memes memes which level are you at?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 weeks ago 100%

    Well, I recently lost, like, 50% of my credibility as an intellectual as I stopped smoking. So I guess I am now somewhere in between both ends.

  • 196 196 Translation rule
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 weeks ago 100%

    Oh, like German "Fach" then, I assume? That does actually make sense

  • ukraine Ukraine Russian assault groups in the Pokrovsky direction are eliminated by the 47th Mechanized Brigade.
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    You know what makes it even sadder? While propaganda does play a huge part of it, from all that we can gather information-wise, a vast majority is motivated by abject poverty and lack of perspectives in life instead of jingoist enthusiasm.

    They have been beaten down and dehumanised by the system first, given a bleak and cynical outlook on life and themselves - and then basically been offered money for suicidal operations, most likely benefitting their relatives unless they manage to "win the lottery" and come back home alive.

    There's a very real risk this will become the future of recruitment in Western nations as well, so we really should not turn off our empathy, even though I will never understand how they can charge forward into pants-shitting terror like this, instead of either surrendering or downright fragging their commanders in open mutiny.

  • politics politics The Musk-Trump X interview: a surprisingly dull meeting of two planet-sized egos
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    If these are two of the most powerful men on Earth, it’s surely time to jump on the next SpaceX rocket to Mars.

    That is a weird way to spell "get out the guillotines"

  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 95%

    Which I would classify as pretty weird, but not really unethical. Besides, I think the comparison doesn't fully work - it's more like, growing a lump on your body somewhere, having it removed, and saying "hey, can I eat that?". Which I would also classify as weird, but not unethical.

  • adventuregames Adventure / Point-and-Click / Narrative Games Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars : Reforged [Q3 2024 on Steam]
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Now here's a game were calling the remake "reforged" actually works really well

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🧱iel
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Besagte Michmichseite erschafft so weit ich mich erinnere auch fast ausschließlich Fälschungen. Das hier ist recht witzig (wobei ich die "Christstollen" und das Bananenbiegen etwas dick aufgetragen finde), aber einige von denen sind, wie die Jugend wahrscheinlich sagen würde, schon sehr "krinsch". Ähnliche Dinge passieren mit Sicherheit, aber das Wasserzeichen ist ein klares Indiz von Karikatur und Überzeichnung.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich👤iel
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Oder Spezies - Zwiebeln, Pfefferschoten, alle sind zum Scheißepfostieren willkommen

  • politics politics Trump Tried to Talk About Mifepristone & Sounded Like a Student Who Didn’t Do the Reading
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    There is actually a huge thing to consider with any kind of authoritarian system ideologically: Basically without fail, they will have a "rules for thee, not for me" dynamic behind the scenes. Make abortion illegal? It will still be possible to skirt the rules for the powerful, and pervert the right to control your own body as a woman into the privilege of powerful people - mostly men - to decide if they allow a pregnancy to continue.

    Authoritarianism lives, psychologically, from having the people on top, the ones "worthy" in the eyes of ideology, being able to bend or fully circumvent the rules. Even today, this is clearly visible in how rich people, and even more so rich organisations, are treated differently in front of a court, where proper consequences seem to be an exception instead of the rule. This also shows in more fundamental, everyday mechanics of society, think of how the violence monopoly of the state more often than not rests on the tacit acceptance of excessive police violence. Where often, cops and paramilitaries in police roles within states are developing a self-image and identity, along the lines of "to protect society from itself and its horrendous violence, I must become a violent badass" - consciously or unconsciously enjoying the violence and control they can enact, or turning their heads when their colleagues do it, and reserving for themselves and their in-group the privilege to do so.

    So, having someone like Trump, a clear narcissistic rapist, being both openly against abortion rights in his political platform while personally holding the belief of abortions being allowed, is no real contradiction at all. He can rest assured that if in power, he would have the privilege to force both consensual mistresses and victims of his assaults to have abortions anyway.

  • politics politics Trump Tried to Talk About Mifepristone & Sounded Like a Student Who Didn’t Do the Reading
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Exactly, it's not like Trump himself is a fundamental Christian with misguided but deeply held convictions. He is a narcissist that wants adoration, power and to be in a special position where you can dodge consequences.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    something fucked with your attachment style at some point in childhood

    Ha, if that ain't the truth with me - and people claim you can't diagonse people over the internet from just their comments. Although I guess if I were to use the outdated terms, I'd definitely have both mommy and daddy issues in that case.

  • 196 196 Lawyer Rule
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    I know that there were (are?) browser extensions that fetch and display "karma" on profiles, at the very least on firefox. Might be worth a search for people interested in statistics and numbers going up.

  • piracy Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ Some light heartedness helps the soul and wallet
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 90%

    Yeah, that was clearly just the group having fun, sounds like it might have been some kind of in-joke. Stuff like keygen music and adding extra fun stuff to your cracks has always been part of the culture. For the most part, while I'm not saying there is zero risk, but as long as it's from verified groups with good reputation, your pirated software will be safe to use - also part of the culture.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Oh, I just realised (English not being my first language), I meant "just" a psychiatric clinic, not a criminal psych ward, I guess that's the confusion part showing on my end, lol.

    Thankfully, no manic phases for me, but I met several people over the course of my life that had them (one woman I had a short relationship with used to tell me about the stuff she ended up doing during manic phases in her past, oh boy, it can get both scary and funny, but always interesting). I can fully believe and understand that he would have been genuinely sorry in that moment and appreciative and glad to have heard that from you. Another patient only hearing half of it makes it quite funny, I wonder what he thought in his head about the context with seeing the other guy go "oh thank god".

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Wait, so if I have that same thing as a cishet guy, does it mean I have mommy issues? Or... female focused daddy issues? I always knew my sexuality was needlessly complicated

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    I know there have to have been even weirder ones I got over the years, but what stuck with me is when a nurse in a psych ward psychiatric clinic called me (a patient) being like a "weird, confused professor" as a genuine compliment.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what's your favorite thing to put on fries that isn't ketchup?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    Mayo + Ketchup combined, the classic "Rot-Weis"-combo in Germany.

    That or, preferrably, mayo + a good chilli sauce

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What are your favorite sublemmys?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 100%

    For anyone wanting a single click link: ! - some good stuff there

  • truecomics Everett True Comics No context Thursday: the second edition
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 1 month ago 95%

    This one already has all the context necessary, it's a councilman - what more do you need? Does a devil need to sin for you to beat them up and sit on them?

    Alternative context: Everett has to get some money for his wife, the only person he fears, and gets into some fetish shit with the local corrupt politicians for pay.

  • netzkultur Netzkultur / Netzpolitik Ein unterschätztes Open-Source-Projekt auf Expansionskurs
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Wer wie ich vielleicht etwas mehr interessiert ist - hab diesen Vortrag gefunden:

    EDIT: Hier auch nochmal eine kurze Präse, die mal die eigentliche Suite zeigt:

  • fediverselore FediLore + Fedidrama [Transphobia Warning] Nutomic’s Stance on Transgender People
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 90%

    Yeah, I am too attached to my account because it's several years old and was made when there were next to no instances running. But I can only shake my head at the amount of Marxist-Leninist nonsense that is at times pushed there, that unironically elevates what was a development of "Marxism" out of the material conditions of the Eastern Bloc as an imperialist sphere bent on market expansion and accumulation of national capital, into a religion-like orthodoxy.

    No, ideology that is nominally Marxist, and having an educated caste of decision-makers highly trained in your interpretation of it at the top won't prevent capitalist dynamics and bring about communism, only the material base and changing it will, and your ideology will follow what your material base demands. And that had been expansion of national capital for the Eastern sphere since the revolution failed to link up with any industrialised nations in the 1920s. The elevation of Marxism into a basically teleological ideology, claiming that with subservience to the interests of national capital, there will be communism at the end (a promise broken over and over again), is completely understandable by looking at the Soviet and Chinese spheres of influence from a Marxist perspective.

    And even the structures put into place by Lenin were explicitly designed as for his own time and the conditions within the Russian Empire, not as an infallible orthodoxy, and things like Democratic Centralism explicitly contained open and free discussion before unity of action, which was just completely pushed away. Urgh, it's sad to me, because I think a new, invigorated and organised communist movement is needed more than ever, but by redirecting it to the national interest of states like China (and even Russia, which isn't even nominally communist, and just opposes western imperialism to impose its own imperialism - like choosing Germany over France in WWI, the exact shit Lenin fought against) instead of the international proletariat, just weakens it overall.

  • truecomics Everett True Comics Get a-walkin', punk (unknown)
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 50%

    I mean, sort of. Not on its own, and as always, every kind of ND-behaviour is also something found in neurotypicals, only in different contexts and with different intensity and frequency. But yeah, doing it compulsively, maybe even without noticing it, is a form of self-stimulatory behaviour.

  • 196 196 R U L E 🍆 Ф A L L I C _ J O U I $ $ a N C E 🍆 R U L E
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Hm, lets see if I can still get it together, it has been years since I read Lacan. All of this should be viewed as just from the top off my head the way I remember/interpreted it.

    The phallus for Lacan is the imagined omnipotence and agency of our parents (or other caregivers) as we are a very young child and completely dependent on them, turned into a fundamental aspect of the unconscious. Further, it is some desirable aspect, that we imagined makes our caregiver desire other things more than our own needs. (Think: A mother may not immediately feed a child because she is occupied with something else, like the father.) It is the idea of having something, that can fulfil your needs - but is also intimidating and unpredictable, powerful yet volatile. In sexuation, Lacan argues, the "male" sexuation (note that Lacan already did not completely tie this to sex nor even gender as such, more to sexual roles that develop more broadly but have tendencies) projects this onto the proper phallus, i.e. penis, and desires to control it and use it, i.e. overcome the unconscious concept of castration (the realisation of your own powerlessness and dependency). Whereas the "female" sexuation starts to project onto the phallus the primal desire of getting back the symbolic phallus - fetishising it as something powerful that takes control of you and ultimately will enable you to reach the object of desire. Note that this object of desire to Lacan is a complex concept in the unconscious, and I can't get it all together (and assume I already misremembered some stuff along the way), but at its core, it is an unreachable, unimaginable part of the unconscious, around which the rest of the unconscious circles, never quite reaching it.

    The original image was just an image of a possessive gf holding up a guy by his dick.

  • 196 196 machyeen rule
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%


  • ich_iel
    ich_iel Wxnzxn 2 months ago 98%

    Anscheinend eine Tasse, die für Touristen in chinesischen Ramschläden als speziell deutsch verkauft wurde

    truecomics Everett True Comics Our feminine charm (March 10, 1908)
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 89%

    Brb, gonna give a transfem euphoria by telling her she's darting about like a chicken with its head cut off.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich😡iel
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Frivoles Fakt: Er hatte wirklich "breimäulig" geschrieben, ich schätze die Implikation ist, dass sie alt, zahnlos und senil seien.

  • wir_iel
    wir_iel Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    >Die breimäuligen Faselhänse der deutschen Vulgärökonomie schelten Stil und Darstellung meiner Schrift. Niemand kann die literarischen Mängel des "Kapital" strenger beurteilen als ich selbst. Dennoch will ich, zu Nutz und Freud dieser Herren und ihres Publikums, hier ein englisches und ein russisches Urteil zitieren. Die meinen Ansichten durchaus feindliche "Saturday Review" sagte in ihrer Anzeige der ersten deutschen Ausgabe: Die Darstellung "verleiht auch den trockensten ökonomischen Fragen einen Reiz (charm)". Die "St.-Petersburger Zeitung" bemerkt in ihrer Nummer vom 20. April 1872 u.a.: "Die Darstellung mit Ausnahme weniger zu spezieller Teile zeichnet sich aus durch Allgemeinverständlichkeit, Klarheit und, trotz der wissenschaftlichen Höhe des Gegenstands, ungewöhnliche Lebendigkeit. In dieser Hinsicht gleicht der Verfasser ... auch nicht von fern der Mehrzahl deutscher Gelehrten, die ... ihre Bücher in so verfinsterter und trockner Sprache schreiben, daß gewöhnlichen Sterblichen der Kopf davon kracht." Den Lesern der zeitläufigen deutsch-national-liberalen Professoralliteratur kracht jedoch etwas ganz andres als der Kopf.

    ich_iel Wxnzxn 2 months ago 83%

    >Die breimäuligen Faselhänse der deutschen Vulgärökonomie schelten Stil und Darstellung meiner Schrift. Niemand kann die literarischen Mängel des "Kapital" strenger beurteilen als ich selbst. Dennoch will ich, zu Nutz und Freud dieser Herren und ihres Publikums, hier ein englisches und ein russisches Urteil zitieren. Die meinen Ansichten durchaus feindliche "Saturday Review" sagte in ihrer Anzeige der ersten deutschen Ausgabe: Die Darstellung "verleiht auch den trockensten ökonomischen Fragen einen Reiz (charm)". Die "St.-Petersburger Zeitung" bemerkt in ihrer Nummer vom 20. April 1872 u.a.: "Die Darstellung mit Ausnahme weniger zu spezieller Teile zeichnet sich aus durch Allgemeinverständlichkeit, Klarheit und, trotz der wissenschaftlichen Höhe des Gegenstands, ungewöhnliche Lebendigkeit. In dieser Hinsicht gleicht der Verfasser ... auch nicht von fern der Mehrzahl deutscher Gelehrten, die ... ihre Bücher in so verfinsterter und trockner Sprache schreiben, daß gewöhnlichen Sterblichen der Kopf davon kracht." Den Lesern der zeitläufigen deutsch-national-liberalen Professoralliteratur kracht jedoch etwas ganz andres als der Kopf.

  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

  • truecomics Everett True Comics Get a-walkin', punk (unknown)
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Yupp, the very fact it is still a product of its time is the main reason I find the strips that still feel so very relevant today utterly fascinating. Everett remains the hero we need in our times, with only a little bit of a catch-up to the current day.

  • truecomics Everett True Comics Get a-walkin', punk (unknown)
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 91%

    Ah, reacting to neurodivergent behaviour with violence, now that takes me back to my childhood and parents, the good old times.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Lemmings of AskLemmy, what are your best dumb jokes?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!

  • dach DACH - Deutschsprachige Community für Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz So nass wie nie – was bedeutet der Regen-Rekord für den Wald?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Jupp, und insgesamt verschieben sich an vielen Stellen die Zonen, an denen es sich abregnet. Dürre hier, Extremregen da, alles in allem werden die Extreme mehr. So wie der höhere Luftaustausch mit der Arktis auch richtig harte Kältewellen in unsre Grade bringen kann, obwohl die Luft ja insgesamt wärmer/energetischer ist.

    Initiativen hier, die darauf abzielen den Boden besser Wasser speichern zu lassen sind ziemlich wichtig, ein Wechsel, von Dürrejahren und Rekordnässejahren, mit weniger durchschnittlich starkem Niederschlag, ist sehr wahrscheinlich.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ICH👌IEL
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Ohje, der Ehrenkodex schreibt vor, dass ich mich nun Boxen lassen muss - veröffentlich mal schnell Adresse, hab Deutschlandticket, komm vorbei

  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Unmöglich, die Götter werden nicht zulassen, dass Wacken etwas anderes als Schlammbad oder aufgehitzte Dustbowl sein könnte ;)

  • games Games ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) The Sims 4 just got surprise incest, and it's not even the first time
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 97%

    Just another case of a small, unknown competitor trying to gain market share with the supreme life simulator sandbox CK3, smh frfr

  • autism Autism How to "unmask"?
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    So, I recently learned about my own autism, also in my 30s, and I have begun the process of consciously unmasking quite recently - not a lot of experience yet.

    What I've been doing is using my overactive self-reflection that was honed from going undiagnosed and being high-masking, to analyse where I might have been masking, what behaviour I might have done just to fit a specific role. For example, today I accepted some cake that a friend advertised in a group chat, that no one else seemed to want. In hindsight, while it was delicious, I was neither hungry for it, nor did I want to deal with the stress of him coming over to deliver it. But when I reflected on it, I realised I actually did this because I had internalised it as behaviour that is conducive to social connection, and "what is expected of me" when someon offers cake, even when I now very much feel the stress of having been interrupted by the offer, by accepring it, by getting myself ready to leave my apartment, actually going outside to meet up, the smalltalk involved, walking with a cake through the street afterwards. All stuff that actually stressed me out quite a lot.

    While waiting for him outside, I allowed myself to close my eyes, listen to music and rythmitically drum on my thighs consciously - something that I know I repressed completely before, without even knowing. Unlike in the decades before, I also did not focus on thoughts of self-loathing like "why is something so simple so hard for you? What the hell is wrong with you?", consciously pushing thoughts and feelings like that away as best I could.

    At the moment, I am very much still sorting what even is behaviour that comes to me intuitively from "myself" and what is a mask - mostly by reflecting on the amounts of stress and overstimulation I feel after the fact, and then trying to consciously avoid the things that I realise, after the fact, were most likely long internalised masking behaviour.

    That all being said, I also try to appreciate my masks as something I can go back to as a talent, when the tradeoff of their use is worth the additional stress. Being able to speak publicly, being able to look people in the eyes/face if needed, and other things, are good to have in some situations.

  • memes memes I don't want to hear this...
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Germany, don't watch TV, have adblock on all devices - I guess I do still see advertisements on billboards when I go outside, but those are a bit different.

  • ausomememes Ausome Memes Staring at a wall can indeed be very stimulating
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    With the caveat that I of course can't diagnose from here (or at all, not a doctor), it seems to be very probable to me - with headaches and tinnitus also presenting.

  • adhd ADHD memes Staring at a wall can indeed be very stimulating
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Interesting, I only very recently learned I have actually been autistic, finally explaining the weirdness of my past three decades+, so I am not knowledgeable about what language might be preferrable. Self-stimulating behaviour? I can only speak for myself that I actually do like the term, to me, it has a nice sound, one of those words that, to me, feels good to repeat aloud to myself.

  • memes memes I don't want to hear this...
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    This is a lot worse, IMO, at least wiping your ass is a good idea - douching is just an all-around bad idea outside of very special circumstances.

  • memes memes I don't want to hear this...
  • Wxnzxn Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%

    Aw, a lot more tame than I expected. But I guess I understand why I've never heard of it, I've never seen that brand before in my life.

  • bats
    Bats Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%
    Bats and viruses: a death-defying friendship

    Fascinating study on the symbiotic relationship that evolved in bats and viruses and explains why they are such prevalent vectors of viral disease

    Fuck Cars Wxnzxn 2 months ago 97%
    Everett True showing how to handle the carbrained in the early 1900s

    Hope this won't break Rule 4 >.>

    196 Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%
    Based Kamarulea?

    I love how such a really, really simple phrase causes this person to think "it's goofy nonsense" - "there clearly has to be a hidden meaning!". It's not that complicated, dude, basic reading comprehension helps. But how based would it be, if Kamala was a Marxist sleeper agent just bid[en]ing her time?

    Bats Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%
    German article about metabolism/heart rate control for energy management in bats (Link leads to Google Translate version into English)

    Original in German:

    music Wxnzxn 2 months ago 90%
    Alabama 3 - Power In The Blood

    Some fitting music for the months and years ahead. [Bonus Song](, that has no right to go so hard, considering its mostly quotes from the Koolaid cult wackos

    Philosophie Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%
    Warum Marx kein Marxist sein wollte

    Sehr lesenswerter Aufsatz zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung und dem Verständnis von "Marxismus" als sich wandelndem, entwickelnden Gedankengebäude

    ich_iel Wxnzxn 2 months ago 100%
    Deutschland Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%
    Mehr Demokratie in die Betriebe - Verein »Kollektiv der Kollektive« gegründet

    cross-posted from: >Auf dem bundesweiten Kollektive-Netzwerktreffen von 56 selbstverwalteten Betrieben, Projekten und Initiativen machten sich jüngst 100 Menschen auf den Weg, sich nun verbandsmäßig als überregionales deutschlandweites Kollektiv zu organisieren. Das Treffen fand vom 30.5. – 2.6. beim Kommune-Kollektiv »Lebensbogen« nahe Kassel statt. Als juristischer Träger wurde der Verein »Kollektiv der Kollektive« bereits Anfang des Jahres gegründet. Dessen erste Vollversammlung fand bereits während der Tagung statt. >Das Netzwerk ist angetreten, der Demokratiefeindlichkeit in den Betrieben den Garaus zu machen. Immer mehr Beschäftigte wollen nicht nur mehr Brötchen, sondern die ganze Bäckerei. Dass dies realiter möglich ist, zeigen die vertretenen selbstverwalteten Betriebe, die teils schon jahrzehntelang bestehen. >Demokratie bedeutet hier, dass alle über die Produktionsmittel und Gebäude verfügen. Die Mitarbeiter*innen wirken und werken auf gleicher Augenhöhe miteinander, sie entscheiden u.a. selbst über ihre Arbeitszeiten, ihre Arbeitsbedingungen und wie viel Lohn oder Gehalt sie sich auszahlen. >Die Rahmenbedingungen der betrieblichen Kollektive sind oft schwierig, da Politiker*innen zwar gerne das Jubiläum von 75 Jahren Grundgesetz feiern, nicht aber Demokratie in der Arbeitswelt fördern. So nimmt das Netzwerk dies nun – nach Kräften – selbst in die Hand. Unterteilt in interkollektiven Kleingruppen packen die Teilnehmer*innen es nun selbst an, eine gegenseitige Beratung und Unterstützung zu organisieren und sich überhaupt diverses Fachwissen anzueignen. Mit gegenseitigen Besuchen in ihren Kollektiven wollen sie sich besser kennenlernen. Um die Sachzwänge von Marktwirtschaft zu mindern, streben sie einen Solidaritäts- und Ressourcenfonds an oder loten aus, wie Kollektivmitgliedern in preiswerten Dienstwohnungen wohnen könnten. Sie feilen an ihrem Selbstverständnis und an mittel- und langfristigen Schritten hin zu dem großen Ziel, mit vielen anderen die konkurrierende marktwirtschaftliche Ökonomie gänzlich in ein selbstorganisiertes solidarisches Wirtschaften zu wandeln. >Als Vernetzungsplattform wird eine Cloud samt IT-Werkzeugen aufgebaut. Die zur Tagung gekommenen Kollektive wollen ihren Kreis erweitern. Dazu sind Website, Flyer und Plakate in Arbeit. Die Willkommens-AG freut sich auf viele Anfragen >Die Bewegung für eine selbstorganisierte Arbeitswelt besteht international – auch auf der Tagung. Von »Cecosesola«, der großen Genossenschaft aus Barquisimeto in Venezuela, nahmen Mayra und Erick teil. Ihr langjähriges Projekt erhielt 2022 den Alternativen Nobelpreis. Sie gaben viele Einblicke in ihren vielfältigen, oft gar nicht einfachen Alltag unter Inflationsbedingungen. >In Aufbruchstimmung verabredeten sich die Kollektivist*innen für 2025 wieder für ein weiteres großes Kollektive-Vernetzungstreffen. Eine Vorbereitungsgruppe hat sich bereits gebildet.

    Mehr Demokratie in die Betriebe - Verein »Kollektiv der Kollektive« gegründet

    >Auf dem bundesweiten Kollektive-Netzwerktreffen von 56 selbstverwalteten Betrieben, Projekten und Initiativen machten sich jüngst 100 Menschen auf den Weg, sich nun verbandsmäßig als überregionales deutschlandweites Kollektiv zu organisieren. Das Treffen fand vom 30.5. – 2.6. beim Kommune-Kollektiv »Lebensbogen« nahe Kassel statt. Als juristischer Träger wurde der Verein »Kollektiv der Kollektive« bereits Anfang des Jahres gegründet. Dessen erste Vollversammlung fand bereits während der Tagung statt. >Das Netzwerk ist angetreten, der Demokratiefeindlichkeit in den Betrieben den Garaus zu machen. Immer mehr Beschäftigte wollen nicht nur mehr Brötchen, sondern die ganze Bäckerei. Dass dies realiter möglich ist, zeigen die vertretenen selbstverwalteten Betriebe, die teils schon jahrzehntelang bestehen. >Demokratie bedeutet hier, dass alle über die Produktionsmittel und Gebäude verfügen. Die Mitarbeiter*innen wirken und werken auf gleicher Augenhöhe miteinander, sie entscheiden u.a. selbst über ihre Arbeitszeiten, ihre Arbeitsbedingungen und wie viel Lohn oder Gehalt sie sich auszahlen. >Die Rahmenbedingungen der betrieblichen Kollektive sind oft schwierig, da Politiker*innen zwar gerne das Jubiläum von 75 Jahren Grundgesetz feiern, nicht aber Demokratie in der Arbeitswelt fördern. So nimmt das Netzwerk dies nun – nach Kräften – selbst in die Hand. Unterteilt in interkollektiven Kleingruppen packen die Teilnehmer*innen es nun selbst an, eine gegenseitige Beratung und Unterstützung zu organisieren und sich überhaupt diverses Fachwissen anzueignen. Mit gegenseitigen Besuchen in ihren Kollektiven wollen sie sich besser kennenlernen. Um die Sachzwänge von Marktwirtschaft zu mindern, streben sie einen Solidaritäts- und Ressourcenfonds an oder loten aus, wie Kollektivmitgliedern in preiswerten Dienstwohnungen wohnen könnten. Sie feilen an ihrem Selbstverständnis und an mittel- und langfristigen Schritten hin zu dem großen Ziel, mit vielen anderen die konkurrierende marktwirtschaftliche Ökonomie gänzlich in ein selbstorganisiertes solidarisches Wirtschaften zu wandeln. >Als Vernetzungsplattform wird eine Cloud samt IT-Werkzeugen aufgebaut. Die zur Tagung gekommenen Kollektive wollen ihren Kreis erweitern. Dazu sind Website, Flyer und Plakate in Arbeit. Die Willkommens-AG freut sich auf viele Anfragen >Die Bewegung für eine selbstorganisierte Arbeitswelt besteht international – auch auf der Tagung. Von »Cecosesola«, der großen Genossenschaft aus Barquisimeto in Venezuela, nahmen Mayra und Erick teil. Ihr langjähriges Projekt erhielt 2022 den Alternativen Nobelpreis. Sie gaben viele Einblicke in ihren vielfältigen, oft gar nicht einfachen Alltag unter Inflationsbedingungen. >In Aufbruchstimmung verabredeten sich die Kollektivist*innen für 2025 wieder für ein weiteres großes Kollektive-Vernetzungstreffen. Eine Vorbereitungsgruppe hat sich bereits gebildet.

    ich_iel Wxnzxn 3 months ago 91%

    Boah, so groggy wie dieses Wochenende war ich schon lange nicht mehr, man wird selbst auch nicht jünger

    196 Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%
    Tag ruleself

    I'm probably the lovechild of Cioran and Arendt (Oh holy hell, what a nightmare to imagine)

    music Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%
    [EP] Cult of Happiness - another experiment to use AI as a medium for subversive messaging

    Featuring: Adorno and Disco Elysium There may be some irony in using AI that is shit to create protest about shit, but eh, I dunno 🤷‍♂️

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn 3 months ago 77%
    [EP] Cult of Happiness
    ich_iel Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%

    Bin gespannt, wann/ob .org vor .de auftauchen wird

    196 Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%
    Rulebreaking rule
    196 Wxnzxn 3 months ago 100%
    4 year ruled Lemmy meme to put things into perspective

    It even comes already deepfried for free

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn 3 months ago 75%
    [FULL ALBUM] Chill Beats to prevent Apocalypses to
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    AI Generated Music Wxnzxn 3 months ago 87%
    [FULL ALBUM] AI Sub-Version
    Selfhosted Wxnzxn 3 months ago 92%
    Is down? I just wanted to check on the site out of curiosity for setting an instance up myself It seems to be down - does anyone know what is or could be the issue?

    Game Development Wxnzxn 4 months ago 76%
    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > cross-posted from: > > > > > Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. > > > > > > Still, I decided to release [the result]( of my work so far as a prototype for [Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024](, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside [part 1](, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    gamedev Wxnzxn 4 months ago 100%
    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. > > > > Still, I decided to release [the result]( of my work so far as a prototype for [Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024](, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside [part 1](, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    GameDev Wxnzxn 4 months ago 100%
    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast

    cross-posted from: > Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. > > Still, I decided to release [the result]( of my work so far as a prototype for [Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024](, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside [part 1](, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Game Development Wxnzxn 4 months ago 75%
    A lesson learned: Without experience, overambition, over-eagerness and burnout can become very real very fast

    Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting. Still, I decided to release [the result]( of my work so far as a prototype for [Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024](, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside [part 1](, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    gamedev Wxnzxn 4 months ago 100%
    Placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    cross-posted from: > Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this. > > If you are curious and want to check it out: > > [The games ranked by overall score]( > > [The game itself]( > > [A devlog looking back at my first jam experience](

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Game Development Wxnzxn 4 months ago 95%
    Placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    cross-posted from: > Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this. > > If you are curious and want to check it out: > > [The games ranked by overall score]( > > [The game itself]( > > [A devlog looking back at my first jam experience](

    GameDev Wxnzxn 4 months ago 100%
    Just placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this. If you are curious and want to check it out: [The games ranked by overall score]( [The game itself]( [A devlog looking back at my first jam experience](

    Game Development Wxnzxn 4 months ago 98%
    Just placed 3rd at my first game jam!

    Had to share with this community, I decided for my second game to just rip off the band-aid and I entered a game jam targeted at beginners. I placed 3rd - with 1st and 2nd going to more seasoned game developers. I never imagined that, going in, I would be on the pedestal. I just have to thank everyone that participates in game development and indie gaming as a community - including you, reading this. If you are curious and want to check it out: [The games ranked by overall score]( [The game itself]( [A devlog looking back at my first jam experience](

    GameDev Wxnzxn 5 months ago 100%
    Released my work building on a Godot tutorial as a short game - as it is my first, I'd appreciate any and all feedback :)

    A few weeks ago, I started on a basic tutorial for developing games in Godot: “Ultimate Instruction to Godot 4” on YouTube by Clear Code. My goal was to not just finish the tutorial, but to build on it and create a small game with semi-professional standards. Here is said game, my first attempt not only at developing in Godot, but also my first attempt at creating a game. If you know what you are doing, a playthrough is around 20-40 minutes, more on higher difficulties. On easy, it is possible to be reckless, while on higher difficulties, the game forces you to be quite considerate of your resources. As this is my first game ever, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I hope that, if you try it out, you will have as much fun with the game as I had making it!

    Game Development Wxnzxn 5 months ago 95%
    Released my work building on a Godot tutorial as a short game - as it is my first, I'd appreciate any and all feedback :)

    A few weeks ago, I started on a basic tutorial for developing games in Godot: "Ultimate Instruction to Godot 4" on YouTube by Clear Code. My goal was to not just finish the tutorial, but to build on it and create a small game with semi-professional standards. Here is said game, my first attempt not only at developing in Godot, but also my first attempt at creating a game. If you know what you are doing, a playthrough is around 20-40 minutes, more on higher difficulties. On easy, it is possible to be reckless, while on higher difficulties, the game forces you to be quite considerate of your resources. As this is my first game ever, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I hope that, if you try it out, you will have as much fun with the game as I had making it!

    Godot Wxnzxn 5 months ago 96%
    Released my work building on a Godot tutorial as a short game - as it is my first, I'd appreciate any and all feedback :)

    A few weeks ago, I started on a basic tutorial for developing games in Godot: "Ultimate Instruction to Godot 4" on YouTube by Clear Code. My goal was to not just finish the tutorial, but to build on it and create a small game with semi-professional standards. Here is said game, my first attempt not only at developing in Godot, but also my first attempt at creating a game. If you know what you are doing, a playthrough is around 20-40 minutes, more on higher difficulties. On easy, it is possible to be reckless, while on higher difficulties, the game forces you to be quite considerate of your resources. As this is my first game ever, I would greatly appreciate any and all feedback. I hope that, if you try it out, you will have as much fun with the game as I had making it!
