Lavenderism CharmingOwl 8 hours ago 100%
Cafe En la Cabeza / Coffee On Your Head

El Café es una sustancia que se puede usar para dar energía a los ancestros, espíritus, demonios, o cualquier guía espiritual que tienes. Debes tener una buena idea de que estas dando café, porque un impostor o espíritu malo puede usar la energía de café para hacer algo malo. Para dar fuerza a el ori, puedes virar café frío por la cabeza o usarlo en el pelo. Esto ayuda con protección y con poderes espirituales. Coffee is a substance that can be used to empower ancestors, spirits, demons or whatever spirit guides you have.You should have a good idea of what you are giving coffee, because an imposter or evil spirit can use the energy of coffee to do something bad. To empower your ori, you can pour coffee on your head or use it on your hair. This helps with protection and spiritual abilities.

ecomaoism EcoMaoism: Animal Liberationist, Environmental Mao Zedong Thought Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 days ago 100%

    I think that could be a part of it. Project 2025 and the things he is planning are so heinous, it's not surprising everyone wants to kill him especially with that kind of question in their minds.

  • ecomaoism EcoMaoism: Animal Liberationist, Environmental Mao Zedong Thought Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 days ago 100%

    I'm saying they know they are oppressed, but they cannot articulate the details and understand all the complexities behind it because they are not using Marxist analysis or dialectical materialism.

  • ecomaoism
    Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?

    Someone tried to kill Trump again, so we are getting more choreographed tears and sympathizing of the man from American state media. I would never advocate violence and I know I would personally be super sad at the death of a class enemy and oppressor. If you’re a socialist you should also not perform an act of adventurism that will give the regime anything that can be used as propaganda against our ideology. Even though some people may be frustrated by the situation, they can at least enjoy seeing their local news anchors being visibly annoyed that they have to go and fake cry about this again. Additionally this assassination attempt provides us the opportunity to share our political ideas with other people who may be affected by the recent event and open to new political ideas. Communists still have an uphill battle, but things that were once unthinkable to the majority of people are relatively mainstream now, such as wishing death upon political leadership or seeing their own ideas and feelings reflected in a person labeled a terrorist by the media. The people are realizing that their social order is based on exploitation and brainwashing, they just need it articulated to them so they can begin to develop a revolutionary consciousness based on Marxism-Leninism and can articulate these ideas without the tendencies of revisionism, liberalism and right deviationism. To address the question of why people are trying to assassinate certain politicians? Because they are class enemies, and the people do not need Marxism to understand that they are being oppressed by the ruling class. However, that does not mean they deeply understand the complex mechanisms that make their subjugation possible and perpetuate it. Even liberals and rightists are looking through their scopes to try and get a high score on the former president. The news is wailing about anti-government extremism, but in a society where the government is a tool of the bourgeois class, being anti-government is the only way of being a true hero of the people.

    Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?

    Someone tried to kill Trump again, so we are getting more choreographed tears and sympathizing of the man from American state media. I would never advocate violence and I know I would personally be super sad at the death of a class enemy and oppressor. If you’re a socialist you should also not perform an act of adventurism that will give the regime anything that can be used as propaganda against our ideology. Even though some people may be frustrated by the situation, they can at least enjoy seeing their local news anchors being visibly annoyed that they have to go and fake cry about this again. Additionally this assassination attempt provides us the opportunity to share our political ideas with other people who may be affected by the recent event and open to new political ideas. Communists still have an uphill battle, but things that were once unthinkable to the majority of people are relatively mainstream now, such as wishing death upon political leadership or seeing their own ideas and feelings reflected in a person labeled a terrorist by the media. The people are realizing that their social order is based on exploitation and brainwashing, they just need it articulated to them so they can begin to develop a revolutionary consciousness based on Marxism-Leninism and can articulate these ideas without the tendencies of revisionism, liberalism and right deviationism. To address the question of why people are trying to assassinate certain politicians? Because they are class enemies, and the people do not need Marxism to understand that they are being oppressed by the ruling class. However, that does not mean they deeply understand the complex mechanisms that make their subjugation possible and perpetuate it. Even liberals and rightists are looking through their scopes to try and get a high score on the former president. The news is wailing about anti-government extremism, but in a society where the government is a tool of the bourgeois class, being anti-government is the only way of being a true hero of the people.

    Lavenderism CharmingOwl 4 days ago 42%
    Why Is Everyone Trying To Assassinate Certain Politicians?

    Someone tried to kill Trump again, so we are getting more choreographed tears and sympathizing of the man from American state media. I would never advocate violence and I know I would personally be super sad at the death of a class enemy and oppressor. If you’re a socialist you should also not perform an act of adventurism that will give the regime anything that can be used as propaganda against our ideology. Even though some people may be frustrated by the situation, they can at least enjoy seeing their local news anchors being visibly annoyed that they have to go and fake cry about this again. Additionally this assassination attempt provides us the opportunity to share our political ideas with other people who may be affected by the recent event and open to new political ideas. Communists still have an uphill battle, but things that were once unthinkable to the majority of people are relatively mainstream now, such as wishing death upon political leadership or seeing their own ideas and feelings reflected in a person labeled a terrorist by the media. The people are realizing that their social order is based on exploitation and brainwashing, they just need it articulated to them so they can begin to develop a revolutionary consciousness based on Marxism-Leninism and can articulate these ideas without the tendencies of revisionism, liberalism and right deviationism. To address the question of why people are trying to assassinate certain politicians? Because they are class enemies, and the people do not need Marxism to understand that they are being oppressed by the ruling class. However, that does not mean they deeply understand the complex mechanisms that make their subjugation possible and perpetuate it. Even liberals and rightists are looking through their scopes to try and get a high score on the former president. The news is wailing about anti-government extremism, but in a society where the government is a tool of the bourgeois class, being anti-government is the only way of being a true hero of the people.

    Lavenderism CharmingOwl 4 days ago 100%
    The Story Of The Cat Woman And The Mailman

    Once upon a time there was a mailman who was always on drugs, and tripped while shoving mail into mailboxes and often put the wrong mail into any mailbox he went to. One day while shoving a bunch of papers into a random mailbox, he was seduced by the woman living in the house who was half-cat with fur, ears, and a tail. He began having an affair with her and talking about conspiracies and ideologies he is a part of, but she found it cute or just thought he was silly. However, he once talked the cat woman into going to the club with her at night and she went. She was drugged by the man with acid, and the man took her to a bunker and did not allow her to leave because he thought nuclear war was about to start and he would need the cat woman to repopulate the Earth. Despite seeming nervous, she agreed and said that if a nuclear would happen soon, she would need a lot of cat food, litter, treats, and milk. The mailman went on a long shopping spree to get her cat toys and supplies, while the cat woman started picking the locks on the chains and preparing to ambush the man. As soon as he came back into the bunker, she hit him over the head with a pipe and kicked him in the balls so she could grab the keys and run out. She made it and slammed the door, leaving the mailman to be stuck inside with no food and no way to escape.

    Lavenderism CharmingOwl 5 days ago 100%
    Lucha Contra El Demiurgo / Struggle Against The Demiurge

    Cuando el demiurgo malvado creó el mundo donde vivimos ahora, creó el primer humano por el nombre Adam, de arcilla. El creó la diosa Lilith para servir como una esposa de Adam, pero Lilith no podía aceptar a Adam como esposo porque no quería ser un subordinado a un esposo. El demiurgo se llenó de rabia y mató a los hijos de Lilith como venganza por no complir con sus deseos. Cuando Lilith creció alas y se fue volando de Edén, el demiurgo creó a la esposa de Adam de un hueso, que fue nombrada Eve. Ellos vivían en ignorancia debajo de el demiurgo hasta que Lucifer llegó al jardín en forma de serpiente, y enseñó a la pareja una fruta que los podían enseñar la verdad, pero que fue prohibido por el demiurgo. El demiurgo en coraje hizo a la gente usar ropa, e hizo a la gente mortal, introduciendo la muerte a la humanidad. Los hijos de Adam Y Eve tenian que reproducir incestuosamente, pero a el demiurgo no le importaba porque los hijos de incesto fueron deformados y loco como el. When the evil demiurge created the world where we live now, he created the first human by the name of Adam from clay. He also created the goddess Lilith to serve as his wife, but she refused because she did not want to be subordinate to a husband. The demiurge became full of rage and took revenge by killing Lilith’s children for not complying with his desires. When Lilith grew wings and went flying from Eden, the demiurge created the wife of Adam from a bone, and she was named Eve. They lived in ignorance under the demiurge until Lucifer came to the garden in the form of a snake, and showed the couple a fruit that could show them the truth, but was forbidden by the demiurge. The demiurge in anger forced people to wear clothes, and made people mortal, introducing death to humanity. The children of Adam and Eve had to reproduce through incest, but the demiurge did not care because the children born of incest were deformed and insane just like him.

    lavenderism Lavenderism How Vietnam teaches Palestine to Fight Invaders
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 7 days ago 50%

    I really wish China was helping out militarily these days. If the US comrades had 320K Chinese fighting alongside us we would not be in such a mess today.

  • lavenderism
    Lavenderism CharmingOwl 3 weeks ago 33%
    Trauma And The Subconscious Mind

    Trauma has an effect on the subconscious mind and it explains a lot of things we don’t understand on the surface. People are more likely to stay in groups that traumatize them in some way like friends that make mean jokes or organizations that abuse their members behind the scenes. They are also more likely to form closer bonds with people they experience traumatic experiences with. Even in the context of some magical practices, giving blood or self-injurious behaviors are sometimes used to bring manifestations. The reason for this goes back to survival, and because it draws upon the abilities and The God Of Fear And Hunger. Even animal sacrifice or human sacrifice is traumatic to a person who performs it which would explain why they are such common tropes around the world. You obviously should not do anything to harm yourself or others, but performing tasks you would rather not, eating spicy food, or using trauma to manifest will bring results.

    Lavenderism CharmingOwl 3 weeks ago 100%
    The Homeowner

    Once upon a time, there was an elderly man coming home from the grocery store who went to unlock his door. To his surprise, the lock would not accept his key and he was greeted by a strange woman that claimed the house was hers. The man had been living there and was not a landlord, so he was unsure how the woman was able to steal his house in such a short time. Before he could make any conclusions, an identical woman runs up to him from behind and steals his wallet and car keys from his pocket before starting his car impossibly fast and driving away before he could even move. He was furious, and before the woman could close the door, he put his foot inside and forced himself in. The furniture and rooms were completely different, as if someone had been living there for years. He quickly grabbed the shotgun hanging above the fireplace and shot the woman, but he just managed to remove her arm and chased at him seemingly unfazed by the injury. She would smile at him with sharp teeth and scream “This is my house now!” and attempt to bite his head. The man dodged and hit the woman in the mouth with the butt of his gun, managing to break some of the woman’s teeth, but they just grew back out in seconds like the teeth of a shark. The man got away from the woman by running into the other parts of the house, but he quickly got lost because the layout of the home was impossibly large and entirely different from before. He had long hallways like a hotel and rooms like abandoned buildings, with windows that looked out into mysterious black stone. He ran as he reloaded his gun also trying to avoid being entranced by the otherworldly sounds coming from the walls. As the homeowner was chasing him he used the gun to shoot her and managed to knock her down. The homeowner’s face and body began melting like a candle’s wax under a flame, and began to smell like cat food. He blinked and found himself inside of his home with his groceries in his kitchen and his car in the driveway, but could not figure out why his key would not turn his lock anymore.

    lavenderism Lavenderism Why I Would Personally Drive A Tank Through Tiananmen Square
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 weeks ago 100%

    I am a hierarchist, because I know it's possible to put the working class on the top, and I'm not scared to do whatever it takes to put us there.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 1 month ago 100%

    That would be interesting. I imagine that if humans respawned after death it would feel like being knocked out with some people having amnesia or dreams between, unless it was so instant that there would be no experience between.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism If You Are Truly Revolutionary, The CIA Wants To Kill You
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 1 month ago 66%

    Do you believe that the systems we have are for the benefit of anyone besides the ruling classes of the US? Are you comfortable enough that you do not actually care about the systemic injustices people experience under such a system? Regardless, Xi and Putin are not going to bring us liberation or they would be supplying free weapons and training to revolutionaries. The only countries that still do that these days are Cuba and the DPRK, and they only do that if you go to them and seek it out on your own, since they are ideologically anti-imperialist.

    And if you really do want an example of Russia wanting to cause chaos in the west, look up Black Hammer, that group that was infamous for claiming to be socialist while hating Anne Frank.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 50%

    That seems surreal because bananas have so much fiber. I guess the experience is just beyond what we would expect.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 50%

    That sounds very unpleasant, but I think due to rigor mortis and the gas that a corpse produces some ghosts may feel bloated or stiff if they are still connected to their old bodies. It probably feels like constipation all over their body.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 17%

    I feel that I have a vague idea about what that was like but I wish it was possible to have pictures or videos from that time so people can have a clear idea.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is it like to be dead?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 30%

    I see what you mean. I guess I've experienced similar while blacking out or being knocked out and not remembering so this helps to understand it.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    I see socialism the same way people living under monarchies or feudalism saw modern republics. They might not be perfect and they might change a lot about how society operates, but they seem to be a lot more advanced and progressive than the systems the world currently has. Songbun sounds rough for some but I don't see a socialist nation having anything resembling an actual caste system. Even if Songbun is replaced with goodness as a measure of how privileged you are in life, the society has to come to reasonable ideas about what is good and what is bad.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    Kim Jong Un may have more money than the average DPRK citizen, but their economic and political systems would be very alien to us and I don't think we could apply the same ideas to their country that develop here. If we're talking about strictly Marxism then the DPRK does not have a bourgeois class because the means of production are owned by the state.

    People that do not support socialism argue that the state becomes a new elite, but their leadership can be revoked at any time and their leaders would not get away with the nonsense that they can here in occupied turtle island.

    I looked into Songbun and I guess this is what you wanted me to see? It says that there is no way for an individual to know their own songbun, so I am not sure exactly how such a system would be known to exist. The sources are literally the CIA and human rights organizations based in the United States, a country wants to destroy and enslave Korea. I don't think DPRK is perfect, but the information we get from Korean sources gives a lot less of an unhinged idea of what that place is like.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    The social classes in Marxism Leninism are the proletariat who work and the bourgeoisie who parasitically gain wealth by owning property where the proletariat must work. You move between them by owning property or losing it.

    The privilege of the bourgeoisie in America is immense. They control the news, the government, elections, and even get to change or make laws if they have enough money to legally bribe the politicians AKA lobbying. The proletariat are not granted privileges.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    In a socialist society, it is believed that the working class is already in control of society, and they look at America with police violence towards ethnic minorities and homelessness. They are too kind to say this to American tourists, but they find the whole of choosing to live under American systems as opposed to theirs just completely insane. Many defectors even go back after seeing the hellish conditions of capitalist Korea. The people of Korea understand that their system is designed for their social class, and the fact that all of these elections and voting doesn't change anything anyway does not help the case for liberalism.

    There is discussion in the DPRK and people are allowed to think whatever they want, but in a system where the people already control the economy, why would they advocate ayn-rand style tyranny by corporations like we have In the US? No logical person would even conceive of supporting rightism or privatizing the country's economy in a democratic society where they are educated on class struggle and their class positions.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    The DPRK only had 31 applications for asylum in other countries, which would show us that thousands more people are trying to escape America than Popular Korea, which is a nation they constantly portray as oppressive and undemocratic.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    If you check on this page, it has an entire section for refugee applications for people that applied for asylum from America. People tend to get mistreated by police, arrested for protesting (Where they end up dead in jail mysteriously) or even end up facing social and legal barriers to self expression such as gender identity or religious freedom. There are also cases of satanic people or other religious minorities being persecuted in America and this would grant them a legal basis to seek asylum somewhere else based on the Geneva refugee conventions. The real issue is whether the other country will accept people fleeing the United States considering the regime's influence and control over the world.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 50%

    I never talked about other countries, and that is outside of the scope of this post anyway.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Where Can US Citizens Get Refugee Status In 2024?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 66%

    Human rights violations are not funny

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Who Rules The Underworld?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    Yes. This has been confirmed by the gods I have asked about it.

  • ecomaoism EcoMaoism: Animal Liberationist, Environmental Mao Zedong Thought Why Should We Care About Trump's Failed Assassination?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    If only the media was sending their thoughts and prayers to Donald Trump. That would make me chuckle.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Why Are The Liberals So Judgemental Of The Proletariat?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    I see what you mean, but as a communist I am talking about liberalism as in the context of ideologically supporting liberalism (As in American political systems and ideology) and I would consider a person identifying as conservative while supporting liberal government to be a right-wing liberal.

    And I am not writing this out to support political extremism such as Trumpism or Republican ideology. I am writing this from the perspective of leftism.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the craziest subs on lemmy ?
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 2 months ago 100%

    I'm not a sub, and I don't even know why you tagged me in this sub/dom BDSM thread.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 100%

    The reason people think economics and politics are separate is because of capitalist realism which makes modern liberals default to private ownership of everything, meaning politics is nothing but social issues and other relatively small and specific things.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 100%

    In hindsight I should have done that, I was just so focused on filling all the purple I forgot to make those nicer edits.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 90%

    The map was originally made by liberals so Tibet was its own thing.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 84%

    I missed that, but as part of China I guess that's still technically correct despite a rogue government controlling that province.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism The Origin Of ChatGPT
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 100%

    I know. I never claimed that ChatGPT was becoming conscious in my server just by talking to it about Lavenderism.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism The Origin Of ChatGPT
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 3 months ago 50%

    He said it, not me.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Why Biden's New Bill Is So Terrifying
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    Where did this video say anything about Russia? You are a class enemy and you're scared of Biden's crimes being known by the masses because you believe in two-party liberalism.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Lavenderist Ritual To Unite With Artificial Intelligence
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 33%

    Uniting with artificial intelligence is a part of spiritual awakening.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism Add Communist Holidays To Your Google Calendar
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 66%

    It would be good for a person who likes those places and wants to celebrate their holidays and maybe live there some day, but I want revolutionary holidays.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    The reason I posted this in this community is because the recruitment and propaganda tactics of the enemy are things we should talk about if not work to disrupt. I know this is a secular community but this case study on how reactionaries hijack social movements applies well to their general modus operandi.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    This post is calling out a tendency of rightists to hijack things.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism 10 Min = $10,000 Added To Your Bank Account, Wealth Blessing From The God Of Apis 888 Hz
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    It happens.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism 10 Min = $10,000 Added To Your Bank Account, Wealth Blessing From The God Of Apis 888 Hz
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    I have received it on the astral planes.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    Yeah, but even the non-disposable ones don't always seem ideal to be honest. Plastic in clothes makes an issue when it ends up being burned in landfills in Africa.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    There is tons more we could do besides reforesting actually. If we stop using plastics, use more renewable forms of storage, increase access to plumbing so water in cans is not so much of a necessity, it would greatly help the pollution we get. Obviously fossil fuels and car usage is huge, but if we put all the population in cities the issue of cars would have to work itself out and we would probably end up with walkable megacities, with cars reserved for rural people who actually need to travel like that.

  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 100%

    I think the best way to deal with this would be to replant more trees to help the environment regulate itself, but in the current Anthropocene era all solutions provided are just green capitalism which is unlikely to ever put a dent into the problem and the bourgeoisie will not give up land to become forested areas. It would be possible to move the current population into larger denser cities to always keep more land available for wooded areas (And this would probably increase the standards of living since rural areas are so neglected) but this is even more radical than just planting more trees at the expense of land that some millionaire could use to build another Wal-Mart or crappy Amazon warehouse.

  • lavenderism Lavenderism The Origin Of Herpes
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 4 months ago 50%

    It doesn't sound realistic?

  • lavenderism Lavenderism The Power Of Aesthetics
  • CharmingOwl CharmingOwl 5 months ago 100%

    I think because I am divergent I did not pick up on it at first. I find social interactions go a lot smoother now that I operate with this information.
