environment Environment Electrifying your home is about to get a lot cheaper.
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Unfortunately a lot of the damage of climate change is done and mitigating the rest of it will require a lot more attention and effort than our governments are giving so far. The fight is still only beginning and we're starting from a losing position.

    All of that said, given the current political climate and the nature of just how difficult it is to pass basically any meaningful climate legislation, this should still be applauded as a great step in the right direction. It disappoints me that this isn't being reported by bigger, more visible news outlets. Almost as if the narrative that both parties are equally ineffective and neither one passes any noteworthy legislation is better for the business of writing clickbait political analysis to keep readers of all backgrounds bringing in views and also goes a long way in convincing fossil fuel companies to keep buying that juicy ad space.

  • politics Politics George Santos Missed the Deadline to Reveal His Finances. Now What?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Well Republicans control the House so..he gets a pat on the back for his successful grift and McCarthy pretends nothing ever happened?

  • science Science NASA has reestablished full communications with Voyager 2
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    It's honestly insanely impressive that these things are still working so long after being built and so far from us. One of mankind's greatest achievements and even after they die they'll still be out there somewhere floating around. Maybe long after we're gone and the Earth is swallowed up by the sun. The last piece of proof that we even existed at all.

  • politics Politics *Permanently Deleted*
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 88%

    Headline is very biased, source video is opinion piece from an unreliable right wing source. Here's a neutral reporting on this story:


    There is no reliable evidence that he is being tortured in any capacity. He is charged with violating several wartime laws and it appears he attempted to out the locations of Ukrainian soldiers as well as international journalists to hostile Russian invasion forces, implicitly making it easier to target them.

    OP's account appears to be associated with or wants people to believe it is associated with Project Veritas. Project Veritas has a long, very well established pattern of dishonest reporting including editing videos to make it appear as if people have said or done things they didn't do as well as lying about the identities of their "agents" and behaving erratically or unethically in an attempt to elicit secretly recorded responses from their targets which can then be edited to appear incriminating of whatever illicit activity they will then be accused of. Project Veritas is not a credible source of fact-based reporting and if OP is not associated with them, it should still be a red flag that they want people to think they are.

  • science Science Scientists woke up a 46,000-year-old roundworm from Siberian permafrost
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    By sequencing the genome of this Rip Van Winkle roundworm, scientists revealed it to be a new species of nematode

    If this nematode could read I bet it would be offended at being called "new."

  • politics Politics House Republicans line up behind McCarthy on the Biden impeachment seesaw
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    This is all about delegitimizing the impeachment process itself. Trump getting impeached twice was historically relevant because it stood as tangible evidence of him being one of the worst presidents in history and easily the worst of the last 50 years. The Republican narrative remains that those impeachments were politically motivated and not based on any valid legal or ethical concerns. So now they're going to do what they accused Democrats of doing and deliberately make a mockery of impeachment.

    The point of this isn't to actually punish anyone in the Biden administration. It's an inconvenience at worst and they know it. The point is to make impeachment a joke. Something one party in Congress does to the other in the White House as a regular and inconsequential thing, just part of the theater of it all. This retroactively defangs Trump's impeachments in the eyes of people on both sides who aren't dialed into politics and really only pay attention every 4 years and skim the occasional headline. It also preemptively reduces the gravity of any future impeachments of Republican Presidents because impeachment becomes routine and therefore mundane to the average person.

    Basically the Republicans don't like checks and balances that require them to behave like civilized, functional adults doing their jobs, so they're just going to smear their shit on those checks and balances until the voters no longer take them seriously and forget they ever had any real meaning. And it will work too.

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 sales surpass 40m worldwide
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    I think it's down to a few reasons. One you touched on is exclusives. Most consumers aren't going to have both consoles like you do, they're going to pick one or the other and Xbox doesn't really have many exclusives, even fewer than PS, and theirs are much more likely to end up on PC when they do have them. So for consumers who want the larger variety of games, PS5 currently wins.

    Another is performance. While both the PS5 and Series X are comparable, the Series S offering has created a very odd phenomenon of accidental exclusivity for Sony because of performance limitations. It's a relatively new thing but I suspect it's going to be more common as the generation goes on. The current example is Baldur's Gate III. It simply cannot run on the S. As a result the developer has put an Xbox release on hold indefinitely and it may never come out on Xbox because they don't want to have to deal with the confusion of selling an Xbox game that is not playable on one of the two SKUs. They decided that if the S can't run it then it just won't come out for the X either.

    Third, and probably more relevant earlier in the generation, Sony had some snappy gimmicks on their side that might have been a difference maker for some consumers on the fence. The advanced haptics of the Dual Sense for example. I think the novelty of that wore off pretty quickly but there was a lot of buzz around it closer to launch to the extent that it's impact on sales is probably more than nothing at all. I think the PSVR2 was also briefly a console mover as Xbox doesn't have comparable hardware. I don't think anyone at this point is rushing out to get a PS5 just for VR now, but there was a brief period of time after the PSVR2 was announced where people were eager to have a PS5 because if they did want VR, Sony's was the cheapest way into that market at modern performance levels without having to give Facebook your entire identity just to game. Again not significant on its own, but it's impact is more than nothing at all.

    Fourth is just that Sony came into the generation ahead of Microsoft with the PS4. More PS4 owners with big libraries are going to want a new system that can play their old games rather than starting from scratch. So if you have a bunch of PS4 games that you still play, you're going to choose PS5 and it's kind of a no brainer.

    And lastly I'd say Sony has just done a better job marketing it's console as a must-have piece of consumer tech. From the jump there were a lot of people who already had gaming PCs questioning why they would ever need an Xbox. And Microsoft did little to address this narrative, it almost felt like they accepted that they were going to cannibalize their own console's sales right from launch because everything gets ported to PC for them and just decided they didn't care. There are plenty of reasons to own an Xbox but MS has pushed like none of them in advertising. Sony meanwhile did a great job early on marketing the PS5 as a status symbol and has kept in the public eye much more consistently with game exclusivity, and more recently media tie-ins with the Last of Us tv show. And while the exclusives may be few and far between, they are big draws like Final Fantasy, Horizon, and Spider-Man. When Xbox occasionally gets an exclusive, it's always in the news for the wrong reasons like Halo almost universally agreed upon to be no longer good or Redfall being an absolutely embarrassing catastrophe of a release.

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 Pro ‘Project Trinity’ Details And Release Date
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 0%

    How does it's performance compare to a PS5? Because at least where I live, I would have to spend about twice as much on a PC to get the same performance as a PS5.

  • politics Politics PragerU Says Florida Teachers Approved to Use Its Class ‘Curriculum’
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Come to Florida for college! Rack up insurmountable debt while we program you into a bigoted idiot with no useful skills!

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 Pro ‘Project Trinity’ Details And Release Date
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 0%

    The issue is the consumer who is most likely to consider buying a console doesn't want to have to worry about waiting months for a port and then another several months for performance to be fixed, nor do they want to pay for a very expensive gaming PC and then regular hardware upgrades to play new games. As I was saying to someone else, Sony isn't really competing for PC gamers. They're two different markets and Sony knows this which is why they do release a lot of their games to PC eventually. But for people who want to play Sony games when they are relatively new and active, either to experience the story with others and avoid eventual spoilers, or to play in an active online community that may not last, waiting for a functional PC release isn't worth it, especially at the higher cost it brings to have a decent one compared to a console.

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 Pro ‘Project Trinity’ Details And Release Date
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 0%

    The thing is I don't think Sony cares about peeling PC gamers away anymore for exactly the reasons you said; they just release most of their games to PC eventually anyway. But PC gamers and console gamers are not the same market. There are certainly people who play both, but I rarely play PC games anymore because my whole gaming setup is centered around the couch with family now. I simply don't have time to also park myself in front of a PC and game that way as well, and as far as purpose built PCs that connect to a TV go, well, none of those bring the same features for the same cost the way the PS5 does. Pretty much the only PC gaming I do now is on Steam Deck and those games are chosen for playability on the go. So you're not really comparing Sony exclusivity to PC at that point, you're comparing it to Xbox. And between the two Sony wins on exclusives so far this generation.

  • politics Politics House GOP Adds Dozens More Poison Pills to Spending Bill
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    All just theatrics. Red meat for the base who will fall for it because they're gullible and let their thirst for hate cloud their judgment. This is DOA in the Senate and McCarthy knows it but still has his caucus go through with this waste of time. Tells you exactly everything you need to know about his character and fitness for leadership. Both are, to put it mildly, lacking.

  • technology Technology Stanford researchers find Mastodon has a massive child abuse material problem
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    The researchers suggest that decentralized networks like Mastodon need to implement more robust moderation tools and reporting mechanisms to address the prevalence of CSAM.

    I agree, but who's going to pay for it? Those aren't just freely available additions to any application that you only need to toggle on.

  • gaming Gaming PlayStation 5 Pro ‘Project Trinity’ Details And Release Date
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 0%

    Obviously it varies from person to person but Sony exclusives would be the main reason most people want to be in the PlayStation ecosystem. As others have said even when those exclusives do eventually reach PC, the ports are usually lackluster at best and unplayable at worst. So why upgrade to the 5 if you have a 4? For me the difference in load times alone justified early adoption. Probably not everyone can justify the cost and hassle just for faster loading of their PS4 library, but as someone whose time is at a premium and who still tries to play a lot of games often, I have probably saved countless precious hours of time and therefore played far more of my gaming library in the same time frame just be being on the 5.

  • gaming Gaming With Armored Core 6 on the way, I found a photo of my original AC build.
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    High speed glass cannons were always a fun build archetype to play around with in these games. I had tended to go the other way as a kid though, building hulking behemoths loaded to the teeth with bullets and bombs. Just don't ask me to walk anywhere in any kind of efficient manner! Next mission waypoint a hundred steps that way? Meet you in an hour.

  • politics Politics People Aren’t Facing Up to the Horrors a New Trump Term Would Bring | G’bye, NATO. G’bye, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal. G’bye, democracy. He’s telling us plain as day. Why aren’t people listening?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    The US is far too large and powerful a nation to hide from. The consequences of four more years of Trump climate policy alone will find you anywhere on this planet. You cannot run away from the fallout of a second Trump term just by moving to a different continent. Only choice is to stay and help the fight against it.

  • environment Environment Is It Hot Enough Yet for Politicians to Take Real Action?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    My condolences.

  • moviesandtv Movies and TV Shows Hollywood actors’ union recommends strike as talks deadline passes
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Given that the studios have now openly admitted their plan is just to wait the writers out, actors need to step up and throw their weight in on the writers' side. Because its not that easy to replace quality writing with AI just yet. But we've had the tech to replace quality acting with CG and text-to-voice for years already. So actors aren't even doing this for the writers, they're doing it for themselves because they're next. They cost way more to employ but are easier to replace with existing tech.

    Edit: I realize this strike isn't about the writers but rather the actors own collective bargaining, but my point that they're all in on this together and being threatened by the same emerging technologies stands.

  • news World News Inside Barbados' Historic Push for Slavery Reparations
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Barbados is a beautiful country which is poorer than it should be. I had the opportunity to visit it as part of a cruise many years ago and that experience along with similar ones is why I doubt I will ever go on a cruise again. Not to say I didn't have a good time, it was a fantastic opportunity to visit a number of small island nations in a single week and since it was a gift, it only cost me a single roundtrip plane ticket. But something was abundantly clear in Barbados, St Lucia, and St Kitts. And that was that if you were not the cruise industry or the handful of local resorts who contracted with them for day excursions, you benefitted absolutely fucking nothing from their presence. The economies of these small nations had absolutely no right to be as poor as they were with that kind of money coming into them. I went on several of my own excursions and got to see the local areas outside of the preplanned trips the cruise had in mind and saw very poor but very happy people living lives in the shadows of these high-pollution ships bringing rich people into places they themselves were never able to afford to go in their own countries.

    This is all a very roundabout way of saying I hope this works out for them. Barbados is a free, self-governing nation that has a lot to offer to tourists and a lot of locals who should benefit from that but, in today's economic realities, you can't start making money until you have enough money to buy your foot into the door first. The specter of white colonialism still hangs over these small nations.

  • politics Politics There is no legal reason the US can’t supply cluster bombs to Ukraine – but that doesn’t justify Biden's decision to do so
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Maybe a hot take here but if you're going to engage in a war, whether directly or by supporting an ally with money and supplies, you don't half-ass it. You don't give your ally just enough bullets and fuel to get into the thick of it but leave them hanging when they need to keep going. Whether or not you support the US aiding Ukraine, you have to understand that once that support is given the strategically correct thing to do is to see it through. From the position that we are already engaged in supporting Ukraine, the continuation of that support with the goal of winning is itself justification enough to match the ante in response to your opponent raising it.

    A number of factors would make that different. For example if we reached a point where our support started to become detrimental to our readiness to defend ourselves (which, despite arguments from the far right to the contrary, we are not remotely close to doing). Or if Ukraine showed a reapted track record of attacking civilians with our munitions. Or if the war was a losing or lost prospect or this was an escalation on Ukraine's side. But none of those things are the case. Ukraine has not gone out of their way to attack civilians and has in fact fought essentially exclusively a defensive war, they are doing quite well at it and still control their own fates, and Russia escalated to cluster munitions first. This is only a response in kind. With all those factors taken into account, the decision to provide these munitions is justified simply by the fact that they make Ukraine's odds of winning, and winning sooner, better. If Ukraine starts bombing civilians with them then we can discuss whether or not it was the right thing to do. But their track record so far suggests they have no intention of flipping this to an offensive war. Whatever Russian sites they attack on Russian soil can be assumed to be military targets that pose a direct threat to Ukraine and nothing more until proven otherwise.

  • support Beehaw Support Possible to subscribe to lemmy.world communities?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    No, you will have to create a separate account on Lemmy.world or another instance which still federates with them to do that. It is worth noting that the defederation is indefinite but not permanent so you could also just wait. The defederation was done because Lemmy.world users were creating an overabundance of moderation issues so the intention is to eventually federate with them again when it is possible to address those issues more efficiently.

  • technology Technology The Release Date and Key Features of Windows 12 Unveiled
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Except with a lot of features removed.

  • technology Technology Twitter is burning, Bluesky is smug. Where is the best place to do your pathetic doomscrolling? | First Dog on the Moon [COMIC]
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    I think Bsky's biggest challenge is that you can't get on the damn platform.

  • support Beehaw Support Moderation Philosophy - On Content Removal
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Cool thanks for the reply.

  • support Beehaw Support Moderation Philosophy - On Content Removal
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    I only have one very specific situational question. On Reddit I was permanently banned from r/politics because when Rand Paul tested positive for COVID, I commented "lol." Is that also considered unacceptable here? If it is I am fine with that, I just want to know what level of basic decency we're expected to show towards public figures we don't like so I can properly self-edit my tone. I am not going to go actively wishing harm on anyone but I thought this was a relatively innocuous comment when I made it and not deserving of a ban, much less a permanent one.

  • technology Technology Elon Musk Finally Broke Twitter
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    God his dumb fucking grin is so phony. This asshole fires tons of hard working people keeping the lights on for him, won't pay his bills, props up right wing talking points on one of the biggest public platforms on earth, and is a faux-intellectual bigot. But then he still thinks he can act like one of the cool kids and nobody will see through his charade. He mistakes gawking for admiration.

  • askbeehaw AskBeehaw What little luxuries are worth the splurge?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Definitely a bed. Do not cut costs on your mattress, you spend a third of your life laying on one and if it's not good, it will fuck your back up.

  • socialism Socialism Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    If he started making these legislators cancel vacations they'd be a whole lot more pliable.

    Would they? I have seen zero evidence to suggest that.

    Hell, when people told Bernie it was impossible to get a minimum wage increase through congress he gave speeches outside Amazon and Disney, and that act led to a living wage increase (at the time) for more than 200,000 people.

    That's an apples-to-oranges comparison. You're talking about a legislator putting enough attention on private companies that they chose to raise their minimum wage because it became good PR. That's completely different than an executive trying to pressure legislators into doing something when their voters elected them specifically to always do the opposite of what said executive wants.

  • socialism Socialism Biden Is Wrong. The Supreme Court Is Already “Politicized.”
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 0%

    The problem with the bully pulpit is that it only works on people who feel shame, and the Republicans gave up all pretense of that in 2016. Any strong arming Biden tries to do will only be met with further obstruction, fantasy "investigations" and impeachment proceedings, and more thinly veiled attempts to stoke anger and inspire acts of violence among the most radical conservatives. We're well beyond the point of looking to the past for viable political tools when the rules are so different now. What we need is for voters to get Republicans out of power and give Democrats decisive majorities in both houses of Congress and more state legislatures. And we need more people to participate in the primaries so those Democrats aren't just milquetoasts too. Then and only then can the gloves come off.

  • news World News Student Loan Forgiveness: Supreme Court Rejects Biden’s Debt Forgiveness Plan
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Not much Biden could do when Manchin came out against any effort to pass abortion legislation since he's pro-choice. It was already a long shot when he and Sinema decided they would never support removing the filibuster, but any glimmer of hope for legislation died with Manchin joining Republicans on keeping abortion laws off the docket.

  • usnews U.S. News Student Loan Forgiveness: Supreme Court Rejects Biden’s Debt Forgiveness Plan
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    The lesson here is don't let Republicans into power ever. Just 4 years of a pretty ineffective and incompetent Republican administration has still managed to set this country back decades and the damage is going to keep coming. And if you want to mitigate it, I can't promise Democratic majorities will do so efficiently or quickly because it really depends on which Democrats get picked in the primaries whether or not a hypothetical majority of them will be motivated to address stuff like this in a quick fashion. But I can promise you if we let Republicans hold onto any branch of government or regain all of them, then it definitely will not get addressed and in fact the next Republican administration will make this stuff look tame in comparison. We're in for a tough decade or two, time we will not get back, because of 2016. All we can do is make sure it doesn't happen again and try to make it so our kids aren't still mopping up this same mess when it's their turn.

  • politics Politics US Supreme Court reverses affirmative action, ending race-conscious college admissions
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    20 more years of this SCOTUS in all likelihood. That's what 4 years of Trump got us, and DeSantis's nominees for Florida's SCOTUS make Trump's nominees look like level headed centrists. Unless we get big Democratic majorities, then maybe there's a chance at SCOTUS expansion.

    Remember it's not enough to just vote in the general, participate in your primaries too and encourage your friends and family to do the same for both federal and state/local office. The people who are most eager to right these wrongs quickly and through drastic action are usually the underdogs for their nominations. Removing Republicans in favor of Democrats will help most of the time regardless, but how much it helps depends on which Democrats we are electing. It's the difference between slowing the bleeding for 2 years and actual meaningful change.

    Biden will sign a new Judicial Act if Congress puts one in front of him so don't worry about that or how wishy washy he might sound in the meantime. He may be lukewarm on SCOTUS expansion in hypothetical discussion, but when the paper is on his desk, he'll sign it. But it's up to us to give him a Congress that would do it and state governments that will sue to put cases back in front of a relegitimized SCOTUS after the fact.

  • technology Technology Minecraft's devs exit its 7 million-strong subreddit after Reddit's ham-fisted crackdown on protest
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    I agree with that but they have also at times banned people for just regular swearing on their own private servers.

  • politics Politics Sen. Tommy Tuberville voted against a bill that just gave his state $1.4 billion for rural broadband. He's celebrating it anyway.
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Republicans always do this because they think, and are sometimes correct, their voters aren't smart enough to connect that liberal bill they voted against with this money they are getting. And the ones who aren't are on board with the hypocrisy. So they try to have their cake and eat it too and their constituents let them.

  • politics Politics Why is Kamala Harris disliked so much as VP?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    The DNC doesn't put their thumb on the scale as much as people like to pretend. The real problem is the under 40 crowd simply not showing up to vote in primaries. There is nothing stopping the same turnout in general elections happening in primaries except people refusing to get off their couches.

  • politics Politics Why is Kamala Harris disliked so much as VP?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    The single biggest problem standing between the left and sustained and meaningful control of the federal government is the complete lack of ability of voters to circle around a consensus candidate. There are several valid reasons to be critical of Harris just as there are pretty much every single Democratic Presidential decade basically of my lifetime. But Republicans vote consistently for candidates they dislike or even hate just to beat Democrats. Every single candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2016, 2020, and undoubtedly in 2028 will have some vocal subset of registered Democrat voters telling you exactly why they will never in a million years vote for them. I saw it constantly on Reddit and I don't see any reason why it won't continue.

    Until somebody drops the magic "consensus candidate" name that somehow pleases everyone, Democratic voters are always going to be a major hurdle to their own success. And frankly I don't think that "consensus candidate" name exists. Such is the curse of being the big tent party opposite the GOP. Republicans know they can continue winning elections for at least a little longer thanks to Democratic infighting alone.

  • entertainment Entertainment Across the Spider-Verse: Unsustainable Working Conditions "death by a thousand paper cuts"
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    I just don't understand how you can rationalize this by saying it's not a job. Do they use that paycheck to buy food and pay rent? Then it's a job, not some arbitrary form of not-job where suddenly it's ethically fine to abuse your employees. They're not doing it for fun. It's not just that I disagree with you, I can't even see your perspective on this. What you're arguing makes no logical sense.

  • politics Politics A Delaware city is set to give corporations the right to vote in elections
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    With this SCOTUS constitutionality no longer matters.

  • news World News US says Wagner coup is ‘real’ and ‘serious’ as White House consults allies
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Absolutely zero percent chance that happens. The only outcome of this is undisguised dictatorship. The only thing we don't know yet is whether it's Wagner succeeding and installing a military junta or Putin surviving and using this as an excuse to dissolve whatever semblance of a democracy they pretended to have.

  • food Food and Cooking My wife can't eat onion, beans or garlic. What are some of your favorite recipes without them?
  • Cylinsier Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%

    Spaghetti carbonara is always a winner. A lot of people make it with garlic but traditionally it's just guanciale (or pancetta or bacon depending on what's available for you), eggs, cheese, and noodles. It's the Italian bacon egg and cheese. There are plenty of good recipes but whichever one you choose, the key to getting the emulsification right is to mix the cheese and eggs together cold and then add them to the pasta heat off while stirring quickly. Add the leftover water from boiling the pasta in small amounts until you get the consistency you want. The sauce should be creamy, not thin or chunky.

  • twobestfriendsplay
    Two Best Friends Play Cylinsier 1 year ago 100%
    Suggestion: Recreate this community on kbin

    It seems like this community is DOA and I don't know if anyone is even still checking this, but one of the big barriers to adoption I saw on the sub was that people consider Lemmy to be "run by tankies." While that isn't true and demonstrates a misunderstanding of how federated content works, unfortunately this community was established on the instance that is run by a tankie. I saw a number of people on the sub who said they thought kbin might be better. I would suggest retiring this community and making a new version on kbin to try again, marketing that instance to people looking to move instead. Because Lemmy and kbin federate, people already on Lemmy won't need to create a new account. Only the community creator will need to set up a kbin account for creation and moderation.
