ich_iel ich_iel ich👮‍♂️📱iel
  • BlueKey BlueKey 8 hours ago 100%

    Ich weiß ja, dass es einen z.T. beachtlichen Personalmangel gibt. Aber können wir bitte dennoch mal mit dem Kärcher durch die ganzen Polizeistellen gehen?

  • BlueKey BlueKey 8 hours ago 100%

    I have no serious knowledge about it, but for the thermic aspect I can't imagine it working in any way.

    Your body will try its best to keep its core temperature constant. So you won't really cool your cells down.
    In this process it will burn even more fuel to produce heat, so quite the opposide they want to archive.

  • ich_iel ich_iel ich🫵🏼🪈iel
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 days ago 100%

    *weint beim Ansehen, wie Invidious und NeuesRohr von DuRöhre gehen die Wand gescheppert werden*

    Edith: MarkRunter

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What's your stance on "donating" blood plasma?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 4 days ago 100%

    If they see it as a scam then they seem to expect certain financial gain from donating. In my opinion this is bad as donating life-saving goods should not be done just for the money.

    You can't be scammed if you are doing it for saving lifes (except if they sell the blood to some shady labs instead hospitals).

  • BlueKey BlueKey 7 days ago 100%

    Wobei ich dir zustimme, dass die Schritte helfen, finde ich es doch insgesammt ein mieses Design.

    Solchen Notfallmechanismen sollte so designt sein, dass sie auch jemand, der zum erstem mal ein digitales Gerät in der Hand hält, damit umgehen kann. Solche Schritte zum richtigen Verhalten bei Alarmmeldungen würde ich jetzt eher keinen abverlangen.

    Mein Vorschlag: nach Tippen geht der Ton weg und der Text bleibt. Den kann man dann nur wegmachen, wenn man einen entsprechend markierten Button zur Seite schiebt.

  • greentext Greentext Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • BlueKey BlueKey 7 days ago 75%

    It's interesting to read the comments, as there are people who are like

    I sometimes don't return the cart and I attest myself to not be a bad person. Therfore the test is bullshit.

    But then they behave like a dick in the comments; showing involuntarily that the test is a good metric.

    So I think even a post about this test works like the test on a more meta level.

  • privacy Privacy Why isn't U-Prove more widespread?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    I didn't read to much of the FIDO2 spec, so I can't really compare.
    But U-Prove can be used for state-issued E-IDs. Is this also possible with FIDO (including dynamically issuing attributes)?

  • privacy
    Privacy BlueKey 1 week ago 100%
    Why isn't U-Prove more widespread? www.microsoft.com

    U-Prove seems to me to be pretty close to a perfect auth system. It is possible to disclose only specific attributes and every prove is unlinkable (given no unique attribute is disclosed). Also it supports generating an unique, identity-linked ID per domain. So I wonder why this technology is not used anywhere I know of?

  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    Wenn du zu viel schaust, kommt nach der Erkältung die existentielle Kriese :D

  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    Möge dein Immunsystem baldig siegreich sein.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    Jep, the concept of it looks good.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    Interesting. As shown in a comment below, it will be difficult for existing shop operators to integrate such a system.

    But if your project gets track I see nothing preventing me to create adapters so my service can consume the stream (well, if I really am going to build it).

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 week ago 100%

    How would you implement this with Nostr?

    I'm planning to create such a platform as a POC for my masters degree but it will be based on Open Street Map or similar. (so don't worry that I copy your idea ;) )

  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy BlueKey 1 week ago 97%
    Is there a webplatform for searching the items of local shops?

    Lets say I'm in a city and want to buy a specific item or a specific category of items.\ It would be nice if there is a website which lists all the items (or at least their more granular categories) of all the local shops in my area. To be clear, I don't mean an onlineshop; I still want to go there physically. Just something like of a catalogue for all shops in a specific area.

    ich_iel ich_iel ich💨iel
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 weeks ago 100%


  • google Google Google is losing its status as a verb
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 weeks ago 100%

    If I remember right, DuckDuckGo called it 'ducking' or 'duck it' themselfes.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor My debugging experience today: Quantum Debugging
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 weeks ago 100%

    It wasn't :D
    See my comments below.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor My debugging experience today: Quantum Debugging
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 weeks ago 100%

    I'm new to Go and wanted to copy some text-data from a stream into the outputstream of the HTTP response. I was copying the data to and from a []byte with a single Read() and Write() call and expexted everything to be copied as the buffer is always the size of the while data. Turns out Read() sometimes fills the whole buffer and sometimes don't.
    Now I'm using io.Copy().

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor My debugging experience today: Quantum Debugging
  • BlueKey BlueKey 2 weeks ago 97%

    Turned out that the bug ocurred randomly. The first tries I just had the "luck" that it only happened when the breakpoints were on.
    Fixed it by now btw.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearDA
    datahoarder BlueKey 3 weeks ago 100%
    Where to get used tape drives?

    I'm entertaining the thought to write my backups onto tape storage. So my questiont to this community is: does someone know where (if any) to get cheap and simple (my requirements are "just writes & reads the data and is usable with a Linux machine") used tape drives? Thanks for any hints.

    linuxmemes linuxmemes I heard you like desktops, so I put a desktop in your desktop in your desktop
  • BlueKey BlueKey 3 weeks ago 100%

    If you want to test Plasma, I think doing it in Distrobox would be a good idea, so your configs and Co are protected from corruption.. The KDE wiki gives instructions for that.

  • cybersecuritymemes Cybersecurity - Memes Password length requirement
  • BlueKey BlueKey 4 weeks ago 100%

    And (at least at the time of my account creation) don't even tell you about it. I found out by the errormessage in the networklog of the REST requests why my signup failed repeately.

  • BlueKey BlueKey 4 weeks ago 100%

    They are in the picture, you just can't find them.

  • science_memes Science Memes Invention rule
  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 month ago 100%

    Can also be the other way around when for example biology finds a new immune therapy and chemestry a new way to dissolve your lung.

  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 month ago 96%

    And then the quick hack gets a permanent solution and the next employee has to fight trough the spagetti.

  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 month ago 100%

    lol, didn't see it as Mbin just shows it as text. Next time I should put my regex in a codeblock.

  • BlueKey BlueKey 1 month ago 100%

    a ^[MG]oth

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Studie: Altersverifikation im Netz ist nötig, in Demokratien aber nicht machbar
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Nunja, es gibt keinen wirklichen Auth-Server. Die Identifizierung läuft nur auf dem Perso (+ Lesegerät) ab.

    Aber es gibt Testsoftware, mit der man solche Flows selber zur Entwicklung nachstellen kann: WWW.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Studie: Altersverifikation im Netz ist nötig, in Demokratien aber nicht machbar
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Musste tiefer graben, als erwartet, aber hier:

    Paper (Seite 6)

    Allgemeine Infos

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Studie: Altersverifikation im Netz ist nötig, in Demokratien aber nicht machbar
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Ich bin nicht tief genug in der Spezifikation drin, um das zu bewerten. Müsste man mal nachlesen.

    Dass sowas nicht unmöglich ist, hat U-Prove gezeigt.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Studie: Altersverifikation im Netz ist nötig, in Demokratien aber nicht machbar
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Fälschungsfreie Tokengenerierung ohne online IdP ist möglich. Unsere EID hat das ja schon gezeigt, der Client ist OpenSource und durch offene Standarts ist die Verifikation auch nicht zu schwer.
    Das größte Problem ist der komplexe Prozess, sich als ServiceProvider freischalten zu lassen.
    Ok, und zugegeben, man braucht passende Hardware (wie ein NFC Handy).

    Ein anderes, interessanntes Konzept ist U-Prove. Das hab ich leider noch nie im realen Einsatz gesehen.

    Die Frage nach Verhältnismäßigkeit solcher Maßnahmen ist jedenfalls durchaus berechtigt.

  • dach DACH - jetzt auf feddit.org Studie: Altersverifikation im Netz ist nötig, in Demokratien aber nicht machbar
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Der deutsche E-Perso hat bereits genau diese ">= 18" Abfrage.

  • reddit Reddit Goodbye [old].[reddit].[com]
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    Which brings me to boil is that they use 'pardner'.
    I'm not your pardner in any way. I just wanted to read an aswer in my search results for a quite specific question.

    Every time I read this 'whoa there, pardner' I want to scream at my screen that they should shut the fuck up.

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy What is a good place to get multiple single-use email addresses?
  • BlueKey BlueKey 6 months ago 100%

    I like Addy as it allows to create mail aliases which relay to your real mail. So you cen delete the alias as soon as it gets spammed.

    If the free tier of the website is to restrictive for your uses, Addy is hosted by other FOSS supporting platforms and their limits vary.
