criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 days ago 100%

    Here as the dust and rubble settle, two of your compatriots vanishing beneath the fallen and crumbled stone, clutching two unconscious figures (one still dying, by the way...)
    In absolute darkness, Braius and Imogen, in the moment of accepting the possible end of your life, the sound of crumbling destruction consumes all around you and then stops. You reach around and the stone is all around you. It's just stopped. Like a little cavity has kept you there. All of the stones of the entire crumbled temple begin to shift and begin to pull back. They lift and curl like the receding wave on a beach. The rubble begins to rescind and you watch as (in a matter of moments) the temple begins to reconstruct itself.
    The towers standing in place, the cracks still present, but just set back. Where all the vines and leaves were, they have been left crushed on the ground, and now stands the beautiful, polished (if cracked) temple of the Arch Heart, gorgeous in it's imperfection.
    All of you stand agape watching this happen. As it rises up and the dust settles, you see standing in that front hallway, Imogen and Braius hunched over where they thought everything would come to an end. All of you also feel a presence. The very air itself seems to fill with force, like you're all on the cusp of something important. The faintest bit of golden light glimmers from the temple chamber you just fled from and the air seems to grow warm.

    • 03:19:41 Dorian lays on the charm to avoid releasing the emissary and then starts wrapping rope around the unconscious body.
      "Yes, yes, he needs this. It's a medical thing. "
    • 03:21:23 Fan Art Moment Meerkat Orym
    • 03:25:26 Sam:"If I fail the medicine check he will die forever."
      Travis:"Hey, let the dice decide."
    • 03:27:17 Ashton loots Zathuda's sword
    • 03:27:30 Travis:(kidding)"I take the funnel out of the Bag of Holding and I just lay against her dad..."
      Chetney:"Oh! Is that not what we're doing? We're not doing that? Okay."
    • 03:28:26 As you all jog into the temple past all the walls, you can see the thousands of spiderweb cracks throughout, but it all maintains its previous shape. You feel the cracks and (as beautiful temple as the temple was) it's a different kind of beauty now. It's fallen and reforged. Ashton, you find a very familiar and comforting pattern to that. As you all begin to step through the secondary hallway (in towards the center of core temple), the shattered fountain itself is reformed on the opposite side. Everything in this room, the pillars themselves, have now restructured themselves. Even that which was turned to mud has now been reformed back into the stone it once was and stands unscathed if not for the intricate broken lines that weave through everything, and it's beautiful. As you all begin to step into the chamber, all the bits of shale and rock that was first dashed against the far wall gathers into the statue of the Arch Heart (where it once was at the opposite end of the interior) and it just stands there, resolute, smiling.
      It's head shakes and looks down at the rest of you.
    • 03:30:46 Abubakar Salim Takes the DM Chair The statue looks and regards each and every one of you, taking you all in. Stops at Braius. They walk out of the podium. It's about eight foot tall. Looks at you.
      "Did you really have to do that?"
    • 03:32:39 This sound. You've all heard it before. But from where?
      Surely, and for a short moment, your minds are catapulted back to the days of your birth, the moments you were literally ripped from the womb of your bearer. As the sky begins opening, these portals begin shooting out and these arms start snatching you and pulling you out from where you are. You find youselves in a field. Imagine if you will this vast expanse of delicate crystalline reeds, swaying rhythmically in time with one another. Above you are stars, but each star looking unique and individual. They stand there proud and close. It's almost as if you could reach them.
      This cool air hits you, it's fragrant and sweet and subtle. The smell of roses. A smell that makes you think of grace, perfection, beauty. Now you see a figure standing 30 feet away from you. They're form is outlined by this soft glow of starlight. They look naked, but their skin is not as the flesh as you'd normally see. They're a living canvas of a starry sky. A tapestry of constellations. He beckons you, Braius.
    • 03:35:27 AH:"Swear fealty to me and I'll let you live...So close, so close. I thought I had you..."
    • 03:38:12 You don't know any different. The feeling you have is so powerful and potent, it's raw. It's almost as if you are within the presence of divinity itself.
    • 03:41:54 Orym confesses that he's afraid of "breaking the balance" that allows both mortals and the deities to thrive.
    • 03:43:02 Laudna recalls to the Arch Heart that they were "curious about oblivion" in the vision of the orb
    • 03:44:34 Ashton:"I usually charge for that." LARPing as a pimp as a jealous reaction. Fantastically cringe.
    • 03:46:52 AH:"I want to let go. I want my family to let go. Now, how we let go...well, Big Doors don't work. Death? No, no."
    • 03:47:01 AH:"Do you know what it means to become a Vessel?"
    • 03:48:02 Laudna:"I actually know quite a lot about what it's like to be a vessel with something else inside of you."
    • 03:50:22 We don't get to know who the other diety is that wants to 'let go' with the Arch Heart. "Why ruin the fun?"
    • 03:52:09 AH proposes the idea that they take control of Ludinus' plan and use the power of Predathos to chase off the gods.
    • 03:54:36 AH:"If you're too slow, then we're going to repeat the Calamity all over again. Then we go back to building a gate and waiting for the next moment to happen."
    • 03:55:42 Dorian:"How does it feel to have the shoe on the other foot?"
    • 04:00:05 Chetney asks about the two gods that were absorbed/destroyed by Predathos in the vision.
    • 04:03:03 Ashton:"Does your family know about this?"
      AH:"Oh no. I mean, I'm pretty sneaky."
    • 04:03:51 AH:(to Ashton the Rock Punk)"Does it make you hard?"
    • 04:05:03 Braius wants to know why there isn't an option to try sacrificing one god and seeing if Predathos stops.
    • 04:06:39 AH:"He will not turn on humanity because you are nothing to Predathos. You are simply specks of dust to Predathos."
      Orym:"Well I step on ants every day because I don't know they're there. I'm a little worried about the same thing, Lord."
    • 04:07:01 AH:"Containing it in this makeshift moon has obviously not worked."
    • 04:07:45 Braius:"All your family?"
    • 04:08:41 Abubakar channels Asmodeus!
    • 04:11:10 Arch Heart imitating the Allfather being melodramatic about "my children"
    • 04:12:50 AH:"You are this close to an event happening again. The only difference is that not all of us are aligned on acting. There is a divide within the family."
    • 04:15:19 Arch Heart blushes by turning gold.
    • 04:18:43 Dorian:"I will never care for the gods, ever."
    • 04:20:25 AH:"The idea of stepping in or actively partaking opens the door for everyone to partake in."
    • 04:21:09 Arch Heart pulls a star from the sky.
    • 04:22:29 The star seems to whisper "knowledge is the weapon"
    • 04:23:52 This is the hair that the Arch Heart dropped to Exandria at the end of the Aeor vision before the gods left to prepare and shut the Divine Gate.
    • 04:24:32 A mask. Black feathers, and then a whisper,
      "Come find me."
    • 04:25:49 Bell's Hells awaken on the cold floor of the temple.
    • 04:26:33 Sam makes a stink about liking Abu's voice more than Matt's.
      Matt:"Braius doesn't wake up."
      As your senses come to you, one by one, the blurry experience of being back in your body begins to become more and more familiar as you sit up here in the cracked chamber of the reforged temple of the Arch Heart. The statue stands resolute and still. A golden band wrapped around your (Imogen) finger and the echoes of the choices to be made and the times to come. ::: spoiler The Wing of Wemembwance Manifested from the Arch Heart, this ring forms an invisible web-like weave around the wearer.
      +2 to AC
      +2 to Spell Hit bonus
      +2 Spell Save DC
      Advantage on CON saving throws.
      When maintaining concentration, as an action, you can activate the latent arcane power within this band.
      Roll a d20. If you roll above your current hit points, you cast Meteor Swarm.
      If you roll less than or equal to your current HP, you take 20d6 fire damage and 20dg bludgeoning damage. :::
  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 days ago 100%

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:01:30 Tinyface Marisha
    • 00:05:36 Sam won't say no to makeup, maybe a little smokey-eye.
    • 00:06:34 Liam's Jersey pride
    • 00:12:28 Roll Inish Bish
    • 00:13:09 Robbie smells Travis' dice and has a strong reaction
    • 00:14:56 Liam's initiative roll is so bad that Orym is last for the first time in the entire campaign.
    • 00:15:47 Marisha:"First thing's first. I'm the realest."
    • 00:18:18 Chetney gets out the Ludinus notes (from the same room where the funnel harness was found) and hands them to Fearne.
    • 00:18:35 Taliesin starts signaling Travis (about the part of the plan Travis forgot) to use Brand of Castigation on Fearne in the shape of a rocking horse. ::: spoiler Brand of Castigation Once per long or short rest, whenever you damage a creature with a weapon that has an active Rite you can channel hemocraft magic to sear an arcane brand into that creature. The brand has the following features:
    • Always know the direction of the creature as long as it's on the same plane as you
    • Your brand lasts until you dismiss it, or you apply a brand to another creature. Your brand counts as a spell for the purposes of dispel magic, and the spell level is equal to half of your blood hunter level (maximum of 9th level spell).
    • each time the branded creature deals damage to you or a creature you can see within 5 feet of you, the branded creature takes psychic damage equal to your Hemocraft modifier (minimum of 1) :::
    • 00:23:00 Braius' Charcoal rendering of Fearne for Inspiration
    • 00:27:10 Marisha:"It's my eye makeup. I'm serving cunt."
    • 00:30:00 Fan Art Moment Ashton peeking up from the ground like an orca hunting seals on the ice.
    • 00:31:37 Fearne initiates the deception
    • 00:32:53 Matt:"One of these days I'm just going to Homer Simpson into Oblivion. It's gonna be so nice."
    • 00:33:04 Marisha makes a noise of excitement at Ashley's high roll thinking others were also going to celebrate.
    • 00:33:30 Fearne:"Uppies!"
    • 00:34:23 Fearne takes a knee in peaceful protest.
    • 00:36:13 Dorian surrounds Fearne in a Force Cage to protect against Gloamglut's breath attack and also plugs the entrance to the temple. "I'm sorry to put you in a cage. I know you wanted to spread your legs and be free!"
    • 00:38:07 Sorrowlord Zathuda yanks on the reigns, saving Fearne.
    • 00:41:04 Travis:"Look at the split lower jaw! I didn't see it from my side."
      Marisha:"That's cool. That's terrifying, but that's cool."
    • 00:43:05 "We don't need your influence on my daughter's true path here."
    • 00:46:15 Imogen hops in Gloamglut's saddle with a well-timed Misty Step
      Marisha:"He left him open. Come on, horse girl!"
      Sam:"Is this a Western Saddle or...?"
    • 00:47:22 You can certainly try...
    • 00:49:18 Laura gets excited about the additional abilities while riding a dragon
    • 00:50:39 Ashley accidentally does a great impression of Navi.
    • 00:51:51 Clarification on Zathuda's position
    • 00:52:11 Ira appears behind Zathuda. "It's been a while, Athion."
      Zathuda:"Fuck!" (very Geralt)
      Fan Art Moment Zathuda caught in the middle between Dread Laudna and The Nightmare King
    • 00:58:30 Marisha:"Me and Ira baby...(nervous mumbling)...yeah."
    • 00:58:56 Marisha:"Force Cage fucks you again."
      Travis:"If you know, you know."
    • 01:00:15 Matt knows Chetney's Dark Augmentation ability without looking it up.
    • 01:01:47 Taliesin:"He's not even a real wizard, he's a snow wizard."
      Matt:(Ludinous voice)"That's not nice."
      Laura:"Think of Pumat Sol!"
    • 01:05:05 IDubz takes a Legendary Action for an additional attack.
    • 01:06:00 Counterspell
    • 01:09:03 Laura exterminates a gnat on Liam's butt
    • 01:09:56 Matt trolls Taliesin a little bit.
    • 01:11:21 Taliesin:"He's trying to fuck with us."
      Travis:"I don't think he's trying to do it. The fucking 'tis happening."
    • 01:12:25 Ashton breaks Luda's concentration on Dimension Door and proceeds to make a slushy.
    • 01:14:16 Marisha:"I forgot that they explodiate!"
    • 01:18:57 Epic Fearne Moment First use of Fiery Teleportation in the campaign and escapes the Force Cage
    • 01:21:26 Laudna:(under her breath)"You have proof."
      Fearne:"I promise you and I have proof. I was fucking getting to it!..."
      Ashley then busts out a nat20 roll on "the dice that everyone hates" and spikes her Mister plush in celebration.
    • 01:22:47 Robbie:"I'm still in the hallway...I'll get there."
    • 01:25:41 Robbie:"I deserve it!"
      Travis:"I deserve to be punished."
    • 01:26:37 Travis takes 1d4 lightning damage
    • 01:27:17 Laura:"Well, Ludinus was still alive when I was gonna pull on it."
      Travis and Ashley share a laugh
    • 01:29:26 Travis carries the stunned fly out of the room.
      Sam:"Offscreen gunshot."
    • 01:34:49 Zaddy:"I think we all have aligned goals to a degree, but we have to talk it through, now that we're not being watched."
    • 01:39:01 Zaddy:"...but the Unseelie has a future without that pissant elf trying to guide it, and my daughter might very well be the key."
    • 01:43:00 How to Train your Dragon
    • 01:43:53 Laura nervously pulls a Mary Katherine Gallagher with her hands in her armpits.
    • 01:47:10 Orym:"The fawn has evidence you need to see before you can make any decisions."
      Travis' hyped reaction is very supportive
    • 01:50:43 Chetney still milking his lucky Molaesmyr reveal
    • 01:52:01 Zaddy:"...While I think what he plans to achieve can and will be done, he should not be the one granted that ability...we can make it our own."
    • 01:54:07 Ashley makes a faces during whispers from a high insight check.
    • 01:54:44 Zaddy:"But your destiny awaits. As She Who Ate the Gods, Inferno Embraced and Caster of the Deepest Shadows. You are the future, Fearne Calloway, Lady Fearne Zathuda."
    • 01:58:14 Imogen:"Thanks for the ride."
    • 02:01:33 Zaddy:"I want us all to be free to pursue our natures."
    • 02:02:45 Emissary is visibly disappointed in Fearne's reluctance to be a vessel.
    • 02:03:52 Zaddy:"She knows there's something in her that wants out. Something that takes what it wants. Something that wants to grab and feel unbridled. True freedom. A wild power within. A hunger for something..."
    • 02:09:02 Liam:"I follow he like a page."
    • 02:11:04 How to Scritch Your Dragon
      The tip of its upper face, between the eyes and above the mouth.
    • 02:11:27 Psychic Lance by Imogen
    • 02:14:36 Sweet air high five after a clutch Silvery Barbs
    • 02:15:33 Travis returns from the longest pee.
    • 02:17:29 Orym's Grasping Vine requires concentration when the whip is out.
    • 02:20:45 Moar Psychic Lance
    • 02:23:15 Guards:"Fuck that noise."
    • 02:25:05 The last supporting pillar goes down.
    • 02:25:43 Sam:"Patricide!"
    • 02:29:10 Thunder Wave by Braius with bonus goose boost
    • 02:31:15 Ashley "If he dies, he dies."
    • 02:36:36 Marisha:"You want this pet dragon."
      Ashley:"I kinda do."
    • 02:37:53 Marisha:"Silvery Barbs?"
      Matt:(dripping with sarcasm through gritted teeth)"I fucking love that spell."
      Travis:"I don't think you meant it when you said you love it."
      Matt:"It's universally despised by anyone who plays this game as a DM."
    • 02:38:46 Marisha:"Is it bad if I kill your dad?"
    • 02:44:22 Ira only has Legendary Actions not Legendary Resistances
      Travis:(Palpatine voice)"How disappointing."
    • 02:49:34 Matt:"I know we're going a little long here..."
    • 02:50:39 Braius:"Please Lord, give me a sign."
    • 02:51:47 Fan Art Moment Unconscious Zathuda on the ancient temple's central platform (revealed after the fall to portray an intricately carved face of the Arch Heart).
    • 02:53:00 Gloamglut flees
    • 02:55:13 Laura:"What about Ira?"
      IDubz:"I have my means, don't worry."
    • 02:59:03 Ashton:(to Chetney)"You mind taking a punch?"
    • 03:02:55 Braius and Imogen are still carrying the unconscious body of Zathuda to the exit when the temple collapses on them.


  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 days ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of September 16th, 2024

    *Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below.* ## The Re-Slayer’s Take, Season 2 Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 2 releases Monday, August 12th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episode 4 releases Monday, August 12th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific Beacon! ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 22 releases Tuesday, September 17th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 22 Podcast out Tuesday, September 17th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 44 releases Tuesday, September 17th at 10am Pacific on Beacon # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 108 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, September 19th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, September 19th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, September 20th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, September 23rd at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out September 26th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 108 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 108! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, September 19th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 4 days ago 100%

    and Matt and Dani too!

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 4 days ago 100%

    🎶 Good Morning. Let's do it.
    Ride it. My dragon.
    My saddle's...waitin.
    Come and...jump on it. 🎶
    (Ginuwine - Pony (Temultuous Mix))

    with the Laudna figurine looking on from the bottom right corner

    from the POV of the Laudna mini?

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Sam's Mug


  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Travis and Ashley, too

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    ::: spoiler bonus :::

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Liam visiting the Discord

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Does this mean you’ll be watching along?

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    The break isn’t until after 3 hours into the episode. Sounds pretty intense if Matt couldn’t find a stop point.

  • criticalrole Critical Role Fall 2024 Programming Lineup!
    criticalrole Critical Role Crafting Thread featuring a Sprinkle crochet!
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    by Nails by Maja

  • criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 9th, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Fan Art Gallery: Nana

    by bean creative

    by Lvna Mura

    by funscaryy

    The Amethyst Sierras by Cyarna

    by die-o

    by Poison Ghoul

    by Kyrissa

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%

    Sam's Teaser Tweet

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 6 days ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 30m | 3h 05m | ## Episode 107: *Under the Arch Heart's Eye* *Bell's Hells, after receiving formal titles from the Voice of the Tempest amongst the many movers and shakers of Exandria who are gathered in the center of Vasselheim to decide how to tackle the threat of Ludinus, the Vanguard, and all that seems to be emerging dangerously from the Red Moon Ruidus. You all heard word that one of Ludinus' `Simulacrum` is travelling with the Sorrowlord Zathuda to connect with the Unseelie Court for some semblance of and additional plot that hadn't been considered. Gathering your things, you all went and headed out to the Fey Realm, meeting up with Nana Morri. There in the Ligament Manor you gathered your thoughts, your plans, and set out to the Shrine of Gilded Gifts (an abandoned temple in the center of an abandoned fey city) where this meeting was supposed to take place. As you carefully infiltrated the surroundings of this temple, you caught the arrival of both the dark fey Unseelie emissary and its surrounding guard, as well as Ludinus, and the Sorrowlord and his terrifying dragon, Gloamglut. After quietly (with the aid of Ira Wendigoth, The Nightmare King of who you called from his hiding spot on Ruidus to help you) you quietly wiped out the entirety of the exterior guard without being noticed, and upon surrounding the exterior of the massive temple grounds, immediately brought to life the stone statue of the Arch Heart in the middle of this Arch Heart temple to distract them. In that chaos Fearne rushed in and turned one of the two central pillars of this temple floor into mud (which both cracked some of the structural foundation of this temple and left two o the three emissary figures from the Unseelie currently held and restrained with the now muck-filled quicksand floor). As Gloamglut, the Sorrowlord, and Ludinus' `Simulacrum` currently finish figuring out what is happening and turn in your (Fearne) direction as you spin to flee, the rest of you on the outskirts of this templed, either the front door, or in this case, Imogen and Laudna (who are in an upper floor looking in through a series of visual slits in the stone),* It's Time to Roll Initiative. --- ## Previous Episode: *"Unseelie Interrupted"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    The Mighty Nein become Level 13!

    • Caduceus rolled a 5 for his hit die, bringing him up to 115 HP. He, like all the casters, gains access to 7th level spells. Some standouts are Plane Shift, Regenerate, Conjure Celestial, and Resurrection.
    • Beauregard rolled a 7, for a new total of 109 HP. She gains the Tongue of Sun and Moon ability, allowing her to understand all languages and be understood in turn.
    • Yasha rolled a 2 for a new total of 140 HP. She gains a 2nd Brutal Critical die, which gives her a lot of extra damage (up to a max of 53 with her Magician's Judge; or 69 (53 + 16 Acid) with her Skingorger's active ability).
    • Veth rolled a 3 for a new total of 89 HP. She gains the class feature Versatile Trickster, which allows her to use the Mage Hand cantrip to gain advantage on someone within range as a bonus action. Hopefully it sees more use than her Magical Ambush ability.
    • Caleb rolled a 5 for a new total of 83 HP. Like Jester and Caduceus, he gains access to 7th level spells. With his discussion with Veth this episode, one of them is more than likely going to be Teleport, which will allow him to chauffeur the Nein around the world without begging Essek for help. Other options include the aforementioned Plane Shift; Simulacrum, Magnificent Mansion, Delayed Blast Fireball, and Sequester.
    • Jester rolled a 3 for a new total of 117 HP. Her 7th level spell options are the same as Caduceus's, so I won't recap. She also gained the unique ability to speak through her illusory duplicate from the Traveler this episode, so long as she's close enough to hear the conversation it's having.
    • Finally, Fjord took his 3rd level in Paladin and rolled a 9, bringing him up to 133 HP. At 3rd level, Paladins gain immunity to all diseases and, more importantly, their subclass. Given his deity is the Wildmother, him taking the Oath of the Ancients would be appropriate, which gives him the Nature's Wrath (causes spectral vines to ensnare a traget within 10 ft of Fjord) and Turn the Faithless (causes both fey and fiends within 30 ft of Fjord to run away and reveals them if they're invisible) via his Channel Divinity ability and the Ensnaring Strike and Speak with Animals spells for free.
  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Battle Map!

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Some of the episode's art scroll

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Four days until Traveler Con. You have amassed yourselves as the hunting crew. Kieren and Ashelyn have decided to stay back and help with other elements (so I don't also have to control 2 NPCs in this). Pushing forward into the first few hours of your journey, you trek through familiar territory of the jungle. Making your way towards the region where the vegetation begins to wither and gray. The space where you encountered your first undead-type creature. Skirting around it to avoid a majority of the pitfalls that seemed to plague Caduceus your first time through. Pretty sure it's not happening again.
    You feel like you may have found some tracks earlier than you anticipated. You begin to follow them a little bit to a northward direction, diverging from the path you guys first walked to the volcano. The tracks weave a bit and you eventually come upon what looks to be something in the way. A furry beast has been killed and eaten here. There are actually two sets of prints that diverge. One continues north by northeast direction, and one taking the southern path that you choose to follow. Of the two sets, you begin to notice there might have been a pair that were hunting or they came at different times and one scavenged the other's kill. You're uncertain. They seem to be similar, but the southern prints are heavier. They sink deeper into the mud and they seem to be slightly larger than the other set.

    • 02:05:20 Caleb and the Dicks. "You Caleb'd the dick on that one."
    • 02:06:06 Beau:"Why did you eat the mud, though?"
      Jester:"I don't know, I just thought I'd heard of people doing that when they're tracking."
      Beau:"It makes you look super cool."
    • 02:07:17 Jester:"Hey tree!"
    • 02:09:40 Beau:"Chief Jester Esquire"
    • 02:10:02 Veth:"Jester. You are one of the two greatest detectives I've ever met. If you think the bigger one is feeble, I'm with you 100%."
    • 02:12:46 Larger and deadlier albino T-Rex
    • 02:13:35 Battle Maps!
    • 02:16:33 Liam:"Cuz rogues are broken."
      Matt:"In some ways, yes."
      Liam cocks his head and grins
    • 02:19:58 Resident Echo, Caleb
    • 02:21:15 Veth falls from a tree blowing stealth for the group.
    • 02:24:00 Beauyasha attack!
    • 02:26:53 Yasha rages
    • 02:29:28 Brennato's Voltaic Bolt
    • 02:30:53 Veth:"Call me Ishmael." (opening line to the book Moby Dick)
    • 02:35:05 Fan Art Moment Caleb's Echo Image casts a fireball like a basketball over Jester's damaging Blade Barrier ring to hit the albino T-Rex.
    • 02:35:43 Fan Art Moment Caleb's transformation into a T-Rex with Bengal cat stripes (like Frumpkin!)
      Matt:(without another T-Rex mini on hand)"'re just going to get a shitty alligator."
    • 02:36:05 Ashley:"Mrrow!"
    • 02:37:09 Fjord:"Nah, I'm good." Eldritch Blast
    • 02:40:15 Beau floats the idea of T-Rex mounts again
    • 02:41:07 Yasha Airlines: We Love to Fly and it Beaus
    • 02:43:18 Matt:"I can be proud and hurt at the same time." (after Taliesin used an ability to cancel Matt's nat20 roll)
    • 02:44:18 Laura does some quick math, if 34 piercing damage is the halved amount from something halved again means the crit would have done ~136 (68*2) damage, which would have one-shotted Beau (and most anything, really)
    • 02:45:41 Yasha:"Clever Girl."
    • 02:46:51 Matt:"Somewhere a Duck Barbarian would be proud."
    • 02:48:19 Nuclear T-Rex
    • 02:54:14 Liam:"A one. A two-whoo! Three."
    • 02:55:00 "That's just right!"
    • 02:58:15 Caleb-T-Rex keeps taking bites out of the defeated one.
      Veth:"That's for paying customers!"
    • 03:17:05 Jester asks if anyone else is freaked out by the vision of the roaming city in the Abyss
    • 03:19:47 Nine eyes
    • 03:23:02 Taliesin:"Perfection."
    • 03:29:46 The day before Traveler Con, "Traveler's Eve" accompanied by a music change.
    • 03:30:23 "Let Chaos Reign"
    • 03:31:20 Beau:"Oh my god, are you going to do a keynote speech?"
      Jester:"I'll announce the Dick Hunt."
    • 03:36:36 Artagan:"I've given similar gifts to many of these people, and well look at them."
    • 03:39:27 Artagan is "the asshole Batman"
    • 03:41:07 Beau:"No one goes to 9am panels."
    • 03:43:17 Veth invites Vilya to Traveler Con and empathizes with her trepidation about reuniting with an estranged child.
    • 03:47:34 Vilya sprouts 3 flowers (pink, white, and blue). Asks to give the pink one to Caduceus, the blue one to Fjord, and the white flower to Yasha, and her thanks to the rest.
    • 03:49:30 A tender mother moment "When I do, I'll think of you."
    • 03:50:21 Vilya passes on her 350 gold to Anola.
    • 03:52:13 Fan Art Moment The scene (viewed through the Tree Gate) of Keyleth recognizing her mother and happily running towards her.
    • 03:53:06 Sam:"What money?"
    • 03:53:14 Group shot (pun!) of the "Let Chaos Reign" hand gestures
  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:00:16 Taliesin:"Thank you Matt..." (Sam Impersonator!)
    • 00:02:42 Matt:"You can't fake that kind of insincerity."
      Sam:(sniffles)"Thank you, Matt."
    • 00:04:00 Dnd Beyond's 3rd Anniversary
    • 00:14:54 Veth:"It is an optional donation."
      Travis:"Eyes just above the teacup, I saw it."
    • 00:15:20 For some reason Marisha's phone's flashlight is on.
    • 00:17:35 Jester's vision of Traveler Con
      • A main stage and gathering area
      • Beau wants a fighting pit
    • 00:19:15 The joke about Jester sweating so much is a reference to how her father (The Gentleman) is a water genassi.
    • 00:19:22 Pure Jester Moment "...what we're trying to make people believe is that this Traveler has ascended, like he's beyond the gates and he's a god-y god-god now, and he's no longer going to be able to, like, be right next to everybody. He's as powerful as the Wild Mother or as the lightning guy or as, you know, this dragon or whatever the other gods are, I don't know. So he's got to be seen that way...I was thinking what if we made people think they saw the ascension, but they didn't actually?"
    • 00:21:01 Artagan:"This just got extremely interesting."
      Jester suggests using multiple Alter Memory spells on the attendees of Traveler Con for the story.
    • 00:23:39 Caduceus:"The human sacrifice angle sets a dangerous precedent?"
    • 00:25:52 Veth tells the story within the play of Peter Fawn where the audience's participation of applause was connected with reviving one of the characters (a fey creature) on stage.
      Artagan:"Strangely, that is an actual ritual that works. Believe it or not. Not that I've seen it, I hate the theatre, but go on."
      Veth:"You hate the theater?"
      Artagan"Shh. Continue."
      Veth:"Asshole... anyway...maybe they can make their own drum stick or something."
      Jester:"And they all look like dicks!"
      Veth:"Yes! And at the end of the week they all beat their dicks as hard as they can. Just beat that dick as hard as you can and that'll make the Traveler just shoot up!"
      Artagan:"What if they pray/beat too hard and it destroys me?"
      Veth:"Can you beat a dick so hard it can kill someone?"
    • 00:29:53 Artagan:"I want to do my things, not their things."
    • 00:31:33 Artagan:"Look, she's a bit of a removed."
    • 00:34:45 Artagan:"You see, deities are sometimes very vain creatures that don't enjoy being made fun of in grandiose falsehoods and displays of ridiculousness. In fact, it makes them quite frustrated so I Love This Idea."
    • 00:35:35 Jester's idea of having sacrifices skinned alive and kept living.
    • 00:37:12 Artagan:"You know what, I think you're right One Punch Girl and Mr. Prayer Man over there probably have a better idea about this than I expected."
    • 00:38:05 Beau:"Oh no, we're doing *Midsommar again."
    • 00:38:38 Artagan:"I'm not going to lie, this has already unlocked a beautiful possible benefit to the design of this entire divinity thing. Imagine if, hundreds of years from now, Sehanine themself, out of their control has had to absorb some sort of a dick festival into their worship starting with this island. The Moon Weaver's religion entirely altered.
      I. Love. This. Plan."
    • 00:40:30 Casually removing the power of sending from all of the followers of the Traveller
    • 00:42:33 Caleb casts Major Image making a demo of the illusion for Jester
    • 00:44:06 Caleb:"Perhaps the messsage here is, "Oh you thought it was the Angel of Irons, but, surprise buddy, it's actually the Chained Oblivion."
      Artagan:"My apologies, there's an issue with the ship dealer. There's some sort of a turtle thing. I'll be back shortly."
    • 00:46:55 Caleb:"And now you see what's behind the Green Door is the Moonweaver."
    • 00:50:03 Jester pulls out her dicks.
      Caleb:"I will save you time. I can build dicks at a great scale."
    • 00:51:05 Matt:"The weirdest Color Me Mine ever."
      Veth:"We could boil some...h-h-horse to make some glue?"
      Travis:"Boil some horse?!"
      Veth:"Well, I don't know, how do you make glue in D&D times?"
    • 00:52:05 Jester:"I don't want it to be a week long thing of people beating their dicks, you know?"
    • 00:52:36 Beau's Idea Board:
      • Make a stage.
      • Make dick drumsticks.
      • Have a dance-off.
      • Beat the drums with the dick drumsticks.
      • Dick hunt
      • Dick volcano trial.
      • Traveler is the Moonweaver.
    • 00:57:12 Beau suggests they get some free labor out of the trial by sending the followers into the mines for gems.
    • 00:58:02 Vilya:"I don't mean to interrupt, nor am I going to ask for clarification, but I am about to send the first batch."
    • 01:00:05 Meeting points:
      • Menagerie Coast
      • Eastern side of Taldorei (a place "far from the base of a mountain range where I'm from.")
      • Near the city of Asarius in Xhorhas
      • Near Zadash
      • Western side of Marquet
    • 01:01:34 Marisha's smile slowly grows while Matt voices Keyleth's mother's wishes to reunite with her family.
    • 01:02:42 Captain Deramid Therune (Lukash), and Kotho (Terra) are spotted in the crowd. Fjord makes a deal with Kotho to find Sabian for 200g.
    • 01:08:53 Anola agrees to help with the Convention
    • 01:10:09 Critical Dicks
    • 01:10:29 Fan Art Moment Caleb creates a 30 foot tall Traveler's Gate. "Colorful like The Playa (Burning Man reference) at night and any time a person walks through, there is a silent explosion of hamster unicorns, blue crescent moons, tiny dicks, and tiny blue tiefling fairies.
    • 01:14:00 Rolling for hiding dicks
      Liam:"That dick roll is cocked."
      Matt:"I love role playing games!"
      Marisha:(Boston accent)"Fifteen cacks."
      Sam:"That was 21 Pilots' first name."
    • 01:16:49 Caleb "blue screen"s
    • 01:18:08 Caduceus's failed meditation and vision of some sort of corruption in stark contrast with his faith of the Wildmother.
      "You touched something truly alien and entirely removed from the cycle of nature, both in Exandria and the natural order of the cosmic weave."
    • 01:20:18 Jester Sending "Hey Orly! Did you find the ships? Did you figure out how to get it out? Are you guys still alive? Is Marius dead? Okay, let me know."
      Orly:"You bet we found 'em. Marius still alive, still pointless. Ships, though, ain't too confident, yet, about exiting."
    • 01:24:58 Dicks hidden. Arch made. Stage built.
    • 01:28:18 Berex:"I can actually help make drums. They're rather rudimentary, but we've got some hides."
    • 01:31:49 Anola:"Well we had some decent stores before we lost everyone. We have enough for us, but with everyone who is coming, hunting would be important. Unfortunately our lead hunters left a couple of days ago. So all we have at this point now are Pono (Kieren) and Ashelyn." (Werecreatures from previous eps)


  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Sam's Flask

    Disney's Future Worm

    Sam impersonator!

    Orly face

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 week ago 80%
    [Spoilers C2E107] Devoutness and Dicks

    Watch the second campaign on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( any time you want! > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 3h 54m | 1h 33m | ## Episode 107: *Devoutness and Dicks* *The Mighty Nein (after spending some time on the island of Rumblecusp in anticipation for the coming preparations of Traveler Con) you discovered a people that lived here who had lost their memories over time and some seemingly ancient entity known as Vokodo (that had taken residence beneath the mountain). Upon learning about the different mysteries and dangers throughout, you discovered a cavern full of abandoned ships. You fought dangerous creatures around and eventually went beneath the mountain itself to fight this Vokodo creature. You learned (as it was dying) of what it seemed to be fleeing from within the Astral Sea. You escaped the boiling waters with the treasure that you had accrued from its hoard and (it seemed) freed the people of Vokodo from this clouding fog that their memories from them. As they returned, many of them realized who they once were and decided to return to their old life. Some chose to stay with the new life they had made here, nevertheless, a night of final celebration for the villagers of Vokodo (as the village that it once was) was brought forth around a large bonfire. You all helped them into this final night. You saw some early arrivals to the TravelerCon event begin to try and find their place amongst the vicinity. After saying your bits before the next day, you went and crashed up in Vilya's room and went to bed. As the warm temperature of the temperate island morning begins to creep into the chamber (the seaside moisture in the air itself sticking in a sweaty way to your skin) you begin to wake up, one by one, within the comfortable interior of the tree where Vilya had taken up residence as Viridian for quite some time. As you glance out from the elevated portion of this tree, you look into the loose thoroughfare of this village that surrounds this central space. You can see there are people walking about (some folks that are going about their common day to day business within the village of Vo, some that have gathered things and are currently packing). What looks to be a group of individuals that are in the first batch of those leaving for the day. Vilya has already left; woke up before any of you did and is not in the chamber. You can see from above that she is currently gathering with those individuals, prepping them and making sure that everyone who is leaving today has everything they need (because it is a one way trip for them).*

    criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Matt's infamous "It Has Begin" tweet

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 week ago 83%
    Fall 2024 Programming Lineup!

    > This summer has flown by! We launched Beacon, had some fun in our Discord with AMAs and Fireside Chats, playtested Daggerheart, released the final season of Midst, journeyed Moonward, saw the DOWNFALL of Aeor, introduced The Re-Slayer’s Take, AND got to see so many of you at our convention appearances and live shows! PHEW. > And we are JUST. GETTING. STARTED. with plenty more stories to tell this Fall! Here are all the exciting new releases coming your way this season! September 9th #### The Re-Slayer’s Take, Season 2 The Re-Slayer’s Take is back with more all-ages adventure in Exandria! Returning to the table are Game Masters, George Primavera and Nick Williams alongside our main cast Jasmine Bhullar, Caroline Lux, Jasmine Chiong, and Jasper William Cartwright! This season will also have some very exciting guests including Matthew Mercer, Alex Ward, Xander Jeanneret, Ashley Johnson, and Billy Boyd! - *In Season 2 of The Re-Slayers Take, the group discovers that, despite having defeated the Timberblight, their mission is far from complete. Issylra’s shadows are still haunted by more ghosts, including some from The Re-Slayers’ own past.* September 23rd ### Fireside Chat LIVE with Ashley Johnson ![]( The wonderfully sweet and incredibly talented Ashely Johnson is heading to the tavern for an exclusive Fireside Chat with our Beacon Bits! - This Fireside Chat will stream LIVE on September 23rd at 7pm PACIFIC only on Beacon. - All questions will be curated directly from Beacon members via Discord. - VOD will be available on Beacon immediately after the stream ends. September 30th ### Tales From The Stinky Dragon We are excited to announce that we’re welcoming Tales From The Stinky Dragon to Beacon! Join the amazing former Rooster Teeth crew including Game Master Gustavo Sorola and players Barbara Dunkelman, Chris Demarais, Jon Risinger, and Blaine Gibson for the much-anticipated Campaign 3 of this beloved family-friendly D&D podcast! ![]( A team of trained soldiers is caught in the middle of a war between distant deities and under-dwelling devils. As they turn the tide of this celestial crusade, a voice beckons them from the beyond—destiny or doom? - Campaign 3, Episode 1 of Tales From The Stinky Dragon will premiere on Beacon and the Tales From The Stinky Dragon Patreon on September 30th at 12am PST. - Campaign 3, Episode 1 of Tales From The Stinky Dragon will premiere on your favorite podcast streaming platform and the Tales From The Stinky Dragon YouTube on October 2nd. - New episodes will follow every other Monday at 12am PST. - Beacon Members and Patreon Members will receive episodes 48 hours early and have access to the exclusive Tales of the Stinky Dragon bonus show, Second Wind, where they go behind-the-scenes and deep dive into the latest episode. - Second Wind will be released in between episodes of the series every other Monday at 12am PST October 3rd # The Legend of Vox Machina, Season 3 Season Three of The Legend of Vox Machina is coming to Prime Video on October 3rd! You can watch the trailer right now but TLDR – shit gets REAL. To celebrate this kick-ass new season, we’ll be hosting a Season 3 Cocktail Party LIVE on October 4th and two roundtables in a new show we’re calling Insight Additions where we can discuss all the intricate, behind-the-scenes details with you all! Everything is at stake in the long-awaited Season Three of The Legend of Vox Machina. The Chroma Conclave’s path of destruction spreads like wildfire while the Cinder King hunts down Vox Machina. Our lovable band of misfits must rise above inner (and outer) demons to try and save their loved ones, Tal’Dorei, and all of Exandria. - Season 3 Cocktail Party will air on October 4th on Beacon, YouTube, and Twitch. - Insights Additions #1 will discuss Episodes 1-6 of Season 3 and it will air on October 15th at 7pm PACIFIC on Beacon, YouTube, and Twitch. The VOD will be available October 17th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube. - Insights Additions #2 will discuss Episodes 7-12 of Season 3 and it will air on October 29th at 7pm PACIFIC on Beacon, YouTube, and Twitch. The VOD will be available October 31st at 12pm Pacific on YouTube. October 9th # MIDST: Unend OH. Did you think Midst was over? There’s still a whole cosmos to explore out there dear listener…From the incredible minds of Third Person (aka Xen, Matt Roen, and Sara Wile from Moonward & unreliable narrators of Midst), the audio drama UNEND will premiere October 9th on Beacon,, your favorite podcast streaming platform, and the Midst YouTube Channel. We have A LOT more information to share about this audio adventure. But since you’re already reading this article…here is an exclusive first peek of what it’s about! Several decades after the events of MIDST and Moonward, a supernatural ship and a remarkable crew set forth on an expedition to explore the highest heights, deepest depths, and furthest reaches of the known cosmos. But their journey is fraught with peril as they discover truths and realities far stranger than any of them could ever have imagined. - The Official Series Trailer will be released on September 25th! - Episode 1 will be available on October 9th at 10am PACIFIC on the Midst YouTube Channel and 5am PACIFIC on your favorite podcast streaming platform. - Beacon Members, Fold Members, and Podcast Subscribers will receive the first three episodes of UNEND on October 9th at 5am PACIFIC and remain two weeks ahead of the free feeds. - New Episodes will air weekly on Wednesdays in the MIDST-LE of the week. # Narrative Telephone The beloved Narrative Telephone returns in a refreshed monthly series! Originally a way to keep telling stories together when we couldn’t be at our table, we still loved the chaotic yarns that unfurled as we told and retold one another’s tales. Much like the game of telephone we all played in elementary school, Narrative Telephone involves a group of friends telling and re-telling a short story from one person to the next; with only their memory and improvisational skills to help them recount what they heard. As the story inevitably changes and distorts it becomes more and more outlandish and hilarious. They then gather to watch the results and react, comment, commiserate, and joke about the chaos that ensues. - The first episode will air October 16th at 12pm PACIFIC on Beacon and will be released on the Critical Role YouTube Channel two weeks later. ## Fireside Chat LIVE with Travis Willingham Our guiding force and CEO Travis Willingham is making his way to a Fireside Chat with our Beacon Bits! - This Fireside Chat will stream LIVE on October 21st at 7pm PACIFIC only on Beacon. - All questions will be curated directly from Beacon members via Discord. - VOD will be available on Beacon immediately after the stream ends. # Special Annoucement for 2025! Next year is the 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF CRITICAL ROLE! We couldn’t be more grateful for you critters and the endless support you have shown us this past decade and we can’t wait to kick things off with some very exciting news. Be on the lookout in late October for more information! ## Critical Role Presents: ### A Daggerheart Critmas Story LIVE Watch Daggerheart played LIVE for a special Critmas one-shot at the Freedom Mortgage Pavilion in Camden, NJ on December 7th – just across the bridge from downtown Philadelphia! Game Master Matthew Mercer will lead players Travis Willingham, Laura Bailey, Liam O’Brien, Sam Riegel, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, and Marisha Ray through an exciting live actual play of Daggerheart with the spectacular Lenore Riegel (aka Momlan) serving as our Master of Ceremonies. This will be a standalone Critmas themed one-shot with a new setting and characters determined during a Session Zero (which will drop ahead of the live show) using the final Daggerheart game rules. VIP ticket holders will get to be a part of a 45-minute preshow where the cast will finalize their Session Zero and YOU can contribute suggestions that could affect the story and game ahead of the main show!

    criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 9th, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    by Katy Leigh

    by TealBird5

    by Konoha77

  • criticalrole Critical Role Crafting Thread featuring a Sprinkle crochet!
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    by Dark Arts Fiend

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E104] Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    by Jacq

  • criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 9th, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%

    Fan Art Gallery: Fated Fae

    by The French Belphegor

    by Yaki

    by Dungeons n Draw

    by Art by Some Beach

    by TemultsLaudna

    by Biorust

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 week ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of September 9th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take, SEASON 2 Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 1 releases Monday, September 9th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 1-3 release Monday, September 9th at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 21 releases Tuesday, September 10th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 21 Podcast out Tuesday, September 10th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 43 releases Tuesday, September 10th at 10am Pacific on Beacon # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 107 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, September 12th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, September 12th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, September 13th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, September 16th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out September 19th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 107 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 107! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, August 15th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    The Inner Sanctum


    (Ira Wendigoth)




  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Last we left off...

    Bell's Hells, after returning to finding your west encampment (in the middle of the Hellcatch Valley) destroyed, you escaped to Vasselheim, where you encountered not just Keyleth but many of the higher up movers and shakers of Exandria, to discuss how to deal with the coming threat and the looming chaotic pinnacle of the Vanguard's plot. As part of this discussion, you yourself spoke with some of the familiar faces of which you had built a rapport with since this journey began and figured out a plan in hopes that it would be the one everyone could put themselves behind. You pitched this plan, this multi-pronged attack, utilizing the back door secret portal, the passage to Ruidus that you had discovered.
    Upon beseeching all that had gathered within the Platinum Sanctuary to help, you (and Keyleth, the council, and the numerous other allies you had made to make this mission function) sold your case, and most were convinced. As such, what you had decided upon is now being hatched as the initial plot against Ludinus and the Vanguard (which involves multiple groups of heroes from all across Exandria, some being pulled from retirement, some being pulled from their current decrees, others just being sought after who've been missing for a while) until everything is aligned. Within a week, which is hopefully enough time, you are to all descend upon the Malleus Key, the Weave Mind, and the very core of Ruidus at the same time, with Bells Hells to be the key linchpin to head towards the center of that moon.
    After some chance encounters with some other interesting, powerful entities and a reunion with Dorian's father, you went to rest for the evening and consider what was to be had. After a discussion not too long before that (with Imogen and her mother) you had heard tale that a Simulacrum of Ludinus was travelling with the Sorrowlord Zathuda, to meet up with the Unseelie, who had been conspicuously absent since the destruction of the second Malleus Key.
    You also ran into a superfan of Chetney Pock O'Pea, and discovered or unraveled what appeared to be a community of superfans who have been collecting, cataloging and worshipping the "grandiose, wonderful, craftsman legend" that has walked alongside you. After receiving a tour of his modest collection, you were allowed a room to sleep for the evening. As the rest of you gather your things and hole up within the guest chambers of the home of Scalebearer Waylon Amaredda, the night's rest is yours.

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Bell's Hells cresting off into the Fey horizon, guided by the memory of Fearne Calloway once absconding off into the various realms of the dark fey and beyond. Ira Wendigoth (who you've called from his hiding spot on Ruidus to join you on this side of the realms) and the spectral steeds that were conjured by Nanna Morri to send you on your way, you crest through the clouds. They are moving at a rapid speed. You're uncertain how soon you'll get there, but you're moving at quite a high speed.

    • 01:48:20 Marisha's buff neck crack
    • 01:48:42 Sam's mug reveal is a yellow carousel horse meme from the film We Live in Time.
    • 01:50:40 Spectral Steed names: Mochi, Wagyu, Udon, Edamame, Pocky, Shishido, Angela Lansbury and Shabu Shabu/Marzipan
    • 01:52:42 Just trying to spread your legs a little bit.
      Potential New Shirt:"Spread Your Legs and Fly!"
    • 01:56:14 Upon spotting their destination. BH bring the steeds below the treeline "Speeder Style" (Star Wars RotJ reference)
    • 01:57:56 Travis:"Wanna know how I got these scars?" (Dark Knight Joker)
    • 02:02:14 Liam:"Orym's threat radar is up."
      Sam:"Throat radar?"
      Liam:"Threat. You're our Throat Radar.
      Marisha breaks
    • 02:03:50 Ira shares legends about the fate of the town having cursed ground and having it's punishment tied to a defiance of the Arch Heart.
    • 02:09:05 Fancy Central Spire
    • 02:15:29 Liam's tater talk is a Slingblade reference.
    • 02:20:30 Ashton catches Fearne
    • 02:22:28 Pretty houses
    • 02:25:00 Grim Psychometry shows Chetney a vision in reverse highlighting poison in the water of a teakettle
    • 02:30:52 Pâté the scout
    • 02:36:06 Ashton:"I believe in our 80% dead rat."
    • 02:36:31 Nice burp Sam!
    • 02:39:00 Dorian goes invisible and spots the stealthed enemies
    • 02:44:39 "They're in the trees!"
    • 02:44:48 Travis does not miss an opportunity to make a fart noise.
    • 02:47:12 Gloamglut spotted
    • 02:49:00 Ludinus' Simulacrum and Zathuda spotted.
    • 02:54:00 3 additional Unseelie spotted inside.
    • 02:57:57 Ira WendiGANK
    • 02:59:25 Travis:"We have a Braius."
    • 03:00:00 Fluffy fukboi
    • 03:04:10 Two Nat 20s!
    • 03:06:30 Chetters eviscerates an enemy in silence.
    • 03:08:50 Dorian sets the enemy hound free
    • 03:10:51 Marisha, Robbie and Ashley:(gibbering)
    • 03:14:00 Laudna crits on a Chill Touch
    • 03:20:28 Laura finds out she used Pass Without a Trace incorrectly the entire first campaign
    • 03:24:01 IDubz:"Now's the time to make your move."
    • 03:36:20 Raised voices (of disagreement) are heard inside
    • 03:38:03 Ludinus:"...I know Sammanar to be far too clever to withhold without several good selfish reasons."
    • 03:48:05 Inner Temple Map!
    • 03:51:30 Dorian:"All that the three factions think right now is that they are under attack. They don't know by who (could still be each other) but the minute they see one of us we give away the goose. We have a chance to still fucking set them at odds somehow if we use our thinkers but I don't know."
    • 03:54:15 Pillar down. Fearne makes for the exit. Gloamglut spots her.

    ::: spoiler COOLDOWN

    • 02:24 Laura's guess is Ludinus promised less divine oversight for the Seelie and Unseelie Courts.
    • 02:39 Sammanar ('sah-ma-nahr) is the head of the Unseelie Court
    • 04:52 IDubz is here just to fuck up Sorrowlord Zathuda
    • 05:20 Muppets - Manna Manna
    • 08:11 Ashley:"We gotta make a Hell army."
      Sam:"I wouldn't mind that..."
    • 9:58 Taliesin:"We donut have a minute."
    • 10:58 Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
    • 11:03 David Bowie - Rebel Rebel :::
  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:12:40 Chetney and Dorian make some gear upgrades while Imogen sends a message to Ira Wendigoth
    • 00:13:19 Chetney:"Okay, everybody that doesn't want to sleep with the Nightmare King can weigh in, okay?"
    • 00:15:04 "Are you pooping?" medley
    • 00:15:26 Ira Wendigoth IDubz:"Ah. Glad to see you're still alive. I've been keeping a low profile on Kreviris. But if you want me to join, let me know where I'm most useful."
    • 00:16:52 Fearne:"It's Pravienire, Chet." (Travis calls it Dan Povenmire of Gravity Falls fame)
    • 00:17:18 Ashley breaks Matt with a story of hearing romantic noise between Ira and Nanna Morri
    • 00:18:00 And Braius
    • 00:19:11 Braius:"That sounds like a lovely dichotomy."
      Ashton:"New kid has taste. Unlike some people."
    • 00:19:55 IDubz:"Ligament Manor, huh? It has been some time.
    • 00:21:33 Fearne:"I have sixty-nine gold pieces."
    • 00:25:05 Ashley:"Look how good they are, almost."
    • 00:26:45 Fearne:"I am so sorry. I was gonna try to just take it."
    • 00:27:15 Fan Art Moment Dark Waylon approaching a trapped Fearne
    • 00:28:13 Waylon:"Rest well, he's always watching."
    • 00:29:35 Laura:"Do you think any of us will ever find the egg in your butt." (Goop reference?)
      Travis:"I don't know what you're talking about."
    • 00:32:13 Chetney gives Waylon Amaredda the nickname Senor Amaretto
    • 00:33:40 Chetney:"I'm gonna make a cult."
      Sam looks over to make eye contact (he had a cult side plan with FCG)
    • 00:34:55 Waylon rats out Fearne
    • 00:35:10 Chetney:"I got lieged!"
    • 00:38:27 When a fandom turns on you.
    • 00:39:39 Back to Kiki:"Whatever part the Unseelie has had to play, or will, please bring that information back...That is one blind spot that makes me anxious."
    • 00:42:56 Orym gets PAID
      Chetney:"Want me to hold onto it? I'll give you a fair 4.4% yield. You don't wanna open a CD?"
    • 00:43:37 Fearne:"This Potion of Invulnerability, did somebody want this?"
    • 00:44:30 "Why not both?" ¿Por que no los dos?
    • 00:45:15 Laudna:"Do they even communicate? Could you walk the line, and they would never know? It's not like their talking, like they have a shared thread...of scrying."
      Dorian:"A sort of web of communication."
    • 00:46:04 Robbie:"Are you looking to multi-god?"
      Liam:(automated assistant voice)"Hi! It looks like you're trying to contact another god."
    • 00:46:19 A rare sighting of the Californian Jumping Pen
    • 00:47:12 Matt:"Poly-theism is in...Tengar was a crazy place, y'all."
    • 00:49:35 Matt:"Allura has strong spinster professor vibes...Well, Kima drags her into some shit."
    • 00:50:45 Super swampy spot in the Fey Realm
    • 00:52:45 Chetters seeks the Fey Wood
    • 00:53:50 Dorian has goosebumps just being here
    • 00:55:16 Dorian's allergies return?
    • 00:58:35 Dorian connects to the Fey Realm through his music
    • 00:59:52 The Ligament Manor An incredibly tall and multi-tiered tree house. You see the trunk of this tree knot and spiral upward into multiple floors that rise up as branches extend onward, each one seeming to cradle a chamber that is decorated and lit with its own coloration and theme. A faint sound of music (sourceless, different from your own that you've been playing) seems to mingle and drift throughout the interior. You can see numerous pairs of glowing eyes from creatures that sit just beyond the visible light, watching you all as you enter.
    • 01:01:09 Nanna Morri:"Let me put away my machine."
      Fan Art Moment Nanna Morri (The Fate Stitcher) working away at some 'Threads of Fate' and having Tummy holding pins in their mouth just because.
    • 01:02:18 Nanna Morri You see this massive, hill-like, humanoid shape begin to step to the top of the landing of these natural winding stairs. You see a female shape, shoulders wide and extended, a barrel-like torso, itself wrapped in a thick shawl or a purple-dyed, sack cloth, thick material, tied and drifting off with tassels that seem to drag on the ground and have darkened with gathered muck through travel. Where you see the shawl and coat held in these thin, long arms that extend from the shoulder joints that are longer than they should be and don't match the proportions of the thick, wide torso. From the shoulders, this head looks towards you, and it is extended beyond the shoulders and neck by a good solid two, three feet (like a giraffe) that has a horse mane of whitish hair that drifts off to one side. You see a female noseless grin, extended pointed chin filled with teeth, sparse amongst blackened gums, and a big toothy smile. These vacuous holes where eyes seem to be receded into darkness except for two little points of light that find you as she smiles.
    • 01:04:19 Dorian:"You are beautiful...grandma kisses are always wet."
    • 01:05:12 When Dorian arrived, the reaction was "Oh, who's this cute boy you brought over?" this reaction is "Who is this Man?"
    • 01:06:24 Nanna Morri:"Do you like Amaretto? Where are you from? You smell like shadow and bad choices."
    • 01:08:04 Nanna Morri:"Oh, and how's The Legend doing?"
    • 01:10:32 Imogen:"Fearne doesn't have another face down in her cooch, if that's what yer wonderin'."
      Fearne:"As far as you know. You have no idea what's in this marsupial pouch."
    • 01:13:27 Nanna Morri:"You all don't mind things that taste a bit nutty do you?"
      Liam:"No. I love the taste of nuts."
      Braius:"Love nuts in my mouth."
    • 01:14:24 Imogen breaks the news of the imminent arrival of Ira Wendigoth
      Tummy:"What did he say?!"
    • 01:18:45 Laudna asks if Nanna Morri has knowledge of FCG's status in the afterlife and is told it is "beyond my purview unless I have them written into my specific periphery."
    • 01:19:09 Nanna Morri:"Bwuh?"
    • 01:22:05 Iiiiit's Ira!
    • 01:23:18 Nanna throwin' shade
    • 01:24:55 Liam:(news voice)"We've crafted this ancient man into a useable chair!"
      Ashley:"A La-Z-boy!"
    • 01:28:28 Braius inserts himself as a challenger for Morrighan's affections against Ira.
    • 01:31:24 Fan Art Moment "Dolled Up" Nanna Morri
    • 01:32:35 Nanna Morri:"The Boy the Wind Has Tossed."
      Looks like Orym is off the hook for his debt because of the loss of F.C.G.
    • 01:33:46 Nanna Morri:"Your daughter is in fact quite an important piece in this chess game."
    • 01:37:05 Fan Art Moment Nanna Morri conjures up nine spectral horses (with six legs and extra long necks), which Imogen seems to enjoy.
    • 01:39:00 NM:"You can see possibilities, but that's where the weave of the fate's threads is important. I don't weave them, that lies in the Matron's domain. I just tend to sneak in and tug a little here and there."
    • 01:41:18 Marisha tries not to say "Makin'-her-way"
    • 01:41:26 NM:"This domain lies more under the Moonweaver and the Arch Heart. This is the Arch Heart's domain after all....[The Unseelie and Seelie Courts] are more bound to the rules of their tenets and their divine relationships than us more free fey."
    • 01:43:26 Ashton:"Lets go Bedknobs and Broomsticks this shit."
    • 01:44:35 Ira knows the way to Pravienir in the Amethyst Gulch Sierras


  • criticalrole Critical Role Crafting Thread featuring a Sprinkle crochet!
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    by OdditiesAbound

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sam's Mug

    yellow carousel horse meme from the film We Live in Time.

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Spectral Steed names: Mochi, Wagyu, Udon, Edamame, Pocky, Shishido, Angela Lansbury and Shabu Shabu/Marzipan

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks for helping out and making the post when I couldn't.

  • criticalrole Critical Role [Spoilers C3E106] Unseelie Interrupted – Episode Discussion
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Battle Maps!

  • criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 2nd, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    During the 4-Sided Dive, Marisha gave a shout out to the infamous Australian contender at the Olympics, Raygun, who recently gave her first interview on the topic since the games.

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 83%

    While the Demure trend still has some momentum, I put together this little tribute with the base being the amazing piece by *yghiilra*. --- ![]( ![]( "Don't you mean *dem-'yure*?" Braius:"No." Also keep an ear out for the completed release of the [Demure Remix](

    main Blahaj Lemmy Meta Blahaj Zone matrix space for gender diverse folk (now with corrected links)
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Just got Element for iOS and joined! ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

  • criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 2nd, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Sure thing ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

  • criticalrole Critical Role Programming Schedule: Week of September 2nd, 2024
  • Ultragramps Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fan Art Gallery: Raw Potential

    by Kuyaserge

    Coriolis by OddtheSunGod

    by 1ebert

    by NolaGranola

    Uk'otoa by Gardan Arts

    Coriolis by Callumlyal

  • criticalrole
    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of September 2nd, 2024

    *Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below.* ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 20 releases Tuesday, September 3rd at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 20 Podcast out Tuesday, September 3rd on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 42 releases Tuesday, September 3rd at 10am Pacific on Beacon # 4-Sided Dive, Episode 27 Discussing Up to Campaign 3, Episode 105 Join Travis Willingham, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, and Laura Bailey as they discuss complicated gods, Ludinus’s plans, newly found freedoms, and their thoughts on character development! - Airs Tuesday, September 3rd at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Tuesday, September 3rd at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - VOD out Wednesday, September 4th on YouTube at 12pm Pacific - Podcast out Friday, September 6th on your favorite podcast streaming service ### MOONWARD: A Midst Roleplaying Story Join our three Midst Creators: Xen, Sara Wile, Matt Roen, alongside Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien for an extra special episode of Midst Messages as they create their characters for Moonward! - Session Zero will be available on Wednesday, September 4th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Session Zero will be available on Wednesday, September 4th at 10am Pacific on # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 106 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, September 5th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, September 5th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, September 6th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, September 9th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out September 12th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 106 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 106! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, September 5th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 weeks ago 100%
    Excerpt Available for New Book: What Doesn't Break

    # [Penguin Random House Link]( > Uncover the lost years of Critical Role’s unrelentingly upbeat undead spellcaster in this original prequel novel to Laudna’s adventures with Bells Hells. > Written by USA Today bestselling author Cassandra Khaw, Critical Role: Bells Hells—What Doesn’t Break delves into the unexplored years before Laudna joined up with the crew of Bells Hells, chronicling her departure from Whitestone and her solo adventures on the road to Jrusar. > Audiobook Read by Grey Delisle, Marisha Ray, Laura Bailey and Robbie Daymond *For as long as she can remember, Laudna has had a friend. A mentor. A little voice whispering in her cropped ear, promising that, no matter how monstrous she becomes or how far she wanders, there will always be someone to guide her.* *And so, Laudna is content.* *But the thought of more—of life, of love, of the magic stirring in her still veins—is unrelenting in its familiarity. More is the dream of the young girl trapped behind the bloodstained walls of Whitestone, and the nightmare of the woman who now stalks the woods outside them. More, Laudna’s little voice reminds her, is dangerous. From Tal’Dorei to Marquet, the world is infested with heroes destined to rid their kingdoms of creatures like Laudna.* *The little voice is right, she knows.* *But still, she thinks of more. And when she reaches for that dream, what reaches back will change everything.*

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 weeks ago 75%
    Xen and Liam O'Brien on 'Moonward' | Business Insider

    #### Critical Role's Liam O'Brien talks the tragedy and cosmic horrors of 'Moonward,' teases the crew's next big publishing moves *by [Cheryl Teh](* > Critical Role's new podcast, "Moonward," is a wild, four-episode dive into cosmic horrors. > "Moonward" builds on the "Midst" podcast, which Critical Role acquired in 2023. *It's now all but official that Critical Role is in its expansion era.* *Once best known for the show where eight nerds played "Dungeons & Dragons" on Twitch, the business has now grown, with an aggressive push into podcasting and publishing, including novels and comics slated for release well into 2025.* *CR also has two Amazon-backed animated series in the works, one of which will premiere on October 3. Through its games publishing arm, CR released a major role-playing game "Candela Obscura" last year and just rounded out its open beta for its new gaming venture, "Daggerheart."* *CR rolled out "Moonward" in August, a spinoff of the company's 2023 acquisition of the "Midst" audio drama. In "Moonward," CR cofounders Liam O'Brien and Marisha Ray step into the space Western-style, cosmic horror narrative that Xen, the narrator of "Moonward," wove to explore the ruins of a fallen moon.* *BI sat down with O'Brien and Xen to talk about the new podcast venture and what comes next.* #### INTO DARKNESS > "Midst," the podcast series that "Moonward" builds upon, was originally created by Xen, Matt Roen, and Sara Wile. Critical Role acquired "Midst" in 2023, and "Moonward" is just one part of a larger story. > Spoiler alert: In the podcast's third and fourth episodes, O'Brien's character, Walden Orlock, contends with a boatload of personal trauma. But the series ends on a hopeful note, as Orlock, piloting his spaceship, manages to help get Wile's character back to the relative safety of the planet of Midst. > Orlock, who O'Brien describes as a "nice, grumpy bear," was a homage to some of the men in his family. And the inside of Walden's spaceship was a tribute to the Burning Man community, of which O'Brien considers himself a "junior member." > "The most in-depth characters I've done on our channel are really just exploring things about my life," O'Brien said. "I love fluff. I certainly love romps, fun, and light stuff, but if anyone is familiar with my past work, I like cracking open the coconut and seeing what's in there." > And unlike CR'susual "Dungeons & Dragons" games, the narrative control in Midst didn't rest on dice rolls. As the lead narrator, Xen gave all the players the license to choose when to fail. > "Moonward" listeners will also hear Xen create the soundscape for the podcast live with their guitar and other instruments. And they'll hear Xen play the role of the enigmatic non-player character, Mother Trauma. > "There's something wonderful to me about a kind of haunted therapist who is borderline inhuman," Xen said. "Possibly some kind of potentially undead person — but he's also a mental health professional and a guidance counselor." #### AND BEYOND > CR's acquisition of the "Midst" podcast doesn't just mean there'll be more of Xen, Roen, and Wile's content — there's also a series of upcoming comics set in the "Midst" universe that are rolling out soon. > Each comics issue will be a stand-alone "Midst" story, Xen said. > "We've always been pretty adamant that 'Midst' is and has always been more than just a podcast," Xen said. "We're still exploring new ways to expand that cosmos." > O'Brien, too, tells me that he's been doing a lot of "reading behind the scenes." Each of CR's eight co-founders has their own focuses, he said, and he's been helming the company's push into book publishing and graphic novels. > "Critical Role: Vox Machina — Stories Untold," for one, is an anthology scheduled for release in March, and O'Brien wrote the foreword. > "We hope to get into original, brand-new things that have nothing to do with a table or dice," O'Brien said. "And it's all just different flavors of storytelling. And I love filling my days with it."

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 weeks ago 100%
    Anime NYC 2024 Panel Hosted by Ginny Di!

    > Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Matthew Mercer, Liam O'Brien, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel, and Travis Willingham make their first apearance at AnimeNYC and discuss everything going on in Critical Role Land with a fireside chat and short Q&A. # [youTube VoD]( #### [alternate front end VoD]( --- Timstamps ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ - 00:00:00 - Introduction & Welcome - 00:01:17 - Guidelines for Q&A Session - 00:04:33 - Anime NYC Experience - 00:07:18 - Character Dynamics in Voice Acting - 00:14:37 - Sam's New Role in Bells Hells - 00:16:54 - Taliesin on Chronic Pain Representation - 00:18:53 - Marisha on Adaptation Challenges - 00:20:13 - Neal Acree's Score - 00:22:11 - Fearne's New Look - 00:24:17 - Q&A Session Begins - 00:27:50 - Matt Mercer's Role in FF7 - 00:31:42 - Character Mindset Techniques - 00:37:39 - Improv Tips for Actors - 00:39:59 - Importance of Listening - 00:40:55 - Audience Q&A: Presidential Campaign - 00:42:03 - Mother's Influence on Dreams - 00:43:40 - D&D Renaissance Impact - 00:46:42 - Future of D&D Campaigns - 00:51:52 - Finding the Right D&D Group - 00:56:54 - Excitement for Critical Role's Future - 00:58:44 - Final Thoughts and Announcements

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 weeks ago 100%
    New LoVM Season 3 Trailer

    # [Twitter Link to video]( --- & --- # [YouTube VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 weeks ago 100%
    Matt Mercer vs Deborah Ann Woll in Heroscape

    # *[Heroscape: Age of Annihilation: Woll vs Mercer](* (youTube VoD) Here's a nice little video while we have a week without a new episode. Matt still has pieces from the original Heroscape game (as mentioned in the video) and notes how they are easy to use in other rpg campaigns, too. DAW (Deborah Ann Woll) is awesome and I will always encourage folks to learn more about her other projects. She's very passionate about the power of imagination and fantasy role play in a consistently wholesome way. [Here is her recent interview on Keeping it Real in Hollywood]( for a more broad background picture on the actor and [here is the playlist for Children of Éarte](, Deborah's own personal Live Play TTRPG game.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 weeks ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of August 26th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - A brief message from Nick and George on Monday, August 26th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 19 releases Tuesday, August 27th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 19 Podcast out Tuesday, August 27th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 41 releases Tuesday, August 27th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ## MOONWARD: A Midst Roleplaying Story It’s the epic finale of Moonward! Join Midst Creators: Xen, Sara Wile, Matt Roen, alongside Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien for a four-part, standalone, improvisational mini series to the destroyed moon of Midst. - Episode 4 releases Wednesday, August 28th at 10am Pacific on the Midst Podcast YouTube Channel - Episode 4 Podcast out August 28th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific

    Critical Role Ultragramps 4 weeks ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E105] Episode Discussion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 12m | 2h 11m | ## Episode 105: *Collecting Legends* *Last we left off, Bell's Hells recently returning from the ruins of Aeor to find the western encampment in the Hellcatch (Valley outside of the Malleus Key) had been overrun and destroyed. You fled to Vasselheim to catch up with Keyleth, and the survivors of that incursion. Many of the movers and shakers of Exandria have been gathered to Vasselheim to discuss and decide what is to be done here in the rapidly approaching crux of Ludinus and the Vanguard's plan as the impending (some sort of incursion or straight up invasion of the Ruidus folk) and the Weave Mind's armies gather here onto Exandria proper. You were present for a number of arguments and discussions here in the Platinum Sanctuary of Vasselheim, where you presented (upon prompting) the information that you had uncovered both upon the moon and some of the other dangers, such as the information that Ludinus may have uncovered in the ruins of Aeor. After stepping away for the evening, you were brought by Keyleth to the Birthheart (one of the most holy places of the Wildmother) where Orym had a true communion with one of the Pantheon. Upon which was granted a legendary enhancement to Seedling, the blade that carries his past and his hope. After an evening's rest (some weird games of Spin the Bottle) and a brief bout of oversleeping, you caught up to a handful of loose allies that wished to forge a plan to present to the forum of all these gathered dignitaries, generals, and political leaders. In meeting with them, you presented the specifics of what you found (what your worries may be, the strengths of your knowledge, the strengths of your connection to Ludinus and his plan) and a plot was hatched. Not to fight through each barrier to get to him, but through the loohole of this singular portal you uncovered, a back door to the Red Moon of Ill Omen, to strike all three points at once. Thus with this plan, semi-forged and ready to be presented for approval to the rest of Exandria, you begin to exit the Trial Forge. At which point, a familiar and strangely daydream-like psychic incursion takes Imogen's focus. As she finds herself pushing through the red dust of her lifelong recurring nightmare, scattered past and reversed to the green wind-tossed fields of the Taloned Highlands. Where, in this vision, her mother has come to her.* "Imogen, are you okay?" --- ## Previous Episode: *"The Cradles' Convocation"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of August 19th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ### The Re-Slayer’s Take It’s the Season 1 Finale of The Re-Slayer’s Take! Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 12 releases Monday, August 19th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - A message from George Primavera and Nick Williams on Monday, August 19th on Beacon ### Fireside Chat with Taliesin Jaffe Join us in the tavern for a monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) series where you can sit down with us and learn more about our Critical Role cast and guests! Questions will be curated directly from Beacon members via Discord and each episode will feature a different cast member for a 30-60 minute fireside chat. Cozy up by the fire and enjoy the deep dive with us! - Starts Monday, August 19th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 18 releases Tuesday, August 20th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 18 Podcast out Tuesday, August 20th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 40 releases Tuesday, August 20th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ### MOONWARD: A Midst Roleplaying Story Join Midst Creators: Xen, Sara Wile, Matt Roen, alongside Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien for a four-part, standalone, improvisational mini series to the destroyed moon of Midst. Learn more here! - Episode 3 releases Wednesday, August 21st at 10am Pacific on the Midst Podcast YouTube Channel - Episode 3 Podcast out August 21st on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episode 4 VOD and Podcast available on Wednesday, August 21st at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Episode 4 VOD and Podcast available on Wednesday, August 21st at 10am Pacific ## Critical Role: Campaign 3 ## Episode 105 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, August 22nd at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, August 22nd at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, August 23rd at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, August 26th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out August 29th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Role Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 105 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 105! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, August 22nd at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 87%
    The Puppy Roll! (animal shelter charity event)

    #### The Puppy Roll can be seen live on August 20th, 2024 from 6-10 pm Pacific. It will be available to view live on [Anjali Bhimani’s YouTube page]( or on the [Tiltify donation page]( ## [Forbes Article]( *by [Rob Wieland](* Dungeons & Dragons can tell all sorts of stories. It can tell the story of heroes rising against evil, of scoundrels scrtaching out a better life or even the fall of an empire. On Tuesday, August 20th, it will tell the story of good dogs. The Puppy Roll brings together Matthew Mercer (Critical Role, Baldur’s Gate), Ashley Johnson (Critical Role, The Last of Us), Aabria Iyengar (Critical Role, Dimension 20), Maggie Robertson (Resident Evil, Baldur’s Gate) and Emily Swallow (The Mandalorian) to play a fantasy adventure as their real life dogs. Anjali Bhimani (Ms. Marvel, Critical Role) will serve as the Dungeon Master for the event. Bhimani concieved the event from two main sources. The first was the love of her own dog Charley and the chance to play him as part of the Kickstarter that raised funds for her book I Am Fun Size, and So Are YOU!: Thoughts from a Tiny Human on Living a Giant Life. The second was a puppy encounter on the ASTRAS red carpet sponsored by Petco Love. While putting together the event, Bhimani initially considered using Realms of Pugmire as the game system. Created by Eddy Webb, this role playing game tells the story of a kingdom of dogs that’s risen up long after the disapparance of man. Bhimani opted for something a bit more light hearted in the end. “I love Pugmire but didn’t want to deal with the potential of characters based on our dogs dying,” said Bhimani.”I wanted to keep things relatively light hearted for this stream. Plus, I wanted to come up with puzzles and traps that dogs might face in real life like opening a door without having any thumbs. ”The Puppy Roll benefits Petco Love, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of pets and pet owners. The nonprofit supports adoption centers around the world, helps owners find affordable veterinarian care and reunites owners with thier lost pets. The foundation, which began in 1999, has donated over $400M to these causes over the past 25 years. Petco Love Lost is a massive photo database of lost pets. It uses photographic matching technology to connect potential matches between photos uploaded by pet owners and by ones uploaded by people who have found strays in the wild. It uses the power of the Internet to increase the odds of bringing a pet home to the family that loves it, going above and beyond fliers posted around the neighborhood. Bhimani also plans to use the power of her platform to find some homes for new pets. She’ll be using pictures of dogs currently housed at shelters as NPC portaits during the game. Hopefully, viewers will be enticed to bring home the shadowy dog in the corner giving out the mission or the grumbling guardian of the dungeon door. Fans can donate ahead of the livestream to unlock items for the puppies such as gear, spells and “insPAWration” to help out with dice rolls. Bhimani will be joined by author Jonathan Graziano, whose book Noodle & The No Bones Day became a viral sensation in 2022. The event is targeting $10,000 dollars as the main fundraising goal.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 80%
    [Spoilers C3E104] Episode Discussion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 33m | 1h 51m | ## Episode 104: *The Cradle's Convocation* *Bell's Hells, after trekking to the ruins of Aeor, had an encounter with Ludinus Da'leth himself (during which he showed visions of the fall of Aeor in hopes of expressing the dubiousness of the great deities that are considered the prime beings of law and morality in this world). After trying to convince you to join him and the Vanguard in their interests, you combated his outlook and also each others' (with some internal strife in communication), after which Laudna's own dark passenger was triggered. Thus battle ensued with a Delilah-possessed Laudna. You defeated her and (while she was reduced within) used the soul anchor (that you had taken from the ruins) and successfully completed a ritual with Essek's help that bound Delilah into the stone which was then bound within you (Laudna), reversing the power dynamic between you and Delilah. After you went to go meet up with the Voice of the Tempest and the rest of the troop that was waiting on the western encampment within the Hellcatch Valley. You arrived to find it in ruin, still smoldering. The fallen stone being picked through by Reilorans and Vanguard soldiers alike. With rapid reaction, teleporting to Vasselheim. There you were able to maneuver through the city, climb the stairs that lead to the Platinum Sanctuary (where it seems a lot of dignitaries from around Exandria are gathering, along with their compatriot armies and protectors). Upon arrival, Essek had to say his goodbyes, for there was tenuous relations with some other figures that were present. Upon arriving here on the outskirts of this crowd that had gathered in the central forum of the Platinum Sanctuary, you were trying to push through to get a good view. You saw people from all over Exandria here. You saw within Vasselheim itself:* - The Highbearer Vord - The Earthbreaker Groon - The Holy Curator - The High Hierophant - The Coven of the Veil of the Matron of Ravens - J'mon Sa Ord, the leader of Ank'Harel - Keyleth, Voice of the Tempest - Empress Leylas Kryn of the Kryn Dynasty of Xhorhas; The Bright Queen - Gavis Aranda from the Chandei Quorum of Jrusar - Guardian Tofor Brotoras from the Council of Taldorei - Mythmaker Qi Mendozi - Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima of Vord and a number of others *As you tried to push your way through, a massive goliath figure (with over-sized stone gauntlets, a bit of a paunch, and a black fuzzy beard with streaks of gray) made your announcement loudly, causing the group in front of you to divide slightly, and the entire chamber to shift its attention back to you in one moment. Here in that tense, awkward silence, all eyes are on you.* --- ## Previous Episode: *"Cages"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of August 12th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 11 releases Monday, August 12th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - We’re taking a brief break but will have more episodes coming soon to Beacon! ### EverythingIsContent ### SteamWorld Heist II Join Ashley Johnson and Taliesin Jaffe as they set sail for adventure and sink rival ships in SteamWorld Heist 2! Learn more here. - Airs Monday, August 12th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD out Monday, August 12th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon - VOD out Wednesday, August 14th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 17 releases Tuesday, August 13th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 17 Podcast out Tuesday, August 13th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Campaign 3, Episode 39 releases Tuesday, August 13th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ## MOONWARD: ### A Midst Roleplaying Story Join Midst Creators: Xen, Sara Wile, Matt Roen, alongside Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien for a four-part, standalone, improvisational mini series to the destroyed moon of Midst. Learn more here! - Episode 2 releases Wednesday, August 14th at 10am Pacific on the Midst Podcast YouTube Channel - Episode 2 Podcast out August 14th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episode 3 & 4 VOD and Podcast available on Wednesday, August 14th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Episode 3 & 4 VOD and Podcast available on Wednesday, August 14th at 10am Pacific ## Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 104 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, August 15th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, August 15th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, August 16th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, August 19th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out August 22nd on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific # Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 104 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 104! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, August 15th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E103] Episode Discussion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 6m | 2h 2m | ## Episode 103: *Cages* *Bells Hells, after trekking deep into the ruins of Aeor along with their guide, Essek Thelyss, you encountered the strange demonic entity that was keeping the Vanguard at bay, Dominox. Defeating it by pushing it through a gate into the abyss of its origin with the aid of Ludinus Da'leth, who then gave you a vision through a relic that he had discovered not too far beyond that of the Fall of Aeor (an era of Exandrian history spoken of but largely lost in its details), as it was it seems, one of the darkest moments for the Pantheon. With the intent of showing this to the world to erode the faith of Exandria (and in the hopes finding a point of understanding with your group) the invitation was given to join the Vanguard and see the world the way he does. After much debate and some heated discussion, he left the offer in your hands and left an offer in Delilah's as well. Tossing a relic of enticing power towards Laudna (the words having hold in her heart), Delilah fought her way to the surface and wrestled control of Laudna. The rest of you were forced to do battle with your friend in what may be her darkest moment. But you managed to defeat Delilah, sending her back for the time being as but a shard of shadow withing Laudna's spirit, likely rapidly growing back. At this moment, satisfied with what youve learned, Essek took your group via teleport to a place of safety, the abode of his partner Caleb Widogast. Here in this humble abode within the Dwendalian city of Rexxentrum. You had a moment to breathe. A moment to absorb, though still more likely to come. In the midst of these conversations, debating on what you've seen, what you've witnessed, what you've discussed and what's to be done next. It was considered that this 'soul-anchored' gem (now empty and bereft of its intended target) might have a secondary use to turn the tides of poor Laudna's fate. After talking with Essek about it (and him looking to research its possibilities), he seemed to come to you with a bit of hope that it is indeed possible, though challenging. After coming up from his study, his laboratory, to all of you saying that it could be done but it needs to be done quickly, likely before Delilah can begin to recover her former power in this subdued state. Time is of the essence, and began to draw you all back to the laboratory here in this late, late hour, as you stand exhausted, but hopefully driven to see this through. So, here, as you all begin to follow Essek back into the laboratory where you arrived, you see him now, a number of books even further scattered amongst the laboratory interior. But you see he's taken some time to organize some of the stacks into more solid towers. It has a number of strange instruments laid across one of the tables. He runs over quickly to start sketching out a larger runic circle than the teleportation one that brought you all here in the first place. In the quiet as you all stand there, he begins the initial process.* --- ## Previous Episode: *"Reconciliation"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of August 5th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ### The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 10 releases Monday, August 5th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 12 releases Monday, August 5th at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 16 releases Tuesday, August 6th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 38 releases Tuesday, August 6th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 39 releases Friday, August 9th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ### MOONWARD: A Midst Roleplaying Story Join Midst Creators: Xen, Sara Wile, Matt Roen, alongside Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien for a four-part, standalone, improvisational mini series to the destroyed moon of Midst. Learn more here! - Episode 1 Airs Wednesday, August 7th at 7pm Pacific on our new Midst Podcast YouTube Channel, Critical Role Twitch Channel and Critical Role YouTube Channel - Episode 1 Podcast out August 7th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 7pm Pacific - Episode 1 VOD available immediately after the stream ends on Midst Podcast YouTube Channel, Critical Role Twitch Channel and Critical Role YouTube Channel - Episode 1 & 2 VOD and Podcast available on August 7th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Episode 1 & 2 VOD and Podcast available on August 7th at 7pm Pacific # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 103 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, August 8th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, August 8th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, August 9th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, August 12th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out August 15th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 103 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 103! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, August 8th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 1 month ago 100%
    Business Insider Article on MFMM and BLeeM

    [What goes on behind the scenes in the most formidable alliance in the nerdworld business]( *article by [Cheryl Teh](* Brennan Lee Mulligan of "Dimension 20" fame remembers when he first met Critical Role's Matthew Mercer, and relates that anecdote with the infectious joy of a man who's found his gaming soulmate. Mulligan was working on "Um, Actually," a web series on the streaming platform Dropout, and for one episode, he was tasked with writing errors into a round of "Dungeons & Dragons" combat laid out in comic panels. Mercer was a guest on that November 2018 episode. At the time, "Critical Role" — the "D&D" Twitch stream that turned the company Mercer co-founded into a key player in the nerdworld business — was just taking off. Mercer, as a "rules lawyer," had to spot all the mistakes in Mulligan's slate. He not only got all of them, he found ones the other man hadn't even listed. When filming wrapped, they stood at the elevators at that West Hollywood studio, talking about their "D&D" games. "There's love at first sight, and this is one of those variations," Mercer told BI. "Like, this is a person I immediately know: 'I'm going to know for a very long time, and I look forward to seeing them again.'" These two men have now formed a formidable alliance in the nerdworld business. The shows they front get fans to pack arenas: "Dimension 20" sold out Madison Square Garden for their January 2025 gig, and "Critical Role" has filled venues from Wembley Arena in London to the Greek in Los Angeles. Beyond that, they also have leadership roles behind the scenes. Mercer is the chief creative officer at Critical Role, working with his eight friends on everything from Amazon-backed animation series' to board game ventures. Meanwhile, Mulligan is one of the major creative minds at Dropout, a streaming platform that's now gunning for Emmy nominations. Mulligan helmed his first Critical Role miniseries, EXU Calamity, in May 2022. Mercer then returned the favor, and game mastered for "Dimension 20's" Ravening War," a six-episode campaign that aired in May 2023. #### **On to 'Downfall'** Mulligan told BI he had long watched Critical Role, and that he got to dive deep into Mercer's lore while working on EXU Calamity. Then he was invited back for "Downfall" — a three-episode arc that aired in July. Mercer told BI that working with a guest game master like Mulligan on Critical Role requires a "strong sense of trust" because of how dear the stories in Exandria are to him. "I was anxious at the possibility of trying to live up to what I saw in my head, then had the joyful realization that somebody else that I trust can do it better justice than I think I ever could," Mercer said of Mulligan. Mulligan said he would go to Mercer with "broad strokes" of where he planned to take the narrative. But Mulligan had "total freedom" to improvise while role-playing at the table, which he found "really gratifying." "With Matt, it's never restrictive. It's much more like: 'Here's an area that I need to protect for something coming in the next campaign, and then everything else here is the playground," Mulligan said. #### **Crafting Aeor** Mulligan said it helps that he and Mercer are always on the same page — from their familiarity with mythological references to similar visions for the story's direction. Together, they built the sprawling landscape of Aeor, from a glamorous speakeasy where robots and humans can party together to the brutalist architecture of key city wards. They also created a battle set together, setting the stage for where the gods of the Exandrian pantheon warred against dragons, monsters, and powerful mages. "We pulled minis together for that battle and really pulled out all the stops," Mulligan said. "I was right off camera behind the curtains watching the whole thing as it was happening, just giddy and crying, and it was wonderful," Mercer said. Mercer and Mulligan agreed that storytelling and work aside, they're just glad they get to hang out with each other. "As a person who grew up challenged to find community at various points in my life, and the passions and things that I loved were not the easiest to find people to share it with," Mercer said. Mercer says telling stories for his friends is his love language, and he's glad to be able to do that with Mulligan. "The CR crew have become the closest people in my life that aren't blood," Mercer said. "What's great about these collaborations is it allows that family to expand, it allows more people to come in and be that community," he added. Now, Mercer's back in the game master's seat for Critical Role's campaign three. I asked if he would want to be a player at Mulligan's table for a change, perhaps piloting a fan-favorite character, the elven wizard Essek Thelyss. "Nothing wrong with pitching it. I'd love to," Mercer said, adding that if the opportunity comes up for another adventure with Mulligan, he's game.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E102] Episode Discussion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 07m | 1h 19m | ## Episode 102: *Reconciliation* *Bell's Hells, following the path of Ludinus and the Ruby Vanguard into the ruins of Aeor, accompanied by Essek Thelyss (somebody who had been there a handful of times). You delved below and into the darkness that had taken the Vanguard and Ludinus' interest in the ruins, Dominox, a grand demon from lore long ago. You had gone through and had suffered terrible visions from this demon in proximity to the engine that he still clung to, the Soul Anchor holding him present. You met a new figure, Braius, a minotaur revealed to have been a worshipper of the Lord of Hells. Also Teven Klask, a devilish entity that has been bound with Fearne. After getting into battle with Dominox, and Ludinus coming in at the last minute to help you defeat this entity (and claiming no aggression or animus towards you). You stopped after defeating the Dominox and he invited you to join him in the chamber beyond, one of the goals of his excursion. Here in this domed, cracked, partially-ruined chamber, you see amongst the rising stairs and statues of Aeorian mages of old, a central dome-like dais. Ludinus pulls from it a sphere of light blue arcane ribbons, an information keeping device of some kind. He tells you this is the Occultus Thalamus, and it is indeed a record keeping device. What he has found with the time spent with it is of utmost importance to Exandria. Ludinus asked you to look into this. As he activated it, a white light filled your vision and you all experienced within this record (viscerally, as if you were there and amongst them) the tale of these gods, pantheon members of Exandria, who during the height of the Calamity had called a truce because the last great floating city had developed technology that could abjure the gods themselves. Scared and uncertain, they reincarnated as mortals and infiltrated this city. Seeking information they discovered existence of a device, the Factorum Malleus, that could (in theory) destroy the gods themselves. In this information-seeking infiltration mission, they found conflict and allyship. They found means to question everything about their presence and what it is they are doing here on this world. When push came to shove, they all still came to agreement, the city had to die and all of the information with it. So you experienced from the beginning of the arrival of these beings stepping into Aeor, to the final destruction of the city of Aeor as it crashed into Eiselcross. That is what you are aware of through this vision. The prologue and the epilogue are more just for our fun narrative aspect of it as the audience and players. That is what you have experienced as Bell's Hells. Here as these fragments of information and moments and people and faces and screams and energy whoosh by. Eventually the light fades and here you all stand once more in this cracked and ruined and long forgotten chamber that house the Occultus Thalamus. As you all take a breath, feeling yourselves back in your bodies, feeling the sensation of your own flesh and touch and the buzzing of energy of the strange, alien, wildly altered magic of these ruins around you. Ludinus still stands holding his orb, smiling and holding it to his chest.* "Fractured as it may be, the Thalamus gifts us with an unintended boon, a record of divinity's true face. The face I've always known. They wade in their narcissistic fantasy and push forth the decrees for mortal lives. Contradictory among their kin, an endless tapestry of guesses and punishments. Harvesting their faith through reverence and fear, ultimately to redirect the natural flow of the soul to their realms and feed from them. Here you know what I know is true. The living soul of Exandria borrowed and reshaped to create us as the seeds to their eternal garden of exploitation. We are chained to a cycle of their making against the natural order of life between these realms. The Eidolons, the natural spirits of the land, they existed before the gods arrived and will exist long after they are gone. They are primordial spiritual life we once were, stolen and industrialized to sustain their self-obsessed tyranny. They funnel the very essence of the world away from it, a sentence of entropy for Exandria in ages to come. What they did not account for was the strength of our spirit, the drive of our ambition, the desire to learn and grow, make and unmake and make again. To challenge the mysteries of the universe with the brief time we have. In their arrogance, they made something more perfect than them, us. In the Age of Arcanum, our enlightenment was revolution, an age where philosophy, art, and the promise of understanding were our purpose. It was their presence, their thrones, their meddling that brought ruin upon our potential. We deserve to inherit the future and they would not dare step aside and let us be greater than they. I understand it may take some time to truly absorb what they are. What did you see? What do you see them as? What did you experience through this vision?" --- ## Previous Episode: *"Downfall: Part Three"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD]( #### *Braius artwork by yghiilra*

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of July 29th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ### *The Re-Slayer’s Take* Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - The Re-Slayers (Bonus) Take w/ Dani Carr releases Monday, July 29th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 11 releases Monday, July 29th at 5am Pacific on Beacon. ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 15 releases Tuesday, July 30th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 36 releases Tuesday, July 30th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 37 releases Friday, August 2nd at 10am Pacific on Beacon ### San Diego Comic-Con Q&A Panel Join Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson, Matthew Mercer, Liam O’Brien, Marisha Ray, and Travis Willingham (sadly minus Sam Riegel) as they discuss everything going on in Critical Role Land with a fireside chat and short Q&A. - Releases Tuesday, July 30th at 12pm on Beacon and YouTube ## 4-Sided Dive, Episode 26 Discussing Up to Campaign 3, Episode 101 Join Brennan Lee Mulligan, Taliesin Jaffe, Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey as they discuss the tragic tale of Downfall! They will also be playing a very fitting game of KerPlunk because you know sometimes floating cities go kerplunk… - Airs Tuesday, July 30th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Tuesday, July 30th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - VOD out Wednesday, July 31st on YouTube at 12pm Pacific - Podcast out Friday, August 2nd on your favorite podcast streaming service # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 102 Bells Hells continue on their adventure… - Airs Thursday, August 1st at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, August 1st at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, August 2nd at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, August 5th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out August 8th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: C3, Ep 102 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 102! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after Matt says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, August 1st at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    GameRant Interview with Laura Bailey

    ### [Laura Bailey Talks Critical Role: Downfall and Becoming the Matron of Ravens]( *article by [Josh McCoy]( *Critical Role may not have invented the idea of watching several of the most talented vocal performers of the era weave an epic narrative through a collaborative storytelling game, but they've virtually perfected it. Over three Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, several one-shots, and thousands of hours, they've built a fan base that could take on the world. Each dive into the world of Exandria reveals new details that will keep long-term fans hooked. In Critical Role: Downfall, the returning cast and a few new faces embody avatars of the mighty Prime Deities as they launch their attack on the legendary flying city of Aeor.* *Laura Bailey is a beloved member of the Critical Role family. While she remains one of the most celebrated voice actresses in the gaming industry, critters remember her best as Vex'ahlia, Jester, and Imogen, among others. In Downfall, Bailey takes on the role of Emhira, the physical embodiment of the Raven Queen. As a new deity, the Matron of Death is still finding her place in the Pantheon. Downfall sees Laura Bailey portray a level 20 Warlock using her character's own divine form as a patron. Bailey talked to Game Rant about creating her character, working with new cast members, and the experiences she's had over 13 years of sitting around playing Dungeons & Dragons. This interview has been edited for clarity and brevity.* Q: You were tragically not able to appear in Calamity. So what was it like to finally get to work with Brennan Lee Mulligan as a dungeon master? *Oh my gosh, he's so talented. Yeah, I was unbelievably excited when I got to do, or when I thought I was gonna get to do, Calamity, and we did the whole, you know, building character process with him. And so I was even more excited because he just has so much wonderful insight and was devastated when it didn't get to happen. Marisha did an amazing job, though, and took that character, made it her own, and really developed it. But yeah, I jumped at this opportunity when they asked if I would be down for doing Downfall. I was beside myself.* Q: What's it like to onboard new cast members like Abubakar Salim, Noshir Dalal, Nick Marino, and other newcomers? *It was amazing. We've worked with Abu before, and we've worked with Noshir before. This was the first time we'd ever even met Nick, so I met him when we were developing the characters together, and he's so wonderful. I don't know how, every time we bring new people into Critical Role, they happen to be the most wonderful human beings, and they really are. And I think that, you know, we bring in people that are friends of the family a lot of times, or we bring in people that are friends of friends, so that's how we end up finding such amazing people. And Abu had actually watched Critical Role and had been a fan of the show, and we met up with him in London, and we were huge fans of his as well. So it was just wonderful that he got to that. He had the time to come out and do this. They were also sweet and so open to explore the characters and dive into the lore, because with Downfall there was so much history, right, obviously, and so much lore that you had to kind of get into your brain before you could even start to create a character. So yeah, they were all so committed. It was amazing.* Q: Speaking of that lore, what was it like to step into the role of a character that has had such an impact on your previous characters? Were you going back and watching how Matt played the Raven Queen or working on trying to make this your own? *No, no, I wanted to be true to what Matt had already established, and I did go back and watch, but it turns out I didn't really need to, because I had a very strong memory of her appearing to us. Yeah. It's very strong. And yeah, it was actually Marisha who brought up me being the matron from the get-go when they said, “You guys are gonna be playing the gods of Exandria. Here's the whole Pantheon; go to town,” and really nothing was off limits. Brennan had kind of mentioned, "Maybe let's play a little easy with the Betrayer Gods," because he had plans for that. So Marisha was like, “I really want to have Matron representation at that table, and it could be really cool,” and I was terrified to play her because she does have so much lore and so much of it is shrouded in mystery still. I don't know it or I didn't at the time, and then I got to have some meetings with Matthew and some meetings with Brennan on the side and find out a little bit more of a deep dive about her history, and that way I could play her a little more accurately with how they were seeing it with how Matt was seeing it.* Q: With Downfall being the first time you’re each picking existing characters, what was the process of sitting down and selecting which gods you'd be representing? *We each picked, and it wasn't decided for sure that I was going to be the Matron. That was just one of the options that you know, like, let's think about this one, because it would be fun to have her at the table. She's just so present in all the campaigns and that makes sense. I mean, the goddess of death, so each person kind of came in, and we pitched basically three characters to the table, meaning the rest of the cast and Brennan, and said like “this is what I was thinking for this God and this is what I was thinking for their avatar and how that could work” because ultimately, we played three characters, but we were really trying to embody two separate entities. And so then, after we all kind of pitched all three, then we went back around the table and thought about how those ones could mesh and which ones resonated strongly with the rest of the group and that's how we ended up being the characters that we did.* Q: How did that impact building the characters mechanically with you stepping in with really powerful level 20 characters? Are you pulling entirely from the lore, or what would be interesting to play from a gameplay perspective? *Everything was on the table, right? Brennan, when he threw out he was like "you guys are gonna be level 20," he also said "anything you really think of that you want to do, just pitch it to me, and we can probably make it work because you’re Gods. You can do whatever you want," which that freedom is a little overwhelming, you know. I haven't played a lot of level 20 characters to begin with, and then I picked Warlock, which I'd never played at level 20. Yeah. So it was really like looking at it and going, “how does this work for her? Why would she choose Warlock?” I thought about maybe, you know, would a Wizard make more sense, but she was, you know, she wouldn't want to do things that she'd already done. So it might be nice to come back in this life and have it be easy, you know. You don't have to learn everything in magic. It just comes to you from another power. So she basically made a pact with herself and she was her own source of power.* Q: As a role player more generally, are you the type of person who has a massive list of stuff that you want to do eventually or are you approaching every single new challenge like a completely new blank slate? *I mean, there's always gonna be ideas, right, of things. “That looks really cool, I want to get to play that,” but then each time a new campaign comes up, or a new game comes up, all that goes out the window, and you start focusing on that campaign. And I tend to… this is so dumb... I think about, like, physically, what I want them to be sometimes and then “how do I fill that out?” How does that make sense? You know, literally with Imogen, my starting point was I wanted her to have pastel hair. Where do I go with that? And I had come up with like a whole bunch of different characters that could have this kind of sort of appearance and then ended up with Imogen. So yeah, with the Matron, I thought it would be really fun to make her Avatar something that looked really soft and almost innocent and gentle, so that it would be more of a contrast when she did reveal that Matron form.* Q: What's the process of finding the relationships that may have already existed with these characters that have obviously been around so much longer before you took them over? What's the process of finding who your friends and enemies are among your circle? *Well, honestly, it's already kind of established within the history of Exandria, so you know. It's more about what we know, at least for my character. We know that she came in, that she kind of forced her way into this Pantheon and, at that point, it's like, how do the others perceive her? And how did she perceive them in her mortal life? How did she perceive them? Once she became a God, what did they do? Did they shun her? Did they welcome her? Each person had a different reaction to how that would happen because she basically replaced a member of their family. This whole campaign, this whole mini-game, has been about “what is family and what is family to the Gods?” So, we actually went around the table right before the very first game. We'd already kind of established everything, you know, we'd had side conversations between the players about who knew each other. That's why Nick and Ashley had calls between each other and really established their character relationship and everything, but at the beginning of session one, we went around and said basically, who each person was in a family, like if you're sitting around a Thanksgiving table? What would each person be at that table? Would you be the older sister? Would you be the father? I was that girlfriend that shows up that nobody really knows and maybe stands to the side for a little bit. The new one that nobody knows how to treat yet. So yeah, we re-established that right before we started playing so that it would be fresh. Because it needed to come with that history the moment we started playing, it had to have all of that history.* Q: Are you a person who is conscious of playing with or against type? Are you experimenting in the realm of things you haven't played with in the past? Are you very aware of how this character might interact with some of the traits you might remember from Jester or Imogen? *I think that it's normal to want to play something that is different from something we’ve already shown, right, and with each character. Vex, we never knew or thought about it ever being shown to anybody but our friends, so we were just playing what was natural to us, and that's how Vex ended up being who she was. With Jester, I wanted to be the complete opposite of Vex. I wanted to play a character that didn't have to think before she started talking, and it didn't have to sound smart. I could just, you know, be stupid, and it was so much fun to do that. And so, with Imogen, it was how can I separate her from both of those experiences and how she would perceive things differently than them. And then with the Matron, there's so much history there. It's almost like I wanted to find the connecting threads between what Matt had already established and what her relationship would be between those characters and the other gods, like how did she get from this point to where she is in the future campaigns, right? And also, how do I show those glimmers of moments? You know, she has that moment in Campaign One, where she actually has mercy. She sees something in Vax and is able to change the threads of Fate to make his deal, and could I find a moment in the campaign to show that kind of similar personality trait of hers, right? I really thought about it when I wasn't expecting it. When Brennan suddenly said, “You are the Matron, explain what this character sees.” I didn't know that was gonna happen, and I didn't know I was ever going to be explaining my Divinity in that way, and all I could do was think about the moments that Matt had described in the past and was trying to give that same world to the character that Brennan was playing… Oh, he's so good. I don't know if I've said that already, and he's so fast. Like I'm used to playing with Matt and so like coming in with another GM who brings his own flavor of speed and comedy and depth. It was just so much fun to get to experience that.* Q: You’ve had so much experience with one DM. And is it more challenging or is it just a kind of welcome reprieve? *It's not a reprieve by any means because I look forward to our weekly game with Matt, probably more than anything else that we do and he still surprises us. I don't know how he does it after 10 years of playing together that he still... Actually, it's more than that, isn't it? Wow… personally, off camera. Yeah, it's like 13 years almost… Wow. Geez Louise. He still surprises us. It was just, I think, more nerve-wracking to play with Brennan, because I don't know how he's gonna perceive what I'm giving him. Oh, I lost a little sleep before our first game, that's for sure.* Q: In a couple of weeks, we're going to come back to Imogen, and we're going to learn what she has gained from this experience. What do you feel like you've learned from this? What do you feel like you've gained from the Downfall Arc? *Well, I gained a lot more history about Exandria, that's for sure. Travis, that's my husband, he is. all about the history. Because he and Sam executive produced the Vox Machina Animated Series, they have to know all of that. Travis really has become a wealth of knowledge as far as all of the different moments in history and Exandria and what it all means. I was still very confused about all of it, if I'm gonna be honest. But after this game, I fully get it. Oh, this is the Divergence. Oh, this is the Calamity. Oh, this is… Yeah, I feel like I'll be coming back in as a player with a better understanding.* Q: Do you sense a radical difference in tone between playing week to week and playing in Downfall? *Oh sure! Sure, I mean, Brennan let us know from the get-go that this was going to be a tragedy, right. It has to be. So there were those moments of levity, but honestly, I was surprised there were going to be any. I had no idea he was going to throw out that whole bar sequence. And it was so welcoming. It was so nice to have that moment of brightness in all of the horror that we were seeing. So, yeah, there weren't any shopping episode in Calamity. You know, there's no time to just kind of chill. It’s run and gun.* Q: How does the shorter time limit affect how you make a character when you're not going to be with them for quite as long? *I don't know if it did. I mean, I think if I was playing a one shot or a one-off I would not commit to that much backstory. Like when we were creating Menagerie characters, we went super goofy because we were like, “wow, we're going to play this one time,” and then we had so much fun, and we are going for it. But that's how we started with Vox Machina. We thought we were only playing one game, so we created characters quickly and then as you play, you create more backstory, and I think that's normal for a tabletop game. It's different now, going into the future campaigns that we've done, because we know we're going to be playing them for maybe a hundred games or more. So you want to create all of that before you begin. With Downfall, all of that was already available. I didn't have to create anything for the Matron. I did, you know, I talked to Matt. I talked to Brennan and really kind of established some stuff. And then I had to create all of Emhira’s backstory, and we didn't know how much of our avatar’s backstory was going to be in the game, if any. It was more just for our own knowledge of where they were coming from.* Q: Are there any interesting details about Emhira that you feel like might not have even made it onto the screen? *So, I mentioned her warlock patron was the Matron. So I had created a backstory where the Matron actually decided what child she was going to be born into, created The Pact with an unborn child, and sent her Champion to that family before or upon Emhira's birth and so Purvan, her Champion, was with her from her birth to protect her and keep her safe throughout her life and to help teach her everything that she would need to know, how to fight and all of that kind of stuff, and took care of her and her family and really helped out. So he was like a father to her, in some ways.* Q: You got this opportunity to select from the Prime Deities. If you had been given the same opportunity to pull from the list of Betrayer Gods, is there one that particularly calls your name? *I love the Lord of the Nine Hells, but maybe The Crawling King? I don't know why I pulled that in here. I have all these... Look, I have all of these books because my son is obsessed with drawing monsters from our game world. He presented me with like seven new drawings this morning of Iron Golems he was pretty excited about.* Q: That is adorable. Eventually, the fanart corner will just feature his drawings *[Laughs] No joke. No joke.* Q: Is there something that no one has asked you yet that you feel like you want to discuss? *Gosh… I don't know if I have anything that hasn't been asked… Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I have so much fun stuff planned, but I can't say any of it. It’s all hidden and mysterious. There's so much fun stuff that happens in the final episode of Downfall, and so much fun stuff that is coming up in our Campaign Three. We've already played a couple of games post-Downfall, and there's some really, really great stuff. Oh, it's good. It's good. I wish I could talk about it. Oh, no.* Q: Did you design your character’s clothing? *That was our amazing artist, Hannah Friederichs. I sent ideas to them about hairstyle and clothing colors and the general like softness or hardness of certain elements, and then, you know, we were presented with a few different options for looks based on what we had sent in and then we kind of refine it from there, just like we do for our other campaigns as well.* Q: A few people pointed out that Emhira looks quite a bit like you *Oh, really? That wasn't my reference, but I'll say good. I had said I had sent images of like Rachel Weisz from The Mummy and Catherine Zeta-Jones from Zorro, like, I want this ultra-feminine, soft look. So if they say it looks like me, then I'll take that complement.*

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E101] Downfall Conclusion

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 6h 30m | 1h 51m | ## Episode 101: *Downfall: Part Three* *For those coming back, the gods have not only infiltrated the city of Aeor, but have infiltrated Exandria itself. A plan decades in the making while Exandria remained choked under ash and beset by monstrous hordes of the armies of the gods both Prime and Betrayer alike. A plan was hatched to bypass the magical wards of the mighty city of Aeor; for the gods to take mortal form to pass those boundaries that only mortals could pass. Having arrived in Aeor disguised as humble ground-dwelling mortals bringing food. Probably the last thing tethering Aeor to terrestrial Exandria. The gods and their companions discovered that they would need to work quickly, that the Factorum Malleus was all but operational. Moving swiftly, our divine protagonists (we have to wait to find out if the word ‘heroes’ is appropriate or not) discovered the Archmage Cassida Preven who was working on the Factorum Malleus. Part of a secret society of Aeorian archmages dedicated to helping the Prime Deities win the Calamity. After all this is a war between gods isn’t it? Or are they not so much enemies as family? We also discovered the Obtenebrator Engine and beneath it The Scribe (an Aeormaton tasked with operating the massive obfuscation that is hiding the city from divine sight, but also in the event of an emergency, broadcast the schematics of the Factorum Malleus across Exandria; an insurance policy should the gods somehow bypass Aeor’s defenses). It took less than six seconds for you to dispatch them. We return now to an extra-dimensional holding chamber (a “back room” if you will) of the Ars Elysia (the hidden speakeasy/society of beauty/nightclub run by SILAHA aka The Arch Heart). Within this realm, you now appear:* - The six of you - Cassida Preven (one of the archmages who crafted the Factorum Malleus) - Your sister and companion Arcadia (also masquerading as an Aeorian archmage; one of the two deities to have spent some time in Aeor. - Zaharzht, Father Milo Caust, and Tishar *All of you dwell now under scintillating silver light forming an ovoid sphere with elongated twinkling silver strands in all directions. You do not stand on the floor so much as you hover in suspended space here in the middle. Though it is clean and scintillating and extra-dimensional, perhaps you can smell that not very long ago, a celestial died here. You have removed the Obtenebrator Engine and thus the gods can see Aeor. You have removed the Eravox Protocol and thus their insurance policy to disseminate this knowledge has faded. In that engine room you heard winds kick up outside; omens of things to come. All that remains is the destruction of the Latimus Princeps that force keeping the gods physically away and keeping you definitively mortal. That Latimus Princeps has been integrated to and built within the weapon itself. You have one task remaining, but can you agree on what that task is? As we enter this chamber and Cassida (standing by Trist’s side) looks as Zaharzht coughing blood. Tishar goes and flanks Cassida on the other side and puts her chin close to Cassida’s shoulder and sniffs,* Tishar:”Mortal. Funny.” *Cassida looks to all of you now gathered here after the flash of combat and feels the power radiating off of all of you (who have just unmade decades of arcane work in a matter of seconds),* Cassida:“Who is everyone here? Are you…?” *Tishar reaches up a hand and puts it on Cassida’s back.* Tishar:“This person is supposed to be here? Or they leave?” *Tishar grabs the hair on the back of her (Cassida) head. Trist takes Cassida’s hand and looks at Tishar.* Trist:”She’s with me. Please take your hand away.” --- ## Previous Episode: *"Downfall: Part Two"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD]( #### *Artwork by KuyaSerge*

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of July 22nd, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ### The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 9 releases Monday, July 22nd on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 10 releases Monday, July 22nd at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 14 releases Tuesday, July 23rd at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 34 releases Tuesday, July 23rd at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 35 releases Friday, July 26th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ### Official MOONWARD Trailer Our newest tale from the Cosmos of Midst! ICYMI here’s a little teaser. - Releases Wednesday, July 24th on YouTube at 10am Pacific # CRITICAL ROLE: CAMPAIGN 3, EPISODE 101 ### The Finale of Downfall! Episodes 99-101 of Critical Role, Campaign 3 will explore a three-part story of historical memory from an arcane relic within the ruins of Aeor! Join Brennan Lee Mulligan as he leads players Laura Bailey, Noshir Dalal, Taliesin Jaffe, Nick Marini, Abubakar Salim, and Ashley Johnson through a tragic tale that led to the destruction of the flying city of Aeor over a century into the Calamity. - Airs Thursday, July 25th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, July 25th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, July 26th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, July 29th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out Thursday, August 1st on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 101 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 96! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after BLeeM says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, July 25th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 90%
    [Spoilers C3E100] Downfall Part Two

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 0m | 1h 36m | # Episode 100: *Downfall: Part Two* *Salutations, as we return to the heart of the city of Aeor in the moments before its inevitable downfall. We return to where we left off, within the Chamber of Seasons, deep in the heart of the Opus Ward. Ancient stone and the illuminated images in this temple of old that now are brought to new life under the light of a hidden sun. Images of the gods flank the walls of this chamber. As you prepare to leave, knowing only that a weapon (made to destroy the eternal) is at the very threshold of operational status, deep within the heart of this last bastion of mortal might. As you prepare to leave you see that these strange companions (also in the form of mortal avatars) begin to smile and make their way towards the exit. For those of you that have conversed here, we have several groups preparing to travel out from this place:* - Asha and The Emissary are preparing to move with Tishar (a tall-hulking barbarian woman with a massive greatsword on her back) and Zaharzht (a spiky Tortle, sort of albino, sickly-green eyes, with hooks and jagged chunks of rusty metal in his flesh. They prepare to head to the Obtenebrator Engine (which disguises the city from divine sight and scrying) in the Genesis Ward at the center of the city. - SILAHA (an aeormaton) and Emhira are preparing to leave in the company of Umleta (a small halfling archer) to make use of SILAHA's connections within the mageocratic city of Aeor. Searching for rumors or clues to the Eravox Protocol (a means by which, should the mageistry of Aeor become aware of the threat to their great project, the knowledge of that project would be transcribed and sent to the far corners of Exandria) one last failsafe that the knowledge found to destroy the gods would not be lost to mortalkind. - Arcadia (your companion and ally from here in the city) and Father Milo (a priest of the Dawnfather) accompanying Ayden and Trist. Searching for passage into the Genesis Ward (highly secretive, the arcane heart of Aeor where its greatest secrets (some of which will be discovered many years from now under the icy frost of Eiselcross but in this day they are at the zenith of their power) lie. *Is there anything that you do or say to each other as you prepare to disembark from the Chamber of Secrets, uh Chamber of Seasons? As Umleta comes to join you, you see that she looks up at you and smiles. You see that she has this rogue-ish way of carefully taking this silken rope and begins to pack it around an elbow and a hand, creating a little coil that she tucks into this large, black bag on her back. You see there is thread... like a web. You don't like that they (these betrayer gods) were here before you arrived. You've been in this city for a long time and you begin to wonder how long they've been here for.* --- ## Previous Episode: *"Downfall: Part One"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of July 15th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 8 releases Monday, July 15th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - The Re-Slayers (Bonus) Take w/ Dani Carr releases Monday, July 15th at 5am Pacific on Beacon. ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 13 releases Tuesday, July 16th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 32 releases Tuesday, July 16th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 33 releases Friday, July 19th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ## Live Fireside Chat with Sam Riegel Join us in the tavern for a monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) series where you can sit down with us and learn more about our Critical Role cast and guests! Questions will be curated directly from Beacon members via Discord and each episode will feature a different cast member for a 30-60 minute fireside chat. Cozy up by the fire and enjoy the deep dive with us! - Starts Tuesday, July 16th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 100 ##Part 2 of DOWNFALL! Episodes 99-101 of Critical Role, Campaign 3 will explore a three-part story of historical memory from an arcane relic within the ruins of Aeor! Join Brennan Lee Mulligan as he leads players Laura Bailey, Noshir Dalal, Taliesin Jaffe, Nick Marini, Abubakar Salim, and Ashley Johnson through a tragic tale that led to the destruction of the flying city of Aeor over a century into the Calamity. - Airs Thursday, July 18th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, July 18th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, July 19th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, July 22nd at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out July 25th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 100 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 100! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after BRENNAN says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, July 18th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 80%
    [Spoilers C3E99] Downfall Part 1

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 4h 17m | 2h 18m | # Episode 99: *Downfall: Part One* *Light. Light suffusing all. Eternal, undying, infinite. Names beyond counting does this place have in the timeless time in which it existed. But in your tongue, Exandrian, let us simply call it Tengar, the Eternal Palace. Behold endless ramparts and hallways of spinning stars. A nebula so vast that light would age a thousand lifetimes of its origin to cross from the threshold to the ending of this palace. Let us imagine beings of infinite possibility and endless wonder, populating the vast and joyous caverns, chambers, hallways, ramparts, all of the chapels and unending mystery that this Eternal Palace has to offer those that have always dwelt herein. Shimmering light, beings of wonder whose potential (having never touched 'the real') is limitless. Within this place we must describe for you in words that mortals can comprehend. What you have come now to witness. In Tengar, the Eternal Palace, past the hallway of the Unbroken Shard, one can spy the Quill of Infinites (that which writes those worlds that have yet never been). We see a small parade of twinkling lights. These lights that we now behold are, to us, inhuman. But of course, this realm has never known the touch of humans. So, let us instead give it a name, that we might understand it. Sparkling light traveling down a hall, we see EDUN, a kaleidoscoping ephemera of twinkling lights moving through the palace towards the Orchard of Possibility, as once it was called. EDUN beholds a small flickering shape, ARU. Though it would be impossible for a mortal to comprehend, (Nick describes a star). EDUN, much larger than you, ARU, rolls past.* "Oh, *Aru*! Splendid! I was wondering if I might come across any of the vibrant denizens of these wings of Tengar. Have you any friends nearby to call out to? I wish to show you something, if I could." *Light spirals out as EDUN moves past you. (Aru calls out to Luz (Ashley)). LUZ, you arrive at the edge of a vast balcony ending in a staircase descending to an orchard of fractal light. They are trees, but they are also mirrors and stars and perhaps the hands of some great and eternal love for the being of all things yet to come. EDUN, this kaleidoscoping, shimmering train of light begins to descend the staircase, and you see ARU, eternal sibling of yours rushing behind you, LUZ. As you see ARU, a shape comes and turns to look at you and it's now shimmering blue, but a crackling fire in front of you. This is your sibling IMRI.* Imri:"What's going on? Is something happening? Are we starting a new game?" Luz:"I don't know." Aru:"Edun has something to show us." Imri:"Well, Edun certainly can't show it to all of us at the same time and I, as ever, shall be there first!" *IMRI surges forward as a trail of fire shoots down the staircase, into the stars. Luz takes off after. IMRI rushes past EDUN as quickly as possible.* Edun:"Careful! Careful!" *You see the trees shimmer. Purplish light, almost what you would describe as the reflection of water when it plays on a wall, lounging beneath the trees, fractals playing on fractals, enjoying the peace. IMRI races past, trips on a purple fractal, explodes in endless fireworks.* Imri:'I could've known, always louging around in the Orchard. EDUN! Nahal tripped me!" Edun:"Oh, sweet Nahal. I did not wish to disturb your slumber. IMRI, you have run much too fast and become a thousand beautiful exploding fireworks. Enough of that!" *EDUN begins to surround a tree. NAHAL you look on. You feel a growing sense of something that you've always felt, like you might feel one day, but have never yet felt, is unusual in the Eternal Palace, to feel anything for the first time. You feel a sense of dread.* Nahal:"What is this? It's exciting and horrible." *EDUN looks.* "Ah! Yes. What I wished to show you. A new tree being born in the Orchard of Possibility." *A tree shimmers and twitches. Sharp, painful. There is a fruit hanging from it, but also a gem, but also a sun falling into itself. EDUN looks up. IMRI looks at you and goes,* "Beautiful...I don't know if I agree. Don't you feel a little bit..." *IMRI looks to you for the word that they have never had to say before. EDUN reaches up and plucks the fruit. Luz, you say,* "Wait. Give it a chance." *A moment too late.* Edun:"Oh." *Edun's shimmering form ceases. Each point of light is fixed.* Nahal:"What is this?" Luz:"What is happening?" Edun:"I'm sorry. I think I'm going away." Nahal:"What is *away*?" Aru:"Edun!" *A point of lightlessness rests in the middle of the Orchard.* --- ## Previous Episode: *"The Nox Engine"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    MIDST: Moonward Cast Announced (Four-Part Miniseries)

    ## [MIDST: Moonward Teaser]( ### *"There's more to come from the Cosmos, keep your eyes peeled for updates as we leave the wake of MIDST behind and head MOONWARD… 🌙"* ![](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of July 8th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 7 releases Monday, July 8th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 9 releases Monday, July 8th at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. --- # *“[It’s Been A While](”* --- ### Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 12 releases Tuesday, July 9th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 30 releases Tuesday, July 9th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 31 releases Friday, July 12th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ## Daggerheart 1.5 Update Join us LIVE as Matthew Mercer and Spenser Starke walk you through the changes made to Daggerheart in version 1.5. - Airs LIVE Tuesday, July 9th at 4pm Pacific on Beacon, Twitch and YouTube. - VOD releases immediately on Beacon, Twitch, and YouTube ## 4-Sided Dive, Episode 25 Discussing Up to Campaign 3, Episode 98 Sam Riegel is back! Join Sam Riegel, Matthew Mercer, Taliesin Jaffe, and Travis Willingham as they pull questions for the tower of inquiry, roll some dice in the game “Roll For It,” mourn the loss of fallen friends, discuss their latest adventures in Aeor, and…of course… relive the events of the BELLS HELLS LIVE SHOW! - Airs Tuesday, July 9th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Tuesday, July 9th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - VOD out Wednesday, July 10th on YouTube at 12pm Pacific - Podcast out Friday, July 12th on your favorite podcast streaming service ### MIDST: Season 3 Roundtable Marisha Ray and Liam O’Brien reunite with Third Person, the creators of Midst, to discuss the reality bending events of Season 3 and the epic Midst SERIES Finale! - Airs Wednesday, July 10th on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm Pacific - VOD and Podcast out Wednesday, July 10th at 7pm Pacific on and Beacon - Podcast out July 10th at 7pm Pacific on your favorite podcast streaming service # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 99 ### Downfall Part I Episodes 99-101 of Critical Role, Campaign 3 will explore a three-part story of historical memory from an arcane relic within the ruins of Aeor! Join Brennan Lee Mulligan as he leads players Laura Bailey, Nosir Dalal, Taliesin Jaffe, Nick Marini, Abubakar Salim, and Ashley Johnson through a tragic tale that led to the destruction of the flying city of Aeor over a century into the Calamity. - Airs Thursday, July 11th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, July 11th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, July 12th at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, July 15th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out July 18th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 99 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 99! You’ll be right there at the table immediately after BRENNAN says “Is it Thursday yet?”, experiencing the cast’s post-show reactions. - Releases Thursday, July 11th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 2 months ago 86%
    Sam Talks About Getting Sick

    # [It's Been A While]( Sam opens up about his ongoing battle with cancer. ::: spoiler Sam is my favorite Sam's performance helped me find the courage to drop some of the shitty people in my life with Scanlan's departure in C1. Nott was a great example to never give up hope even after the world has done it's best to warp you into a monster. He's become one of those unmet forces for good that I didn't think I'd depend on to just exist in the world. The initial faint thoughts of doubt that might prevent me from making an extra effort, or taking creative risk, get blown away by his contagious enthusiasm. I've lost loved ones to lymphoma and I just wish I could lighten the burden of fear/uncertainty that Sam and Quyen and the kids are carrying. ::: --- [Here's a moment from Campaign 1 of Travis as Grog Strongjaw, paying tribute to resurrect Scanlan Shorthalt (Sam's character)]( that highlights their friendship in and out of game.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of July 1st, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. We will be returning with a new episode of 4-Sided Dive on July 9th and Critical Role on July 11th. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - The Re-Slayers (Bonus) Take w/ Matthew Mercer releases Monday, July 1st on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 8 releases Monday, July 1st at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 11 releases Tuesday, July 2nd at 10am Pacific on YouTube and your favorite podcast streaming platform! - Campaign 3, Episode 28 releases Tuesday, July 2nd at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 29 releases Friday, July 5th at 10am Pacific on Beacon

    Poetry Ultragramps 3 months ago 100%
    Untitled Voting Poyum by Len Pennie

    # *This poem is not in the book shown. This was transcribed from an instagram post made on June 18, 2024.* --- Take your pick of politicians, out of touch so deeply. Who crave your vote to steer our boat jump into bed to sleep li- asing with corrupted frauds who desecrate their post. The parliamentary parasites who wank to Thatcher's ghost. What I really think is not politically correct. I'm sick of seeing sycophants whose job is to perfect The art of causing chasms and dissolving public unity. A poison, puerile, pestilence polluting our community. Where's the money skimmed from taxes getting siphoned for expenses? Where's the justice for your mates who commit criminal offenses? Where's the empathy for humans that don't look or act like you? What are all the citizens who are in poverty to do? Where are all the refugees who simply need our help to go? Just stick em on a barge or plane; maintain the status quo. Use them as an excuse for why we can't afford to heat The homes that we will never own, the food our kids can't eat. Pick the one who's gonna rule us with the minimum disruption. Who'll only break the records of malfeasance and corruption. The way that they are hollowing out Britain starts to grate. Taking try of this country giving back the right to hate Anyone who's black or brown disabled, queer, or working class. A woman or an immigrant, to them the blame will pass. If the people fight among ourselves, divided we will fall. When we look after each other and seek liberty for all A rising tide will lift all boats, do not let them distract Because the people have the power and it's time for us to act.

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 100%
    Programming Schedule: Week of June 24th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ### The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 6 releases Monday, June 24th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - Episodes 7 releases Monday, June 24th at 5am Pacific only on Beacon. LIVE Fireside Chat with Marisha Ray Join us in the tavern for a monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) series where you can sit down with us and learn more about our Critical Role cast and guests! Questions will be curated directly from Beacon members via Discord and each episode will feature a different cast member for a 30-60 minute fireside chat. Cozy up by the fire and enjoy the deep dive with us! - Starts Monday, June 24th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 10 releases Tuesday, June 25th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 26 releases Tuesday, June 25th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 27 releases Friday, June 28th at 10am Pacific on Beacon ## Candela Obscura: ### Game Master Roundtable Join Aabria Iyengar, Liam O’Brien, Spenser Starke, and Matthew Mercer as the four of them gather together to discuss their experiences being game masters in the world of Candela Obscura - Airs Tuesday, June 25th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Tuesday, June 25th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - VOD out Thursday, June 27th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out July 2nd on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific ## MIDST: Season 3 SERIES FINALE Join our three mischievous and unreliable narrators as they spin a surreal, sci-fantasy, space-western tale about complicated antiheroes making bad decisions in a world on the edge of disaster. - Episode 19 releases Wednesday, June 26th on YouTube at 10am Pacific and your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Ménagerie a Trois | Daggerheart Cooldown Get a backstage pass to our LIVE Menagerie Daggerheart One-Shot and experience the cast’s post-show reactions! - Releases Thursday, June 27th at 12pm Pacific only on Beacon

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 100%
    CR Abridged Art Archive on Tumblr

    > Record of every art piece published with CR Abridged. Managed by u/taly_slayer. > Yes, I also read the url as Crab Ridge Dart. [Artist Index]( ::: spoiler (click to reveal artist list) - Hannah Friederichs (@agarthanguide) - Shaun Ellis (@shmaba) - Bree Williams (@larkspurns) - Lap Pun Cheung (@lappuncheung) - Wesley Griffith (@wesley_griffith) - Deven Rue (@devenrue) - Cris Trinci (@galaxybandit) - Hampus Viklander (@spookystirfry) - Azraelion (@azraelion) - Mike Pape (@wingbuffet) - Elisa Serio (@ellinainthesky) - Clara Daly (@eldritchblep) - Nikki Dawes (@nikkidawes) - Ian MacDonald (@ian_macdonald_art) ::: --- [Monthly Archive](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 92%
    New Miniseries: EXU: Downfall

    #### *What We Know So Far* - Critical Role's new campaign arc, "Downfall," will be helmed by "Dimension 20's" Brennan Lee Mulligan. - Regular cast members Laura Bailey, Taliesin Jaffe, and Ashley Johnson. - New Blood ![]( Abubakar Salim ![]( Noshir Dalal ![]( and Nick Marini. - The episodes, part of the CR crew's third campaign, will air on July 11, 18, and 25. - The three-chapter series is all about the fall of Aeor, an ancient civilization. - *"There's only one known time, throughout all of Exandrian history, that the "good" and the "bad" gods ever said 'game off' (implying a temporary truce out of necessity) and that was when they destroyed this city (Aeor)."* -MFMM

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 100%
    [Spoilers C3E98] Live Show at The Greek!

    Watch the episode live on [Twitch]( and [YouTube]( at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST > | Runtime | Break start| > | :------ | :------ | > | 3h 54m | 2h 5m | # Episode 98: *The Nox Engine* *In the long wake of the Solstice, Bell's Hells find Exandria and their world turned topsy-turvy as Ludinus Da'leth and his cadre of followers (known as the Ruby Vanguard) plan to unleash the god-eating entity Predathos that was long sealed in the red moon Ruidus. After travelling to this very moon, interacting with its people and returning with intel on hopes to stop what they're doing, they discover that they've been sourcing ancient, long-buried Aeorian magical technology as part of their plan. And not just that. Ludinus Da'leth is there right now dealing with a strange wrinkle in his plot with the name Dominox. Bell's Hells, escorted by a figure with some experience in the ruins of Aeor, one Essek Thelyss (crowd shouts 'Hot Boi') on loan from his 'partner', brought them to the strange, northern, frozen realm of Eiselcross where the very fabric of magic is strange and prone to unexpected apparation subforces. They went to these ruins, delved beneath, discovered that the Ruby Vanguard that had been delving within, scattered, killed (not by the terrifying denizens of these ancient dark ruins, but by eachother in strange fits of almost religious madness, carving glyphs into their flesh). Going towards the darkest depths of the basements of the ruins in the center of the Genesis Ward at Essek's guidance, they come upon a strange chamber where upon the ancient bodies mingling with the new freshly dead (now dangling by blackened hooks from long chains that seem to have apparated from nowhere, almost grown from the surrounding stone of the crumbled rock and ruin). They heard some of these long forgotten corpses asking them questions through magic: hearing things of a Nox Engine, hearing that Dominox was once (or may still be) a grand demon of ancient times sealed away and harnessed for nefarious magical purpose within this Nox Engine by the mage lords of Aeor long ago now recently running rampant upon the Ruby Vanguard. Right as they discovered this, strange visions began to come to them. First Chetney Pock O'Pea being overcome with a mystical vision of a familiar darkened wood of the past and the bloodied faces of the children, seemingly called from dark, maybe buried, memories asking why he hurt them, why he killed them. Uncertain if this was real or not, he had to pull himself from the vision before attacking his friends. Right as they began to collect themselves, searching for the source of this strange dark magic, hoping to either find Ludinus or perhaps this Dominox and figure out what or who is the right villain in this instance, poor Dorian Storm fell to his own vision. As they pass between these hanging chains looking upon one of these hung corpses, he sees the face of his recently deceased brother Cyrus, who looks up at him with dead sunken eyes saying,* "Why have you done this to me brother?" *It's here in these shadows. Dorian Storm, the blood pouring from his blackened sockets here in the shattered expanse, the rest of it just a shadowy dark blur around you, Cyrus looks towards you from that shadow.* "Why? Why, brother?" *As you glance up towards his face to try and make eye contact, his now-somewhat-shriveled corpse arms reach out and grab your lapel and pull you close (where you can smell the early decay on him) his lips curl back with the gums in the early stage of decomposition.* "Not all is lost, brother. I'm not beyond saving. My spirit lingers, haunts this realm now without peace, and I am not alone." *You see these little sparks glow on the horizon around him, these other souls lost in the limbo, now in the post-Solstice era. The hands no longer grasping you; now just touching your cheek with a sadness and a hopeful longing.* "Within this engine, a curse keeps us, brother. Free us. Let us rest, brother." *As the body begins to fade, the last thing you see in his shadow are a sparkin flash of a spinning purple crystal before you blink, and the body hanging before you is a long-dead skeleton, withered and armored in that of the ancient Aeorian guard.* --- ## Previous Episode: *"Ancient Sins"* - [CritRole Recap]( - [Episode Discussion]( - [YouTube VoD]( - [Alternate Front End VoD](

    Critical Role Ultragramps 3 months ago 83%
    Programming Schedule: Week of June 17th, 2024

    Please note that these broadcasts are only scheduled for the times listed below. ## The Re-Slayer’s Take Follow the escapades of the second-coolest monster hunters this side of Exandria: The Re-Slayer’s Take! After six misfit mercenaries are rejected from the elite monster hunting group, The Slayer’s Take, they band together, battling supernatural creatures across the rugged continent of Issylra. - Episode 5 releases Monday, June 17th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific - The Re-Slayers (Bonus) Take w/ Matthew Mercer releases Monday, June 17th at 5am Pacific on Beacon. ## Critical Role Abridged All the twists and turns of an episode of Critical Role in half the time! In Critical Role Abridged, the rich tapestry of a Critical Role campaign is lovingly distilled to its most pivotal, hilarious, and poignant moments in about 60-90 minutes per episode. - Campaign 3, Episode 9 releases Tuesday, June 18th at 10am Pacific on YouTube - Campaign 3, Episode 24 releases Tuesday, June 18th at 10am Pacific on Beacon - Campaign 3, Episode 25 releases Friday, June 21st at 10am Pacific on Beacon ### MIDST: Season 3 No new episodes this week. # Critical Role: Campaign 3, Episode 98 (Bells Hells Live Show) We’ll be airing our Critical Role LIVE show that we had at The Greek Theatre in Los Angeles! Tune in for Episode 98 of Campaign 3 as Bells Hells gathers their courage and their allies to stop Ludinus Da’leth and his planned destruction of the gods. - Airs Thursday, June 20th at 7pm Pacific on Twitch and YouTube - VOD and Podcast out Thursday, June 20th at 7pm Pacific on Beacon - Rebroadcasts Friday, June 21st at 12am Pacific and 9am Pacific on Twitch - VOD out Monday, June 24th at 12pm Pacific on YouTube - Podcast out June 27th on your favorite podcast streaming service at 5am Pacific #### Critical Cooldown: Campaign 3, Episode 98 Get a backstage pass to Campaign 3, Episode 98 at our Critical Role LIVE show! Join the cast backstage as they discuss the events of their first LIVE show as Bells Hells. - Releases Thursday, June 20th at 7pm Pacific only on Beacon
