games games Nomura moment!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 hour ago 100%

    yea cuddle

  • games games Nomura moment!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 hour ago 100%

    When I was playing with my friend, I just want to draw beautiful boys boykisser

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    Israel’s Gallant: ‘We are at the start of a new phase in the war’

    Israel’s defence minister declared the start of a “new phase” of the war on Gaza as Israel turns its focus toward the northern front against Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon.

    Yoav Gallant made no mention of the mysterious explosions of electronic devices in Lebanon. But he praised the work of Israel’s army and security agencies, saying “the results are very impressive”.

    After months of war in Gaza, “the centre of gravity is shifting to the north by diverting resources and forces”, said Gallant. “We are at the start of a new phase in the war – it requires courage, determination and perseverance.”

    So it was never about just Gaza or Hamas. It was always about Greater Pissrael

    Pissriel was born of terrorism and Nazi ideology and still is today and wilk be forever. The US, EU, and it's lapdogs are all complicit and it's leaderships are Nazi terrorists run amock on the world. Einstien was right.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    They use the excuse because "targeting critical members of a functioning society" doesn't sound as legally flashy. Same as they do massacring and tourturing Palestinians.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    How did that deal go down? I seen their "website" before it was taken down like the guilty bastards they are and it is one of the most generic thing ever made.

    Further more who in Hezbollah made the purchase? It isn't like oh no name Taiwan company get me an order of X number of pagers. Oh ok, we'll have our Euro affiliate direct to you. I hope they do an investigation.

    I agree with others - where there is smoke there is fire. Combine this with Vault 7 and Snowden revelations that intel gets in the middle and alters crap to plant their backdoors like everything is very sus right now. How many others are out there?

    I hope someone / country gets a terror designation. And if this happened even as a shell in Taiwan I hope China goes after them. It is on China grounds.

  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    i-spil-my-jice Idk how to get rid of the foreground stuff

  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    Shall we fraternally kiss under the dim lights of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair? they-were-comrades

  • news news Democrats banned RT, African Stream and Red. from Meta and Google platforms
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 10 hours ago 100%

    tails-startled Oh noes! The horrors if true! jagoff

    What a joke.

  • sino sino Nice of Israel to advertise mainland electronics
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 17 hours ago 100%

    they were made by a European firm with the right to use its brand.

    The model of pagers used in detonations in Lebanon were made by Budapest-based BAC Consulting, Taiwanese pager firm Gold Apollo said on Wednesday, adding it had only licensed out its brand to the company and was not involved in the production of the devices.

    Is Europe a target for Hezbollah retaliation?

    Looks like they took their website down.

    Archive was captured

    90% is the most generic stock photo yadda yadda but then..NYC, UN representative....some big chops for a very very young looking Phd Board member to some high level stuff.


    I am also grateful to Advocate Environmental and Social Causes for Developing and Fragile Countries: Board Member for the Earth Child Institute (NYC), Initiative More Water for the Sahel (Paris), Board member Foundation for Post-Conflict Development (NYC), UN Representative Working Group Business for Peace, UN Global COMPACT (NYC). I love promoting people's involvement in advocating for a change!

  • news news Democrats banned RT, African Stream and Red. from Meta and Google platforms
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%

    African Stream was good stuff. Pretty innicent stuff too. What "guideline" did they break?

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse If you're being mean to me on Hexbear, this is who you're being mean to.
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%

    is-this A new POG CommiePOGGERS

  • dredge_tank The Dredge Tank "Politic is when Gay or Black!"
    the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Amerikkka truly getting the gang back together
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%

    All pinkertons are bastards.

  • news
    news Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%
    NOAA confirms investigation into RFK Jr. over (CW dead whale carcass) from 20 years ago.

    > Kennedy said Saturday he wrote a letter to NOAA in response to being informed he is under investigation, accusing the group of killing marine wildlife with “giant offshore wind farms off the East Coast.” ![what-the-hell]( "emoji what-the-hell")

    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Footage of the titan submersible wreck has now been released
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%


  • games games Are gamers really that much of a baby that they need to be told to not pre order games from trash studios lol
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%

    meow-petted good freeze-gamer

  • games games Are gamers really that much of a baby that they need to be told to not pre order games from trash studios lol
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 1 day ago 100%

    They were many times. That and the multiple tiers of super uber duper deluXXXe editions. You want to lock ovee half the game behind DLC and arbitrary pay walls? See you a few years when you bundle it together for 85% off on a Steam summer sale....if it's worth my time.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 16th to September 22nd, 2024 - This Megathread Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters of Afghanistan - COTW: Afghanistan
    news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
    chapotraphouse chapotraphouse erm akshually my genetically superior soul prevents me from being born into such a mongrel caste. ☝️🤓
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 3 days ago 100%

    specter mystery-emote

    spirit-bomb Lend me our energy for this marx-goth ball.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 3 days ago 100%

    Does working people longer at that age translate into more "productivity" though? Does that translate to longevity or a better quality of lfe?

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    soviet-hmm So you don't need a missle to hit target directly. You can just fire across the bow of the target at a low altitude and have their interceptors do all the work. Using the enemy's strength against itself.

  • games games Someone give me a quick run down on AMD vs Nvidia on Linux
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    If you get an all AMD rig you can accces AMD Smart technologies that can do some synergies.

    Big one being Smart Access Memory which allows the processor direct access to GPU memory.

    Frame Generation -
    I'm not too familair with NVIDA version of it but there are some games where the driver will automatically turn frame gen on and it works well...except it basically tells the card to go nuclear. Like I have a bougie 7900XTX and Hades 2 was giving temps of 105C on the gpu memeory sicko-beaming 640fps

    So I had to go into Adrenaline and tell the card to AMD Chill and limit frames to 120.

    On the other hand Super Resolution has gotten really good. You can take a 1040 / 1440 res and do 4k res fairly easy now with minimal processing.

    NVIDIA does ray tracing. AI, and cuda things better. AMD still capable of these things.

    AMD has been on a tech spree lately and it's like getting free upgrades to the card.

    Modern games 8GB won't do you. I recommend 16GB to give room for modern features and things that a normal desktop user would have in addition to the game reguardless what team you end up going for.

    If all you want to do is game and have a Linux desktop, the Steam Deck OLED had a linux desktop with a dock accessory to display that on a tv or monitor. Cheaper than a full big box machine.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Some of you may be Communist zombies.
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    lenin-crush-capitalism marx-doomer

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Its me I'm sickos
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    sicko-tux (I'm working up the courage to try to dual boot)

  • electoralism electoralism Fuck the Green Party
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    If PSL is available to you then all the better for being able to voice that. meow-hug

  • electoralism electoralism Fuck the Green Party
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    PSL is not on the ballot in Michigan.

    Y'all need to stop making Greens the enemy. They aren't the euro Greens. They have many policy overlaps with PSL.

  • electoralism electoralism Fuck the Green Party
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    Noura is making a bad faith argument to sabatoge the Greens. In doing so being a tool of the Democrats and exposing herself. Why would the Democrats all the sudden do an about face because Noura was on the Green ticket? That makes no damned sense. Doesn't she realize the Democrats DO NOT GIVE A SHIT about Noura or the Palestinians?

    Her being on the Green ticket will not magically get the Dems to give a shit or have any leverage over the Dems. They are already pumping out commericals to target RFK Never Trumpers which are perfectly fine with the genocide.

    They are not caring one damned bit about Green voters or PSL for that matter. All Noura was doing was being a DNC tool to "set the menu" on the ballot to remove the Green Party form even being an option. This was a dirty trick by the DNC and I'm glad Jill smelt it and didn't fall for the trap.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Its me I'm sickos
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    It's like the Nikki Minaj creeper. .....and I love it!

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    It was pretty bad when trump ad was a small television "Ladies and Gentlemen. President Ronald Regan. And he has some questions for you." Copy pasting that.

    The Kennedy thing. They are trying to reach "moderate" RFK voters. Or at least they THINK they can reach RFK Jr. Never Trumpers on the conservative side. Not anything original. No real policy plan except rehashing the Cold War.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    Because everything isntrael does is an extention of amerikkka. AMERICAN OFFICIALS AND THE FLAG KILLED HER. That's why they weren't there.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    China citing the US Social Security age among reasons of raising the retirement age was not on my BINGO card

    Edit -

    Can we have some sober conversations on the retirement age without accusing each other of racism or chuvanism ? They put this out on their state media - CGTN. That is not a western mouthpiece. China is our peer. They hold over 1.5 billion human lives.

    The reason this suprised me was because when Bernie 2016 campaign was going on there was a LOT of discussion on Social Security. Expanding it, lowering the age. Medicare in particular and the phasing it to lower the age of eligibility until we were all covered.

    While doing research I found some pretty sobering numbers.

    If you look at the social security ages of death from birth stats Approximately 1 in 5 do not make it to 60. Approximately 1 in 4 do not make it to 65. That is the human factor in raising the pension age.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    A new poll finds a surprising presidential choice for Muslim American voters in Michigan

    The survey by the Council on American Islamic Relations finds 40% of Muslim-American voters in Michigan say they support Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein.

    Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump (18%) and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris (12%) trail far behind in the poll.

    “Jill Stein is polling very strong from previous Democratic voters…independent voters,” said Robert McCaw, CAIR’s director of Government Affairs, “And we also see that she’s pulled away from some traditionally voting Republican.”

    According to the poll, Michigan is something of an outlier.

    Muslim American Public Affairs Counci endorses Stien / Ware for president

    DNC / Turd Way research

  • videos
    videos Evilphd666 4 days ago 93%
    Jill Stein TRIGGERS the Breakfast Club and AOCIA.

    ![antelope-popcorn]( "emoji antelope-popcorn") Ready for some spicy reciepts?

    news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 97%

    How's it feel to be a disposable proxy farquaad-point

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Thank you for your service
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%


    Norwood is most famous for supplying the Soviet Union with state secrets concerning the development of atomic weapons from her job at the British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, where she worked for 40 years. Despite the high strategic value of the information she passed to the Soviets, she refused to accept any financial rewards for her work. She rejected the Soviets' offer of a pension, and argued that her disclosures of classified work helped to avoid the possibility of a third world war involving the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union.

  • videos videos What Does 'Gooning' Do to Your Brain?
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    Madulla Oblongoona kelly

  • main main dreaming about the social impact of the internet in 1999: everyone will become informed and we'll finally start solving some problems! 2024:
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    Pi in es un domine. Doma eres requiem. thurston

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    They're our friend in the Middle East.

    inconceivable They keep saying those words but I don't think it means what they think it means.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%

    To fanatical fascist psycopaths, the ends justify the means. These people are beyond any reason or shaming.

  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 4 days ago 100%
  • news news Bulletins and News Discussion from September 9th to September 15th, 2024 - Viva Sandino! - COTW: Nicaragua
  • Evilphd666 Evilphd666 5 days ago 100%

    Ho-hum Howie? Charisma of a wet sock. But i-voted for him because I'm voting for policies.

  • videos
    videos Evilphd666 5 days ago 100%
    Supercut of Zionazis getting their asses handed to them. (CW NSFW war footage deaths / injuries) /r/TheDeprogram

    ![hamas-red-triangle]( "emoji hamas-red-triangle") ![idf-destroyer]( "emoji idf-destroyer")

    acab Evilphd666 6 days ago 100%
    Charges filed months after a pro-Palestinian camp was cleared at University of Michigan

    Lesbian Democrat AG ![maybe-later-kiddo]( "emoji maybe-later-kiddo") Protesting crimes against humanity is a crime kiddo! ::: spoiler Article > Authorities months later have filed charges against nine people who are accused of trespassing or resisting police during the May break-up of a pro-Palestinian camp at the University of Michigan. “The First Amendment does not provide a cover for illegal activity,” Attorney General Dana Nessel said Thursday, a day after charges were filed in Washtenaw County. The camp on the Diag, known for decades as a site for campus protests, was cleared by police on May 21 after a month. Video posted online showed police using what appeared to be an irritant to spray people, who were forced to retreat. The university said the camp had become a threat to safety, with overloaded power sources and open flames. Nessel said two people were charged with trespassing, a misdemeanor, and seven more people were charged with trespassing as well as resisting police, a felony. Protesters have demanded that the school’s endowment stop investing in companies with ties to Israel. But the university insists it has no direct investments and less than $15 million placed with funds that might include companies in Israel. That’s less than 0.1% of the total endowment. Separately, Nessel said state prosecutors charged two people for alleged acts during a counter-demonstration on April 25, a few days after the camp was created. Nessel said authorities still were investigating spring protests at the homes of elected members of the university’s governing board. ___ :::

    videos Evilphd666 1 week ago 97%
    Maduro - Venezuela must become the center of the fight against fascism.

    ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash") ![maduro-katana-1]( "emoji maduro-katana-1")![maduro-katana-2]( "emoji maduro-katana-2")

    news Evilphd666 1 week ago 100%
    Bernie endorses Darth Cheney, and Darth Vader dies.

    ![force-choke-2]( "emoji force-choke-2")

    news Evilphd666 1 week ago 100%
    Grief over Gaza, qualms over US election add up to anguish for many Palestinian Americans

    > Without a meaningful change, voting for Harris would feel for her “like a jab in the heart,” she said. At the same time, Assed, a lifelong Democrat and feminist, would like to help block another Donald Trump presidency and remain engaged with the Democrats “to hold them liable,” she said. > “It’s really a difficult place to be in.” Cuckmitted ![kelly]( "emoji kelly")

    videos Evilphd666 1 week ago 97%
    EPA hid alarming levels of toxic chemicals after Ohio detonation.

    ![brandon]( "emoji brandon") Biden's EPA

    chapotraphouse Evilphd666 1 week ago 100%
    I support "Kamala" Harris for president. A true fighter!

    []( We can weekend at Bernie's this thing all!

    videos Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 100%
    Japan Suspends Clearing Nuclear Debris From Fukushima Plant

    They screwed up some piping on the robot and radioactive levels too high for humans.

    videos Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 93%
    Journalist blasts Bernie for endorsing Kopmala without concessions.

    ![flattened-bernie]( "emoji flattened-bernie") ![top-cop]( "emoji top-cop")

    news Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 95%
    Malaysia Airlines finds 'potential issue' on A350-900 engine

    The issue comes after the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued an emergency directive to airlines ordering mandated inspections on A350-1000s which are powered by XWB-97 engines made by Rolls-Royce.  The checks were **prompted by an "in-flight engine fire"** on one of Hong Kong-based Cathay Pacific's Zurich-bound flights.  Malaysia Airlines' fleet of A350-900 planes "recently underwent a precautionary inspection, during which a potential issue with high-pressure fuel hoses on one aircraft was identified," the carrier said in a statement. "This finding was swiftly resolved, and the aircraft has been fully cleared for service in accordance with stringent maintenance protocols," it added. On Friday, following the incident, EASA said extending its compulsory engine inspections to include the XWB-84 engines found on the Malaysia Airlines Airbus A350-900 is "not warranted at this stage".

    news Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 100%
    American activist shot dead in occupied West Bank (cw description of murder)

    Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, who was 26 years old, was protesting settlement expansion.  **Arrest warrent for Bibi when?** they immediately issued an arrest warrant for ![sinwar-victory]( "emoji sinwar-victory") when an American-IOF POW (corrected) was killed. ![officer-down]( "emoji officer-down") ::: spoiler Article A 26-year-old American woman was shot dead while participating in a protest against Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank on Friday. Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, who was a citizen of the Unites States and Turkey, was shot in the head by the Israeli Defense Forces, local media and witness reported. Ezgi Eygi was attending a demonstration in Beita, near Nablus in the northern West Bank, and later died of her wounds. She arrived in the area on Tuesday to volunteer with the International Solidarity Movement as part of a campaign to protect Palestinian farmers, Al Jazeera reported. U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jack Lew wrote on X that they were informed of Ezgi Eygi’s death. “We offer our deepest condolences to her family and loved ones. We are urgently gathering more information about the circumstances of her death, and will have more to say as we learn more. We have no higher priority than the safety and security of American citizens,” Lew wrote. The Israeli military said the IDF is investigating reports that a foreign national was killed as a result of gunfire in the area. According to them, the IDF responded with fire at “a main instigator of violent activity who hurled rocks at the forces and posed a threat to them,” but the details of the incident and the circumstances under which she was hit are under investigation. Ezgi Eygi’s death came after a major Israeli military operation in the occupied West Bank. Thousands of residents were driven from their homes during the nine-day operation, and at least 21 Palestinians were killed, the Palestinian health ministry reported. In 2022, the Israeli Defense Forces shot dead one Palestinian-American reporter Shireen Abu Akleh. Israeli ministers initially cast confusion over who killed the journalist. Later, Israel accepted responsibility and apologized, though Israel has refused to cooperate with FBI and International Criminal Court investigations into her death. In October, a shrine to Abu Akleh was bulldozed. Ezgi Eygi is the third International Solidarity Movement volunteer killed in the Palestinian territories. In 2003, activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer and in 2004 British photographer Tom Hurndall was shot by an Israeli sniper in the Gaza strip. ___ :::

    electoralism Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 92%
    The Silver Legion is saying Kopmala is slipping in swing states.

    ![silver-legion]( "emoji silver-legion")

    videos Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 92%
    Cornel West tells Kopmala to get off the crack pipe

    Omg Cornel....![let-them-fight]( "emoji let-them-fight")

    games Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 100%
    FYI Larian Studios has a sale on Steam right now up to 85% - 20% on BG3

    ![freeze-gamer]( "emoji freeze-gamer") come get some cheap slop from a decent studio.

    videos Evilphd666 2 weeks ago 98%
    Billionaire Peter Thiel says the CIA doesn't tourture enough.

    This is the douchebag behind Trump / Vance this round too. This guy had no problem with the illegal horrible stuff. He's just sad it got exposed and now they have to watch themselves.
