plushies Plushies Take care of yourself. Even if you don't really want to!
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%

    You got this.

    Even if you don't got this, you still got this!

    Tomorrow is another day. Keep at it!

  • plushies Plushies "This is fine."
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%

    Happy as a clam!

  • plushies Plushies "This is fine."
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%

    Dirtied up his butt with this stunt.. but! He got a nice bath later and was good as new!

  • plushies
    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    "This is fine."

    *— "Under Pressure" starts quietly playing —* Plush is from itemLabel

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    Trying to appeal to a wider audience by making meme posts

    **TEXT:** heard you were talkin shit ======== Is it cringe? Idk probably. But you should join up and posts better ones! (: — plushes from itemLabel

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    Take care of yourself. Even if you don't really want to!

    **TEXT:** me going on a stupid walk for my stupid physical and mental health ======== — plush is from itemLabel.

    plushies Plushies I made the squeaky shoes from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%

    Thank you! I tried to get them as close as possible to their design in the movie. Not many frames to work off, so I hope I did well!

  • plushies Plushies I made the squeaky shoes from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%

    That's actually a part of why I made them! To show my kid "They were only acting! See? Look! They're okay!"

  • plushies
    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    I made the squeaky shoes from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit"

    And, yes, I made them so that they *do* squeak!

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    Clampy sends his love and support!

    Plush is Clampy / Clam PeeOui from "itemLabel" Tiny shoes were sold as a "bird toy" from a large online seller & the hat was made by me! He doesn't actually have feet/legs. I just thought it was funny.

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 10 months ago 100%
    Dressed up as Cedric and King Graham from King's Quest V!

    Plushes are Fertilizer Ouioui & Mistakepy from "itemLabel" Fertilizeroui has been modified by the addition of wings + folding the ears

    main Blahaj Lemmy Meta We're federated with Hexbear again?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 11 months ago 100%

    I will warn you right now: regardless of their claims to be LGBTQ+ inclusive, they mercilessly harass users and fracture communities. I have left a couple other instances over their federation with them because of the constant harassment for any kind of perceived slight (I was accosted because they thought I had implied something about autistic folks? When in fact I was trying to make myself understood as an autistic person!).

    You are making a huge mistake with this decision. But, obviously, as a user, I can only wish you well if this is the direction you choose. You will be making so much more work for yourself by doing this and putting a lot of stress on users who did not sign up for what is to come.

    Best of luck.

  • technology Technology Fans Think Latest Pokémon Go Artwork Was Made With AI
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Fans keep buying the latest Pokémon games, which is why they'll never get an actually good Pokémon game.

  • main
    Unable to upload photos? [SOLVED/FIXED]

    Been trying to upload photos using both Firefox mobile browser & Liftoff app, but both do not appear to be working. Does not work when attempting to upload both as a post and uploading in post body. Checked in other instances, and I am able to upload images there. Do I need special permissions or something? Please let me know! I took some screenshots of error messages, but obviously I am unable to upload then, so.

    mtf Transfem Positive Moments
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    U-haul syndrome?

  • 196
    196 SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    CeRULEan City, here we come!

    Screenshot of the game "Let's Go Eevee" **TEXT:** Play with poop has been added to the main menu. Press the X button to go see!

    196 196 Kayne rules
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What's a word you haven't heard used in years?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What language do you find the most seductive, and what about it makes you feel that way?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I didn't think German was anything special until a few years ago when I attended a German language group just for fun, on a whim. There was a native speaker there that I spoke to, and unexpectedly I just... I don't even know.

    Anyhow, we ended up dating for a while.

    Still have a weakness for the German language.

  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Why go back to a site that harvests your data, forces you to use its shitty app, astroturfs posts, engages in vote manipulation, uses constant ragebait to up engagement, forces constant ads at you, and has a CEO in charge who will lie about an innocent person to make them look bad?

    Not to mention the state of the userbase, right now.

    No thank you.

  • are_the_straights_ok Are The Straights OK? Let me guess: When you want to be forgiven, you tighten all the jar lids in the house so she has to talk to you?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    My ex-spouse actually did the "tighten all the lids in the house"–thing when he was angry with me.

    I had very little issue opening them. He did, though, which is when he was forced to confess what he did.

  • 196 196 can't wait to buy it with Pullman dollars
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    "I hate thinking!"

    Like it's something to brag about.

  • 196 196 Sock rule
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    You have arms, you coward.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, it wasn't great. They didn't believe in birth control and did very much believe that if they had another child, it was God's will & He would provide.

    We're all pretty fucked up mentally. Don't love that part.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Aye. Understanding it doesn't make them easier to get along with.

    My da has unprocessed trauma yet refuses to address it, saying that his mental illness is cured because of Jesus. And if I was a good Christian, I would be cured, too.

    Like.... my dude: a big part of my mental illnesses stem from my upbringing with you, but okay.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Those with parents who hold opposite political views than you, how do you go about disagreeing?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I don't argue anymore. You can't logic them out of something they didn't logic themselves into.

    My father is too far gone and considered an "intellectual" man. My mom thinks she's "not that smart" (cool, thanks da), but she's become so much more open and accepting as she's gotten older and has shifted a lot of her views to be more progressive. Maybe because she realizes that my father, despite being very intelligent, is also an absolute moron who wrecks all his relationships. They're still together, though.

    Therapy can help you cope with the situation, yeah.

    My siblings are almost fully split on our views on religion and stuff.

    Youngest to oldest: pastor, party girl, anxious wreck withdrawn from society, ex-military, brow-beaten family man, severe mental-illness-ridden mother, literal cult member, golden child/took over family business, ex-Rainbow gathering stereotype, and depressed IT guy who loves drugs, dogs, and the outdoors.

    Things get better when you get far away from parents like this. Seriously.

  • news_us_politics US Politics Salmonella outbreak affecting multiple states linked to ground beef: CDC
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When and go down
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Germans being tricksy? Well, I never!

  • cptsd CPTSD Yeah sex is cool but…
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When and go down
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I've been wanting to learn German for years now, specifically because "ich_iel" looked really fun.

    Guess now is as good of a time as any!

  • reddit Reddit Reddit Admin team asking for volunteer moderators at tons of subreddits
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I am a mod of a dedicated niche Discord fanclub server. We run the server well enough that the actual creator of the thing we like & owner/admin of the official server pops in occasionally to say hi, interact, and give updates on events & future releases. Hell, even the mod team from the official server joined our server for a more casual experience.

    If I wasn't passionate about the subject, there's no way I'd be helping to maintain it out of the "good of my heart". The work of moderating something with an ultra-large fanbase? If you don't truly and passionately care about it, forget it! And even if you did, it can still be too much of am endeavor to put up with for free!

    To let just any rando moderate a community will lead to its downfall. I'm especially worried when it comes to things like mental health & recovery subs.

  • cptsd CPTSD Yeah sex is cool but…
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    "If you're depressed, smile more!"

    I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they posted without reading further. Still not great, but probably not malicious.

  • socialanxiety Socialanxiety i really want a deep hug from someone i know very well
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I want to be able to trust someone enough to allow them to give me a hug. 🫠

  • cptsd CPTSD Yeah sex is cool but…
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    This is a strange and slightly tone-deaf comment to post on a CPTSD instance.

  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%


    I have no love for the guy, but jesus christ.

  • 196
    196 SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    Now suffer
    asklemmy Asklemmy What’s your dream job?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I know that folks have & will continue to do the "I don't dream of working"–thing, but I'll answer sincerely.

    If I could do it in a way that could sustain me, I'd love to be able to design & make my own line of stuffed toys! I kind of do that right now, but it's not something I can do full-time and still survive.

    I'd also love to do bearded dragon rescues/fostering/specialized veterinary care. I'm definitely not able to handle the schooling required to do any vet stuff, though. But I've done rescues/foster work in the past before I just couldn't handle the costs anymore.

  • memes Memes An actual costume I wore to a party in college [OC]
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    You were probably the coolest person there. 😎

    But seriously, I hope you had fun.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Depression is also a condition that can cause this. Get a full health screening before you go fully looking into a diagnosis, but definitely keep it in mind if, physically, things turn up normal.

    Also keep in mind that depression & anxiety can be comorbid with ADHD, which can often lead to frustrating misdiagnosis and being put onto medications that may not work quote right (if you choose to go that route). Hell, I've been told that "[you] don't have ADHD – it's trauma! PTSD!" As if the constant invalidatation of my condition wasn't one of the reasons in part that led to my mistreatment and development of PTSD.

    I hope that you are able to get answers soon and have things improve!

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    I'm glad you were open to learning, though!

    I have a very progressive siblings who is very pro-mental health and all that, but she never fails to mention how "those meds are so bad for you!" Yeah. I mean.. I guess. The alternative is me being unable to care for myself. But whatever.

    "Try exercising!"

    Cool, I'd do that if my brain didn't confine me to my bed for 18 hours without meds.

    People just. don't. get it. And they need to acknowledge that they don't. It's fine!! Just don't try to act like we're on the same level playing field. We're not!

  • memes Memes Reminder why I don’t use AirBNB’s
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Pardon me, what?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, my painful acne lasted far into adulthood. Found out it was 100% hormonal and finally got on something to treat it.

    There's a lot of things that can cause acne.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the most unhelpful advice you have received?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    ADHD advice from non-ADHD-havers has always been infuriating.

    It's like yelling at a drowning person with no arms to "swim better!"

  • 196 196 When you work rule hard, but it doesn't turn out the way you wanted
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Too real.

  • plushies
    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    Sarah's stuffed animals from the movie "Labyrinth" – taken at a Jim Henson exhibition

    This was taken at a traveling exhibit where I got to see items from “The Muppets”, “Sesame Street”, “Labyrinth”, and more!

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    Plush bears I made for my parent's wedding anniversary

    Body is based heavily off the “Build-a-Bear” pattern, but the head is entirely self-drafted. The noses & eyes were made custom by me, as well. The faux fur is dead-stock I had been keeping stashed away, and is one of the softest furs I’ve ever had the privilege of using! “Shannon’s Fabrics” minky solid fabric was used for the pawpads and muzzle.

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    Giant Mareep Plush

    From the official "Pokemon Center"

    Plushies SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%
    Red friends

    Shroompy is from "itemLabel", Cherry Blitz is from "Omega Mart" / "MeowWolf"

  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

  • 196 196 this almost happen to anybody else during gamer(ule)gate days?
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    My best friend had this happen to him. Except he's over 30.

    He now worships T×m P×ol, El×n M×sk, and J×e R×gan. He also thinks that Tr×mp is "the ultimate epic troll".

    He finally started saying that c×vid is fake & trans folks should be "purged". He also still thinks that you can catch AIDS from a toilet seat or a handshake.

    His critical thinking skills have eroded to the point where I don't even recognize him anymore. He just parrots talking points from grifter podcasts.

    We are no longer friends. I miss the "old" him everyday.

  • 196 196 Your new home rule
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    Not that I have seen so far. :(

  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

  • 196 196 the femboys
  • SharkEatingBreakfast SharkEatingBreakfast 1 year ago 100%

    "The people we are making to feel unsafe & whose rights we are oppressing are showing that they will fight back!!! They are dangerous!!"

