canberra Canberra -6.9 this morning, snow cover on the ranges over the weekend - it's that time of year again...
  • Tau Tau 3 days ago 100%

    According to a news article I just read this morning gets the record for coldest spring morning ever recorded in Canberra, so you could say it was pretty chilly.

  • australia Australia Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow
  • Tau Tau 5 days ago 100%

    While you will get the fine notice you shouldn't have to pay it - there is an option to reply with a reason why you shouldn't be fined and being overseas at the time would count as a legit excuse.

  • australia Australia Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow
  • Tau Tau 6 days ago 100%

    Yep, like in other elections we do have pre poll and postal voting (with a valid reason and you need to apply for postal) but the standard method is turning up on the day. I'm not sure if that has any effect on turnout compared to other states.

  • australia Australia Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow
  • Tau Tau 6 days ago 100%

    Probably less likely than a federal election but I'd still give it decent odds of finding one (particularly if the school is trying to raise funds for something). I can't remember exactly whether this was during council or state elections but I have turned up to vote before and not found a sausage sizzle.

  • australia
    Australia Tau 6 days ago 100%
    Reminder that NSW local gov elections are on again tomorrow

    Council elections may not the be most exciting but don't be like me a few years ago and forget they're on until after all the polling booths close...

    canberra Canberra Canberra is billed as the '20-minute city', but many commuters feel they're still too reliant on cars
  • Tau Tau 1 week ago 100%

    Public transport in this area is indeed less attractive if you have any other form of transport, particularly if you live on one side of the ACT/NSW border and commute to the other. Google reckons for example that it'd take me a bit over an hour to get to either of my usual work sites on a bus compared to the 15-20 minutes it takes me normally.

    Not mentioned (like usual) is motorbikes as an alternative to cars. The space advantages when it comes to both on road and parking are obvious compared to the usual one person per car (and they use less resources to make, particularly when it comes to EVs) so you'd think anyone actually worried about congestion would do more to encourage their use.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 1 week ago 80%
    Canberra is billed as the '20-minute city', but many commuters feel they're still too reliant on cars

    The car remains most Canberrans' preferred mode of travel, and according to the Climate Council, the city has the lowest use of shared transport of any Australian capital. The Climate Council attributes low shared transport usage to a lack of services in Canberra's spread-out suburbs. Some experts conclude the only proven solution to congestion is charging people a fee to drive into the centre of the city, as seen in London and New York.

    canberra Canberra Beam e-scooters to be deactivated in Canberra following investigation
  • Tau Tau 2 weeks ago 100%

    I was wondering if this would happen after seeing Brisbane cancelled their contract, they've followed suit pretty quickly.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 2 weeks ago 100%
    Beam e-scooters to be deactivated in Canberra following investigation

    The ACT Government will not renew Beam Mobility’s e-scooter permit after an investigation raised concerns about the operator’s compliance with the permit conditions. It means that all of Beam’s e-scooters in Canberra will need to be deactivated by midnight on Sunday 8 September 2024. All of their e-scooters will need to be removed from public areas by 4pm Friday 13 September. The decision to revoke the company’s permit comes after Beam admitted to installing more scooters in certain areas than it was licensed for, resulting in the company paying lower fees than required.

    canberra Canberra Canberra food waste collection program takes 'back seat' to recycling facility
  • Tau Tau 2 weeks ago 100%

    Yep, they ended up deciding it was sparked by various batteries that had ended up in one of the compactors. Whatever they had for fire protection mustn't have been enough to stop it once the fire was noticed - I assume the source was within a big pile of recycling so would have required a serious amount of water to put out. It ended up being a rather large fire (one of the local accident chasers has some decent photos) and took out the recycling capability for the whole area. The rubbish piles within ended up smouldering away for a few days after the main fire was put out.

    For over a year and a half now I believe most if not all the ACTs recycling has had to be sent to Sydney due to this fire, so I can understand the new centre getting priority when it comes to the waste management budget.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 3 weeks ago 100%
    Canberra food waste collection program takes 'back seat' to recycling facility

    An ACT government pilot collecting food and garden organic waste to be recycled into compost has been extended to include more than 1,100 units in Belconnen and Tuggeranong. The Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) program was expected to be rolled out city-wide in 2026, but construction of an appropriate processing facility has taken a back seat to replacing the ACT's recycling centre. The government says despite delays it remains committed to delivering the FOGO collection service to all of Canberra.

    Canberra Tau 3 weeks ago 100%
    The early arrival of spring weather means the flowers at Canberra's Floriade festival have started blooming a month before the gates open

    Unseasonably warm weather means flowers have bloomed a month before Canberra's Floriade festival begins. ANU climatologist Janette Lindesay says winter is getting shorter and spring is starting earlier, and commercial horticulturalists like Paul De Jong are having to adapt to the changing weather. Floriade organisers are not planing to bring forward the opening and are confident the flowers will look vibrant throughout the month-long festival.

    australia Australia Redesigning Australian State Flags
  • Tau Tau 4 weeks ago 100%

    I think the QLD and NSW options are actually decent, which is surprising for a modern flag redesign. Not sure about the Victorian one, could do with either making the symbol more regular (i.e. less finger paint style) or deleting the crown (too hard to keep details on) and making the stars loosely drawn too. WA seems a decent idea but could do with a cleaner swan rather than the ruffled feathers on the back. The SA idea looks pretty good but does have hints of invading Poland due to the imperial eagle magpie. Tasmania however is another one I could get behind.

    Not a real fan of the current ACT/NT flags and I don't think changing to a wavy line helps them, and the idea for the Jervis Bay territory seems a bit too committee style bland for my liking (like most new flag designs I see mentioned).

  • canberra Canberra Arboretum photos indicate Canberra could have 'earlier and above average grass pollen season'
  • Tau Tau 4 weeks ago 100%

    Tree pollen season has already kicked off, I was sitting at the traffic lights on City Hill just the other day watching the wind blow visible clouds of pollen off the pine trees.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 4 weeks ago 100%
    Arboretum photos indicate Canberra could have 'earlier and above average grass pollen season'

    Experts from the Canberra Pollen Monitoring Centre are warning we could be in for an above average season for grass pollen. Pollen can increase symptoms of hayfever and asthma, and scientists say increased growth in vegetation could mean more will be in the air this Spring. Grass pollen season usually starts at the end of September or early October and runs until late December.

    news Australian News ABC NEWS unveils new-look website and app
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 100%

    Not keen at all on how it increases picture sizes and makes certain articles more prominent at the expense of actual information.

    Also, what pelican told them that video shorts should take up such a massive section of the page (and not at the bottom either)? One of my bugbears these days is how information that can be conveyed much faster as text keeps getting pushed as video so people can spend both more time and vastly more data to find it out.

  • canberra Canberra 'Fun is not silent': Canberra's city to get louder with significant increases to noise limits for live entertainment
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 100%

    I'm sure there will be someone found who doesn't like it, but did you look at the map of the area where the limit is changing? Hardly anyone lives within that perimeter or even in the immediate surrounds.

    I wouldn't have too much sympathy for anyone moving into Civic and expecting it to be quiet anyway. It's like those who buy in Braddon around Lonsdale St and complain about evening noise and Summernats as if these things popped out of nowhere...

  • canberra Canberra 'Fun is not silent': Canberra's city to get louder with significant increases to noise limits for live entertainment
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 75%

    Seems a surprisingly sensible decision, I think it's a good move towards addressing the concerns people have about the new Garema Place hotel potentially affecting nearby live music with noise complaints.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 1 month ago 94%
    'Fun is not silent': Canberra's city to get louder with significant increases to noise limits for live entertainment

    The ACT government has brought in sweeping changes to noise restrictions in the city in a bid to boost live music and entertainment. It has also made a range of regulatory changes including reducing liquor licensing fees in some circumstances. Further changes, including parking permits for musicians, will come into effect in the coming weeks before the government hopes to replicate the entertainment precinct in other town centres.

    canberra Canberra Canberra hospital emergency department moving locations Saturday morning
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 100%

    Would get a bit hard trying to keep track of whose place all the patients are supposed to be turning up to, but that's a minor issue and I'm sure one could work around it...

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 1 month ago 100%
    Canberra hospital emergency department moving locations Saturday morning

    The new Emergency Department (ED) in Building 5 will open from 7:30am on Saturday, 17 August. If you need to attend the ED after 7:30am on Saturday, 17 August, please go straight to Building 5. There is a separate entrance to the ED on the southern side of Hospital Road, off Bateson Road.

    australia Australia Australian Car Crash / Dash Cam Compilation 42
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 100%

    Highlights IMO are an amusingly ironic bit of tram signage at 7:20 and a very well timed song at 29:40.

    Disappointingly I only saw two clips from Canberra but luckily both involved roundabouts (or faux-abouts) so at least the reputation of the city is intact.

  • australia
    Australia Tau 1 month ago 100%
    Australian Car Crash / Dash Cam Compilation 42

    A full half hour of people crashing into other people and/or things

    canberra Canberra Government department charged after child's hands [hand sanitiser] allegedly caught fire while touching Questacon plasma globe
  • Tau Tau 1 month ago 100%

    I can see why they didn't think to have measures specifically against something like this given it's a pretty low probability occurrence. You'd have to be unlucky enough to have both applied hand sanitiser just before touching the globe and then get a spark off the globe to ignite it, and I don't recall ever getting a spark off plasma globes when I've touched them before.

    It'll be interesting to see if this getting into the news means companies/departments will scramble to get rid of alcohol based hand sanitiser in their buildings, ignition is after all technically possible with static shocks etc so there will be people worried about liability.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 1 month ago 100%
    Government department charged after child's hands [hand sanitiser] allegedly caught fire while touching Questacon plasma globe

    The Department of Industry Science and Resources is facing a single charge of breaching work, health and safety laws which carries a maximum fine of $1.5 million. It's alleged a nine-year-old child was touching a plasma globe in one of the galleries when the incident happened, leaving them with burns to their hands and wrists The matter is listed for a mention in the ACT Magistrates Court on September 12.

    canberra Canberra Canberra's light rail involved in four collisions and over 40 near misses with drivers and pedestrians already this year
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    Includes a video with a selection of the latest examples of people not seeing the giant red thing that can be found in predictable locations...

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Canberra's light rail involved in four collisions and over 40 near misses with drivers and pedestrians already this year

    Canberra's light rail drivers have reported 41 near misses and four collisions in the ACT since January. Authorities are pleading with Canberra commuters not to risk their lives around light rail. ACT police have reminded commuters that they could face penalties for dangerous conduct.

    Canberra Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Emergency services agencies urge weather preparedness after three Canberra region bush rescues in a month

    Police, emergency services, and ACT Parks and Conservation Service urge Canberrans to be prepared when setting out in bushland during the colder months. The warning follows three separate rescues in national parks around the Canberra region in July alone. ACT Policing Rural Patrol Senior Constable Angus Fergusson says people should wear appropriate clothing, carry navigation equipment and a personal locator beacon when heading into cold conditions.

    australia Australia Question about Australian towns
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    it seems that the smaller the town, the higher the military worship. They may not even have a public toilet, but they will have a military worship statue that seemed to have cost more than all the town to build.

    That's because the vast majority of our towns pre date WW2, and basically every area lost enough people in WW1/WW2 to affect multiple families and the broader local community. For example I grew up in a country village of a couple of hundred people (with several hundred more in the locality and upriver) and it has a war memorial listing what would have been ~50 people killed in WW2 and at least that again in WW1. I think it is understandable that towns (particularly smaller or more closely knit communities) would be in general support of the families and friends wanting a memorial to their dead given that level of losses.

    I haven't seen anywhere near the number of memorials for other conflicts, they definitely exist but are significantly less common. If you want to avoid war related stuff your best bet would be towns/suburbs built well after WW2, but these tend to be suburbs of existing centres (which are likely to have a war memorial) instead of completely new towns.

    Edit: Also consider that many of our country towns/villages have either not grown significantly or have even shrunk in population in the last half century or so, so historical memorials are more likely to retain the prominence they were originally intended to have instead of being surrounded or crowded out by new development.

  • melbourne Melbourne These are Victoria's most dangerous country roads, according to drivers
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    It would’ve been completely unsafe to drive at 80

    That's why it's called a speed limit, emphasis on limit. I believe limits should be set at a point such as you describe - a speed which reasonable people would consider clearly unsafe for a road. Drivers should then use their judgement of the corners/visibility, the current conditions, and their vehicle to choose a speed safe for their particular circumstances - this will obviously vary widely for different parts of the road, different conditions, and different vehicles. Setting speed limits to a point where you can safely drive the slowest sections of the road in poor conditions makes them effectively recommended speeds rather than limits, and I believe this trend has (and will continue to have) a negative effect on driver skill levels.

  • pics Pictures Winding through snow covered bush
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks :)

  • pics Pictures Winding through snow covered bush
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%
  • pics
    Pictures Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Winding through snow covered bush

    Near the Monaro Hwy/Snowy Mountains Hwy intersection (aka the Bombala turnoff)

    pics Pictures Out finding snow in the ranges
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    It was pretty busy up there, plenty of 4wds out and about heading to Mt Coree and up Mt Franklin road to either Bulls Head or where the road was closed at the Snow Gum gate. Luckily not at a traffic jam sort of level though - the dirt roads tend to dissuade a lot of people.

    I can imagine Corin road would indeed have been a mess today, it can be bad enough on a regular weekend let alone a snow day where you have considerably more traffic and even more chance of people driving super slowly or trying to pull over for photos.

  • cars
    Cars Australia Tau 2 months ago 66%
    Rejuvenated Wakefield Park now One Raceway; opening date revealed

    cross-posted from: > After more than a year of significant renovations and upgrades, One Raceway – formerly known as Wakefield Park – will reopen on the first weekend of October 2024. > > Speaking to Drive, brothers Greg and Steve Shelley revealed final preparations were taking place at the racetrack, with several test days taking place before the debut event. > > Located near Goulburn, approximately halfway between Sydney and Canberra, One Raceway is now a 13-turn track – up from 10 – thanks to the addition of new banked corners.

    Canberra Tau 2 months ago 71%
    Rejuvenated Wakefield Park now One Raceway; opening date revealed

    After more than a year of significant renovations and upgrades, One Raceway – formerly known as Wakefield Park – will reopen on the first weekend of October 2024. Speaking to Drive, brothers Greg and Steve Shelley revealed final preparations were taking place at the racetrack, with several test days taking place before the debut event. Located near Goulburn, approximately halfway between Sydney and Canberra, One Raceway is now a 13-turn track – up from 10 – thanks to the addition of new banked corners.

    Canberra Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Out finding snow in the ranges

    cross-posted from: > Near Bulls Head in the Brindabellas, near Canberra

    Pictures Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Out finding snow in the ranges

    Near Bulls Head in the Brindabellas, near Canberra

    canberra Canberra Might actually be a decent snow day up in the Brindies tomorrow
  • Tau Tau 2 months ago 100%

    In the areas of the Brindies you can drive to in winter the normal snow you get is basically in the looking nice category - a few cm deep if that and melts within the next day or so. It does indeed look nice though and makes the bush appear distinctly different.

    Up in the highest points of the Brindies (e.g. up near Mt Ginini/Gingera/Bimberi heights) this sort of forecast is likely to make enough snow to do actual snow sports like skiiing for a short period (depending on the weather possibly a week if not topped up). There's no ski lifts up there or winter car access though so skiing in the Brindies would be more of the hike up and then cross country ski sort of thing. Historically there was a short ski run at Mt Franklin but it's now overgrown and the DIY style rope lift is long gone.

    If you head down to the Snowies though the ski resorts will be very happy to get a decent amount of natural snow for their snow sports, it'll definitely help them since we haven't had much in the way of snow weather this year.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 2 months ago 100%
    Might actually be a decent snow day up in the Brindies tomorrow

    The BOM is predicting a decent amount of rainfall and snow falling down to 900m. If true that will make for a good time to see snow in the ranges - hopefully the forecast will be correct this time...

    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    The current state of the Monaro Hwy/Lanyon Dr intersection earthworks

    It's been a few months since my [initial photo]( of these works so I thought I'd swing back past for another one. They have managed to get the road base significantly higher than it was (I'm guessing some of it must be pretty close to final level), and appear to be working on footings for a bridge over the creek.

    canberra Canberra Canberra couple awarded damages after wife awoken by a real estate agent in her bedroom conducting an inspection
  • Tau Tau 3 months ago 100%

    It's definitely a lot lower than I would want if someone decided they could walk in when I was asleep.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 96%
    Canberra couple awarded damages after wife awoken by a real estate agent in her bedroom conducting an inspection

    A Canberra couple has been awarded $1,500 in damages by the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal after the woman was woken by a real estate agent conducting an inspection in her bedroom. The agent said he knocked on the door and called out after using a key to gain access to the property, which the tenants disputed. The tribunal found the incident constituted trespass, and any consent given to continue the inspection was gained under duress.

    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Good snow potential in the Brindies tomorrow (30/6) Edit: Might be a fizzer

    The BoM is predicting snow above 1000m tomorrow morning, which means there's a good chance of seeing snow in parts of the Brindabellas you can drive to. Conveniently it happens to be Sunday tomorrow too so there's actually a chance for most people to be away from work. I wouldn't recommend taking a 2wd up past the end of the tar on Brindabella Rd on a snow day (not that it *can't* be done, but I'm not going to tell strangers to do it) but if you only have access to a 2wd Corin Forest might get some natural snow in the morning. Edit: Went up this morning and saw one actual snow flurry around 1700m, some sleet down to ~1500m and plain old rain below that. Bit of a misleading forecast IMO, I guess there is a chance of it getting better for snow later in the day (I have seen that happen before) but in terms of snow this morning wasn't worth heading out for.

    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Bird flu case detected at Canberra farm, but government says risk to community low

    The ACT government has confirmed the territory's first case of avian influenza has been detected at a Canberra farm, which has been quarantined. Biosecurity authorities said the virus was brought to the ACT from New South Wales via the transporting of eggs and associated materials for commercial grading. They said the territory was "well positioned to respond to this event, which is localised to a single property".

    canberra Canberra Record number of Canberrans take early morning swim in Lake Burley Griffin for winter solstice swim
  • Tau Tau 3 months ago 100%

    Must have been pretty chilly - I'm out of town at the moment but I was looking at the forecast the other day and thinking it was looking like good weather for snow in the Brindies.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Record number of Canberrans take early morning swim in Lake Burley Griffin for winter solstice swim

    The annual winter solstice nude swim in Canberra's Lake Burley Griffin saw a record 399 participants. A total of $67,000 was raised for Lifeline Canberra by this year's event. Event organiser Ben Johnston says people's generosity despite the ongoing cost of living crisis is amazing to see.

    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Thirteen tonne, $14 million sculpture symbolising the endless cycle of birth and death arrives at the National Gallery of Australia

    A sculpture based on the ancient story of a snake eating its own tail has arrived at the National Gallery of Australia. The gallery commissioned Ouroboros by Lindy Lee to celebrate its 40th birthday, and getting it from Brisbane to Canberra took almost a week. Ouroboros, which is designed to last for at least 500 years, is expected to go on display to the public in October.

    canberra Canberra Canberra's Telstra Tower set to become a tourist attraction once again
  • Tau Tau 3 months ago 100%

    I don't really care about the cafe, shop, or cultural displays but it'd be good to have the observation deck again (ideally free this time, but I don't like my chances).

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Canberra's Telstra Tower set to become a tourist attraction once again

    Telstra and the ACT government have agreed to work together on a plan to refurbish and reopen Canberra's iconic Black Mountain Tower. The Telstra Tower closed to the the public in 2021 after tourism operators labelled the state of the site an "embarrassment". Telstra plans to refurbish the tower in a way that celebrates Ngunnawal culture, and expects to have a cafe, shop and observation deck when it reopens.

    canberra Canberra Inside the Big Hole and one of Australia's 'most elaborate' scams
  • Tau Tau 3 months ago 100%

    Yes, it's amusing to think of him going to what have been a fair effort to catch a lyrebird all to find it probably went straight back down the hole after it'd been lugged up to the top.

  • canberra Canberra Inside the Big Hole and one of Australia's 'most elaborate' scams
  • Tau Tau 3 months ago 100%

    It is indeed a surprisingly big hole, worth the short walk if you're in the area with some time for sightseeing.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 3 months ago 100%
    Inside the Big Hole and one of Australia's 'most elaborate' scams

    Nestled among gumtrees on the side of a hill in a national park east of Canberra is a gaping hole that was once at the centre of one of Australia's most elaborate fraud schemes. The geological formation known as the Big Hole is 100 metres deep and 35 metres wide. Located in Deua National Park, it is thought to have formed about 50 million years ago when the roof of a cave collapsed.

    australia Australia Tiger shark vomits up echidna, startling Australian scientists
  • Tau Tau 4 months ago 100%

    It's one of these things that logically you know must happen occasionally (and I've even seen pictures of it) but still doesn't seem right.

  • australia Australia Tiger shark vomits up echidna, startling Australian scientists
  • Tau Tau 4 months ago 100%

    I am impressed the shark got it out again and didn't end up with a permanent internal echidna spine collection.

  • australia
    Australia Tau 4 months ago 100%
    Tiger shark vomits up echidna, startling Australian scientists

    Researchers from James Cook University were tagging marine life on the northeast coast when the 3m tiger shark they caught vomited up a dead echidna. Nicolas Lubitz, a PhD candidate who studies marine predators, said he could only assume the shark gobbled up the echidna while it was swimming in the shallows off the island, or travelling between islands, which the animals are known to do.

    Canberra Tau 4 months ago 100%
    ACT residents set to be able to access voluntary assisted dying after legislation passes Legislative Assembly

    The ACT Legislative Assembly has voted to make voluntary assisted dying (VAD) legal in the territory from November 2025. Access will be limited to adults with a condition that is advanced, progressive and expected to cause death and who are approaching the end of their life. The operation of the scheme will be monitored by an independent oversight board.

    australia Australia Arrest warrant issued for Tasmanian Aboriginal elder but 81yo says he doesn't recognise 'colonial' courts
  • Tau Tau 4 months ago 32%

    The American inspired variety of sovereign citizen is enough, I don't think we really need our own special version of the idea.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 4 months ago 100%
    Recycling institution The Green Shed is closing today, but Canberra's circular economy will continue

    The Green Shed will close today, marking the end of an era for its owners Sandie Parkes and Charlie Bigg-Wither. After more than 35 years, the duo say they will miss the people and the extraordinary finds along the way. Vinnies will take over the contract for the waste management business from tomorrow.

    canberra Canberra Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds now banned in Canberra backyards; fines apply
  • Tau Tau 4 months ago 100%

    It is a bit of an odd name really. I suspect it's due to a combination of their size, many having some orange colouring, and their habit of making off with your fruit come night time.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 4 months ago 100%
    Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds now banned in Canberra backyards; fines apply

    Fruit tree netting that can entangle flying foxes and birds is now banned in Canberra backyards, with residents facing fines of up to $800 if caught continually using it. The ACT government introduced the ban to protect native wildlife which can get caught up in large-gauge netting, causing serious injury or death. Netting must now be wildlife-friendly with a mesh size of 5mm by 5mm or smaller, and there should be no gaps for wildlife to enter from the ground or above. If your finger can fit through the mesh, then it is considered unsafe netting.

    canberra Canberra Canberra ranked second best city in the world for quality of life
  • Tau Tau 4 months ago 100%

    To be fair, Canberra didn't score that highly on anything else so the overall score was considerably lower.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 4 months ago 100%
    Canberra ranked second best city in the world for quality of life

    Canberra is the second-best city in the world for quality of life, according to the latest report by the Oxford Economics Global Cities. The quality of life measure encapsulates the wellbeing and satisfaction of a city’s residents. The indicators used to rank each city include life expectancy, income per person, income equality, housing expenditure, recreation and cultural sites, and internet speed. Canberra was ranked behind just Grenoble in France and was the only Australian city ranked in the top 10 for quality of life

    Canberra Tau 4 months ago 100%
    CanTEST finds dangerous synthetic opioid in Canberra for the first time

    Canberra's pill testing service CanTEST has found N-pyrrolidino protonitazene (NPP) in brown granular powder presented for testing. It's the first time the synthetic opioid — thought to be 25 times stronger than fentanyl — has been detected in the ACT. CanTEST has issued a red alert community notice warning NPP carries a high risk of fatal overdose and there is no safe level of use.

    canberra Canberra Strong results for Stage 1 of Canberra's Light Rail
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    It does seem to get consistent usage - I think it'd make a lot of sense for the commute if you lived along the route and worked normal hours in the city. The increase in development was also noticeable - Flemington Rd has a lot of housing built along it now which would have been at least helped along by the presence of the light rail (I expect a lot would have been built regardless, but maybe not as quickly).

  • news
    Australian News Tau 5 months ago 100%
    HECS indexation to be overhauled in budget with $3 billion in student debt 'wiped out'

    Student debts will be lowered for more than three million Australians under reforms designed to stop HECS loans growing faster than wages. Loan indexation will now match whichever is lower out of the Consumer Price Index or the Wage Price Index — which the government says will prevent another shock increase like last year's 7.1 per cent increase. The changes will be introduced in the 2024 budget and, pending getting through parliament, will take effect from June.

    environment Aussie Enviro Electric garbage truck trialled in regional Australia drives 'like a limousine'
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    Sounds a pretty good use case for an electric truck; low speeds with constant stop/start driving is well suited to electric vehicles and a known route means range is much less of an issue (just spec it with enough to cope with expected decline over its service life and you're set). The harder part will be making sure there's enough charging capacity in the depots to cope with a fleet of trucks, I would expect upgrades will be necessary for that.

  • canberra
    Canberra Tau 5 months ago 85%
    Spike in motorbike thefts most likely down to one or two repeat offenders

    I've noticed the spate of stolen bike posts on the local Facebook groups, interesting to see an article talking about it.

    Canberra Tau 5 months ago 100%
    Parks and reserves to close for ‘largest pest animal program’ in Territory to date | Riotact

    Various reserves (mostly out around the Cotter) and parts of Namadgi will be closed for periods in May/June - something to be aware of if you're planning to head out.

    Canberra Tau 5 months ago 100%
    Heads up that double demerits are running again from tomorrow through to Sunday

    ANZAC Day may not actually make a long weekend this year but apparently the powers that be have considered it's close enough to make for a double demerit period in ACT and NSW - and it's starting Wednesday instead of Thursday. Keep your eyes peeled if you're out and about over the next few days.

    cars Cars Australia [Solved] NSW road rules: Stay behind turners on single lane roads?
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    n this scenario because the road is not multi-laned it doesn’t seem permitted.

    That list should have 'or' separating the options, only one of them has to be true to qualify as an exception instead of all of them. I swear NSW likes to make things more confusing in what is supposed to be clear language explanations of the rules - the actual road rules are often easier to understand (as they are in this case).

  • environment
    Aussie Enviro Tau 5 months ago 100%
    Critically endangered northern corroboree frogs spotted in Namadgi National Park for the first time in five years

    cross-posted from: > For the first time in five years, northern corroboree frogs have been spotted in Namadgi National Park by ACT government ecologists. > > The species is listed as critically endangered and the government has been attempting to restore their population in the park for more than a decade.

    australianpolitics Australian Politics Greens senator threatens Woolworths CEO with six months in prison for contempt of Senate
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    I feel like inflation has rather diminished the impact of the monetary side of a contempt finding - $5k just doesn't have the same impact as six months in prison anymore. It's like how you see the occasional old sign in lifts warning that smoking can be punished by a (presumably initially impactful) fine of up to $20...

  • news Australian News Bondi Junction attacker's interactions with Queensland Police 'forensically' examined amid debate over stop-and-search laws
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    I was concerned these recent stabbings would start a push towards screwing over people like me who regularly carry pocket knives, and unsurprisingly it's started. It's rather disappointing how many people go straight to pearl clutching at the mention of a knife even though I and many others have had them on hand as useful tools for decades without feeling the need to stab anyone.

  • news Australian News Gilmour Space's Eris rocket to ignite crowds at Abbot Point's new Bowen Orbital Spaceport launch pad
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    Didn't even notice until now, but yes it is an unfortunate choice of words in that title...

  • australia Australia Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 100%

    Fernwood, a women only gym, is allowed to exist.

    Because there are sections of the law which allow exemption from the gender discrimination section for various reasons, and they have successfully argued that there are benefits to having a women only gym which are important enough to deserve an exemption (to provide substantive equality). They also only allow women patrons, so men are not charged for a service that is not equally provided.

    I don’t really see it as problematic for a discriminated class to seek to foster a space free from those who perpetuate that discrimination

    Neither do many other people, which is why such examples as Fernwood have received exemptions from the law and why there is a specific exemption in the laws for both female and male only clubs.

    I don’t think it sets a precedent for protected classes to be discriminated against as “art” because men aren’t a class that needs protecting

    Allowing discrimination based on gender without substantiating the businesses eligibility for an exemption under the law absolutely would set a precedent for the courts. While you may agree with this particular case of discrimination it is not a good idea to open an opportunity for more discrimination in the future - keep in mind it may not always be the type you agree with.

  • australia Australia Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors
  • Tau Tau 5 months ago 80%

    Good. I think the other option - setting a precedent allowing businesses to skirt discrimination laws by claiming their behaviour was art - would have been a rather poor decision.
