• Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%
  • anarchism Anarchism New rule on hostility toward anarchism
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 85%

    Don't call me "dude," asshole.

    But whatever, I'm ditching this instance anyway. This place feels more and more like reddit every day, where every single point must constantly be argued and there's very little left other than hostility. Most others seem to agree with your position, so go ahead and enjoy your reddit 2.0.

  • anarchism Anarchism New rule on hostility toward anarchism
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 93%

    Arguing basic premises all day long keeps discussion from actually going anywhere. Actual discussion flourishes among a group who can agree on the basics and actually want to talk about something more substantive than "is authority bad or is it actually good??????"

    This community has so far been garbage because it's just anarchists posting links then people (largely from lemmygrad) starting fights on them over and over and over. That doesn't get anyone anywhere.

  • anarchism Anarchism New rule on hostility toward anarchism
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 88%

    Yeah totally you're right, spaces should never be able to define a range in which discussion occurs and we should just all bend over to whoever wants to pop in and derail. Great suggestion.

  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    I have tried so hard to get the creases out of mine, including ironing it with some clothes on top to keep it from melting. At this point I'm convinced nothing will work other than actually flying it outside for an extended period of time, which unfortunately isn't really safe here.

    I'd guess this is why this is so common. Our flags are wrinkly because it's often not safe enough for us to fly them in the wind.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 50%

    You told me I might as well go to Windows, as if the only benefit of using Linux is its traditional approach to package management. I use it because I care about freedom, not because of how it handles package management, though I do happen to also like that (it's just better when supplemented by flatpaks and appimages).

    If you read my other comments in this thread, you'll see why I prefer things as they are now: I can actually access most applications from most distributions without having to build shit myself. Before flatpak and the like, everything would just be a deb and if you're very lucky, an rpm. If it was not up to the standards of your distribution or, more likely, too obscure to be noticed by them, your only option was to build it yourself. Being a Fedora user in the 00s meant every time you found some cool new thing you wanted to try out, your only option was to fumble around and figure out how to build it yourself. It sucked, and was a big part of why Ubuntu dominated so heavily. If you went anywhere other than Ubuntu and Debian, you were just opting out of a huge amount of software.

    Also, it's not just Debian Stable. Sid is too slow. Arch is too slow. Fedora is too slow. Ubuntu is too slow. Everything is too slow for the simple reason that maintainers can't know about every obscure application you could possibly care about and won't be packaging whatever random shit they find with a single star on github. Again: Traditional package managers are fantastic and have their place. While flatpak does deduplicate libraries through its runtime system and such to an extent, pacman and apt and dnf are much more efficient at doing so library-by-library, which is why (along with trusting distro maintainers to verify that everything works with everything else) I rely on them for the core parts of my system. There are many things they are simply better at. But when it comes to making it easy for developers to get their applications out into people's hands and for users to actually get access to the applications they care about, flatpak and appimage do that very well.

    I'm going to leave it at that and dip, because I'm frustrated with being (what seems like deliberately) misread.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 50%

    No thanks, I'll enjoy free software :)

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 75%

    Curation and guaranteed interoperability.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 85%

    This was never the case even before all of these new solutions. When a developer makes something, they're going to release it for people to use. They generally are not going to just leave it sitting in a repo and let people figure out building it themselves until a distro maintainer happens to package it.

    The traditional approach is very good for core components and staples of the desktop where distro developers can curate an experience where everything works with everything and is in harmony. It's not, however, very good at getting applications the end user cares about out there. Flatpak/Appimage and traditional packages complement each other nicely and cover each others' flaws.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 92%

    You're really not responding in good faith and just looking for dunks. Clearly, when I said it was more work for Fedora maintainers I was providing an example of them going above and beyond to provide flatpaks as evidence for it not being a move of laziness. The Fedora project creating so many of them would not be necessary for flatpaks to work or to be useful.

    It's fine to not like flatpaks. Sandboxing causes a lot of headaches for users that are still being ironed out. But it wasn't created out of distro maintainer laziness or a scheme to push all the work onto app developers. It was and is an attempt to make things easier for developers and to make applications available to every Linux user. And you know what? It's better now for me. Back in the day it was a lot harder to switch away from Debian-based distributions because everything you found would be a deb. If it was too obscure or new to have been picked up by distro maintainers, you were stuck building it yourself. Nowadays, when I find some tiny project on gitlab, the developer is much more likely to provide what they've made in a form I can actually use regardless of my choice of distribution. Everything is accessible to me and I never feel like I'm missing out like I did in the 00s. I wasn't happy with the packaging situation then, but now things are a whole lot better.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 75%

    You realize developers generally package their applications for something regardless? The only difference on their end is that instead of making a deb or an rpm that will serve a fraction of Linux users, they can make a flatpak for all of them.

    And distro maintainers/other third parties can and do make flatpaks all the time...Fedora for example creates their own flatpaks for basically everything in their repositories, and they're the biggest "true believers" in flatpak you can find. It's more work for them.

  • nowallpapers NoWallpapers Widescreen image: DO NOT use as desktop wallpaper
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    It's not a wallpaper I swear

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 91%

    They'll be about as adventurous as each other. Kubuntu and Mint only really differ in the desktop environment installed and a few of Canonical's bad decisions that Mint undoes every now and again. Beyond that, they're both just Ubuntu.

    You'll learn about as much as you would on any mainstream distro.

  • linux Linux Snap actually sucks. This isn't even a meme.
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 63%

    One of the primary goals is making less work for app developers who can now just make a flatpak and be done with it instead of making 30 different debs and rpms and such. The main reason flatpak has been so widely adopted has nothing to do with distro maintainers...it's that developers can make something everyone can use and not think about it beyond that.

    Snap is just an extremely bad solution that works poorly with the additional issue of centralizing control in Canonical's hands.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    I think the only reason it's controversial is that the wording of the OP is very confusing. I certainly use "they" to refer to others by default but it's not for privacy reasons...it's because I don't automatically know the pronouns of strangers. I took this post as saying that we should use one pronoun for everyone to create the smallest amount of data to be collected.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    If that's what was meant then yeah I wouldn't mind that, but I read this as more a suggestion that we shouldn't refer to the genders of others because doing so would leak information. I use "they" for others by default but this reads as telling me that I shouldn't tell others I use "she" and that others shouldn't use "she" for me to maintain the utmost of anonymity.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNO
    NoWallpapers Whom 2 years ago 100%
    Me pasting my wall. Don't worry, that's the end of the process and nothing will be put on top :)
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearNO
    NoWallpapers Whom 2 years ago 100%
    Widescreen image: DO NOT use as desktop wallpaper
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    this is exactly what every Void user I've ever met looks like

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Nah, my pronouns and gender are a key part of my personhood and I intend to assert them wherever I can. I'm not going back in the closet for any privacy concerns.

    Data collection is a problem but the solution isn't for us all to hide who we are, it's to smash the political environment that makes that abuse possible.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Having read his page on that, his suggestion was to use another one instead of "they" for petty prescriptivist reasons. While to me it comes off as a silly Stallmanism that I don't mind that much, it's plenty understandable for people who use "they" and have come across thousands of arguments making the same linguistcally questionable points for transphobic reasons to be suspicious of that. Especially given his awful thoughts on other things.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Does federation add any value to your lemmy browsing experience?
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 80%

    Not really. I like federation in general, but Lemmy would honestly be just as useful and a lot simpler if it was regular self-hostable forum/link aggregator software.

    However, I imagine most of the donors and extra attention Lemmy has gotten have to do with the fact that it's federated.

  • green Green - An environmentalist community Now can we please get on doing that with petroleum?
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    It's disturbingly common for people to say solved problems were never problems.

    See also: y2k

    Here's the fucked up thing: I didn't even realize the ozone layer thing had gotten so much better and that real action had been taken. We don't really talk about the successes, and I almost wonder if we should more not only to address people who think they were fake issues, but to prove to those of us who are exhausted and pessimistic about other environmental issues that change CAN be made because it HAS before.

  • privacy Privacy What's your favorite piped instance?
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    ...yes, but freetube is actually comparable to the featureset of newpipe, piped, or invidious.

    You're approaching this as a confrontation when it isn't one. You listed two players which are not necessarily replacements for a desktop user who wants subscription management and such, so I provided one which does.

  • anarchism Anarchism New rule on hostility toward anarchism
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 94%

    Contained and respectful debate on the topic can certainly be useful, though. If anyone creates a community specifically for that kind of thing, I'd be glad to pop it in the sidebar.

  • anarchism
    Anarchism Whom 2 years ago 90%
    New rule on hostility toward anarchism

    As a result of this community's existence on a site that is often hostile to its ideas, we'll be implementing a new rule: **4. This is not the place to debate the merits of anarchism itself. While discussion is encouraged, getting in your "epic dunks on the anarkiddies" is not. As a result of the instance's poor moderation policies and hostility toward anarchists by default, lemmygrad users are encouraged not to post here, though not explicitly disallowed if they aren't just looking to start a fight.**

    privacy Privacy What's your favorite piped instance?
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 66%

    You only mentioned newpipe and mpv...

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    I'd certainly like to post there more...I usually just forget. I'll try to fix that~

  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Ahh I'm looking on a terrible X230 screen right now, I'll take your word for it on that. And they certainly wouldn't word it that way, but I wasn't reading this as a meme that would be particularly charitable to the apple. Irrelevant, though, since I just saw it wrong lol

  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Given the color of the apple, I'm assuming it's about mutualists. Who, yknow, are wrong, but aren't as diametrically opposed to the core values of anarchists as ancaps are.

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Eh, I'd rather keep my account with my post history and stuff. It's not a huge deal really so I just leave things as they are.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearFO
    Food Whom 2 years ago 100%
    Cucumbers are melons, and sometimes they explode youtu.be
    mice Computer Mice Zowie EC2-C vs Vaxee Outset AX — Full Shape Comparison
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Recently found this channel in my most recent foray into obsessively researching mice. They're easily my favorite reviewer, getting into shape and design philosophy in a pretty laid-back way, with none of the overproduced flair you see from a lot of the larger channels and none of the edgy shitposting of someone like boardzy.

  • privacy Privacy What's your favorite piped instance?
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 75%

    I've seen no reason to believe any privacy frontend I've used has done this. However, even if you are concerned about this, Freetube is a more convenient option which can use its own local API similar to how Newpipe does it while still keeping a nice interface with subscription management and such.

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    And oh my, does it ever. Idk if any hit this community specifically, but the nazi trolls and scatposting have been so common lately.

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    I wouldn't mind taking it / helping out.

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    I certainly could, and I would've switched to beehaw as my home server by now if account transfers existed. Oh well, blocking a lot of people is working reasonably well :P

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Might just be worth putting it in the rules and banning the ones who pop up anyway.

  • anarchism Anarchism *Permanently Deleted*
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 45%

    It's kind of obnoxious how the Lemmygrad crowd are overwhelmingly the loudest voices even outside their instance. I'm a commie who isn't quite an anarchist, but I end up in anarchist spaces simply because in internet spaces where ideology inevitably becomes a performance, anarchists are generally much nicer to be around. I may get annoyed by their outright dismissal of certain workers' movements that have done genuine good, but at least I can be reasonably certain they won't start licking the boots of whatever asshole of the week who would put me in a camp given the opportunity just because NATO and co. don't like them.

    Anyway, is banning everyone from a particular instance from a specific community possible? Might be worth doing here for Lemmygrad users. Not that they're all inherently terrible, but the vast majority of interactions they have over here are negative.

  • dank_left The place for leftist memes The american dreaming is thinking MLK would have been a Republican
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    this image hurts to view

  • memes
    Memes Whom 2 years ago 83%
    Up yours
    humanities Humanities & Cultures Diet Coke Exists Because Men Thought Tab Was Too ‘Girly’
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    That was definitely the marketing push behind Zero. I guess the associations must have changed between the 80s and 00s.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy where do you get your music from? (ideally: DRM free, online store with SEPA payment (or paypal), low price
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    There's also qobuz, which has a hi-res store on top of its streaming service.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy where do you get your music from? (ideally: DRM free, online store with SEPA payment (or paypal), low price
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    Doesn't give you what you're looking for, but I grab almost everything from soulseek nowadays since I got tired of tools like deemix because you have to know if the album you're looking for has any edits or removed tracks on streaming to avoid getting butchered versions. Occasionally I'll buy a record from bandcamp or get a copy on wax, but not usually unless I'm already a fan.

    The drive with my collection died recently, so I've been raiding the hell out of slsk.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy where do you get your music from? (ideally: DRM free, online store with SEPA payment (or paypal), low price
  • Whom Whom 2 years ago 100%

    You'd be better off using soulseek or something unless you can only find the thing you're looking for on youtube (which does happen sometimes).

  • linux_gaming
    Linux Gaming Whom 2 years ago 100%
    What are the best Linux native ports?

    I've never been a "no tux no bux" person, but I have to admit that I am a little worried about possible over-reliance on Proton in the years ahead. I'd like to support more Linux native games, but so many of them have ports so awful that there's no reason not to use WINE anyway. Whether they be actually broken, slow due to OpenGL, or just generally wonky...there's a lot of shitty ports out there. So I'm curious: what ones are particularly polished or impressive?

    Memes Whom 3 years ago 100%
    Paradox gays
    Memes Whom 3 years ago 96%
    Two cows
    Linux Gaming Whom 3 years ago 100%
    Elden Ring freesync / VRR issues?

    I'm able to work around this by manually setting my monitor to their fps cap of 60, but if I leave it at 165hz with freesync on, it'll rapidly swing between 60 and 165, as if it has no idea where to land and adding a noticeable amount of stuttering in the process. I've only ever seen this noted on random ProtonDB reports and it's just so strange, as it works just fine with every other game I've played, where at the very worst it's just useless. Currently experiencing this on GNOME with x11 on amd hardware, but I've had it happen with other setups as well. I guess this is a PSA as well. If you have a high refresh rate display, set it directly to 60hz to improve your experience in these games. Normally freesync would make this unnecessary, but that's not the case here.
