monero Monero Would you like to contribute Monero but don't know programming or where to start? Here's compiled list for it!
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 3 months ago 100%

    Nice list. You should add this Lemmy instance to the Have XMR knowledge section.

  • monero Monero We're up and running - Monero p2p on RS
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 3 months ago 100%

    A 100% decentralized Monero p2p experience, you say? Sounds cool!

  • monero Monero We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 3 months ago 100%

    G. Edward Griffin is awesome.

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME VolunTerry 4 months ago 100%
    Hypocritical Move: E*Trade Reportedly Considers Shutting Down Roaring Kitty

    drs_your_gme DRS Your GME DFV YOLO Update on Superstonk!
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 4 months ago 100%

    🚀 Well, this should be interesting.

  • monero Monero Community about trading and XMR
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 4 months ago 100%

    MoneroTalk has a price report with Bawdyanarchist to open most episodes and he covers price trends and technical analysis and the like. I don't follow that stuff much, but it's all I've got as a jumping off point for more resources for you. Maybe you could contact Bawdyanarchist or the team there to ask where the good discussions happen?

  • monero Monero To Public Monero Node Operators - We need more nodes on I2P network.
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%


  • monero Monero UK seized new powers starting today [including destroying Monero]
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    Good input. Thanks.

  • monero Monero UK seized new powers starting today [including destroying Monero]
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    Fair enough perspective. What do you favor? Paper wallet? Something like cryptosteel? Hardware wallet? Memorization? Other airgapped digital device solutions? Shamir secret sharing? Something else?

    It's always good for others to hear and gather approaches and try to choose amongst them for what may work best.

  • monero Monero UK seized new powers starting today [including destroying Monero]
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    Smart way to do it. But if you need to travel and take your data with you, the device itself is at risk of seizure or destruction. Alternately you could reload your needed data backups at your destination when you arrive, say after crossing unfriendly borders, but then you'd want to find the safest most secure way to transfer the data. There are plenty of solutions, but with more and more news like this, most people will need to think a bit more than they have been about their threat model opsec and procedures.

  • monero Monero UK seized new powers starting today [including destroying Monero]
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    Good kick in the butt to memorize passwords and seedphrases I guess.

  • monero Monero Founders And CEO Of Cryptocurrency Mixing Service Samurai Wallet Arrested And Charged With Money Laundering
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    There is no such thing as free. This instance is a light in the darkness of Lemmy when it comes to issues like this. Keep it up in here everyone who contributes. Long live Monero.

  • monero Monero Founders And CEO Of Cryptocurrency Mixing Service Samurai Wallet Arrested And Charged With Money Laundering
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%


  • monero Monero The FBI warns Americans against using crypto transmitting services that are not registered
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 100%

    Don't give them more ideas. If you haven't noticed, no amount of logic or reasoning will keep them from using their systems, and your tax dollars, to hassle who they please to send a message.

  • monero Monero Trump advisers are plotting to deliberately devalue the dollar if he’s re-elected, report says
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 50%

    🤡 gonna 🤡

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 87%

    You've generated a pretty decent discussion right here in this thread you started. Stick around. I think it will continue to grow here.

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 87%

    I'm happy with too

  • monero Monero Is it just me or does every online Monero community feel like a ghost town recently?
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 5 months ago 87%

    This is a good approach. Monero works as intended and has a strong use case. Use it when and where you can.

    functionality > hype

  • monero Monero Paranoid about the Seraphis upgrade
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    I understand. Less friction and more ease of use without workarounds or sacrificing privacy or security is what you are after. I hope it can be achieved where Monero can serve as many individual users needs and use cases to become the best currency possible.

  • monero Monero Paranoid about the Seraphis upgrade
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    The ability to keep a longterm use single wallet and private key would seem helpful. Say you wanted a high value wallet with some more permanance with the seed stored in a more secure fashion with something like shamir secret sharing, stored in a lockbox, stamped in cryptosteel, on a hardware wallet, or anonero setup or something. It's not ideal to simply spin up a new wallet frequently to churn for this type of wallet.

    But this could probably be solved with multiple always rotating low value hot wallets, where any transactions publicly transmitted in or out go to or from the hot wallets. And then your churn occurs by sending only private personal transactions to or from those hot wallets to an airgapped cold wallet.

  • monero Monero serious backdoor impacts major linux distros (Fedora, Kali, openSUSE, Debian)
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    Actually, I had read that Arch is affected, and current advice was to update

    You'll probably want to move up to 5.6.1-2 out of an abundance of caution, as recommended here

  • monero Monero EU moving towards total monetary surveillance and banning all anonymous payments
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    This is the proper response when faced with institutions that obviously despise freedom, and which are full of people who hope to stomp the flame of your individual sovereignty out.

  • monero_memes Monero Memes Only a matter of time...
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    Rage on behalf of the machine

  • monero Monero Serai's testnet is live and has started to produce blocks!
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 6 months ago 100%

    This is fantastic. I'm excited to follow the development.

  • monero Monero 'Free Assange' Sticker fundraiser
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    These reflections give some good perspective on the day to someone who wasn't able to be there. It is appreciated.

    Happy to hear there was support, and thoughtful engaged support from multiple regions at that.

    "One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice."

    Cheers for doing your part to shed light on the injustices heaped upon Julian Assange and promoting the cause of true justice being done with your message. Keep up your worthwhile efforts to prompt those conversations.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME Reddit News today! Reddit has filed their S-1 for their coming IPO, has sent out a DM to users inviting them to invest in a DSP, and has contracted with Google to sell user data to train AI!
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks for the update Chives. None of this surprises me while I sit and watch reddit continue to circle the same drain as other platforms that deserve to be paid no attention or given any trust or benefit of the doubt.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME So reddit has their IPO, cnbc duly enlisted to help, spez got paid off to wreck things (cheaply), then it gets shorted to kill it...
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Chalk reddit up to another centralized platform that once showed sparks of promise and now is just another fully coopted and controlled cesspit.

    I personally don't plan to go near the IPO as a profit play in either direction, and wouldn't invest capital in the business itself on principle alone. But to each their own.

    I hope more continue to move to decentralized alternatives.

  • monero Monero 'Free Assange' Sticker fundraiser
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Can you post any thoughts on how the day went? Did you snap any photos of the stickers or anything else? I'd be interested to get some details from you as on-the-ground reports or impressions. The entire Assange and Wikileaks saga has been a wild ride and had a profound impact, and I feel the details and outcome of all this now will also have profound impact moving forward.

  • monero_memes Monero Memes The Revolution
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 66%

    Love this! Well done.

  • drs_your_gme DRS Your GME 2/23/2024 GameStop (GME) Estimated DRS count: 76,100,046
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks very much for maintaining this.

  • monero Monero Valuing Monero in a DEX world
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Good discussion here. Thanks for your thoughts. I agree on the points of barter vs speculation. I'd lean toward preferring the leveling out of the barter route for xmr, but I'm only one user in a market. We'll see where it goes.

  • privacy privacy The Great Privacy Awakening
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Thanks for posting an invidious instance link for the main linkout. I'm going to give this a listen.

    Can I suggest invidious for the other links as well?

    Or, if anyone else prefers, here are the links to the two vids as well as Naomi Brockwells channel on Odysee, listed in the same order as the original post

    edits to add direct LBRY links for those who don't like the Odysee front end




  • monero Monero A Podcast that may interest you
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Sounds cool. Cypherpunk with a dose of XMR gets a +1 in my book. I'll add this for a later listen when I'm caught up on my backlog.

  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Great post title and passage. We would all be stronger for heeding the advice to simply not bow.

    I see far too many around me waiting to bow for the next celebrity or strongman that comes around dripping the honey they want to hear into their ears. Practice strength of will individually and collectively we won't need them.

  • monero Monero AnonShop ain’t that Anonymous
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    I was relatively unfamiliar with the details of the service but just looked into it more.

    Firstly, I'd think avoiding as much closed source big tech as possible would be ideal, so I'd support any efforts to minimize or eliminate use of AWS or other Amazon.

    Secondarily, it looks like it will ship from many sites, not just Amazon and for those orders it also only ships to addresses beyond just lockers, for obvious reasons.

    I was going to post screengrabs, but Lemmy is tossing errors for upload at the moment for me. Check the homepage of where it says

    "Spend Your Monero Anywhere

    I have built a open & private system that gives you the ability to spend Monero on any website."

    And then the separate order option:

    "Address Delivery 15% (Min 15) USD

    Deliver Any Item to Any Address

    Requires Address
    Works on Any site like Amazon, Ebay, etc.
    Super Flexible Service"
  • privacy Privacy Privacy focused email recommendation
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Self hosting is best if you have the knowhow, inclination and time to maintain it, but there are alias services that will encrypt any mail they forward using a key you provided so this would eliminate the ability of your chosen non-self-hosted email provider/server to easily read your received mail limiting their ability to profile or target to any metadata and header info that is passed along unencrypted.

    Of course, then you are placing trust in the alias service's privacy and logging policies. But some are open source and you could host an alias forwarding service yourself if you wished as well.

  • monero Monero AnonShop ain’t that Anonymous
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    I like the concept. I'd like it a lot better if it addressed these issues.

  • monero Monero *Permanently Deleted*
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    I've been imagining it for a long time. I look forward very much to that point arriving.

  • monero Monero *Permanently Deleted*
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Well said.

  • monero Monero *Permanently Deleted*
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    Better to have no lords at all and to govern oneself.

    But if there must be self-proclaimed lords and masters, then better to have them be known and near and less empowered by large state sized apparatus, so there is hope to change them, hold them accountable or challenge them directly, rather than so many layers of beuracracy and thugs doing their bidding by proxy that the mountain looks unsurmountable to the individual.

  • monero Monero *Permanently Deleted*
  • VolunTerry VolunTerry 7 months ago 100%

    "Just be happy with your chains or someone else will put heavier ones on you"

    Great quote. Emotional fear porn is how so much is justified and sold to people. Fear is an incredibly strong motivator. Nothing new is achieved and no progress is made by cowering in the chains you find yourself in and thinking it's too risky to try to break free, lest your jailor punish you, or you find a new jailor down the road.

    When did my brothers and sisters spirits become so broken that they lack any will to fight in even the most meager ways for their own liberty?

  • drs_your_gme
    DRS Your GME VolunTerry 8 months ago 96%
    The Great Taking

    David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone. Download the book and get more information here: edit: If this theory holds any weight, this could be the method intended to take your GME shares from you, or any other assets, out the back door while you are watching the front.

    DRS Your GME VolunTerry 9 months ago 100%
    ConstitutionDAO, who lost the bid to Ken Griffin at Sotheby's in 2021 is up almost 160% in the last 30 days

    Edit to clarify, the above link is to PEOPLE/ETH. PEOPLE token itself is up ~135% in USD terms in the past 30 days, as seen here: --- end edit --- Is this because withdrawals are now being processed? I've not kept up on the timeline or details of this, and for full disclosure I have done no additional research. I just thought it may be of interest to those here that followed the absurdity of KGriffter buying the US Constitution at the time.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    privacy VolunTerry 9 months ago 100%
    4-year campaign backdoored iPhones using possibly the most advanced exploit ever

    Zero click “Triangulation” compromises Macs, iPods, iPads, Apple TVs, and Apple Watches at the hardware level. edit: iPhone is the particular device focused on for the exploit documentation here, but the hardware vulnerability exists in all of the above.

    Monero VolunTerry 1 year ago 72%
    FBI Seizure of Mastodon Server Data is a Wakeup Call to Fediverse Users and Hosts to Protect their Users

    **Hi everyone. I'm new to and Lemmy. This community and instance is great so far.** **I want to share an article from EFF that seems relevant to Mastodon, Lemmy and the rest of the fediverse.** **Below I'll list an link as well as copy>paste of the full text of the article for those that prefer it.** *We’re in an exciting time for users who want to take back control from major platforms like Twitter and Facebook. However, this new environment comes with challenges and risks for user privacy, so we need to get it right and make sure networks like the Fediverse and Bluesky are mindful of past lessons.* *In May, Mastodon server was compromised when one of the server’s admins had their home raided by the FBI for unrelated charges. All of their electronics, including a backup of the instance database, were seized.* *It’s a chillingly familiar story which should serve as a reminder for the hosts, users, and developers of decentralized platforms: if you care about privacy, you have to do the work to protect it. We have a chance to do better from the start in the fediverse, so let’s take it.* **#A Fediverse Wake-up Call** *A story where “all their electronics were seized” echoes many digital rights stories. EFF’s founding case over 30 years ago, Steve Jackson Games v. Secret Service, was in part a story about the overbroad seizures of equipment in the offices of Steve Jackson Games in Texas, based upon unfounded claims about illegal behavior in a 1990s version of a chat room. That seizure nearly drove the small games company out of business. It also spurred the newly-formed EFF into action. We won the case, but law enforcement's blunderbuss approach continues through today.* *This overbroad police “seize it all” approach from the cops must change. EFF has long argued that seizing equipment like servers should only be done when it is relevant to an investigation. Any seized digital items that are not directly related to the search should be quickly returned, and copies of information should be deleted as soon as police know that it is unrelated—as they also should for nondigital items that they seize. EFF will continue to advocate for this in the courts and in Congress, and all of us should continue to demand it.*  *Law enforcement must do better, even when they have a warrant (as they did here). But we can’t reasonably expect law enforcement to do the right thing every time, and we still have work to do to shift the law more firmly in the right direction. So this story should also be a wake-up call for the thousands of hosts in the growing decentralized web: you have to have your users’ backs too.* **#Why Protecting the Fediverse Matters** *Protecting user privacy is a vital priority for the Fediverse. Many fediverse instances, such as Kolektiva, are focused on serving marginalized communities who are disproportionately targeted by law enforcement. Many were built to serve as a safe haven for those who too often find themselves tracked and watched by the police. Yet this raid put the thousands of users this instance served into a terrible situation. According to Kolektiva, the seized database, now in the FBI’s possession, includes personal information such as email addresses, hashed passwords, and IP addresses from three days prior to the date the backup was made. It also includes posts, direct messages, and interactions involving a user on the server. Because of the nature of the fediverse, this also implicates user messages and posts from other instances.*  *To make matters worse, it appears that the admin targeted in the raid was in the middle of maintenance work which left would-be-encrypted material on the server available in unencrypted form at the time of seizure.*   *Most users are unaware that, in general, once the government lawfully collects information, under various legal doctrines they can and do use it for investigating and prosecuting crimes that have nothing to do with the original purpose of the seizure. The truth is, once the government has the information, they often use it and the law supports this all too often. Defendants in those prosecutions could challenge the use of this data outside the scope of the original warrant, but that’s often cold comfort.* **#What is a decentralized server host to do?** *EFF’s “Who Has Your Back”  recommendations for protecting your users when the government comes knocking aren’t just for large centralized platforms. Hosts of decentralized networks must include possibilities like government seizure in their threat model and be ready to respond in ways that stand with their users.* *First of all, basic security practices that apply to any server exposed to the internet also apply to Mastodon. Use firewalls and limit user access to the server as well as the database. If you must keep access logs, keep them only for a reasonable amount of time and review them periodically to make sure you’re only collecting what you need. This is true more broadly: to the extent possible, limit the data your server collects and stores, and only store data for as long as it is necessary. Also stay informed about possible security threats in the Mastodon code, and update your server when new versions are released.* *Second, make sure that you’ve adopted policies and practices to protect your users, including clear and regular transparency reports about law enforcement attempts to access user information and policies about what you will do if the cops show up – things like requiring a warrant for content, and fighting gag orders. Critically, that should include a promise to notify your users as soon as possible about any law enforcement action where law enforcement gained access to their information and communications. EFF’s Who Has Your Back pages go into detail about these and other key protections. EFF also prepared a legal primer for fediverse hosts to consider.* *In Kolektiva’s case, hosts were fairly slow in giving notice. The raid occurred in mid-May and the notice didn’t come until June 30, about six weeks later. That’s quite a long delay, even if it took Kolektiva a while to realize the full impact of the raid.  As a host of other people’s communications, it is vital to give notice as soon as you are able, as you generally have no way of knowing how much risk this information poses to your users and must assume the worst. The extra notice to users is vital for them to take any necessary steps to protect themselves.* **#What can users do?** *For users joining the fediverse, you should evaluate the about page for a given server, to see what precautions (if any) they outline. Once you’ve joined, you can take advantage of the smaller scale of community on the platform, and raise these issues directly with admin and other users on your instance. Insist that the obligations from Who has Your Back, including to notify you and to resist law enforcement demands where possible, be included in the instance information and terms of service. Making these commitments binding in the terms of service is not only a good idea, it can help the host fight back against overbroad law enforcement requests and can support later motions by defendants to exclude the evidence.* *Another benefit of the fediverse, unlike the major lock-in platforms, is that if you don’t like their answer, you can easily find and move to a new instance. However, since most servers in this new decentralized social web are hosted by enthusiasts, users should approach these networks mindful of privacy and security concerns. This means not using these services for sensitive communications, being aware of the risks of social network mapping, and taking some additional precautions when necessary like using a VPN or Tor, and a temporary email address.* **#What can developers do?** *While it would not have protected all of the data seized by the FBI in this case, end-to-end encryption of direct messages is something that has been regrettably absent from Mastodon for years, and would at least have protected the most private content likely to have been on the Kolektiva server. There have been some proposals to enable this functionality, and developers should prioritize finding a solution.*  *The Kolektiva raid should be an important alarm bell for everyone hosting decentralized content. Police raids and seizures can be difficult to predict, even when you’ve taken a lot of precautions. EFF’s Who Has Your Back recommendations and, more generally, our Legal Primer for User Generated Content and the Fediverse should be required reading. And making sure you have your users’ backs should be a founding principle for every server in the fediverse.*  *Update: This post's title has been updated to clarify that the FBI seized Mastodon server data, not control over the server itself.*
