antiwork Antiwork A 57-year-old UPS driver in Texas died after collapsing in the heat while making deliveries
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 94%

    I was a Teamster when I worked for Sygma, and out of all the unions I've been a member of (four, now), the Teamsters were the motherfucking worst. If they were actively trying to take a revolving door of 18- and 19-year-olds just getting their first big-boy jobs and turn them into all into die-hard anti-union voters for life, they couldn't do a better job than they're doing right now, and I told my steward that before I quit.

    They designed the whole contract specifically to offload all the real work onto the new guys, protect the older guys when they decided to throw hands on the loading dock, and give as much overtime as possible to the ancient, divorced boomers with no family to go home to, that they could spend pretending to sweep the floors while the trainees finished the actual loading. Guys would bid order picking, then use seniority to bump bid loads/receivers off their jobs and wouldn't pick a single case for the whole contract, while getting paid picker bonuses and shift differentials.

    And just to rub salt into the wound, those perks (bumping lower guys off their bid jobs and "sweeping the floor" during overtime) were specifically written out of the latest contract, so only the guys hired under the previous contract would ever get to do them. They straight robbed those kids of even anything to look forward to if they toughed out the low-seniority years. They also negotiated a different pay scale for under 5 years, 5-10 years, and 10 years in, and you can guess which end of that they weighted the raises toward. It was a complete shitshow, and when kids would quit, the Teamsters would keep their initiation fee (taken out of the first three paychecks). You could call to try to get it back, but the best they'd do would be to put it towards your initiation fee for your next Teamster job, as if any of those kids would ever willingly subject themselves to that shit ever again.

    AND THERE'S MORE. I just don't feel like typing up a fucking novel on it. Don't even get me started on the shady shit they did during the contract negotiations I was actually present for. It was worse than maddening; it felt like it was specifically crafted by the senior guys to make sure that ladder was pulled up as high as they could behind them, while not actually making any waves for the company. And the safety issues they ignored and covered up, and the fancy fucking "union meetings" they never told anyone about so that they were only attended by the office reps, because they were being held at the most expensive restaurants in the city, on the union's dime, and the number of stewards who were literally fucking floor supervisors, and on, and on, and on....

    UIW was kind of spineless and milquetoast, but they took care of us. The Teamsters are fucking old-school mob racket motherfuckers who are single-handedly responsible for an entire generation of workers who think all unions are a scam.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Based review from a Ubisoft Developer's alt account
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Legion assassins are after you because you have a bad reputation with the legion.


    Well shit.

    So maybe I shouldn't go to Nipton and toss a grenade at the Legionaries as they're walking away after their leader finished shit-talking me.

    They just explode in such an easy, satisfying way! How do they even know it was me? All the witnesses are unrecognizable flesh chunks!

    Ok, maybe I will load up another try.

  • greentext > Greentext Anon may have depression
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 98%

    Right? "Go outside!" AND THEN DO WHAT, MOTHERFUCKER? Just be depressed outside??

  • reddit Reddit As a 14-year long user, the new Fisher Price UI makes me sad :( What have they done to you, Reddit?
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Old Reddit is Reddit. If they get rid of it, I'm sure as fuck not sticking around for this new site. It looks like Bing and Youtube had a deformed little monster-child.

  • memes Memes We beat the fediverse by crashing!
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Cool, glad to hear you admit that you're full of shit and this never happened. Cheers!

  • memes Memes We beat the fediverse by crashing!
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Well, if it's true, you were using another name, because "Facebones" doesn't show up in any of the modlogs.

    Weird how "trust me, bro" suddenly became the standard of proof today.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Based review from a Ubisoft Developer's alt account
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 75%

    I've tried New Vegas three or four times. By the time I actually get to New Vegas and meet Mr. House, I'm overwhelmed by the number of things I'm supposed to be doing and dead dog tired of those fucking OP Legion assassins that show up to ruin my day every fifteen minutes.

    Part of that is probably on me, because I'm the guy who wants to experience the whole game in a single play-through, and I try not to take on too many new quests until I've finished the ones I've already got. I've also been recently informed that if I rush to New Vegas and do Mr. House's quest, the Legion assassins will back off for a bit, which is a big deal because my god I'm sick of them. I never would have tried that on my own, as there's nothing in the game to give me a clue that they're connected, but maybe I'll give it another shot and do that.

  • uap UAP - The Most Active Community Discussing UAP/UFOs Last month, a unknown molecular biologist claimed to have worked on alien DNA at the Battelle National Biodefense Institute. They posted an incredibly detailed breakdown of their work on r/aliens, the
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Not commenting on whether or not the story is true, but I do agree that it probably wasn't made by AI.

    I read scientific papers in academic journals every day, so I'm very familiar with the style and conventions of academic writing. This post reads like it was written by someone who's trying very hard not to write a scientific paper, but whose primary writing practice is entirely in writing scientific papers. The prose in this piece will often begin in a storytelling style, then slowly drift back to academic writing, persist in that mode for a while, then the author seems to realize it and yank the reins to go back to storytelling.

    While I admit that LLMs are good at mimicking different writing styles, I'm not at all confident they're capable of pulling off the kind of slow-drifting back-and-forth that I see in this post, especially while remaining inside the specific formatting skeleton of an academic paper.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    I’m glad you are very considerate and have never made a mistake when excited about something before. Good for you friend.

    I'm serious, though. How do you make that "mistake"? How do you get so excited that you completely tunnel-vision out the simultaneous existence of hundreds of people? That's absolutely in no way neurotypical.

  • worldnews World News Texas woman seriously injured after hawk drops snake on her
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 40%

    It's news that occurred somewhere in the world, I guess. That's what all the "US news is world news!" people were saying in the meta thread.

  • politics politics Abortion rights groups claim victory in Ohio special election
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 92%

    This is Ohio. The Republicans will just keep calling referendums on the same thing over and over again until they get the results they want. They don't care. They literally use dirty tricks to circumvent what the citizens want every year. Just look at how medical marijuana played out.

    First try: The governor gets the bank to cancel the account of the pro-weed side, because the organization had the word "marijuana" in its name. No bank account, can't be a real group, can't put something on the ballot. Sucks to be you.

    Second try: The legislature tried and failed to keep the legal weed issue off the ballot. So instead, they put their own weed issue on the ballot that would forever prevent legal weed in Ohio (even if the first issue passed), and then gave it a name that was almost identical to the pro-weed issue. I seem to remember that neither ended up passing because voters were, as intended, confused, and just having the second issue on the ballot split the vote.

    Third try: The issue got on the ballot, the polls were high, everyone in the state basically was ready to stand out in the rain and vote in favor of medical marijuana. So the legislature called a special session and passed their own legal medical marijuana law, and then convinced the courts that their law made the ballot issue obsolete, so it was thrown out.

    BUT, the legislature's version was a clusterfuck in that the legislature had to personally approve applications for grow ops and dispensaries. A few hundred businesses applied for the permit, and, last I checked, 0 were approved. This led to a situation where it was legal to have medical marijuana, but not legal to buy or grow it, or bring it in from out of state. Which means if you get caught with weed, the cops couldn't cite you for having weed (if you had your med card), but they could site you for buying or transporting that weed, because there's no way to legally get it in the state.

    That was like six or seven years ago, and I haven't kept up with it, but if there's a single legal dispensary in Ohio, I will be incredibly surprised. The whole point was to not approve any.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 75%

    It's not just me. If I was literally the only other person in the store, sure, I could understand that, they thought they were alone, they weren't expecting to encounter anyone else.

    How the fuck do you just stop being aware of an entire seething mass of other humans flowing around you?

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 75%

    Yes, I am incredibly unfriendly when I'm trying to get my shit done. I want to be out of that place as fast as fucking possible. I don't want to linger, I don't want to chat, and I sure as fuck have never in my life been so distracted that a hundred other moving, talking people just vanished completely from my awareness. Is that some kind of ADHD thing? Some manifestation of executive dysfunction, like always being late and never letting anyone else talk in a conversation if they can't actively shout over you?

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    What mental disorder does this fall into?

    This is totally bouncing off of me. How can a person, in a public space, surrounded at all times by other people, just forget they exist for any amount of time, for any reason? They're fucking everywhere. They're breathing, they're talking, their cart wheels are squeaking, the footsteps from their rubber-soled shoes are echoing off the hard tile floors, how do your senses just stop registering any of that?

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 71%

    Hey man if you want to read every interaction in the worst possible light that’s on you.

    Please suggest to me a better way to read an interaction in which someone in a very crowded public place just happens to forget that the possibility exists that another human might also need to get down that aisle. "Oopsie doodle! I forgot I was surrounded by a hundred people who would really rather get this chore done as fast as possible! Again! Silly me!"

    Give me a charitable interpretation of that person who doesn't take even a split second to consider anyone else in their environment without having to be verbally admonished.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Well...that was anticlimactic
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 85%

    I believe the lack of charges for lying to Congress does lend a little credibility to the story he tells.

    The tobacco execs who testified to Congress that nicotine was harmless and non-addictive didn't get charges, either. Does that lend credibility to the claim that cigarettes are good for you?

    Fuck no, it doesn't. Because nobody has ever been charged for lying to Congress. Even when they've been bald-faced directly lying to Congress.

  • memes Memes Mental health meter
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 96%

    What's the metric unit for depression?

  • atheistmemes Atheist Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 91%

    What religion changes its dogma when new information arises? I can’t think of one.

    Hey now, that's unfair! It only took Mormons a little under 150 years to decide that black people were allowed in Heaven!

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 70%

    but most of us will also correct our mistake if it’s brought to our attention

    Most of us will literally never make that "mistake" because we're aware that other people exist, even when nobody's standing next to us screaming "HEY, I EXIST! CAN YOU TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT PLEASE?"

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 66%

    People aren’t mind readers and they aren’t purposely trying to make your life harder.

    Oh, now I get it. They just don't even notice or acknowledge the existence of other people unless someone reminds them that such mythical beings exist.

    Yeah, you're right, I'm much more sympathetic to them now. They're not mean, they're just amazingly self-centered and oblivious!

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 75%

    a handful of times at most

    You must have Shaq's hands, because I've experienced this literally every time I've gone to a grocery store throughout my entire adult life.

    Get the fuck out of the way or someone less hinged than I am is going to move you.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 75%

    You're totally right, that makes me feel so much better about having to wait idly for the next 19 minutes rather than get my shopping done. They're not in my way, they're connecting! I should try to connect with them, too!

    Wow, they left. Why don't they want to connect anymore?

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 96%

    I'm 6'5". I'd love to hear your suggestions for what I should do with my legs when you recline your seat. Do you think I can just take them off? Am I supposed to sit sideways with my legs in the lap of the person next to me? Am I supposed to do Yoga for a year before I get on a plane, so I can spread my knees out 180 degrees from each other and you can lay your head on my dick?

    I'm not "slamming my knees into the back of your seat". They simply exist where you're trying to be, and the fundamental properties of matter are causing them to collide. You can be as pissed about your comfort as you want to be, but it's not going to change my knees into ethereal ghost knees so your seat can lean back.

  • worldnews World News Antarctica Is Losing a Flabbergasting Amount of Ice
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 87%

    And from images of ice cascading into the sea, you genuinely drew the conclusion that Antarctica would be completely ice-free in less than 12 years?

    So, nobody actually told you that, you just decided it was true after seeing video of ice falling into the sea. But that decision was firm enough in your mind to cause you to believe that, since there is still some ice in 2023, the doom-sayers of the Discovery channel were wrong and we had nothing to worry about?

    Fascinating. I wish I had the ability to make those kinds of amazing leaps of reasoning on subjects I know absolutely nothing about and then believe them hard enough to post snarky shit in public.

  • worldnews World News Antarctica Is Losing a Flabbergasting Amount of Ice
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 87%

    What was the name of that program?

  • HistoryMemes Saltier than Carthage (if it had been salted) Hey, what happened in Tiananmen Square, 1989?
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    I've literally had Lemmy tankies tell me that all the dead people in the photographs were actually soldiers, who were massacred by the students, and no protestors at all died.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Based review from a Ubisoft Developer's alt account
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 93%

    I've played through Fallout 1 and 2 dozens of times.

    I have yet to finish Fallout 4 or Fallout: New Vegas.

    The sea change from "actual RPGs" to "shooters with occasional minor choices to make" enrages me.

  • kbinMeta /kbin meta Are TERF-centric magazines allowed on this insurance?
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    The "far right" is growing because the left keeps moving further left, and normal people realize they're now considered conservative.

    I guess there really is no floor for how simple an idea can be when it's not beholden to reality. Thanks for the example.

  • worldnews World News Antarctica Is Losing a Flabbergasting Amount of Ice
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 93%

    Who told you that? Name, quote, date, and source, please.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate 3 gets its first patch/hotfix, addressing numerous bugs, crashes and visual issues
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 85%

    What the hell is up with the thumbnail being weird and totally unrelated to the article? I've seen it multiple times in this community. Is this a kbin bug?

  • religiouscringetards Religious Cringetards *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 80%

    Which is weird, because most of the people who'd post this don't actually believe the Holocaust was a bad thing.

  • dnd_memes Dungeons and Dragons - Memes and Comics And what do you expect me to do, use my spell slots?
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    My table's homebrew rules give single-classed Warlocks extra spell slots equal to their proficiency bonus (and those extra slots only come back on a Long, rather than a Short, rest). Warlocks no longer have to keep begging the rest of the party for multiple naps during the adventuring day, which helps keep the session moving, and it allows the Warlocks to do something other than Eldritch Blast before they get to the obviously-signposted-final-boss-fight.

    It's just totally fucking stupid that a Warlock gets less magic than an Eldritch Knight or an Arcane Trickster for the effective adventuring day. The theoretical 3-5 encounter adventuring day is also fucking stupid unless you're playing a DragonBall Z mod, where it's ok when getting through a single eight-hour period takes two months worth of episodes.

  • autism Autism Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 0%

    All of my bitterness and cynicism in my previous post is actually, now that I sit down and think about it, motivated by concern. For you, for our community, for all of us. I've gotten to a point where I have nothing left to fight with; I can only use the privilege that comes with my specific level of social function and direction of hyperfocus to hide (as much as possible) and pass as a slightly-weird member of NT culture.

    As worried as I am that you and others will come to the same fate, I'm also glad that there are still people with some fight in them, who love talking about the community and trying to spread their knowledge with those outside of it. You're doing a good thing. I just worry about you while you're doing it, and I'm not hopeful that it will help in the long run.

    But I would love nothing more than to be proven wrong.

  • autism Autism Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    We are literally “in peril” either way.

    Yes, you're right.

    How about NT have some personal fucking growth and acknowledge that they have not given half a shit about how much ND people have contributed to society while being shat on CONSTANTLY for being socially different.

    Great idea. Will never happen. Not in a million giggity years. It's like saying the best way to stop mountain lion attacks is to teach mountain lions to not attack.

    Treating NTs and the society they built like they are all rational actors who give a fuck is the most dangerous, naive, and stupid thing I ever did in my life. We must treat them like impersonal, implacable forces of nature that cannot be educated or reasoned with, only prepared for so that we can mitigate their inevitable destructive effects on our lives.

    I spent most of my life trying to "inform" the NT-society hurricane about how much it hurts me. It's pointless. Give up, spend your energy and your focus on figuring out how to protect yourself from them. The results on your everyday life will be far better.

  • atheistmemes Atheist Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    The keyword doesn't make the statements credible. This is exactly what I'm talking about. The description of the fallacy is just as credible as the name of the fallacy. You're doing the same thing I'm criticizing in other people; thinking that the latin words are the important part, rather than the concept of what makes a fallacy.

    The definition of a word isn't in doubt if the word itself isn't listed on the same line.

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Youtube frontpage in 2023
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Probably has its roots from way back in the day so that women couldnt effectively run away from the men and get very far.

    Can't speak to Muslim culture, but European culture way back in the day didn't want women riding horses because of sex.

    There are a lot of branches on that tree, but the biggest one is that since horseback was believed to be capable of rupturing the hymen (hymen science has progressed quite a bit since I last looked into it, so I don't know if that's actually a thing), it was the same thing as having sex for women. They believed that women got sexual pleasure from it (which, I guess, was a bad thing), that they'd start craving horses as lovers instead of humans, and all sorts of weird shit that only twisted, perpetually horny dudes would think of.

    So the sidesaddle was invented. It allowed women to ride horses while, literally and figuratively, keeping their legs closed.

    Unfortunately, riding sidesaddle is a massive pain in the ass, so that fad didn't last long. Maybe about fifty years or so of general popularity (because, obviously, you can still get a sidesaddle and learn to ride in it today, if you want, for whatever reason) over the course of all horse-domestication history.

    Of course, like so many things from European history, this primarily applied to rich/noble people. The poor didn't have the luxury of giving a fuck about most of it.

  • atheistmemes Atheist Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    It’s also difficult to point it out when someone is doing it. Pointing out that they are participating in a fallacy never turns out how we want hahaha

    This graphic would be more effective if it didn't include the fallacy names at the end of the commandments. It's not the concepts that get laughed at, it's the keywords they've been trained to jump on and make fun of. They don't understand the concepts behind the keywords at all.

    Dumbass culture has done excellent marketing/propaganda work in making the word "fallacy" a joke. Fortunately, there's an easy workaround: you just don't use the word or any of its terminology. They can't tell you're accusing them of a logical fallacy if you don't actually use the handful of words they've learned to meet with thought-terminating cliches.

    Examples (from "more polite" to "less polite"):

    Incorrect - "That's a false dichotomy!"

    Correct - "What makes you think those are the only two possibilities?"

    Incorrect - "I won't fall for your straw man argument."

    Correct - "Nobody but you actually believes that. That's not even what we're talking about."

    Incorrect - "That's not an argument, it's just an appeal to popularity."

    Correct - "Most of us grew out of the 'but moooom, everyone else is doing it!' at about 14." or "So if everyone in this thread thinks it's cool to just punch you in the nutsack, we should go ahead and do it because that makes it right? I'll go first."

    They won't recognize your rebuttal if it doesn't include one or more of those keywords right up front. Like an AI chat bot, they don't understand the meaning of words they're criticizing (or, often, even the words they're saying). They just know that [X]% of the time, saying [Y] when someone else says [Q] ends the argument and gets them upvotes.

    It's a lot like how a song can't be included in the Christian Music genre if it doesn't drop the word "Jesus" every second line, no matter how Christian the lyrics are otherwise.

  • environment Aussie Enviro This scientist deliberately subjects himself to the world's most painful stingers
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    On Kbin, at the bottom of the comment, under "more", there's an option to "copy URL". You can use that to link back to this comment next time you have the chance to roo.

    I don't know if it works the same way on Lemmy.

  • autism Autism Thoughts on why small talk is so uniquely painful
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    So if someone is not familiar with your social rituals then they are not to be trusted?

    Yes. This is the basis of pretty much all Western human interaction, from the observations and data I have collected over the last 30+ years. It is the root of all inter-group conflicts in the country, from the lofty halls of politics to the "that group's not really a metal band!" subreddit pettiness.

    Humans are ritualistic and their interactions are so rigid as to be almost mechanistic, when you get down to the base of them. Every person isn't so much a unique individual as they are a unique combination of common parts, and their communication ceremonies reflect that.

    Because someone who doesn't want to shake hands because it is taboo in their culture is the same thing as someone refusing to check the flaps before takeoff.

    Yes. That is exactly correct. If you don't do the ritual right (or right enough, within a margin of specification), you will not be trusted.

    Does it make rational sense from the perspective of a sapient being capable of examining their own actions? Fuck no. But that's the world we live in. We refuse to learn it and adapt to it at our peril.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit calls for “a few new mods” after axing, polarizing some of its best
  • VoxAdActa VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%

    Oh, but you do! I'm one of those autistic people who can't fucking stand flaming red notification icons and have to make them go away.

    There's no way to turn off the notification without either clicking "Ignore" or "Reply" (maybe it's "Accept"). It doesn't go away just from reading the message. I even tried to disable the element in my browser, which worked, but then it disabled the normal notification icon too.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta VoxAdActa 1 year ago 0%
    Block function not working quite right

    Hey, just wanted to mention this thing I noticed. So I blocked a user after a few rounds in a thread, but when they responded to me, I still got the notification and could still see the first line of their post from that screen. But the entire comment thread, including my own replies, was invisible from the article page until I unblocked him. Right now, it seems like the "block" function doesn't keep people from talking trash directly to me, it just keeps me from responding to them or seeing any part of the thread from anyone under their highest post. That really kind of takes all the teeth out of the "block, don't defederate" argument, but I'm also sure it's just some kind of bug.

    Mental Health VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%
    "I ain't got time to bleed."

    A friend asked me earlier tonight if I had "processed" some stuff that happened to me a while back, and I jokingly told her "My philosophy on emotional processing is: I ain't got time to bleed." Several hours later, which is just now, I thought about it again and I realized that was *way too* accurate. Mentally and emotionally, I'm living my entire life as if I was being stalked by the Predator. I went through so much shit for fifteen straight years, where I was always running or hiding or fighting or outwitting dangerous people (my ex), financial disasters, and housing catastrophes, with a horde of other issues of varying sizes flowing in to fill up all the gaps. I've been out of that life for almost five years now, and the serious crises have slowed down to what I suppose is a more normal pace of about one or two a year (instead of before, when I was squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath every time I walked in my front door, preparing to find out what emergency was waiting for me). Even though I'm not constantly running or hiding from a Predator now, I'm still... there. I'm still in that jungle. It's not that he's gone, it's that I don't know where he is or how much time I have before he finds me. I'm spending all my emotional energy on carving wooden stakes and digging tiger pits and preparing for the fight that, in my heart of hearts, I *know* is coming. Of course, life is life, and sometimes shit just hits the fan, and I'm always glad for my tiger pits when it does, so my brain doesn't really see this as *a problem*. "Yeah, it's exhausting, but aren't you glad you had the deep-deep-super-emergency savings account when X happened? Aren't you glad knew and had practiced three alternative routes to get to that client's office when the highway flooded? Aren't you glad you left for that meeting an hour and a half early? Aren't you glad.... aren't you glad... aren't you glad?" And yeah, I kind of am. I'm generally in an ok position for the one-in-a-hundred or one-in-a-thousand bad random event to happen. So what if I'm spending an equal amount of money and time and *worry* on the other 999 things that *don't* happen? Even though I'm kind of disturbed by this realization right now, I'm still having a hard time convincing myself that this is *a problem*. It's not *normal*, obviously, but is it really *so bad*? Especially since sometimes my friends get into some shit and I can say "Hey, here's five bundles of field-made leg-spike-traps to help you out with that Predator that's on your ass. Don't worry, I have ten more in my hidden stash, and thirty more in my extra-hidden stash, I'll be fine." So no, I ain't got time to bleed. I have to rig up these snare traps and swinging-log-traps for a monster I've seen neither hide nor hair of in five years. If I stop to think about what I've been through, much less take the time to cry about it, it might catch me unawares. I'm still not prepared enough. But when I ask my brain, "When will I be prepared enough?", my brain replies: "Shut up, it'll hear you. Whittle another spear."

    Ask Science VoxAdActa 1 year ago 0%
    Why do we associate nuclear radiation with a green glow?

    So I just saw the YouTube video someone posted that showed nuclear reactors starting up, and the first thing I noticed was that they all glowed a very bright, pretty blue. I'm probably an idiot, but I was honestly expecting green, because of many years of dramatized depictions in popular media. These are probably dumb questions, but: 1. Why is it blue? As in, what's actually glowing in there, and why do we see it that way? and 1. Why do all the movies and comic books and video games go with green instead? Where did that come from?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Dungeons and Dragons Memes VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%
    It used to be a big deal...
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    Guild Wars 2 VoxAdActa 1 year ago 100%
    Newer player needs advice on Mesmer Elite Specializations

    Hi! I've recently started playing, and I love the game so far! The only complaint I have (other than the targeting system; I came from ESO, so this tab-target thing is really messing me up) is that I feel like I was pushed to level 80 *way* too fast. I wasn't even trying; just basically going from story chapter to story chapter (because I'd gain 10+ levels just walking back and forth between them). I barely know how to play my core class, and now I'm looking at picking a specialization that looks like it's going to completely change how my class works? Anyway, I'm a Mesmer. I've tried to find a breakdown on the differences between the Chronomancer, Virtuoso, and Mirage, but all I can find are either bare lists of abilities or builds that don't *explain* anything; they just say "Pick this, this, this, and this, and use these weapons." What I'm trying to find is what each specialization is good for, how they play (distant/melee, shatter-focused, clone focused), what use cases each of the new weapons shines in, etc. So if someone could give me a general rundown on how each Elite Specialization plays and is supposed to function, I'd be really appreciative. Thanks in advance! More details on my character/playstyle right now, if it matters: I'm playing solo for now in the overworld. I do want to try dungeons at some point, since they were my favorite part of ESO, but I'm worried I'll get yelled at if I'm not optimized. And, again, I'm only mildly competent with my core class; I still die to big things in the overworld because I haven't mastered how all my buttons (and targeting) work. I'm using a Greatsword (for range and AOE) and Scepter+Sword (for clone generation, single-target damage, and defense when things get too close). I rely a lot on phantasms and shatter skills (even though I'm not entirely sure what the specific use case for each type of shatter is supposed to be; I mostly just use F1 and F4 in a pinch). Because I appreciate the defensive options of Scepter+Sword, I was thinking of going with Chronomancer for the offhand Shield. But the Mirage dodge-replacement sounds really cool, and the Virtuoso's dagger weapon looks almost awesome enough to tempt me into ditching the clones I've been leaning on for the last 79 levels. So I just don't know.
