programming Programming Alternatives to GitKraken?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 16 hours ago 100%

    I'm still waiting for better Windows Git Auth integration in GitButler. I don't want to enter my key password for each remote action (fetch or push).

  • javascript JavaScript Oracle, it’s time to free JavaScript
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 days ago 100%

    lol, the T-shirt with the trademark text paragraphs

  • javascript JavaScript Oracle, it’s time to free JavaScript
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 days ago 100%

    sounds like a skin disease.”

    I mean… it does occasionally make my skin crawl

  • webdev Web Development Best way to add a blog to an existing, static website?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 days ago 100%

    If Markdown formatting is enough for you, I would look into using a static site generator, like Hugo or Jekyll.

    If you want to keep your existing content as static files but same website skeleton and layout instead of copying and editing files you'll copy one and create the layout template. Then content and new posts and pages can be generated from Markdown files. If you set up CI they won't need to run Hugo or what you're using, only push the Markdown files to your Git repository.

    Whatever you want to do primarily depends on: Your formatting, styling, functionality, and interfacing needs for the editor, and what you're willing to use or invest for setup.

    Hugo runs from a single binary. The source layout is reasonable. With a single layout the folder structure doesn't have to be complex.

    I'm not very familiar with alternative [Markdown] static site generators.

  • webdev Web Development Need to know about npm
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    You're good to keep your skepticism. If you trust them, the ones creating the tutorial to have vetted to a degree, or that a very popular package like that is vetted to a reasonable degree, you'll just go ahead with it. (Like most people do without questioning it.)

    You'll need considerable experience and insight to do good, reasonable risk assessment. Without that, you can either trust and hope in others, or skip the ecosystem and look for alternative technologies.

    It's also worth noting that your potential impact is considerable lower if you're only doing local test and development work, not publishing or publicly serving anything. I'm not personally familiar if or to what degree running arbitrary local commands has been limited in the npm ecosystem by now.

  • opensource Opensource best alternative to windows file explorer?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    If you're fine with or want a two-pane Commander, Double Commander supports FTP.

    I feel like a lot of alternative file explorers do!? Pretty sure I've seen it relatively often/regularly.

  • opensource Opensource best alternative to windows file explorer?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    Double Commander is free and open source. I've been using it for a long time. I'm not sure which one I used before, but could very well have been FreeCommander.

  • opensource Opensource best alternative to windows file explorer?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    I've liked the idea of it, but IIRC it launched with noticeable delay. Even if it's only one or two seconds, I want to access my files fast.

  • opensource Opensource best alternative to windows file explorer?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    Linux isn't even a file explorer. Different distros serve different file explorers by default.

  • opensource Opensource best alternative to windows file explorer?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 days ago 100%

    I've been using Double Commander for a long time. I can recommend.

    I've looked for alternatives occasionally, because I'd prefer some things differently, preferably something I'd be able to source inspect or work on as well, but haven't found anything better.

  • programming Programming Why I Prefer Exceptions to Error Values
  • Kissaki Kissaki 6 days ago 100%

    They make valid points, and maybe it makes sense to always prefer them in their context.

    I don't think exceptions always lead to better error handling and messages though. It depends on what you're handling.

    A huge bin of exception is detailed and has a lot of info, but often lacks context and concise, obvious error messages. When you catch in outer code, and then have a "inaccessible resource" exception, it tells you nothing. You have to go through the stack trace and analyze which cases could be covered.

    If explicit errors don't lead to good handling I don't think you can expect good exception throwing either. Both solutions need adequate design and implementation to be good.

    Having a top-level (in their server context for one request or connection) that handles and discards one context while the program continues to run for others is certainly simple. Not having to propagate errors simplifies the code. But it also hides error states and possibilities across the entire stack between outer catch and deep possible throw.

    In my (C#) projects I typically make conscious decisions between error states and results and exceptional exceptions where basic assumptions or programming errors exist.

  • programming Programming Why I Prefer Exceptions to Error Values
  • Kissaki Kissaki 6 days ago 100%

    Does the performance cost of error checking/result types they discovered in C++ apply to languages that have native result and option types like Rust?

    I would hope they were able to find efficient, performant implementations, and that branch prediction picks the expected non-error branch in most cases.

  • gamedev Game Development Unity is canceling the Runtime Fee
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 week ago 100%

    we’ve made the decision to cancel the Runtime Fee for our games customers, effective immediately. Non-gaming Industry customers are not impacted by this modification.

    Unity Personal: […] Unity Personal will remain free, and we’ll be doubling the current revenue and funding ceiling from $100,000 to $200,000 USD. […] The Made with Unity splash screen will become optional for Unity Personal games made with Unity 6 when it launches later this year.

    at its heart, it must be a partnership built on trust

    well… as much trust as you can get back after such activities.

  • dotnet
    .NET Kissaki 1 week ago 92%
    Performance Improvements in .NET 9 - .NET Blog

    A very long, verbose article with many area topics.

    programming Programming Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 week ago 100%

    I recently watched a presentation (on YouTube from a conference/offline presentation) about Systemd which also went into its focus/baseline of Linux, not Unix, and how NT supported a stronger service concept from the beginning. It was quite interesting to learn about the differences and the presenter's assessment and reasoning of the necessity of Systemd or something else that replaces or extends init and rc.d.

  • programming Programming instance: Sponsors needed
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 week ago 100%

    The server sidebar has an uptime stat. Could also have a simple monthly costs covered percent stat.

  • programming Programming Code Smells Catalog
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 100%

    with this in mind

    With what in mind? Evading NULL?

    Languages that make use of references rather than pointers don't have this Dualism. C# has nullable references and nullability analysis, and null as a keyword.

    What does your reasoning mean in that context?

  • programming Programming Code Smells Catalog
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 100%

    The items don't seem concise and always clear. But seems like a good, inspiring resource for things to consider.

    If it is expected that a method might fail, then it should fail, either by throwing an Exception or, if not - it should return a special case None/Null type object of the desired class (following the Null Object Pattern), not null itself.

    I've never heard of evading null with a Null object. Seems like a bad idea to me. Maybe it could work in some language, but generally I would say prefer result typing. Introducing a result type wrapping or extending the result value type is complexity I would be very evasive to introduce if the language doesn't already support result wrapper/state types.

  • programming Programming Why don't more people use Linux? - DHH
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 100%

    It’s an operating system that demands more of you than does the commercial offerings from Microsoft and Apple.

    Does it?

    It's different, but I imagine they're not fundamentally different if you exclude established knowledge/already being used to something.

    Normal office use for non-techy people is launching apps, editing documents, and surfing the web. That doesn't work much differently, not fundamentally different, and not fundamentally more difficult.

  • programming Programming Which protocol or open standard do you like or wish was more popular?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 100%

    I wish standards were always open access. Not behind a 600 dollar paywall.

    When it is paywalled I'm irritated it's even called a standard.

  • programming Programming Which protocol or open standard do you like or wish was more popular?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 93%

    TOML instead of YAML or JSON for configuration.

    YAML is complex and has security concerns most people are not aware of.

    JSON works, but the block quoting and indenting is a lot of noise for a simple category key value format.

  • programming Programming Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 2 weeks ago 100%

    It doesn't analyze only one repo

  • programming Programming Any AI tool to analyse a git repo for malicious code?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    How is that related? I don't see it.

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    This is not my experience at all.

    It seems we search for and look at different kinds of questions.

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    At least that's a testament to neutrality - in a shitty way.

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    fake internet points

    Your take is a valid one, but not very fair.

    Points are a reputation system. People who are contribute and provide quality get increased trust and power.

    It's not "fake". It's a designed system of points with meaning.

    A casual surfer not being able to vote is by design. Which has a cost of missing out on valid votes, but the benefit of evading trolls and misuse.

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    By responses you mean to include comments and moderation, not just answers?

    It's sometimes there, but - from the [limited] use I have - I would certainly not qualify them as "most".

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    What do you mean by pissy? What do you find so pissy?

  • programming Programming When's the last time you asked a questions on StackOverflow?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    I asked 6 questions on StackOverflow. 3 in 2010 and 3 in 2011.

    For context; I gave 183 answers.

    I can agree with most questions having already been asked.

    Moreso, most questions on StackOverflow can be answered with some context knowledge or some reading of official docs or references, or trying out. I've not felt the need to ask anything.

  • blogging Blogging What would the web look like if Google suddenly disappeared?
  • Kissaki Kissaki 3 weeks ago 100%

    Single Point of Failure: The (Fictional) Day Google Forgot to Check Passwords

    Tom Scott video/presentation

    Disappearance would be different than vulnerability. But it remains a single point of failure. The question reminded me of this video.

  • programming Programming SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 weeks ago 33%

    Any query can have zero or more pipe operators as a suffix, delin-
    eated with the pipe character “|>”.

    "delineated"? Looks like a typo of delimited?

    Or is that a play on neat and delimited?

  • programming Programming SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 weeks ago 100%

    I find LINQ query syntax less readable than SQL. I like LINQ method syntax for simple, linear queries.

    The linear method syntax is somewhat like the idea of piping SQL operations.

  • programming Programming SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 weeks ago 50%



  • gamedev Game Development Game engines used in the 2024 GMTK game jam
  • Kissaki Kissaki 4 weeks ago 100%

    Oh, did I miss it? Was it recently?

  • programming Programming CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 100%

    English source code is a universal language.

    I've never seen a need for localization beyond domain terminology. And I think it would be a huge detrimental.

    To implement it would be unnecessary significant complexity. Effort better spent elsewhere. And for programmers it'd be confusing. Think code snippets, mixing content, and the need for reserved word expansion or exclusive parsing scopes that would be even more complex and confusing.

  • programming Programming CSS finally adds vertical centering in 2024
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 100%

    It good

  • programming Programming GitHub, the go-to site for open source software, is currently down
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 50%

    The current GitHub outage shows that most Git users just can’t live without a commercial entity stewarding their code though.

    I don't see it. How does downtime show that?

  • webdev Web Development I just fixed a bug that was over 10 years old.
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 100%

    I let them ripe for 10 years so I can then concentrate on older bugs.

  • uiux UI/UX [Gamefromscratch] Game UI Database 2.0 - Amazing Free Tool For Game Designers
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 100%

    The actual website:

    Doesn't actually load for me though…

  • programming Programming New to programming
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 100%

    What do you mean by professional?

    Be paid, even if really bad, and a net negative for the projects and companies you're involved with? Then it's certainly possible.

  • programming Programming New to programming
  • Kissaki Kissaki 1 month ago 92%

    Study, get a bachelors degree

    That's not 6 months though

  • programming
    Programming Kissaki 2 months ago 98%
    Using the term ‘artificial intelligence’ in product descriptions reduces purchase intentions

    > researchers conducted experimental surveys with more than 1,000 adults in the U.S. to evaluate the relationship between AI disclosure and consumer behavior > The findings consistently showed products described as using artificial intelligence were less popular > “When AI is mentioned, it tends to lower emotional trust, which in turn decreases purchase intentions,”

    .NET Kissaki 2 months ago 100%
    .NET 9 Preview 6 is now available! - .NET Blog

    Some of the changes: * `System.Text.Json` now provides the `JsonSchemaExporter` type, which supports generating a JSON schema that represents a .NET type. * `System.Text.Json`: The `JsonObject` type now exposes ordered-dictionary-like APIs that enables explicit property order manipulation * `[GeneratedRegex]` on properties * The `Regex` class provides a `Split` method, similar in concept to the `String.Split` method. With `String.Split`, you supply one or more `char` or `string` separators, and the implementation splits the input text on those separators. * Generic `OrderedDictionary<TKey, TValue>` * `ReadOnlySet<T>` * new `Base64Url` class * `System.Diagnostics.Metrics` now provides the Gauge instrument * NuGetAudit now raises warnings for vulnerabilities in transitive dependencies * dotnet nuget why * MSBuild BuildChecks * C#: Partial properties * ASP.NET Core: Fingerprinting of static web assets

    Visual Studio Kissaki 3 months ago 85%
    Easily navigate code delegates while debugging - Visual Studio Blog

    > When you pause while debugging, you can hover over any delegate and get a convenient go to source link, here is an example with a Func delegate. *If you already know about delegates, there's not a lot of content in this dev blog post. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing either.*

    Programming Kissaki 4 months ago 91%
    A beginner's guide to mapping arrays in EF Core 8 - .NET Blog

    Mapping C# array types to PostgreSQL array columns or other DBMS/DB JSON columns.

    Visual Studio Kissaki 4 months ago 100%
    Introducing the Revamped Visual Studio Resource Explorer - Visual Studio Blog

    Available and enabled by default from version 17.11 Preview 2 onwards. New resource explorer additionally supports search, single view across solution, edit multiple files and locales at once, dark mode, string.Format pattern validation, validation and warnings, combined string and media view, grid zoomability

    .NET Kissaki 6 months ago 100%
    Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog

    cross-posted from: UI Components: Smart Paste, Smart TextArea, Smart ComboBox Dependency: Azure Cloud They show an interesting new kind of interactivity. *(Not that I, personally, would ever use Azure Cloud for that though.)*

    Programming Kissaki 6 months ago 78%
    Introducing .NET Smart Components - AI-powered UI controls - .NET Blog

    UI Components: Smart Paste, Smart TextArea, Smart ComboBox Dependency: Azure Cloud They show an interesting new kind of interactivity. *(Not that I, personally, would ever use Azure Cloud for that though.)*

    .NET Kissaki 6 months ago 100%
    Introducing's Compatible Framework Filters - The NuGet Blog

    > Backwards compatibility is a key principle in .NET, and this means that packages targeting previous .NET versions, like ‘net6.0’ or ‘net7.0’, are also compatible with ‘net8.0’. […] > > The new “Include compatible frameworks” option we added allows you to flip between filtering by explicit asset frameworks and the larger set of ‘compatible’ frameworks. Filtering by packages’ compatible frameworks now reveals a much larger set of packages for you to choose from.

    Game Development Kissaki 7 months ago 92%
    RTX Remix: Graphically Enhancing Older Games [video demonstration] [2kliksphilip]

    Truly astonishing how much generalized modding seems to be possible through general DirectX (8/9) interfaces and official Nvidia provided tooling. As an AMD graphics card user, it's very unfortunate that RTX/this functionality is proprietary/exclusive Nvidia. The tooling at least. The produced results supposedly should work on other graphics cards too (I didn't find official/upstream docs about it). For more technical details of how it works, see the GameWorks wiki: * *

    Machine Learning Kissaki 7 months ago 100%
    Opus 1.5 Released - achieves audible, non-stuttering talk at 90% packet loss

    cross-posted from: There's a lot, and specifically a lot of machine learning talk and features in the 1.5 release of Opus - the free and open audio codec. Audible and continuous (albeit jittery) talk on 90% packet loss is crazy. Section *WebRTC Integration* → *Samples* has an example where you can test out the 90 % packet loss audio.

    Programming Kissaki 7 months ago 99%
    Opus 1.5 Released - achieves audible, non-stuttering talk at 90% packet loss

    There's a lot, and specifically a lot of machine learning talk and features in the 1.5 release of Opus - the free and open audio codec. Audible and continuous (albeit jittery) talk on 90% packet loss is crazy. Section *WebRTC Integration* → *Samples* has an example where you can test out the 90 % packet loss audio.

    Security Kissaki 7 months ago 100%
    Mitigating attacks based on knowing the length of a Windows Hello PIN - The Old New Thing

    Describes considerations of convenience and security of auto-confirmation while entering a numeric PIN - which leads to information disclosure considerations. > An attacker can use this behavior to discover the length of the PIN: Try to sign in once with some initial guess like “all ones” and see how many ones can be entered before the system starts validating the PIN. > > Is this a problem?
