasad (Expect a Riot) www.youtube.com

    If I were in my youth this song would have me in the streets fighting riot cops while dancing.

    Music with a leftist message ZDL 5 months ago 100%
    Neil Young - Rockin' In The Free World www.youtube.com

    My favourite example of a song that people think is patriotic but isn't even close.

    Memes ZDL 5 months ago 91%
    Elon's Truth

    I stumbled over this today. Apparently it was inspired by listening to his most recent analyst earnings call.

    Music with a leftist message ZDL 5 months ago 83%
    SMZB - 'Ten Thousand Ways To Rebel' - Chinese Punk www.youtube.com

    Another Chinese punk band that's explicitly leftist (and black flag).

    Music with a leftist message ZDL 5 months ago 100%
    Dummy Toys - War Is Nightmare (FULL ALBUM 2023 CHINA PUNX) www.youtube.com

    Pretty much anything by the Dummy Toys qualifies as left-messaging.

    Gaming Dice ZDL 5 months ago 92%
    Emergency Dice pixelfed.social

    What to carry in case you suddenly need dice and don't have them.

    Solo Roleplaying ZDL 6 months ago 75%
    Go Analogue Or Go Home pixelfed.social

    My answer to the questions I get asked about what "tools" I use to solo RP.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 98%
    Why couldn't the bicycle stand up?

    Because it was two-tired.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 97%
    Why did the skeleton refuse to go to the ball?

    Because he had no body to dance with!

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 95%
    Yesterday I confused the words "jacuzzi" and "yakuza".

    Now I'm in hot water with the Japanese mafia.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 97%
    Oh wow, is the work week ever rough!

    Even my calendar gives up after Tuesday and just goes W T F.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 90%
    Shout out...

    ... to those who don't know what the opposite of in is!

    Dad Jokes ZDL 6 months ago 98%
    I just made a video game in which you go back in time and shoot Adam.

    It's a first person shooter.

    Gaming Dice ZDL 7 months ago 100%
    New dice bag and dice. pixelfed.social

    I'd ordered just the d20 (in copper) before as a trial, liked it enough I got a whole set in brass.

    Dad Jokes ZDL 7 months ago 97%
    I'd like to do a joke about construction…

    …but I'm still working on it.

    Gaming Dice ZDL 7 months ago 100%
    Roll 3D6 for damage, or get it thrown at you if you tick off the GM.

    All-metal six-sided dice with skulls for pips.
