rpg rpg What's your favorite game that you've never played?
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%



    It looks like it should work perfectly fine for a campaign like B/X DandD, but without character levels, spell slots, the weird attack roll system, and with skills. All the rules for wandering monsters, reaction rolls, and morale that make B/X great can just be added to Dragonbane almost as is.

  • science_memes Science Memes Roots of Mother Appalachia
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 91%

    I had to look if this was posted in Science Memes or RPG Memes.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes TTRPGs also deserve their own huge iceberg (so I made this one)
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    I only recognize things as down as GNS and Fatal, and those are really just level 3 stuff.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Been meaning to do this to my players
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    "Komm da weg, Idioten!"

  • rpg rpg Blog posts on how to run a West Marches campaign
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    That's the original post.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes HamWarmer 40k
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    Rum Ham!!!

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Magic is just so tedious and predictable
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    The nastiest thing about lack of oxygen is that the first effect is losing your ability to tell that anything is wrong with you. The perfect killer.

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Magic is just so tedious and predictable
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    I actually want an undead dungeon filled with toxic fumes now.

  • game_design DIYRPG Game Design A simple system for overland travel speed (but is it believable?)
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    Of course you can always include more detail to get more realism.

    But my main goal is to make using hex maps for travel more convenient to use while still maintaining the 6-mile resolution. That means all daily travel distances have to come out as full increments of 6 miles, and the equation to calculate speed has to be easy enough to do by memory without looking up any tables. I don't think it's mathematically possible to produce something like that with more factors going into it.

  • game_design
    DIYRPG Game Design Yora 11 months ago 100%
    A simple system for overland travel speed (but is it believable?)

    A while back I tried to work out a system that lets you track overland travel on a 6-mile hex map without getting any fractions for the number of hexes traveled in a day. I did come up with one that is very simple: - Characters move with a light load, medium load, or heavy load. (6, 4, or 2 hexes per day) - Each hex is on average either easy terrain (full speed) or difficult terrain (half speed). This results in six possible combinations of progress in a day, each one a whole number. (Horses would make no difference because horses only run faster than humans but walk about the same speed, and except for a few special bred and trained horses have worse endurance than humans. Every single fantasy RPG gets this wrong.) The one thing that bothers me a bit about this system is that the speed for travel with a light load through easy terrain comes out at 6 hexes per day. Which would mean 36 miles. (50km) Such progress is absolutely possible. Some people have managed to do 100 miles in a day, and there are reports of soldiers with their equipment doing over 30 miles in a day without roads. But this would be a very big ask even of most people who walk long distances as regular exercise. And those who can do it wouldn't be able to do it more than two or three days in a row at the most. However, what kind of people actually travel long distances with a light load? In most RPGs with encumbrance, a light load is actually really light. It's often the limit for thieves silently climbing up castle walls. With just food, weapons, and armor most PCs in many games will end up with a medium load and then you add all the travel gear on top of that. And if just one character moves at medium load speed, then the whole party does. As I see it, overland travel with light load would be very rare, and it really only makes sense for messengers. And messengers in a world where all nonmagical long distance communication is done on foot would be the 0.1% of best long distance runners in their society. So I think saying that travel with a light load on easy terrain comes out to 36 miles per day might still be "believable enough". Normal travel speed for marching armies or traveling adventurers would be 24 miles per day and by all accounts that really isn't anything unusual for soldiers who do daily marches for hundreds of miles as a regular part of their service. What do you think about this?

    game_design DIYRPG Game Design People to follow on Mastodon
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%
  • game_design
    DIYRPG Game Design Yora 11 months ago 100%
    People to follow on Mastodon

    I feel that over the course of this year, the ratio of RPG related posts on Dice Camp has increasingly be going down. (Not necessarily the actual number of RPG posts.) Are there any people who mostly post about RPG homebrew and DIYRPG related stuff you think are worth following to have in your home feed?

    game_design DIYRPG Game Design Should we create our own blogroll?
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    There is https://diyrpg.org/c/daily_rpg_blog@ttrpg.network

    Not sure if we would catch anything here that isn't already there.

  • rpgmemes
    RPGMemes Yora 11 months ago 96%
    HamWarmer 40k
    starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes Cait Sith Lord
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    A Cait Sith Lord?!

  • foundryvtt FoundryVTT "Formula can not be evaluated" error message
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    It only says "Formula can not be evaluated", nothing else.

  • science_memes Science Memes Remove all barriers in the way of science
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 88%

    True science! Without compassion, decency, and humanity.


  • rpgmemes RPGMemes How do they even manage it?
  • Yora Yora 11 months ago 100%

    But how many of the Rollmaster spells are actually useful?

  • rpgmemes
    RPGMemes Yora 11 months ago 98%
    The Illusion of Free Choice
    RPGMemes Yora 11 months ago 93%
    Pro GMs
    DIYRPG Game Design Yora 12 months ago 100%
    Retrocloning Dungeons and Dragons 3.0

    Though the 3.5e revised edition of D&D 3rd edition was widely regarded as a huge improvement of the game when it came out, over time it became more apparent that it actually was the start of a much greater shift than had been immediately apparent. I still have a very great fondness for the early 3rd edition books from 2000 to 2002 which I just don't have for those that came out after the revision. The original core rulebooks have never been available in pdf to my knowledge (and you can't even find bootleg scans anymore), but the original SRD files are still around. Unfortunately they are really badly organized and formatted, but there is [one website still around](https://www.dragon.ee/30srd/) that has the content in HTML format, and more recently [someone went through the trouble of sorting and formatting all the content as pdf and odt](https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/423878/Before-the-Empire-the-30-SRD) (pay what you want, but it would save you many hours of painful work). But I am the first to admit that the original 3rd edition rules had real issues and that doing a revised edition was a good call. I just don't agree that all of the 3.5e changes were actually improvements to the game. With the SRD now available as an organized and formatted odt file, it's now really easy to make your own customized version of a 3rd Edition rulebook by just editing whichever parts you don't like. What things do you think are the most unfun or just broken about the original 3rd Edition rules and how would you fix them?

    3dprinting 3DPrinting What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    Yes, my post says that they are resin.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    These are supposedly 1:72 resin figures. (No clue what printer, though.)


    Look a bit rougher than injection mold, but for wargaming purposes this would be absolutely sufficient.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting My collection of ducks
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    All in a row.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 84%

    Then the unhelpful gatekeeper on Mastodon was not only extremely rude, but also talking complete nonsense.


  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    1 length unit on the model is 72 length units on the real object. Figures are about 2cm tall.

  • 3dprinting 3DPrinting What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    But resin printers also seem like they are 10 times as expensive. Which is why I am asking if anyone can help me to find out how detailed PLA actually gets at that scale.

  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    What scale is this?

  • 3dprinting
    3DPrinting Yora 12 months ago 95%
    What is the level of detail possible for 1:72 figures with PLA? (obsolete)

    *(I've been informed that I had been told complete BS by the person trying to tell me that resin printing 1:72 wargame minis would be stupidly expensive. As such, my question here is no longer relevant.)* I am considering the option to get back into miniature painting by starting with 3D printing my own custom figures. Given the price difference, it would have to be plastic (I read PLA is a good option), and for my purposes it would mostly be 1:72 scale figures. The deciding factor is whether at such a small scale PLA can achieve a level of detail that doesn't look completely terrible. I'm used to 1:72 injection mold figures, and my previous paint work in the past was always so thick that much of the detail present on those would disappear anyway. So I'm really not looking for much. But looking for existing images of such prints is very much not search engine friendly and I mostly just come up with Chinese soldier figures made out of some mystery material or figures of unknown scale. Can anyone help me to find some reference pictures of 1:72 PLA figures so I can take a look if this level of detail is acceptable for me?

    game_design DIYRPG Game Design Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    That's 10 times as much water overhead as in the Mariana's Trench (since water doesn't compress like air, this scales about linear), while having a ninth of the gravity. So water pressure at the bottom shouldn't be that much higher. And it's already doable to get down to such pressures with current technology.

    Though having something the size of a medium ship instead of a car would probably require some sci-fi tech. But nothing too fantastic.

  • osr
    Old School Revival Yora 12 months ago 100%
    Campaign report wanted (boost from Mastodon) https://dice.camp/@khouroux/111155820147468995

    Saw this question on Mastodon and perhaps someone here remembers it.

    FoundryVTT Yora 12 months ago 100%
    "Formula can not be evaluated" error message

    In both 11.300 and 11.311, when I open my Dragonbane campaign for which I have not installed the official content module but instead created all the items manually, I always get three messages "Formula can not be evaluated". I believe that had something to do with items that I made, apparently improperly. But I don't have the slightest clue which of the many items might be causing these error messages to appear. Any way to find out where the problem is caused that is producing these messages?

    game_design DIYRPG Game Design Ideas for an expedition to Europa (Traveller)
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    Surface gravity on Europa isn't very high. So having the thing being extremely heavy would not be much of an issue if it's not supposed to take off and land on Earth. Once the sub is in the water it will be bouyant, that helps with dealing with weight too. But even with low gravity, the extreme depth of the ocean will lead to incredible pressures near the bottom, where the cool stuff is likely to be found. So the sub will have to be extremely strongly build.

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes No... it's not true... it's impossible...
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    "You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."

  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 84%

    That's max-max

  • rpgmemes
    RPGMemes Yora 12 months ago 96%
    game_design DIYRPG Game Design Getting started with designing Wargame rules for military fantasy campaigns
  • Yora Yora 12 months ago 100%

    In the end ,I discovered that DBA is pretty much the game I was envisioning in my mind for how an ancient/medieval wargame for casual newcomers should be like.

    It reminds me a lot of OD&D and B/X in how it compares to other popular fantasy wargames today. There is a fantasy version called Hordes of the Things based on an earlier version of DBA, but I like the current version of DBA from 2014 much better from a first read.

  • fantasywargaming Fantasy Tabletop Wargaming Getting into large battle wargames
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    Age of Fantasy turned out to still be too nitty gritty for what I am having in mind.

    But I've been told that DBA already has a fantasy version called Hordes of the Things.

  • fantasywargaming
    Fantasy Tabletop Wargaming Yora 1 year ago 100%
    Getting into large battle wargames

    I am thinking about expanding my RPG fantasy setting into running wargames in it as well. What I am looking for is a game in which several players play the commanders of different units in the same army, each commanding hundreds or a few thousand soldiers. I want to start with a fairly mundane baseline of medieval combat and then perhaps later gradually add small numbers of special units with unique magic abilities to it. But it should work without any magic elements as well. I've started looking at DBA as a rules system, as it is looking relatively compact and simple to play. Would that be a decent pick for someone completely new and running a campaign for others, or are there other games that might be better recommendations for that purpose?

    DIYRPG Game Design Yora 1 year ago 100%
    Getting started with designing Wargame rules for military fantasy campaigns

    For a while now I've been occasionally thinking how cool it might be to run a campaign in which the players are the captains of their own mercenary companies which have all been hired to support an army defending a realm against the monstrous horde of an evil sorcerer or warlord. Roaming the countryside looking for the enemy, following their paths of destruction, sending out scouts to detect enemy warbands and determine suitable battlefields to engage them, defend towns from raid, secure supplies to feed their own troops, and all of that. Battles would involve each player controlling dozens or hundreds of soldiers and sending messengers between each other to coordinate, with strategy meetings and the questioning of prisoners and locals making up the bulk of the roleplaying elements. Since you don't really need character stats for this as in a regular RPG, and the main effect of the PCs being present on the battlefield would be to boost the units they are attached to, I think it would probably be a good idea to simply design a complete system from scratch. Though having never even played a single wargame ever, I've been wondering if anyone knows about any resources I should be checking out to get some idea about what other people in the past have found to be working well for them or not. Anything to recommend?

    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 96%
    One-Page Megadungeon
    rpgmemes RPGMemes *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 74%

    No player creativity in my game, you snowflake!

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Superior race
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    No! You're contaminating all the drink!

  • rpgmemes RPGMemes Excellence in painting
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    I have no idea.

    But it must either be an issue with how files are stored on diyrpg.org, how external files are processed by kbin.social, or an issue with your browser.

    If it's an issue with diyrpg.org, then anyone with an account from other instances should see it as well. If it's an issue with kbin.social, then everyone with a kbin.social account should see it. If neither is the case, then it would probably an issue with the browser.

    You could right click on one of the wrong thumbnails and select "view image" and then look at the url of the wrong image file. If it's stored on diyrpg.org, then there might be something wrong with the instance server, which I would have to look into as the instance admin.

    Anyone else encountering this error?

  • rpgmemes
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Superior race
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 96%
    Counting arrows?
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Excellence in painting
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    Failed Insight Check
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    game_design DIYRPG Game Design Some thoughts about System Mechanics and Game Worlds.
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    The main thing that makes an adventure "poor" is that the players did not enjoy it. Which could be for any reason completely outside the control of the game designer. The game system and world can only give the GM tools. Of course some tools are much more useful than others, but in the end it always comes down to what you do with them.

  • kde KDE Falkon browser poor performance
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    Well, the issue is that it doesn't work on my Fedora 40 KDE computer.

  • firefox Firefox Get tabs bar below the bookmarks?
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    The amount of work for what used to be a checkbox is ridiculous.

    But thanks.

  • kde KDE Falkon browser poor performance
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    So opinion here is that it's just a crappy browser?

  • starwarsmemes Star Wars Memes [4PW] Old Ben's got a feeling
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    This is probably too meta for me.

  • kde KDE Falkon browser poor performance
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe. But if it's just a really crappy browser, then why do I see it being praised as a super-fast browser in several places?

  • kde
    KDE Yora 1 year ago 95%
    Falkon browser poor performance

    I do quite like the look and use of Falkon and would gladly ditch Firefox for it. But page load times seem pretty bad. When I use the scrollbar to move a side up and down, it seems rather sluggish or even lagging. And the Lemmy website interface does not seem to work at all in Falkon. It keeps loading for a very long time or forever, and once it loads the new content from a new page, it still displays the content from the previous page at the top. Falkon also makes these weird orange borders around the main area of any Lemmy page when I click anywhere inside it. ![](https://diyrpg.org/pictrs/image/d20dbdbe-a21e-4195-9876-cd9f42349719.png) It feels like a broken mess, and since I don't think anyone would recommend a browser like that, I feel that there has to be something broken on my end. I'm running Fedora 38 with KDE on my computer. If Falkon runs well on any computer, this one should be one of them. Any idea what the issue might be?

    firefox Firefox Get tabs bar below the bookmarks?
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    I am having difficulties following that guide. The first step tells me to download something, but the link only takes me to another site that lists multiple pages that host various resources. I don't know which one I need to go to and what to download there.

  • firefox
    Firefox Yora 1 year ago 100%
    Get tabs bar below the bookmarks?

    I always had the tabs bar below the address bar and bookmark, where they obviously belong, until I recently reset firefox and now I just can't figure out how to get them back to their correct position. How do I get the tabs between the bookmarks bar and the main browser window again?

    lemmy_support Lemmy Support How do you add a favicon to a Lemmy instance?
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    Now that's stupidly easy.

    Explains why there are no guides for it to be found anywhere. :D

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support Yora 1 year ago 100%
    How do you add a favicon to a Lemmy instance?

    I would like to change the favicon for the instance I've set up. I installed Lemmy using ansible, so I am currently at a loss where even Lemmy is installed on the server. Where do you need to put the file to make it recognized and used by browsers?

    game_design DIYRPG Game Design How to link osr adventure gaming with a life path mechanic?
  • Yora Yora 1 year ago 100%

    Wild suggestion: But would it have to have much of a mechanical impact on character stats?

    Characters don't have many stats to begin with and they are mostly pretty abstract. When the goal is to create more character background and tied it into the setting, perhaps that could be accomplished entirely without customizing the character's stats at all?

  • rpgmemes
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    Oh. That's much worse.
    Star Wars Memes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Oh, I think so


    Star Wars Memes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    The Force awakens


    Star Wars Memes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    Trained by Count Dooku


    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Does 18 hit?
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    It's for your own good
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 98%
    Yeah, about that...
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Roll of 2
    DIYRPG Game Design Yora 1 year ago 100%
    The most influential RPGs since ODnD?

    It's probably not controversial to say that the Dungeons & Dragons game from 1974 was the most important and influential game in the whole genealogy of all RPGs. Every game that followed was either an attempt to make a game that improves on D&D or make a game that is different from D&D. They were either a direct response to D&D, or expanded on a game system that was. The real question is, what other games can be considered hugely influential on how people design game systems today?

    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 97%
    Can I roll again?
    RPGMemes Yora 1 year ago 87%
    Well, yeah...