support Beehaw Support Is defederation from and still necessary?
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Support. No one wants to hear about the negative stuff about their platform of choice, but it's important to talk about it so it can improve.

  • lgbtq_plus
    LGBTQ+ Five 1 year ago 100%
    Bash Back 2023 International Convergence Sept 8-11 Chicago

    In 2008, queer anarchists gathered in Chicago to plot a disruption of the electoral spectacle and cohere a network out of emergent youth crews in multiple cities. Fifteen years later, the proposals put forward then — criminality, autonomous self-defense, riots, and orgies — are needed more than ever. The intervening years have been marked by intensification — of crisis, alienation, loss, and struggle. The right wing no longer hides behind euphemisms: they want to exterminate trans and queer people. The left offers only false solutions: vote, donate, assimilate. A decade of representation, symbolic legal victories, social media activism, and mass-market saturation has left us worse off by all metrics. Our fairweather friends won’t save us from the consequences of their strategy of empty visibility. The inescapable conclusion is that we must come together to protect ourselves. History confirms the queer legacy of building connection in a world that hates us, the legacy of riotous joy—the legacy of bashing back. The attacks will continue on our nightclubs, forests, story hours, and siblings. To hold on, we need spaces—underground if necessary—to re-encounter each other, spaces to remember, build, share, and conspire. In this spirit, we are ecstatic to announce the return of the Bash Back convergence! Fifteen years from the original gathering, Chicago will host the 2023 convergence September 8–11. Comrades, old and new, are invited to discuss what’s still vital in the past and what’s needed in the present. In keeping with tradition, the convergence will include presentations, workshops, distros, parties, and other opportunities to make trouble.

    technology Technology AI Isn’t Banning Books in Iowa Schools. Republicans Are.
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    The guy you're trying to pass the buck to, money_loo, is from a lemmy instance that only has Chicago sports communities and whose front page is mostly federated meme posts. You're a BeeHaw user. You've presumably read and agreed to the Beehaw community documents.

    I expect more than anti-intellectualism from you.

  • entertainment Entertainment Bradley Cooper in ‘Jewface’ storm after Leonard Bernstein trailer reveals prosthetic nose
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    That definitely changes things. Out of curiosity, I looked up what other movies he directed and produced.

    He produced and starred in American Sniper, which was incidentally also kind of a political disaster. The nose prosthetic reminds me of the American Sniper fake baby hilarity. Bradley put the blame on the director, but the director makes it sound like it was a monetary and not an artistic choice. That would put the responsibility on the shoulders of the producer.

  • technology Technology AI Isn’t Banning Books in Iowa Schools. Republicans Are.
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    So many questions!

    Are you suggesting that the political aspects of technology shouldn't be discussed in a technology community?

    Are you implying that technology is apolitical? That there are technology subjects to discuss that don't have a political component?

    Do discussions of the applications of technology not belong in a technology community?

  • socialism
    Socialism Five 1 year ago 100%
    Wobbly Dev - Why am I in the Industrial Workers of the World?

    [Why am I in the Industrial Workers of the World?]( Why am I in the Industrial Workers of the World? [a little black cat sits in a field of red, asking the audience this question] For the logo. Let me explain… [the little black cat is looking up at the insignia of the IWW, a globe in a circle beneath the letters I W W with three stars among them] The better-known business unions in the states all have logos of varying appeal… [a collection of business union logos, including the Teamsters, the UAW, the SEIU, the AFLC-CIO and the UFCW] But for all their history and iconography, none of them have what this logo has… Those three stars. [little black cat looks up at the IWW insignia, with the 3 stars glowing] Really, for me, it’s the last of the three stars that matters the most. It represents the third and final aspect of our work… [The star is glowing in the center of the frame] Emancipation [chains being broken] Emancipation of the working class in struggle and at war, and the Earth that feeds and holds us all. [chains encompassing the planet Earth being broken] Both the IWW and the business unions fight for higher wages and better benefits, which are both critically important, but… [a big, buff black cat flexes imposingly next to a big, buff dog. They are intimidating a blue duck who is sitting behind a desk labeled ‘boss’ and sweating nervously] We seek to abolish the wage system, to realize Industrial Democracy and live in harmony with the Earth. We want The Big Win, not concessions. Learn more and join at! [the little black cat is saying all this while the third star glows nearby]

    LGBTQ+ Five 1 year ago 100%
    Targeting Trans Kids, Florida School Board Requires Parental Approval for Nicknames

    Excerpt: >This detail bears repeating, as it crystallizes Republicans’ selective approach to free speech: Teachers are not required to use their trans students’ chosen pronouns, but trans teachers are expressly forbidden from using the pronouns that align with their gender. The policy appears to stand in direct violation of the First Amendment, as well as the Supreme Court’s Bostock decision, which protects LGBTQ+ workers from discrimination. > >The fact that the rules for students’ chosen names apply to both cis and trans children may at first appear as merely a cynical ploy to avoid legal challenges, as anti-trans laws have consistently been blocked in federal courts in recent months. No one truly believes a teacher will face disciplinary consequences for calling a cis boy Rob without a form from his parents. Any such rules will be selectively enforced to attack gender nonconformity.

    Feminism Five 1 year ago 100%
    Clinic Fire Deals Blow to Abortion Access on California-Arizona Border

    Excerpt: > Although the cause of the fire is unknown, the loss of the clinic is a stinging reminder of another recent fire at a Southern California abortion clinic. On March 13, 2022, Planned Parenthood’s Costa Mesa Health Center in Orange County was firebombed with a Molotov cocktail. Last month, charges were announced against a third man for his alleged involvement in the attack. “Officials allege that Batten, along with two other men, including a U.S. marine, conspired to attack a women’s health clinic because it had provided reproductive health services,” The Guardian reported.

    Politics Five 1 year ago 100%
    Senate Dems Block Watchdog for Ukraine Aid, Ignoring Lessons From Afghanistan

    Excerpt: > In Ukraine, many of the same groups lobbying for greater international support against Russia’s invasion are also speaking out about the need to make sure that money gets to its intended recipients. “Huge money always comes with corruption,” said Vita Dumanska, leader of the Chesno movement, a Ukrainian anti-corruption group. “We can’t keep silent on this.”

    Technology Five 1 year ago 100%
    AI Isn’t Banning Books in Iowa Schools. Republicans Are.

    Excerpt: >To underline Blanchfield’s point, the ChatGPT book selection process was found to be unreliable and inconsistent when repeated by Popular Science. “A repeat inquiry regarding ‘The Kite Runner,’ for example, gives contradictory answers,” the Popular Science reporters noted. “In one response, ChatGPT deems Khaled Hosseini’s novel to contain ‘little to no explicit sexual content.’ Upon a separate follow-up, the LLM affirms the book ‘does contain a description of a sexual assault.’”

    Jokes and Humor Five 1 year ago 100%
    PinkWug - Rigged Vote

    [Rigged Vote](

    Space Five 1 year ago 100%
    APOD 2023-08-17: A Cosmic Zoo in Cepheus

    [Explanation:]( Sprawling emission nebulae IC 1396 and Sh2-129 mix glowing interstellar gas and dark dust clouds in this nearly 12 degree wide field of view toward the northern constellation Cepheus the King. Energized by its central star IC 1396 (left), is hundreds of light-years across and some 3,000 light-years distant. The nebula's intriguing dark shapes include a winding dark cloud popularly known as the Elephant's Trunk below and right of center. Tens of light-years long, it holds the raw material for star formation and is known to hide protostars within. Located a similar distance from planet Earth, the bright knots and swept back ridges of emission of Sh2-129 on the right suggest its popular name, the Flying Bat Nebula. Within the Flying Bat, the most recently recognized addition to this royal cosmic zoo is the faint bluish emission from Ou4, the Giant Squid Nebula. Near the lower right edge of the frame, the suggestive dark marking on the sky cataloged as Barnard 150 is also known as the dark Seahorse Nebula.

    diy Do It Yourself Natural wood glues, general feedback?
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Have you tried sokui? If you have leftover asian rice, all you need is a blender. It was historically used in Japan to supplement traditional furniture and housing wood joinery.

  • entertainment Entertainment Bradley Cooper in ‘Jewface’ storm after Leonard Bernstein trailer reveals prosthetic nose
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Yikes! They gave Bradley Cooper an even bigger nose than Leonard Bernstein. Is this some kind of antisemitic attack on Jake Gyllenhaal for not taking a pay cut to play the part?

    If feel like this is more a studio scandal than a Cooper scandal. They did the casting and approved the prosthetic. I'm disappointed the actor gets the heat and the institution isn't mentioned.

    If you want to get angry at Bradley, his relationship with 21 year old Suki Waterhouse was super gross. The studio holds no blame for that mess.

  • foss Free and Open Source Software What are your favourite open source games?
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Crack Attack! is a loving parody of addictive tetrislike games that is also an extremely addictive tetrislike game.

  • usnews U.S. News U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Do you remember when the decision of the 2011 grand jury was revealed? If they kept it secret to scare Assange, that's still a pretty outrageous form of press intimidation.

  • usnews U.S. News U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Thanks. Yeah, I think I heard about this jury, but only that its deliberation was secret, and I never found out what was decided. When the indictment was unsealed, I assumed it was the revelation of this Jury's decision.

  • usnews U.S. News U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    You're right, it was during the Trump administration. For some reason I thought the first indictment had been made and then sealed during Obama's tenure. Trump's attack was a major escalation.

    I don't see any reference to a Grand Jury in the linked article, and I can't find anything in Google about "assange grand jury 2010". Are you thinking about this section?

    Justice officials said they looked hard at Assange but realized that they have what they described as a “New York Times problem.” If the Justice Department indicted Assange, it would also have to prosecute the New York Times and other news organizations and writers who published classified material, including The Washington Post and Britain’s Guardian newspaper.

    It seems to indicate that they didn't even bother to assemble a grand jury, which is even better for Obama.

  • usnews U.S. News U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    the Grand Jury that was impaneled to look at Assange during the Obama years chose not to prosecute because they couldn’t disentangle other media outlets

    One of us is confused; the history I remember is that the Grand Jury decided to prosecute not just once in a sealed indictment, but then added further controversial charges in a second indictment.

  • usnews U.S. News U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    There were some very deluded people during the Trump years who thought Assange would get special treatment for his vendetta against Hillary Clinton helping to get Trump elected. But you nailed it right on the head -- killing press freedoms and not paying debts are even bigger parts of Donald's brand than gaudy letters on the sides of buildings.

    But don't get it twisted. Then Secretary of State Clinton went hard against Assange, and it did look bad for press freedoms in the US. You have to remember the State Department did not take press freedom seriously at all, abusing the espionage act left and right. They put more journalists sources in prison than any other previous president. They went after journalists families, like when they detained Glenn Greenwald's partner in Heathrow. That should always be remembered as part of Barack Obama's legacy.

    The Trump "Fake News" era was absolutely devastating to journalism, so it's easy to see Obama's administration through rose tinted glasses. But it's important to remember the damage they did that contributed to where we are today.

  • socialism Socialism Law Enforcement Admits to Placing GPS Trackers on Michigan Activist’s Car
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    The first amendment doesn't exist to prevent editorial censorship. It has nothing to do with "cancel culture."

    It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. It has been interpreted by centuries of court decisions to protect against exactly this - harassment and prosecution by government agents for engaging in protected speech, especially political protest.

  • humor
    Jokes and Humor Five 1 year ago 100%
    PinkWug - Recycled Bigotry


    U.S. News Five 1 year ago 100%
    U.S. Official Hints at Possible Plea Deal for Julian Assange

    Excerpt: > The United States is considering a plea deal that would allow WikiLeaks founder and whistleblower Julian Assange to return to Australia, the Sydney Morning Herald reported Monday. > > U.S. Ambassador to Australia Caroline Kennedy told the Morning Herald that there could be a “resolution” to Assange’s now-four-year detention in Britain. Assange, an Australian citizen, has been held in a London prison since 2019 while combating U.S. extradition efforts. He faces 18 criminal charges in the U.S., 17 of which allege violations of the Espionage Act.

    Politics Five 1 year ago 100%
    Anti-Press Hatred Is Alive and Well in Kansas

    Excerpt: > On Friday, local police, acting like the Gestapo, raided the office of the Marion County Record, as well as the home of its owner and publisher. They used a trumped-up search warrant approved by a compliant local judge to seize newsgathering equipment, including the computers and cellphones of reporters. The raid was so traumatic that the publisher’s 98-year-old mother, who was the newspaper’s co-owner, died on Saturday as a result. > > The police were trying to suppress the truth that the newspaper had uncovered about a local restaurant owner who hosted an event for the region’s far-right member of Congress, Rep. Jake LaTurner. > > The Marion County Record was doing basic accountability reporting, the lifeblood of small-town journalism.

    socialism Socialism Law Enforcement Admits to Placing GPS Trackers on Michigan Activist’s Car
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    You must not be from a culture with an antifascist tradition of "First they came for the "

    I'm concerned you would think this is an okay thing to post, and I'm worried about the people who subscribe to socialism and would upvote this kind of sentiment.

    Furthermore, you're not even correct. The police's justification is the vehicle's attendance at an unaffiliated nonviolent climate movement protest, though I doubt that changes things in your mind.

  • music
    Music Five 1 year ago 100%
    Geoff Berner - That's What Keeps the Rent Down, Baby

    ``` [Verse 1] Hush little baby don't you cry Please don't mind the screaming Of the man in the alley on the small of his back The police man's knee is kneelin' I'll tell you an open secret, child Not everyone is knowin' If that little man ever left this place You and I would soon be goin [Chorus] 'Cause that's what keeps the rent down, baby That's what keeps the rent down low That's what keeps the rent down baby That's what keeps the rent down low [Verse 2] Your daddy ain't rich, he's a music man Your mother she's a painter We took over the lease of this old house From those whose hearts are fainter 'Cause we don't mind the painted ladies With their weeping souls all swollen We don't mind that everyone we know Has had their stereo stolen [Chorus] 'Cause that's what keeps the rent down, baby That's what keeps the rent down low That's what keeps the rent down baby That's what keeps the rent down low [Verse 3] One fine morning you wake up to Bulldozers and renovation 'Cause folks like your mom and dad Are just shock troops of gentrification For the single young professionals Who find the neighborhood hip and charming But if they heard about the lady who got chopped up in the alley They'd probably find it alarming [Chorus] 'Cause that's what keeps the rent down, baby That's what keeps the rent down low That's what keeps the rent down baby That's what keeps the rent down low That's what keeps the rent down low That's what keeps the rent down low ```

    LGBTQ+ Five 1 year ago 100%
    Why I Pumped the Brakes on Vanlife

    Excerpt: > While living in Chicago as an obviously gay man, I felt free to be my unabashed self, clad in all manner of sequins and androgyny. On the road, not only did I literally not have the closet space to accommodate such a wardrobe, but I often didn’t feel safe presenting myself the same way in unfamiliar regions. Despite experiencing kindness across the country, there were times when I’d be too wary to exit the RV at rural gas stations, deterred by the glares I was getting through my window. And in Wyoming, a beautiful state that I adore, a group of teens shouted homophobic slurs and joked about assaulting me—all while I was wearing the most muted, all-black outfit I could possibly find to “hide” myself.

    People of Color Five 1 year ago 100%
    These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI

    “There were no Black people — literally no Black people,” says Gebru, who was born and raised in Ethiopia. “I would go to academic conferences in AI, and I would see four or five Black people out of five, six, seven thousand people internationally.… I saw who was building the AI systems and their attitudes and their points of view. I saw what they were being used for, and I was like, ‘Oh, my God, we have a problem.’”

    socialism Socialism We Must Democratize ComEd: Chicago DSA Co-Chair Speaks In City Council
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Enron and the collapse of California's power grid is directly linked to deregulation by George Bush's regime and a lack of public control and oversight of electricity markets. Corporate media blamed the energy price crisis on the governor, leading to a recall and his replacement by a Republican. Capitalists would love for that to happen in Chicago too; squeeze poor families with energy prices they can't afford and then blame it on the government to shift the state's politics to the right.

  • music Music I Won't Say I'm In Love but it's gay || Cover by Reinaeiry
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    I thought from the title that the song was about how love was gay. Yay invidious!

  • music
    Music Five 1 year ago 100%
    Chumbawamba - Passenger list for doomed flight # 1721

    ``` Attention please, this is the final call for flight one seven two one Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Jack Straw, bye bye, all bye bye Billy Graham, Gerhard Schroeder, Tony Blair, bye bye, all bye bye Boris Yeltsin, Mick Hucknall, Tipper Gore, bye bye, all bye bye Ian Paisley, Pauline Hanson, Courtney Love, bye bye Goodbye, bye bye, goodbye, bye bye Goodbye, bye bye, goodbye, bye bye Garry Bushell, Paul Condon, Ally McBeal, bye bye, all bye bye Jean-Marie Le Pen, Janet Reno, Bill Clinton, bye bye, all bye bye Judge Sabo, Bono, Howard Stern, bye bye, all bye bye General Pinochet, Nicky Wire, Rupert Murdoch, bye bye Goodbye, bye bye, goodbye, bye bye Goodbye, bye bye, goodbye, bye bye ```

    Environment Five 1 year ago 100%
    111 years ago
    usnews U.S. News Andy Ngo Loses Lawsuit: Portland Jury Finds No Fault for Two Activists in Civil Trial
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Fascists everywhere disappointed that antifascism is still protected speech in the United States.

  • news World News Slow counteroffensive darkens mood in Ukraine
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Russia is still the world's #2 arms exporter. Using supply domestically means that less can be exported, and more importantly, demonstrably under performing compared to western offering reduces demand.

  • feminism
    Feminism Five 1 year ago 100%
    The Protests Inside Iran’s Girls’ Schools

    *Limited articles free each month. [Also available via archive](* Excerpt: > On February 14th, an official in the holy city of Qom announced that a hundred and seventeen girls’-school students had been taken to medical centers with “suspected symptoms of poisoning.” The official attempted to calm the public by noting that most of the children had recovered quickly, but panic soon spread in the city. Images circulated online of ambulances parked outside schools and of schoolgirls on ventilators in hospitals. A crowd of angry parents gathered outside a local government building, demanding an investigation. One woman screamed, “This is a war! They are doing this at a girls’ high school in Qom to force us to sit at home. They want girls to stay at home.” > > By then, reports of mysterious poisonings had been surfacing across the country for months. Victims described smelling peculiar odors, such as citrus, rotting fish, or chlorine, before experiencing symptoms that included vomiting, dizziness, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Schools were generally told to remain open, and parents were advised to get their news from official state media. Finally, in late February, a deputy health minister, Younes Panahi, held a press conference, in which he said that the students were getting sick from non-military-grade chemicals. He said it appeared that “some people wanted all schools, especially girls’ schools, to be closed down.”

    news World News Slow counteroffensive darkens mood in Ukraine
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    There's the real strategic concern that escalating too quickly will have nuclear repercussions. But the deeper reasons are visible if you view most governments as military industrial corporations stacked under a trenchcoat. The true motivator is that the longer the war continues, the more money will flow from their respective tax payers into their pockets. They don't care about Ukrainian lives, they don't care about Russian lives. The popular support for the war and lack of domestic casualties means they get to ply their trade of death, and they come out smelling like roses. Opposing Russian colonialism is a noble cause, but the nobility belongs to those who are dying in the foxholes, not the warmongers who are squeezing this crisis to get more capital.

    Western leaders don't want Ukraine to win. They want Russia to lose. A quick cauterized wound is less damaging than a slow bleed out. Total bankruptcy of the Russian war machine is the objective, the economic elimination of their primary trade competitor.

  • music
    Music Five 1 year ago 100%
    Music Illegal in China: "Cheerful and Optimistic Kong Yiji"

    Censored by the the CCP in its crackdown on the "Let it rot" movement. [More from the China Daily Post]( 本视频为鬼山哥(作者本人)在Acfun发布的补档,现已404处理 穿上一件破旧的长衫 径直来到鲁镇酒店 Wearing an old long gown, I went straight to the Lu Town Hotel. 叫来伙计 温两碗酒 一碟茴香豆九文大钱 I called the waiter and asked for two bowls of warm wine and a dish of aniseed beans for nine coins. 我说着之乎者也 惹来嘲笑 不知不觉涨红了脸 As I spoke jargon, I attracted ridicule and unknowingly turned red in the face. 你怎么这样污我的清白 喝口酒与他们继续争辩 Why do you tarnish my innocence like this? Take a sip of wine and continue arguing with them. 骆驼祥子 之所以死 是因为他拉车不够努力 The reason why Rickshaw Boy Xiangzi died was that he didn't work hard enough to pull the cart. 鲁迅 的每一篇文章 都碰了不能碰的话题 Every article by Lu Xun touches on untouchable topics. 陈胜吴广 的日子不甜 是因为不能脚踏实地 The days of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were not sweet because they could not be down-to-earth. 最后时刻目光移向我 问我到底算个什么东西 As the final moment approached, the gaze turned to me and asked what kind of person I really was. 我看看长衫说我是 I looked at my long gown and said, I am 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. 他那离谱的文笔 质问我服不服气 His outrageous writing style questioned whether I was angry or not. 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. 劳动力倒进河里 我也不便宜卖你 I won't sell myself cheap even if I throw my labor into the river. 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. 你开着兰博基尼 却笑我不够努力 You drive a Lamborghini and laugh at me for not working hard enough. 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji 这腐朽的旧社会 和我有寄吧 关系 This corrupt old society has nothing Fxxking to do with me. 虽然我每天都洗脸 但口袋比脸还干净 Although I wash my face every day, my pocket is even cleaner than my face (because I am penniless). 我只好穿着长衫 替官老爷抄书忙个不停 I can only wear a long gown and work tirelessly to write documents for the officials. 本以为工作很清闲 不曾想却是玖玖陆 I thought the job was easy, but it turned out to be 996 . 干完后因恶意讨薪 饥饿的我被官兵抓走 After finishing the work, I was caught by the officials' soldiers for maliciously demanding wages while starving. 这万恶的旧社会 为什么会没有劳动法 Why does this wicked old society not have labor laws? 我们寻常百姓的尊严 为何会轻易被肉食者践踏 Why is the dignity of us ordinary people easily trampled by the carnivores? 这些离谱的故事与遭遇 现在也没人敢回答 No one dares to answer these outrageous stories and experiences now. 最后食客们目光移向我 问我你为何一点也不怕 Finally, the diners' eyes turned to me and asked why I wasn't afraid at all. 我笑着说因为我是 I smiled and said, Because I am 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji, a cheerful and optimistic Kong Yiji. 势单力薄的枝丫 早已放弃了挣扎 The powerless branches have long given up struggling, 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 棱角被岁月冲刷 徒留了几道伤疤 The edges and corners have been eroded by time, leaving only a few scars, 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 乐观是我的爪牙 面具下眼泛泪花 Optimism is my tool, tears in my eyes behind the mask 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 你问我幸不幸福 我只想说句脏话 You ask me if I am happy, and I just want to greet your mom with Fxxx! 听我说完了之后 店内充满快活的空气 After I finished speaking, the air in the restaurant was filled with joy. 那些谩骂质疑反驳嘲笑 与我有何关系 What do those insults, doubts, rebuttals, and ridicule have to do with me? 读书是为了中华崛起 而不是去送外卖快递 Reading is for the rise of China, not for delivering takeout or express. 所有人听完后露出放肆的笑容 After everyone listened, they showed a reckless smile, 除了那个傻逼的 Except for that idiot, 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 撕开这腐朽的墙 寻一丝正道的光 Tear down the decayed walls and seek a ray of light on the right path. 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 无论批评和赞扬 都需要有人鼓掌 Whether criticism or praise, there should be someone to applaud. 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 精选的评论之上 有多少热血难凉 How much hot blood is there beyond the selected comments that cannot be cooled? 阳光开朗孔乙己 阳光开朗孔乙己 Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, Kong Yiji, optimistic and cheerful, 孔明是我的理想 商鞅是我的下场 Smart Kong Ming is my ideal, and being dismembered by five horses and being torn to pieces like Shang Yang is my fate.

    foss Free and Open Source Software Free Online Forum Builder
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    This is not an appropriate post for this community.

  • space
    Space Five 1 year ago 100%
    APOD 2023-08-12: Ghirigori - Star Scribbles

    Explanation: It's fun to scribble on the canvas of the sky. You can use a creative photographic technique to cause the light of point-like stars to dance across a digital image by tapping lightly on the telescope while making an exposure. The result will be a squiggly line traced by the star (or two squiggles traced by binary stars) that can reveal the star's color. Colorful lines, dubbed Ghirigori, made from stars found in the northern sky constellations Bootes, Corona Borealis, Ophiucus, and Coma Berenices, are captured in this artistic mosaic. The 25 stars creating the varied and colorful squiggles are identified around the border. Of course, temperature determines the color of a star. While whitish stars tend to be close to the Sun's temperature, stars with bluer hues are hotter, and yellow and red colors are cooler than the Sun.

    politics Politics Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right? | Tayo Bero
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Sometimes people's message is different from their words. Please don't tell me not to say it like it is. And please don't try and shame the oppressed for not being civil to oppressors.

  • politics Politics Why are Black rappers aligning themselves with the right? | Tayo Bero
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    The lesson to be learned from Daryl Davis is that bigots should be ostracized, ignored, and de-platformed. Once their movement has been defanged and members isolated to their anti-social groups, you can more safely reach out to those groups to deprogram the people on the margins, if that's what you want to do with your life.

    The story would be very different if the KKK still held social and political power. A black man who didn't support the KKK's mission attending a KKK rally would not last very long. No one should give these people a platform, or treat them civilly when they're spreading their brain worms in civil society.

  • usnews
    U.S. News Five 1 year ago 100%
    As the Taliban Hunts Prosecutors, Afghan and U.S. Lawyers Team Up to Bring Their Colleagues to Safety

    “People are being killed, and there appears to be no action, or limited action, by those who should be acting,” he said. “What we’re trying to do right now is just get people to safety, get them food, and get them housing, and then we can worry about the process of what country will ultimately protect them.”

    World News Five 1 year ago 100%
    Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan

    The Intercept has made extensive efforts to authenticate the document. Given the security climate in Pakistan, independent confirmation from sources in the Pakistani government was not possible. The Pakistan Embassy in Washington, D.C., did not respond to a request for comment. Miller, the State Department spokesperson, said, “We had expressed concern about the visit of then-PM Khan to Moscow on the day of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and have communicated that opposition both publicly and privately.” He added that “allegations that the United States interfered in internal decisions about the leadership of Pakistan are false. They have always been false, and they continue to be.”

    feminism Feminism Feminist Book Review: Nimona
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    The review was published in 2016 before ND transitioned, I'm old-posting it due to the movie coming out on Netflix recently. Deadnaming is bad, though it's clearly not malicious on the part of the article's author.

    Thanks for the note.

  • usnews
    U.S. News Five 1 year ago 100%
    Video shows officers beat, arrest wrong suspect holding baby

    A viral video is prompting calls for accountability for a group of Kenosha police officers. It shows a couple with a young child sitting at a local Applebees when officers enter and approach the table. In the video, the man holding the child tries to walk away. Officers grab him and drag him down to the floor with the child still in hand. After struggling to remove the child from his arms, officers put the man’s hands behind his back and appear to strike him. New information from Kenosha Police reveals the man in the video was not the suspect officers were initially searching for. The Kenosha Police Department was reportedly looking for suspects following a serious hit-and-run accident at Hwy 50/Green Bay Rd, which included a Black man and Black woman holding a baby. The suspects left the scene towards the restaurant.

    U.S. News Five 1 year ago 100%
    Chrissy Stroop: What young Americans really think about guns

    Since my openDemocracy column in late April about gun violence in the United States, there have been more than 250 mass shootings in the country, bringing the total for the year so far (as of yesterday) to 430. That’s just shy of two mass shootings a day for 2023 so far. One recent incident took place in the small city of Muncie, Indiana, home of Ball State University, which happens to be where I did my bachelor’s degree 20 years ago. On 30 July, an assailant began firing into the crowd at a late-night block party, killing a 30-year-old man and sending 19 other people to hospital. I’ve only been back to Muncie a few times since 2003, but when a mass shooting occurs in a place you know, it hits close to home. Of course, the stress I feel over the epidemic of gun violence in the US probably pales in comparison to that felt by many younger Americans, for whom school shootings have occurred far more regularly than they did in the 1980s and ’90s, when I was in school. Back then, in central Indiana, our teachers led us through tornado drills. Today, schools practise active shooter drills (although it is worth noting that advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety recommends these are discontinued, given that drills can be traumatising and there is no evidence that they are effective at preventing gun violence). School shootings, which account for 0.2% of gun deaths in the United States, are, of course, a kind of terrorism. And the fact that they occur at all is undoubtedly terrifying.

    Feminism Five 1 year ago 100%
    Feminist Book Review: Nimona

    *Excerpt:* >Nimona has been in the ever-growing pile of “need to read” books on my shelf, and it finally came up next in my queue. I purchased it last year after hearing it was written and illustrated by the highly esteemed Noelle Stevenson (see: Lumberjanes) and that it would be made into an animated film. That is all I knew about the book when I cracked open the cover. Based on the cover art I assumed the story would contain the following: fantasy, strong female protag, comedy a’la Lumberjanes, and a dollop of sisterhood for good measure. > >Does it have some of these elements? Yes and no. Nimona took me completely by surprise in the best possible ways. It is refreshing and truly delightful to read.

    lgbtq_plus LGBTQ+ Nimona’s radical page-to-screen story changes were a queer necessity
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Blackheart -> Boldheart, Loinheart -> Goldenloin. It dials down the absurd humor in favor of pathos enough that the ending doesn't feel like tonal whiplash. It also keeps the queerness, maybe dials the transgender elements up a bit. It still works.

    I didn't realize there were so many queer-centered stories in cinema that they had become formulaic.

  • music Music [Meta] Can we add a rule to include genres to song links that are posted?
  • Five Five 1 year ago 88%

    Any rule adds a burden to the mod team. It can be made easier with auto-mod software, but we should make it clear we're asking for more labor from volunteers.

    That being said, I'd love a rule to prevent directly linking to youtube, and using invidious or piped instead. I'll mod if it helps to enforce the rule.

  • science Science A Chicago gun violence prevention program offered a job, cognitive behavioral therapy and social support to at-risk men. This substantially reduced both arrests and victimizations for shootings and...
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    It's frustrating that scientists start with the assertion that gun crime and not capitalism is the most pressing public safety concern, but at least they're trying anti-poverty measures to reduce gun crime instead of more policing. It doesn't take a PhD to realize poverty is the root cause of not just gun crime, but most social problems.

    But this isn't new. The last time academics tried something similar, the the violence interrupters, the Fraternal Order of Police lobbied against it to have it shut down. It was showing significant results, saving black lives and reducing gun violence. But the police saw it as a threat (and it was - anything that reduces crime is a threat to the institution of police), and they killed it.

  • politics Politics Let's talk about Trump's continuing social media mess....
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think he's trying to amend for past misdeeds -- I think he's just trying to live his life. If we lived in a restorative justice society instead of a punitive one, I'd have different expectations of him. We are a society ruled by war criminals who have never seen a day of prison. Things are hard enough for people who've survived incarceration, it's a shitty thing to throw his past at him. Especially since the people who tend to do it are acting in bad faith, and whose actual beef is that he's not simping for genocidal dictators.

  • politics Politics Let's talk about Trump's continuing social media mess....
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    If Beehaw made a dime every time a .ML tankie invaded a post to slander socialists, they'd have more money than Facebook.

  • socialism Socialism Wage Gains at UPS Have Amazon Workers Demanding More
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Fuck yeah unions!

  • socialism Socialism How The Barter Myth Harms Us
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    If you think monetary economies developed from barter economies, attacking the OP for sharing the scientific consensus makes you look culty. You've got a lot of indignation and no evidence.

  • music Music Burn It All! - Rent Strike
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%


  • literature Literature Peter Pan and the Copyright that Never Grew Up - Plagiarism Today
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    I'm disappointed by your condescending tone. I can see we're talking past each other, and I'm happy to end this conversation here.

  • feminism Feminism Shutting Down Feminist Frequency
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Feminist Frequency survived both GamerGate and a Trump presidency. That's a pretty long time when measured in hate-years.

  • science Science Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Vox did an interview with David Graeber about this back in 2019.

  • literature Literature Peter Pan and the Copyright that Never Grew Up - Plagiarism Today
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Why do you assume because I listed the most prominent example of GOSH's censorship, that it was the only one? GOSH also litigated against Canadian author J. E. Somma. In both cases, GOSH settled out of court, and in both cases GOSH enforced a lack of transparency over the settlement as part of the terms. The point of these examples is to demonstrate that GOSH went beyond the bounds of mere royalty collector when they saw the chance, not to demonstrate chilling effect.

    Chilling effect is not about the books that survived the gauntlet of publication to make it to the litigation stage; it's about all the ideas that never had a chance to blossom because the threat of copyright enforcement nipped them in the bud. Part of what makes this kind of corporate theft so insidious is that it is impossible to count the works it prevented from existing, or judge the social good they would have done.

  • technology Technology Unpatchable AMD Chip Flaw Unlocks Paid Tesla Feature Upgrades
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    I downloaded a cupholder for my pentium II off the internet once.

  • literature Literature Peter Pan and the Copyright that Never Grew Up - Plagiarism Today
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Are you saying that ALL royalties for derivative works/use of IP are an abridgement of free speech in your view?

    I do believe copyright, its continued extensions in favor of rights-holders, and associated attacks on the fair use doctrine are abridgements of free speech. I also believe each addition of complexity to copyright law is a gift to copyright law firms and the consolidated publishing corporations who can easily afford to employ them, as well as an attack on small publishers and authors to whom employing solicitors and barristers is an onerous burden. But that's not what I'm arguing here.

    I'm saying that granting eternal royalties from Peter Pan to GOSH creates a monetary disincentive for anyone but GOSH to publish derivative Peter Pan works. This creates a chilling effect on the republication of Barrie works and re-use of Peter Pan characters, and is worthy of outrage. This is similar in effect to the intractable libel laws that financially disincentivize publishing negative news about powerful figures and institutions in Britain, which is even more outrageous. I'm also saying that the special copyright status of Peter Pan and larger problems like the libel law situation are evidence of the same underlying issue: Britain's relative disinterest in protecting free speech.

  • politics Politics Who's up for some boycots? Don Jr is boosting a new shopping network.
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    A lot of these people are small operators; most don't have storefronts, some sell online, and a few through farmers' markets.

    This is part of a movement astroturfed by Gab and Truth Social to create a market for goods and services that caters to trumpist producers and consumers. None of these businesses are capable of growing past their trumpist market. When they make enough capital to get noticed by journalists, their growth is going to crater like MyPillow due to the political backlash.

    Here's an example vendor. She's going to be making overpriced unhygienic peanut butter in her kitchen for less than minimum wage and taking advantage of her children's free labor until they all burn out. If by some miracle she got the capital to buy the machines needed to make peanut butter to USDA standards and at scale, a proper boycott of her distributors would bring it all down.

    They're rubes, offering their depressed labor to their cult leaders in order to take a small chip out of a corporation's bottom line. The Budweiser boycott is a great example of this - when a culture war exercise got out of hand, Republican thought leaders shut it down to avoid hurting one of their major donors. They make them think they're going to build a thriving business, but the masters will throw them aside if the corporations pay the appropriate bribes.

  • literature Literature Peter Pan and the Copyright that Never Grew Up - Plagiarism Today
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you continuing this dialogue; I saw your bio, and though we disagree on this particular issue, I think we have a lot in common, and I appreciate your participation here.

    Neither GOSH nor the government control who can create derivative works.

    Unfortunately, that is not the case. They used their position to selectively control publication of works they didn't approve. That's clearly censorship.

    But even if they only collected royalties, it would still be a free speech issue. Selectively assigning monetary costs to certain speech is an abridgement of free speech, for the same reason SLAPP lawsuits are a free speech issue.

  • support Beehaw Support the August 2023 Beehaw financial update
  • Five Five 1 year ago 100%

    I think a solution where the community gets some kind of codified constitution is a good one, but it requires both a knowledge of organizational law and a understanding of what makes the community great. If things get nailed down too soon, or get something wrong, it could really mess BeeHaw up. Maybe it's a good long term goal.

    I do wish people would not use start-up terminology like 'runway' - it's a aviation metaphor, and implies an eventual 'take off' which is usually the point at which a start-up goes public or is sold by the capital investment firm to take their sky-high profits.
