latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Why You Probably Won't Inherit Anything!
  • Halasham Halasham 12 hours ago 100%

    Well said. Things will improve when the current dystopia is ash and bad memories.

  • breadtube BreadTube No One Is Eating Cats And Dogs, You Morons
  • Halasham Halasham 2 days ago 100%

    Honestly, argumentation like this is part of my understanding of why the Reich Wing is so opposed to education. Baseless assertion works a hell of a lot better on people who haven't been trained to look for and expect sources and evidence.

  • atheism Atheism Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life"
  • Halasham Halasham 4 days ago 100%

    We're talking about the head of an organization that claims to own the entire planet. They're going to insert themselves wherever they see fit regardless of actually having a place to do so.

  • atheism Atheism Pope Francis pushes false claim that both presidential candidates are "against life"
  • Halasham Halasham 5 days ago 100%

    So, just to be clear we're talking about the person who's predecessor refused to speak out against the Holocaust while it was happening in spite of knowing it was happening for longer than most, right?

    EtA: The leader of the cowardly organization that made arrangements with the Reich for protection while so much of the rest of the world was fighting or making preparations to fight.

  • atheism Atheism It's God's will?
  • Halasham Halasham 7 days ago 100%

    Stories like that of Job is why my position is that if it were to be determined by some means that the God of Abraham actually exists than that should be corrected at the earliest available opportunity. If almost any claimed gods exist than that should be corrected.

  • atheism Atheism An answer to my prayers?
  • Halasham Halasham 7 days ago 100%

    Yeah, that's frustrating. Reminds me of learning my grandfather attributed me being accepted to my collage of choice to the fictitious despot rather than my own ability (at least in spite of being religious he's kind, this kind of thing with him tends more to be by way of unfortunate implication rather than intent).

  • atheism Atheism What in the f did I come across
  • Halasham Halasham 1 week ago 100%

    Well, not to everyone. At-least they wait for a dissident to have a following then make an example of them. Still submit or else, just with a degree of slack built into it for ease of enforcement.

  • atheism Atheism Spiritual battery
  • Halasham Halasham 1 week ago 100%

    Thank you. I'm aware it won't change their minds however for one of them I have been established as a source of correct information (close relative and lifetime of giving them correct info)...

    They don't seem to internalize the information but I still try to provide them with correct information to counter the christofasc programming.

  • atheism Atheism Spiritual battery
  • Halasham Halasham 1 week ago 100%

    What's the source for the Jefferson quote? I'd like to show it to a few Christian American Supremacists I know.

  • warframe Warframe For the fun: Weapons
  • Halasham Halasham 1 week ago 100%

    Just got the Alternox and I can see what you mean, it's fun a fun gun with two very nice modes and just enough dynamic action to make skillful shots feel really good.

  • warframe
    Warframe Halasham 1 week ago 100%
    For the fun: Weapons

    Going on the advice I've gotten recently for getting the last few MR ranks I'm trying to vary my loadouts every so often and just remodded a weapon I enjoy but rarely use: The Javlok I know it's not great but I enjoy it. I figured it'd be fun to hear what everyone's pet weapons are. What weapons, if any, do you keep around that aren't powerful but you enjoy them?

    warframe Warframe Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    Haven't done them all yet... honestly I haven't even finished my first K-Drive yet. Really not a fan of hoverboarding about. Still, I'll see what I can do about the other modulars.

  • warframe Warframe Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks, hadn't considered buying with plat but it makes sense. I use to sell Rivens prior to my last hiatus, and I've got a pretty nice stock of arcanes I'm never going to use too.

  • atheism Atheism Not my pee pee!
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    Honestly, I don't think that would work. Flint didn't wake our society. That we can have more mass shootings than days in a year for several consecutive years hasn't woken it. Honestly, at what point must we conclude that we're trying to wake a corpse?

  • atheism Atheism Not my pee pee!
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    Your only allowed to modify genitals for sadistic reasons./j

  • warframe Warframe Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    I thought about as much but it helps to hear somebody else say it seeing my situation. I've been trying to get the Alternox & Sibear and when either gets frustrating taking a break to crack relics. I've been poking at Liches every now-and-then as well. Honestly, it's the Forma cost of getting all the MR out of them that's my biggest stopping point on that, not the Liches themselves.

    Really helps to hear I'm more or less on the right track, thanks!

  • warframe Warframe Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    I've been at it a few years myself as well. 4.4k hours on Steam. It took a few more screenshots than I thought it would but I've updated the main-body of the post with the whole log of everything I haven't mastered. Thanks for taking the time to help, I really appreciate it.

  • warframe
    Warframe Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%
    Legendary/High-MR Tenno: How do you do it?

    Hello everyone, I've been trying to work through my remaining MR fodder. I've picked a few things off my remaining unmastered list and started trying to acquire them... only problem is these things have proven unexpectedly difficult/annoying to get. So, is there a resource somewhere to allow for quick differentiation based on ease of acquisition? I've got few enough things on the list I could probably fit the set of all weapons I haven't mastered yet into 3-4 screenshots if that'd help. Edit: Was asked for the screenshots: ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Took a bit more than I thought. While I was at it also took a few of the other things that give MR: ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( I have Tatsu Prime & Citrine building but otherwise I think the screenshots show a pretty accurate listing of what I still need to put effort into.

    atheism Atheism My problem with atheism
  • Halasham Halasham 2 weeks ago 100%

    What I'm trying to say is that we don't really understand much about the origin of the universe, so saying "I don't believe there is a god because of lack of evidence" seems too harsh.

    I don't think many Atheists come to the conclusion based off of arguments about the origin of the universe. It appears to be more common that logical or ethical contradictions within theistic doctrine lead to its rejection.

    For me personally it began with the divine hiddenness problem. Being raised in a faith that states its god wants a relationship with me and yet is wholly imperceivable to me. From there building with additional arguments such as the abhorrent ethics of their mythical figures when viewed from a frame of reference other than 'they're the good guys because their god said so'.

  • atheism Atheism My problem with atheism
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    My last paragraph was aimed towards religious people and atheists that have a solid opinion.

    Alright. Was thinking about this prior to seeing your reply and meant to apologize as on thinking about it your statement could be meant that way and now with the clarification doubt has further been removed. Sorry.

    I don't think accepting ignorance is something bad, I advice to do it whenever possible.

    I agree that it's not bad to accept legitimate ignorance however I don't think it's best practice to accept ignorance just because it's one of the possibilities. Rather, I feel that ignorance should be the fallback position, over baseless speculation, when hard facts on a subject are insufficient in number and/or scope to paint a reasonably clear picture.

    Where sufficient facts on a matter exist to show a clear picture exist I don't believe it proper to accept an assertion of ignorance. Firstly because it's false, we know at least some things on the topic, and secondly because it can be harmful, shysters leveraging 'we don't know' to insert a baseless speculation paired with hawking a product or marketing themselves as a problem solver.

  • atheism Atheism My problem with atheism
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Do you think lack of evidence provided by humans, little animals who live in a dust spec for a relative short amount of time, gives you enough confidence to say "there is no creator"?

    For some generalized creator figure? I can't disprove that, however I think Russel's Teapot comes into play at this point. We couldn't detect a porcelain teapot the size of a common teapot in stellar orbit between the Earth and Mars. So, currently, it would be impossible to disprove that claim, however there is also no reason to accept it. The burden of proof is on those who make these claims to support them, not on those who don't accept them to disprove every claim they could posit.

    For any of the creator figures I'm aware of non-deist theists claiming exist? At least of all those that I am familiar with they have self-contradictory stated natures, operate in logical contradictions, and perform impossibilities. In short: They don't exist because for that not to be the case then the few things we can demonstrate to be true must be false.

    That is exactly my issue with atheism, that they think their human reason gives them enough capacity to take a position to something as complex as the origin of reality.

    The only times I've seen an atheist back their atheism just with human reason is when explaining logical contradictions about the asserted god. Most arguments I'm aware of use more than just logical contradictions in the opposing claim. More often than not I see them engaging with the proposed evidence for the claim and providing contrary evidence against it.

    It's just outside of our reach and anything we choose to believe, even if rooted in reason, is a wild guess.

    We use the terms 'rooted in reason' and 'wild guess' to mean different things. To me a wild guess is made in the absence of reason or without regard to it while something that is 'rooted in reason' is about as opposed to that as is possible, a belief that stems only from what it well supported by evidence, reasoning, or most preferably both.

    I'm not sure I take your meaning for 'just outside our reach'. Are you stating that we're close to it but not there yet or that it is categorically beyond our ability to reach such that we will never reach it?

    The most rational thing to do is just to stop guessing. I feel if people accepted their ignorance more frequently instead of taking sides without actual knowledge, the world would be a better place.

    I'm sorry but this comes off as somewhat disingenuous directed toward atheists. We're not accepting the other side's guess and generally also provide reasoning for that decision when prompted. Contrast with the theistic position of the assertion of some grand causer or creator and subsequent assertions that anything not yet explained rationally is somehow the work of this unsupported asserted entity.

  • atheism Atheism My problem with atheism
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    First of all, I have more in common with atheists than religious people, so my intention isn't to come here and attack, I just want to hear your opinions.

    Welcome. Happy to talk with people rather than have to counter rhetorical attacks.

    My issue with atheism is that I think it establishes the lack of a God or gods as the truth.

    Personally, I'm partial to the definition of Atheism as 'Lack of belief in any gods' rather than 'Belief that there are no gods.' I fit both definitions but I think the first is more accurate and better represents most Atheist's relationship with the truth value of the claim. Even for those of us who believe there are no gods I believe it's a grand commonality between a super-majority of atheists that there's some quantity of sufficient evidence that would change our minds... though quite likely the specific amount will vary from one to another.

    But saying that there's no god with certainty is something I'm just not comfortable with. Science has taught us that being wrong is part of the process of progress.

    The way I see it most of the time scientific advancement doesn't say our previous understanding was wrong, rather that it was incomplete. One of the better examples being Newtonian Physics and Relativity, Newton wasn't wrong so much as his work didn't account for special behavior under extreme circumstances. We do occasionally have counter examples such as miasma being replaced with the Germ Theory of Disease but this tends to be when a historical unscientific position is unraveled by a scientific explanation.

    As-is I don't see how any such gods that have been commonly claimed could exist as stated without them violating various scientific, and in some cases logical, laws. So, I feel quite secure in my position that these things that contradict our best evidenced understanding of the universe are not real.

    I feel like being open to the possibilities is a healthier mindset, as we barely understand reality.

    Sure, it's worthwhile to look at the evidence against our own positions. But evidence is the key word here. The theistic position has yet to forward any noteworthy body of anything that would fit the definition of the word. They're welcome to keep trying in perpetuity if they so wish but I'm not going to lend credence to the claim until such time as they are not only successful in finding something that is evidence but a sufficient body of it to outweigh what the claim is mutually exclusive with which already has evidence or they can by some means discredit the whole body of evidence against their claim and forward evidence for it.

    That being said so long as there is measurable harm to come from theistic belief and the benefits of it are ephemeral I will be opposed to inflicting it on others.

    I usually don't believe there is a god when the argument comes from religious people, because they have no evidence, but they could be right by chance.

    I don't believe that that's the case. To be no amount of assertion creates a chance that anything could be the case. What makes a chance is that an assessment of possibilities puts a known or estimable probability on it being the case.

  • atheism Atheism Be grateful
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Ah, yes. Praise the patron god of sadism and injustice for working his vile deeds on others while the faithful escape a perceived just fate.

  • warframe Warframe What would you like to see from a hypothetical Limbo guide?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Depending on the mission type presence of a Limbo is one of few things that's cause for me to drop from a mission. Group-unfriendly builds are just trolling.

  • warframe Warframe What would you like to see from a hypothetical Limbo guide?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Sure, that'd work. Launch Limbo was a mess. By launch I'd probably mastered half of all non-prime warframes and with Limbo I had the persistent issue of being unable to so much as 1v1 a basic Grineer marine. Limbo would just die in as many shots as it'd take to kill an IRL human.

  • warframe Warframe What would you like to see from a hypothetical Limbo guide?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Specifically going through problems with him at launch and why they either no longer apply or how you can now counter them. I struggled through wringing MR from the 'frame when he was new and his Prime is currently slated for after Excalibur Prime for getting the MR from that.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, some more game modes which incentivize splitting up between the RJ and some Archwing fliers would be neat.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    You may want to adjust their assigned roles. Mine never try to fly the ship because they're all assigned to other tasks.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Interesting. Mind sharing your build? I went with mine because I like Onslaught Matrix as my aura and found just the right pairing of mods to allow me to have functionally infinite shields so long as I'm not face-tanking a shipkiller platform.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Same. It'd be so cool if they brought the Jordas Golem back as a Railjack Boss. Heck, add it's node in Pluto Proxima and give us a little story about us not killing it and now it's about to cause a major outbreak.

    Would be even better if Parvos was our ally for the operation/quest for his own selfish reasons. So far he's only been an enemy in spite of comments from him that he'd like to work with us (presumably us working for him tho). For whatever reason he wants Pluto not-infested and decided to hire the best there is for doing just that.

    Oh! Just thought of the perfect thing: He's hired us in part to study the Railjack. He's offering Railjack parts, or at least parts compatible with Railjacks, for our assistance while he's using data collected on us to bootleg our boats.

  • warframe Warframe Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?
  • Halasham Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, I don't have the Nautilus either. I do really love how customizable the Railjacks are, I don't believe I've ever been in two that flew quite the same.

    Mine's built for keeping the shields up and ignoring enemy shields, including the directional ones.

  • warframe
    Warframe Halasham 3 weeks ago 100%
    Railjack: Anyone else legitimately enjoy it?

    Just finished maxing out my Railjack Build and recalled that it at least appeared to be that Railjack was an underappreciated game mode. So, does anyone like it now? How've you built your railjack? Do you use Lavos when doing Railjack or manufacture energy as-needed?

    Warframe Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%
    How to silence Adversaries?

    Is there a way to stop the mad ramblings of Liches while I'm hunting them? It's sometimes entertaining but there's too many Lich personalities that are just grating, and I've most definitely got one of those now while I'm just trying to get a new weapon to wring the MR from.

    minecraft Minecraft Style Advice Wanted: Modern Architecture
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Thanks, I'll go rewatch them. Dunno why but I had put two & two together that gen. building advice still works.

  • minecraft Minecraft Style Advice Wanted: Modern Architecture
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Okay, that pyramid is amazing, and so's the city.

    I'll see what I can do. For the most part I do need the block I have to stay but I'm thinking on some places I might be able to shave it and I have plenty of space around it to edit outward.

    Thanks for the tips!

  • minecraft Minecraft Style Advice Wanted: Modern Architecture
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yes. Brutalism is unironically my favorite architectural style. Not entirely sure how to translate it to Minecraft but I suppose now's the time to do it.

  • minecraft
    Minecraft Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%
    Style Advice Wanted: Modern Architecture

    Hello everyone, Finally managed to get a modded world stable enough to have a few large machines running and enjoy their use, including an autonomous concrete factory. With that I've built some walls and then realized I don't have any real experience with modern architecture... so I've got a giant white brick surrounding my machines. Honestly, I'm not used to building on this scale either so I'm not sure how to make this look nice on multiple fronts. One thing I do know though; I don't like glass curtain-walls so I'd rather not do that for this building in spite of it certainly being big enough. ![]( Any ideas?

    latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism Capitalist innovation.
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Not really, this is to subvert crash regulations. These are legally considered light trucks and as such aren't subject to the safety and emissions standards of vehicles that are legally considered to be cars.

  • atheism Atheism Anti-LGBTQ+ hate preacher says racists go to Heaven and MLK is burning in Hell
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Because there's a control scheme built with the Book of Vile Darkness (read Bible, not the D&D item) but not any D&D books. This on it's own wouldn't likely be enough to see D&D books burned but because there's a control scheme in play that feels threatened by anything that brings people joy 'X said something bad because D&D' is a sufficient justification in their eyes.

  • warframe Warframe Weekly Warframe: Gyre
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Love her. Pair her with the Gotva Prime and I can easily run Nehtra Cells. She benefits a ton from Pillage as her added power. Minmax for power and slap the Cathode Grace augment on and spam powers like you can't run out of energy.

  • warframe Warframe Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Yeah, it'd be grand if we could get a bow or AX for the Drifter. Heck, I'm sure people would love a nice visceral pump-shotty for them.

  • autism Autism Whats your take? Creepy or not?
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 85%

    Unfortunately 'Creepy' is subjective and poorly defined. It's a feeling rather than 'this meets XYZ criteria and therefore is creepy'.

    she calls me creepy and to stop stalking her. I explain im not stalking im just being a friend and just enjoy talking inbetween class.

    I agree with you that she's not using 'stalking' correctly but I believe this was meant to terminate your platonic relationship. It's upsetting but that's likely the point.

    random number of text message with photo of me 20 seconds ago at lunch table. panic issues, i message who dis. They reply, you dont need to know stop stalking (girls name). I explain its not stalking if i go up and say hello and talk to them.

    This behavior is much more in-line with a correct usage of 'stalking'. I would assume this escalation was taken as being fair game from your refusal to accept her use as stalking. That's vexing but likely meant just to highlight their desire to terminate the relationship as that wasn't clear from her first accusation.

  • autism Autism how much privacy do you expect from those who know about your diagnosis? (venting/advice request)
  • Halasham Halasham 4 weeks ago 100%

    Today, I overheard my mom talking loudly on a video call to my brother and his wife, catching up and sharing their latest news. Apparently her latest news included the fact that I have been diagnosed with ASD.

    The way I respond to this is pretty simple; The people around me know I have little need for conversation. I can talk to people and sometimes enjoy it but I can very well not make conversation with people. Disclosing my secrets or misrepresenting my statements is grounds for no further conversation beyond simple practical utility.

    In my experience NTs generally assume there's not a privacy restriction unless explicitly stated. Even if not the explicit statement further grounds the decision to make minimal conversation should they violate your trust in that way.

    she also mentioned that I've been less conversational lately, which she attributes to my diagnosis and to me no longer wanting to make the effort necessary to talk to neurotypical people

    You were recently diagnosed with a second condition that affects your willingness to converse. She already knows you have one and that it's been significantly affecting you lately. Does she know how autism affects interpersonal interaction? Does she think you've developed autism recently? Does she doubt the diagnosis?

    I'm also not sure how to move forward with this information in any way without it seeming like I was eavesdropping - which I wasn't intentionally doing,

    I have sensitive hearing and I live in an area where most people don't have inside voices. If I'm not wearing my headphones or hyperfocusing on something I can hear people trying to be quiet a floor away. I don't know if you're the same way but I agree with Cagi, if a conversation was meant to be private it should be conducted where it wouldn't be overheard. It'd be eavesdropping only if an attempt to do that was made and you had made intentional actions to subvert that effort. Eavesdropping is an intentional act, overhearing is an autonomic act.

    but as it is I don't feel comfortable raising the subject, or noticeably increasing my level of masking (to accomodate her apparent discomfort with me not doing so),

    That's entirely up to you how to deal with it. I try to mask less around people I feel safe around. So far I think it's going well. Does she scrutinize things that spontaneously start going her way? If not it may just not come up. If so you could be honest about overhearing her or assert that you were trying to think about how she felt about your recent behavior.

    I haven't yet told him, and now I'm worried that he's going to take it as me no longer socializing with neurotypical family members (even though the arrangement was made before my diagnosis).

    You could call him to share the diagnosis and 'play dumb' about him already knowing. I don't know how far just to your brother's city is but you could offer an alternative get-together for later and explain that last year's complications have made you want this trip to be simplified.

  • minecraft Minecraft I have built my first Redstone trap beside my cabin.
  • Halasham Halasham 1 month ago 100%

    Nice! Always love to see some personally engineered redstone contraptions!

    If I may offer suggestions:

    • You can increase the depth of the pit and line it with trapdoors so they'll still pathfind in.
    • You can use pressure plates for autonomous activation as suggested by other commenters
    • If you have or can find some slime making the pistons sticky-pistons and having them move solid blocks should make the mechanism more dangerous to the mobs.
  • minecraft Minecraft Ok guys what do we think of the new texture?
  • Halasham Halasham 1 month ago 100%

    Does the head look like it has a red recolor of the Gamecube Logo to anyone else?

  • warframe
    Warframe Halasham 1 month ago 100%
    Operator Mode: A Few Questions for the Community

    Hello everyone, Just did a few missions on the Zariman and remembered a post from here or back on the old subreddit talking about some people still never using Operator mode. So I figured it'd be interesting to hear what people think about it and how much they've invested into it: - Do you use Operator/Drifter mode any more than absolutely necessary? - If so do you prefer the Drifter or Operator? - How much effort have you put into your Amp(s)? - Have you built several with significantly different behaviors? [Ex one a flamethrower, one a grenade launcher etc] - Do you use Operator &/or Amp Arcanes? - If so which ones? - If so have you raised them to maximum rank? - What Focus School do you main? - Is it the school you started with? - How far into it are you? - Have you used other schools? - If so have you unbound anything from them? - What would you say your primary method of getting Focus is? - Do you like that method? - Compared to your main Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you? - Compared to an average Warframe how effective is Operator Mode for you? - Is there any stand out utility of the mode for you? - What would you say your general opinion of the mode is?

    Minecraft Halasham 2 months ago 100%
    Looking For Modpack

    Hello everyone, My friends and I would like to play a modded world together now that we've found 'The Essentials' mod which allows us to circumvent our previous issues with multiplayer. However we've had some issues with finding good modpacks. None of us are experts so we've just been trying ones we've found. We've mostly tried 'Create on a Potato PC Ultimate' and 'Create: Arcane Engineering'. Create on a Potato PC was/is great but we have a minor crashing issue. Arcane Engineering integrates the mod so much it makes trying to primarily work with one frustrating. My friends have also tried Create Chronicals and found it to just be altogether too much. What we're looking for is a pack with Create (addons desired but not needed) and an in-depth magic mod like Botania or Ars Magica. Any suggestions?

    Warframe Halasham 2 months ago 100%
    What to put on a Viral Primer?

    Besides Viral Damage and status chance, obviously. I've been slowly wringing all the MR out of my favorite primer, my Kuva Nukor, and I've gotten to the point where I'm not sure if my mod selections are quite worth the slot... and I've got plenty of capacity to work with. ![]( This is my current build. To me the point is that it applies max stacks of Viral ASAP, as an added bonus it's Kuva element is Radiation which prevents buffing enemies from doing much of anything. As is unless I'm on SP the Nukor can and will kill most enemies quite efficiently. So, what do you do with a Viral Primer once it primes Viral with all the gusto is can? Edit: Taking all the suggestions here's what I've got: ![]( This is looking pretty awesome now.

    Warframe Halasham 2 months ago 100%
    New Favorite Melee Weapon: Hespar

    Just finished building the Hespar and slapped a build from Overframe on it... I didn't use to have a favorite melee weapon beyond what looked nicest strapped to my hip. I didn't really use melee much. Hespar w Galeforce Down is now my favorite. Love the wide swings and quick forward advance letting me carve through hordes with minimal effort. Might just have to put together a loadout using all my favorite things now since there's enough to fill all slots.

    Warframe Halasham 5 months ago 100%
    On Call: Ideal Crew for Tenno Support

    So, a friend of mine and I just went two for two on frustrating experiences: SP Interception is just frustrating for the two of us. We struggle to clear all the gits from the capture points between their high health and constantly streaming in. In general we can each take and hold a point then potentially hold a third long enough to gain the lead. However, the Acolyte then spawns in and annoys us long enough to lose the lead, mostly through trolling with their abilities. I have a Kuva Lich and my friend has a Sister of Parvos as our On Call Crewmen but neither of us have put any work into optimizing them, they're both just more-or-less the first thing we spared rather than killed. I also summon Kahl and his support units while my friend calls Ancient Healers (they prefer a different Air Support). I know my Lich isn't optimal, it uses one of the less impressive Kuva variant guns, the Quartakk, and only has one power that's noticeably helpful: their version of Hollowed Ground. Their SoP Crewman is similarly unimpressive but I don't recall the specifics. Both of us need better help. So, what should we be looking for in terms of the best support for SP missions?

    Warframe Halasham 5 months ago 100%
    Comparison: Lich Nukor v SoP Cycron

    Just killed my current Lich and got the Kuva Nukor, and now I'm wondering how it will compare to the Tenet Cycron for Priming. This is their comparison on the equip screen: ![]( Anyone have experience with both weapons? Which would you say is generally better for the job? Of note: I don't do collision overload and rarely melee in general.

    Warframe Halasham 6 months ago 100%
    Personal Achievement: All the Bobbles

    Just finished the Steel Path and got all the Bobbles! ![]( Arranged them as an homage to the pre-Orbiter mission select screen. The Deimos bobble isn't clearly visible but it's there between Mars and Phobos. The Zariman Bobble is unfortunately out of frame on my Pedestal Prime.

    Warframe Halasham 6 months ago 100%
    Dante: No Grind?

    Am I lucky for once in my life or is Dante a really eazy grind? I just got half of Dante and ~130 pity points in one run then finished off the pps on a single C rotation. So with less than an hour of work I've got the new frame under construction.

    Warframe Halasham 6 months ago 100%

    Experiencing some oddness, testing if I can post.

    Branching Out - Feedback Wanted

    Hello everyone, I recently looked up how to make autonomous courier drones and realizing how easy they are I decided it was well past time to try branching out into using remote control and drones more. So, I've engineered this little thing to serve as a drone outpost. The intent being that it'll host a mining drone and a courier so that the whole kit can be deployed to a location by a valuable resource. Being my first drone vessel I wanted to see what other people thought of it while I'm still prototyping. I've got two custom turrets that hold a folding solar panel system, slapped some O2 generators on it just in case a manned vessel is running low and near one. I've got a gyro and RC on it along with forward and rearward facing cameras. It occurred to me that I'm using Hydrogen thrusters and as such have to have facilities for ice processing and storage but I tend to struggle to find platinum. ![]( ![]( ![](

    Air Control on Large Ships

    Hello everyone, Doing a bit more work on the big carrier I'm designing to use with a friend and I've sealed up the hangar-areas but now I've got a new problem: I've got a 23 block long door that could potentially vent a painful amount of oxygen into space. I don't want to scrap the door because I think it's cool (and very loosely taking inspiration from the Venator Class Star Destroyer from Star Wars), and I think it'll be reasonably 'practical' way of handling the positioning of the hangars. So I'm considering two fixes: 1. Either keep this section depressurized always but allow the hangars to pressurize or 2. Build a system such that the big area will decompress via vents before the door opens. I think Option 2 would be better but I really don't know how to do much in the way of automation and the airlock videos I've seen seem to rely on timer blocks which would mean that I'd need to time the depressurization of a massive room... Is there any way I can just detect when the pressure is at 0% or some other workaround? Any guidance on this problem would be very helpful. Also for context the room this door is to is a bit above 11,250 cubic meters in volume. Getting an accurate measurement is a little difficult do to an irregularly shaped device I've built in it. I'm having a hard time finding rates for things when I go looking so I'm not sure how many vents I'd need to depressurize this in a reasonable period of time.

    Air Tightness Difficulties

    Hello everyone, My friend and I are moving on to trying to seal parts of the ship for spaceflight now that our production system works and have started hitting the problem of leaks we can't find. I recall being told there's a mod to make this much less difficult when I had this problem on my single-player world but never went for it... I figure it'd make things smoother on multiplayer but now I can't recall the mod's name. Anyone know which mod that likely was?

    Assemblers Not Drawing Ingots

    Hello everyone, A friend of mine finally got a computer & connection that can handle Space Engineers and we've been enjoying the game together... up until a few minutes before posting. We've hit an issue I can't quite figure out: In the process of building a flying base we've found our new Indi Assemblers won't draw Ingots from the connected cargo hold no matter what we do. I've snapped a few pics to show our setup: ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( I've tried swapping which Assembler is CoOp, having neither be CoOp, turning each one off while leaving the other on, disassembling and reassembling them both... but nothing has worked so far. Ingots just won't move into the assemblers.

    Turn off Weather

    Hello everyone, Is there a way to turn off weather on the planets? I'm working on an improved version of the Voxel Lance but persistent blizzards on my testworld bringing visibility to approaching zero is getting rather frustrating.

    Warframe Halasham 9 months ago 100%
    Anyone Figure Out How to Open These Yet?

    ![]( Found two of these while hunting Voca. Got some loot radar going on so I know there's something beyond it, at least one Voca as the other was next to a window, but I don't 'get' the mechanism for these doors yet.

    Warframe Halasham 9 months ago 100%
    Remembering a Time Long Past

    Just recalled a fond memory from when I first started playing and figured I'd share and see if anyone has similar experiences. This was way back in, if I'm remembering correctly, the single digit updates... I think six but I'm not sure. At least for me and a few friends at the time Ancient Infested were scary, actually required specific focusing down and a little cheesing of the not-so-great AI they had back then. A lot of bosses were like the Sargent, just bigger/tougher versions of normal enemies. Death came frequently enough that teamwork was important and builds like an ultra-slow but functionally indestructible Rhino were *assets* to the team rather than an unwanted holdup. But back then even the most indestructible of builds with the best of weapons were out matched by one adversary: The Stalker. He didn't have his now iconic weapons back then, no he used a Braton and Cernos but he used them well and had some protection against powers being used against him. I recall him causing mission failure on so many missions... then just about when I was going to conclude he's unkillable he spawns in while I'm solo trudging in my maximum tank Rhino build. He's killed it before but it was my main and I was never really one to just give up. He's running circles around me as he was able to to... at least in part 'cause my run speed was slower than Excalibur's walk. But I manage to get out from whatever power-suppression he had back then I go for a Charge... and miss but it got me enough distance to have just a sliver of breathing space and with that I try again, probably last time before my powers are gone again. Hit. Not just a hit but he disappears... I didn't think he was beaten but it wasn't like The Stalker to let up on the attack... I trudge on continuing the mission. I complete the objective... no second round, no ambush. I'm getting a little anxious as I keep on trudging toward the exit. I reach it... and the normal mission complete plays and I'm bounced back to mission select. I won. I could hardly believe it but I won. Unfortunately I didn't get anything special though as this was before you were guaranteed the sigil for the first kill.

    The Voxel Lance

    Hello everyone, It's more ore less complete so I figured it's time to share my large grid build: The Voxel Lance The Lance is a bore-miner meant to land next to ore deposits and use the bore-drill affixed to the top of the ship to collect the ore. Warning: Don't operate the drill in flight. It dangerously rotates the entire ship. I'm not sure the build has sufficient thrust for the cargo to be filled entirely... can't seem to get sufficient lift while having a hull. Edit: If anyone tries out the Lance please let me know what you think of it or any ideas for making it better. I mostly engineer things from scratch and only take a little from videos (eg the drill-head for the Lance is from a short I've seen you YT)

    I Can't Find What Fits Here

    Really wish there was a 'guess best fit' option somewhere when building a hull. I've got a spot where I'm trying to blend a slope and it feels like I've tried every armor piece in every configuration and none of them fit. ![]( I have an OK mental image of what I want the hull to look like and it's actually helping with the choice-paralysis from my prior post however I can't hold a few dozen different mental images in my head at once to fit the puzzle pieces together in a timely manner. What fits in the game shown? To zoom out a bit: the idea I had for the Hull was to have a cockpit on a protrusion and have it enlarge in a segment or two before more-or-less flattening out on a wider body. I'm trying to make the slope for one of the first columns of it widening and need this mystery block. Edit: Adjusted the overall shape of the build to avoid needing this part... I think it looks better now too. Making good progress and came up with a name for it. I may post a download link to the Voxel Lance v1 sometime soon.

    Choice Paralysis

    Hello everyone, Figured I'd ask here 'cause I'm getting the problem that got me to quit my previous world again: When I've got a sufficiently large build I want to make I can't clearly envision how I want to assemble it. To take the current example: I've just finished building my Miner Mk2 after redesigning it (lost my BPs when I upgraded my PC) and I can already see that while leagues better than the Mk1 it will be insufficient for the big projects I want to do... so I've begun work designing it's replacement. Thing is the replacement is a Large Grid mining vessel with a special mining bore-arm that I'd designed separately and special connector-arm to be able to transfer material to my ground-base. I've got those two elements but I can see several ways to set up the internals and I'm not sure which one to go with... or how I'd want to stylize the Hull since I couldn't exactly fly a LG brick. Anyone else get this problem? Should I design the hull first and then fit the functional bits inside it?

    Mining Methods

    Hello everyone, I'm working on building myself a better mining ship and it's occurred to me that I predominantly use only two mining methods: Fixed drills or "simple" drilling arms that use only pistons and rotors to extend forward and make a bar of drills drill the area of a field via rotation. I'm know people make large-grid mining ships and I've seen a few that are amazing... and suffered a good bit trying to replicate a design I can't find anymore. But, I don't know much about how to effectively go about mining with large drills... When I was trying to make a large-grid drill wheel I was told that builds usually focus on making a small number of drills do more drilling and my design was horribly inefficient (and it was, in addition to being a PITA to assemble). So, are there any good resources on how to make a drilling-arm that'll cover a broad area using a small number of drills?


    I just finished building a functional ground-base and realized I've build myself a little metal square with machines on it. A bit uninspired but functional as I have easy access to everything I need... altogether an OK step up from the starting 'row of machines' but still not quite a good base. Figured I'd ask; What do you do to make your ground bases or space stations look nice?

    Warframe Halasham 10 months ago 100%

    ![]( Just made this achievement, every Way-Bound talent is unbound and my main Focus School is maxed out. The Drifter/Operator actually feels quite powerful with all or even most of it and a good amp.

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    What to Display on Pedestal Prime

    Hello everyone, So saw that Baro is back as he is every weekend and went to check out what he's got. Saw a few things and traded in some prime junk... amongst my haul of void goodies was a Pedestal Prime. It was only after I'd got it back to my Orbiter and found a few decent looking spots for it that I realized something: I don't have anything glorious enough to display on a prime Pedestal. So, to end the "... and this is where I'd put a trophy ***IF I HAD ONE!***" situation I'm now in what are some things impressive enough to not tarnish the impressiveness of my new pedestal?

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Anyone Else Have Problems with Kullervo's 1?

    Hey... really been enjoying Kullervo but I'm experiencing some weirdness. I get frustrating, likely bugged, behavior when using his first ability. If I'm wielding a machete, more specifically the Prova (haven't tested with others), I'm stuck in and endless melee cycle. If I'm using a glave, more specifically the Cerata (same as above), I'm stuck in place facing the ground. Using a hammer or sword & board I seem to be fine to use the power.

    Minecraft Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Recommended Resources for Learning Redstone?

    Hello everyone, Was just looking up a farm and the thought occurred to me that while I understand how to follow semi-technical tutorials and have a basic understanding of how most/all redstone blocks work I don't know very much about building the machinery or circuits myself from scratch. I've built a 3x3 piston door from a mix of scratch & memory (seen it done in videos many times prior to trying myself but wasn't intentionally copying any specific circuitry) and could intuit how to make a basic auto-smelter & auto-composters without having to look them up. But I only have a vauge understanding that there are such things as quasiconnectivity and T Flip Flops. So, anyone have good resources for learning to do the engineering rather than Ikea-ing builds?

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Heavy Weapon Preferences?

    Was just doing some Railjack -> Necramech missions with a buddy and the thought occurred to me that I'm using the simply most brutally effective Heavy Weapon in spite of my approach to Warframe shifting toward doing what's fun. So what Heavy Weapons do you use and why? Further how do you mod them... though we don't exactly have the wealth of variety for Archgun mods as we do most other weapons.

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Just Finished Construction of Yareli...

    ...and I'm impressed. I did a quick reference of what she needs in terms of making her powers shine and threw something together then gave her a simple trial-by-fire: Zariman Exterminate At first my guns were carrying her. Got a little cocky and activated a Void Angel... couldn't handle it with just the guns (didn't bring my best to avoid wholly carrying her). So I avoid it and go about killing the enemies I need and in the process unlock Merulina. I hop on and decide to give the Angel another try since it's been following me. Now I've got the advantage against it. In the battle against the Angel I unlock Aqueblades and found they were... honestly OK against the Angel but pretty good against the Grineer. Anyone else surprised by her beating the negative hype?

    Minecraft Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Questions on Sorting Systems

    Hello everyone, I've just finished the first segment of a sorting system in my world and now I'm left with an interesting decision: How do I decide what to sort with my currently limited sorts (84) and how to organize them within the system? The system is organized as a square with 21 filters per side. I'm intending to build further layers below the current one until I can sort all stacking blocks but that's going to take quite a while and in the meantime I'd like to start enjoying the fruits of my labor. So, how do you decide what to sort and where it's sorted within your system?

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Anyone Else Having Issues with Steel Path & Abyssal Zone?

    The Abyssal Zone doesn't seem to want to tick over that I've cleared it in spite of having done several runs there. Is there something special that I have do to for it to count?

    Minecraft Halasham 11 months ago 97%
    Anyone else do Map Rooms?

    ![]( This is a 9x9 wall of 512x512 maps, and a cherry trapdoor border. Perfectly centered is the group base of a few friends of mine and I. This took the explorer of our group aprox. 10 hours of exploring over the course of two months.

    Warframe Halasham 11 months ago 100%
    Fun Pairings

    Hello Everyone, Was thinking about one of my presets that I'd built because it works as an amplifier to a fun "instrument": Harrow Prime armed with the Shedu. I really love the Shedu, if my pfp hadn't made that obvious, and Harrow's powers just make it all the better. Been a hot minute since I've used it but if memory serves it drops off at higher levels but that doesn't matter too much, it makes me smile to use it. Anyone else have pairings like this? Something fun that's amped up quite nicely by the rest of the build. Doesn't have to vaporize arbitrarily high level eximus, just has to be fun for whatever level range it works at.

    Minecraft Halasham 11 months ago 92%
    Rails: How do You Control Juntions?

    Hello everyone, A few friends of mine and I have gotten to the point in our multiplayer world where we've got several important locations connected through tunnels in the Nether. We're kinda old-school so we use rails in spite of the presence of more efficient options... thing is none of us are experts on rails. Anyone know how to set up a T intersection so that incoming traffic from two directions is always sent to the third and from the third either of the others may be selected?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support Halasham 1 year ago 93%
    Unable to See Downvotes

    Hello, Still pretty new to Lemmy. Came from the Reddit blackout. The instance my account is with(?) seems to have a rule or setting that prevents us from seeing downvotes. Is there a way to change this for myself?

    > Greentext Halasham 1 year ago 25%
    Let's Try: Lancer

    Be me: Raven, Pilot: Arlo, Frame: EVEREST Be not me: Cypher, Pilot: Rena, Frame: EVEREST; Ghost, Pilot: *Undisclosed*, Frame: EVEREST; DM *Session opens on the stolen MBL-HM3 light freighter, having stolen it to escape from a planet* Ghost preoccupies themselves with maintaining their equipment Cypher is poking at their NHP... it's not poking back, yet Raven gets on the ship intercom: "Hey, if we're going to be working together we'll need an organization... I can set it up but we'll need a name." *Que short discussion of names before Ghost suggests 'Hammers', DM suggests adding a prefix to it and so we become the Crimson Hammers Mercenary company* We decide to take a job defending a moon mining base from some small-time raiders. We arrive on site and get to work fortifying to the best of our ability... they will be arriving soon. "Incoming." Ghost states, "Two West, Two East" as they come up on sensors. "Got this one." Raven calls boosting into the fray and igniting his plasma sword and slashing into the lightly armored mech. The slashed enemy mech begins to walk for cover provoking Overwatch from Raven... his plasma sword burns out right before contact. It then pops Raven for 6 damage... "Guys.... help!" Raven calls over their coms asking for assistance. Ghost responds by deploying a number of turret drones. Cypher catches a shot to the chassis as the enemy that fired moves into cover. Cypher pops their Core Power and surges into combat to help Raven. Launching their Nexus Swarm... it misses. They try to followup with a Lock-On and still fail. The first enemy miss of the battle occurs as a mech waddles into a crater. The fourth enemy takes a shot damaging the building we're protecting... and second enemy miss of the session. Next round the enemy goes first! Enemy mech on the far side of the building gets shot... actually doing damage. Raven goes first throwing a Hex Charge as a grenade! It chips both mechs and before the dust settles he's where they blast came from slashing both mechs with the plasma sword via Executioner and failing to finish off the second with a bad shotgun damage roll. The second enemy manages to do the first point of Structure damage against Raven's mech! Ghost's turn! They steady their aim and annihilate their first target with their super-heavy sniper rifle. No enemy left alive to take their turn so it's Cypher's turn. They surge across the battlefield to try to Lock-On a new target... success! They then consume it to sic their drones on it... and miss again. Raven's turn first at next round and he slashes the second mech in half. Ghost catches a bullet... these guys are persistent. Cypher nails them in return with the AMR and then their RPG for massive damage! Ghost surges into range to finish them off with their Thermal Rifle. Combat ended Ghost rips the slagged mech open... the pilot is alive! "I got one." Ghost says "How bad is he?" Cypher replies He's alive, we hand him to the miners to guard while we deal with upcoming waves. *We have a few turns to repair our mechs before the next wave, we use the time to return to defensive positions and patch our mechs.* Now in a much better position than before we're ready to deal with the next wave... Ghost goes first... their Cyclone Rifle slays another target. Hearing the explosion, "Cypher, think you can break their comms?" Raven comments "I can try." Cypher replies as the enemy's turn begins. They try to fire a Mortar... and forget that we're in micro-gravity sending it off out of the battlefield. They then waddle away. Cypher's turn. They Scan & Invade the enemy mech preventing them from approaching seeing they've got good weapons. The invaded enemy waddles their way closer... but can't do much to any of us in that state. Raven pops the slowed enemy with his shotgun then backs away as a turret gives a followup-pop *End of round and DM tells us something is happening... and whatever it was it missed* Ghost takes first turn and moves to a hidden position The knife-guy moves up to flanking with Cypher! It forces a hull-save from a ram then boosts toward Ghost. Cypher misses with the AMR then sics her drones on the target cutting into them. Raven leaps into action landing on the melee-mech and vertically bisecting it with the plasma blade. Ghost stabilizes and reloads. The one remaining enemy fires their arching weapon... and batters Cypher and the building. Cypher boosts back into range. They Lock-On and then Invade to activate their Hacker talent... putting the target into the Danger Zone! Raven boosts into range of the artillery mech... and misses with a shotgun. Seeing mechs charging at it the artillery panic-fires and misses. Cypher's turn! She nails it with the Nexus and with the turrets help the mech goes boom. *Wave 2 defeated* We're told fast moving units, likely fliers, are incoming by the miners operating the outpost Ghost goes first and takes aim with the Cyclone Pulse Rifle... crit! One dead mech. Undeterred the first action of the enemy is to charge into battle! Reaching Raven with a boost. It wiffs it's one attack. Raven slashes the mech in his face... provoking a reaction to be counter-meleed via chainaxe, doing just enough his shotgun followup misses. The turrets finish off mr. chainaxe The artillery mech that came in with these guys launches his payload hitting the building, Ghost, Cypher, a turret, and the building. Nailing them for 11 damage. Cypher retaliates with her AMR chipping it before beginning to spread out, the artillery is getting dangerous. It panic fires as it's hit and the shell goes wide. Ghost repairs and reloads. Raven boosts into melee with the artillery mech... and misses. Cypher surges up and pokes it then ducks for cover. It's turn! It misses. Raven stabs through it's core with the plasma blade on Overcharge then spends their full-action to stabilize. Cypher reloads. End of round and the fliers arrive! Raven boosts at the first flier... and misses. The flier tries to escape Raven provoking Overwatch... and it does a barrel roll! It flies over the building and bombs the structure. Cypher takes a Barrage to try and down the other flier... it also barrel-rolls but she nearly downs it on the second shot. Ghost takes a shot... and misses with the Thermal Rifle, they then drop smoke for soft-cover. The wounded bomber spins 'round and does a bombing run on Cypher. Ghost takes aim with their Cyclone Rifle... and ~~misses~~ Reliable saves the action and they down the flier, they drop another smoke to stay hidden. Through the smoke the flier manages to connect with Ghost. Raven goes next and overcharges for a second boost... getting in range of the wounded flier only to miss their slice. Cypher takes their shot with the Nexus and shreds the second flier. "Anything else on long-range sensors?" Raven asks the outpost. "Nope, all-clear." the outpost responds. "Is the building OK?" Raven asks again "There were a few explosions... something collapsed. I think we can fix it." they reply. With combat over we extract from our mechs. We ask to see the prisoner... Raven asks where their ship is. He doesn't want to answer. Raven hits him, Ghost threatens to do worse. They still don't crack. "Can we get a room? Don't need to damage the employer's peace of mind." Raven asks. They oblige and we get a room. *We decide not to RP out the "interrogation" and leave it as rolls* *Near-crit* He breaks as part of the slow-walk to the interrogation room. He explains that they've made their base in the derelict of an ancient planet-cracker mining ship. "Is what you've sent all the kinds of things you have?" Raven asks. "I don't know everybody, I didn't know all those guys." he replies. "What's your comms code?" Raven asks, looking to be able to listen in on enemy comms. He hands us his comm unit. Raven hands it to Cypher, "Figure out what code it's on and update our mechs with it." She has it done after a few moments of looking at it. "'Bout how big is your operation?" Raven asks "Think we've got... 30 mechs and a few hundred people." he replies. With that the interrogation is over. We let the miners know we're done with him, they can do what they wish but we don't want him wondering off to warn his buddies. *We call the session their making mental note to see if we can gain allies for the raid on their base*

    > Greentext Halasham 1 year ago 23%
    Victory and Loot[Pathfinder, Shipwrecked Campaign]

    Be me: ~~Erin, Human Fighter~~ Zaquar, Catfolk Swashbuckler Be not me: Lilly, Ratfolk Druid; Elshe, Kobold Psion; Doot, Lizardfolk Shifter; DM *Resuming the game mid battle it's Elshe's turn!* Elshe fires a bolt of cold and tries to take cover... there's not much cover to be found but she's trying. Lilly casts Stabilize on Erin, saving him from bleedout. Erin... is still KO'd Doot moves up to the railing and waits for a sensible boarding opportunity. Enemy sailor's turn! It hails arrows from the enemy ship at ours! The crew of our ship have finished reeling in the caught ship and actually get turns! They take shots with their own bows- *BOOM* and swivel guns! Elshe buffs herself with Inertial Armor Lilly holds action to intercept boarders. Doot grabs a boarding plank and drives it into place. The enemy sailors continue their bow barrage. Our crew return fire with arrows and shot. A few of our guys begin to board the ship! Elshe peeks up from over their cover and fires another beam taking them down. Lilly's turn, Fang charges across the boarding plank to score a kill! Doot is dumped into the drink by an enemy action and stunned... Our pirates continue to engage the enemy. The few remaining sailors surrender. Lilly heals Erin... he's still unconscious. Lilly wakes him up once he's to positive HP. "Don't do that again, please." Lilly says to Erin. "Yeah, don't think I will be. Going to do something safer." Erin. Doot is yoinked onto the ship by unexplained means. *Swap to Zaqaur* Zaqaur tries to kick down the door to the opposing ship's captains quarters. He then tries to simply pick the lock... and still fails. Doot makes his way over and tries to open the door... One solid kick and the door flies off it's hinges. "Why thank you, matey." Zaqaur comments with the door kicked in then heads inside. Zaqaur goes to step inside... and immediately flops onto the deck, asleep. Runic traps. *...checking the specifics of the trap it hits Doot too and they save!* Doot gives Zaquar a few good kicks waking them up. "Yarr! Rar... thank you. Damn magic traps." Zaquar. "You there, Kobold! You're magic." he continues. Doot points to Lilly, "She's magic too." "Alright then, are there more traps?" Zaquar asks "I don't have Detect Magic prepared." Lilly replies. Elshe carefully makes her way across hearing the back-and-forth 'bout needing magic. Elshe scans with Detect Magic and finds there's magic below deck but nothing on this deck. "Go mark it out, I'll be assesin' what's in the cabin." Zaquar states. Elshe makes her way to the stairs down, "Lilly, is Fang done eating?" "He's done." she replies, and Elshe asks for him as a bodyguard on the lower decks Zaquar finds a logbook searching the captain's quarters... it says they're storing dangerous magic items. He hands the book to Doot, "Go keep the new Kobold from blowing themself up." Meanwhile Elshe has found the general location of the magic items and is beginning to read their auras... Elshe is carefully marking out what's what and writing an inventory without disturbing anything as Doot arrives to explain the danger. With the logbook in hand and the partial inventory with their own paper Elshe is making good progress assessing what's what and asks Doot to relay this is going on to the captain of our ship. Lilly manages to find the keys when asking Zaquar if he's found them... she takes them back to the hold for Elshe to pop some chests. Opening the first chest they find an Orb, emanating an aura of Illusion! They grab the Orb and get a second Will Save... it's slimy. Elshe sits down to identify the orb... it's an orb of annoying illusions. It makes everything you do near it just a little more unpleasant. Moving onto the next chest they unlock it and carefully peer into the chest... there's a wand! "Yarr, there not be explosions yet... ye be alive?" Zaquar asks coming down the stairs. Elshe confirms and explains which chests are dangerous. The wand has a single charge... of True Resurrection! *Too bad the Captain probably won't let us keep this.* There's one last non-dangerous aura... more illusion. Elshe opens the chest and it's a wineglass. Intrigued she picks it up and it fills with wine... their favorite wine, even if they don't know what that is. They identify it as being an illusion of wine, always providing the taste of the holders preferred kind of wine. Elshe and Lilly sip some wine... Elshe not explaining it's an illusion. "Not too much, any sailor still drunk by sunrise is dunked in the ocean." Zaquar warns. Elshe asks Zaquar to make sure nobody fucks with the dangerous chests as she takes the wand and warning of the dangerous chests to the Captain. The captain is having tea with the opposing captain in her quarters. The Captain is pleased to have the wand delivered and word of the other items. With that the day-to-day work of living on a ship resumes. *With that we call the session.* Previous Session:
