coffee Coffee ☕ No latte art, no espresso machine: This Surrey Hills cafe brews beans the old-fashioned way
  • Stopher Stopher 3 months ago 100%

    Interesting idea. I like it

  • arctic
    Arctic Stopher 5 months ago 100%
    Feature request: show full community/user name

    Can we get two seperate toggles for showing the full community/user names on posts please. E.g. instead of just memes. Loving the changes so far!

    arctic Arctic Clicking on some posts will open a seemingly unrelated post.
  • Stopher Stopher 5 months ago 100%

    Weird, it must be something else then. I submitted feedback on TestFlight about it

  • arctic Arctic Clicking on some posts will open a seemingly unrelated post.
  • Stopher Stopher 5 months ago 100%

    I am noticing this too. Do you have any filters and does the “unrelated” post contain them?

  • til Today I Learned TIL that the white stuff that sometimes appears on chocolate is called "chocolate bloom".
  • Stopher Stopher 7 months ago 100%

    Nice hiss!

  • memmy
    Memmy - An iOS client for Lemmy Stopher 11 months ago 100%
    Feature request: option to hide the voting and save buttons on posts (used with gestures)

    First of all, loving the new updates on testflight. I was a little worried after not having any for a while. With the gestures, which are amazing that you can customise btw, it would be nice to have the option to hide the voting and save buttons on the post to free up space. I guess it would have to be two options for voting and saving depending on what gestures a user can set. Also to show saved/voting status, having the voting color or save color on the edge of the post after action was taken would be sweet! Thanks for all your hard work devs, loving the feature set that’s being built up!

    android Android Google Podcasts shutting down in 2024 for YouTube Music
  • Stopher Stopher 12 months ago 100%

    They already do this on my google TV. The YTM app just opens YT with a music tab. Won’t be long before the mobile apps follow.

  • programming Programming Postman alternatives?
  • Stopher Stopher 1 year ago 97%

    I am a fan of Insomnia. As far as I can tell it has most of the features I used in postman without all the paid upgrade nags

  • reddit Reddit I'm ready for a word filter feature so I can filter the word "Reddit"
  • Stopher Stopher 1 year ago 100%

    Mlem has this if you are using an iOS app

  • reddthatsupport
    Official way to donate to Reddthat?

    Just wondering how to donate to Reddthat as I can’t seem to find any mention by clicking around. I’m guessing that all donations are going to be needed over the coming weeks in order to deal with the influx of users. Loving it so far!
