asklemmy Asklemmy Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 40%

    I'm a "tankie" you fucking idiot. Maybe if you stepped outside and touched some grass you would realize that Marxists were the most dedicated feminists the world over. I'm not sure how many women you've had a chance to see in real life though, so I can't fault you for it.

    For someone who was a "socialist" at one point you really seem to not understand much about the world or socialism. Maybe you don't understand what you're talking about and your terminally internet diseased brain is making you think you can just use labels with no meaning to try and seem smarter than you've actually put in the work to become

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 85%

    Holy shit no, Jesus Christ, I like this place because I don't get called slurs. How could you possibly think that's even worth saying?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 81%

    I think there's more women on the lemmygrad instance, at least in my experience.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 75%

    Oh, you're a capitalist? Show me your vast swaths of capital then

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Lemmy is not ideologically diverse. Thoughts?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 72%

    You're missing an essential part: Marxists are the only ones who can view society in a scientific light. It's like being frustrated that everyone on a community knows so much about a topic, it doesn't really make sense to be frustrated about. What, when you say something dumb are people too happy and fast to correct you? If you want to feel smart start interacting with YouTube comments, if you want to learn then maybe understand what the actual diverse viewpoints here understand about the world.

  • privacy Privacy Why I Support Purism, A Tech Company that Respects Digital Rights
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%


  • genzedong GenZedong I'm in an imperial core country and today I saw a madlad going around with a "Z" t shirt
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Holy shit stay strong comrade

  • genzedong GenZedong I'm in an imperial core country and today I saw a madlad going around with a "Z" t shirt
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Yeah, the United States overthrew the government in 2014 using Nazi Militias. This is why they're allowed to be in the nation's military as an official fighting force, the only place in the world where this is allowed. Decent overview here.

  • worldnews World News Kenyan govt sued over heavy loans, lobby groups want details disclosed
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 66%

    Fuck the IMF and English Bastards who did this to kenya

  • linux Linux *Permanently Deleted*
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Laotion Linux 🥺

  • worldnews World News Senate will vote next week on bill to codify Roe v. Wade, Schumer says
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 73%

    That's weird because me and your mom were having a chat in bed last night and she was saying she actually regretted it after seeing how her son felt about women

  • worldnews World News Senate will vote next week on bill to codify Roe v. Wade, Schumer says
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    You obviously don't live in a country that the United States drone strikes on a regular basis. Shouldn't you be more concerned about that?

  • genzedong GenZedong Roe v wade, trans kids, TERFs, transphobes and bodily autonomy
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    His existence? Can you really tell me this has so much independent will and thought it can be said to have gendered pronouns?

    Aw mods were too fast, couldn't get em with the old mouse fetus trick

  • politics Politics US Supreme Court Set To Overturn Roe v Wade, Leaked Draft Opinion Shows
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%


  • politics Politics US Supreme Court Set To Overturn Roe v Wade, Leaked Draft Opinion Shows
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    No I vote democrat consistently for all it does, I was just advocating for a socialist project outside of the electoral process to apply pressure on the rich people who really call all the shots. Please join a socialist party that exists in your area, whether it be the PSL, DSA, CPUSA, or even just something local that I have no idea about or label.

  • politics Politics US Supreme Court Set To Overturn Roe v Wade, Leaked Draft Opinion Shows
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Voting got us here, I think it's time to think beyond simply voting

  • genzedong GenZedong Roe v wade, trans kids, TERFs, transphobes and bodily autonomy
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 82%

    There needs to be a baby first. It would be more accurate to ask "What about the cellular autonomy of the leech inside of me". Fuck you, abortion is healthcare.

  • libre_culture Libre Culture Ive been looking for a place concerned with living a life under minimal influence of concentrations of power (be it state or corporations). Is this the right place?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 83%

    The person you replied to's been on a very online streak the past couple days. Most of my post history was one long thread where they wouldn't listen, don't even try 💀. But I can say that if you want to live a lifestyle without needing big corps so much it's hard to do without friends who have the same ideas. I'd see if you can find a Food Not Bombs near you and start volunteering on the weekends. People are really nice there in my experience

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism CAPITALISM GOES BRRRRR
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 94%

    Like you can often see posts talking on r/Superstonk about how when they're rich they'll "fix the system" somehow. Motherfucker you're gonna check out at best, at worst try and grow your wealth and find out why the rich people you hate are the way they are. I guess it's impossible to really think about what things would be like after an event like that though; such huge financial conglomerates even having an 0.1% chance of becoming completely liquidated is a complete black swan event that nobody can really predict the result of. Will the rich people getting fucked stop the rich people who'll make money on this from making money on this? Will the rich people fucking over the rich people who put themselves in this position allow this event to happen? Who knows! It's a war in heaven at this point.

  • latestagecapitalism Late Stage Capitalism CAPITALISM GOES BRRRRR
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 93%

    It's pretty obvious they're right in the very specific and narrow field of a specific situation where rich people got rich off of cellar boxing and overleveraging themselves on synthetic shorts to print free money, but everything else about how they analyze the world is almost completely idealist garbage with no bearing on reality. Whatever though, I hope a lot of very very rich people get fucked over by them, even if in the end it may just be a reshuffling of who's who in the bourgeois class.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 50%

    Dude come on you didn't even look at my infographic, don't you care about the sanctity of truth online?

  • fuck_cars Fuck Cars Listen to the doggo
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Omg doggie 🤗

  • technology Technology NFT sales plummet 92% as market ‘collapses’
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Techbro beanie babies

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 50%

    How can you even say that, check out this graph

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 50%


    Here is an article by a chinese marxist scholar that goes over really well how the PRC has replicated the singapore economic model to great success. If you reply without reading this I'm just going viciously mock you again.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Banks and capitalist businesses accelerate environmental damage despite overwhelming world public opinion being that scaling back and tackling climate change is really important, so no this isn't a defense of banking and capital etc, I'm saying this is an especially terrible outgrowth of that. If you really think comparing banking and bitcoin's energy use is possible, useful, or worth doing though, it's not, because bitcoin money transaction stuff and all the money being pumped into it pushing up the total required computing exponentially is by the same freaks who take out trillions in naked shorts at the expense of actual material production or print most of the world's fiat currency in the past two years so keep their shit afloat. Bitcoin is bad because it's an extension of that terribleness and not an escape from it, even if it somehow wasn't being used by speculative rich people it would just run into the same issues as real life capitalistic currencies and create a new different class based system.

  • technology Technology Scammers Net $5M In Stolen NFTs After BAYC Virtual Land Sale Disaster
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 75%

    Bro 💀 just log off and read a book or something god damn

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 60%

    You continuing to comment is self harm at this point

  • genzedong
    GenZedong GayLegend 2 years ago 91%
    Abortion Protests: Join them today liberals

    If you're Amerikkkan I better see you out there today, most state capitals are having protests today at 5PM. I'm making the trip out there and I'll see you there.

    technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 80%

    Lol cope

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 66%

    Bro this is literally a meme you can not say that these two disconnected articles imply there's a systemic solution to governments stopping crypto. Literally try and convince one person in real life around you to do this in the case that crypto is made illegal.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 66%

    Communism is unattainable in current society, there are no communist societies yet, and communist revolutions only put a communist party in charge of a country or region that still has to exist in the current world order. There are no communist nations, because nations arose primarily out of class struggle and a communist society would be one without class struggle, so no country, so there never will be a "communist nation". We can only right now put a party in charge that understands and is guided by socialist theory and socialist principles, which is called AES (Actually existing socialism).

    Revisionism is misunderstanding basic socialist theory like what you just typed

    None of this is related to crypto anyway, you just don't understand that new technologies will incentivize people to use them in specific ways, and these incentives in this case create an overall terrible effect on society that has already ruined lives and wastes precious labor and engineering talent. That's why I'm saying you're young, because it's something you understand when you get old, and it's not something I understood when I was young.

    The incentives created by crypto lend itself to being used for bad things no matter the original intentions of anybody who makes any system or writes any code, the longer it's allowed to exist as meme currency the more harm it will do to society at large. Any number of small stories of somebody actually being able to pay for a burger with only $100 of gas fees are massively outweighed by families losing their money because mom tried to get rich on a shitcoin because they're poor and looking for any way to get out of their economic strife.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 60%

    There is no such thing as a socialist country even Cuba recognizes private property see their latest constitution

    Oh damn I'll let their communist party know, I guess when material conditions dictate that the socialist party at the helm of government should go one way in order to help development and help the people it's bad, they should actually stick to idealism and keep doing the same thing over and over again until it all falls apart or something.

    Also I think you're maybe starting to get the gist of what I'm saying about crypto, when you're older you might understand that it's overall effect on society is bad and cringe.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 83%

    Edge cases exist in everything, but when you google "crypto" do you get shitcoins and eventual pump and dumps or do you get information and a tool to liberate yourself somehow? You get the former. You can bring out any number of single cases where it's benefited somebody in a way that lets them perform some task or create some value, but you know you're being dishonest if you say that's where the majority of money pumped into crypto goes or even where the majority of it's usecases comes from.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 87%

    Bourgeois states are those controlled by a bourgeois class, this is an umbrella term for all non-socialist countries. Also yes, the government of the United States could outlaw cryptocurrency and make adoption impossible for 99%, but they never will because it's in their (rich people) interests. For you, a regular person, being able to send money using math and a year's worth of car emissions has no real or tangible benefit for anything except maybe buying drugs. For a rich person, cryptocurrency is speculative assets that can be assigned arbitrary values and used to dodge taxes and cook books, make contracts last forever and when the terms become unfair say "oh well".

    What I'm saying is that the issues crypto enthusiasts say will be fixed won't be fixed because the class politics in economy are not addressed by cryptocurrency. Crypto is just intangible assets that can be assigned arbitrary values and traded, which is called a speculative asset, and those have existed for a very long time and have revolutionized nothing. If crypto actually benefited regular people like you and me more than it benefited rich people it would have been killed in the cradle like anything genuinely liberatory in the 1st world.

  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 81%

    It may find adoption in the third world by bourgeois states and those looking to bypass Amerikkkan restrictions (like Cuba and Venezuelan citizens under isolation forced by the U.S.), but that's because there's loopholes in legislation that won't exist forever. The earth burning currency has no application for the first world, and it only has limited application for the third world because of the economic system that crypto will entrech even further. This isn't a real solution to anything except making yourself rich off of systems that regular people don't understand


  • technology Technology Web3 Is Going Just Great
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 90%

    The issue is you see the issues in the current monetary system and you want to "innovate" the issues away. This is not possible. It's not the technology backing the economic system that's an issue, it's the economic system as a whole, and this doesn't represent any real innovation that couldn't be accomplished any other way in any practical sense. It's just a techbro veil thrown over the same speculative assets that have been nothing but get rich quick schemes and contribute no real value or "freedom" for anybody.

  • worldnews World News Chinese medical staff forcibly broke into people's homes to take them to camps
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 90%

    Fake leftism is when you ask for sources and citations, the more sources and citations you ask for and read the more fake leftist you are

  • genzedong
    GenZedong GayLegend 2 years ago 100%
    Does anyone have translations or more information on this? Maybe there's more information on weibo or bilibili? It's the reddit video making the rounds about China's lockdown policy today.

    I'm just curious if there's anyone that can understand Chinese that can transliterate zh subtitles or if there's more information for where this came from? It'd be nice to know

    communism Communism Question: do you think that the language barrier that exists in the West facilitates the propaganda and demonization of countries like China and North Korea?
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    Yeah, I know there's an episode of The Deprogram where there's a soviet historian and she talks specifically about how most neutral or positive sources about the Soviet Union remain untranslated and are not introduced even in academic discussion. Real history is genuinely gatekept by being kept untranslated into english by and large.

  • worldnews World News Chinese medical staff forcibly broke into people's homes to take them to camps
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 100%

    No, I literally mean what kind of camp? It's a country with people and structures and names for things, literally what kind of "camp". All the video has is someone in a hazmat suit breaking into a home with a translation note that implies that the place they're being taken to is "the camp" (as far as I can tell it's not stated directly). No other reddit posts with this video have anyone curious to double check the translation or provide sources for where this video came from or it's context so I'm just asking if you know. Because obviously without any kind of source that kinda brings this into question what is actually happening in the video.

    Like why did this happen, where is it they're talking about they're going to, etc. For all we know this could be something completely different because direct mandarin subtitles aren't provided for us to translate and the video cuts out after the official breaks in the door. It could really just as easily be people who've fragrantly broken covid guidelines and gotten other people sick and they're being taken to an isolation ward to prevent them hurting other people. Isolation ward is at least more specific than "camp".

    You probably can't answer my questions, but the point is that is this really a news source or reliable for anything beyond confirming preconceived notions if there isn't more information for what's happening here?

  • worldnews World News Chinese medical staff forcibly broke into people's homes to take them to camps
  • GayLegend GayLegend 2 years ago 83%

    What kind of camp? Is there any documentation of a "covid camp" in the PRC? Also this isn't a news source afaik.

  • linux
    Linux GayLegend 2 years ago 100%
    Good screenshot OCR utility for Gnome 40+

    I used to use normcap but I've found it doesn't work when installed through the aur or through pip, I can only get it to work when I run the Appimage directly. Does anyone else have a similar experience? I just can't seem to find another OCR utility that plays nice and fast with Wayland

    Linux GayLegend 2 years ago 100%
    Bottles: Easily run and install windows program in a beautiful GTK Interface

    I just found out about this software, has anybody used it? It looks way more stunning than Lutris ever did and seems really nice. Are there drawbacks I don't know about somehow?

    Memes GayLegend 2 years ago 83%
    trans agenda
    Memes GayLegend 2 years ago 90%
    Videos GayLegend 2 years ago 100%
    Reverse emulating the NES to give it SUPER POWERS!

    An entertaining technical analysis written as a long form joke presentation. This channel's definitely a treat

    GenZedong GayLegend 2 years ago 100%
    Anyone got any news on what's going on in Shanghai and other major Chinese cities?

    Lots of videos popped up on reddit today of people being fed up with lockdowns in major Chinese cities again. The translations seem accurate from my (very) limited knowledge of Chinese, does anyone have any news/know what's going on on the ground? Some posts I've seen on the front page I'm referencing [here]( and [here]( I'd ask on /r/sino, but my reddit accounts are all perma-banned.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    195 GayLegend 2 years ago 100%