196 196 Post some creative ways to say "I am trans"
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 weeks ago 100%

    That's the correct answer, just gaslight everyone into thinking you were always a girl they just didn't pay attention!

  • 196 196 Poorly socialized rule
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    never hated women but yes XD

  • mtf Transfem Timeline Questions
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 3 weeks ago 100%

    Entered late egg stage at 15 I kinda knew then, I repressed from 17 to 18+1/2, after that I started exploring my gender again (stuff like shaving leg, epilating, etc...) and eventually realised I wasn't living for myself but for others when I was 19 (2-3 months away from turning 20) and decided then and there that I would transition, I came out to my parents a month after and tried to get HRT immediately, at the same time I changed my pronouns and my name with them as well, it took me nearly five months to be able to start the treatment (had to store my sperm). I was 20 and now I'm 7months on HRT :)

    I understand not feeling valid enough for HRT the best way I can put it is: put aside the validity of your trans identity, do you want all the effects of HRT despite the "downsides"? you don't have to be trans to get HRT.

  • mtf Transfem I.... want bottom surgery
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I've progressively come to the realisation that I do indeed want GRS, I always wanted FFS and GRS felt less important, but as time goes on I realise that, I'm never going to have a fullfilling sex life with my current equipment...

  • mtf Transfem I.... want bottom surgery
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I haven't had FFS or GRS yet, but I've been on hormones for a while.

    before HRT I was pretty depressed, the culprit was the fact that no matter what I did my body got worse (more masculine). For example: I hated shaving because I had to, I was horrified that shaving might make my beard grow faster (it doesn't but it does make it more visible), so for years I would pluck it out in the hopes that it would slow down and stop spreading but it kept creeping up to other areas of my face. I couldn't do anything .

    That wasn't the only thing, my face, my hairline, my body, my voice, everything was always getting worse. ::: spoiler TW I genuinely thought about committing suicide. :::

    At one point it genuinely got really bad and I decided that I would stop living as others expected me to, that day I started transitioning, I came out to my parents about two months later and 3.5 months after that I started HRT.

    Starting HRT is really magical the first day you're super excited but nothing really happens for like 48h, then if the treatment is correct (correct dosage) you start to feel pretty tired for a week or two, this is because testosterone kinda acts like caffeine in a way and gives you a lot of energy, you get used to it fast though and then the changes start coming in. More importantly though, you know for sure at that point that things aren't getting any worse and that probably is the most HRT will do for your mental health.

    Mentally the first month was a roller-coaster going from "Yipee i got HRT!!! 🎉" to "is this thing even working?☹️" (it is working it's just slow, manage your expectations!), estradiol kicks in and suddenly you feel things it's strange but stuff feels more vibrant, music(for me) became insanely good one day and I've been listening to so much music since, it's crazy. That could 100% be because I was less depressed but I have a feeling it's not only that.

    Then the physical changes start, you actually don't notice them, but I just took pictures every month an yeah things are definitely changing so that feels really good! It does feel unreal, like I have boobs now that's the coolest shit ever!!! you get used to your body but things like hips and breasts still amaze me when I see them.

    I'm not fully where I want to be but I actually kinda like my body and I would have told you that was impossible a few years back.

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Yeah, call me old fashioned XD Thanks for your replies :)

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%
  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    My country has a small queer community and an even smaller portion of ppl who are tech savvy enough to use mastodon. And an even tinier portion might live in my region.

    I should maybe make a post to see how it goes but tbh I'm not getting my hopes up...

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    There might not be big enough of a community though :(

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I probably should yeah 👍

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    :P I'm good, if things go south I can count on you?

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Thanks a lot! 💖

    I think it’s important to realize that if people are around you and being friendly they likely don’t think you’re a freak

    That's helpful thank you! I've got a pretty big network of friends, I'm terrified at the idea of trying to flirt with one and destroying whatever relationship we had.

    Be confident and love yourself.

    That's not easy to do, I should probably go talk to a therapist about it, my self confidence has always been in the toilet, it's getting a bit better with hrt I think.

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Thank you yes, it could be a reason why but, idk being confident seems easy to say, in practice I can only seem confident even right now, I'm not where I want to be though.

  • mtf Transfem [TW] Dating
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    🫂 I don't want to have to use a dating app but to be fair it might be impossible without😮‍💨

  • linux_gaming Linux Gaming Gaming on Linux is great!
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Yep, all my games just work, to be honest it takes me less time to setup my gaming rig on Linux than windows, and it feels solid as hell. If I have a Linux PC I can get steam in a few seconds and start playing just like that!

  • mtf
    Transfem MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%
    [TW] Dating

    Sorry this is a bit of a depressing subject but I've been feeling down and I kinda want to interact with ppl online. Basically I'm feeling down because the girl I liked (I'm not out to her) is very likely into another girl (she's bi). I never dated in my entire life, mostly because I feel like a freak and don't want to seem like a pervert trying to flirt with a girl. I don't know why I feel like this, but it's really taking a toll on me because if even as a relatively attractive guy I couldn't find anyone, how the **hell** can I find someone now? I know T4T exists but there are so few trans women where I live, and the queer community is tiny here. I feel like I'll always be a second option to cis women(*genital preference*) and it just feels bad. I'm scared I'll end up alone. Moreover the HRT is making me crave intimacy so that adds to the pile... Anyone feels like this too and found how to deal with it?

    trans Trans What do you do with photos of your old self?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Exactly! I look at my pictures from 6 months ago and I look so different already, I can't wait to make the comparison in a year and more!

  • trans Trans How's your week been?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    It's been ok, I've been studying math since I need to catch up for when school starts again, it's going to be hard but math is the only subject where I have a difficult time.

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Just In case, you might have replied to the wrong person, thank you very much nonetheless<3

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I haven't had any luck finding a comp sci internship

    Don't beat yourself up, me neither it's really hard idk why :/

  • trans Trans Know any transmascs?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I've got a few transmasc friends but they aren't really tech savvy or interested in tech overall :(

  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I need to root my phone...

  • lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ The Candidate Who Told Voters Not to Be “Weak and Gay” Lost By an Embarrassing Margin
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I'm only weak when she talks to me.😔

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost When a man really loves his couch.
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    JD Vance moment

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost C'est une pipe
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I... Uhm... N-need a girl... T-to do thi-that, to me...

  • mtf Transfem [TW] I HAVE STRETCH MARKS!!!! :D
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Oh gosh I'm so sorry! I'm going to put a TW in the title.

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Hey Olivia 👋

    I'm also 6months on HRT!💖💕

    Things are going pretty well, my body is finally looking ok-ish!✨

    I still have to find the confidence to stop boymoding, but I have to wait until laser hair removal is fully done on my beard, because I can't hide it with makeup sadly (pitch black hair)😠

    Also I want my hair to be longer but it's curly and takes ages to grow, it's going to look good I feel! 🤩

  • trans Trans It's been too long since I've posed a question here...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Can you DIY?

    Please be strong 🫂

  • mtf Transfem [TW] I HAVE STRETCH MARKS!!!! :D
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    Thank you!!😊 They are still small but with the way things are going they might get bigger :D

  • mtf
    Transfem MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    ::: spoiler [TW] Stretch marks I'm so happy about this OMG OMG OMG!!!! I have such a hard time gaining weight and since it was going down I assumed I needed to eat more, but it looks like I was losing muscle and gaining fat? I don't know any women around me who likes hers but I think they look soo cool! Like a nice pattern on my skin. :) :::

    mtf Transfem Hug pile!
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%


  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 1 month ago 100%

    I mean every social media has good and bad places ofc but for me linkedin has been the worse, idk it felt like I was looking at my bosses jokes and forced to laugh otherwise they'd fire me.

  • linuxmemes linuxmemes Based on a true story
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    Immutable doesn't mean unbreakable though.

  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 84%

    Linkedin is the worse social media out there even twitter isn't that bad compared to it.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Woke and gay you say...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    Yes this is now my opinion the finns are ALL gay.

  • politicalmemes Political Memes Woke and gay you say...
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 66%

    It is if you're in a room full of other naked dudes...

  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    my body thinks I'm a generational athlete or something, I eat like a pig but it all goes into muscles and energy, so now I'm 52kg but hey if you need someone to run for an hour straight I'm your girl...

  • 196 196 Fr(ul)ench
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 94%

    FRENCH 👏 RIGHTS 👏 ARE 👏 HUMAN 👏 RIGHTS 👏🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷

  • noncredibledefense NonCredibleDefense Why don't we simply fling our decommissioned warships at our enemies? Are we stupid?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    Because they could steal our tech? I'd say fill them with explosives

  • mtf Transfem so everyone thinks I'm a femboy now?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    I think it's SERM's, sounds cool! Good luck on your journey :)

  • casualconversation Casual Conversation Music isn't what it used to be
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    I dunno I don't listen to mainstream music, Gojira, Lorna shore and LoG are good and they are relatively new bands, so music definitely isn't going to shit, it's just that given a good song there is a high probability it didn't come out this year since good music has existed for many years. (Hopefully that makes sense)

  • mtf Transfem so everyone thinks I'm a femboy now?
  • MicrondeMMMMMMM MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%

    OMG thank you so much that was so kind and informative 💜💜💜

    And yeah I agree having people that know about your gender identity tell you that you look fem without justification feels like they're just trying to please you. In that sense not being out as a trans woman is great because people comment on your femininity and you know it's genuine even though it can be used as an insult (call me a lesser man I'll nearly enjoy it lmao).

    And yeah hang in there Hugu it's not easy, I'm sure you'll look the way you want soon enough!💜 Can I ask if you are considering HRT?

    Really kind comment, thanks a lot! ☺️💜

  • mtf
    Transfem MicrondeMMMMMMM 2 months ago 100%
    so everyone thinks I'm a femboy now?

    *For context I'm not out to anyone and I still boymode (6months HRT)* I was at a party in a bar with friends 1 month ago, we took pictures together and posted them in a discord server, immediately a dude "V" asked if I was a real femboy. So now I have people asking me about it and I didn't reply. Yesterday I had an eyelid surgery and I sent a picture in the group with my eye patch just for fun and V immediately went "yeah you're 100% a femboy I was certain of it" (in another language) and people AGREED???!! I don't know what to do, on one hand I want to be a woman not a boy or a man, but on the other, since I probably won't pass until I get FFS I might as well say I am a femboy in the meantime, this way I can pretend to be a man and still wear what I want? I'm not sure I would get treated better than if I was out as a trans woman. Feminine men get a lot of shit. But femboys seem to be trendy enough to be seen as weirdly cool. Idk...

    Transgenre MicrondeMMMMMMM 4 months ago 90%
    Les transition de genre sont officiellement interdites pour les mineurs en France( en fait non mais vote du sénat)

    Je suis dévastée. Il est très probable que les moins de 25 ans soient les suivants, ils veulent nous éradiquer.

    Transfem MicrondeMMMMMMM 4 months ago 100%
    How important is prolactin?

    Hello everyone, I just got my test results back and everything seems to be good, although I'm _slightly_ concerned that my **prolactin** is too low, it's at **9ng/mL**. I looked up **prolactin** online and it seems it regulates breast growth and pregnancy, could low **prolactin** levels slow my breast growth?

    Transgenre MicrondeMMMMMMM 4 months ago 88%
    Que faire en vu de la montée des idées transphobes?

    Coucou, depuis la sortie de Tr*nsm*nia 🤢 Les républicains ont sorti un projet de loi visant à supprimer le droit de transitioner aux mineurs. En plus d'être transphobe cette proposition de loi et tout droit importé du Royaume-Uni et des idéologies conservatrices américaines. Il serait évidemment préférable que ce genre de proposition de loi ne puissent jamais voir le jour où être votées, mais je ne sais pas quoi faire pour empêcher cela d'arriver, j'ai l'impression d'être impuissante face au politiciens. Je suis allée manifester et j'ai signé des pétitions, mais n'est il pas possible faire des trucs en plus?
