linux Linux What can I do with my super old laptop?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 days ago 100%

    Since it’s an old acer netbook with an Intel atom cpu it is highly unlikely it has any hardware decoding built in.

  • dota2 Dota 2 The International 2024 - Main Event Discussion Thread
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 5 days ago 100%

    Really looks like Liquid has GG's number so far in this series (middle of game 2)

  • dota2 Dota 2 The International 2024 - Main Event Discussion Thread
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 5 days ago 100%

    What do you mean about the Charles Manson remark? Is there some hidden evil I don't know about?

  • worldnews World News Venezuela announces dismantling of CIA-backed coup plot, arrest of active-duty Navy Seal
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 5 days ago 100%

    Wait… again???

  • worldnews World News China to Build Morocco High-Speed Rail Line For $350 Million - Newsweek
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 week ago 100%

    Here comes the Lecture.

  • privacy Privacy Commercial spyware vendor exploits used by Kremlin-backed hackers, Google says | Ars Technica
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 3 weeks ago 100%

    Wow who could have foreseen back doors getting back doored?

  • privacy Privacy Telegram CEO charged in France for ‘allowing criminal activity’ on messaging app
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 3 weeks ago 100%

    I know that it’s not their fault, it’s the small size of the team

    This part is directly Telegram's fault. If they cannot keep up with their moderation queue then they need a bigger moderation team. Preferably properly remunerated. There are news reports about how Facebook's sub-contracted moderators work for these extremely shitty companies who track them based on how many reviews a minute they do, and which causes extreme psychological damage to the workers both because of the extreme content they have to see as part of their jobs and the bad working conditions they must put up with.

  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 3 weeks ago 100%

    I don't even watch Anime but I still get bummed when news like this hits.

  • technology Technology Peloton to ruin the secondhand market by charging a $95 ‘used equipment activation fee’ | It doesn’t apply to refurbished models bought directly from the company
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 4 weeks ago 100%

    This company has already laid off a bunch of employees, too.

  • linux Linux What the fuck is an SBAT and why does everyone suddenly care
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 4 weeks ago 100%

    The only charitable read of this is the end-user bypassing controls on company-supplied computers.

    Of course that doesn't mean that they won't also shove secure boot, hw lockouts, DRM, etc on regular consumer laptops as well.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy How do you deal with depression about climate change?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 4 weeks ago 100%

    seeing your post then this scumbag back to back really hits...:

  • av1
    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%
    SVT-AV1 2.2.0 released

    ## [2.2.0] - 2024-08-19 API updates - No API changes on this release Encoder - Improve the tradeoffs for the random access mode across presets: - Speedup of ~15% across presets M0 - M8 while maintaining similar quality levels (!2253) - Improve the tradeoffs for the low-delay mode across presets (!2260) - Increased temporal resolution setting to 6L for 4k resolutions by default - Added ARM optimizations for functions with c_only equivalent yielding an average speedup of ~13% for 4k10bit Cleanup Build and bug fixes and documentation - Profile-guided-optimized helper build overhaul - Major cleanup and fixing of Neon unit test suite - Address stylecheck dependence on public repositories

    linux Linux What is the proper way to install Vulkan drivers in Linux Mint 21.3 with an AMD GPU? (I think this issue is solved)
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    Try running a command like vulkaninfo --summary.

    Then try running VK_DRIVER_FILES=/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/radeon_icd.x86_64.json vulkaninfo --summary (alternatively, just try running whatever else it is you use that reports you only have lavapipe available). See if there's a difference and if it finally reports the hardware being used.

  • linux Linux What is the proper way to install Vulkan drivers in Linux Mint 21.3 with an AMD GPU? (I think this issue is solved)
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    I'm not a Mint user but according to this page

    • Run the Driver Manager
    • Choose the NVIDIA drivers and wait for them to be installed
    • Reboot the computer
  • linux Linux What is the proper way to install Vulkan drivers in Linux Mint 21.3 with an AMD GPU? (I think this issue is solved)
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    What is the GPU?

  • linux Linux What is the proper way to install Vulkan drivers in Linux Mint 21.3 with an AMD GPU? (I think this issue is solved)
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    Vulkan drivers come as part of Mesa, which would already be part of Linux Mint. Unless you have an Nvidia GPU, or a GPU that's somehow too modern for Mint 21.3.

  • worldnews World News U.S. Says Iran Attack On Israel Could Come 'This Week,' Warns Tehran To 'Stand Down'.
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 95%

    Why should they stand down? So that Israel can keep assassinating people in Iran’s territory with impunity?

  • technology Technology Elon Musk shares faked far-right 'detainment camp' post
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 75%

    Comedy is legal on Twitter again

  • technology Technology Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    Hell yeah to those websites that still publish RSS feeds, though

  • usa United States | News & Politics 'If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that': Harris fires back at Gaza protesters at rally
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 82%

    She literally implied Jewish Americans protesting in DC were associates of Hamas and further implied they're Anti-Semites. This was just two weeks ago when Netanyahu was at the Capitol giving a speech to his clapping seals (a record number of standing ovations for genocide). What the fuck are you on about?

    Mind you, we are talking about Kamala's statements. Not a random group's that nobody's ever heard of.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 'If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that': Harris fires back at Gaza protesters at rally
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 58%

    How do you know Kamala won’t do that? What signal has she given that her policy will be different from Biden’s?

  • usa United States | News & Politics Harris running mate Gov. Tim Walz owns no stocks, bonds or real estate, disclosure shows
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    Beginning to think he may become known as Teflon Tim instead

  • usa United States | News & Politics Cori Bush, ‘Squad’ Member and Vocal Critic of Israel, Loses Her Primary
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 85%

    Shut the fuck up you genocide sympathizer. Go eat shit.

  • technology Technology uBlock Origin developer recommends switching to Firefox as Chrome flags the extension
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 100%

    I really hate to "back in my day" this but we had computer labs for that when I was younger. And that didn't require giving a monopoly company my name or any other information about me. And I wasn't being ad-tracked all day long going to websites.

  • technology Technology uBlock Origin developer recommends switching to Firefox as Chrome flags the extension
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 1 month ago 42%

    That's really wild to me. They give each grade school student a chromebook? That is honestly terrifying.

  • linux Linux So I installed Arch Linux... Is this it?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 85%

    I think arch peaked in its popularity in 2016 or so. It felt like an elitism thing was going on around that time that has 1. Faded off and 2. Been dispersed into other distros because as it turns out there are other good choices, too.

    Besides. How are you going to become a rising influencer rehashing the same old takes as the prior generation of dorks? Can’t keep people coming with Arch is the greatest YouTube videos forever.

  • usa United States | News & Politics The Federal Reserve is now saying that the US shot itself in the foot with its export controls on China, as illustrated by Intel's recent staff layoffs.
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    Incredibly prescient article.

  • linux Linux My boss gifted me an old thinkpad x31
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    Give me the OLD CHASSIS and the OLD KEYBOARD and make every other component new. I'd be in heaven. I would totally love an absolutely up-to-date x220. And I don't mean a razor-thin one. I mean a thick one that I can hold in my hand comfortably.

  • linux Linux My boss gifted me an old thinkpad x31
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    I totally get what you're saying, but I suspect the OP is not going to be using this device full-time. Or even part-time.

  • technology Technology Darkness reigns over Wikipedia as official dark mode comes to pass
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    A long time coming, but because of their recent changes in the past couple of months if I have JS disabled on Wikipedia I either have an obnoxiously large blank margin on the right, or I get pop-up annoyed by this dark mode announcement with JS enabled and private tab browsing.

  • privacy Privacy Mullvad VPN or Proton VPN?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    I used ProtonVPN for years. I use MullvadVPN. Both are totally fine, in my experience. I left ProtonVPN because I couldn't get port forwarding on Linux, and then less than two months after I did that Mullvad removed that feature, so that's how it goes.

  • selfhosted Selfhosted Good laptop to use as Owncast server?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 40%

    The one caveat to building is if you build a PC and a single component is faulty, you are now responsible for determining which component is to get the RMA done. That can be a big hassle. One time for me it was actually two different components that needed to be replaced by the manufacturers, and that was a pain to figure out.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a product you would never recommend?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 50%

    Any computer mouse, frankly.

    The sad thing is when I bought my first gaming mouse in the mid 2000s it was a Razer and that thing ran great for almost 10 years. I only replaced it because after handling it for that many years it was worn and kinda gross.

    I replaced it with a Razer that went sure enough went faulty after a year. I then tried other brands (name and no-name). I've never had a mouse last me 18 months before it started to go faulty. It really feels like they all colluded a planned obsolescence. Even my current mouse, a Zowie FK3-C, has begun to drop the mouse input when i click and hold the left button. I bought this in June 2023!!

    I still like the Zowie a lot, it has great features like a button to toggle the refresh rate without the need for installing dumb software to set it. But it's been 10 years of this shit, for me, so I will never recommend a computer mouse to anyone. Just use the one that you get from your office job, I guess.

  • linux Linux What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    I want to use global keyboard shortcuts with Wayland that can be defined in the application, not the compositor. This makes using Wayland much more difficult for me.

    And I also want to use proper Flatpak file permissions, but for Flatpaks to stop generating fake stupid random file paths so that this common issue stops being an issue:

    Come in and set the file path to my games directory in my emulator. It works fine. Come back a few days later and it loses all memory of games, because it is receiving a file path from a portal that no longer exists.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Joe Biden has imposed MORE sanctions on countries than any other president: The US sanctions 60% of all low income countries
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 78%

    Thankfully joe biden didn't just continue trump policies, so that settles that.

    oh, wait. we still have a space force, we still have rich people tax cut handout, we still have an embassy moved from tel aviv to jersualem, and we still sanction venezuela.

  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    I have about 24TB, lots of stuff backed up over many years, and not all of it pirated. In making backups over such a long period of time, I've actually managed to make redundant backups, so a recent project of mine is to just go to my NAS and organize, consolidate, and otherwise delete things I don't actually wish to keep. I've saved a couple TBs and I hope to free up a few more TBs.

  • technology Technology Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    I wish I could get an x201 with an identical form factor and keyboard, indicator lights, etc, but otherwise upgraded components (cpu/ram/display/ports). That is my dream.

    I also have an x201, but it runs too warm and too noisy for me to keep up with it. I now have an M1 Macbook which I use Asahi Linux and macOS on with about a 50/50 split. But the x201 feels better in the hand and on the desk.

  • technology Technology Reddit is now blocking major search engines and AI bots — except the ones that pay
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    There are numerous occasions where someone has a lingering question on Reddit that I see and know the answer to. It’s too bad it’s on Reddit because I no longer contribute to that website, and refuse to.

  • usa United States | News & Politics 'Is Stephen Miller okay?': Dems gleeful as Trump adviser has 'meltdown' over Biden dropout
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 27%

    Kind of like anyone just becoming a "software engineer" by claiming it, the title of journalist seems to be meaningless today.

  • worldnews World News More Chinese students are electing to study at home, where China's universities are out-ranking Canadian schools.
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    That headline is really bewildering because "at home" made me think homeschooling, but in the context of university. Took a triple take to realize "home" meant the entirety of China.

  • usa United States | News & Politics Democrats Now Openly Admit They Pushed Biden to Block Bernie
  • GnuLinuxDude GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 100%

    Remembering the media hysteria after Bernie won Nevada's caucus followed by the relentless promotion and support given to Biden after he won SC with Clyburn's help. You could feel their collective sense of relief from cable tv heads that their taxes weren't going to go up transmit from the tv into your soul. They were laughing at us.

  • linux
    Linux GnuLinuxDude 2 months ago 97%
    Is there a better way to browse man pages?

    For many, many years now when I want to browse a man page about something I'll type `man X` into my terminal, substituting X for whatever it is I wish to learn about. Depending on the manual, it's short and therefore easy to find what I want, or I am deep in the woods because I'm trying to find a specific flag that appears many times in a very long document. Woe is me if the flag switch is a bare letter, like `x`. And let's say it is x. Now I am searching with `/x` followed by `n n n n n n n n N n n n n n`. Obviously I'm not finding the information I want, the search is literal (not fuzzy, nor "whole word"), and even if I find something the manual pager might overshoot me because finding text will move the found line to the top of the terminal, and maybe the information I really want comes one or two lines above. So... there HAS to be a better way, right? There has to be a modern, fast, easily greppable version to go through a man page. Does it exist? P.S. I am not talking about summaries like `tldr` because I typically don't need summaries but actual technical descriptions.

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 4 months ago 100%
    SVT-AV1 2.1.0 Released

    ## [2.1.0] - 2024-05-17 API updates - One config parameter added within the padding size. Config param structure size remains unchanged - Presets 6 and 12 are now pointing to presets 7 and 13 respectively due to the lack of spacing between the presets - Further preset shuffling is being discussed in #2152 Encoder - Added variance boost support to improve visual quality for the tune vq mode - Improve the tradeoffs for the random access mode across presets: - Speedup of 12-40% presets M0, M3, M5 and M6 while maintaining similar quality levels - Improved the compression efficiency of presets M11-M13 by 1-2% (!2213) - Added ARM optimizations for functions with c_only equivalent Cleanup Build and bug fixes and documentation - Use nasm as a default assembler and yasm as a fallback - Fix performance regression for systems with multiple processor groups - Enable building SvtAv1ApiTests and SvtAv1E2ETests for arm - Added variance boost documentation - Added a mailmap file to map duplicate git generated emails to the appropriate author

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 6 months ago 100%
    SVT-AV1 v2.0.0 released · GitLab

    ## [2.0.0] - 2024-03-13 **Major API updates** * Changed the API signaling the End Of Stream (EOS) with the last frame vs with an empty frame * OPT\_LD\_LATENCY2 making the change above is kept in the code to help devs with integration * The support of this API change has been [merged ]( ffmpeg with a 2.0 version check * Removed the 3-pass VBR mode which changed the calling mechanism of multi-pass VBR * Moved to a new versioning scheme where the project major version will be updated every time API/ABI is changed **Encoder** * Improve the tradeoffs for the random access mode across presets: * Speedup presets MR by \~100% and improved quality along with tradeoff improvements across the higher quality presets ([!2179](,[\#2158]( * Improved the compression efficiency of presets M9-M13 by 1-4% ([!2179]( * Simplified VBR multi-pass to use 2 passes to allow integration with ffmpeg * Continued adding ARM optimizations for functions with c\_only equivalent * Replaced the 3-pass VBR with a 2-pass VBR to ease the multi-pass integration with ffmpeg * Memory savings of 20-35% for LP 8 mode in preset M6 and below and 1-5% in other modes / presets **Cleanup and bug fixes and documentation** * Various cleanups and functional bug fixes * Update the documentation to reflect the rate control changes

    Emulation GnuLinuxDude 7 months ago 97%
    Yuzu Emulator is gone from Github ICYMI, Yuzu settled with Nintendo for $2.4M and tl;dr said that Yuzu's primary purpose was to aid and abet piracy. Nintendo won outright.

    World News GnuLinuxDude 7 months ago 94%
    A Gaza influencer built a following with feel-good videos. Now he mourns his family

    >"I tend to spread positive energy," Hassouna says. "But when the war started, there was no positive energy." > >His darkest hour came on Feb. 12. > >The Israeli military unleashed heavy bombings to provide cover for commandos during a successful hostage rescue mission. At least 74 Palestinians were killed in that bombing campaign, according to Gaza health officials. > >Hassouna's mother, father, brother, sister-in-law and young nieces and nephew were among them. They were killed as they slept in the home where they were sheltering. It was the one night Hassouna happened to sleep over at a friend's house. > >"Now I am by myself," he says. "Why should I live my life without a family?"

    World News GnuLinuxDude 7 months ago 98%
    Zelenskyy fires Ukraine’s top general Zaluzhny

    And an extra article giving more background and lead up

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 7 months ago 100%
    How to determine the level of film grain synth on a video?

    Does anyone know how to determine the level of grain synth used in an encoded video? I have .webms that I've encoded with ffmpeg and svt-av1 but I don't have that grain synth information anymore. In fact it would be nice if I could just see any other information about an encoded video (rate factor, preset used, etc). These details don't appear when using `mediainfo` so I presume they are lost and unknowable. But grain synth occurs at decode time, so that should still be something I can figure out, right?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Florida Is First State Allowed to Import Prescription Drugs From Canada

    Archive link. Some personal editorializing: This is a pretty remarkable first because of how captive we Americans are to pharma prices. Famously, when Medicare Part D was brought into existence by law it restricted the federal government from negotiating Part D drug prices. To me, shopping for drugs in Canada is tackling the symptom and ignores the cause. I wonder if this gets more traction with more states how it might affect drug prices in Canada, too. The real solution to all this, of course, would be nationalize the healthcare industry in all aspects and to create a single payer healthcare system.

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 10 months ago 100%
    HandBrake 1.7.0 released with AMD & Nvidia AV1 hwenc, SVT-AV1 v1.7 & SVT-AV1 multi-pass ABR

    Huge improvements for AV1 users over the last stable HandBrake release.

    Technology GnuLinuxDude 11 months ago 95%
    Monaspace - Microsoft presents a new font family for code

    The way they talk about it makes it sound like they invented the written word, but that notwithstanding the fonts actually look really nice in my opinion.

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 11 months ago 100%
    Apple's newly announced M3 processors feature hardware decode

    I think with the weight of Apple finally behind AV1 it is as blessed of a format as anything can be. Sisvel be damned. > And, a new media engine now includes support for AV1 decode, providing more efficient and high-quality video experiences from streaming services. I do not see AV1 encode support on this chip's announcement, however.

    Linux GnuLinuxDude 11 months ago 97%
    NVIDIA R545 Linux Beta Driver Brings HDMI Deep Color, Night Color & FB Consoles

    There are a lot of good improvements and fixes in this release. As a remorseful Nvidia on Linux user, I am extremely excited that GAMMA_LUT is finally making its debut in the Nvidia driver. This means I can actually try to use Gnome Wayland at night with the night shift feature, assuming other Wayland issues are also resolved.

    Firefox GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 98%
    Is there a way to open a predetermined list of websites at once?

    Say I define different contexts or workspaces. So in my address bar I can type `work` and it will open up 5 pages that will be associated to that keyword. Then I can type `bored` and it will open up my 4 defined pages associated to that keyword. I am NOT asking about pinning pages to the start/home page, and I am NOT asking about loading websites when Firefox starts up (because I don't want to always load the same things every time I launch ffox). I am also not asking about pinning tabs.

    Linux GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 95%
    Niceness and Cgroups. How do I change this correctly?

    tl;dr question: How do I get the Handbrake Flatpak to operate at a high niceless level in its own cgroup by default? I'm using Fedora Linux. --- So if I understand things correctly, niceness in Linux affects how willing the process scheduler is to preempt a process. However, with cgroups, niceness only affects this scheduling relative to other processes within a cgroup. This means a process running with a high niceness in its own cgroup has the same priority as other processes in equivalent cgroups, and it will not in fact be preempted in a way one would expect. So why does this matter to me at all? I have a copy of Handbrake installed from Flatpak. And sometimes I want to encode a video in the background while still having a decently responsive desktop experience so I can do other things, and basically let Handbrake occupy the cpu cycles I'm not using. Handbrake and the video encoding process should be at the bottom priority of everything to the maximum extent possible. But it does not appear to be enough to just go into htop and set the handbrake process's niceness level to 19 and then start an encode, because of the cgroup business I mentioned above. Furthermore, in my opinion Handbrake should always be the lowest priority process without my having to intervene. I would like to be able to launch it without having to set its niceness. Does anybody have suggestions on this? Is my understanding of the overall picture even correct?

    AV1 Community GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 100%
    How I encode AV1 with Av1an and Podman

    I have been encoding some videos in AV1 lately and I thought I'd share my technique for those who may wish to do some AV1 on their own without having a messy setup. I think this is a pretty clean way, ultimately, to use Av1an's Docker image. **A forewarning**: AV1 can be pretty to slow encode with. I've been doing it with DVDs where the 640x480 resolution of the video means a frame can be processed relatively quickly, but videos in 1920x1080 or 4k resolutions might be pretty intense where the encode speed only ends up being a frame a second. **Forewarning pt. 2**: Something I learned that I CANNOT rely on is trying a faster encode speed to guesstimate the resulting file size and picture quality and then really maximize my results by lowering the encode speed. My observation has been that a slower encode speed will in fact improve the picture quality (and file size), such that I cannot be sure what something will look like without just encoding a very short sample at a slow speed. OK. Let's begin. ## Operating System & Environment I am using **Fedora Linux 38**. I'd like to use the Av1an package but that only has an official Arch release. I definitely don't want to spend time compiling this myself, so I will use the official Docker image instead. And I won't use Docker, actually, but **Podman**. I also use the **Fish Shell**. Its syntax is very slightly different from Bash's. Now, Fedora users may know about **SELinux**. And something that kept happening to me was the security context of some of the files I'm shuffling around my hard drives would end up being not correct, making Podman incapable of seeing the files I'm trying to use. So instead of fixing the context per file (annoying) I just temporarily disabled SELinux. `sudo setenforce Permissive` ## Container image From here things are pretty straightforward. I'll pull the docker image, which has a full Av1an setup ready to go. `podman pull` One little note is that you should use the master tag. A confusing thing about this image is that the latest tag is the old python version, and we want the current Rust version. ## Executing Av1an Now, navigate to whatever directory your source video is in. In my case, I losslessly encoded the DVDs with Handbrake into h264 and passed through the audio/chapter markers, etc. This gave me a good source to work with, even though it was a little bloated in file size. I don't think Av1an accepts MPEG-2, which is why I did that. First I'll explain what the Podman command is doing for those who aren't familiar with Docker/Podman, and then I'll give a full working example. `podman run -v "$(pwd)":/videos:z --userns=keep-id -it --rm -i sourcevideo.mp4 -s scenes.csv --pix-format yuv420p10le -o output.webm -v "--VIDEO_OPTIONS" --keep -a "--AUDIO_OPTIONS"` - `podman run` - Execute a container - `-v "$(pwd)":/videos:z` - Mount the present working directory as /videos in the container, and the :z is an SELinux labeling thing that can be dropped for non-SELinux users. - `--userns=keep-id` - This flag helps keep the user id and group ids consistent between the host and container so that they don't get mangled. Your output file will belong to your user. - `-it` - Execute the command in a visible shell session - `--rm` - Remove the container (not the image, the container) when the command is done executing. ## Final example The rest of the flags are for Av1an itself, or for the encoders. So here's a full working example of how I used it, to encode with aomenc and Opus for the audio. Av1an uses aomenc by default. `podman run -v "$(pwd)":/videos:z --userns=keep-id -it --rm -i sourcevideo.mp4 -s scenes.csv --pix-format yuv420p10le -o output.webm -v " --cpu-used=3 --enable-qm=1 --threads=4 -b 10 --end-usage=q --cq-level=28 --lag-in-frames=48 --auto-alt-ref=1 --enable-fwd-kf=1" --keep -a "-c:a libopus -b:a 128k"` I think for an explanation for what individual flags do, and perhaps some guidance on how to use them effectively, I can only refer one to the guide written by Reddit user BlueSwordM

    Linux GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 97%
    PipeWire 0.3.77 Released

    # PipeWire 0.3.77 (2023-08-04) This is a quick bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous 0.3.x releases. ## Highlights - Fix a bug in ALSA source where the available number of samples was miscaluclated and resulted in xruns in some cases. - A new L permission was added to make it possible to force a link between nodes even when the nodes can't see each other. - The VBAN module now supports midi send and receive as well. - Many cleanups and small fixes.

    OpenMW GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 100%
    OpenMW 0.48.0 Released!

    cross-posted from: > After approximately 10 months in a release candidacy phase, OpenMW 0.48 has finally been released. A list of changes can be found in the link. > > > The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.48.0 of our open-source engine! > > > > So what does another fruitful year of diligent work bring us this time? The two biggest improvements in this new version of OpenMW are the long-awaited post-processing shader framework and an early version of a brand-new Lua scripting API! Both of these features greatly expand what the engine can deliver in terms of visual fidelity and game logic. > > As usual, we've also solved numerous problems major and minor, particularly pertaining to the newly overhauled magic system and character animations. > > A full list of changes can be found in the link to Gitlab. > > ### What is OpenMW? > > "OpenMW is a free, open source, and modern engine which re-implements and extends the 2002 Gamebryo engine for the open-world role-playing game The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind." > > It is an excellent way to play Morrowind on modern systems, and on alternative systems other than MS Windows. It requires the a copy of the original game data from Morrowind, as OpenMW does not include assets or any other game data - it is simply a recreation of the game engine. OpenMW can be found on Flathub for Linux users here.

    Linux Gaming GnuLinuxDude 1 year ago 97%
    OpenMW 0.48.0 Released!

    After approximately 10 months in a release candidacy phase, OpenMW 0.48 has finally been released. A list of changes can be found in the link. > The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.48.0 of our open-source engine! > > So what does another fruitful year of diligent work bring us this time? The two biggest improvements in this new version of OpenMW are the long-awaited post-processing shader framework and an early version of a brand-new Lua scripting API! Both of these features greatly expand what the engine can deliver in terms of visual fidelity and game logic. > As usual, we've also solved numerous problems major and minor, particularly pertaining to the newly overhauled magic system and character animations. A full list of changes can be found in the link to Gitlab. ### What is OpenMW? "OpenMW is a free, open source, and modern engine which re-implements and extends the 2002 Gamebryo engine for the open-world role-playing game The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind." It is an excellent way to play Morrowind on modern systems, and on alternative systems other than MS Windows. It requires the a copy of the original game data from Morrowind, as OpenMW does not include assets or any other game data - it is simply a recreation of the game engine. OpenMW can be found on Flathub for Linux users here.
