games Games Games developed by Marxists, or by worker's cooperatives or heavily unionised workplaces? playing Disco Elysium rn
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 month ago 100%

    Would W.M. Akers' "Comrades" count as a TTRPG to add to your list? It was made by an anarchist with a heavy dislike for "Stalinists" though

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I posted leftist music on TankieTube
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 months ago 100%

    O7 We thank you for your service comrade!

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad After reading this quote, I wonder what Lenin would have said after the illegal dissolution of the USSR
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 4 months ago 100%

    I think something along the lines of; Capitalism is unable to ever "win". No matter how many communists you kill, how many of them you force to live under capitalism, or how many of them you force to "disavow" communism, you can't kill the idea. The struggle never ends, dialectics tells us this very clearly: Capitalism is unable to solve it's inherent contradictions, even if all knowledge of communism were to disappear, someone would inevitably bring it up again.

    Or he would aggressively point at this picture with the quote over and over again.

  • askcomrades Ask Comrades Why is individualism a bad thing?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 5 months ago 100%

    It prevents you from realizing that you share problems with the vast majority, preventing many people from becoming class conscious. And if they do realise these problems they'll gravitate towards individualistic solutions to systemic problems (for example: climate change is the consumers fault, just buy your way out of it), for which capitalism swoops in to provide a product/service to give the illusion of "I'm doing my part".

    It's also unnatural and doesn't go well with the fact that we were never supposed to live this way.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I'm thinking about going back to school
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 5 months ago 100%

    If you decide to go through with it, know that we're with you every step of the way if you want our help comrade!

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say libs move on from harry potter to LOTR
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 5 months ago 88%

    I couldn't finish it, was too cringe for me...

  • genzedong GenZedong oh man, poor Zionists can't even get a date anymore!?!
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 5 months ago 100%

    Similar energy as: no women on conservative dating apps

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat 3AM thoughts on the world and my place in it
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 6 months ago 100%

    I feel this. After 6 years of work I'm about to decide what I'll be studying. Saw the videos and heard the horror stories. Did all the sharing on social media (and still do) but it feels like it achieves nothing.

    Spoke to a palestinian refugee 2 weeks ago who studied robotics. 5 years younger than me too. All his plans for his future are gone. And here I am planning for my potential future just like he did.

    Only thing keeping me up is revolutionary optimism, which I basically recite like a mantra, like an idiom from a culture I don't understand.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Should I just block this guy?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 7 months ago 100%

    Missing context, but they are trying really hard to bait you to respond. Even if they are acting in good faith, nothing you'll say would persuade them anyway.

    Waste of time imo

  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 7 months ago 100%
    • Israel tried to ally itself with the Nazis
    • literally everything Theodor Herzl has said, done and written
    • The ICJ ruling
    • IDF commanders citing and paraphrasing SS-Waffen commanders
    • watch the documentary (think it's called "Birth of a Nation"), shows them laughing about the atrocities they commited
    • biggest open-air concentration camp

    While writing this I realized you could probably just watch Hakims youtube videos about Palestine and Israel to get the major points

  • genzedong GenZedong Mandatory reading for all Lemmygrad users
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 8 months ago 100%

    Happy Birthday comrade!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Is anyone coming to Berlin for LLL this weekend?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 9 months ago 100%

    First I've heard of this, considering it

  • learnchinese Learn the Chinese language Cyberpunk 2077 and Witcher 3 have FULL Chinese audio dubs
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 9 months ago 100%

    Did you choose traditional or simplified Chinese?

  • memes Memes Pyramid of Capitalist System
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 12 months ago 100%

    Only basic stuff, the stuff they can't deny They just portray socialism as bad and utopian (these words are used interchangeably) So capitalism is supposed to be the "grown-ups" way of things; "just look at America they have it way worse than us blabla"

  • memes Memes Pyramid of Capitalist System
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 12 months ago 100%

    Just had this one in my politics class lol

  • ukraine_war_news Death to NATO Head of NATO admits that it intentionally provoked the invasion of Ukraine
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Is the link not working for everyone else too or is it blocked/deleted?

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks for the words of wisdom!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Just to clear up any confusion, the revisionism part was aimed at the MLPD, not the DKP. But thanks for the solid overview!

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat On joining a non-ML marxist party as a ML
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Currently grappling with this question myself, germany has 2-3 small ML parties, but there is one that is revisionist and doesn't support AES, but they have a bigger reach, higher budget and more (and more diverse) members

    Since apathy and alienation are at an all-time high around here, I really don't know what to do

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What are your 'literally me' characters?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Frodo Baggins from Lotr, Hajime Hinata from Danganronpa 2

    edit: Cloud Strife from the Remake comes to mind, though he doesn't rank as high as the former 2

  • nut
    Fair and Balanced

    geteilt von: > Because you lost (?) this war in foreign lands, your entire country should cease to exist. > > [source](

    communism Communism Do you use Lemmygrad light mode or dark mode?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Dark mode, but why are you asking this in this community?

  • fan_fiction Socialist FanFiction How can we write the best socialist fanfiction possible?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    It's pretty hard to write anything concrete that works for all possible works of fiction, but I'd say most of them are ill-suited to a character suddenly spouting ML-rhetoric. There needs to be some basis for the character's radicalization that is rooted in their material conditions. Harry Potter for example has almost no chance of achieving class consciousness, as he's quite privileged (and later on joins the wizard cops).

    The benevolent ruler trope is just something I see often in fantasy, even if they mean well, it's just the reform vs. revolution argument.

  • fan_fiction Socialist FanFiction How can we write the best socialist fanfiction possible?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Well, the conditions for communism to exist must be there. In our world, we have experience with slavery and wage-labour, as well as philosophers (Marx) that built on the ideas of previous ones (Hegel) to radically change society. The proletariat needs certain precarious conditions to achieve class consciousness and needs a vanguard. You can start your story without the vanguard though (maybe the protagonist will build the vanguard?). But to actually formulate it precisely: For the proletariat to rise up it actually needs to be exploited in the first place. Most fantasy societies will have people with different power levels, so you would need to think of an in-universe way of how they would resolve this too.

    The benevolent ruler is just a trope that is loved by liberals, it's at it's core just the old reform vs. revolution argument

  • fan_fiction Socialist FanFiction How can we write the best socialist fanfiction possible?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 1 year ago 100%

    Let the Dialectics guide you Lenin. - Karl Marx in A New Hope

    I thought the same thing as you before, especially when I started to watch Andor. As long as you keep in mind that the ideas the characters have come from their material conditions and avoid the trope of the benevolent ruler, I don't see much that could go wrong. Really interested in what others here have to say about it.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat How has theory affected your life?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Learning theory changed my outlook on life a lot. It put a stop to my doomer lifestyle and gave me a light at the end of the tunnel. I got (and still get) a lot of comments from ex-coworkers who said that, in the last few months of this year when I quit my job, that I seemed happier and healthier.

    I guess mostly it took away my fear of the world by giving me words and the tools to really understand the world around me.

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Turns out we're all replaceable drones incapable of ever creating anything
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Worst take so far, please face the wall.

  • genzedong GenZedong China Is Quietly Reselling Its Excess Russian LNG To Europe
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    God this whole situation is just so ridiculous I don't even know how to respond anymore. Like, do liberals never read this? Do they actually have no idea that this is happening?

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Hope you are doing well!
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Welcome back comrade

  • genzedong GenZedong Question about the role of morality in Marxism
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Morality is subjective.

    Is it moral that some people work multiple jobs and barely survive?

    Is it moral to have the bodys of refugees wash up at the shore because the country said they don't want to take in that many?

    Obviously these questions evoke our natural response of "No!". But you would be shocked how, when asked these questions in the context of a debate between lib and ml, most libs might say that these are moral failings that are necessary and are outweighed by the good of the "fReE MaRkEt".

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What bending power would you get? Why?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    I think I would get firebending. Why? It's so closely related to passion and emotion it would have to be my bending power. That's it really.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Solid 3 for me this morning, how bout yall?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    definitely 9

  • fullcommunism FULLCOMMUNISM Communist Legacy Lives in You
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    incredibly based

  • coding For all your programming needs Protestware on the rise: Why developers are sabotaging their own code
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    but when you tell them that the conversation inevitably goes towards Nukes. How this is the firt big conflict with danger of them being used (not true unless you know 'Murica) or how it only happened cause The Ukraine didn't have any.

    So you're telling me that it takes a Nuke for you to finally care about other human lives?

  • genzedong GenZedong Just putting it out there, not responsible for what anyone else decides 🤷
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    As a vegan I would still participate in the eating of rich people, because it doesn't harm good, sentient beings.

  • britishcomrades British Comrades Fact check: true
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    They will use this as proof that we are evil cause tAnKiEs liTEraLly censoring mah freeze-peach

  • genzedong GenZedong I have no title or context, this just made me giggle.
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    I saw an elderly customer yesterday with this as his t-shirt. Definitely a based lemmygrad user.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I feel like I got mental help too late in my life and now I can't recover.
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    lol I am also 25. What is going on here lol.

    But I guess: EARLY-MIDLIFE CRISIS GANG UNITE!!! edit: also nicely written text, I salute you comrade

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I feel like I got mental help too late in my life and now I can't recover.
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Damn this was hard to read 'cause it hits very close to home. Got beat as a kid by my parents and had to basically learn how to rely only on myself. This obviously fucks up all my relationships now in life.

    I know this gets said so much it slowly loses it's meaning but; It's never too late to recover/get better/learn something new. And It gets better. Slowly. But it really does get better. I still beat myself up for what afterwards or viewed by someone else would seem silly.

    But everyday, every week every month, I get better at spotting it and stop myself from talking myself down. I was even able to make an important call for my "college" application a few days ago!

    Goddammit I always wish to give people more support in these times and say something profound. I feel like a coward for not organising already. For not destroying this worthless system that is trapping everyone I love and care about. Didn't meet my own standards again. But I won't let it get to me. This isn't a showing of me being an ultimate failure. But I am also not a main character in a novel or video game who does epic stuff on their own. I am slowly getting better. Wiser. Smarter. Stronger.

    And as much as I am not a failure for being as fit as some people, or as smart as some people, or as determined or as enduring or whatever have you, I know you are not a failure too.

    We cannot and should not do everything ourselves. We need other people to cover for our shortcomings and to help us see things from different perspectives.

    We will band together and be more than the sum of our parts. And we will win.

    Also been to a party a few years back, don't worry you haven't missed anything. They mostly suck.

  • communism Communism We should make a better effort at highlighting revolutionary communist women
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    Ursula Kuczynski is one of my favourites. Spied for the Soviet Union and defended the GDR to the last moment.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat What of your nationality/culture do you identify with if any?
  • Mehrtelb Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%

    German here. People here really love to point out that we have a democracy but it's just for show.

    The greens just agreed to build more coal plants and close our last nuclear ones and together with the "workers" party they up our military spending and encourage more wars. Did I also mention that we basically single-handedly stop the entire EU from advancing their climate goals?

    There is nothing to be prouud of here, but everyone loves it as all people I know embraced neoliberalism.

    Some even say it out loud no joke: "I don't care what happens to people in 3rd world countries as long as the government at least keeps me happy."

    I don't identify with any of this, I guess at least we fund people who want to study with affordable and really easy to pay off loans (for me going to college now I don't even have to pay it back).

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Games Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%
    [rec] Heard you guys allow cross-posting TTRPG, so since that community is basically dead I'll post this here!

    cross-posted from: > This post is for beginners as well as seasoned Dungeon Crawlers alike! > > Feel free to comment your own recommendations and/or experiences with mine. > > Without further ado, let's begin! > - **[Comrades](** by W.M. Akers > > RPG using the PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) System about a group of everyday people fighting an unjust regime by whatever means you can think of! Recommended for intermediate and advanced players, not impossible for beginners, but it requires a Game Master who is very good at improvising. > - **[Pathfinder 2. Edition](** by Paizo > > Branch-off of the famous DnD modernised! > This is without a doubt the best classic fantasy-RPG experience you can get, easy to play with almost endless costumization for your unique character! Recommended for everyone to at least play once! > - **[Hard Wired Island](** by Weird Age Games > > "Retrofuture Cyberpunk" sound weird the first time you hear this but it makes sense trust me! If you know the cyberpunk genre you may know what's here: Style over Substance, cool prosthetics and every edgy adjective you can come up with. > Except that in this RPG you try to get the community together to fight the capitalist system that brought you to this point! > Earning money by doing under-payed gig-jobs in daylight, buying weapons and tools and then foiling the plans of your bosses by night! Same as comrades it uses the PbtA system, but this game is more focused on actually building and sustaining the community than Comrades, but it's your game, blow it all to high hell if you want! Recommended for intermediate players because of the system and all the rules for prosthetics. > - **[Voidheart Symphony](** by UFO Press > > Ever played Persona (especially 5)? Wished there was a TTRPG like that? Many tried and failed, but this one is very good! > Again utilizing the PbtA system (can you tell that I like it?) this game tries to capture the spirit of the latest persona game: a group of teenagers or young adults (animal mascot or robot too) become aware of a growing evil that gives its subordinates unimaginable power and wealth by oppressing the populace, awaken to their powers and decide to use them to fight back against the system! The game very much focuses on interpersonal relationships of the player characters and how it helps/effects or hinders their rebellion. Recommended for beginners and people who never played PbtA before because of it's cool Tutorial system. > > > I have many more, but this post is getting too long, maybe I'll make more if you like these? Only time can tell...

    Tabletop RPGs Mehrtelb 2 years ago 100%
    Some recommendations for beginners

    This post is for beginners as well as seasoned Dungeon Crawlers alike! Feel free to comment your own recommendations and/or experiences with mine. Without further ado, let's begin! - **[Comrades](** by W.M. Akers RPG using the PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) System about a group of everyday people fighting an unjust regime by whatever means you can think of! Recommended for intermediate and advanced players, not impossible for beginners, but it requires a Game Master who is very good at improvising. - **[Pathfinder 2. Edition](** by Paizo Branch-off of the famous DnD modernised! This is without a doubt the best classic fantasy-RPG experience you can get, easy to play with almost endless costumization for your unique character! Recommended for everyone to at least play once! - **[Hard Wired Island](** by Weird Age Games "Retrofuture Cyberpunk" sound weird the first time you hear this but it makes sense trust me! If you know the cyberpunk genre you may know what's here: Style over Substance, cool prosthetics and every edgy adjective you can come up with. Except that in this RPG you try to get the community together to fight the capitalist system that brought you to this point! Earning money by doing under-payed gig-jobs in daylight, buying weapons and tools and then foiling the plans of your bosses by night! Same as comrades it uses the PbtA system, but this game is more focused on actually building and sustaining the community than Comrades, but it's your game, blow it all to high hell if you want! Recommended for intermediate players because of the system and all the rules for prosthetics. - **[Voidheart Symphony](** by UFO Press Ever played Persona (especially 5)? Wished there was a TTRPG like that? Many tried and failed, but this one is very good! Again utilizing the PbtA system (can you tell that I like it?) this game tries to capture the spirit of the latest persona game: a group of teenagers or young adults (animal mascot or robot too) become aware of a growing evil that gives its subordinates unimaginable power and wealth by oppressing the populace, awaken to their powers and decide to use them to fight back against the system! The game very much focuses on interpersonal relationships of the player characters and how it helps/effects or hinders their rebellion. Recommended for beginners and people who never played PbtA before because of it's cool Tutorial system. I have many more, but this post is getting too long, maybe I'll make more if you like these? Only time can tell...
