world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 50%

    Yes I guess I skipped over that, sorry. I would, however, still argue it would not make sense to have that many redundant humans, and that wellness is hard to measure since society does not allow people to express how they truly feel about things.

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 33%

    Definitely not poor people. I think requiring a license to have children would not be a bad idea. I would not acknowledge reproduction as a human right, but instead as a form of rape.

    I am also not bothered by infanticide as long as it is done humanely, and assuming both parents do not want the child.

  • technology Technology Computer chip with built-in human brain tissue gets military funding
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    Now, how do we make the nerve cells synthesize the sensation of pain? That would be a great way of getting it to do what we want, just like nature does to us!

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 50%

    I can probably fit like 10 people in my house if I tried hard enough, so I guess that's what I should do, right? Quantity over quality, right? We just can't have enough suffering.

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 50%

    Reducing birthrates is not genocide. As long as the population continues to increase, human life will be more and more devalued as we continue to choose quantity over quality of life because of a DNA delusion.

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 33%

    So you think there is some perfect way to manage waste? Because if you can understand that's not the case, then you can understand that the more people like YOU support these companies, the more waste there will be. This really is not complicated. I know the average person is adamant about not taking any responsibility and shifting it onto politicians and corporations, but that's the kind of removed thinking that got us to 8 billion redundant people.

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 37%

    Can't we all just agree 8 billion people is silly? Think about how much of it is just completely redundant. The main focus really should be massive population reduction.

    Edit: Also, no, I don't mean killing off anyone, just reducing birth rates will do fine. We know even just a simple high school education reduces birth rates.

  • world World News Eating meat creates four times more greenhouse gases than being vegan, landmark study finds
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 53%

    And who supports these corporations and industries by buying their shit?

  • uxdesign
    UXDesign IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%
    Anyone want to help me design a website to help get users from reddit over to lemmy?

    cross-posted from: > I'm working on a website (, which, with just a few clicks, would allow a user to automatically modify all their old comments & posts on reddit to be ads for lemmy. It's using oauth. Anyways, the backend code is pretty much finished, I just suck ass at design, so if anyone wants to work on it with me, you can add me on Discord: indictevolution > > Should only take an hour or two I imagine for the design, not much to the site at all.

    WebDev IndictEvolution 1 year ago 66%
    Anyone want to help me design a website to help get users from reddit over to lemmy?

    I'm working on a website (, which, with just a few clicks, would allow a user to automatically modify all their old comments & posts on reddit to be ads for lemmy. It's using oauth. Anyways, the backend code is pretty much finished, I just suck ass at design, so if anyone wants to work on it with me, you can add me on Discord: indictevolution Should only take an hour or two I imagine for the design, not much to the site at all.

    Antinatalism IndictEvolution 1 year ago 75%
    Favorite antinatalist YouTubers?

    I really quite like Benedictines TheVegan because he seems to handle the philosophy very well. Most antinatalists I see online are seething most of the time, which I completely understand, there's a lot to be angry about, I just find it impressive how Benedictines is able to approach it in a friendly way, I think people are more likely to be receptive to the philosophy when presented the way he does it. Also, to be clear, I'm not really saying I think all antinatalists should be friendly all the time, I think some amount of aggression is warranted, as sometimes people are just genuinely evil and do not care. I have seen natalists in debates literally admit they know they're causing harm and do not care. In these cases, I say it's time for fucking war lol. Here's his channel in case you're interested:

    world World News LIVE: CBS confirms, debris from Titan submersible indicates rapid and catastrophic implosion. The people on board are believed to be dead.
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    Ah okay that makes sense.

  • world World News LIVE: CBS confirms, debris from Titan submersible indicates rapid and catastrophic implosion. The people on board are believed to be dead.
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    So, I understand that because water is not compressible, animals without air in their bodies are safe at such high pressures in the deep sea, but what I'm wondering is what would it look like if a human in the deep sea was suddenly exposed to those pressures, as would happen if a submarine rapidly pressurizes? I know the lungs would collapse and whatnot because the air would be pressurized into I'm guessing a liquid, like how propane sloshes when under pressure in a tank, but what else? What causes the instant death? Maybe the water shoots into nose/mouth so fast it acts like a bullet and applies a bunch of force to the walls internally?

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Lemmy reached a user base of 150,000
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    Haven't experienced any real bugs yet on here, but 90% of the time when a website is not working as expected for me, switching to firefox fixes it.

  • productivity Productivity What are some communities you've found to have a significant impact on your productivity?
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    I did this with YouTube, installed an extension called Unhook that lets you turn off YouTube's homepage recommendations, sidebar recommendations, comments, end video recommendations etc. and it's been a huge help for me. I've gotten used to my YouTube homepage looking blank now with just my subscribed channels and playlists on the left. You can configure it to redirect you to subscriptions from homepage though if you don't like homepage being blank.

  • thesatanictemple The Satanic Temple Satanism Expert Reacts to Anti-LGBT “Satanic” Panic
  • IndictEvolution IndictEvolution 1 year ago 100%

    Something I love about all the trans stuff is how it's a big middle finger to nature and traditional culture, both of which I despise.

  • antinatalism
    Antinatalism IndictEvolution 1 year ago 66%
    Community banner

    If anyone has any images they think would make a good banner for this community, post it here :) Image needs to have a pretty wide aspect ratio, you can see in the link on this post an example of banners on the lemmy community browser.
