startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 day ago 100%

    I'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

    I wouldn't consider myself a DPS chaser either, since I haven't even parsed my ship builds in at least a year or two. However, I definitely follow the meta and know I have (or at least) had some high DPS when I did parse.

    TLDR: Maybe not a DPSer, more like a fast-damage hobbyist.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 day ago 100%

    How does this one feel, compared to other patrols? Sounds similar to the "Rescue and Search" patrol.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 day ago 100%

    Hmmm... Good for speed-running like "Wanted"?

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 day ago 100%

    I'm getting used to it too. Trying to figure out the best "route" to take when I'm speeding from Cube/Octa and Emitter to next Cube/Octa and Emitter.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Upgrade Weekend
  • Indy Indy 2 days ago 100%

    From September 19th at 8am PT to September 23rd at 12pm PT on PC, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?
  • Indy Indy 2 days ago 100%

    Groundhog Day

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?
  • Indy Indy 2 days ago 100%

    Groundhog Day

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Badgey Demands You Visit the Lobi Store!
  • Indy Indy 2 days ago 100%

    I'm kinda curious about the Badgey ground pet, but I don't want to drop Lobi on it because it might just be a vanity dud.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 3 days ago 100%

    I have played the new TFO "Royal Flush" a couple times and found it to be reasonably quick for completion. It felt similar to the TFO with the multiple shipyards and genocidal Klingon lady.

    I found it best to take on the TFO with a fast ship, preferably with good DPS. My Legendary Defiant made quick work of the various enemies at the waypoints. The final boss is basically just a repeat of the same eight kills you just made.

    So, overall, decent TFO and I might see if I can Solo this TFO this weekend. I'll come back here to relay my take on the new Patrols in the next couple days.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Dimensional Typhoon Launch Sales
  • Indy Indy 3 days ago 100%
    • September 17th, 2024 at 8am PT to September 21st, 2024 at 12pm PT on PC
    • Keys 15% off
      • Also, Key Ring Bundle available
    • Lobi Crystal Consortium 20% off all items
    • 25% off Services, Uniforms, Personnel, Starter Packs
  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 4 days ago 100%

    It looks to be a ship that could be useful for many types of builds. Impressive, considering it's an Event ship.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 6 days ago 100%

    Typhoon Temporal Battlecruiser (T6) (curated ship stats)

    Ship Details

    • Hull Modifier: 1.4
    • Shield Modifier: 1.1
    • Fore Weapons: 5
    • Aft Weapons: 3
    • Device Slots: 3
    • Bridge Officer Stations: - 1x Lt Commander Tactical / Command - 1x Commander Engineering / Temporal - 1x Lt Commander Science - 1x Ensign Universal - 1x Lieutenant Universal
    • Consoles: 4 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 3 Science (scales with level)
    • Base Turn Rate: 9
    • Impulse Modifier: .18
    • Inertia: 50
    • +10 Weapon Power, +10 Auxiliary Power
    • Console - Universal - Protonic Snare Projector
    • “Molecular Reconstruction” Ship Mechanic
    • Starship Trait: Piggyback Launch Tubes

    Console – Universal: Protonic Snare Projector

    Create an Energy net that expands as it travels up to 10km in your facing direction To Foes: Proton Damage up to 3x per sec (per overlapping beam) and Brief Hold

    Starship Trait – Piggyback Launch Tubes

    When firing any Torpedo Weapon, launch a microcharge that deals additional Kinetic Damage

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Command the Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 6 days ago 100%

    Wow! You were quick posting this one. I just got here. LOL

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 7 days ago 80%
    [PC] Join Nova Squadron!

    > Starting with the launch of the Dimensional Typhoon Event on PC, a new ship will be available in the Infinity Lock Box - the Nova One from Lower Decks! **Nova One Pilot Raider** Ship Stats (curated) - Hull Modifier: 1.07 - Shield Modifier: 1.14 - Fore Weapons: 5 - Aft Weapons: 1 - Bridge Officer Stations: - Commander Universal/Pilot - Lieutenant Commander Engineering/Miracle Worker - Lieutenant Commander Universal - Lieutenant Tactical - Ensign Universal - Consoles: 5 Tactical, 4 Engineering, 2 Science - Base Turn Rate: 20.3 - Impulse Modifier: 0.21 - Inertia: 80 * +10 Weapons Power * +10 Engine Power - Console - Universal: Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive - Starship Trait: Bold Piloting **Console – Universal – Nova Fleet Recruitment Drive** > ... This device emits a beam which was initially thought to be capable of destroying ships. In truth, it broadcasts a message manipulating low-ranking members of a ship's crew and forces them to mutiny. The chaos and destruction that ensues can range from Bridge Officers seeing their abilities delayed to ships temporarily defecting. **Experimental Weapon – Nova Starburst** > This weapon uses a plasma canister as a projectile, this weapons creates a dangerous cloud that deals damage over time to anyone inside it. After a few seconds the plasma is ignited creating an explosion on an area several times bigger than the initial plasma cloud. **Starship Trait – Bold Piloting** > ... One such case involved tampering with standard engine boosting protocols to achieve greater maximum speed. This let him deal damage to other ships and partially bypass shields by grazing during hot pursuits. Due to stress applied to engine subsystems, Locarno's special move could only be used sparingly....

    startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    I plan to try each of these and see how the feel with enjoyment, speed, and completion. Let's all come back here after release and discuss our thoughts on the new content!

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    I'll try each of these and see how they feel for enjoyment, speed, and completion.

    Come back here after release and let's all discuss our thoughts on the content.

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 1 week ago 100%
    [PC] New Task Force Operation and Patrols!

    **Dimensional Typhoon Event** * **Task Force Operation: Royal Flush** * Battle alongside unusual allies, the Undine, to defend the Planet Killers from a massive Borg invasion. * Use the Planet Killers against the Borg. * Survive the onslaught from a Borg Fusion Cube. * **Patrol: Out of Control** * Defend an Iconian vessel stranded in an unstable gateway. * Avoid annihilation from a devastating Borg Cube weapon. * **Patrol: Unwanted Guests** * Work with Thaseen-Fei to defeat the Borg and close reality vortices in the Kinjer system.

    startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Enter the Dimensional Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    Depending on the play/engagement of the new patrols, I'd recommend ReSB1 on solo private queue for its AFK potential. However, if the new content is fun to play OR can be fast/rewarding (like the Red Alerts), then I'll do those instead.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Enter the Dimensional Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    So, basically, character-bound non-reclaimable. Like the shotgun in that one Zen bundle.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Enter the Dimensional Typhoon!
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    From September 17th at 8am PT to October 17th at 12pm PT, you can participate in the “Dimensional Typhoon” event. This new event will find you facing all three variants of the Multiversal Borg.

    You will receive two daily progress for completing a TFO, and one daily progress for completing a patrol. They are as follows:

    • TFO: Royal Flush (NEW)
    • TFO: Battle of Wolf 359
    • TFO: Resistance of Starbase One
    • Patrol: “Out of Control“ (NEW)
    • Patrol: “Unwanted Guests“ (NEW)

    Pulse Phaser Weapon Pack


    This pack is account bound, and not reclaimable. It will be granted to the character who claims the Grand Prize.

    ~Indy's note: Emphasis in bold is my own~

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online An Update on Upcoming Content
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    Agreed. You sum up the more reasonable aspects of my actual "complaints" well. Uninteresting.

    However, I do still play daily. Now, more recently, that's been no more than 30 minutes, simply to do the daily checkbox and leave. There's (currently) nothing "interesting" for me; I hope the new team and arc will introduce a change for the better. I grew weary of the new coat of paint on the old grind TFOs. Worse still, the odd movement of the game further from science and exploration.

    What I want is the Foundry and puzzle-solving. What I have is a pew-pew DPS chase and there are much better (free/cheap) games out there which can do that. Still, I continue to log in daily because I want this game to explore the new direction they conclude the post with. :)

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online An Update on Upcoming Content
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    Just adding here that I hope the sarcasm and humor in my commentary above is well-received by this Fediverse community. Typically, I just summarize and move on with life, but I thought I'd be a bit more editorial when I read this post.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online An Update on Upcoming Content
  • Indy Indy 1 week ago 100%

    Other highlights from the post: (with my own commentary added for flair)

    ... there will be new content heading your way before then. Tomorrow, we’ll be announcing our newest Event, where we will be adding new activities! You’ll be able to participate in a new TFO and two new Patrols, and work your way towards earning a new T6 Starship!

    So, new event and new activities? Hope so!

    ... the DECA Games team are working closely with Cryptic’s team...

    Yeah, I would hope so, considering you're taking it over from them and trying to keep it running. Just try not to pick up any bad habits, like typos.

    ... and we’re excited to finish the story arc that we began with Unraveled.

    Yes, please end that story arc. Please, I'm begging you, not for its conclusion, but simply so it's out of the way.

    We’re also in the process of planning and pitching our next multi-year story arcs - which has been well-received.

    Well-received by whom? The same people that liked the previous arc? I hope not.

    We understand it might be disappointing...

    We're used to that feeling.

    ...not to have a new episode coming this month

    Oh, you weren't finished yet. Sorry about that. No, it's fine. They did this stuff all the time, like missing First Contact Day and the like.

    but we hope you understand that we would rather give you the best content possible than rush something out the door.

    OK, that's actually new.

    We are committed to producing content of the highest quality possible as we carry the Star Trek Online torch forward, so you, the players, have many more years of quality content to enjoy. The future is bright for the Final Frontier!

    Yeah, definitely a new approach. Just be careful not to have typos and errors in dates in your posts.

  • Indy Indy 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hahaha. I'm now thinking of my question in that context and it makes this whole thing so much funnier.

  • Indy Indy 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thank you!

  • Indy Indy 2 weeks ago 95%

    Source, please?

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [All Platforms] The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert
  • Indy Indy 2 weeks ago 100%

    From September 12th at 8am PT to September 19th at 12pm PT on all platforms

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [All Platforms] Star Trek Day!
  • Indy Indy 2 weeks ago 100%

    From September 9th at 8am PT until September 20th at 12pm PT, on all platforms, there will be a special Starfleet Museum in orbit above Deep Space Nine and Earth Space Dock. The museum contains the starring ships from Star Trek movies, television, and more. Hailing each ship will give you words from their crew, and both in universe and behind the scenes facts about the ship and show. Hailing all ten of the ships will grant you a special title: Historical Documents Expert.

    Emphasis in bold is my own.

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 2 weeks ago 75%
    [PC] Dilithium & Legendary Sale

    September 5th, 2024 (8am PT) to September 9th, 2024 (12pm PT) on PC * Vanity Shields will be available in the Dilithium Store for 280,000 Dilithium. * All ships in the Dilithium Store will be 20% off. * Return of the Anniversary Bundle * **Legendary Bundle Discount:** All Legendary Bundles will be 35% off, including the 10 Ship Legendary Anniversary Bundle.

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 weeks ago 83%
    [PC] Phoenix Prize Pack Event

    September 5th, 2024, 8am PT to September 12th, 2024, 12pm PT * Receive a free Phoenix Prize Pack once per day from Grym on Drozana Station or Onna on Deep Space Nine.

    startrekonline Star Trek Online PC Patch Notes for 8/29/24
  • Indy Indy 3 weeks ago 100%

    PC Patch Notes for 8/29/24


    • Resolved an issue that prevented the Flagship Celebration event from being listed as an eligible event in the Campaign window.
    • Resolved an issue that prevented the Flagship Celebration daily event timer from displaying properly.
    • Resolved an issue that prevented the Vovin Obelisk Carrier from having the correct subsystem targeting abilities.
    • Resolved an issue that prevented the Achillies Miracle Worker Heavy Destroy from having the correct Cyclical Quantum Slipstream Drive power.
  • startrek Star Trek What's your favourite Star Trek theme?
  • Indy Indy 3 weeks ago 100%

    Agreed. I'd say that Nemesis theme with Blue Skies is a close second. "A New Ending"

  • startrek Star Trek What's your favourite Star Trek theme?
  • Indy Indy 3 weeks ago 100%

    Now I have the ahhh ahhh in my head again. I like the OG opening, but hate the choral part.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Flagship Celebration Event
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    I'd say it's about time the T5 coupons get given away the way the T6X's have been recently.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Flagship Celebration Event
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    Seems so soon after the last Campaign Event part for it to already be time for the next one. Oh well, not going to complain.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Flagship Celebration Event
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    August 22nd, 8am PT to September 12th, 10am PT

    Event Details

    • Celebrate the flagships of Star Trek Online.
    • Complete four space-based Task Force Operations (TFOS): Borg: Disconnected, Iuppiter Irratus, Swarm, Synth Wave.
    • Earn progress towards the Khitomer Defender Space Set and the Event Campaign Grand Prize.


    • Khitomer Defender Space Set: Unlocked after 14 days of progress. Includes shield, deflector, and engines with special abilities.
    • Event Campaign Grand Prize: Tier 6 Infinity Promotional Ship of your choice, Two Free T6 Zen Store Coupons, and 1500 Lobi.
    • Instead of having to choose between a Tier 6 Infinity Promotional Ship of your choice, Two Free T6 Zen Store Coupons, or 1500 Lobi, you will receive all three.

    Event Campaign

    • Participate in six total events to earn the Grand Prize.
    • Earn 50 Event Campaign Progress per day of participation in an eligible event.
    • Buying out an event grants up to 700 Event Campaign Progress (pro-rated discounts apply).
  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 8/15/24

    **General:** - Resolved an issue with the Captain Alteration Token that caused gender changes made with the Captain Alteration Token to not fully reflect the change in dialogue and some items.

    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 100%
    Admiralty Bonus Week

    From August 15th at 8am PT to August 22nd at 12pm PT on all platforms > all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP > all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event

    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 100%
    The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert

    August 15th, 8am PT to August 22nd, 12pm PT * **All Red Alert Events Active:** Borg, Elachi, Tholian, Tzenkethi, and Nakuhl Red Alerts will be available. * **Grand Prize:** After five days of progress, receive an Ultimate Tech Upgrade and a Specialization Point.

    startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Bundles Sale
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    I'm considering either the battlecruiser bundle or the Picard bundle. I don't "need" either, but they are the next bundles on my "list". Well, aside from Mudd's.

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 66%
    [PC] Bundles Sale

    August 8th at 8am PT to August 12th at 12pm PT on PC Save 35% on Ship Bundles and Expansion Bundles in the Zen Store

    startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Double XP Weekend
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    Ja, but that is gut, nicht? :-)

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24

    PC Patch Notes for 8/8/24 **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused some Romulan Duty Officer missions to only grant Klingon aligned Duty Officers no matter what faction the captain was aligned to. - As part of this fix, Federation aligned Captains who received these Klingon aligned Duty Officers will have the correct Duty Officers granted to them. - Resolved an issue with the Elite Force Sniper Rifle that caused its FX to appear on dead enemies rather that its active target. - Resolved further cases of the windows of the Premonition appearing to flicker. **Known Issues:** - Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is defaulting to normal Quantum Slipstream Drive over the cyclical quantum slipstream drive.

    startrekonline Star Trek Online [PC] Double XP Weekend
  • Indy Indy 1 month ago 100%

    Fun tangent with this blog: Did anyone else notice the typo? As far as I have seen, I think it's Fero's first typo in a blog. Gotta keep that Cryptic tradition, I guess. Hahaha

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 1 month ago 100%
    [PC] Double XP Weekend

    From August 8th at 8am PT to August 12th at 12pm PT on PC >content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 75%
    New Items in Mudd's Market

    - Sompek Energy Rebounder Universal Kit Module - V’ger Probes Universal Kit Module - Fek’ihri Byr’Jai Interceptor [T6]

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 8/1/24

    General: ====== - Resolved an issue with the Typhon where it had too many Tactical Bridge Officer seats. The Lt.Commander Tactical has been correctly downgraded to Lieutenant Tactical. - Added an additional Universal Console slot to the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer to match other Miracle Worker Ships. - Resolved an issue with the Premonition Temp Op Science Spearhead that prevented that ship from equipping dual cannons. - Resolved an issue with the Prototype Phaser Hexa Cannons that caused it to act like a torpedo. - Resolved an issue preventing the unlock of Valkyrie Squadron Fighters when owning the Typhon. - Resolved an issue preventing the Typhon Command Escort Carrier from using the Type 7a hull material. - Resolved an issue with certain windows and lights on the Premonition appearing to flicker. - Resolved an issue causing the glow of the starboard nacelle of the Premonition to be too small when going to warp. Known Issues: ========== - Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is defaulting to normal Quantum Slipstream Drive over the cyclical quantum slipstream drive.

    startrek Star Trek The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here
  • Indy Indy 2 months ago 100%

    Hear, hear!!

    I realize I'm not adding much value by saying this, but... I still wanted to support this with a comment and not just an upvote.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online PC Patch Notes for 7/26/24
  • Indy Indy 2 months ago 100%

    That's unfortunate you encountered issues too, but I'm glad it's not just me.

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online PC Patch Notes for 7/26/24
  • Indy Indy 2 months ago 100%

    Side note:

    Is anyone else seeing really slow loading times on the STO website the past few days?

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 7/26/24

    **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused the Console – Universal Temporal Disorder to have no cooldown after activation. - Resolved an issue that caused the Starship Trait - Temporal Stasis Field to not have a description when hovering the mouse over it in the traits menu. - Resolved an issue causing the glow of the starboard nacelle of the Premonition to be too small when going to warp. **Known Issues:** - Currently the Achilles Miracle Worker Heavy Destroyer is missing the cyclical quantum slipstream drive and a Universal Console Slot. - Currently the Typhon Command Escort Carrier’s Bridge Officer stations does not match the stations in its’ description.

    startrekonline Star Trek Online Patch Notes for 7/25/24
  • Indy Indy 2 months ago 100%

    Oh! I misunderstood. I thought the top image was "before" and the bottom "after". Now I'm curious what the new skins look like.

    I know they released them for some dev/studio "birthday", but I'm still surprised by the choice of ship(s). All that is old is new again!

  • startrekonline Star Trek Online Patch Notes for 7/25/24
  • Indy Indy 2 months ago 100%

    Wow! That's a lot of added detail!

    As you said though, it's interesting they go back to old stuff that isn't really used anymore. Then again, it is Cryptic, so decision-making can be perplexing; and, of course, we must always be wary of -- "TIMELINE CHANGE IMMINENT!"

  • startrekonline
    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 60%
    [PC] 20% Ship Sale

    July 25th, 8am PT to July 29th, 12pm PT (PC only) * 20% off all ships, dry dock slots, fleet modules, and ship upgrade tokens in the Zen Store. * **Included:** All individual ships and ship bundles. * **Excluded:** Bundles containing items other than ships.

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 100%
    Patch Notes for 7/25/24

    `edited for some brevity` ***Console*** ========= **2024 Event Campaign – Part III:** - Demon Hunting Event: - Event TFOs: - Herald Sphere - Gateway to Gre'thor - Brotherhood of the Sword - Participating in this Event will give all players the opportunity to win the Herald Defiler Mace, the Omni-Directional Herald Antiproton Beam Array and the Wide Arc Herald Antiproton Dual Heavy Cannons. For more information, please visit the “The Demon Hunting Event!” blog. **General:** - Resolved an issue preventing the Vovin Obelisk Carrier from having templates in the ship tailor. ***PC*** ====== **2024 Event Campaign – Part IV:** - A Good Day to Die!: - Event TFOs: - Defense of Starbase One - To Hell with Honor - Battle of the Binary Stars - Remain Klingon - Operation Riposte - Best Served Cold - Participating in this Event will give all players the opportunity to win the Console – Universal – Temporal Disorder. For more information, please visit the “A Good Day to Die!” blog. **General:** - The Aurora and Quasar variants of the Science Vessel family have been totally remastered! - Resolved an issue that was preventing the Herald Defiler Mace's tertiary attack from triggering the Tenavik's Counsel ground trait. - Resolved an issue on the Janeway Command Science Vessel regarding some mirrored Starfleet insignias on the bottom part of the nacelles. - Resolved an issue that was preventing the Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo from being upgradeable. - Resolved an issue with the Emissary Star Cruiser causing one of the pylons to appear inverted. - Resolved an issue causing long names on the Princeton Miracle Worker Cruiser to be cut off on the engineering hull and also made the name more visible against the livery. - Resolved an issue with the Starfleet Insignia on the side of the hull of the Constitution III Miracle Worker Cruiser being mirrored. - Resolved an issue causing the Constitution III Miracle Worker Cruiser's starboard nacelle to be missing the "United Federation of Planets" text. - Made the impulse engine glow within the main housing of the Constitution III Miracle Worker Cruiser symmetric. - Resolved an issue with the mirrored Starfleet insignias on the Merian Command Science Dreadnought saucer and left nacelles.

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 100%
    [PC] A Good Day to Die!

    July 25, 2024 (8 AM PT) - August 15, 2024 (12 PM PT) * **Event:** Participate in 6 different space Task Force Operations (TFOs) to earn progress towards the Event Campaign Grand Prize. * Defense of Starbase One * To Hell with Honor * Battle of the Binary Stars * Remain Klingon * Operation Riposte * Best Served Cold * **Grand Prize:** Temporal Disorder Console (unlocked after 14 days of event progress) * >The splinter of a Boreth time crystal located at the heart of this console draws four duplicates of your vessel from different timestreams. As they appear they automatically move to defend their progenitor, taunting the enemies around them. When they expire they explode in a cascade of deadly radiation which holds enemies caught in the blast for a number of seconds and provides your impulse engines with a valuable boost. This technology can make your ship temporarily Immune to All Damage, by causing a massive tachyon surge that causes your ship to briefly flicker in the space-time continuum. This effect is triggered when your ship's Hull Capacity drops below half, but may only occur once every 60 seconds. * **Event Campaign VI Participation:** This event contributes to the overall Event Campaign VI.

    Star Trek Online Indy 2 months ago 100%
    Patch Notes for 7/10/24

    ^Copy-paste:^ ***CONSOLE*** **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused captains to crash when attempting to rename a ship that did not have a prefix available. - Resolved an issue that caused the new Vovin Obelisk Carrier parts and materials to not be available in customizing the ship. - Resolved an issue on the Credence Miracle Worker Dreadnought Cruiser regarding a missing registry texture. **Known Issues:** - Currently Risan Birds can accidentally be sold to the Bird Exchange Contact even if they have 'Protection" on. - Currently changing window options for the Vovin Obelisk Carrier does not change the windows on the ship. ***PC*** **General:** - Resolved an issue that was causing the Duty Officer reward from the Romulan version of the duty officer assignment "Special Deal on Entertainment Provisions" to always reward a KDF-aligned duty officer. It can now reward FED-Aligned duty officers when appropriate. - Resolved an issue that could cause Freelance Security Detachment to spawn zero allies, but still go on cooldown, if used at long range. - Resolved an issue on the Inquiry Battlecruiser regarding a mirrored registry texture. **Known Issues:** - Currently Risan Birds can accidentally be sold to the Bird Exchange Contact even if they have 'Protection" on. - Currently changing window options for the Vovin Obelisk Carrier does not change the windows on the ship.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 7/5/24

    ~Copy-paste~ **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused captains to crash when attempting to rename a ship that did not have a prefix available. - Resolved an issue that caused the new Vovin Obelisk Carrier parts and materials to not be available in customizing the ship. - Resolved an issue on the Credence Miracle Worker Dreadnought Cruiser regarding a missing registry texture. **Known Issues:** - Currently Risan Birds can accidentally be sold to the Bird Exchange Contact even if they have 'Protection" on. - Currently changing window options for the Vovin Obelisk Carrier does not change the windows on the ship.

    Star Trek Indy 3 months ago 85%
    A "test" to judge Star Trek shows

    You've heard of the "Bechdel-Wallace test" and its potential value to some people in measuring various media in a given context. I propose a measure we'll call the "Captain and Crew Test".... I was enduring -- yes, that's the word I'll choose -- an episode of a certain Trek show and found myself thinking that I seem to enjoy Star Trek shows where the captain isn't the center of attention for the continued story, rather the crew as a whole (including the captain as professionally and relatively required) works together on the story of the day or is portrayed in multiple dimensions without the commanding officer present. So, here's my attempt at codifying this "Captain and Crew Test": - The episode/show has to have at least two crew members (i.e. not the captain) essential to the story, - who interact with each other without the captain, - about the story without specific direction from the captain I think these "rules" could use some adjustment and addition, but I think you get what I'm proposing/suggesting/inciting. UPDATE 2024-07-04 04:35:34 UTC: Check out the quick and amazing work by []( to c[ompile a subset of the percentage of lines for each character in a few Star Trek shows](

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    The Sale of the Summer!

    **Sales:** - All Platforms: Save 25% in the entire Zen Store! - July 2nd at 8am PT - July 8th at 12pm PT - All Platforms: Enjoy 20% off in the Lobi Store! - July 2nd at 8am PT - July 8th at 12pm PT - PC Only: Get 15% off Keys and the Key Ring Bundle returns! - July 2nd at 8am PT - July 8th at 12pm PT **Bonuses:** - PC Only: 20% Bonus Zen from July 2nd at 9am PT until July 9th at 9am PT - Xbox & PlayStation Only: Save 20% on all packs of Zen until July 3rd!

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    Patch Notes for 7/2/24

    `Edited for some conciseness` **PC & CONSOLE** - Summer Event: - The Annual Lohlunat Festival returns with all your favorite activities! - Carry yourself to Summer with the Vovin Obelisk Carrier Ship!" - All of the following new store offerings can be purchased using Lohlunat Favors, earned by participating in various events around the island: - Risian Terraformer Universal Kit Frame - Tactical Kit Module - Storm Strike - Science Kit Module – Static Slam - Engineering Kit Module – Electrical Overcharge - New Uniforms – The London Kings! - Sub Aqua Suits - Rainbow Mellanoid Worm - For more information, please visit the “Return To Risa” blog. **General:** - Resolved an issue that caused some captains who bought out the 2023 Lohlunat Festival event to not be able to reclaim the Hysperian Intel Battlecruiser. - Resolved an issue that caused some ships to not be visible when active. - Resolved an issue with the Alliance Rex Pilot Escort that caused impulse engine visual attachments (such as the Borg or Competitive engines) to appear too large in Sector Space, or not appear at all. - Resolved an issue within the Constitution-Class family of ships that caused usage of the Constitution Refit pylons to disallow the use of the Odyssey hull material. - Adjusted the decals on the Duderstadt Miracle Worker Science Spearhead's saucer section such that the Starfleet insignias are no longer mirrored (the thicker side of the delta is now correctly on the left). - Updated the Avenger Battlecruiser so that the registries that display on the sides of the hull (with the darker colored pattern) are now in white to improve visibility. - Resolved an issue that caused certain Borg Cubes (like the Derelict Cube in the mission "Sleepers") to appear completely white. - Fixed some gaps in the geometry of the Kirk Temporal Heavy Battlecruiser's saucer. **Known Issues:** - Currently Risan Birds can accidentally be sold to the Bird Exchange Contact even if they have 'Protection" on.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 85%
    R&D and Junior Officer Week

    June 25th, 2024 at 8am PT to July 2nd, 2024 at 12pm PT on PC **Research and Development** * Earn 25% more R&D Materials from R&D Packs. * Harvest Nodes give 2 extra R&D Materials, 10 Dilithium Ore, and a chance for a R&D Catalyst. * Research and Development projects reward 50% more R&D XP. * Research and Development Packs are 20% off (240 Zen each). * Research and Development Pack Bundle is 20% off (800 Zen). **Duty Officers** * Earn 50% bonus Commendation XP from assignments. * Earn a FREE Purple Duty Officer (Exocomp for Starfleet/Romulans, Reman for KDF/Romulans). * Duty Officer Packs contain an extra Green quality or better officer (C-Store purchases only). * Duty Officer Packs are 20% off. * Participate in the Junior Officer Appreciation Event to earn Duty Officers by scanning particles at Starfleet/Klingon Academy.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    The Galaxy Goes to Red Alert

    June 25th at 8am PT to July 2nd at 12pm PT (on PC) * During this event, complete any Red Alert to earn Daily Progress. * Earn a reward package containing an Ultimate Tech Upgrade and a Specialization Point.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    Patch Notes for 6/20/24 (both Console and PC)

    **Console** Event – Delete Alt Control: - This Featured Event will be a standalone event, separate from the Event Campaign. This new event will provide participating Captains with an epic reward: The Dimensional Hypermass Torpedo Launcher and The Type 14 Shuttle Support Squadron! - For more information, please visit the “Delete Alt Control” blog. New Content: - New Episode – Situation Under Control - Brand New Task Force Operation – Borg Battle Royale General: - The Exeter variant of the Cruiser family has been totally remastered - Added various optimizations for the Console user interface. **PC** General: - Resolved a number issues with the Captain Alteration Token. - The Captain Alteration Token is now available to purchase and use. Known Issues: - We are aware that some captains, who recently bought out the 2023 Lohlunat Festival event, are unable to reclaim the Hysperian Intel Battlecruiser and are currently working on a fix to address this issue.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 80%
    Mudd Stands in Defense of Sol!

    - 50% discount on Mudd's Sol System Defense Choice Pack and Mudd's Sol System Defense MEGA Pack Bundle from June 20th at 8am PT to July 4th at 12pm PT Bundle Descriptions: - Mudd's Sol System Defense Choice Pack costs 29500 Zen and allows you to choose any three of the following options: - United Earth Defense Force Vessel [T6] - Mars Pilot Escort [T6] - Saturn Intel Science Spearhead [T6] - [2x Pack] T6 Ship Coupons - [9x] T6 Ship Upgrade Tokens - [16x] Bridge Officer Upgrade Tokens - 10x Ultimate Tech Upgrades - Mudd's Sol System Defense MEGA Pack Bundle costs 60000 Zen and includes all items listed above. Additional Sales: - In addition, everything in Mudd's Market that isn't a Bundle will be on sale for 75% off from June 20th at 8am PT to June 24th at 12pm PT.

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    Admiralty Bonus Week

    June 20th at 8am PT to June 27th at 12pm PT * Bonus rewards for all Admiralty missions: * Double Campaign XP * Bonus Dilithium Ore for all Tour of Duty missions

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 83%
    [Console] 20% Zen Sale

    >Zen at 20% off from June 19th to July 3rd

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 66%
    20% Ship Sale

    June 13th, 2024 at 8am PT to June 17th, 2024 at 12pm PT (PC only) - All ships in the C-Store 20% off - Including dry dock slots, ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module - Bundles containing only ships are discounted - Bundles containing other items are not discounted

    Star Trek Online Indy 3 months ago 100%
    PC Patch Notes for 6/13/24

    >Note: This patch was reverted after release, due to the game crashing when players attempted to access the TFO menu. `Copy-paste` **General:** - Resolved a number issues with the Captain Alteration Token. - The Captain Alteration Token is now available to purchase and use. **Known Issues:** - We are aware that some captains, who recently bought out the 2023 Lohlunat Festival event, are unable to reclaim the Hysperian Intel Battlecruiser and are currently working on a fix to address this issue.
