bookstodon group KPED 4 months ago 0%
A book I edited was written up in the local paper.

A book I edited was written up in the local paper. So happy to see Shannon Bohrer's book, Judicial Soup: One Man's Wrongful Conviction and What It Means for Criminal Justice Reform, getting some media attention. This is a very relatable book on a hugely important topic. When you read it, first you'll be angry. Then you'll think, "If it can happen to that guy, it can happen to anyone." [\_and\_entertainment/judicial-soup-by-emmitsburg-author-highlights-the-need-for-justice-reform/article\_ef4a743d-e470-5146-bf92-625c0cfb2a24.html]( [@bookstodon]( [#books]( [#bookstodon]( [#review]( [#AmEditing](