gaming Gaming let's discuss: non major systems
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 day ago 100%

    I had a Sega GameGear as a kid. Yeah it was a Sega system, which Sega was major back then, but the GameGear was nothing compared to the Gameboy. Very cool system, in that it had a full color screen and was backlit.

    Now that was at the expense of being heavy as all hell and a monster eater of AA batteries. 6 of them at at time!

    I think that was basically the only non-major system I had.

  • gaming Gaming Let's discuss: Nintendo DS
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 day ago 100%

    My first DS was the DS Lite. I bought it when the game "Contact" came out. Played various JRPGs on it, as I'm wont to do with handhelds. IIRC, the DS Lite was backwards compatible with GBA carts, which was great. I loved the look, feel, and size of it. Honestly, DS Lite is probably my favorite Nintendo handheld, with the Switch a close second.

    After that, I think the next DS that I had was the 3DS. Which I still have; I even booted it up earlier this year to try to play "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Spirit of Justice." I didn't end up playing it on the 3DS, since I have that anthology on Steam, but I wanted to see where I was.

    Games or series that I played a lot on the DS line were practically all of the mainline Ace Attorney games, and even some of the spin offs like the Professor Layton crossover and AA:Investigations. Fire Emblem was another. I think I played Awakening, Fates, and Echoes. I played at least one Pokemon game, too.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 days ago 100%

    Congrats! I know what you mean about the imposter syndrome. I just started a new job, and was super worried. But having got here, seeing the work, doing it, I'm like, "why was I even worried?" I'm sure there'll be something new, but given that the "base job," is familiar, I have confidence I'll be OK. And I'm sure the same will apply to you.

    Enjoy your time off. I took 4 weeks off. I miss it already 😭

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 days ago 100%

    I'm a week into the new job. And so far it's fine. In some ways, very different from my last job, but in other ways it's very familiar to me. So far, the work doesn't seem like anything crazy. It's mostly stuff I've done before.

    I'm having to commute again, which kinda sucks, but at least the commute isn't any longer than what I used to do before I went full remote at previous job. At least by car. I still need to give public transit a try, though I have my suspicions that that'll be longer.

    And at some point, probably soon, I'll be able to do a hybrid schedule, at least a couple days a week. So that'll be nice.

    Not gonna lie, after a month off of work, it was tough to have to wake up early again and work! I need to win the lotto or something.

    Getting used to living in my new city. After 3 weeks of living here, I'm still liking it. That said, I haven't gone out as much as I'd've liked because 1) I'm still trying to get things unpacked and situated, and 2) I'm a homebody hermit. Easier (and cheaper) to just stay home and chill.

  • gaming Gaming Let's Discuss: Persona
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 weeks ago 100%

    Huh didn't know P1 and P2 were SMT games. Good to know. I've tried at least one entry in the SMT side and just could not get into it. Don't even remember which it was. I get they're both dungeon crawlers, but I don't think I'm a fan of the more old-school SMT-style games.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    Maybe that'll be the reason I go back to visit: BBQ!

  • gaming Gaming Let's Discuss: Persona
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    I've only played P3 Portable and Persona 4, on PSP and Vita respectively (though I also have these on Steam now). I have Persona 5 (also Steam), but I've yet to start it, since I have quite the backlog to get through. Including P3 and P4!

    I got fairly far into P3P before stopping, while I didn't get as far into P4 before stopping, then restarting, then stopping again (though I got a little further than the first time). My last attempt must've been during the pandemic, so not that long ago. It's not necessarily that I didn't enjoy them; I just have a thing with JRPGs where I intend to take a short break...which often turns into years-long breaks.

    P3P was more enjoyable than P4, IMO. P4 just seemed really slow at the start, while P3, I felt had much better pacing. If I'm remembering the correctly, the latter just dropped you straight in to the weirdness, and it just kept going, where I felt like P4 had more lulls in the action.

    I don't mind the school stuff, though I'll admit it's not my favorite thing in the world. I do try to make an effort, rather than just breeze through it. I do hope to one day complete both of them and then get to P5. I very much enjoy their visual styles and music. I also like games that take place in the modern world, so the series is right up my alley.

  • gaming Gaming Need tips, when is a non-campaign game considered 'completed'?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    For something like Civ or Stellaris, I'd count "completion" once I've won at least one game. Because, ideally, I've shown some mastery of knowledge, skills, and mechanics that allowed me to win. I don't need to play and win as each leader in Civ or every race/trait and combo in Stellaris to say I've completed it.

    This is similar to how I'd view "completion" in open-ended games like Cities:Skylines or Banished. Having played a city or town for several hours, was I able to keep the residents alive, stabilize the city if there were any issues, and also grow and develop the settlement for a significant, though arbitrary, length of in-game time? If the answer is Yes to all of these, then I've "completed" the game. I've understood how things work in the game. Doesn't mean I have to understand every nuance or know every little trick. But I know enough that things are going well and largely continue to go well. And every time I start a new map, things tend to always go well.

    Earlier this year, I stopped playing Eve Online for the nth time after mostly playing straight through since 2019. Because I viewed my time during this last 4-5yr stint as "complete." I achieved practically all the goals I set out to do: join a major alliance, join massive PVP fights, engage in smaller PVP fights, make money that I ever had before, buy and fly ships I'd never used before, learn how to explore and navigate wormholes, try out specific types of industry, play with IRL friends, own and run my/our own station, and more.

    In all of these, "completion" obviously doesn't mean I'll never go back. There's always more to do, new things to see. But for now, I am satisfied with my progress, experience, and understanding. I'm no longer a noob.

  • personalfinance Personal Finance What has your experience been with a credit union?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    I'm a member of a big credit union in my old city, but I don't use it as my main bank. Honestly, I don't see that many benefits.

    • When I was trying to finance a new car at the start of 2021, the credit union rates were actually higher than the big banks and way higher than even dealership financing; I went with the dealership financing (>4% vs 1.9%)
    • Also, they wouldn't even give me a car loan because I lacked a history of a car loan. Admittedly, they weren't the only bank that denied me in this way.
    • Savings accounts rates are like 1% versus like 4-4.5% at like Ally or Capital One. Probably because my credit union is still as a B&M bank, while the others are online.
    • My CU talks up annual member dividends, but you have to have significant amounts of money in your accounts and/or various products with them, such as mortgages or loans, before you get anything.
    • The online banking and app experience is pretty trash; takes (relatively) forever for balances to update after even doing things like savings to checking transfers or vice versa. This sometimes affects Zelle interbank transfers, as Zelle thinks there's not enough money in an account for a transfer, even though there is.
    • Plus, they're Zelle transfers are sometimes slow as shit, sometimes taking 2-3days. I know Zelle isn't always instant, but it's annoying because Zelle is often billed as instant transfers.

    So I just use my CU accounts as a sorts of savings. I squirrel money away in there, like $25/week for a rainy day of sorts, but that's about it.

    I get much more utility and benefit out of my accounts at other non-CU banks.

  • technology Technology Has anyone tried Proton VPN?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    I use it since I subscribe to Proton for email. It seems fine. I used to use Windscribe -- or rather still do since I have a lifetime subscription -- but I tend to alternate between the two services these days. Proton seems to have tons more servers though. I've torrented on both and have had no issues with either.

  • chat Chat how's your week going Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 3 weeks ago 100%

    I finally moved! Made the 16hr journey from Kansas City to the Washington. DC. My dad and brother flew out last Thursday to help me load the truck and drive across the country. Got into town late Sunday and unloaded the truck on Monday. Still unpacking and setting things up, and of course getting my bearings, but so far it feels good. I will say that the drive through the Appalachians is stunning. Obviously not the Rockies, but in some ways, I think the Appalachians are more beautiful.

    It was definitely a little sad leaving a city that I'd grown up in, that I'd been at for like 30yrs. As I passed through suburbs where I lived or went to school at, I was definitely tearing up a bit. I'd driven east out of the metro to visit St. Louis, Chicago, Columbus, and beyond many times over the years. But this time I wouldn't be coming back "home."

    I was the last of my family to leave the area, and while I have a few friends there still, we've grown apart as we've gotten older as they've got their own families and such. As such, unless I move back, I'll probably never return. Or at least, very rarely.

    Anyway, I still have like 10 days before I start my new job, so in the meantime, I'm just relaxing and enjoying it. Hopefully this move will be worth it. I think it will be.

  • politics Politics Kamala Harris unveils populist policy agenda, with $6,000 credit for newborns (and more)
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    I think the point is that even with caps on spending, it's still possible for people to fall into a financial hole. Even just looking at the prescription proposal, $2000 may not be a lot for some, but for others, that's a good chunk of change. And is that $2000 per person? Is there a limit for a family? Because if not, for a family of 4, $8000 is a lot.

    And of course, this doesn't address the medical procedures themselves.

    I'm explaining the other person's position as I've read it. To me, any step in the right direction, even if small, is a good thing. But I could see why others would be like "Come on, stop beating around the bush, M4A already!"

  • ffxiv FFXIV Online [Rong Rong] When the final boss is a gen Z
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    My buddies and I cracked up when we saw this. Probably my favorite meme from FFXIV yet.

  • kansascity Kansas City Royals, city of KC studying new downtown stadium site. Mayor Lucas wants to avoid vote
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    I think we'll be good. Clay Chastain isn't involved!


  • kansascity
    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%
    Royals, city of KC studying new downtown stadium site. Mayor Lucas wants to avoid vote

    [Paywall-free.]( > Four months after Jackson County voters rejected a Royals stadium proposal in Kansas City’s Crossroads District, and two months after Kansas legislation paved the potential for an alternative path, the vision of downtown baseball endures. > [...] > Those conversations have more recently concentrated on studying the viability of a site not prominent in their last exploration: Washington Square Park, which sits just north of Crown Center and east of Union Station. More on that in a bit.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%
    Kansas City’s cool Friday breaks 97-year-old record low temperature

    Posting the whole article, since it's so short. >KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - It’s not quite pumpkin spice season, but it sure felt like it on Friday. > On Friday morning, the National Weather Service reported that the temperature in Kansas City, Missouri, dropped to 54 degrees. That broke the record low of 55 degrees for an Aug. 9, set in set in 1927. > As of Friday afternoon at 2 p.m., Kansas City had reached a high of just 71 degrees. The record coldest high temperature for Aug. 9. is 73 degrees. That was accomplished in 1991, the NWS reported. > “We may wind up setting a record low and record low high temperature for the date,” the National Weather Service stated. > First Warn 5 chief meteorologist Luke Dorris said Friday’s weather is typical for Oct. 7! [Loving False Fall! ](

    politics Politics Black Lives Matter calls on the DNC to host a virtual snap primary
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    You're on Beehaw right now. Let's not sling around any accusations. Let's just assume good faith. Even I didn't catch that when I responded.

  • politics Politics Black Lives Matter calls on the DNC to host a virtual snap primary
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    While BLM is certainly within their right to ask for this, I think it'd be pointless to do it. It's done. Kamala Harris is the nominee.

    To me, this is once again, the left fighting the left. And yes, the Democratic Party in this country, is considered part of the left, even if it's not as left as some of you you'd like. Maybe BLM and other groups who feel the same, should focus that energy on fighting MAGA and Trump. Only one of the two major parties has at least some interest in racial justice and equality. And it sure as hell ain't the Republicans. Especially not these days.

    I'm not saying Democrats are perfect. I'm not saying Kamala Harris is perfect. But I'd much, much, much, much rather have her and Walz and Democrats across the land in control. And trying to fight fights within the big tent that have already been settled isn't the way to do it.

  • sports Sports Team USA wins 5th straight men's basketball gold
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    This is "accidental renaissance" level. That's an amazing shot; by Steph and the photographer!

  • usnews U.S. News A California Medical Group Treats Only Homeless Patients — And Makes Money Doing It
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    Jim Withers, who coined the term “street medicine” decades ago and cares for homeless people in Pittsburgh, welcomed the entry of more providers given the enormous need. But he cautioned against a model with financial motives.

    “I do worry about the corporatization of street medicine and capitalism invading what we’ve been building, largely as a social justice mission outside of the traditional health care system,” he said. “But nobody owns the streets, and we have to figure out how to play nice together.”

    While I don't hate anything that helps people, and I'm not as anti-capitalist as some in this community, I wondered about this too. While it's great that a business was able to see a market here and can profit while doing good, I too would be a little wary. So much (ie seemingly almost all of it) of US healthcare is already driven by for-profit motives. We all know that even having health insurance, private or otherwise, can still be insanely expensive.

    I don't know how Medicaid, Medicare, or California's funding and regulations work. But I'd want to make sure that the unhoused receive good care and continue to receive good care. And that profits are kept to a reasonable level. Healthcare obviously has costs; it's not cheap to provide. But I'd hate to see even more money gobbled-up and services to the unhoused decrease in quality/quantity because the profit-seeking side of the company demands more profit.

  • sports
    Sports JCPhoenix 1 month ago 95%
    Team USA wins 5th straight men's basketball gold

    > The indelible moment came from Steph Curry, who made four uber clutch 3-pointers in a two-minute second stretch of the fourth quarter to turn away a French uprising. Curry assured his first gold with a ridiculous fall away bomb, silencing the home fans with his "put them to sleep" trademark move. That was an incredible ending. Final score was 98-87, USA.

    politics Politics WALZ REFERENCED THE COUCH-F****R MEME!
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 1 month ago 100%

    Late to the party. FWIW, I'm fine with the title for this post as well. I think has the right of it.

    If you have issues in the future, please just report it. You can message us directly if for someone reason reports aren't working. We have fairly active and attentive moderation here.

  • gaming Gaming "My maternity leave was supposed to start next Monday and I got laid off today," former Bungie employee says
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    It is. Additionally, my co-worker who made the comment is like 33-34. I'm 37. Another person on the committee is 40. HR is like 64. So it's not like we're a bunch of young guns ourselves lol. We should want experience, and with experience tends to come age.

    But yeah, I getcha on the management thing. I'm technically a manager, but I don't have any subordinates. Because I told them, they're going to have pay me way more to become an actual manager with direct reports, especially since I'd lose my non-exempt status. To make me exempt, they'd need to make it worth my while. We're a non-profit, so we already get paid crap (though benefits are excellent).

  • gaming Gaming "My maternity leave was supposed to start next Monday and I got laid off today," former Bungie employee says
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    My work is in the process of hiring someone to replace me since I'm headed to a new job. After a recent interview, a co-worker on the hiring committee made a comment on Teams, "His age seems OK."

    Uhhh, maybe we shouldn't be talking about age in hiring decisions. Especially on a written medium. Pretty sure that in the US, age discrimination laws starts at like 40yo, including hiring and firing. That interviewee seemed to be over 40yo, which is probably what prompted that comment.

    Not that I think the candidate will sue us if we don't hire him, but it's just unnecessary risk. And I don't even work in HR or legal; rather I'm in IT. Surprised HR didn't say anything about that comment.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I finished reviewing the whole thing about an hour ago. Looks good; went ahead and signed it! Of course, when I go on to the resident portal to pay the first month rent and such, it has the wrong amount -.-

    I text messaged the specialist -- because no joke, that's their preferred method -- and told him that once he fixes it tomorrow, I'm ready to pay. Let's see if that gets done in a timely manner.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Welcome to Beehaw!

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    So I finally got this stupid apartment complex that I'm trying to move to respond to me. Had a couple questions on the lease, but the most important was that I was supposed to get like 2wks free rent, but the lease didn't show that. They sent me the lease last Wednesday, expecting me to sign within 24-48hrs, while promising to "answer my questions promptly" but then it took them 4-5 biz days to get back to me. I emailed, called, and texted every day. I told them that I'm not signing anything until I get my questions answered. I was getting worried as I already put down a small deposit.

    When they called today, I was half expecting to have to argue with them, but luckily the leasing specialist said "Sorry about that; I've sent you a new lease with the concession." And it was there. Still need to review this new lease in its entirety, in case they added anything that wasn't in the first lease. Which has happened to me before elsewhere; I had the apt managers redo a lease twice, because they kept messing it up. Only signed it on the third try. Don't know if they were incompetent or trying to pull as fast on me; honestly, probably the first given how that place was run. Anyway, always read over your entire lease, even if they just corrected one little thing.

    Hopefully get this signed by Friday. Once this is finished, I'll be able to book a truck and fly some of my family out to help me.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    OK, but what's the neutral news?

  • badrealestate Terrible Estate Agent Photos So much siding, but it keeps getting worse
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    So much weirdness. The box fans inserted into the walls. On Pic 38, the shower faucets are outside of the shower itself. All the ceiling fans. The "conference room" or perhaps church space. In Pic 28, using the carpet as "wallpaper," and similarly in 29, the carpet for the top surface of the half wall. Using PVC pipes as handrails on stairs or in the closets and hanger bars. And it looks like the vehicle in the garage might actually be a hearse!

    Good find!

  • badrealestate Terrible Estate Agent Photos So much siding, but it keeps getting worse
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    When I was a high school, I had a friend who lived in a very similar house, sans siding mania. My friends and I were there to pick up our friend, but we ended up going inside for like 10min. The house was super long and just had so many room and doors. Didn't get the grand tour or anything. As far as I knew, there were only like 5 or 6 in their family: 2 parents and 3 or 4 kids. But I think other family members lived there, too. It'd be too big for one family, and there was enough stuff that made it look like relatives lived there as well.

    I remember thinking, "How do you not get lost in here?" And, "Was this always a house, or was it like a converted apartment or boarding house, like for assisted living?" I never asked because I didn't want to embarrass my friend. The rest of us lived in SFHs or duplexes. Didn't want to put them on the spot or anything.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Safe travels!

    Still waiting on the reimbursement. It ended up being over $1700. I've been following developments on the Delta subreddit and some people had even higher, eyewatering amounts of expenses, due to traveling with families or being stuck abroad. There was one person who said they were stuck in Scotland and maxed out a credit card for $7500 on last minute airline tickets on another carrier and was of course livid. But a lot of others are reporting being made whole, plus getting compensatory SkyMiles and/or flight credits.

    What I would love to come out of this whole thing, now that it's happened twice in 2yrs, is better regulations on the airline industry, particularly with consumer protections. So much of the stress and anxiety was because no one knew if Delta was going to reimburse. Just require it in cases of delays of over 3hrs. If people knew that the airline was going to reimburse ahead of time, they probably wouldn't have spent days in crowded airports, running out of food and diapers for their kids and all that. They can at least be frustrated in basic comfort, with the ability to shower, sleep in a decent bed; a bed, at all! Which helps A LOT. I was a lot more chill about things because I was able to get a hotel. And even if Delta wouldn't pay for it, I could afford it. Not everyone has that privilege.

    We'll see.

  • politics Politics [Stay Tuned]Two billionaire Harris donors hope she will fire FTC Chair Lina Khan
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    EDIT: OK so this is actually more complicated than I thought. Parts of what I said originally are wrong. Sorry; let me see if I can correct this.

    • Khan's term actually ends Sept 2024; I thought she was appointed to a full 7yr term; she was not.
    • Rather, she replaced former FTC chair, Joseph Simons, so she's finishing out his 7yr term.
    • Additionally, the president can designate a new Chair at anytime, without senate confirmation, as long as the president picks a current commissioner.
    • Lina Khan was not a current commissioner, which was why she was confirmed by the Senate in 2021.
    • If the Chair role is removed from a commissioner, that person reverts back to a regular commissioner.
    • But the Chair obviously sets the tone and direction of the FTC and can appoint people to certain positions within the agency, so it's a powerful role.
    • If a commissioner or chair's term ends, it is possible for them to continue in that role until a new commissioner or chair is selected (Source) .

    So that's why these billionaires are asking for this now. Because Khan will probably remain in her chair role beyond the election, until she's replaced. If Harris wins, Hoffman and Diller are expecting Harris and Dems to "make good on their purchase" and to select a new chair. Still ridiculous.

    How easy is it for a president to remove a chair of the FTC? Decided to look into this.

    FTC commissioners serve 7yr terms. Khan was only appointed and confirmed by the Senate in 2021. So she should be there until 2028, unless she resigns.

    Additionally, the FTC is an independent regulatory agency (versus an independent executive agency). So it sorta exists "outside" of the executive branch. In terms of firing commissioners (chair or not), independent regulatory agencies commissioners can't be fired at will:

    Presidential attempts to remove independent agency officials have generated most of the important Supreme Court legal opinions in this area.[9] In 1935, the Supreme Court in the case of Humphrey's Executor v. United States decided that although the president had the power to remove officials from agencies that were "an arm or an eye of the executive", it upheld statutory limitations on the president's power to remove officers of administrative bodies that performed quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial functions, such as the Federal Trade Commission.[1]: 142  Presidents normally do have the authority to remove regular executive agency heads at will, but they must meet the statutory requirements for removal of commissioners of independent agencies, such as demonstrating incapacity, neglect of duty, malfeasance, or other good cause.[10]

    Source: Wikipedia.

    So there is some due process there. The president can't just demand a commissioner of these kinds of agencies, like the FTC, to resign. I guess, a president could technically demand it (as it happened in this case that got to SCOTUS), but the commissioner is under no obligation to follow through. I'm sure there are legal ways to pressure a commissioner into resigning, and a presidential administration could lie and claim one of those reasons for dismissal. But again, there's at least due process. As far as resigning, Khan doesn't strike me as a kind of person who'd just roll over, especially given who and what the FTC has been going after lately.

    All that to seems really stupid for Diller and Hoffman to demand this. Especially so publicly. Aside from the anti-consumer angles, it's not even a slam dunk for a president to dismiss a sitting commissioner of an independent regulatory agency. Plus, this at a time when even Republicans seem to be turning on big business at times (though it's hard to say what Republicans are for or against these days and with whom). Obviously, liberals and many Democrats have been shouting for more business regulation and consumer protections for years, decades, now. So the public is definitely on the side of, well, the public. So why do this so publicly?

    I guess just typical billionaires thinking they can throw money around and expect things will happen how they want.

  • politics Politics [Video] JD Vance first VP pick since 1980 to have net-negative rating after announcement
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Like HobbitFoot said, she was actually popular at first. I think people liked that folksy charm that she brought ("you betcha!") She has some charisma. Not saying it worked on everybody; I was not a fan, to say the least. But I can see it. And people here always like the idea of their leaders being someone you can have a beer with. Not saying someone couldn't have had a beer with John McCain, but I think with Palin, it was easier to envision.

  • politics
    Politics JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%
    [Video] JD Vance first VP pick since 1980 to have net-negative rating after announcement

    > CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down the numbers around JD Vance since his announcement as Donald Trump's vice presidential pick.

    technology Technology Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    The idea is that people will be willing to pay a recurring fee to use Alexa if it can do more advanced things, like perform multiple commands without the user having to say "Alexa" repeatedly, be more conversational, and manage smart homes more intuitively. Amazon is considering charging $5 to $10 per month for generative AI Alexa,

    I don't know if that's worth $5-10/mo. I use Google Nest products at home, mainly to control lights. And yeah it sometimes annoying to be like, "Hey Google do this...Hey Google, do that...Hey Google, do whatever..." But at that point, I usually just use the Google Home app or a specific IoT app. And that's free.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    First off...I'm home! I made it! \o/

    Anyway, Public Enemy No.1 this weekend has been Delta. I know several other airlines also suffered from Crowdstrike-induced outages, like United, American, Spirit, and Alaskan (along with probably other airlines across the world). But by Monday, everyone but Delta, seemed to have their shit together. Delta and its subsidiary Endeavor Air were leading cancellations and delays around the world and domestically, by far. You can see on this page cancellations and delays for Tuesday and a few days back. It's crazy for Delta. Though I just realized American had high delays still, too.

    My understanding is that Delta -- and probably other airlines...except maybe Spirit because, well, it's Spirit -- will reimburse for "reasonable expenses" for hotel, meals, and ground transportation. Which is great. Because I have at least $1000 of all that. Two Uber rides from the airport on Sunday to a hotel and back to the airport on Tuesday was almost $200 total! However, it gets real dicey with booking a ticket on another carrier, like I and many others ended up doing. That was almost $500 since it was last minute. Delta's policy is to not reimburse for that. Though we'll see how they respond. The US DOT has already opened investigations into Delta.

    And while the DOT may not be able to legally require to Delta to pay for customers' tickets from other airlines/busses/trains, the DOT can probably exert a lot of pressure to do the right thing. Maybe the fines will be less if Delta does reimburse. And of course, Delta has a lost a lot, lot, lot of goodwill and reputation in this. In the US, Delta is considered the top, most premium airline. I started using them some after the Southwest meltdown in 2022. "Voting with my wallet" and all that. Yet when it comes down to it, in an emergency, they're no better than Southwest it turns out. Shameful.

    I was able to get my unused portion of my Delta ticket refunded back to my credit card. But now we'll see with everything else. Wish me luck.

    And good luck and safe travels to anyone else who's still trying to get home or wherever. Things with Delta are looking better for Wednesday, so looks like they should be back to regular operations soon.

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Well the extra time on Saturday and Sunday morning was fine. But then it turned into a rolling delay fest for about 10hrs. I was at the airport at like 10am on Sunday, flight was supposed to leave a 1:30p, and it was finally cancelled around 11pm. So I've been here for an extra two days, without much other than my laptop, phone, and 1 extra pair of clothes that I always bring on my carry-on (my checked baggage made it home Sunday night/Monday morning, go figure).

    But at least I was able to find a reasonably priced hotel. And a ticket out on another airline, which I'm boarding in about 10min.

    Delta is going to be paying me back a lot of money...I'm up to about $1500 in unexpected travel expenses.

  • chat Chat how's your week going, Beehaw
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    OK, I'm back at the airport in Seattle. I should be boarding my flight in like 10min. That'll get me to Denver, then one more flight and I'll be home!

    A 3 day trip has turned into 6 days. And that's cost me an additional $1500. I didn't have it as bad as some, who were stuck in airports for days, or stranded abroad, as I at least got out to hotels. But it's still not great. Since Sunday, I had one extra change of clothes in my carry-on (my checked bag made it home before I did). It's Tuesday now.

    Even though I ended up buying a ticket on a different airline, I was still constantly checking the website and FlightAware to make sure it wouldn't get cancelled/delayed. After 10hrs, on Sunday, of rolling 30/60min delays on my flight, before they finally cancelled the flight at like 11pm, this feels a little like PTSD. Like I'm anxious to just get on the plane get the hell out of this airport.

    Seattle is awesome, but I just wanna go home.

  • chat Chat How's your week going, Beehaw?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Thanks for that! I'm definitely hoping to take the Metro in most of the time. The first time I drove in DC back in 2010, I vowed, "never again." I've driven in many cities, even in Puerto Rico once, but I thought DC was the worst.

    Obviously moving there, there will be times I have to drive around, but to the extent I can avoid doing so, I will.

  • chat Chat What are you up to this weekend?
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I'm in Seattle for a little vacation. Went to the "Bite of Seattle" at the Seattle Center today. That was unexpected, as my brother and I just wanted to go to the Space Needle. Instead, we walked around the festival grounds, got some beers, and listened to some of the local artists rocking out. We also met up with our parents for a bit who are vacationing up here, separately, too. Bit of a nice surprise for our mom. This was my first time here; it's a cool place!

    Now I'm trying to get home, which is proving a little tougher due to IT issues stemming from Friday. My airline, Delta, has been heavily affected. I was supposed to go home Saturday, but flight got cancelled. Now I'm supposed to leave today, Sunday, but I'm getting nervous. Feel like my flight will get cancelled again. Or my connecting flight home will get cancelled, leaving me stranded in another city So yeah. Nothing like a relaxing, chill vacation ending in some mild anxiety!

    Ah well, I'll get home eventually, one way or another.

  • politics Politics Trump picks Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, a once-fierce critic turned loyal ally, as his GOP running mate
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Agreed. from an electoral standpoint, it's bad.

    Of course, if Trump wins, then it's still a bad pick, but for completely different, terrifying reasons.

  • politics Politics Trump picks Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, a once-fierce critic turned loyal ally, as his GOP running mate
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    We'll see, at least with regards to Trump. Usually a VP is selected to "round-out" the ticket, to bring in additional votes from those who iffy on on the presidential candidate. But if this guy is already MAGA to extreme and a Trump loyalist (though he wasn't always), what segment is that bringing in that wasn't already planning to vote for Trump?

    In other words, how many Republicans are there who don't like Trump and wouldn't vote for him, but now that Vance is there, will vote for Trump? I feel like that's a pretty small number.

  • politics
    Politics JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%
    Trump picks Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, a once-fierce critic turned loyal ally, as his GOP running mate

    > MILWAUKEE (AP) — Former President Donald Trump chose Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate on Monday, picking a onetime critic who became a loyal ally and is now the first millennial to join a major-party ticket at a time of deep concern about the advanced age of America’s political leaders.

    gaming Gaming Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 14th
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    I've been working through a replay of all the original mainline Ace Attorney games, via the trilogies on Steam. Played these all on DS/3DS back in the day. I just finished Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, and now I've started Spirit of Justice, the last game of this second anthology. Love this whole series. Can't wait for the release of the "Investigations" spin-off games in September!

    Otherwise, still playing FFXIV. I started Dawntrail, but I haven't gotten too far into it. I put a pin the MSQ (Main Scenario Quests) a couple weeks ago and just kinda left it there. I have enough other things to work on. Class/Job leveling, finishing up some Alliance Raids/Normal Raids from Endwalker, trying to suck less while healing on Sage, and whatever else side stuff I find.

    I figure that it's gonna be at least a few months til the next big content update, and at least two years until the next expansion, so what's the rush? I'll get back to the MSQ eventually.

  • personalfinance Personal Finance Personal Responsibility
  • JCPhoenix JCPhoenix 2 months ago 100%

    Spend your tax return on debt.

    I know the way income taxes are withheld, at least at the federal level, have changed. Generally speaking, however, you shouldn't be getting too big of a refund. Like if you're getting a few thousand back, that might not be ideal.

    Certainly you don't want to owe any money, since that may lead to potential underpayment penalties. But the conventional wisdom holds that tax refunds are essentially interest-free loans to the government. So while it's nice to get a lump sum refund, it's better that you keep your money throughout the year so you can use it to buy groceries, pay off debts, and such.

    But, I also understand that savings (or not spending) can sometimes be hard for folks, so sometimes having the govt hold your money "in savings" may be appropriate.

    If I can add one thing:

    • Always pay yourself first.

    Doesn't matter if it's $10 a pay period or $100 or something in between or more. If you can, save a little bit of your paycheck. Ideally, if you're company utilizes direct deposit, direct that portion of your paycheck to another free checking or free savings account at a separate bank from your main bank. This way is best since you're saving and it's "out of sight, out of mind." You never see that portion hit your main checking account. Then don't even look at the balance that often. Don't even think about it. Save it for a rainy day. Or something nice down the road.

  • kansascity
    Kansas City JCPhoenix 4 months ago 100%
    Kansas plan to get Chiefs, Royals relies on billions in bonds with ‘high degree of risk’

    [Non-paywalled link]( > Some Kansas lawmakers want to use STAR bonds to finance new stadiums for the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals. After Jackson County voters rejected a county sales tax for the teams in April, a Kansas proposal would authorize STAR bonds with 30-year terms to pay up to 100% of the cost of building a new stadium across the state line. > Fully financing a Chiefs stadium could mean issuing $2-3 billion in STAR bonds, and potentially $1.5 billion to $2 billion for the Royals. Never before have STAR bonds of that size been issued. As of 2020, $1.1 billion total in STAR bonds had been issued in total, according to a state audit. The Chiefs-Royals proposal could triple that. > It is far from certain whether such a massive project could pay for itself solely with sales tax revenue.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    Missouri Supreme Court orders new election on KCPD funding, ruling voters were misled

    [Non-payalled link here]( > The Missouri Supreme Court on Tuesday tossed the results of a 2022 vote in which Missourians overwhelmingly approved a measure forcing Kansas City to pay more for its police. > The extraordinary decision found that Missouri voters were misled by statewide officials when they approved the measure, called Amendment 4. It calls for a new election to be held in November. > Judge Paul C. Wilson wrote in the opinion that the financial estimates on the ballot question that voters saw in 2022 failed to “concisely and accurately advise voters” of its impact on Kansas City.

    Politics JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    Opinion | 12 Departing Lawmakers Tell Us What Congress Is Really Like

    Some softball questions aimed at outgoing House members. Still kinda interesting. Especially when it comes to the Congressional salary question. [Should be an NYT Gift link, with no paywall.](

    Politics JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    What polling can and can’t tell you

    Basic article from Reuters on polling and what things in results mean or don't mean. Not at all in-depth but it is interactive. Always fun to play with sliders and buttons.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    Missouri AG threatens legal action after KC Mayor Lucas makes pro-immigration comment

    *[ link if paywalled](* > Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is threatening legal action against Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas after the mayor made comments suggesting the city would benefit from immigrants seeking asylum in cities such as New York coming to work in Kansas City.

    Politics JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    Ohio GOP leaders reject Democrats' plan to get President Joe Biden on November ballot

    > Ohio officials rejected a plan from Democrats to get President Joe Biden on the November ballot after the party scheduled its convention past a state election deadline. > Secretary of State Frank LaRose warned Ohio Democrats earlier this month that Biden is at risk of not making the Nov. 5 ballot. State law requires officials to certify the ballot 90 days before an election − which is Aug. 7 this year − but the president won't officially be nominated until the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19. > Lawmakers could pass an exemption to the 90-day deadline by May 9, as they did in 2020 when both parties scheduled their conventions too late. But the chances of that are slim: Top Democrats said they're deferring to the Biden campaign and Democratic National Committee, and Republican leaders are unlikely to lend a helping hand.

    Missouri | The Show-Me State JCPhoenix 5 months ago 100%
    Missouri House votes to make it harder for residents to amend the constitution

    > Missouri House Republicans passed a resolution Wednesday that seeks to make it harder to amend the state constitution. > Lawmakers voted 106-49 to pass the resolution, almost strictly on party lines, with Majority Floor Leader Jon Patterson, R-Lee’s Summit, being the only Republican to vote no. > The resolution now goes to the Senate, which has already approved its version. > [...] > The resolution, if passed by both chambers, would ask voters whether it should be harder to amend Missouri’s constitution through the initiative petition process. Even though this will likely pass both chambers, it still has to go to a plebiscite. Hopefully Missourians are smart enough to vote down this attack on our rights. Luckily, voters have been pretty good about things like this (except for the rollback of the lobbying reform "Clean Missouri" act). Still, people need to be aware of this.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 6 months ago 100%
    Jackson County voters reject stadium sales tax that would fund new Royals ballpark

    > Jackson County voters handed the Kansas City Royals and Chiefs a major setback on Tuesday, rejecting a stadium sales tax extension that would fund a new downtown baseball stadium and renovations at Arrowhead Stadium. > Question 1 would have repealed Jackson County’s existing 3/8th-cent sales tax and replaced it with a tax at the same level that extends until 2064. The results mean that sales tax will end in 2031, when the Royals and Chiefs’ leases expire, and can only be used on the existing Truman Sports Complex properties. > “No” prevailed with 58% of the vote, compared to 42% “yes” votes. Should be noted that the split was the same in both Kansas City (within Jackson County) and Jackson County (outside of Kansas City). KCEB administers elections in Kansas City (within Jackson Co), while the Jackson County Election Board handles the rest of the county. Turnout was exceptionally high in both jurisdictions; [24% by KCEB]( [PDF], and [34% for JCEB](

    Politics JCPhoenix 7 months ago 100%
    House Republicans Impeach Mayorkas for Border Policies

    *Gifted link should be non-paywalled [( link if desired](* > The United States House of Representatives voted narrowly on Tuesday to impeach Alejandro N. Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, in a precedent-shattering vote that charged him with willfully refusing to enforce border laws and breaching the public trust. > In a 214-to-213 vote, Republicans barreled past the solid opposition of Democrats and reservations in their own ranks to make Mr. Mayorkas the first sitting cabinet secretary in U.S. history to be impeached.

    Politics JCPhoenix 7 months ago 100%
    Speaker Johnson rejects Israel, Ukraine aid package ahead of Senate vote

    *Gifted link should be non-paywalled ([ link if desired](* > House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) preemptively rejected the Senate’s $95 billion national security package to aid Israel, Ukraine and other U.S. allies, saying in a statement that the package’s failure to address U.S. border security makes it a nonstarter in the House.

    World News JCPhoenix 8 months ago 100%
    In a Setback for Beijing, Taiwan Elects Lai Ching-te as President

    cross-posted from: > *[Submitted link is an NYT gifted link,](In a Setback for Beijing, Taiwan Elects Lai Ching-te as President) so should be a free to all to read.* > >Taiwan’s vice president, Lai Ching-te, who has faced sustained hostility from China, won the island democracy’s presidential election on Saturday, a result that could prompt Beijing to step up pressure on Taiwan, deepening tensions with Washington. > > > For many of the millions of Taiwanese citizens who lined up at ballot booths on Saturday, the vote centered on the question of who should lead Taiwan in an increasingly tense standoff with its much larger, autocratic and heavily armed neighbor, China. >

    Politics JCPhoenix 8 months ago 100%
    In a Setback for Beijing, Taiwan Elects Lai Ching-te as President

    *[Submitted link is an NYT gifted link,](In a Setback for Beijing, Taiwan Elects Lai Ching-te as President) so should be a free to all to read.* >Taiwan’s vice president, Lai Ching-te, who has faced sustained hostility from China, won the island democracy’s presidential election on Saturday, a result that could prompt Beijing to step up pressure on Taiwan, deepening tensions with Washington. > For many of the millions of Taiwanese citizens who lined up at ballot booths on Saturday, the vote centered on the question of who should lead Taiwan in an increasingly tense standoff with its much larger, autocratic and heavily armed neighbor, China.

    Environment JCPhoenix 9 months ago 100%
    Their land is sinking. But Tulare Lake farm barons defy calls to cut groundwater pumping

    cross-posted from: > > Corcoran had been sinking, steadily, for years because of persistent overpumping of groundwater by major landowners in the Tulare Lake Basin that has sent the valley floor into a slow-motion collapse. And the levee raises made in 2017 — a multimillion-dollar effort funded by local property tax hikes and the prison system — were no longer up to the job. Ultimately, the state agreed to pour $17 million into another round of levee engineering in an effort to save the town. > > > Farmers, meanwhile, were frantic as the basin’s phantom lake reemerged for the first time in 25 years and floodwaters surged onto croplands that had not flooded in modern times. The same overpumping that was sinking Corcoran had caused geologic transformations across the basin. What was once high ground suddenly wasn’t; infrastructure critical to drainage had in some cases shifted; water flowed in unexpected ways.

    Politics JCPhoenix 9 months ago 100%
    Their land is sinking. But Tulare Lake farm barons defy calls to cut groundwater pumping

    > Corcoran had been sinking, steadily, for years because of persistent overpumping of groundwater by major landowners in the Tulare Lake Basin that has sent the valley floor into a slow-motion collapse. And the levee raises made in 2017 — a multimillion-dollar effort funded by local property tax hikes and the prison system — were no longer up to the job. Ultimately, the state agreed to pour $17 million into another round of levee engineering in an effort to save the town. > Farmers, meanwhile, were frantic as the basin’s phantom lake reemerged for the first time in 25 years and floodwaters surged onto croplands that had not flooded in modern times. The same overpumping that was sinking Corcoran had caused geologic transformations across the basin. What was once high ground suddenly wasn’t; infrastructure critical to drainage had in some cases shifted; water flowed in unexpected ways.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 9 months ago 100%
    Upscale developer loses bid to have Blue Springs property rezoned for apartments

    > BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. — Neighbors of a proposed Blue Springs upscale apartment/mixed use retail complex turned out in droves at a Blue Springs City Council meeting Monday to successfully defeat the project. > Homeowners said the high density apartments would have dramatically changed their neighborhood and was consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan for the area north of I-70 at Adams Dairy Parkway and Duncan Road. Thanks, NIMBYs 🙄

    Politics JCPhoenix 10 months ago 100%
    McCarthy Says He Will Leave Congress at the End of the Year

    > Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Republican of California, who made history as the first speaker to be ousted from the post, announced on Wednesday that he would leave the House at the end of the year but said he planned to remain engaged in Republican politics. Link is an NYT gift article that shouldn't be paywalled.

    Politics JCPhoenix 10 months ago 100%
    North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum drops presidential bid after failing to qualify for fourth debate

    > North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum dropped his bid for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination on Monday after repeatedly polling in the single digits and failing to qualify for the third and fourth GOP debates. > In his statement, Burgum criticized the Republican National Committee’s “clubhouse debate requirements” that kept him from qualifying for November and December debates.

    Politics JCPhoenix 10 months ago 100%
    Republican Sen. Tim Scott suspends presidential campaign

    cross-posted from: > Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina is ending his presidential campaign, he announced in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 11 months ago 100%
    Missouri court denies DeValkenaere’s appeal bond motion

    > Hours after former Kansas City police detective Eric DeValkenaere was transferred from the Platte County Jail to the Missouri Department of Corrections in St. Joseph, a court denied his motion to reinstate an appeal bond, which means he’ll remain behind bars pending action from Jefferson City. He's got some nerve to think that he deserves to be out on bail, after being convicted in a court of law, just because he's attempting to appeal the conviction. Who's ever heard of such a thing?

    Politics JCPhoenix 11 months ago 100%
    Emmer Drops Speaker Bid After Right-Wing Backlash

    This is a gift link, so should work for everyone. > Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota, the No. 3 House Republican, dropped his bid for speaker on Tuesday hours after securing his divided party’s nomination, after a swift backlash from the right, including former President Donald J. Trump, left his candidacy in shambles. Guy lasted like 4hrs as the nominee. Didn't even get a vote on the House floor before dropping out. 23 days til the government shuts down.

    Politics JCPhoenix 11 months ago 100%
    DeSantis’ Israel rescue operation left Americans stranded on Cyprus

    > Nearly two dozen Americans fleeing Israel with the help of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration were stranded for days in Cyprus before they finally got to Florida on Wednesday, according to the head of an international rescue organization who blamed contractors that state officials hired to run the operation.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 11 months ago 100%
    Road closures planned for this weekend’s 2023 Kansas City Marathon

    Annual Kansas City Marathon is tomorrow, Saturday, Oct. 21. The course stretches from 6th Street in Downtown all the way to 75th Street in Waldo. Hard to describe all the eastern and western boundary roads, [so just take a look at the map!]( **Pay attention to the times, as that determines when a road will be closed/reopened.** I've lived within the circuit area before and it can be a little annoying having plans to do errands, only to realize you're "trapped" for a few hours. But hey, at least it only happens once a year. If you're running it, you're crazy, but good luck and stay hydrated!

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 12 months ago 100%
    Missouri man and a 1,200-pound gourd attempt world record for longest journey by pumpkin boat

    >The sun peeked out over the Kansas City skyline Monday morning just as Steve Keuny set off at the confluence of the Kansas and Missouri rivers inside a 1,293-pound pumpkin. > "Our plan is to float this pumpkin down the Missouri River," Keuny said. "We're trying to break the Guinness World Record for longest distance float in a pumpkin." > Wearing a wet suit to protect him from the chilly water and morning air, Keuny launched from Lewis and Clark Park at Kaw Point bound for Napoleon, Missouri. He estimated the journey would take around eight hours, putting him 38 miles downstream before sundown. The Midwest's version of "James and the Giant Peach."

    Politics JCPhoenix 12 months ago 97%
    RFK Jr. announces he will run as an independent candidate

    > Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said on Monday he is abandoning his bid for the Democratic nomination for the White House in 2024. > “I’m here to declare myself an independent candidate for president of the United States,” Kennedy announced to a crowd of supporters at Independence Mall in Philadelphia. “We declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and who amplify our divisions. And finally, we declare independence from the two political parties.” >His family name is almost synonymous with the Democratic Party, but Kennedy has determined that its primary nomination process was skewed in favor of President Joe Biden. That history, he said, made the decision personally painful for him. > Some members of the Kennedy family released a joint statement in response calling his announcement “deeply saddening” and “perilous for our country.”

    Politics JCPhoenix 12 months ago 100%
    McCarthy Floats Return as Divided G.O.P. Prepares to Choose a Speaker

    [Gift Article]( > Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy floated the possibility on Monday that he might be open to reclaiming the post from which he was ousted less than a week ago, even as two other Republicans vied to replace him in a contest that has highlighted the party’s deep divisions. > With the House rudderless and paralyzed following Mr. McCarthy’s removal last week, the California Republican worked to project normalcy and leadership in the face of the war unfolding in Israel, after an invasion by the Palestinian militant group Hamas that has led to hundreds of deaths and the capture of scores of civilian Israeli hostages. He summoned reporters to the Capitol to lay out a plan to defend Israel and rescue American captives.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 12 months ago 100%
    Country Club Plaza to be purchased by Dallas company with ties to Hunt family

    [ link]( > The Country Club Plaza, long considered Kansas City’s jewel, is under contract to be sold to a Dallas-based retail company with family ties to H.L. Hunt, the father of Kansas City Chiefs founder Lamar Hunt, those close to the deal confirmed to The Star on Wednesday. > The new owners, who are looking to to close on the deal by year’s end, are Ray Washburne and HP Village Partners, owners of Dallas luxury shopping district Highland Park Village, which opened in 1931 and whose Spanish-style architecture is similar to the Plaza’s. Hopefully they'll be able to turn around the Plaza's seeming decline. It's not bad by any means, but it could definitely use some help.

    Politics JCPhoenix 1 year ago 99%
    Ex-Leader of Proud Boys Sentenced to 22 Years in Jan. 6 Sedition Case

    [Gift Article]( > Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys, was sentenced on Tuesday to 22 years in prison for the central role he played in organizing a gang of his pro-Trump followers to attack the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power.

    Formula 1 JCPhoenix 1 year ago 95%
    Formula 1 Grand Prix of Italy (Monza) 2023 - Race Results

    That was an excellent race. Ferrari put on a show today. ::: spoiler Race Results SPOILER ___ | POS | NO | DRIVER | CAR | LAPS | TIME/RETIRED | PTS | |-----|----|-----------------|------------------------------|------|--------------|-----| | 1 | 1 | Max Verstappen | RED BULL RACING HONDA RBPT | 50 | 1:12:13.618 | 25 | | 2 | 11 | Sergio Perez | RED BULL RACING HONDA RBPT | 50 | +7.686s | 18 | | 3 | 55 | Carlos Sainz | FERRARI | 50 | +11.674s | 15 | | 4 | 16 | Charles Leclerc | FERRARI | 50 | +12.119s | 12 | | 5 | 63 | George Russell | MERCEDES | 50 | +18.925s | 10 | | 6 | 44 | Lewis Hamilton | MERCEDES | 50 | +39.111s | 8 | | 7 | 23 | Alexander Albon | WILLIAMS MERCEDES | 50 | +45.198s | 6 | | 8 | 4 | Lando Norris | MCLAREN MERCEDES | 50 | +45.549s | 4 | | 9 | 14 | Fernando Alonso | ASTON MARTIN ARAMCO MERCEDES | 50 | +46.424s | 2 | | 10 | 77 | Valtteri Bottas | ALFA ROMEO FERRARI | 49 | +65.950s | 1 | | 11 | 2 | Logan Sargeant | WILLIAMS MERCEDES | 49 | +71.398s | 0 | | 12 | 81 | Oscar Piastri | MCLAREN MERCEDES | 49 | +72.240s | 0 | | 13 | 40 | Liam Lawson | ALPHATAURI HONDA RBPT | 49 | +73.268s | 0 | | 14 | 18 | Lance Stroll | ASTON MARTIN ARAMCO MERCEDES | 49 | +81.658s | 0 | | 15 | 24 | Zhou Guanyu | ALFA ROMEO FERRARI | 49 | +81.913s | 0 | | 16 | 10 | Pierre Gasly | ALPINE RENAULT | 49 | +82.236s | 0 | | 17 | 27 | Nico Hulkenberg | HAAS FERRARI | 49 | +1 lap | 0 | | 18 | 20 | Kevin Magnussen | HAAS FERRARI | 49 | +1 lap | 0 | | NC | 31 | Esteban Ocon | ALPINE RENAULT | 39 | DNF | 0 | | NC | 22 | Yuki Tsunoda | ALPHATAURI HONDA RBPT | 0 | DNF | 0 | Source: []( :::

    Formula 1 JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Formula 1 Grand Prix of Italy (Monza) 2023 - Qualifying Results

    That was a close quali fight at the end! Looking forward to the race tomorrow. And it should be sunny! First time in awhile we should see no rain at all. Rumor has it that Bernie Ecclestone was seen with a bunch of hoses and sprinklers in preparation for the rainless race... ::: spoiler Quali Results SPOILER ___ | POS | NO | DRIVER | CAR | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | LAPS | |-----|----|-----------------|------------------------------|----------|----------|----------|------| | 1 | 55 | Carlos Sainz | FERRARI | 1:21.965 | 1:20.991 | 1:20.294 | 20 | | 2 | 1 | Max Verstappen | RED BULL RACING HONDA RBPT | 1:21.573 | 1:20.937 | 1:20.307 | 21 | | 3 | 16 | Charles Leclerc | FERRARI | 1:21.788 | 1:20.977 | 1:20.361 | 21 | | 4 | 63 | George Russell | MERCEDES | 1:22.148 | 1:21.382 | 1:20.671 | 21 | | 5 | 11 | Sergio Perez | RED BULL RACING HONDA RBPT | 1:21.911 | 1:21.240 | 1:20.688 | 21 | | 6 | 23 | Alexander Albon | WILLIAMS MERCEDES | 1:21.661 | 1:21.272 | 1:20.760 | 21 | | 7 | 81 | Oscar Piastri | MCLAREN MERCEDES | 1:22.106 | 1:21.527 | 1:20.785 | 24 | | 8 | 44 | Lewis Hamilton | MERCEDES | 1:21.977 | 1:21.369 | 1:20.820 | 21 | | 9 | 4 | Lando Norris | MCLAREN MERCEDES | 1:21.995 | 1:21.581 | 1:20.979 | 23 | | 10 | 14 | Fernando Alonso | ASTON MARTIN ARAMCO MERCEDES | 1:22.043 | 1:21.543 | 1:21.417 | 19 | | 11 | 22 | Yuki Tsunoda | ALPHATAURI HONDA RBPT | 1:21.852 | 1:21.594 | | 15 | | 12 | 40 | Liam Lawson | ALPHATAURI HONDA RBPT | 1:22.112 | 1:21.758 | | 15 | | 13 | 27 | Nico Hulkenberg | HAAS FERRARI | 1:22.343 | 1:21.776 | | 16 | | 14 | 77 | Valtteri Bottas | ALFA ROMEO FERRARI | 1:22.249 | 1:21.940 | | 14 | | 15 | 2 | Logan Sargeant | WILLIAMS MERCEDES | 1:21.930 | 1:21.944 | | 15 | | 16 | 24 | Zhou Guanyu | ALFA ROMEO FERRARI | 1:22.390 | | | 8 | | 17 | 10 | Pierre Gasly | ALPINE RENAULT | 1:22.545 | | | 7 | | 18 | 31 | Esteban Ocon | ALPINE RENAULT | 1:22.548 | | | 8 | | 19 | 20 | Kevin Magnussen | HAAS FERRARI | 1:22.592 | | | 8 | | 20 | 18 | Lance Stroll | ASTON MARTIN ARAMCO MERCEDES | 1:22.860 | | | 9 | Source: []( :::

    Politics JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Join the military, become a US citizen: Uncle Sam wants you and vous and tu

    > Struggling to overcome recruiting shortfalls, the Army and the Air Force have bolstered their marketing to entice legal residents to enlist, putting out pamphlets, working social media and broadening their outreach, particularly in inner cities. One key element is the use of recruiters with similar backgrounds to these potential recruits. This is one of the fastest paths to US citizenship I've seen: > Under the new program, recruits are quickly enrolled in the citizenship system and when they start basic training, an expedited process kicks off, including all required paperwork and testing. By the time Air Force recruits finish their seven weeks of training, the process is complete and they are sworn in as American citizens.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Kansas City’s Plaza could be closed to cars under ‘pedestrian-friendly’

    [ link]( I think this would be great. Like leave 47th, Ward Parkway, Roanoke, and Baltimore/Mill Creek Parkway open to vehicle traffic, but close everything within that bounded area to vehicles. Create some additional greenspace in the former roadways. Allow for dining al fresco...when it's not 100F for a week straight, anyway. It's basically how it goes when the Plaza Art Fair and other festivals happen and it's fine. And that's when vehicle and pedestrian traffic is at its worst!

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Things to do in Kansas City this weekend: Aug. 25-27

    I know it's still "[hotter than two rats in a fucking wool sock](," but supposedly it's supposed to rain and cool down this weekend. So maybe these outdoor events might be bearable, Honestly, I'm just sticking with either staying at home (as usual) or doing indoor stuff. Like maybe a [French Organ Music Festival]( XI Aug. 27 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception!

    Formula 1 JCPhoenix 1 year ago 93%
    Ricciardo taken to hospital for further checks after crash [in FP2 at Zandvoort]

    Hopefully nothing serious and that'll he be OK to drive rest of the weekend. He looked alright and was able to get out on his own after the crash. Maybe just precautionary.

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Being prepared as dangerous heat wave hits Kansas City metro this weekend

    I think all of us know how bad it's about to get. Today was already pretty bad after a week of temps in the low 80s during the day and 60s overnight. Fall can't come soon enough. Stay cool and stay safe, people!

    Kansas City JCPhoenix 1 year ago 100%
    Missouri appeals court upholds convictions of Kylr Yust in killings of two young women

    > A Missouri appeals court has upheld the convictions of a 34-year-old man in the killings of Kara Kopetsky and Jessica Runions, two young women who disappeared roughly 10 years apart in Cass County.
