jerboa Jerboa Jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 1 year ago 100%

    C'est la vie, I suppose. Thanks for the response.

  • jerboa Jerboa Jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the suggestion, I will take a look.

  • jerboa Jerboa Jerboa: A native android app for Lemmy
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 1 year ago 100%

    Is there any chance support will be extended to Android 7.0?

    I left lemmy when Lemmur started having certificate issues, and would like to come back in light of reddit's impending nuke of 3rd party apps, but I really only use this kind of thing on my mobile, and it's quite old...

  • lemmur lemmur Lemmur stop working after lemmy update 0.13.0
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Signing out and re-logging doesn't fix the app for at least some older devices, I still get a 'handshake error' caused by an expired certificate.

  • ubuntu Ubuntu Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    I use kubuntu on an old (2012) macbook, and the driver I tried first would only support 2.5GHz Wi-Fi, which is slow if you're expecting 5GHz.

    I switched to the driver contained in the 'bcmwl-kernel-source' package, 5GHz started working, and the speeds have been on par with macOS ever since.

  • openscience Open Science Feed The “Sci-Hub effect” can almost double the citations of research articles, study suggests
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Open access publication is just another great idea ruined by unfettered capitalism.

    The big publishers decided to make up for the loss of one-time fees by charging thousands of dollars to publish an open access article.

    Generally, this money has to come out of the research funding, which is scarce enough already in many fields, and the cost is prohibitive for most projects.

    For context, peer review is performed for free by volunteer academics, so all the publishers really do these days is turn a word document into a fancy pdf, and lend a mostly illusory veneer of respectability.

  • openscience Open Science Feed The “Sci-Hub effect” can almost double the citations of research articles, study suggests
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Couldn't agree more!

    As a researcher, I think it's tough to overstate how much the current publishing system hinders scientific progress.

    Not only does it make published results less accessible to other researchers, while siphoning tons of money away from research, it also financially incentivizes a quantity-over-quality approach to publication.

    Sci-hub is the best thing that has happened to science in ages, imo.

  • privacy Privacy Nitter : A free and open source alternative Twitter front-end focused on privacy.
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Also check out the privacy redirect extension, to automatically use nitter for twitter links!

  • science
    Science MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%
    Self-Sustaining, Intelligent, Electronic Microsystems Created – Operate Much Like Self-Autonomous Living Organisms

    A research team from the University of Massachusetts Amherst has created an electronic microsystem that can intelligently respond to information inputs without any external energy input, much like a self-autonomous living organism. The microsystem is constructed from a novel type of electronics that can process ultralow electronic signals and incorporates a novel device that can generate electricity “out of thin air” from the ambient environment. Reference: “Self-sustained green neuromorphic interfaces” by Tianda Fu, Xiaomeng Liu, Shuai Fu, Trevor Woodard, Hongyan Gao, Derek R. Lovley and Jun Yao, 7 June 2021, Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23744-2

    science Science If sugar is so bad for us, why is the sugar in fruit OK?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Official nutrition recommendations have really lost the forrest in the trees.

    Historically, almost every human population survived primarily on plant-based carbohydrate-dominant diets, so it should be super clear that carbohydrates are not 'bad for us'.

    The problem is the processing. Over the last few hundred years, we have started isolating and refining individual nutrients from whole foods, producing fundamentally new and unnatural nutrient combinations our bodies are completely unprepared for. And everywhere these new and improved foods become widely adopted, a predictable constellation of diseases turn up... Go figure.

    Personally, I was raised on a standard American diet (99% hot pockets & McDs), was overweight like most of my family, and being fit seemed impossible. In collage I started cooking my own food, to my own taste (plenty of salt, fat, etc.), have been an effortless size 4 since, and I really feel like the answer is no where near as difficult as we like to pretend.

    To my mind, the major impediments to widespread dietary health are all societal, as almost no one has the time or money, much less the know-how, to cook real food.

    Moreover, processed food makes a lot of money for the processors, so does treating the diseases processed food causes. As such, the powers of capitalism strongly favor continued public confusion, and discourage any meaningful improvement.

  • science Science Bees Absolutely Love Cannabis and It Could Help Restore Their Populations
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Lol, that's bound to be some funny honey!

  • science Science Do we humans owe our large brains to starch?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Absolutely, and to me, it really hammers home how biologically impactful food processing can be!

  • science Science Do we humans owe our large brains to starch?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Very cool work!

    It reminds me of a really interesting book by a primatologist, postulating that the adoption of cooking likely played a major role in human brain development.

    Basically, the author argues that the energy provided by cooking drastically reduced the physiological energy required to extract nutrients (like starch) from our food, leaving a relative excess available to power our energetically-expensive cognition.

  • worldnews World News Study finds alarming levels of ‘forever chemicals’ in US mothers’ breast milk
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Scary stuff! And some of these endocrine disrupting compounds can have a hereditary impact, meaning a woman's exposure today can effect her grandkids' development.

    A lot of these chemicals come from the packaging used in fast food and other ultra-processed foods, so home cooking has really become self-defense.

  • opensource Open Source *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    I think a lot of the pushback stems from the phrasing of the original PR description (which is still available below the clarifying update).

    Telemetry can be a valuable tool, but adding Google & Yandex to a popular open source project immediately after acquisition seems... undiplomatic, and I can certainly see why the original announcement caused concerns.

    That said, the update provides some important, and hopefully calming, clarifications, including the opt-in implementation.

  • technology Technology Is there some way for using Hacker News with a “mark as read” function?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Fair enough, I think there are some RSS options for the comments, but I don't use any personally, so I don't know how well they work.

  • technology Technology Is there some way for using Hacker News with a “mark as read” function?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    You could always use their RSS feed, then configure your RSS front-end to only show unread content.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Wow, I bet Skynet is going to love these.


    They do look cool though!

  • linux Linux Penguin takeover: We tried running some GUI Linux apps on Windows the official way – and nothing exploded
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Great! Now developers can stop bothering with Windows apps, and fully focus on Linux!

    Edit: I should have added an /s for sarcasm, I definitely understand that this is just more EEE (and Microsoft desperately trying to stay relevant), but the WSL can be a double-edged sword!

  • worldnews World News How a shocking environmental disaster was uncovered off the California coast after 70 years
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Sigh, I just saw an article reporting that DDT exposure can have a hereditary impact (in humans). Meaning, a woman's exposure today can impact her grandkids' growth and development.

    After 70 years, we're still figuring out how damaging Monsanto's 'miracle' solutions are.

    Undaunted, we are frenetically creating untold multitudes of novel compounds every day... regulated only by profitability, in most cases.

    Sometimes I wonder if we are going to last long enough to realize how dangerous our pace of progress is.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    I will keep my fingers crossed, but 'enlightened' has not been my experience of the US.

    It seems to me that the US will continue to prioritize protecting the profit streams stemming from internet tracking over personal privacy until the profits diminish, or the laws (and the system of government providing them) change substantially.

    In any event, I was really more speaking to the widespread police surveillance in the US, alongside the national and individual consequences of ubiquitous corporate surveillance.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    I hear you, it's really been a discouraging few years. Unfortunately, I think we have to keep on top of the dystopian stuff, or we'll end up with even less good news.

    That said, here is an adorable interlude from the doomscrolling.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    This "New IP" proposal is genuinely terrifying, but frankly, at least from my perspective (as an American), it seems the EU has been leading the way in ethical internet governance.

    While the US is certainly less restrictive about information than China (at the moment), in many ways the US is just less honest about the surveillance state it enacts, and I'm not sure it has been leading anywhere the world wants to go.

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Nice! For people who already have EFF's HTTPS Everywhere installed, it can totally do the same thing!

  • privacy Privacy *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    I haven't seen anyone mention ScriptSafe, which I really like for granular control of javascript!

    It also has some fingerprinting protections, among other features.

  • privacy Privacy The Facebook loophole that lets world leaders deceive and harass their citizens
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    Given the very fine people running Facebook, something tells me it's more of a feature than a 'loophole'.

  • lemmur lemmur v0.4.0 - API v3
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%


    My user panel is stuck in an infinite loading wheel, but everything else seems to be working beautifully.

  • technology Technology LG is reportedly leaving the smartphone business after failing to sell it
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 77%

    lol, it's sadly what they deserve.

    I'm still using my V20, the last great android phone (imo). I hate that android device makers gave up on being diverse and useful, only to embrace becoming crappy closed-off apple knockoffs.

    When this dies, I'm just getting something that runs a mobile linux distro.

  • gardening Gardening Hydroponic Farmer ruled able to be labeled Organic
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 3 years ago 100%

    To me, the question is how nutritious are the resulting produce?

    There are a multitude of reasons traditional farming produces more nourishing crops, and there's no way hydroponic methods offer parity.

    At least they may have less, or less harmful, pesticides, but who knows what presently-unconsidered chemicals hydroponic systems are introducing into the equation.

  • anti_consumerism Anti-Consumerism A New York store employs this rover that chases you around to tempt you for candies. Its name is Smiley
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    Mars Inc, working hard to bring diabetes directly to you!

  • openscience Open Science Feed Police warn students to avoid science website (Sci-Hub)
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    Just say no to free science kids, everyone knows winners pay $30 per article.

  • technology Technology This kid-friendly 3D printer is the toy you wished you had growing up
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    Super cool idea, but I wonder if the safety issues have been fully evaluated.

    I'm definitely not an expert, but apparently these can emit volatile organic compounds and ultrafine particulates.

  • technology Technology *Permanently Deleted*
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    I just wanted to say thank you to the mods!

    Anti-vax conspiracies are dangerous, and I greatly prefer the removal of dangerous misinformation to the dubious benefits of unmoderated freeze peach.

    Many thanks to the OP as well, for an interesting post!

  • brave_browser Brave Browser Why the person behind the Brave browser is terrible (TL;DR, homophobia)
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 50%

    Sorry, I don't have much experience with other decentralized browsers, but I'm glad you found a good replacement!

  • opensource Open Source Brave browser: Is it worth it?
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    I feel like a broken record, but aside from having a homophobic CEO, Brave also has fascist funding!

    One of their original investors was Peter Thiel, the souless monster financing Facebook, Palantir Technologies, and the despotic wing of the Republican Party.

  • technology Technology Gab data breach may include 70GB of data on 15,000 users | Engadget
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    FWIW, some of the people involved have suggested that Gab introduced vulnerabilities while modifying the Mastodon code.

    See here.

  • brave_browser Brave Browser Why the person behind the Brave browser is terrible (TL;DR, homophobia)
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 66%

    Thank you very much for being open to feedback, and no worries at all, they don't exactly advertise this stuff!

    You might look at LibreWolf, Pale Moon, and Ungoogled-Chromium if you need an alternative for your desktop; or Fennec, Bromite, amd Kiwi Browser if you need a mobile alternative.

  • announcements Announcements Statement on Politics of
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 88%

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate this stance!

    I think the slur filter is a brilliant idea, especially given the type of person it seems to bother most, and this site feels a lot less toxic than other online communities, probably as a direct result.

  • transgender transgender Trans Inclusion in School Sports Doesn’t Hurt Cisgender Girls, New Report Finds
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 100%

    Water Is Wet, New Report Finds.

    It is always nice to see evidence confounding these bad faith attacks, but I'm pretty sure that most people hung up on this issue really couldn't care less about the cisgender athletes, as long as they get to hurt trans people.

  • opensource Open Source Calling all Brave browser users!
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 66%

    For anyone who isn't aware, Brave Browser is run by a terrible person .

    It is also funded by Peter Thiel, the billionaire 'conservative nationalist' financing Facebook, Palantir Technologies, and the most egregious fascists in the Republican Party.

  • brave_browser Brave Browser Why the person behind the Brave browser is terrible (TL;DR, homophobia)
  • MiscreantMuse MiscreantMuse 4 years ago 90%

    Brave is also funded by Peter Thiel, the souless monster financing Facebook, Palantir Technologies, and the most egregious fascists in the Republican Party.

  • recipes
    Honey Garlic Shrimp - Food Wishes

    Hi folks, Just wanted to share my one of my favorite sources of new recipes! I really try to avoid youtube, but this channel is just amazing, and there's always invidious (or newpipe, or youtube-dl...). The host is a former culinary instructor, and has a massive collection of short, funny videos with fantastic technique instruction & demonstration for home cooks. I even watch the recipes I don't think I'll like, because I usually learn something I can use somewhere.
