• DownByLaw DownByLaw 3 weeks ago 100%

    Nice generalization on how teleprompters work.

    I’ve worked the speed on one and had to input text into others. And there being phonetic text was a rare occurrence and only for technical terms or very uncommon words. And 100% sure „pantries“ would not be one of them.

    Maybe there are systems that do this (which I think is highly unlikely, as it would make it harder for someone reading common words displayed as phonetic in sentences), but I wouldn’t go as far as saying: „Teleprompters are also phonetic.“ Btw what’s your source on this?

    My guess would be that, as while we are reading text fast, we don’t actually read all letters or their proper order in a word, but our brain just quickly scans the letters and context and outputs what it makes out to be the right word in this situation, this was just a misinterpretation. The other option could be that somebody made a spelling error and „panties“ was actually displayed on the prompter.

  • atheism Atheism Her doubles tennis partner is Wajoseph
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 4 months ago 100%

    Maria is closer to Mario. So I would prefer Waria over Wary.

    And just to say it’s not just Maria in Spanish. It’s Maria in Italian, German and Portuguese. It’s also sounds like Maria in Russian (Мария) and Greek (Μαρία). Those are the ones that I know of, probably there are more languages using Maria.

  • synology
    Synology DownByLaw 8 months ago 100%
    Migration DS224+ (Raid 1 / volume encryption) to DS423+ (SHR / no encryption)

    I‘m planning to migrate from a DS224+ with 2x14TB in Raid 1 and with volume encryption to a DS423+ with 2x18TB in SHR and no encryption. The 2x14TB will be added later on to the DS423+. That’s why I want to use SHR to effectively use the mixed HDD sizes. Since I would like to keep everything the same as it was on the DS224+, what would be the best approach to migrate to the new NAS? Can the synology migration assistant be used for this task, or are the difference in Raid (R1 to SHR) or the unwanted volume encryption going to be a problem? Or is there a better and more effective way to deal with this? I.e. like inserting all disks into the new NAS, creating a new SHR volume2 with the two empty 18TB and then move each shared folder individually to the new volume. Afterwards deleting the original volume1, format the disks and add them to the new volume2? I will add a NVMe to one of the slots as a storage pool anyways which could be the new volume1 (if that matters at all) for docker containers. Any help and experience will be appreciated!

    Airbnb - Wohnraummangel

    Warum redet eigentlich niemand darüber wieviel Wohnraum in Wien von Airbnbs weggenommen wird? Allein in meiner näheren Umgebung gibt es unzählige Airbnb Wohnungen. Abgesehen von einzelnen Wohnungen in den Straßen und Gassen um mich herum sind beide Mehrfamilienhäuser gegenüber von mir und unser Nachbarhaus, alle mit 5-6 Stockwerken, komplett mit Airbnb Wohnungen belegt. Nicht eine Wohnung in diesen Häusern wird regelmäßig bewohnt. Nach ein wenig Recherche habe ich herausgefunden, dass Airbnbs nicht in als Wohnzone klassifizierten Gebieten sein dürfen. Und oh Wunder...Alle Häuser in unserer Straße sind als Wohnzone klassifiziert, nur die besagten Häuser nicht. Kennt sich da jemand aus und weiß wie so etwas sein kann? Stört es euch nicht, dass so viele Wohnungen nicht mehr von normalen Einwohnern bezogen werden können?

    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Military Base - Full Map https://i.imgur.com/1EgqYQU.jpg

    So this is the full map for the images I've posted these last days. So you kinda get an overview of where all the little scenes took place. Zoom in recommended :)

    rimworld Rimworld Finally found out what happened to the campers that have gone missing in the woods...
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    I only have this Mod Manager Pastebin. The list was used in 1.3 so idk if it still works in 1.4

  • rimworld Rimworld Get Inside! Fast!
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    I've uplodaded the original save including the modlist a few years ago: link But I have no idea if it will work at all in 1.4

  • rimworld Rimworld Get Inside! Fast!
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 0%

    I can't seem to find a problem. Image does load on multiple devices and instances. Maybe this one is on your end?

  • rimworld
    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Get Inside! Fast!

    Someone on reddit recommended pretty early, that my map would be a nice playground for the zombie apocalypse. So at a point later in the game I've added the [Zombieland](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=928376710) Mod. In this image you can see the outcome. And he was right, this was a lot of fun!

    rimworld Rimworld Trade Deal gone wrong at the Drift Wood Bar
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! Over a hundred mods is still a lot! I usually have modlists around 300-400mods, or at least I try to keep it under 500. Some are just around the 150 mods mark. It really depends on what kind of setting I want to achieve.

  • rimworld Rimworld Trade Deal gone wrong at the Drift Wood Bar
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    They sell some Yayo and Flake on the side, but their main operation is smokeleaf.

  • rimworld Rimworld Trade Deal gone wrong at the Drift Wood Bar
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Sadly I only have a Mod Manager XML for this save. But if you are looking for something in particular that you found in this image, I might be able to find the corresponding mod.

  • rimworld
    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Trade Deal gone wrong at the Drift Wood Bar

    In the west of my military base a local biker gang has established a profitable smokeleaf business operating in the shadows of their bar.

    rimworld Rimworld What's your favourite mod?
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Didn't run into any major issues with EdB in over 3k hours of playtime yet. I know that it was flagged by a few people, but for me it always worked great. Character Editor is amazing, too! I use it in most of my games. But some people might not like it, because it is a bit like a cheat, that's why I didn't include it in the list :)

  • rimworld Rimworld What's your favourite mod?
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Since I usually use a lot of mods, RimPy (which is only partly a mod) is a must for me. Improves stability and startup time.

    Other mods I can't live without:

  • rimworld Rimworld Ambitious beginnings
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    You've set up your killbox quite early. Seems to be a pretty safe start! Good luck :)

  • rimworld
    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Finally found out what happened to the campers that have gone missing in the woods...

    This small cabin is located in the north west of my military base map. Due to some disturbing rumors among the locals I try to avoid that region.

    rimworld Rimworld Unexpected Visitor at the Hillside Apartment Complex
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! If you like to make your bases more detailed, you can check out this steam collection: Rimmersion

    It's a collaboration project of three rimworlders I met on reddit and me. There's a lot of deco and immersion stuff in there.

  • rimworld Rimworld Nightshift at the Diner
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    When I worked on this base, they were props only. But there are a some promising projects which are working on functioning cars. I've tried a few mods that have moving vehicles, but they are not that great.

  • rimworld Rimworld Murder at the Roadside Motel
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    You lost me at mother in law :D

    Btw are you TheVillageGuy from Rimworldporn? We met a few times already! Nice to find you here, too!

  • rimworld Rimworld Murder at the Roadside Motel
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Yes, I use Dubs Bad Hygiene

  • rimworld Rimworld Murder at the Roadside Motel
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    You found the murder weapon! But sadly the raccoon is just an innocent bystander. Any idea who the real murderer might be and where the corpse is hidden?

  • rimworld Rimworld Murder at the Roadside Motel
  • DownByLaw DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%

    Thank you! There are some mods that might be handy if you want to have a real motel experience:

  • rimworld
    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Murder at the Roadside Motel

    A little motel from my military base playthrough. A murder recently happened in one of the rooms. Can you find out what happened?

    Rimworld DownByLaw 1 year ago 100%
    Nightshift at the Diner

    I'm starting to transfer my Rimworld post from Reddit to Lemmy and will close down by Reddit account soon. So I'll start with this pic I took in one of my favorite playthroughs. It started as a military base with tech limited to industrial and slowly evolved into a zombie game (thx to the [zombieland mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=928376710) which I added later on)
