mtg MTG Which Planeswalkers Can Read? | Truman the Gray Merchant
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 9 months ago 100%

    Jace can't read. He just alters everyone's memories so they think he can. This is canon, and no one can change my mind. :P

  • canada Canada Massive Leak Of European Neo-Nazi Web Store Reveals Dozens Of Canadian Customers' Personal Information
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 66%

    TBH my guy, while OP's comment was a non-sequitur and there is a lot of value to posting articles like this and making sure people are aware and stay vigilant of antisemitism and other issues within our own borders, your post history is kinda sus. Like, 90% reasonable and then 10% weirdly pro Russia/China.

  • canada Canada Massive Leak Of European Neo-Nazi Web Store Reveals Dozens Of Canadian Customers' Personal Information
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 100%

    The human propensity for ignorance should never be underestimated; I can also see the possibility (to use an example product from the antihate article) someone somehow stumbled into buying shotglasses with norse runes on them because they thought they were cool, not realizing the broader context of the site. Is that likely? No, but again, people are really good at doing dumb shit. :P

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate 3 colossal new patch adds a playable epilogue set six months after the game ends with 3,589 new lines of dialogue, 2 new difficulty modes, and I'm running out of headline space
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 100%

    Mod support has definitely been mentioned as an eventual goal, IIRC though they didn't have plans to implement an official DM mode.

  • mtg MTG [Explorer] Discover is a fair and balanced mechanic /s
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 100%

    Wotc can do this, sure... so long as they restrict it to BO1. In BO3, decks needing to run a couple pieces of hate/interaction in the sideboard to deal with a linear combo is good for the health if the game, if anything. (If that's still not enough, then sure, ban it globally. But BO1 and BO3 are fundementally different games.)

  • canada Canada Winnipeg nurse's lawsuit against top drug companies claims they marketed decongestants that don't work
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 100%

    It feels like every time I go on the internet, I get reminded I need to be very explicit about what I'm saying. (Or develop a thicker skin. :P) Apologies if I sounded dismissive, I was just trying to say that I don't know exactly how it was approved as I haven't done the research to know, but that wasn't surprised it had been, given the overarching issue with medical studies from the last century failing to be replicated. I'm not trying to imply that I'll somehow dig up the absolute truth of the situation that was previously unknown, I just know I'm making a statement with incomplete information.

  • canada Canada Winnipeg nurse's lawsuit against top drug companies claims they marketed decongestants that don't work
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 10 months ago 100%

    Eh... I'd need to look into this specific one more, and it's a bit weirder than 'normal' given this is a drug for a common physiological symptom, but there was a lot of bad medical science done from roughly WWI to the turn of the millennium that nonetheless still underpins some of our commonly available medicines. Clinical psych has it especially bad, but the replication crisis is a problem everywhere.

  • aww aww Majestic
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 11 months ago 100%

    Yeah, post-shaving alopecia is a thing, especially in double coated breeds. (Which is part of the reason you're supposed to avoid shaving them.)

  • canada Canada Canadian Podcasts?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 11 months ago 100%

    If you want Canadian but about nerdy things instead of politics, LoadingReadyRun (Victoria BC) has a few, some actual-play tabletop stuff, some Magic the Gathering, some sketch and improv comedy (although they haven't made a new one of those in a while, sadly), etc.

  • ndp New Democratic Party Get Rid of CBC’s Ethical ‘Journalistic Standards’ Policies, Conservative MP Suggests
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 11 months ago 100%

    " know what the problem is with the CBC? Too much ethics and journalistic integrity."

    Who... who is this for? Who wants this? Who hears this and goes "ah yes, this is, A: a real problem, and B: a useful solution to said problem."

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Lae'zel's ducks
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 11 months ago 100%

    The VA for Laezel (Devora Wilde) has actually seen this meme and read it in-character. :P You can find it on YouTube.

  • canada Canada Suncor CEO fields tough questions on climate change at federal committee
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 11 months ago 100%

    Whoof. I know I shouldn't be surprised, but damn. "Yeah, we made 9 bil in profit last year, but we're too focused on the long term and transitioning away from energy sources that are actively reducing the habitabilty of our planet." Do you fucking hear yourself speak? As-is, if we manage to get things under control before literally rendering huge swaths of the world unlivable within the next century, it'll be near a goddamn miracle. I understand the need for a smooth transition and the capital to support green initiatives*, and that practically we will need at least some amount of oil for decades yet. Nothing here though gives me any confidence this is anything but a move to maximize shareholder returns.

    (*as much as free-market solutions to problems related to common goods (like our goddamn climate) fundementally offend me, due to inherent inefficiency and misaligned incentives, an inefficient response is still better than waiting until we can fundementally restructure society >>)

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Favorite minor/side character?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Yeah, as the other commenter mentioned, wander around north of the Shadowed Battlefield waypoint, make sure to explore all the nooks and crannies at the edges of the map, you'll find his campsite eventually.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Favorite minor/side character?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    ::: spoiler spoiler You monster. :::

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Favorite minor/side character?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    I could see that. She's got some thematic ties to Karsus, shares a home plane with Shar, and has a portfolio revolving around lost knowledge (ie, a potentially attractive avenue for recoving an amnesiac's memories) giving options for a subplot around her to resonate with a couple different origin characters. (And could potentially serve as a more "benign" (for certain definitions of the word) source of power to Wyll, if he wanted to retain his powers but escape his contract with Mizora.)

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Favorite minor/side character?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 88%

    In terms of extremely minor one-off characters, He Who Was was very cool. I was sad when he didn't show up in act three. Just a random Shadar-Kai warlock of the Raven Queen chilling in the Shadow Cursed lands, delivering warped justice to the dead, and collecting their tormented memories and emotions to sustain his queen.

  • canada Canada More adults are taking medication for ADHD. Physicians say trend is a double-edged sword
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Yes. Thank you. There have been plural studies (,, and many more, these are literally just the first google results), showing that perscription stimulants have a negligible, or even negative, effect on productivity in neurotypical populations. Their reputation as a "smart drug" has been greatly exaggerated.

  • canada Canada Whisky War (Dispute between Canada and Denmark) - Wikipedia
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Clearly, I need to find a Dane to get in a fight with. I could use a drink. :P

  • canada Canada More adults are taking medication for ADHD. Physicians say trend is a double-edged sword
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    This is also a valid question, the systemic pressure to "be productive" puts a lot of weight on the side of taking meds despite side effects. Anecdotally though, some ADHD patients do find meds useful for helping them maintain interpersonal relationships and the like, not just focus on work.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix 8 Shaves His Majesty After Cat Backlash
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Never mind the nudity toggle, we need a "hairless cats" toggle at the beginning of the game too I guess, if we want everyone to be happy. :P

  • canada Canada More adults are taking medication for ADHD. Physicians say trend is a double-edged sword
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Yup. Until our technology and biological knowledge reaches the point where we can stop using (metaphorical) chainsaws and start using scalpels, everything is a tradeoff that's going to vary greatly by individual. Personally, the only side effect I've noticed from my meds (diagnosed as a child, didn't take medications for it until more recently), is appetite supression, and aside from a couple blood sugar crashes before realizing working out on an empty stomach was a dumb idea, I've seen no ill effects. On the other hand, a good friend of mine on the same medication experienced heightened anxiety and tachycardia. /shurg

    There's perhaps an argument to be made that the current state of healthcare leaves clinicians unable to provide the needed followup care and medication adjustment, but then the issue isn't the use of medication, so much as the burden on physicians. /shurg

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Advice on Arcane Trickster
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Worth noting, if you're dual-wielding, you can sneak attack with a bonus action. (Go into your reactions and make sure Sneak Attack is set to always.)

    AT is mostly about adding control and utility abilities to the Rogue; options to take enemies out of the fight, and aid/supplement your sneaking. Sleep, Colour Spray, Hold Person, Invisibility, etc, are your mainstays. Your unrestricted spells (ie, ones that don't have to be enchantment or Illusion) should probably be geared towards defence and mobility. (Shield, Misty Step, etc.)

  • canada Canada Former Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler: An important question that has been missed. How did a veteran of the SS Galicia division] end up in Canada in the first place and he was not prosecuted?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Eh, common knowledge if (and only if) you are someone chronically online and in the habit of trying to understand current events. :P

    That said, rage bait is a bit harsh; while I'm not sure there's much to be done (the calls to deport geriatrics into an active warzone are... a little silly, even if we can prove these people to be war criminals), there are questions worth asking wrt to the circumstances and legitimacy of the rulings and descisions around both their post war status and entrance to Canada. Some acknowledgement and reckoning with some of the questionable actions taken as a nation in the aftermath of WWII is likely past due. /shurg

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Canada is the only G7 country without a national school food program. Advocates say it's time
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 85%

    It would definitely be an improvement. I've been involved with both volunteer/municipal and provincial/public health programs to provide food in schools, and the story is constantly one of trying to do more with less. More kids (and more of those kids in need), higher prices and less community/government support. (In terms of both funds and volunteers.)

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Baldur's Gate 3 - Discussion Post #2
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    IIRC, elves can sleep properly, if they want to, they just generally choose not to. And depending on the age of the elf, they do "dream" in their trance, IIRC. Said dreams are memories of their past lives. (Since elf souls are special and don't work like regular souls.) Realistically though, none of our companions are in the right age range (dreams being super rare for elves older than ~100 and younger than ~600). Astarion might dream normally though, if he ever sleeps*, severed from their reincarnation cycle as he is by his nature as a vampire spawn?

    When in doubt though, blame tadpoles. :P

  • aww cute dogs, cats, and other animals Time is a flat circle, and so is Fiona
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Move over spherical cow, circular cat is my new best friend

  • canada Canada Reconciliation and reckoning as Nisga’a totem pole returns from Scotland museum
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Well done Scotland, now it's Britain's turn. :P (To much to hope, I know. :P)

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Reminder: Larian Studios Forbids The Selling of Fan Content
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Generally, no. (Often there are explicit clauses in the EULA for various content creators.) But it's a grey area, one where other companies have occassionally chosen to enforce copyright claims despite the convention, usually punitively when someone has done something egregious (or just that the company dislikes). (EG, the whole Pointcrow-Nintendo debacle where they threatened to take a youtuber's channel down because he was promoting a mod he comissioned for Breath of the Wild.)

  • canada Canada Poland's education minister says he's 'taken steps' to extradite Yaroslav Hunka
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    The dude's damn near a centenarian. Even if someone in government goes through the effort to circumvent protocol and allow the extradition of someone who has not (and likely can not, at this point) been able to be convicted of anything, even odds he passes away before the standard bureaucracy is done.

    Similar the Conservative effort to pin blame directly on the Prime Minister instead of the House Speaker, this feels less like a genuine response to this really shitty thing that happened, and more like an attempt to use the situation to score political points. /shurg

  • canada Canada Canadian MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 12 months ago 100%

    Yeah. This is a major gaffe. I've seen the odd post villanizing this dude in particular, which I'm not sure is called for. (I don't know it's not, but I'm hesitant to yell at a 90 year old over what uniform they wore when they were younger than I am now.) Regardless of who the dude is or was though, it's a bad look, and they do deserve to be called out on the eminently stupid oversight to not to the bare minimum of research before choosing someone to bring in.

  • ffxiv FFXIV Online Announcing the FINAL FANTASY XIV TTRPG (Tabletop Role-Playing Game)!
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Interesting. Curious what the underlying systems are like and how it will feel to play. I know a couple old high school friends that have off and on talked about homebrewing up an FF campaign from DnD5e rules, but if this is good it would be a lot less work to get going. :P

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Facebook is Blocking Canadians’ Posts About the Assassination of a BC Sikh Leader. Their Posts Were Targeted by India’s Government.
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    I get that intellectually, it's just something that didn't really click, before. If a corporation is subject to the laws of all countries it operates within, (even when those laws contradict) are they really subject to any laws? Only applying law based on user origin does sidestep that for the most part (even though virtual 'spaces' like Facebook and other social media do make that kind of weird), but mixups like this make that tension more obvious.

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Facebook is Blocking Canadians’ Posts About the Assassination of a BC Sikh Leader. Their Posts Were Targeted by India’s Government.
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, I mean, Meta being incompetent doesn't exactly surprise me, but it's not exactly a good look either way. (Since when does Meta do authoritarian governments' censorship for them? Nations can make takedown requests on their citizens posting news they don't like? On one hand, of course. Like a billion people live in India, Facebook will do whatever it can to keep that business. As much as alreadyI dislike Facebook, the idea had never crossed my mind before.)

  • canadapolitics CanadaPolitics Poilievre releases housing plan he says would 'build homes, not bureaucracy'
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    So... okay. I'm not super well versed in the logistics of city budgets. But if I understand this, his plan is essentially to set a housing increase target. If a municipality fails to meet it, their federal funding (generally 30-40% of the cost infrastructure and development projects), will be reduced by the some amount. And vice versa (although the implementation of that is less clear).

    So... how does this get anything done, is the question? Housing is a complex issue that requires action accross levels of government, but this would seem to shift the onus towards the municipal level, and then handicap said municipality's ability to meet demand if they do not immediately succeed. I feel like the only scenario in which this doesn't result in widespread austerity with minimal results is one where municipalities have been hoarding money they could've spent on housing. Which, I mean maybe? Municipalities definitely can and should be doing more to grow housing, but I'm skeptical that this is the case. (And even if it is, it seems to harm struggling and rural communities while only really benefitting the most well-off.)

    I will admit bias though, as I am also skeptical that this, if implemented, would be anything but an excuse to cut funding.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Karmic dice: yay or nay?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Nay, although there have been a couple times losing a stack of lockpicks consecutive lost coin flips where I almost regretted it. :P

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Will Larian release the BG3 toolkit to allow us to make our own modules?
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah, AFAIK, they have no plans to add a GM mode themselves, but they do plan to add extensive mod support with upcoming patches.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 Only 'complaint' with BG3
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    The rarities do somewhat correlate with power in a vacuum, but synergy>raw stats, generally.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 60 hours in as Baldur's Gate 3's nasty Dark Urge and I'm kicking myself for missing a load-bearing early cutscene with unique dialogue for every race and class
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Some people gotta go fast. :P (Or just miss a lot of content, who knows.)

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 60 hours in as Baldur's Gate 3's nasty Dark Urge and I'm kicking myself for missing a load-bearing early cutscene with unique dialogue for every race and class
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%

    Dang, I wish I knew this. Be nice if they tweak this trigger to happen later as well, not sure how many people are resting before recruiting at least 2-3 companions.

  • baldurs_gate_3 Baldur's Gate 3 I find Gale problematic
  • Oldmandan Oldmandan 1 year ago 95%

    Eh. I haven't seen his dialogue since they apparently tweaked it, but I didn't find it that bad to begin with. There was a bit of a vibe in act 2 like "sorry you're hurt, didn't mean to lead you on, was just being nice" but thats life sometimes. /shurg

    The RPGHorrorstory element... eh. I somewhat agree, mostly just in exactly how far along/established in his journey of magic he was. A young prodigy attracting Mystra's attention, and then ruining himself (and endangering others) in pursuit of more, is an interesting twist on the traditional exploration of a Wizard's hubris, the issue comes more from like "yeah, I didn't just attract Mystra's attention, I was a peer of Elminster and one of Mystra's Chosen" (conspicuous failure to mention the magical institutions of his home, EG, the Blackstaff, Vajra, Larael, etc., aside). TBH, just changing his interactions with Elminster to either double down on the implicit arrogance of assuming himself Elminster's peer, or have him be more of a fanboy, a la Karlach to Minsc and Jaheira, would've gone a long way.

  • baldurs_gate_3
    Baldur's Gate 3 Oldmandan 1 year ago 97%
    Community Update #24: Looking To The Future

    Some insight to coming updates, the future of cut content, etc.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    onguardforthee Oldmandan 1 year ago 100%
    Religious Sect Members Who Obtained $12 Million Through Manitoba Government Contracts Run Companies Out of Co-owned Building, Records Show

    Copying over from u/HowMyDictates post on reddit, because I'm petty and will continue to refuse to engage with that site. :P The whole three-part series is worth a read. It's fascinating (in a horrifying sort of way :P) how all this lobbying and third-party marketing works, even the stuff not directly connected to the PBCC. The more I learn, the more obviously corrupt the whole system becomes.
