london London Piccadilly Squirrel Incident
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 2 months ago 100%

    Did the squirrel make it out OK?

  • linux Linux What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 2 months ago 100%

    There are several things I was doing in X-Org that I really don't have the capacity to figure out in Wayland. One of them was customizing touch pad shortcuts, I used to like having 3 figure swipe commands that worked like keyboard shortcuts. The other was my KVM programs like Barrier seems unable to work in Wayland.

    I hope for simple solutions to these problems in the future.

  • doctorwho Doctor Who Doesn't have to be a serious theory, but come up with something that the creepy old woman might've been saying to everyone.
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 4 months ago 100%

    She could just be mouthing off Ruby's browsing history...

  • squaredcircle SquaredCircle [Dave Meltzer via WOR] People within AEW frustrated at Tony Khan’s decision to air the CM Punk/Jack Perry footage. Many feel like the company just has to move on.
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 5 months ago 100%

    This was honestly my last straw with AEW. I had felt for awhile that the variety early AEW had (Young Bucks indie, Lucha bros Lucha Libre, Omega DDT/NJPW influence, Mox's hardcore, Jericho/Cody's WWE influence) was done with a single unified vision, with everyone putting ego's aside to make something bigger then the sum of it's parts. An AEW roster that was so respectful that Brodie Lee's illness was never leaked to the press.

    I honestly can't say that the reactionary AEW has me gripped like the early AEW that was interested in long form storytelling. And one with a roster so divided you can feel dissension within the roster. I don't want backstage drama to be the basis of ongoing storytelling, that's not an interesting story. I want to see the show working like a well oiled machine. It honestly makes me uncomfortable watching AEW as it is currently.

    I thought AEW purpose was to change the wrestling industry not succumb to it.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming In 2018 a group of Valve staff tried to figure out just how efficient they were being—and found they were making more money per head than Apple, Facebook, and nearly every tech giant out there
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 6 months ago 78%

    It is misleading. It is 30% of the entire revenue of the game. And it is objective whether Valve deserves 30% of that revenue. It's also true that games aren't locked to the Steam platform and can absolutely make money outside of Valve's influence. History has shown though that it is less profitable then being inside the Steam ecosystem.

  • pcgaming PC Gaming In 2018 a group of Valve staff tried to figure out just how efficient they were being—and found they were making more money per head than Apple, Facebook, and nearly every tech giant out there
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 6 months ago 90%

    The efficiency is doing it so effectively that on an open platform competitors can create there own store, pay for AAA games to appear on their store, take the smallest of pay cuts, pass it on to the consumer, and still have customers prefer to pay more to be in the Steam ecosystem. I'm against monopolies but Valve's is absolutely efficient.

  • london London Grade II listed BT Tower to become hotel in £275 million deal - Enfield Independent
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 7 months ago 100%

    That has always been up in the air, certain functions of the building and it's link to the building has been designated a secret. It's not like the building itself is inconspicuous though.

  • feddituk Feddit UK A February update from the Admins
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 7 months ago 100%

    The London community is quiet at the moment so I wouldn't mind moderating it myself for now, adversely I wouldn't mind taking on mod duties for other communities until such a time where that would become unmanageable. I appreciate the work being done by the way, I can very much feel a contrast now vs when Feddit UK was essentially unmaintained.

  • london London This popular indoor market in Stratford has been forced to close
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 8 months ago 100%

    I hope we get some sort of intervention here but I doubt it.

  • feddituk Feddit UK Any chance to include a theme based on the "Dracula" colour scheme?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 8 months ago 100%

    Thank you. I'm not the best with messing with CSS but I'll see what I can do. Realistically though I'll probably need assistance and I don't mind waiting till you have a good moment.

  • london London Wimbledon: Electric double-decker bus catches fire during rush hour
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 8 months ago 100%

    Electric fires are no joke. I'm glad no one is hurt and that this might open up discussions about how to avoid future incidents.

  • london London Trafalgar Square’s Christmas tree mocked after arriving from Norway: ‘Where’s the other half of it?’
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 100%

    Looks like it been fixed up with a bit of trickery It's a shame as it didn't leave in that state it's just the journey wasn't particularly kind to it.

    Hasn't this been a bit of a running trend now? I'm sure I'm having Déjà vu from it.

  • feddituk Feddit UK Any chance to include a theme based on the "Dracula" colour scheme?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you for your consideration ^sorry^ ^for^ ^the^ ^late^ ^reply^ ^I^ ^thought^ ^I^ ^replied^ ^but^ ^apparently^ ^didn't...^

  • technology Technology Tech news doesn't understand ad blockers or Chrome extensions
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 100%

    I do want to read articles that change my beliefs and I'm willing to listen to any take that goes against the wider narrative, but nothing that was said here really challenges anything being said on most tech news sites.

    Yeah news sites might not always have full understanding of the semantics but the wider piont of Google's Manifest V3 restricting uBlock Origin capabilties and not offering an adequate solution is still very valid.

  • onepiece OnePiece One Piece chapter 1100
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 100%

    I believe Kuma's soul was moved into that giant Robot because Vegapunk didn't have it within himself to essentially kill Kuma. Giving Kuma an ancient Iron Giant's soul achieves the same effect and is more humane. Also makes scene why Kuma's current body just scaled the Red Line like the Iron Giant did in the past attacking Mary Geoise.

  • memes Memes Honey, are you okay? You've barely touched your breakfast flour...
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 96%

    As a non-American this name still sounds really wierd to me. I just mentally picture meat juice on cookies.

  • london London London Is Building Its Own Vegas Sphere
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 10 months ago 100%
  • feddituk
    Feddit UK Vinnyboiler 11 months ago 87%
    Any chance to include a theme based on the "Dracula" colour scheme?

    [Wikipedia Article](, [Website]( I love this colour scheme and I was wondering if an admin can take a look at adding a theme for it. If you did I would really appreciate it.

    steamdeck Steam Deck Counter-Strike 2 is out, but it’s not Steam Deck Verified
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 12 months ago 100%

    Has anyone tested this on a Steam Deck yet and can report it's performance?

  • london London my brain blanked and I almost missed my stop because of this shite
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    It's sideways for me too.

  • feddituk Feddit UK Feddit UK is a nice little community
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    I love it, I had a Mastodon account but I've yet to find an instance I'd call a home. With Lemmy it just fell into place here, defined what the Fediverse even is to me and why having these different instances is important.

  • pics pics Cabin (geodome) in the woods
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    Reminds me of one of Oculus Quest 2's default envioments.

  • memes Memes Whoa mama
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    Too many to count, but the entirety of "Cape Feare" was a good one. I only saw the film the episode was based later on in life. It was one of favourite episodes beforehand and seeing the references only increased my appreciation.

  • memes Memes Whoa mama
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    If growing up with Simpsons taught me anything is that you need to get the reference to like the material.

  • technology Technology Statement from Linus Tech Tips about Madison's accusations
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    They recently got a new CEO a month ago because Linus the owner realized he was unfit for that purpose. It should have been dealt with years ago but I wonder if some benefit of the doubt can be given here seeing as the company was in a state of transition and probably would of cleaned up the work culture in private.

    Or not because Linus still owns the company and the buck stops at the absolute top. He put his friend in high positions so it would cause a uncomfortable position when someone who wasn't his friend lower down the ladder were to speak out. He has also consistently showed toxic masculinity in the way he acts and has spread it within the fabric in the company,

    I have no strong opinion one way or another, but please tell me if I'm being unfair here on either side here. I think the company can still clean itself up and has shown actions before it was publicly known to address it, and I also think the company has misogyny in it's corporate structure and DNA which will constantly be problematic.

  • linustechtips Linus Tech Tips What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company to hire an outside investigator.
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 96%

    Realisticly he was brought in last month so he wouldn't have had time to properly analyse the corporate side of the company. Right now this is the best time or a fresh face on the top who could create change from the top down where these kind of discussions now has real weight behind them.

    I think the best way to discourage misogyny is to suspend Linus who would be looked at as the source of it for 30 days and demote Colton who failed in his duties to protect every employee at LMG. Get someone outside LMG to manage Human Resources. Maybe one day that trust might return.

  • linustechtips Linus Tech Tips Madison on why she quit
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    Imagine just how much worse it would have been if she just came out randomly. The fact she made a glassdoor review long before and it wasn't picked up says a lot about LMG's audence.

    LMG has a massive frat boy culture to it. It was never hidden, in fact it seemed like it was welcomed and encouraged.

  • technology Technology LMG are some Shady ass motherfuckers. Look at this shit...
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    It's been repeatedly proven that large companies get a impenetrable wall of armour based on fear of speaking out due to fear of retribution or breaking an important connection. Once that wall is broken it allows grievances to finally pass though.

  • linustechtips Linus Tech Tips Madison on why she quit
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 98%

    The Gamer’s Nexus video was necessary for others to speak out. Steve was clear that speaking up was a move that could backfire due to the power imbalance involved. Had he not spoken up there would be no opportunity for Madison to weigh in her experiences without being attacked.

  • murderedbywords Murdered by Words Ratioing the police.
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 33%

    How was that a strawman argument to your ignorant "get a job" rebuttal? For something to be a strawman argument there needs to be false equivalence.

  • memes Memes Can you Americans pass the test?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    Pre-brexit Britain

  • memes Memes Can you Americans pass the test?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 60%

    Pre-brexit Britain

  • murderedbywords Murdered by Words Ratioing the police.
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 85%

    Yeah why don't they walk into the nearest building and demand a job. Most people's grandparents did that and they turned out OK!

  • london London Battersea Power Station 1935 - 2022
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    It's a very iconic building, I wish something better was done with it then a expensive shopping center but I'm also happy it wasn't demolished altogether either.

  • technology Technology Google's New Web Environment Integrity Proposal Dismissed by Brave, Mozilla, and Vivaldi
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    I can't honestly see how any other company can single-handedly stop Google if they go though with this. Google has the ability to strong arm this proposal by having Youtube and Google search dependent on Web Environment Integrity. There are enough alternative to web search but I can't see how anyone can fight Google's dominance in video hosting to stop them.

    You would almost have to have every other major website intentionally break on Chrome to even the playing field, and if Google still don't back down you are left with a divided internet.

  • privacy Privacy See how Qwant (a "privacy respecting" search engine) treats Tor users
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    This is the second post under "hot" on my home tab BTW.

  • privacy Privacy This is Depressing
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 0%

    Oh my bad, I was not intenting for that to be interpreted in that way.

    You mentioned ingnorant masses and my stupid autism had to find a way to tie it back to that.

  • privacy Privacy This is Depressing
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 0%

    Ignorance goes both sides though, free and open source has dark aspects to it. The assumed security has no one to hold to account, and for profit companies has real leverage over projects and can hurt the ecosystem if given a chance. Add to that how lax the wider community attitude is to breaking licences and you have a ecosystem that can fail if all you do is assume good faith.

    Remember to keep an open mind to everything and not just the things in life you have a particular issue with. Everyone is ignorant to something.

  • feddituk Feddit UK Feature Request - old reddit frontend
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    If it's easy to implement I wouldn't mind having this as well.

  • linux Linux Is there really no viable alternative for Photoshop on Linux?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    I always love it when Linux users recommend going back to Windows as a option. It takes real maturity to admit that everything is a viable option, and sometimes especially in a professional workplace that Windows and MacOS should both be considered if Linux is limiting your workflow.

  • london
    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    Oxford Street offering free shops to independent businesses

    >The campaign is aimed at businesses looking to launch their first store or physical space, and the chosen firms will be given a prime store location for an initial six-month period. These opportunities will be 100% rent-free for brands, with a minimum reduction of business rates of 70%. Stores will either be available for single occupancy or as a themed concept store shared between multiple brands.

    technology Technology Can spez really be that stupid?
  • Vinnyboiler Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%

    People don't and that's OK because there's enough people who does care to fragment off and start something new. That's the whole point of the internet. The reason Reddit got as big as it did was because it had a wide enough net to attract everyone, now they are deciding to focus on just the ones that matter to them and that allows an alternative to exist.

  • london
    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    'We bumped into Ken Livingstone on a random London bus so asked him about ULEZ' - MyLondon

    >Asked about his view of the controversy surrounding Mr Khan’s proposal to expand the ULEZ, Mr Livingstone said: “I would have started it - if I hadn’t lost to Boris, it would have been in operation for a decade. It’s going to save tens of thousands of lives. >“So many people die from air pollution in London. Boris, when he beat me, scrapped all my plans to tackle this because I was already working on it. >“And then in his eight years as Mayor, 76,000 Londoners died from air pollution. Fortunately, Sadiq Khan has taken that up now, and it’ll get better. But, that is our problem.” >He said: “I would be doing it if I was there. I just want a car free London, and everyone on the Tube and bus and the train.”

    United Kingdom Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 95%
    Happy 75th Birthday To The NHS! What are your NHS memories?

    Have you or a loved one worked in the NHS as Staff or Volunteer? Had a life changing operation funded though the NHS? Positive or Negative experience with the NHS system? I have never lived outside the UK and can't say I've ever lived outside the right of free healthcare but hearing stories of individuals needing to fundraise their own surgery makes me realize I take for granted just how much peace of mind the NHS gives me. At the same token [several news reports]( are suggesting that the NHS is [crumbling under it's own weight]( so it's possible it [may not reach 100]( It's clear that the NHS as it is currently is not viable for it's own long term health. More will need to be done to keep the NHS publicly funded.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 94%
    ‘A bad situation is becoming disastrous’: Number of homes for rent in London has plummeted since Covid - The Big Issue

    "New research from the London School of Economics (LSE) and property firm Savills shows why that search has become even more difficult since Covid, with a 41% reduction in the number of homes available for private rent."

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 95%
    Where do you get your News?

    Since starting this community I created a RSS feed to find news that would be worth posting here and I'm interested in if there is any London focused news sites that would make a good addition to my list. So far I have: - BBC News London - The Guardian London - Metro - MyLondon - The Independent - London - Londonist - Do you have any suggestions to add to this list? I'm interested in any news site that would have good content that would be great to post to this community.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    Soaring number of rough sleepers in London ‘extremely alarming’ - TheGuardian

    Rough sleeping is soaring in London, with over 1,700 more people on the streets than last year – a 21% rise, according to figures from the Greater London Authority (GLA). The increase from 8,329 people seen sleeping rough in 2021-22 to 10,053 in 2022-23 was described as “categorically terrible” by Rick Henderson, the chief executive of the Homeless Link frontline charity, and “extremely alarming” by Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 92%
    Mayor insists he has ULEZ mandate despite not including expansion in manifesto - MyLondon

    The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has insisted he has a mandate from Londoners to expand the city's ultra low emission zone (ULEZ) despite not including the move in his 2020 manifesto. In a clash with Conservative assembly members on the issue during Mayor's Question Time at City Hall this morning, (Thursday, June 22), Mr Khan was also accused of "rushing" the policy through before the next mayoral election in May 2024, and not wanting to give Londoners a say.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    London Sidebar Contest (Win £15 Pub Voucher) + Other Community Suggestions.

    It's been around 12 days since the formation of our community, and I believe it's a good time to do an event: # London Sidebar Contest From now until July 8th, you are invited to write a short introduction for visitors to the London community. Create a welcoming message, share a witty statement, a quote, or anything that represents our community. Just make sure it complies with our [rules]( and is kept concise (less than around 280 characters/3 sentences). The top post with the most captivating introduction will be selected, and the user behind it will receive a special gift: a [£15 Great British Pub E-Card]( (To claim your prize, the selected user will need to provide their email address via a private message). # Community Suggestions We want this community to thrive and be a place for everyone. That's why we value your input! If you have any suggestions on how we can enhance the community experience, we'd love to hear them. Perhaps you'd like to see weekly themed threads, or maybe you have other creative ideas. Remember, this is a learning experience for me too, so all suggestions are welcomed and will be carefully considered. Let's continue together to create an amazing space for all London enthusiasts.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    The Croydon area where stunning 500-year-old buildings are surrounded by litter- My London

    Croydon locals want to see the town’s most historic area reach its full potential. With buildings dating back to the 14th century, Croydon’s Old Town is steeped in history. At the heart of the Old Town sits the Croydon Minster, which is believed to have been founded in Saxon times and a church building on the site is referenced in the Doomsday Book. Six Archbishops of Canterbury are buried in the Minster and kings and queens were regular visitors to the archbishops at Croydon. Croydon Palace in Old Town was the summer residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury for more than 500 years. Some of these original buildings are now used by Old Palace School.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    London's best chippy that's so good people travel 90 minutes for it every week - MyLondon

    >London is home to hundreds of fish and chip shops, some better than others. But one, in particular, has been crowned London's best by TripAdvisor yet again. >Sitting at the very top of the site's ranking is The Golden Chippy. The Greenwich spot was opened in 2005, after Chris Kanizi arrived in London in 1977 to study medicine. He ended up an expert 'fish surgeon' instead, and since its opening, The Golden Chippy has become a local favourite. >Its reputation only grew after it was named London's best restaurant on TripAdvisor in 2016, beating the likes of Claridge's and The Ritz.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    METRO: Eight of the best outdoor cinemas in London this summer

    >Summer has landed in the UK, kicking off with a heatwave which has seen temperatures soar – and left many of us wanting to get outside and embrace the warmer weather. >Of course summer is also a good time to go and catch a movie, as it’s traditionally blockbuster season – but heading to the flicks may not be your best bet if you’re hoping for some sun and fresh air. >Unless, that is, you opt for an outdoor cinema – and with a bunch of open-air screens once again popping up in the capital this summer, you’ll be spoilt for choice. >Whether you want to catch a classic or check out something more recent, here’s our pick of London’s best outdoor cinemas for this year – and what you can expect from them…

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    METRO: Remains of a Roman tomb unearthed near London Bridge station

    >Archaeologists have discovered that the huge Roman mosaics discovered near the Shard last year, were actually part of a Roman tomb. >This rare piece of history was discovered just a stone’s throw from Borough Market and London Bridge station, said the Museum of London Archeology (MOLA). >The remains of the structure at the Liberty of Southwark site have an ‘astonishing level of preservation’, making it the most intact Roman mausoleum ever to be discovered in Britain, according to MOLA.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    BBC NEWS: Storms bring flash flooding and travel disruption

    >Thunderstorms have brought torrential downpours and flooding to parts of the UK on Monday. >Cars could be seen ploughing through deep puddles after flash flooding in north-west London. >Meanwhile, Manchester City's victory parade celebrating their Treble win was delayed by 30 minutes due to lightning. >Official weather warnings have now passed for Monday, but two storm warnings are in place for Northern Ireland and Scotland on Tuesday. >The yellow warnings, which mean storms may bring some disruption, will cover much of Northern Ireland, and a western area of Scotland from 12:00 BST to 21:00.

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    What parks and other public open green spaces do you recommend in this weather?

    Do you have any recommendations for parks, preferably one with lots of shade?

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    Security guards at London's Heathrow Airport to escalate strikes over pay into busy summer months

    cross-posted from: > Original: >

    UKCasual Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    I created a London community if you folks want to check it out!

    It's over at I hope you don't mind the self promotion but I wanted to get the word out there. I hope we can forge a great relationship and possibly create a great network of communities as we learn, grow and most importantly, have fun. cross-posted from: > I have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me as I get my bearings. > > Rules and other welcoming info can be found [here](, and comment below if you have any ideas for and additional rules and info you like to see as well as suggestions for the community as a whole. > > Thank you for checking us out! >

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Hello from

    I have created a new community just for london at the [UK Feddit site]( cross-posted from: > I have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me as I get my bearings. > > Rules and other welcoming info can be found [here](, and comment below if you have any ideas for and additional rules and info you like to see as well as suggestions for the community as a whole. > > Thank you for checking us out! >

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 94%
    Hello from

    I have no idea what I'm doing so bear with me as I get my bearings. Rules and other welcoming info can be found [here](, and comment below if you have any ideas for and additional rules and info you like to see as well as suggestions for the community as a whole. Thank you for checking us out!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Thoughts on the new London Superloop bus proposal?

    cross-posted from: > I can't say I'm a fan of it, I think it's cop out rather then a true attempt to improve public transport around the Greater London area, but at least it's something (unless it gets cancelled or only partially completed which is always something you shouldn't count out with TFL)? Will you see yourself using it? What's your thoughts?

    London Vinnyboiler 1 year ago 100%
    Thoughts on the new London Superloop bus proposal?

    I can't say I'm a fan of it, I think it's cop out rather then a true attempt to improve public transport around the Greater London area, but at least it's something (unless it gets cancelled or only partially completed which is always something you shouldn't count out with TFL)? Will you see yourself using it? What's your thoughts?
