reddit Reddit Reddit is going to let you turn gold into money
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 12 months ago 75%

    I got a reply to a 9.5 year old comment two days ago...

  • lemmyshitpost Lemmy Shitpost Wrote it himself and everything
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 73%

    This is why he'll win. Because Republicans live in an echo chamber where they think Biden is incompetent. If you look at the record he's the best president since FDR.

  • politics politics Christie pulls ahead of DeSantis in New Hampshire GOP primary: poll
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Whatever Christie is doing, it's aimed for after the election. I think he's simply raising his profile for either a talking head spot on a network or a leadership role in the party post-Trump. I think he seriously underestimates the degree to which the party has shifted hard right, though.

    Whatever ends up happening, it is going to be wildly entertaining seeing Christie trash Trump at the debates. I think he'll ridicule Trump for not even having the guts to be present for the debates, and that may trigger Trump to start participating.

  • reddit Reddit This is real: Investing in what makes Reddit unique: Introducing Contextual Keyword Targeting and Product Ads - Upvoted
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think they'll delete this. This is their future.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy is slowly getting better
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 66%

    Yes it was interesting finding communities banned from Reddit who seemed like they had been here awhile.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Coming soon: Fedora for Apple Silicon Macs!
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I have a silly need to buy tech for no reason

    Me too, I have three of them now plus an old chromebook that I rooted and installed linux on when the price of a PI was skyhigh during the pandemic. The chromebook set me back $40. Installing PeppermintOS on it was pretty easy.

  • support Support Just created my own instance, what is the easiest way to transfer subscribed communities?
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Interesting, I'll check that out. RES used to have something similar to keep you synced across computers.

  • support Support Just created my own instance, what is the easiest way to transfer subscribed communities?
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    That looks to be exactly what I need, thank you.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy is slowly getting better
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I can't find it now. The number that I saw was 1.09 million, but I can't find the site I saw it on now. I think a bunch of them must be purged spam accounts maybe.

  • support Support BuckRowdy 1 year ago 96%
    Just created my own instance, what is the easiest way to transfer subscribed communities?

    I decided to set up my own instance to give me more control over my lemmy experience. But I had already subscribed to lots of communities on several other instances. What is the quickest and easiest way to transfer all those subscriptions over so that I can view them in my own instance?

    fediverse Fediverse Lemmy is slowly getting better
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I don't think people really understand that reddit is an 18 year old product. Their original site was iterated on for 10 years before they stopped building on it.

    Lemmy will get there and beyond. As the fediverse attracts more users, it will also attract more contributors. I'm starting to learn Rust myself in hopes I can contribute to the project at some point down the line.

  • fediverse Fediverse Lemmy is slowly getting better
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Please for anyone reading, just be patient. Keep posting and commenting and it WILL grow. There are only like 1.2 million Lemmy users versus hundreds of millions of redditors.

    If you follow the 90-9-1 rule, that leaves very few actual contributors and still Lemmy has a lot of good content daily. Just be patient and it will come.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Coming soon: Fedora for Apple Silicon Macs!
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I’ve bought two on eBay in the last year. Got the last one for around $135 and it was a kit.

  • apple_enthusiast Apple Coming soon: Fedora for Apple Silicon Macs!
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 16%

    No way Im running linux on a Mac. That’s what a raspberry pi is for.

  • fediverse Fediverse It Took 23 Days for Lemmy Posts to Double from 1 Million to 2 Million
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Totally agree. Each sub top mod should submit one good post per day at a minimum.

  • fediverse Fediverse It Took 23 Days for Lemmy Posts to Double from 1 Million to 2 Million
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    What Lemmy needs now more than anything is commenters. If the site is to succeed, it needs robust comment sections.

  • fediverse Fediverse has a lot of really racist communities
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 63%

    I don't generally block anyone on social media. I don't want to block racists and then not be able to report their racism.

  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I remember back when you could only download one song at a time from there. But you’re right. There is an insane amount of good music there.

  • fediverse Fediverse has a lot of really racist communities
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 33%

    I was trying to but the instance was down.

  • fediverse Fediverse has a lot of really racist communities
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 66%

    Yes, I'm sure.

  • fediverse
    Fediverse BuckRowdy 1 year ago 88% has a lot of really racist communities

    Just saw a post on reddit alternatives and there was a comment inviting users to I went and checked it out and the trending communities list included, 'jews did 911', 'killni***rs', 'hitler was right', and 'Fuck Ni***rs'. One of the user accounts was u/HangNi***rs. Hey Laguna Chat, get your shit together. Edit: markdown defeated me again. I think you can figure out what those words are.

  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Is not still up?

  • lemmyworld Lemmy.World Announcements Hexbear Statement
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 71%

    just admit you were wrong. It's ok.

  • politics politics Mega Thread - Donald Trump Pleads Not Guilty to Conspiring to Defraud the United States in Arraignment - Washington DC
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Dang you're here too? Did you leave reddit?

  • reddit Reddit Official Reddit announcement posts now follow a well-defined archetype. The latest accessibility announcement is just the latest example.
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I'm trying. It's hard when they keep falling face-first into the pavement on a weekly basis.

  • reddit Reddit Official Reddit announcement posts now follow a well-defined archetype. The latest accessibility announcement is just the latest example.
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I'm still in the transition phase. I was pretty intertwined with the site so it takes a little time to unwind all of that.

  • reddit
    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%
    Official Reddit announcement posts now follow a well-defined archetype. The latest accessibility announcement is just the latest example.

    In the old days, official reddit announcement posts were a little different. Spuds, or another high-level admin would reply to a comment. Dozens of users would then reply with something like "When are you going to ban r/the_donald." The threads were massive and quickly became unwieldy, but they seemed organic. Once reddit started hiring admins who don't seem to really know what reddit is, I started to notice a new trend. By now it's moved on from a trend to a template or better yet, an archetype. Here is the archetypal pattern to an official Reddit announcement post in 2023: 1. Reddit makes an announcement that is downvoted below 20%. 2. The individual admin making the announcement (sometimes) litters the post with cringe gifs and meme-speak in a ham-fisted attempt to break the ice. 3. This admin will only be authorized to speak on the topic of the post but will be asked about a range of items. 4. The admin will answer 4-8 questions, mostly praise or comments with a neutral or positive tone. 5. The admin replies will mostly be downvoted well into the double digits. 6. After answering a few questions, often without ever replying to any follow-up questions, the admin vanishes as the thread is overwhelmed with criticism and ridicule. In a short time, reddit will announce a new contributor program that will use some kind of crypto currency to allow users to pay other users for content. If recent patterns hold, and we all know they will, there will be aspects of this program that are surfaced in the comments of the announcement. These aspects will be alarming or concerning in some way and will highlight ways in which bad actors could exploit the feature. It will be clear that reddit had not considered these items raised by users and did not adequately interact with their userbase prior to the feature announcement to ensure the smoothest possible launch. Reddit management doesn't seem to fuly understand that the freedom they grant their mods to build and manage their communities -- which is the entire reason that users come to the site so that they can be marketed to -- creates a much higher bar for communication and interaction around site architecture and feature changes with those mods / users. The pattern has been repeating for years: new features are rolled out half-baked, are not highly adopted. Admins are disincentivized to iterate on these features because of the low adoption rates. The feature is then abandoned or deprecated. The last announcement post on r/modnews by the VP of community was the worst example since 2015 when Victoria was fired. Reddit, inc has done nothing to mitigate the anger, they haven't even apologized, without which no healing could ever happen. And the next announcement post will be no different... Standby.

    politics politics Joe Rogan Says It’s a ‘Fact’ That Jan. 6 Was a False Flag, Cites Ray Epps
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Rogan should be deplatformed. We don't have a robust enough education system for 'free speech' to work when people like Rogan are just lying to people.

  • politics politics Whopping 91% of Fox News Viewers Believe Trump Has Not Committed Federal Crimes, But Only 42% Support Him In The Primary
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Society will never progress while Fox News is allowed to remain on the air. Fox News creates digital walls to segregate the audience from reality.

  • reddit Reddit Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 0%

    Throw coins and awards on the pile.

  • reddit
    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 97%
    Sound Off: How many 10+ year redditors have left the site?

    I was just browsing a thread on c/nfl looking for new mods. There were multiple 12+ year Redditors there offering to help. Got me wondering. There are 14,000 of us in this community. How many of us are ten year plus users who have just had enough? Edit: I didn't expect this post to be as poignant as it became. There are so many of you... I can't reply to everyone. I'm an 11 year user and have modded something like 150 subs over the years. I'm really sad too, but I'm finding that lemmy has most of the content I'm looking for, just needs more comments. The API was a big blow, but removing awards on past posts and deleting coin balances is really dumb.

    lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    This got me working, but, for anyone who comes across this, the file to edit is lemmy.yml, and you drop in for dessalines. The only hurdle once I did that was installing docker-compose on the pi. Unfortunately you can't just install docker-compose with pip3 install docker-compose. Follow these instructions to install docker-compose.

    Then just run the ansible playbook.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I was able to install lemmy just now on the rpi. I used ubergeek77's stuff.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit undeleting comments and hiding them
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 46%

    Reddit has given us plenty of legitimate reasons. It's disappointing seeing people fall for conspiracy theories. Reddit doesn't care that you've deleted your comments. It really reveals something I think, and that is a self centered-ness that people have that reddit would find their comments so valuable that they would create a mechanism to restore them after deletion. People who propagate this conspiracy theory reveal more about themselves than anything else.

  • politics politics No Matter What Trump Does, Evangelicals Still Love Him
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 95%

    You want to know a secret? Religious people are the worst people on earth.

  • politics politics McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say | CNN Politics
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 90%

    Republicans change the rules if they ever see that they’ll hurt them in the future.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit undeleting comments and hiding them
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 50%

    It appears Mlem doesn’t allow you to edit comments. Weird.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit undeleting comments and hiding them
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 32%

    And predictably the only guy in the thread who understands how Reddit's listings work was downvoted. I guess some things never change.

  • reddit Reddit Reddit undeleting comments and hiding them
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 76%

    This is more a function of how Reddit’s databases and listings work. Automated tools can’t find all of your content because of the limitations on listings. It’s really funny though that people are ascribing abilities to a company with a very low competency level.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    Wow, okay let me try that. I wish you had been around earlier! Thank you so much.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I saw it but I don't know how to use it.

  • politics politics The Real Threat to Free Speech Is Coming From the Right
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 95%

    What they want is freedom to control reality. What Republicans say, every day is not real, they don't live in reality. What they want is not free speech, they have that more than ever. What they want is to dictate reality to the rest of us.

    All conservative are bad, acab as it were.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    I'm going to see if I can get it working on ubuntu 22 first.

  • lemmy_support Lemmy Support How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8
  • BuckRowdy BuckRowdy 1 year ago 100%

    That was a problem that I had at one point and then I then reflashed the 64-bit Raspnberry Pi OS (no longer called raspnbian which I didn't know). When I run uname -a I get aarch64...

    The specific error I'm getting is this:

    FAILED! => {"changed": false, "errors": [], "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": "0.18.2: Pulling from dessalines/lemmy\n", "msg": "Error: pull failed with no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries"}
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Lemmy Support BuckRowdy 1 year ago 83%
    How can I run a Lemmy instance on a rPi 4? I've tried several methods and both fail because docker didn't support arm v7 or v8

    It's been a rough day. First I tried the lemmy-easy-deploy script because, hey, I'm lazy. That failed, so I then tried the ansible playbook and had some success with it. At first, Let's Encrypt was not working, and I had to sort out my dynamic dns provider. Once that was sorted the playbook was running well, encryption was working properly, then I got an error that the docker didn't support arm v7 architecture. I then updated to Bullseye, Raspbian 11 and got a similar error that docker didn't support arm v8 architecture. So what os do I need to be running on this pi to install an instance on it?

    support Support BuckRowdy 1 year ago 94%
    Lemmy World needs a Favicon

    The browser tab is blank, and unless I'm doing something wrong there is no Favicon set for Lemmy.World. I would hazard a guess that most of us have lots and lots of tabs open at any given time. Would it be possible to add an icon to help make it easier to locate tabs?

    Lemmy Bots and Tools BuckRowdy 1 year ago 85%
    I want to start creating bots for Lemmy, but have a couple of questions about iterating through posts, comments, repports...

    I'm new to lemmy, only been here a few days, but I have already ported over one of my reddit bots to Lemmy and it was really easy, like orders of magnitude easier than it was to get my first reddit bot working. There are lots of wrappers available and I am researching everything to figure out how best to proceed with a more serious bot. Most of my scripts for reddit were moderation tools. Lemmy doesn't seem large enough to need a lot of moderation yet, but I still want to get to work creating things because it's fun. I'm finding documentation scarce in some cases so I just wanted to pose a question here. On reddit, if I want to look at posts (or comments, reports, modqueue, and so on) I iterate through a listing and then narrow my search based on what type of post I need. Does Lemmy use listings, or how do you process posts/comments in the same fashion as you'd do over there? I haven't had to take any mod actions yet because I don't have any reports, so I haven't really explored any of the mod actions via the api.

    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 98%
    Reddit Official App: "I am able to take mod actions on a sub I'm not a mod in."

    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > The hits just keep coming.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 99%
    Reddit Official App: "I am able to take mod actions on a sub I'm not a mod in."

    cross-posted from: > The hits just keep coming.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 97%
    Reddit Official App: "I am able to take mod actions on a sub I'm not a mod in."

    The hits just keep coming.

    Reddit BuckRowdy 1 year ago 98% is a front end for Lemmy that looks just like old reddit. It provides a familiar experience

    Like many of you I'm here because I'm done with reddit. I'm just getting started here and I found a front end for Lemmy that provides the old reddit interface. I like the interface just fine, but old habits are hard to break. I think using Lemmy with this front end will help me spend more time here because of the familiarity. if you have friends that are having a hard time transitioning over, maybe recommend to them.
