Ask Lemmygrad MarlKarx 12 months ago 83%
Opinion on Otelo Saraiva?

I have been looking up some more politics of my land of origin (Portugal Caralho) and learned some more about Otelo. He was a socialist and leader of the portuguese uprising against the fascist regime. He at one point held most power in the country and envisioned to "turn portugal in europe's cuba". As you can maybe tell he was a fan of Fidel Castro and wanted to be "europe's Castro" as he allegedly wrote in his diary but at the end did not arm the working class to lead a revolution against the bourgeois but ran for presidency in which he lost. He was also accused of being involved in the FP25 (Força Popular) which were a left-wing terrorist organisation who killed civillians...(idk about this its hard to get non-pro-capitalist information on them) and was sentenced to jail for 15 years but got out after 5 years. He is now dead, he died at the age of 84

asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How do we feel about Assad?
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 33%

    I mean i agree with everything he has said so far but the one thing that bothers me a little is the ba'athism, and to be fair...i dont know a lot about ba'athism but isnt it like a little ethnically chauvinist? I know that Saddam Hussein tried to commit genocide against Kurds in Iraq.

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How do we feel about Assad?
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 86%


  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad How do we feel about Assad?
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 84%

    Ba'ath you mean? I didnt know that, the only politician i know who followed this was Saddam Hussein

  • asklemmygrad
    Ask Lemmygrad MarlKarx 12 months ago 77%
    How do we feel about Assad?

    Im aware that he is not a socialist by any means but i watched some interviews of him and he does have some good takes on US imperialism and the Western Hegemony but i also recall hearing that he did some pretty shady stuff but i cant remember any specifics....Im generally supportive of leaders who try to free their countries of the boots of the US even when they're not socialist per se but this Assad guy seems a little off

    memes Memes Today: the clean SS Tomorrow:
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 93%

    "okay but have you ever considered how bad the soviet union was?? Like im not a Nazi or anything but they did kinda have a reason to genocide Jews because a lot of soviet politicians were Jews and wanted to genocide Aryan Ukrainians to further spread the cancer of judeo-bolchevism."

    -Some lib on reddit who is definitely not a nazi sympathizer

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad trouble understanding surplus-value extraction
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 75%


  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad trouble understanding surplus-value extraction
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 66%

    so wait, lets view it form a different perspective: Tools costs, Resource/ Material costs and the Wage the Capitalist has to pay the worker so he can survive to work further are all Costs which the Capitalist bails out by surplus-value by letting the same workers work for more than the wage they are paid indicates....until the value extracted by the capitalists is enough to pay back the production costs and to keep a rest of profit fort themselves.

    Is that right?

  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad trouble understanding surplus-value extraction
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 75%

    ohhh ok, thank you, but that would imply that the capitalist needs to buy the resources needed as cheaply as possible to have the maximum profit...which does make sense. The ingredients companies buy are often very cheap and low in quality and yet they sell it for disproportionate amounts of money even when considering the wage that the workers needs to be paid

  • asklemmygrad
    Ask Lemmygrad MarlKarx 12 months ago 84%
    trouble understanding surplus-value extraction

    I think i understand the basics. For example, a capitalist buys wood for 20 (money) to make a chair, he employs someone else to make the chair which adds value to the wood...lets just say the value added through the labour is 20 (money) the chairs cost therefore is 40 (money) but the capitalist steas some of the added value to make a profit and now the chair is only worth 30 (money). The worker has therefore worked a significant amount of time for free because the value added does not correspond to what the chair is sold for. Thats already what i understand but how exactly does the capitalist turn this into profit? Yes he has gained some money but he still has 30 dollars in debt due to the production costs and the labours costs...and it would not change in the future as the debt just like the value he steals from the workers grows. Can someone pls explian?

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat heated arguments with my dad
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 100%

    but what if the media tastes really good

  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 100%

    How i sleep knowing that Margaret Thatcher is being cooked alive in the eternal depths of hell:

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat heated arguments with my dad
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 87%

    i know but me and my father always return to the same question: "then why dont we just vote away the negatives of capitalism" whose negatives are so tightly connected to the pillars that make up capitalism that you simply cannot just vote away some bad aspect of it without getting rid of it entirely

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat heated arguments with my dad
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 85%

    he can be but most of the times he is just a doomer who cries about human nature rather than thinking of solutions.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 12 months ago 78%
    heated arguments with my dad

    I had some pretty brutal discussions with my dad who is a hardcore liberal of the "the answer lies somewhere between the middle of left and right" type. He agrees with a lot of socialist stances and class war but refuses to acknowledge that a revolution is needed to achieve socialism, that killing people wouldn't make us better than the owning class and that violence is bad and that we should try to change the system by voting that voting will bring lasting change and not a revolution....all this kind of crap. He thinks that i got too "radicalized" and that im stuck in a bubble of propaganda and now he wants to have more control of the media i consume and that when he sees me watching or reading an article that i show him the sources of these articles. He really wants me to "keep an open-mind" which to him literally just means returning to being a liberal. The more of these discussions i have with my father the more i feel a distance between us and i would love if we just ignored our political opinions and kept living our lives how we always did but he insists that i am being groomed by some megalomaniac organization or a goofy ah evil person to join some kind of leftist jihad: "Yes you are entitled to have your opinion but you should also keep an open mind but the problem is that your opinion is not correct" that all i hear from him.

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 12 months ago 94%
    I went to my first protest!!

    Im 15 so my parents were concerned about me going to the capital city of my country alone to ""watch a protest"" as i told them but i reassured them and went on. I am so glad i finally got to meet up with comrades from the communist party! It was a protest concerning the rising housing prices and the communist party and various other parties like the democratic socialists etc. marched along the streets chanting "bella ciao" and other things. I even made a board on which i wrote "housing is a human right". I talked to many people, mostly demsocs and communists. Im just so happy to finally have done something real and not just read theory and talk online. I know it isnt much this littly protest and the communist party was the smallest faction of the movements who were present there....but its something.

    informedtankie Informed Tankie I've just found this on c/ I.d.k. how to interpret it but it seems interesting.
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 100%

    GOD i hate the millionairs moving to Portugal. They are the most useless pieces of meat on this planet, they dont have to worry about money, they just spend their rest of they life having vacation in their big mansions while people beg on the streets of these tourist hot-spots where they are located

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat So, just asking: what radicalized you?
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 12 months ago 94%

    Im from a well-off family and both of my petit-bourgeois parents are hardcore liberals who who hate china and bite into every US propaganda campaign. And thats how i grew up, me and my dad used to have the same political views "china bad, russia bad, americans stupid but still better than than the rest and our succdem system is the best system blablabla". My father is a very political person and thats why i early on got interested in politics and got recommended alot of political content on my social medias. For a long time, all the politics i engaged with were senseless identity discussion with brain-dead Trumpists and i remember always getting angry when people pointed out the atrocities committed by the US empire as that would imply that the US and therefore us as a whole (US and the EU or the "west") are bad. These useless discussions sucked the life out of me and just made me tired the entire day so one day i decided to simply not care about politics anymore....i didnt really care about who are the good guys or who are the bad guys which also meant i didnt care if the US is bad which opened up a way for me to take information and history in from a other perspective. Thats how whenever i saw some history clip or documentation calling out the US for its war-crimes i simply went along with it and thought "hm maybe the US isnt that good but i dont really care" to the point where after some time i realised: "wait....the US is SHIT and not for the reasons i thought". Having realised how the big brother USA is bad, it made me question my own media i saw on national TV and Radio which all always were pretty Western-centric and pro USA and made me notice that it is nothing more than western propaganda what we are being fed. Knowing this is researched History from non-western perspectives, that eventually led me to bit by bit have more socialist-ish views until where im now, a ML

  • europeansocialists
    EuropeanSocialists MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%
    When can we expect first steps toward a revolution to show up?

    I know that here in the global North, it will still take time for the material conditions to worsen in a way that the working class will finally realise and revolt against their oppressors....but when could these conditions be met? Because eventhough we still live high life qualities, they are still increasingly worsening with the system failing to provide its people with housing and employment.

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat EU bad and my friend needs to be educated
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    thank you for the explanation

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat EU bad and my friend needs to be educated
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%


  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat EU bad and my friend needs to be educated
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    thank you for giving these examples, i will try to explain these to my friends

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 85%
    EU bad and my friend needs to be educated

    So, today i had my first "economy lesson" in school and dont get how people can study economics and admit that the system is shit to the point where they teach students like me the inequalities and gruesomeness of the system...and still go: "b-bud id is best we got!". Anyways, that what i told my friend and we got into discussion where i tried to explain that capitalism sucks and that the only reason it "seems to work" in our country (we live in a succdem EU country) is that we benefit of the work of others in the global south, that instead of companies treating us like shit (to avoid a discontent mass) they exploit people in global south countries. I gave him few examples of companies using child labour in lithium mines and so on but my friend just replied "Nuh uh, the EU wouldnt let that happen" to basically everything i said which really rubbed me. Can you give me more accurate examples on how the EU reinforces Neo-colonialist relations and how countires benefit from it....more specifically, how the wealth generated by companies that exploit the south is linked to the countries wealth or ""well-being""? Thank you so much in advance

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat More socialist posters i made!
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    oh excuse me, i used google translate for the scripts so they might be a little off, but they are supposed to say "to the future" in vitenamese, chinese (simplified), spanish, laotian and korean

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say It's over comrades, the *very smart* people on Reddit have declared us a "joke instance"
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%


  • asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad What is Capitalist Realism?
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    It is this feeling, this current state of being, where everything is...capitatalist. Everything in our global capitalist society is an exchange of values determent by the current socio-economic system, everything is being comodified and everything is becoming business to the point where people cant imagine essentials like housing or water being free and not profit driven only for the people who can afford it. It is this sense that capitalism is the only thing existent, that capitalism is the only true socio-economic system and that every alternative has been tried and failed. People cannot imagine a future beyond capitalism nor can they even think beyond capitalism because capitalism is the only viable system, it seems to have become the very fabric of our observable reality.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat More socialist posters i made!
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    ofcourse you can use it, all my art is free to use for my fellow comrades

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat More socialist posters i made!
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    here, i hope thats what you mean

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat More socialist posters i made!
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Portugals wasted potential
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    im not hating the youth, im a "youngster" myself y'know. Its just a fact that generations who didnt experience fascism and the transition to democracy are not as willing to bite in alternative systems like socialism now that their country has transitioned to a "real democracy"....and ofcourse anti-communist propaganda is everywhere

  • shitposting shitposting That happened💀
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    We will not forget comrade Hideo Kojima

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Portugals wasted potential
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 90%

    It really is sad. Socialism winning over Portugal could've changed the course of the cold war with it being the first west-european nation to turn socialist...that would've been a major victory for the international socialist cause

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Portugals wasted potential
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 91%

    i forgot to mention that the US and the USSR were closely following the Events, to the point that the US even had plans to invade Portugal in case of a socialist government emerging. The CIA also funded "leftist" terrorists who would plant bombs and kill civilians to discredit the communist movement which greatly impacted the movements image and public support, these CIA funded terrorists (the Forcas Populares 25 de Abril) were the reason why the communist Party had to step back from the public for a great time.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Portugals wasted potential
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 88%

    to my understanding, the people who lived/ grew up during the PREC period supporting the communists are simply becoming old while the more out-of-touch people after it who were already raised in the aftermath, believe that the old communists are just senile and feel nostalgic or whatever.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 93%
    Portugals wasted potential

    After the carnation revolution when the people where fed up with the colonial wars portugal went through the "PREC" (Processo Revolucionário Em Curso) which was a short era of societal reform that included nationalization of companies, the collectivization of farmland and the general growing of popularity of various worker-movements/ parties like the PCP (MLs) the PCTP (Maoists) and others like the UDP and some trots but nobody really gave a shit about them. It was a period of unlimited potential for a revolution and yet it failed to establish socialism in the country. From what i can tell, the main problems were disorganization within the parties themselves (especially the PCP which was the largest communist party and could've done much better than this) and the restraint to overthrow the state by violence. The PCP, one of, if not the, leading leftist party of this period refused to establish dominance by violent means...they know that the only way to establish a socialist government is with a revolution yet they seemed so paralysed during this time. On the 25 November of 1975, communits and socialists unsatisfied with the more "soccdem" way Portugal would take, decided to start a coup but failed as armed "moderates" stopped the attempt before it having any effect. Since then Portugal is just another european "soccdem (nuts)" country with a Neo-liberal government. The PCP still has seat in the portuguese parlament but is loosing relevance more and more while the "CHEGA" (a quasi fascist party with anti-immigration plans and tax cuts for rich and whatnot) party is gaining more popularity. Portugal could've become "europe's cuba" as Otelo Saraiva, a portuguese revolutionary put it. But at the end, fell victim to your average reddit-style "enlightened centrist" who wants a welfare system while conserving the neo-liberal mechanis.

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Hey 𝕏 how are yo-.. Holy fuck..
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    throw him in a hole with other fascists and see who will eat the other first

  • worldnews World News UFO expert displays supposed ‘non-human’ alien corpses in Mexico’s Congress
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%


  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say “Why Communism is Even Worse Than Fascism”
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 87%

    Ah, another eastern European immigrant in the west licking some capitalist boots, Poland and the Baltics are experts in it.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat anti-communists in cuba
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    you are absolutely right

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat anti-communists in cuba
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    i understand, ofcourse i dont expect everybody who lives in a socialist country to be fully blown theory reading tankies nor do i believe that cuba is a socialist utopia free of criticism. The cubans should have the right to criticize their country but ofcourse, for many that includes criticizing the ideology the party follows, especially a party that has been in power since such long time. I didnt want my post to seem as if i dont support the opinions of cubans or their right to criticize their governement...what i wanted the focus to be on was more how many (not all ofcourse) of cubas problems stem form embargos and sactions emposed on it by the US and how they practically foster anti-socialist sentiment among the people rather than the people organically opposing a government that atleast had the chance to develop in its own pace without a imperialist force right next to them making life hell. Again, i apologize if i said something derogatory about the cuban people or cuba

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 88%
    anti-communists in cuba

    This is a very sensitive topic as i am not cuban and therefore have no first-hand experience of the situation there. I was watching a video on cuban democracy by comrade azureScapegoat and it was good, good video but then i watched the comments and while many of them were supportive and complementing cubas democratic system, there were some self-proclaimed "born and raised in cuba" cubans who would tell stuff like the "the municipal assemblies has no political power, its all in the hands of the communist party" and "not true, i am ******born and raised****** cuban and can confirm that this is not true, cuba is one-party and therefore totalitarian" the "one party= totalitarian" is bullshit but i can understand why struggling cubans would fall into the myth of totalitarianism where basically anything that does not have atleast two neo-liberal parties is considered Nazi-soviet-Reich-empire 2.0. Its just sad to be honest, i understand why cubans might give their government the fault regarding the misery the US puts them in and i just hope they wont loose their revolutionary spirit. America will torture and haunt cuba until eternity until the people's revolutionary spirit is broken and they will return to being a casino and brothel dominated sugar colony. I hate the US with every cell in my body for spending so much of its valuable resources and money into worsening people's conditions and life quality from countries who do not obey its order. Im sick of it and the cubans and every country trapped under the boot of this lump of corporate oligarchy hidden behind a thin veil of governance deserves better. The day will come where the american empire will be served justice and the world will be free from its chains. I can just wish the cubans to stay strong and to keep conscious about the US' role in modern geo-politics and how it keeps poor countries poor so they obey their master. Same goes to people in every socialist country and more generally the global south.

    memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    sorry, its just absolutely hard to imagine you being a socialist when you're here complementing and defending the democRATS.

  • memes Memes *Permanently Deleted*
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    so you're just a socdem.....

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat have some questions for my Juche comrades
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    i apologize for my outburst, this is not materialist, it is idealist and any good marxist should restrain himself from utopian idealist thought.

  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    source: weird mushrooms that grew out of my cum-sock

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say But… B-ut… Talk to Cuban and Chinese expats 🙄
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 98%

    lol i always like to imagine how it would sound if the roles were reversed: "Oh you think capitalism is that great? Well, go ask some american and british immigrants"

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat have some questions for my Juche comrades
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    It is true that we can change our environments and therefore our material conditions but these man-made changes are again caused by material conditions leading to people changing their environments. That's how history is and always has been, a cycle of material conditions influencing people to change their surroundings whose material conditions will cause other people to change their surroundings and so on....the question is what was the initiator of this cycle, was the man who made the first change leading to a change of material conditions or the material conditions which led the man to do the first change? I would say its the second as we, from my atheistic point of view, are results of nature, of millions of years of evolution. We did not always possess the ability to change our world how we want it, those who were born adjusted to their environments would survive, those who were not, would die....we, for a long time, had no say over our survival or nature but due to a chain of environmental changes, we started to develop bigger brains and the ability to analyze and use our environments to our advantage. First the material conditions allowing us to to gain the ability to change our material conditions came. We now are not anymore slaves of nature, of selective survival of those who are adjusted, we are now developed enough to help those in need, those who would not survive....we (mostly) have surpassed these harsh realities making us masters of our destiny, not letting us be dictated by forces we can harness. We have the power to save this planet or destroy it how it currently is under global capitalism. Primitivism, Conservatism, any form of regression is not and cannot be the answer without it undermining our social and/or technical achievements made.

  • comradeship
    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 80%
    have some questions for my Juche comrades

    I have been interested in the Juche Idea lately and read some texts. From what i can tell, one of the main components of the Juche idea is that the man is master, the maker of history and master of his destiny. This sentence by its own sounds quite un-materialist as it implicates that material conditions do not shape the man but vise-versa. BUT, what i think they mean is that, using dialectic-materialism, we can predict societal changes that will evolve in the future...similar to how we know that socialism will sometime ovetake capitalism as the anti-thesis (the proletariat) will assert dominance over the current (syn)thesis as it had happened similarly to former societal structures. Knowing how the wheel of history spins now has given us the ability to predict it and therefore the power to take our destiny into our own hands and shape history after our desire. Is that what Juche is about? I havent touched much of actual theory on that matter but im interested to know if i have interpreted it right...if not, i would be more than happy to be educated on the Idea and how exactly the man is supposedly the shaper of history according to Juche.

    asklemmygrad Ask Lemmygrad Tatars in the USSR
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    oh that makes more sense

  • memes Memes Americans: “We should be more like progressive Europe”
  • MarlKarx MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    portugal, a "social-democracy", isnt doing much better with its increasing privatization of national industries and growing wealth gap of the poor and the rich....all supported by the, i kid you not, "socialist party of portugal".

    Shout out to the cuban doctors tho, my entire family in portugal is getting treated by cuban doctors as portugal lacks medical professionals because people with degrees keep emigrating from portugal to go somewhere where the wages are better.

  • asklemmygrad
    Ask Lemmygrad MarlKarx 1 year ago 90%
    Tatars in the USSR

    Saw a lot of people call the deportations of Tatars in the USSR a genocide. I know that the Tatars collaborated with the Axis but was it necessary to deport so many of them? Many of them not having directly collaborated with the Axis. Im on board with punishing those who actively collaborated with the Nazis but from what i have heard of, this was unnecessary

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner

    i am not very fond of anarchism as an ideology. It just cant function without contradicting its own principles....How in a revolution, or US intervention would strategic decisions be made? You cant just make everyone elect some shit every few hours during a war without somebody having to make decisions for other people. Or production? If you would like to have a car, or a house or whatever, you would need to ask hundreds of people for consent to produce the needed commodities as there is no state that regulates what and how much one should work....that would take a fucking long time which in return means not everyone gets to be supplied their needs. Anarchism is just not something you can achieve directly after a revolution, it needs to be gradual, when imperialist forces and other capitalist threats are annihilated, global socialism can deregulate its state-functions and transfer piece for piece more power to the people.

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 93%
    "you cant be communist cuz you wealthy"

    People claim that i cannot be communist because my family is wealthy. This argument is just stupid in many ways, its as if you told a white person he cannot be against racism because he is part of a more privileged group. The people argumenting this pile of diarrhea which they interpret as a "gotcha" moment also seem to forget that a lot of revolutionaries were from wealthy families like Friedrich Engels, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Marx etc. Being communist has nothing to do with your class-background but your solidarity and the willingness to commit yourself to the liberation of the working class. Having petit-bourgeois, or even bourgeois parents does not make one hypocrit, you are a hypocrit the moment you exploit workers yourself. I myself met a lot of fake-intellectuals who made this argument which made me, as a baby leftist at that time, feel really insecure about the ideas i hold but at the end no true communist cares about wealth, power, luxury or anything as such. If somebody made me the offer that if i had to live the rest in my life in a small, cold, concrede apartment with no kithcen, bedroom or toilet in return all the people would be supplied with food, clothing and shelter...i wouldnt take a second to aggree.

    EuropeanSocialists MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%
    What former-east-block countries do you look up to?

    I read "Stasi State or Socialist Paradise" a book describing general life in the GDR and how it functioned and having this insightful yet critical view of the GDR really opened me up. From communal engagement, work-place democracy and education there are many things we can look up to not necessarily the GDR only but also other former and current socialist countries....and also learn from the failures and errors of these countries. That being said, if i had to run a socialist country, i would draw great inspiration from the GDR and the USSR in particular though it is important to remember that everys country material conditions are different and therefore we cannot copy socialist models of other countries, all we can do is merely take them as a base to develope, adapt and improve to our countries.

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 77%
    i take comissions

    Hello i have been posting a lot of art lately and i want people to make something of my art, for my art to have a purpouse and therefore i am now open to poster requests you can publish for your local communist/socialist organization or whatever youd like.....just give me a vague idea and a slogan and i will try my best. It is free but dont expect me to take all of the requests in case of it bring too many

    EuropeanSocialists MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%
    opinion on pan-europeanism?

    i like the idea of a unified european state that unifies the people of europe under the socialist cause but not whatever the EU is trying to achieve, also i think that the idea of a unified europe got cooped by white-nationalists to "save thu whye race" and whatever nonsense which is not what a federal europe should stand for but rather the first step to slowly incorporate people with similar enough cultures into a bigger, more international, socialist realm

    minecraft MarlKarx 1 year ago 77%
    I love architecture

    is there are socialist server i can join and perhaps help build beautiful monuments cuz architecture is in my veins when it comes to minecraft

    EuropeanSocialists MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%

    pls tell me this isnt like the reddit r/europeansocialists and that you guys arent nazbols

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 77%
    i need to stop argue with liberals

    "breaking new liberals are ignorant" i know this isnt new to us but i couldnt resist and entered a political discord server and debated with someone on why Lenin wasnt anti-semite? and why Marx wasnt anti-semite either especially considering how his father is jewish himself...and then the guy switched to how the soviet union was anti-semitic because they seized synagogues belongings? and i tried to explain why this wasnt directed at jews but rather religious institutions as a whole because of the power they held in the russian empire....he also used the "muh authoritarianism, vanguard party authoritarian" which ofcourse he would mention not knowing that reactionary movements would have eleminated the revolutionary progress made if it werent for the vanguard party protecting it. He then proceeded to compare the vanguard party to israel because i said the vanguard party and with it the people need to hold all power to protect the revolution which he translated into "yuh but if you are anti-israel that means that israel should also protect itself from the palestinians for its survival" (him being pro-israel). Funny thing is that he considered himself a socialist eventhough he admitted to not like marx and called himself a pre-marxist socialist? He also admitted to never have read theory and this is the part that annoys me the most: He called himself a socialist..... Everytime i try to be reasonable with these people they pull out the most randome take out of their asses and i try to educate them but they mock me. All i can hope for is that they will become class-conscious and be enlightened about the all the trash propaganda they have been fed...but aslong as this isnt the case if fear they will need to face the wall if they keep being the enemies of the people

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 92%
    landlord parents

    Thats it basically im just really really ashamed of my parents being landlords, they both work jobs but simultaneously rent this apartement to a family and its not even that we need the extra money we exctract from this families income, they are paid well but noo they need more and more money and seek out these stupid parasitic neo-feudal sources for absolutely no reason other than to generate more money at the expanse of others. It grinds my brain to know i indirectly profit of it and im just in shame for my parents and they wont understand, they are as liberal and capitalist indoctrinated as can be so its useless to try to refute them especially when they pull the "hooman naturr" card out of their ass' when trying to converse with them about capitalism. but im thankful this place exists where i can let these concerns out i dont have any people i can talk to about such things in real life. (alienation especially concerning socialists of any kind does indeed wonders to repress the organization of the masses)

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 94%
    i wanna post something so here is an update from the imperial core

    I will be talking about western europe specifically as i am from here and the rise of the far-right really is a problem here and generally around the imperial core. Younger people tend to be quite incusive and non-racist as they grow up with immigrants from around the world with a few exceptions ofcourse but there is a general insecurity about the future among not only adults but also students which the far-right love to use to lurk especially the young, insecure and impressionable people into their movements. "its the immigrants who take our jobs, its the muslims who blablabla" all excuses for capitalisms failure as you all already know. I personnaly dont witness much hate for immigrants in my homecountry as it is a small country with a lot of immigration for long time but it has developed more of a white supremacist movement as the majority of people and older immigrants are from europe unlike the more nationalist-people forward parties like the AFD and the Brothers of Italy i would say. No significant leftist uprisings in any sight here, with luck you will see some Antifa/ Anarchist stickers on poles and that would be the most radical thing you could see...atleast in western europe.

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 80%
    Im tired of the West

    I cant stand living in this fake-wannabe democracy. I feel so lonely, nobody shares my views and everytime i try to educate them they mock and ridicule me to oblivion. Western europe truly is a hopeless pile of garbage. Thanks to the social democracies (nice move bourgeois pigs) people dont see the need to overthrow the capitalists when they are already fed the absolute bare minimum (free eduction and healthcare) by them while still being significantly poorer than the capitalists who are still fucking up our economy and politics. People are so liberal here, its like someone made a concentrate of Liberalism and spoon fed it to every-single person from man, woman to baby. *uh but freedome but muh democricuh * i cant hear it anymore. Its not enough that my family is constantly argueing about the shit in ukraine while im just sitting there having to listen 24/7 to "The russians were always authoritarian burglars, thats just their nature" and "Russia needs to be bombed its the only solution". Oh pls just somebody, China perhaps come and liberate the people from the western hegemony. The west needs to fall and when it does while watch with joy. ps. Sorry for the outburst here but i really needed to get that out of me

    Comradeship // Freechat MarlKarx 1 year ago 91%
    any comrades from luxembourg?

    I am a very devouted ML and struggle to find any organisation i can be active in in luxembourg (i know, its a small country and i am aware of its role in the EU and the banks) i just want to partake in something with fellow comrades

    Communism MarlKarx 1 year ago 100%
    How can i help?

    Is there something i can do to help the revolutionary cause as a teen? Not much probably but still i wanna do something

    Communism MarlKarx 1 year ago 89%
    my parents are landlords

    My parents are landlords of a medium apartment with a family of 4 living inside it. Is it hypocritical for me to be a Marxist-Leninist when my parents are landlords? especially considering what past revolutionaries have done to landlords (Mao). To clarify things, i do not agree with the concept of landlord-ism and how my parents (and me too from a broader view) are benefiting from someone else's income while doing nothing except owning basic human needs
