us_news US News June jobs report: US labor market adds 206,000 jobs, unemployment rate rises to 4.1%
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Yayyy everyone got a second job :D this must mean economic prosperity for the people

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on when the USA will transition to socialism?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Oh yes, certainly. I always go with the presumption that there will be no socialist USA, it will be a different country. I just mean the land, middle North America. What is the US today

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on when the USA will transition to socialism?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Nah you're right. They're already there and have been for a long time. I guess there's no quantifiable measurement after they've hit fascism, y'know? So I just used that instead of saying "oogabooga BIGGER fascism" cause I mean. How much worse can it get? A lot, but also, not really that much considering what things could be. Idk

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How do YOU apply dialectics to broader analysis of society?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Dialectical materialism can be applied to basically anything and it takes awhile to develop it. I'm still not an expert by any means but I have certainly built a better understanding of it over the last 6 months as I've touched grass a lot, lot more and also re-read a lot.

    It's a pretty broad question, asking how we apply it to broader society. So I'll just do an example I guess.

    When looking at an issue, the first thing(s) I look for are the contradictions within it and the contradictory relationships it has with other things. We know literally everything is interconnected, and that everything exists in a state of contradiction until it is resolved (and then transforms into a different contradiction but blahbababa) so that's where I usually start.

    Thinking about a gas station near my home, in isolation, is just a gas station. It operates perfectly well and statically to our liberal friends or if you're not paying attention. But taking a diamat lens to it I would say that there exist tons of contradictions and interconnected relationships that drive the success or failure and the overall conditions of that station. There exists obviously the contradiction between the workers and capital owners there, the one we all know. This contradiction, the primary one in economic life under capitalism, sets the stage for others to pop up - a worker may recognize the futility in how hard they work there, and leave certain tasks undone. Contradictions like that within the gas station build up until they are resolved by either another worker taking the task up, the worker getting fired, or people neglecting to come to that station if it's bad enough, leading to its closure. This is not static, and is constantly developing and in relation with everything else in the material world.

    Connecting the gas station to society is easy from there, you just take off the magnifying glass and look outwards. The station exists in one part of a country that operates under that same economic system. So more contradictions pop up that are not internal to the station. Perhaps the piping that flows the fuel is not properly maintained because those workers are on strike, and ceases to function. The station is now defunct due to contradictions of the economic system, due to no fault of its own other than existing under this material reality.

    Everything that happens affects everything that happens. The universe is a dynamic interconnected place and using the diamat framework is immensely helpful for making sense of things.

    I could give a kind of abstract math equation, which can be helpful, but for me examples usually do the trick better. The more examples you hear the easier it will be to formulate your own and yeah.

    Nobody has dialectical materialism "figured out" either, btw. The best analyses require many people, many years, much PRACTICE -> THEORY -> PRACTICE etc.

    Hope this made sense, and if anyone with a better understanding of this than me wants to chime in feel free.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is destroying weapons factories to halt the construction of weapons for the empire considered adventurism or is it considered praxis?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Given the political conditions of the US at the moment, fucked as the material ones are, I'm going to say adventurist. There would not be MASS support for that kind of thing in droves large enough to spark revolution.

    Now, many folks would be in support of it, and it would likely radicalize people further/spur them to action. But again, the primary contradiction in the US today is not having a communist party leading the working class. Because a majority of people aren't in tune/don't know who these guerillas are, it would be framed as individual terrorist activities and swept under the public eye, no matter the effectiveness.

    We aren't there yet, in my opinion. But give it time, trust.

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on when the USA will transition to socialism?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    Complex question. The stage of socialism that China is at? Or when it will fall to a revolution?

    I think it's kind of pointless to try to estimate further than the next qualitative change towards socialism (so, revolution), so I'm just going to put my answer for the revolution ETA.

    And that is I have really no idea. None of us do, but if you are on the ground involved with an organization and engaging in the work as we all should be, you'll see that things are far worse (conditions wise) than even a year ago. People are struggling and unhappy. Revolutionary tinge is growing.

    This election year is going to be hell at the end, and I wouldn't be surprised if things got significantly worse before the next inauguration. We just saw the insane SCOTUS ruling(s). Maybe something big happens in 2025 and succeeds, maybe it happens and is quashed and pushes back revolution for another few years.

    The only thing that is very clear is that this cannot go on for much longer. I truthfully cannot see this country surviving status quo for another 10 years. It either will devolve into total, mask-off fascism (more than it is already, talking Nazi shit) or we will get done what needs to get done. But this will end soon.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How do I self crit?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 100%

    What do you mean? If you're talking about in a red setting or a summation after an action or something then think back to the problems that happened and how you contributed to them. Point them out to others in that summation setting.

    If you are talking about on like, a personal level, do the same thing but apply it to everything you're doing. What exactly happened, how did I contribute to it happening? What were the good/effective things I did, what were the things that hampered effectiveness or hurt someone?

    Write it down if you have to, or just take note of it in your head. There's no universal process for self-criticism. Never stop (while being healthy about it obviously). Criticize your critiques, criticize your actions, criticize your thoughts. Don't beat yourself up but always be trying to disprove or poke holes in what you think.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is joining a party in the USA pointless since none of them are a vanguard party and they all have revisionist and or opportunistic tendencies?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 3 months ago 90%

    No. This amounts to throwing your hands in the air and giving up. Work needs to be put in to build something of value. And not all of them are revisionist or whatever. PSL and FRSO are both good options.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    Currently working at a UPS warehouse - I am a physically fit young adult and the shit is still grueling. I feel you heavy.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat First day working at a factory
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%
  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is it worth purging online stuff?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    That was a very interesting substack.

    I think, if that is true - then what does it matter? I might as well just use shit until it's officially "gone" or whatever. I do agree it's on the way out, btw. At least the form we have now. I'm not sure how the world is going to proceed from that.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Thoughts on an app to organize boycotts?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    This is a great idea - but it needs to be backed and endorsed by an organization. You're correct that lack of organization is the number one obstacle/contradiction when it comes to boycotts being effective. That means that we probably would need to have a respected and large(ish) organization use it and set a good precedent with it before it would get big enough.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What is the Marxist-Leninist take on immigration?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    Typically I respond with the obvious "they're not" answer - but even if they were - it's important to realize who the real enemy is in that situation. These people are often coming from war-torn or poverty-stricken countries, primarily BECAUSE OF U.S. CAPITALISM AND IMPERIALISM. They wouldn't even be here if they weren't forced by horrific material conditions.

    I ask the person to consider if they would want to leave everything, their family, common language, homeland, for no reason other than "my life might be a little better there" and the answer is obviously no. The immigrants they are concerned about (the poor, desperate brown ones - not the rich French or x "white" ones) are coming out of absolute desperation and taking shitty jobs that often aren't even ones they'd be doing in the first place. They are the most exploitable and therefore most exploited people. They have much more in common with you (the x ignorant or racist person) than you do with any of these people you see on TV. Why don't you stop blaming them and punching down and focus that energy on uniting with others like you - working class people - and take some action instead of posting racist memes on Facebook?

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad After reading this quote, I wonder what Lenin would have said after the illegal dissolution of the USSR
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    Setbacks and temporary failures are not indicative of a permanent failure. The capitalists are obviously going to swing back. But ultimately the people punch harder

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How long do you think it will take for Western imperialism to collapse?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%

    I think it will be no longer than 10 years at this point.

    Unless the U.S. finds another way to give itself a shot in the arm and hobble along for another 25 years (which is possible, I guess) - this country is cooked. It is already so much different than even 2 years ago, just in terms of general consciousness, that if this trend continues, it will fall within our lifetime. Like others have said the contradictions are becoming ever stronger, other countries are increasingly powerful and most notably China and the global south are rapidly growing.

    The U.S. will not be able to win a war without deploying nuclear weapons and obliterating the entire world along with itself. I wouldn't put it past them to try if/when it comes to that, but the period of domination where they could fend for themselves is gone. Recruitment rates are in the shitter and again, the general population is extremely unhappy with the way things are going. Class consciousness still has a way to go, but we're getting there. It's not like it takes a whole country to complete the initial stages of a revolution, and more and more people are getting radicalized by the minute.

    Ultimately, it's going to take a serious world event that weakens and splits the bourgeois of this country (which is already kind of happening) and the swift action of the masses to take advantage of that when the time comes. It absolutely has to be soon, not only do I believe that it will be, but it has to be, or climate change and the US lashing out will genuinely cause hell.

    In our lifetime ain't just a saying, people. Get out there

  • shitposting shitposting I don’t know if it is real, but it is funny
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 4 months ago 100%
  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Is the role of Dessalines and the other developers who work on Lemmy (the only FOSS substitute for Reddit) as important as the role of those people who organize leftists in real life?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    I wouldn't say equally important, only because in the situation of someone doing 100% online work compared to someone doing 100% physical life work, you'd obviously prefer the latter.

    However it's important to recognize the very real benefits online communist activity has. Fuck, that's what got me involved. That's where I got most of my information. It's where I learned to discuss well, it played a humongous developmental role in becoming a communist that does things irl too.

    Like others have said, we need tech spaces not controlled by major corporations. We need places that don't censor us, that we can confidently post things and organize on. Especially when things get more spicy here in the states. That is, in my opinion, a real life benefit.

    We can't expect just working online to change anything, but we sure as hell can use the crazy amount of people online and useful tools that the internet has to bolster our movement. Full solidarity with our software commies.

    *I'd like to make an edit/clarification because after thinking some more, they're about as close to being equally important as you can get in today's age. Specifically in the west. Even in the scenario I created earlier, it's better to have both of those people than just one, because the online-commie can absolutely assist the real-life commie in many tangible and not tangible ways. I think of the research done and articles gathered from those of us on this platform, that never could've happened if it were just me researching. Having a, for lack of a better term, think tank designed for us is really important for developing correct ideas and discussion.

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on this image?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    This is pretty indisputable. At least the first part. Revolutions aren't pretty, the empire will lash out, climate change will worsen.

    But the chance for growth once the empire falls means that the best truly is yet to come.

  • us_news US News More Americans say they are living paycheck to paycheck this year than in 2023
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    At this rate it probably won't lmao

  • worldnews World News US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    Yessss I was waiting for someone to confirm that <3 get fucked empire

  • worldnews World News US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    I wouldn't really use the word "agrees" to be honest. It's a great thing, undoubtedly, but I think they wouldn't do this if they weren't de facto forced to because they're stretched so unimaginably thin. This country truly is on the brink.

  • askcomrades Ask Comrades questions about organizing protests
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    Oh and WALKIE TALKIES for the marshals

  • askcomrades Ask Comrades questions about organizing protests
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    Yeah, I'm still pretty new at actually engaging in this as well (>1y) but some things I've picked up along the way -

    • Always have a dedicated pig liason, and at least 1 experienced marshal (more if there is going to be a lot of people, ofc)
    • Route out your march beforehand and review it with all comrades assuming you're marching
    • Reach out to community members most affected by whatever issue you're protesting, so Palestine obviously Arab turnout will be higher etc.
    • Build connections with those who come, not necessarily for them to help organize but just to always have someone to reach out to who can come. Network with them and people they know.
    • If marching, have banners and a lead car at the front and a tail at the back, to prevent people from getting lost and any reactionaries who might want to run into you (low likelihood, but it happens)
    • Use an encrypted app/tool to communicate with the most active and trustworthy comrades, vet this chat and don't let any random join.
    • Meet beforehand with comrades leading it to voice any last minute questions or changes. Should be at least an hour before the event to check out conditions.
    • Organize speakers for the event and co-sponsoring organizations, have someone able to reach out to those who came and get their contact info or see if they're interested in joining.
    • After the event, meet again with comrades and use rose-bud-thorn criticism format. Rose is things that went well, bud is improvements that could be made, thorn is things that were bad.

    I do not have any recommendations for loudspeaker, I don't handle that most of the time. Subwoofers in a car do wonders tho

  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    This is true.

  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    The neutral criticism piece I actually disagree with. I think it's equally on the people's perception as it is on the person delivering/intention, and in a society where most people are going to be much more likely to be responsive to a positive languaged critique, there is no reason not to. We don't have to be logic-lords or Spock, we're humans and we like to be reassured and talked to nicely even when we are wrong. This is all assuming the person is good faith ofc.

    It probably differs based on who you're talking to, y'know, other comrades can probably take a little more direct language compared to some random newbie but I think it stands regardless, you have to frame it in a way that is digestible because of the large possibility that it could be blocked by your tone and their response to it. If we want to be practical, we need to consider this.

    Personally I still agree with you lol, and am working on/getting better at taking direct criticism as not personal. But that doesn't mean we should expect everyone to take it that way, it's just not the way most people think.

    Edit: everything else you said I agree with though, I still just have my own issues I listed above lol ^

  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    That could be true, and definitely is for a number of "left-wing" creators. I don't know if that's the case for this, though, because he seems to (no hate to him here) really not be that popular? Or content-creator-y? Like he writes essays and critique pieces, he doesn't make videos or whatever and to my knowledge none of this is monetized, so would that even be a motive? I don't know, but either way it's an "ugh" moment lol.

  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 44%

    I hope I'm not crucified for this but I can't stand this guy. People have made good points about him, and theoretically/intellectually he is brilliant - we all know communists need to be engaged in serious business and not just spam posting memes and hanging out in our circle-jerk platforms.

    But is he not a flaming hypocrite? I swear I've read something about how he isn't even involved in an organization because he "just can't find anything serious enough" (this could be a dream on my part tho) - that is just insufferable. There are a few good orgs in the US/Canadian area and it's ridiculous to throw everything out because they don't adhere to page 4858584 line 5 of some obscure Marxist's writing. It seems to me that he dishes out criticism after criticism and spams writings on the internet, engaging in borderline useless beef that doesn't get much traction, all while being... chronically online himself?

    I just think that like, anyone who is willing/able to understand/actually applying this level of Marxist thought isn't just sitting online anymore and doesn't need constant "takedowns" because someone said something vaguely wrong. JT makes one iffy MMT video that is literally one of his least effectual creations and dude wets his pants over it. I'm not saying don't criticize but the frequency in which he makes them, combined with his harsh ass wording, combined with the (maybe?) fact that he is not even doing anything serious in real life? Rubs me the wrong way and just paints the stereotypical insufferable communist picture we all know.

    He extrapolated very erroneously that anyone said don't read theory here, and although the "you have to be a literal slave to be a commie" is braindead, he seems to latch on to literally anything that could be false and go deboonk mode.

    Part of flowing through the masses and being one of them is not being an insufferable nerd. If this guy preaches sincerity and seriousness, then I think we should get serious that this rhetoric and behavior online isn't doing shit other than MAYBE fine-tuning already-ML-aligned people. There's a use for that, but good lord, if he tried this shit in an organization he would be hated. You can't be obnoxious to your comrades or random members of society if you expect anything.

    I could be going too harsh here honestly, I just have had these thoughts for quite a while and never really said anything lol. If it is proven true that he is in fact in a real life org then a lot of this would fall through and I would only stand on "stop being annoying" point, but I don't know. You have to be personable and digestible to be an effective communist, not just "I know my shit and you don't and here's why"

    Mucho texto over, burn me alive if necessary

    Edit: Stawp downvoting me and explainnnnn

  • lgbt LGBTQ+ Oops, I'm trans.
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    :) !

  • shitposting shitposting Living animals/creatures Tier List (open for opinions)
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%

    Jellyfish highly underrated imo

    Not sure if I'm blind but elephant is not there, should be S+ minimum

    Otherwise pretty good. Bee should be higher, depending on the type. Hornets are F- but actual pollination homies high up

  • palestine Palestine Iran has launched drones at Israel, will take hours to arrive: Israeli military
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 5 months ago 100%
  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Just got into another embarrassing (for him) argument with a liberal about a bunch of different things, lmao. This will be very long and word for word
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 85%

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    The guy definitely read a few cherry picked quotes and ran with it as though he was an expert lmao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    Fr, this is why I deleted reddit because it just was so filled with garbage and gave me a bad outlook at other people, I got so used to seeing others as stupid because all I saw were stupid people on reddit so I got a little more doomer. Still tho, every once in a while something so absurd comes up you've got to share it with each other 😭

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    Reminds me of toddlers using complex words tbh, mom I OBJECTIVELY did not poop my pants okay? Like bro there's still shit all over you you're not helping yourself 💀

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    It was relieving to switch from "top comments" to "newest" where there at least were some people who didn't swallow this garbage lmao

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    Ah yes, good evening my dear dialectic. Lovely materialism we're having today, huh?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I deadass can't look away from this video
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    I didn't know this guy existed, this is the first I'm hearing of him

    But there was seriously the dumbest shit ever said in that video. Dialectical materialism apparently was "created by Marx" to progress humanity towards our true self, God. He took Hegels idea of the absolute idea and like twisted it into being the exact same thing as Marxism and then somehow made Stalin sound like he was advocating for us to go BACK to primitive communism... like there was just so much misunderstanding (or deliberate lying, more likely)

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say I saw this monstrosity, so do you
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%
  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Will we achieve global socialism before climate change kills us all?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%


  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Will we achieve global socialism before climate change kills us all?
  • TeezyZeezy TeezyZeezy 6 months ago 100%

    Maybe. This world is rapidly deteriorating, and we've likely already set in many feedback loops that, even if we did a global communism tomorrow at noon, we'd still suffer severe consequences.

    This doesn't mean we shouldn't try. We absolutely still have a chance at humanity's survival, and a good one at that.

  • asklemmygrad
    Ask Lemmygrad TeezyZeezy 7 months ago 100%
    Just learned that China owns most of the cobalt mines in the DRC.

    Are they responsible for the conditions there? Of course all of the other "China is imperialist" claims are bullshit but it seems like this is true and could potentially lead to valid accusations of imperialism or at least bad regulations. What's the reason for what's going on in the Congo, I guess? What is happening on a detailed level? I can't find many resources outside of blatantly western shit. I know what's going on and like the bad things but I'm asking why basically. Is it China?

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 7 months ago 95%
    Ohhhh crap... it's a leap year day

    Idk I'm low-key tweaking right now just because a lovely comrade pointed out it's my cake day on the 'Grad and holy shit it really has been two years. I mean that's genuinely insane like that's where I mark officially becoming a MLMZT subscriber, joining this instance and the GenZedong bans. I really like you all (except those libs that keep sneaking here to downvote every post...) and I give you all heavy credit for getting me on the proper path and organized to where I am today. Truly had it not been for this site and its warm welcomes I may not have arrived at the ideological position I am today and not been able to shake the anti-communist propaganda. One of the most important things in my case was realizing we (communists) are humans and not some monolith that will cook you if you ask a stupid question or say something wrong. I mean, we will cook bad faith libs but that's a different story. I remember being so fucking scared to comment in here because I had no idea what I was on about and people really helped me. I wouldn't say I'm an OG on here but certainly have a lot of history now and it's just good to see this community thriving. Thanks comrades love u all ❤️

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 7 months ago 87%
    Any possibility of synthesis between MLMZT and spirituality?

    This is a very weird question, so no worries if y'all don't have great answers because I have exactly zero answers myself. I've been thinking recently about how I am a dedicated ML, and do subscribe to materialism. But I also have a spiritual tinge to me, one that was pretty fired up by psychedelic use and the listening to some Buddhist audios along with Duncan Trussell and Alan Watts. I guess I'm just wondering if there's any serious contradictions by subscribing to MLMZT while also getting a little deeper into the metaphysical aspect of philosophy? I have always found the Buddhist outlook and the lenses that I look at life through propelled by psychedelic use very useful, interesting, motivating, and just fun. Like, I can recognize when there's people just saying extremely vague things and selling a "get enlightened NOW" course for $999.99, so don't get the idea that I'm like falling into some culty shit. I just enjoy the hope-core, insightful/philosophical takes that don't seem to fall directly in line with Marxism. The Egg story (Kurg video on YT ironically enough, the Gates funded channel) being an example, or Duncan Trussells "The Midnight Gospel" (which I haven't actually watched but just saw the one famous clip of the mother being sucked away into death as she talked about the ego, reincarnation, the universe just being love, etc.) Interestingly, I actually got involved with Marxism originally partly because of psychedelic use and the shock it sent through my philosophical/world outlook. Anyways yap over, THIRD PARAGRAPH IS THE MEAT OF THE POST!!! thx in advance <3

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 7 months ago 95%
    I'm fucking deleting Reddit bro

    This shit is so annoying, even the "communist" subs are filled with ultras and liberals. They're all so chronically online and just obnoxious I'm getting more involved with FRSO shit anyways, so I'll have less time to spend on there. Never was useful anyways. Fuck these idiots

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 7 months ago 81%
    I hesitate to say that Biden is better than Trump at this point.

    This is not me saying at all that Trump is better than Biden; it's more of an equalization argument that I truthfully can't see a fiscal difference. It's been well known by people like us that the two bourgeois parties are basically the same, but I never really understood how close they were until the last like, 6 months. Maybe it's JUST Biden that's super similar. But regardless, I just don't see the difference. He spews nice words about trans rights, workers, all of these good things. But the exact same shit that happened under Trump basically happened under Biden. Funding for genocidal states, proxy war funding, funding police, loss of abortion federal protection, separation of kids and parents at the border, etc. People keep saying Biden is marginally better, where? I don't know. I can't bring myself to vote for any of these guys this time around.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 8 months ago 89%
    Just got a 200 dollar ticket for... "Running a red light'

    Dude. I just got a 200 dollar ticket for running a red light that was turning yellow to red. Like it was red as the back half of my car passed under the far light, it was close but I was in a hurry with my girlfriend and this fucking pig whips out of his speed trap and says he "has to" give me a ticket for that. Like, okay, even if I BLATANTLY ran it I can't even justify 200 fucking dollars for it. The asshole must have needed to fill a quota or something because oh my god. So anyways, I can't afford this right now. What are the chances I get in deeper trouble if I "forget" about it and never pay or pay late? There probably will be a time in the future where I can afford it and then I'll pay but if not like what am I supposed to do lol? Can you imagine someone in a worse position than me getting that shit? Anyways fuck these assholes any normal person would've just let me off with a verbal warning but no USian fucking pigs have to funnel their money up

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 8 months ago 99%
    Yemen today in response to the US attacks.

    Chanting, "We don't care, we don't care, let the world war ignite" Decades are going to happen soon.

    GenZedong TeezyZeezy 8 months ago 96%
    The revolution is intensifying.

    Incredibly based

    Thoughts on ...? TeezyZeezy 8 months ago 100%
    Thoughts on tax fraud/evasion specifically in the US?

    Obviously taxes are a necessary "evil" for any society to function, but I'm talking specifically in the US (in minecraft of course) would tax evasion/fraud be based and cool-pilled? My taxes in the US as a working class member mostly fund oppressing people worldwide and domestically and do not go towards benefitting me at all. The only justification I can think of for paying them would be libraries, schools and helping fund some welfare programs, but even those are cut so much that they basically don't fucking exist. I wouldn't even be considering it if I were in a socialist state or, hell, even a European country. But jfc Addition: AS A WORKING CLASS MEMBER, OBVIOUSLY. NOT BILLIONAIRE TAX EVASION. LIKE ME OR YOU DOING IT.

    Thoughts on ...? TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 100%
    Positive and negative freedoms?

    I get the basic concept but what do you guys know/think about these ideas? How useful/practical is this framing for society today?

    Late Stage Capitalism TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 89%
    Glad all that funding and extra police Biden put out there in 2022 did their jobs!*

    *their job is to kill and oppress working class people, specifically racialized ones. They did their job. They almost did it better than they ever have.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 94%
    Do you guys think a world war/revolution is brewing?

    Obviously it's a process that is always brewing under capitalism but you know what I mean. Do you think we are close, like within 5 to 10 years close to a major declaration of war between the imperial core and the periphery or something of the sort? Would you argue it's already started? I see Palestine liberating itself, I see solidarity with them along the people, I see the ripples that the Ukraine conflict has started, I see more and more revolutionary sentiment building. Could be an experience bias because now I'm more involved in real life so I see it more, but things just seem to be accelerating and I'm here for it. Much work needs to be done to capitalize and educate/funnel us all towards a progressive revolution and not a reactionary one, but I'm ready

    Thoughts on ...? TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 100%
    Thoughts on US Judges?


    Thoughts on ...? TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 100%
    Thoughts on US Military Recruiters?

    Imo they are the ultimate fucking groomers and some of the most scummy people there are, making the imperialist forces look like a fun after school club, but maybe the hatred is misplaced idk lmk

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 99%
    Natural disasters in China vs. Amerikkka

    I remember when I was very young (don't actually remember I was like 2) when Katrina hit Florida and New Orleans and Bush left our people to starve and die, didn't rebuild shit and allocated like a few million at most for aid. Chad China response to natural disasters sending out the whole PLA and disaster teams to find every single citizen in sub-zero weather

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 9 months ago 100%
    Traveling to China in 2024

    Comrades who have been/live in China, I'm visiting sometime next year! I've commented about this before but it's coming up on the new year so. Any advice on where to go, how to behave, what to see, do? Any information would be appreciated, I'm so excited

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 100%
    Are anarchists really allowed to exist moreso than MLs?

    I'm curious about the validity of the claim that anarchism is an acceptable form of anti-status quo politics in the US because they're not actually a threat. Is this true? Have anarchist groups not been infiltrated as often as MLs have? Is it easier to take them down? I only ask because I feel like any form of left wing/anti-capitalist thought would be heavily suppressed here but I don't know

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 88%
    Palestine content telegram link. Direct source to the journalists on the ground.

    Please be cautious, the content is obviously coming from a warzone and often times gory. It is a heartbreaking channel but important to share online to show as many people as possible. We can't worry about shocking people, that is the point of this. Post this stuff, make it impossible for people to sit back (or if they do, let them do it knowing they watched this happen)

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 91%
    The USian Democratic Party is fucking baked boiled fried and cooked.

    It's Joever for the Democrats no lie. I know polls are still pretty even and something could happen to give them a shot in the arm but honestly all the videos I've been watching and conversations I've been having IRL are just pointing to a complete anti-Democrat vibe. Watching a few videos that are saying the same thing and it could just be algorithm bias but idk. I don't even mean just for 2024 election like long term this party is fucked. I used to think they were going to be bent over and moved out of the way by the Republicans (consequently establishing a further fascist government) because Dems are spineless but they're actually doing such a terrible job that they're going to get voted out and allow the Republicans to further fascist-ize the US if that's even possible. I'm low-key here for it, going to be interesting but I'm very scared for marginalized people and the proleys in general.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 98%
    I love you guys

    I hope you're all doing well. I really enjoy this community and you all bring something nice to my day. I love getting Lemmygrad notifications, compared to deep fear of reddit notifications because I know I'm going to be shit on for no reason lol. But even beyond that I just like you all! We will end this machine! Keep your heads up and DM me any time if you need anything :)

    Sobriety TeezyZeezy 10 months ago 100%
    100 days today!

    100 days sober comrades. Pretty crazy, it doesn't feel that long but it also feels like it was ages ago just because of the complete difference in my lifestyle. Love u all

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 97%
    I'm really embarrassed being a communist and not knowing a second language.

    I dropped Spanish which was the only language offered during my high school years. I regret it, and now I'm embarrassed to start learning as a uni-aged guy. I want to learn Mandarin because then I would know English and Mandarin which would cover like 50% of the populations speaking abilities. Basically I just feel like a dumb American and being a Marxist I need to know another language.

    Sobriety TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 100%
    Day 85 for me today

    I hope you're all well. I am 5 days from having a whole 90 days sober, the longest I've been since I was a tween. Political activity truly has kept me going on this path and support from people around me of course. Again I hope you're all well and keep going because it gets so much better

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 99%
    Just got back from the national protest in D.C.

    I can't upload all the pictures and videos because they're too big apparently! But it was fucking awesome. At least 150,000 people were there marching for Palestine and SCREAMING the "Biden, Biden, you can't hide, you're funding a genocide" chants. It was genuinely so hopeful and refreshing. It was made very clear that this was only the beginning of more direct action that will have consequences and force the hand of our dictators of capital. We spray painted a McDonald's window "GAZA" (in minecraft of course) and screamed "Fuck McDonald's" because we're boycotting Starbucks and McDonald's. I met a few pretty relevant tiktokers and Karina Garcia, the PSL's presidential candidate's VP! Overall a fucking wonderful experience and I'm going to bring this energy back home. Like I said this is only the beginning and it really is showing some serious dedication and revolutionary intent. Check out answercoalition on Instagram to see the size of the crowd and some of the speeches. I'll see if I can link pictures in the comments below. FUCK THE AMERICAN WAR MACHINE, WE WILL SEE A FREE PALESTINE AND A SOCIALIST WORLD IN OUR LIFETIME

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 85%
    Nasrallah speech given today!

    Haven't watched the full thing yet but it just happened a few hours ago. I'm in Washington D.C. right now for the national protest tomorrow. Seems like a pretty fire speech. There is only one solution; intifada, revolution!

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 95%
    Americans are fucking cowards, dude.

    I'm seriously getting really disillusioned with everyone around me. I love my family and friends, but they are Ameri-brained as fuck and it's hard to ignore. First, yesterday I went to a sports game. The US national anthem was played and I stayed seated and played on my phone as always. Nothing special, I don't make a scene or anything, just refuse to participate. Everyone else of course is looking at me weird and one of my friends was like "dude *points at flag* stand up" and I just shrug and say "I'm good" and go back to what I was doing. He didn't give me too much shit but he rolled his eyes and the usual. Just couldn't get past how people can know what my country is doing (I post about it a lot) and still show such blind support. It's not a huge deal, obviously just a fucking flag but still. Second, was talking to my family about revolution and change and they made some good points. They pointed out that a lot of people in USA are too well-off materially to put their necks out regarding serious change. But then they kinda started defending it like that was justified. They brought up people losing scholarships at Harvard because of the Palestine support rally. That's shitty, but I still honestly feel like that's what I would do and what the right thing is. Fuck my "successful" future, a successful future is making change any means necessary. The people in Gaza don't have scholarships to lose and try telling them you didn't speak up because you were afraid of losing it. Idk. Maybe I'm inconsiderate and it's easy for me to say because I'm younger and have less to lose but it's just like bro why are people so hesitant? I can't imagine sticking my head in the sand, regardless of my material reality. I have a great life materially right now and I am willing to lose it for change. Not trying to be like moral high ground but just ye. "If you're asked to make a commitment at the age of 20 and you say I don't want to make that commitment only because of the simple reason that I'm too young to die I want to live a little bit longer, what you did is you're dead already" - Fred Hampton Idk maybe too ranty but I just feel like I'm the only one that I know irl who's really about it like that. Outside of my comrades organizing ofc I mean like personal life. But then again comrades = best friends so anyways I'll stfu thx

    Sobriety TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 100%
    Hello, everyone!

    A comrade created this community just now and I think it's a great idea. Combining sobriety with comradery (pun intended) is something I've really wanted to find a way to do and this is a great first step. Substance abuse genuinely kills. Literally and regarding the spice of life. It's truly a horrible thing. I am 76 days today I believe. Never felt better. This is a choppy first post, but I'll get better. Let me know if any of you want to talk about sobriety related things!

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 45%
    Free Palestine!

    Contemplating flying out to this. Hopefully I'll see some of you there... Put on by the PSL and other organizations. Going to be big, I think.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 100%
    How to respond to people with "bad" aspirations?

    I've had this question for quite awhile but don't really know who to consult about it. I've revealed that I'm a university-aged guy on here and so there's a lot of talk surrounding what people want to do with their lives. Naturally, I've gotten some less than desirable answers. I don't know how to go about responding. For example, some people want to be cops or work for a three letter agency (I'm in the US). We can obviously see how that's not a good thing. I'm just torn on how I should respond. I'm not going to shit on these people, they're fundamentally good, just misinformed. But my morals cannot allow me in good faith to be like "oh cool yeah!" How should I respond when someone wants to work for the oppressive state (assuming they're naive/ignorant about it and not like, openly fascist)

    Palestine TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 93%
    Just had an unsettling discussion.

    So my uncle just called me and we began talking about Palestine. He was claiming all the usual "anti-violence" points and such. Condemning both sides yadayada. Perpetuating the war propaganda about eating babies and shit. But then he began saying that the conflict is super complex and saying it's gone back millenia and that it's about religious land and stuff. I personally don't know much other than 1947 to now, and that seems to be a problem because I can't refute or agree with anything he was saying. It's making me feel like I'm uneducated and shouldn't be supporting Palestine. He was saying that they both have legitimate claims to the land and many other things I can't quite remember. He said that my argument that the Palestinians were being oppressed worse because they are dying at such a greater rate is the same as saying the South in the American Civil War were the oppressed because most people who died were in the south. He's a very staunch catholic liberal but he delivers things pretty well and is older than me so I feel stupid around him lol. Basically I'm just kind of unsure about my position now? Do I not know enough? Can anyone validate or invalidate what he was saying or give an explanation and sources for what the history is? I thought I knew enough but clearly not. He linked this video. Haven't watched it but he says it's unbiased. I don't necessarily believe that. Help

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 96%
    Anyone ever watch Mr. Robot?

    Just started it today. Staunchly anti-capitalist so far. Seems really good. If anyone's seen it I'd like to hear their feedback.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 11 months ago 95%
    Never felt this disgusted.

    Used to be in awe, terror, and confusion at how genocides in history were allowed to happen. Now I just look at it with awe and terror. Americans' responses have cured my confusion. This is how it happened. Eat up state department lines. If not that, just ignore it outright. It's not happening to us and we can't do anything about it, right? The world just works the way it works and we totally couldn't have been organizing against this for the last 100 years. Anyways, here's a cool fucking shoe model I found. Look at this recipe! "Oh the world is so messy. Time to get back to work!" How a group of people can be so stupid, how they can apply such racist double standards, how they can be so fucking silent and cowardly. You live in the most violent and powerful empire to ever exist. Is there no drive to make things better? Are we that jaded? I swear to God the average American can't see anything but what's 10 feet and 10 minutes in front of them. If THEIR child isn't being blown up or genocided it's not on the front of their mind. "Civilized" society my fucking ass. Bunch of barbarians. I hope the pictures and memories of the Palestinian people haunt their memories forever when the rest come around to realize what's really going on. I hope they know exactly where they would've been during past historical events: silently on the side of the oppressor. I have never felt this disgusted with the world and my "fellow USians" (as if I even want to identify as one anymore). This is fucking pathetic. Don't want to be "poor me I'm so disgusted" because there's obviously real things happening to real people. Just voicing this to an audience who actually gets it.

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 12 months ago 89%
    Am I Elitist?

    So I've found myself really having a lot of resentment building up recently against my fellow USian citizens. It's a very weird combination of genuine care + love for my working class future comrades, and serious anger with the way they think and behave. I really want to avoid being the elitist intellectual asshole, but at the same time it is just so disgusting watching people not care about real issues, dismiss things, and just lack understanding or the effort to try. Just today I had a friend ask me sarcastically "so what's the news today, comrade?" and I responded with the Joe Biden story about how he's funding the fucking southern border wall. They acknowledged that it was bad for like 3 seconds and then said something along the lines of "Biden's going to do what he's gonna do, but I still get to go home and do X enjoyable thing tonight. We all woke up this morning. That's good news!" He then turned to my other friend and started talking about rep clothes they buy, like it didn't even phase him. Like he needed some distraction. While I appreciate the sentiment as I've obviously been having a rough few months and he's trying to keep things positive, he has a long history of this even before my struggles. Constant disengagement with serious topics and overall apathy for making positive change. They all make fun of me for being educated on what's going on in the world and being a communist, as if either of those are bad things. They're frankly pretty ignorant when it comes to real world things. I'll reveal my age here (I probably already have anyways) but these are legal adults, granted some just turned 18 this year, doing this shit. And I don't know how to feel about it. I should make a distinction here. I completely understand that many people's material reality prevents them from being educated on the matter or are simply too tired from being worked like a dog to develop critical thoughts + be exposed to good ideas about the system. But this is not the case with these idiots and most of my city at the moment. We are a relatively well off community with plenty of free time and are university-age. I constantly bring up absolutely abhorrent things that happen in society and they are just unaffected. They bathe in their relative privilege and can't understand that not everyone gets to just go home and play Minecraft under this system. They can't seem to demonstrate an understanding that things have real impacts on people's lives, because to them, status quo has been just fine under either/both party's rule. The other day he talked about "I can't believe people have REAL BEEF over politics bro that's so crazy." I looked at him like he had 3 eyes while my blood boiled. This is how these people think. Like politics is some separate entity or a video game. I tried to explain that I'm not going to associate with someone who's blatantly racist or anti-LGBTQ+ and supports a party/system that has those mindsets. Basically this ranty post is just asking what the fuck Americans who aren't politically aware think about, and how they do it? How do these people know the planet is being blown up for the sake of profit and do fuck all? Know that the global south is in unfathomable poverty because of us and not care? Know people IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY are in unfathomable poverty and go back to consumerist bullshit? Are they stupid? What the fuck are they thinking? This is where you come in if you made it this far. Calm me down and let me know if I'm being elitist. Validate me in some way if I'm right in any way. I feel so surrounded by lunacy. Lunacy I tell you. Sorry for typing so much lmao

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 12 months ago 88%
    I'm back again

    Hey all I've just decided to become more active on Lemmygrad again because I miss you all and am a little more stable. Had a drug overdose in August and spent the last two months working through that, but we're in a little better spot now. I'm trying to get back into meeting with party members again to get involved, I want to help and it would probably help me as well. I've missed you comrades

    Late Stage Capitalism TeezyZeezy 1 year ago 97%
    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 1 year ago 94%

    My friends haven't responded to any of my texts in the group chat (I asked when we should hang out next) other than one person who said "I ain't got the answers sway." We haven't really hung out since I got out of rehab and I'm questioning whether or not they're my friends to be honest. They don't reach out or even respond when I do half the time and have greatly slashed our time together since I stopped using drugs. I can't tell if they're just busy and it's bad timing or if they're ditching me. I'm very lonely and alienated from my community for being a communist and an ex-drug user. I don't live in a big city (Midwest USA) and so there's really nobody else for me to hang out with or find. Most people here are super right-wing and/or have different interests than me. What to do other than relapse on heroin and die? Maybe I'm dramatic I just feel alone

    Comradeship // Freechat TeezyZeezy 1 year ago 92%
    Any climate activist organizations you know of?

    Particularly ones that aren't liberal or reformist.
