socialism Socialism Workers Are Striking at Australia’s Supermarket Duopoly
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 12 months ago 100%

    fuck yes, I wish them the best. Working at these places has been an absolute nightmare especially since covid, dealing with abusive fuckheads for so little pay and almost no protection.

  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Ahh yes Americans and Europeans, the only people who over consume.

  • privacy Privacy Pay with Palm
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    All this trouble and they didn't even make the scanner shaped like a hand so you can high five it. Waste of potential.

  • australia Australia Clinic associated with cult that teaches that people with disability are experiencing 'karma' receives thousands in NDIS funds
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I wish I could say this is the least bit surprising.

  • australia Australia AMA calls for stronger AI regulations after doctors use ChatGPT to write medical notes
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 62%

    I feel like if you're too lazy to write a medical note you shouldn't be a doctor.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk What Are You Working On?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I've been working on a bodice block, I know your pain.

  • anarchism Anarchism and Social Ecology Nefarious Data Collection Masking as Public Art? Worldcoin, an A.I. company, has placed mirrored spheres around the world in a massive Eye-Scanning Project | Artnet News
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 90%

    if I see one of these things I'm throwing it into the nearest river

  • privacy Privacy ESRB plans “facial age estimation” checker for age verification
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Saw an app try exactly this. It was run by terfs and they wanted to lock out anyone who wasn't a cis woman. Instead it labelled almost every black woman a man and many trans women got through the filter anyway.

  • gamingcirclejerk gamingcirclejerk *Permanently Deleted*
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 85%

    I'm a pc gamer and they're right. I don't deserve shit.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk What Are You Working On?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Learning to make, repair and upcycle my own clothes instead of relying of badly made polyester fast fashion that doesn't fit well. Also getting my fitness up so I can bike instead of drive which is difficult because I live in an absurdly hilly area.

  • gamingcirclejerk gamingcirclejerk The developer of Skyblivion, which remakes Oblivion in Skyrim, says they have received death threats
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 83%

    I don't think this is it because the only commonality between bethesda fans I have ever seen is calling Todd a liar and hoping he falls into a mineshaft.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars 'The ticket was for almost $600’: Electric unicyclists demand change to B.C. road rules
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    We should always blame horses first even if there were none involved. The fuckers have been getting off light for too long.

  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 75%

    yeah well my ass doesn't fit in the booster seat anymore and space is a premium

  • games Games 5 Reminders NOT to Pre-Order Games This Year ~ We used to demand trials before buying before, what happened? ~ Stop Pre ordering Games
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Fascinated by this take honestly. What does this mean?

  • games Games 5 Reminders NOT to Pre-Order Games This Year ~ We used to demand trials before buying before, what happened? ~ Stop Pre ordering Games
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    for some reason indie games still seem to have demos semi-often, especially if you check their pages.

  • fuck_cars
    Fuck Cars TiredSpider 1 year ago 90%
    Almost got run over by a backing out car today...

    In front of a bike shop in their parking area! Where I was told to try out the bike I was going to buy! All while I couldn't hear myself think because multiple cars driving on the nearby road had illegally modified their vehicles to be as loud as possible.

    sewing Sewing Today I finished my first plushie (pretty much completely new to sewing) from my own custom pattern. This is Fin Fin, an obscure 90s virtual pet, and my best friend.
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 66%

    omg, He's so cute.

  • twoxchromosomes TwoXChromosomes Is anyone else more than a little disappointed that the rampant misogyny, objectification, and "whataboutmen-ism" seems to have followed the reddit migration here?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 88%

    I'm getting frustrated with people who are saying they don't want only fans girls here advertising but still want free porn. So much of reddit nsfw was stolen content, some people are so entitled. If you want free porn the least you can do is let sex workers plug their socials.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars condos take away from the character of the neighborhood
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I do wonder what those hideous parking towers could ever be used for. Not an architect so I don't know but could they ever be converted into anything useful? Like actually useful not car brain useful. If you added walls could they become homes or are they to badly designed to ever house anything living.

  • gamingcirclejerk gamingcirclejerk *Permanently Deleted*
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 81%

    joking about fucking a bear in a dnd game is just as bad as jacking off to pictures of children. I'm learning so much.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Epiphany - most people are not qualified to operate a car
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Reminder that a covid symptom is seemingly permanent terrible spatial reasoning, people were already terrible drivers but they're worse than ever now.

    If you haven't seen his article please look it's SO much worse than you are imagining.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is your opinion on deradicalization/deNazication programs?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Wow that's way better than I expected. Guess it makes sense Germany would take that sort of thing more seriously.

  • environment Aussie Enviro Vaccinating Crocodiles against West Nile Virus to save the crocodile industry
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I know what the crocodile industry is but it wont stop me imagining a bunch of crocs working in an old timey factory wearing suspenders and bowler hats.

  • reclamation
    Planting a small forest in 24 hours (1440 trees)

    Not sure if this is the right place for this but I thought it was cool.

    asklemmy Asklemmy What is your opinion on deradicalization/deNazication programs?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I'd hope they work but I've seen too many "former" nazis get criticized for still holding some terrible views then immediately throw a tantrum and run back to the far-right because they don't actually want to take accountability they want to get coddled by the same minorities they hurt and be told how clever and brave they are for no longer being bigots.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are the bad patterns of Reddit to never repeat on Lemmy?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    A huge annoyance was that there was already subs for asking sex questions but people found it easier to karma farm in the main ones so they were barely used. Hopefully without karma here that will be avoided.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 66%

    Protestors generally move for emergency vehicles and drivers who call out to them and say they have an emergency themselves.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What from reddit do you hope to never see on lemmy?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 66%

    Also autistic people can struggle with sarcasm especially over text.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's a true fact that is so misleading it's borderline misinformation?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 85%

    Its so frustrating when I see other minorities use that argument because their suicide statistics are also typically higher! That's the nature of oppression.

  • nolawns No Lawns Improving soil could keep world within 1.5C heating target, research suggests
    Book recommendation: Chicken Fact or Chicken Poop

    A really good book authored by actual experts about dispelling myths and legends about backyard poultry keeping, complete with proper scientific explanation as to why certain things do and don't work.

    australia Australia Australian company suing Twitter for more than $1m over alleged unpaid bills, rents
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    If he ever goes to prison we should let him keep a connection to the internet so he can continue to embarrass himself for our amusement, sorta like Andrew Tate when he got people from the outside to compose increasingly unhinged tweets for him (shout out to when he claimed he was fighting ghosts in his cell, because he was being haunted???).

  • anarchism Anarchism and Social Ecology What about the rapists? Anarchist approaches to crime & justice
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 75%

    you bring up good points, thank you for sharing them. I'll post more literature on the topic once I read through more but I thought this was a good start.

  • australia Australia 'Trapped until I am 90': Rowena will pay tens of thousands of dollars in funeral insurance to protect her only asset
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I know its not the main point of the article but I really want to bring attention to

    "A lot of people don't realise that you don't need a fancy coffin, you don't need to have embalming, you don't really need a service," she said.

    The funeral industry itself, insurance aside is SO predatory and will try to guilt grieving people into paying more. It's a total rip, please talk to your loved ones about death and how they would want to be remembered so some dipshit funeral director can't con you into an extravagant affair by claiming it's what your loved ones would have wanted.

  • australia Australia How Indie Developers Saved Australia's Video Game Industry
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I've played it, it's very fun. I wanna also recommend the game "webbed". It was made in QLD by an indie team and I love it so much, it's a platformer where you play as a jumping spider swinging spider-man style around the bush.

  • anarchism
    What about the rapists? Anarchist approaches to crime & justice

    This was written by anarchist survivors of sexual violence and abuse. It digs into the different approaches to deal with serious harm with the goal of not recreating the same oppressive systems of state “justice”.

  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I've been meaning to start a music collection for a bunch of old goth music from small bands that risks being lost to time. Thanks for this post I'm gonna get my ass moving on it.

  • australia Australia A review of the NDIS has participants on edge. Today we know more about what it's targeting
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I'm disabled and never used NDIS despite it being something that could've really helped me, especially growing up, because it was so much more trouble and stress than it should be. I really hope this improves but I have little faith in the government in regards to anything disability related at this point.

  • nottheonion Not The Onion Body 'liquefaction' unit unveiled
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 50%

    it's just you, I get five lines in the article and a video.

  • australia Australia Can we stop buying these stupid things? Thanks
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 75%

    taxing them wont remove their massive blind spots that make them so dangerous. Even fwds have some use cases but these don't, to my knowledge there isn't any thing these stupid things can do that another vehicle cant do better besides maybe running over children, no one needs one of these.

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Public parks should have less parking to discourage driving
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    I worry this would further class divide in some ways. Where I am all the best green space is in the rich parts of town, the poorer folks need to drive. The little green-space poorer areas do have isn't as well maintained either. I think this is coming at the problem from the wrong end, this should be the last step not the first.

  • australianpolitics Australian Politics Wealthy Baby Boomers should pay more for aged care, major providers say
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%

    Don't threaten us with a good time.

  • memes
    solarpunk memes TiredSpider 1 year ago 93%
    dark_souls Darksouls world Whats your most frustrating moment?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 75%

    Who ever thought giving the capra demon two dogs was a good idea is an enemy for life.

  • solarpunk Solarpunk Eating the bugs?
  • TiredSpider TiredSpider 1 year ago 80%

    I was vegan for many years, people like you aren't the reason I stopped but I definitely don't miss the weird aggression either. (btw farming plants still kills A LOT of bugs, usually in more cruel and prolonged ways than slaughtering them for food)

  • aesthetic
    aesthetic TiredSpider 1 year ago 96%
    Urban jungle in Taipei - u/Urbinaut

    cross-posted from:

    196 TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%
    secret rule
    Meta ( TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%
    Is the metadata from pics wiped automatically here like mainstream social media?

    or should I do it manually before posting photos I take for privacy?

    The Bug Menagerie TiredSpider 1 year ago 90%
    Quick and dirty guide to hover fly breeding

    cross-posted from: > *what is a hover fly?* > > Hover flies are a family of predatory flies that also feed on nectar. They are great in the garden because they are both a natural pest control and pollinator. They are a diverse family found on all continents except Antarctica so the specific native species in your area will differ. They often mimic bees and wasps even though they aren't related. > > *How do I get hover flies in my garden?* > > Hover flies begin as maggots that feed on decaying matter in stagnant water. To attract them simply take a small container, no larger than a bucket is needed and fill with leaves and water. Add a few sticks so when the larvae are ready to pupate they can escape otherwise they will drown. Occasionally top up the leaves when necessary. Keeping the water covered with a layer will prevent mosquitoes. > > *How will I know if it's working?* > > The larvae are commonly known as rat tailed maggots and you can identify them by the trademark "tail" (actually a breathing tube). They look freaky but don't worry! They are as harmless as the adults and will stick to their puddle until ready to pupate. > > *Where do I put it?* > > The mixture will begin to stink as it decays (this is what attracts the flies in the first place) so leave your diy lagoon in an area that is calm, cool and wont bother anyone with it's smell. > They will also be attracted by flowers. > > Have fun!

    Solarpunk Farming TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%
    Quick and dirty guide to hover fly breeding

    *what is a hover fly?* Hover flies are a family of predatory flies that also feed on nectar. They are great in the garden because they are both a natural pest control and pollinator. They are a diverse family found on all continents except Antarctica so the specific native species in your area will differ. They often mimic bees and wasps even though they aren't related. *How do I get hover flies in my garden?* Hover flies begin as maggots that feed on decaying matter in stagnant water. To attract them simply take a small container, no larger than a bucket is needed and fill with leaves and water. Add a few sticks so when the larvae are ready to pupate they can escape otherwise they will drown. Occasionally top up the leaves when necessary. Keeping the water covered with a layer will prevent mosquitoes. *How will I know if it's working?* The larvae are commonly known as rat tailed maggots and you can identify them by the trademark "tail" (actually a breathing tube). They look freaky but don't worry! They are as harmless as the adults and will stick to their puddle until ready to pupate. *Where do I put it?* The mixture will begin to stink as it decays (this is what attracts the flies in the first place) so leave your diy lagoon in an area that is calm, cool and wont bother anyone with it's smell. They will also be attracted by flowers. Have fun!

    Meta ( TiredSpider 1 year ago 100%
    Quick question

    I've noticed there are some communities that aren't showing up from other instances, even though we are federated with them. Is this intentional? or just lemmy being lemmy. (specifically I was trying to join some sewing based communities so nothing I think would have been banned from here)
