asklemmy Asklemmy What did you buy that improved your life?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 4 months ago 100%

    My partner is also allergic to mosquito bites and he got a HeatIt and it was life-changing. He previously had to stay home and permanently ice his bites to not get blood poisoning and was in huge pain, but now since it's always with him on his keychain, he can treat the stings right away before they get too bad and can go out and do pretty much everything now. He still needs to treat the stings regularly, but it's so much more portable and accessible than the ice packs he used before.
    Compared to the larger devices like BiteAway, it performs a bit worse and it's a bit pricey and the durability is kinda shit, but the fact that it's always on him and ready to use (as long as you bring your keys and phone), he can treat the bites right away on the go, which makes a huge difference in effectiveness.

  • opossums Opossums If we're being honest...
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 4 months ago 100%

    I asked AI to decipher your message:

    The text you provided seems to be a series of sounds or vocalizations, rather than actual words or a coded message. Here's my interpretation of what those sounds could represent:

    "Hsssssssss" - This elongated hissing sound is often associated with snakes or cats when they feel threatened or agitated.

    "Grrrrrrr" - A deep, guttural growling noise, typically made by dogs, lions, bears, or other animals when they are angry, aggressive, or warning others.

    "tsk tsk tsk" - The "tsk" sound is a tongue-click often used to express disapproval, disappointment, or mild admonishment.

    "Eeeeeee!" - A high-pitched, prolonged squeal or shriek, which could indicate excitement, fear, or surprise.

    "Chh! Chh!" - A shorter version of the hissing sound, similar to the "Hsssssssss" but more abrupt.

    "Ch-ch-ch-ch" - This staccato sound could represent chattering teeth, perhaps due to cold or fear.

    Overall, the combination of these sounds paints a picture of an agitated, aggressive, or alarmed creature or situation. It could be interpreted as a warning or expression of hostility, potentially from an animal or someone mimicking animal sounds.

    Without more context, it's difficult to provide a more specific interpretation, but the vocalizations seem to convey a sense of tension, threat, or unease.

  • 196 196 🟰 b&
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 4 months ago 100%

    They're putting anticheat in everything these days

  • 196 196 I hate summer rule
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 4 months ago 100%

    Sun jackets ftw

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Aluminium drawback? Why US still uses so many plastic bottles?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 5 months ago 100%

    Maybe it's for the same reason Moscow Mules are served in copper mugs. The container conducts heat well and therefore feels very cold to the touch when you put your lips on it, which enhances the feeling of it being refreshing.

  • 196 196 I want to be a skater[ule]
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 5 months ago 100%

    If you're afraid of falling, wear protectors and just deliberately fall a couple of times to test the level of protection and practice falling to build confidence.
    I'm bad at sports and use skating to exercise, so I suck and regularly fall ~3 times per hour, but it's not a big deal at all and rarely hurts. And over time you really learn how to fall in a more controlled fashion, which is a useful skill to have by itself - it's prevented me from getting injured when I tripped and fell on a hike.

  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 6 months ago 100%

    This reminds me of the time someone posted some meme referencing Ea-Nasir in here, a scummy copper ingot merchant from mesopotamia. Makes me wonder if anybody knew these references because they're actually so famous and I'm just uncultured, or if they only know them because some history nerd started making memes and they somehow caught on and now everyone learned them through some explanations in the comments like I just did.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck Steam Deck had a strong end to 2023 and a great start for 2024
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 6 months ago 100%

    These days I'm mostly playing rhythm games and for those I much prefer the trackpads. Less finger strain, I can tap faster, less wear and tear for the buttons, less noise for my surroundings. And in other games with toolbars, even if they have console support, you usually have to sift through shoulder buttons to switch between your items. With the trackpads you can have a tiny macro pad right underneath your thumbs.

    As someone with tiny hands who usually uses an extra small xbox controller, I still find myself loving the deck controls more, simply because there is more stuff to configure to my liking. Yes, I have some trouble reaching the shoulder buttons when my thumbs are on the pads, but so far that's been less of a problem in the games I play.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Anyone else have a song playing in their head 24/7? If so, what song?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Not every day, every living minute, but quite regularly and throughout the year, the first 4 beats of "Deck the Halls" on infinite loop in a 6/4 beat so after the 4 beats there's 2 beats silence before it begins all over again. Weirdest thing is after all these years I don't even know the text, just the melody.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck Multitouch on touch pads?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    The game doesn't support the touch screen :( but will look for plugins in that direction, thanks

  • steamdeck
    Steam Deck BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%
    Multitouch on touch pads?

    Does anyone know if the touchpads of the SD (OLED if it matters) have proper multi-touch? As in, you can map two buttons there and both can be pressed completely independently (i.e. hold one while tapping the other)? It's niche but I lay my Deck down on my lap and drum on the pads with 2 fingers per pad to play a Rhythm game and haven't found the right settings yet. I've found so far that with Steam Input configs, the only way to somewhat get two button presses at once is with the 8 way overlap, but I'm pretty sure that even then, it only interpolates the two touches and sends the input of wherever the interpolated input ends up. So if it happens to land in the overlap area, you get two different button presses as expected, but if you're off by a little, you get two presses of the same button instead. This also means that if you make the overlap area too large, it's also too easy to tap on that with one finger and unintentionally fat-finger. So I wanted to know if I'm missing the correct settings in Steam Input? Or is there some plugin for this? Or does the hardware not support multi-touch at all and I'm out of luck?

    196 196 Tomatrule
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Guess we just know different people then

  • 196 196 Tomatrule
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    I see the image must have been cropped off to the right

  • 196
    196 BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 99%
    rhythmgames Rhythm Games What's your favorite song/s from any rhythm games?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    As a whole, I enjoyed the music from Deemo most. Other than that, I love playing rhythm games to Monstercat Dubstep, DnB and Drumstep songs, but they're usually not officially in any game (except Just Shapes and Beats but I wouldn't call it a rhythm game).

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    A good quality skin should be cleanly removable, so unless the phone skin is much cheaper, there's not much benefit to practicing on the phone first. I wouldn't worry so much.

    Also sorry for randomly info-dumping that wall of text, oh god. I tend to do that when I'm obsessed with something haha ^^"

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    The screen protector you see on mine is the second one because I fumbled the first and it still has bubbles. So as someone who also struggles with screen protectors: it's not the same.
    Yes, it has a lot more pieces, some of which are quite thin and fragile and you need more patience to follow the instructions properly and the whole process takes a lot longer, which may seem daunting.
    But the material is so, so much more forgiving than the average screen protector.

    First of all, it's not transparent, so trapping some stuff that doesn't have much height like fine dust and fingerprints is not an issue, since you can't see it.
    This means that you don't have to drop everything into place perfectly on the first try. Because a small amount of fingerprints is not an issue, you can fumble around with it a lot more. Because fine dust is not an issue, you can also take your time doing it.
    Secondly, even if you do trap larger pieces of dust, unlike rigid screen protectors that create a huge penny-sized bubble dome around it, skins are meant to wrap tightly around complex shapes, so in my case I just have a teenie tiny bump exactly the size of the dust + skin thickness, which is barely noticeable.
    The glue on my skin also seems different and more forgiving to ripping and reapplying. In particular, you can reposition things a lot of times before pressing down to fixate it for good. So you can e.g. fixate one side, then lightly drape the skin across to match the cutouts on the other side, then fixate that side, and then smooth out the middle parts.
    Which takes us to bubbles. Whenever the flat skin doesn't fit the 3D shape 100%, you'll get a lot of wrinkles and bubbles and that is totally fine. With the hairdryer, you can melt the material into place and most of my bubbles disappeared completely. The few that didn't turned into tiny creases at the ends. I think this is the only imperfection to expect. It's really hard not to get any creases and you don't get more tries here because you need to press down to smooth out the bubbles, so you can't reapply.
    But that's it. Everything else can be repositioned until it's perfect, so the only thing it really takes is patience.

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor `zsh`, `ksh`, `bash`, and obviously `sh`
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Does ash count?

  • 196 196 Game derulepment
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    "Save the Lemmyverse" - a game where you are a lemming and each level is one Lemmy community, with insider memes and problems unique to that community which you need to fix. It has dialogue-based sequences where you need to investigate what's wrong with the community, and then a random minigame to finish each level.

    There are shops where you can spend upvotes to buy stuff.

    There are collectible memes scattered around the game and you can post them to c/196 to gain upvote currency.
    If you accidentally visit without posting anything new, you lose currency.

    I could go on and on with this :D

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Hey, I asked for them, so they are solicited!

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Dang, I need to give it a try. I've been wary of RSI with the super fast games, didn't know it was possible to have hard levels without destroying my hands.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Woah it's all white :O
    Was it a set or did you have to get custom case, buttons and pads separately? Wanted to do something similar as well in the beginning but I've never taken electronics apart before so when I read that it's not that easy and there are risky steps, I bailed and got a skin instead haha

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Looks sick, man. How's Rhythm Heaven? Recently got back into rhythm games myself.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    EasySkinz. They had some pretty good discounts during black friday when I got it

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    I'm also from Europe and got this one from EasySkinz. They're UK-based. The material feels good and was easy to apply, can def recommend them. Customer support was helpful, too (asked them if the non-OLED skins were any different from the OLED ones and the answer was no, idk why they sell them in different categories).

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    Neat motif! Did you use heat? My skin came with instructions to use a hairdryer and the skin kind of just melted into place with some careful strokes. If you haven't done so, maybe you can try that on an inconspicuous area?

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I'm in love with this skin. Show off your Decks :D
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    It's metallic blue when you look directly at it and turns more purple as you look more from the side

  • steamdeck Steam Deck I've never had a Steam account or done PC gaming. I have a OLED SteamDeck coming, what do I need to know?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 8 months ago 100%

    You may want to check out to build your wishlist. It allows you to set the price thresholds at which you want to be notified and also supports other fully-legitimate (as in devs actively collaborate with them and get paid) stores than just Steam. Many of which sell Steam keys which are codes you can redeem in Steam to activate the game there.
    You have all the benefits of Steam games such as no to little extra fiddling to play games on Linux, library and cloud save sync, Steam community and workshop content, playtime tracking etc.
    The only real downside is that you're not covered by Steam's super lenient refund policy, which is actually quite good to have, since not all games run perfectly on Deck yet. If you buy from other stores, it's usually hard to refund games that you've already redeemed. But if you're fairly confident that it will run and you won't refund it, you can sometimes find really good sales "off-season" this way.
    Hope that helps :)

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What was the piece of media so emotionally overwhelming you just stopped it?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 9 months ago 100%

    I have a friend who regularly shares the latest news that brings him mental anguish, followed by messages along the lines of "the world is doomed, society is trash, how can anyone sleep soundly at night knowing the terrors that are happening this very second". I don't know why he still follows them. It's not like he takes action against these things, and most often he can't do anything against them even if he wanted to, and this feeling of powerlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, is weighing him down so much.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck [Discussion] New month of a new year, new games. What are you playing on your deck? - January 2024
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 9 months ago 100%

    Stray. It's an absolute feast on the eyes on the OLED deck's screen. Something about the way it pulls off the subtle hue shifts in the game and the high contrast is just better than on 2 different PC monitors I've tried, my (arguably cheap) TV or even my (not-so-cheap and also OLED) phone. You just have to try and see for yourself to get it.

    I've also gotten back into rhythm games. Been playing Project Diva and Thumper as well lately.

  • steamdeck Steam Deck (TRUTH) New year and reflection time for past 6 months
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 9 months ago 100%

    Before getting the Deck, I pretty much gave up on gaming because I started working fulltime remotely and I didn't want to just continue sitting on the same desk after work and continue gaming there. It's bad for my physical and mental health.

    Since getting my OLED end of November, I've been playing an average of 3h per day despite fulltime work and spending holidays with family and friends… oops :D I think it will definitely go down once the honeymoon phase is over, but its impact is already made. Through it I've found a new way to fit an old hobby back into my life.
    I'm also using it to watch stuff on TV in docked mode. The portable format is just perfect for it.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Whats something that is only worth getting the expensive version of?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 9 months ago 100%

    Definitely dishwashers. When we were poor students moving out of the dorms into our first real apartment, we cheaped out on as much as we could but shelled out more than 1k on a proper good Miele one. Got one with less features but better energy and water efficiency and it just does its job and does it well. Every time I am at someone else's place and they have to prewash their dishes I feel more validated in this choice.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 9 months ago 100%

    Totally depends on the pet then. My cat is not a good predator, so breakage is not a problem, but she's very picky with what she wants to play with and most new toys can't keep her interest for longer than 2 weeks, so it's absolutely a waste of money to spend more. The only toy that she consistently plays with is still a random piece of rope 😅

    So the pet's personality plays a part, but seeing the other comments, I also see a cat vs dog difference.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a fun gadget you have purchased that has added value to your life?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 10 months ago 100%

    Also just ordered mine. Since I started working fulltime remote a year ago, I found myself not wanting to spend more time on my desk after work. That translated into me almost giving up gaming even though I used to love it. Moving to a place where I can have a second desk would cost me one Steam Deck per month so I just went with a Steam Deck lol

  • 196 196 new alignment chart rule
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 10 months ago 100%

    Yes, thanks <3

  • 196 196 new alignment chart rule
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 10 months ago 100%

    I can't access the link 😭 Does anyone have an alternative source for me? The preview looks fun

  • asklemmy Asklemmy *Permanently Deleted*
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 11 months ago 100%

    Not sure about white and male without people talking about it, but tech nerds for sure. Saying this as a non-white non-male tech nerd myself.

    It does get a bit monotonous in here…

  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 11 months ago 100%

    Is this a cark or a shat

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is the device you want, but that does not exist?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 11 months ago 100%

    Privacy-respecting thought-controlled AR+VR smart contact lenses that correct my eyesight, block out UV, can somehow project sound into my brain, overlay people's names and basic info when I see them and don't remember (or make me remember thanks to the brain interface), and let me browse the internet and work on stuff without using my hands because RSI :(

  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 11 months ago 100%

    The quality of the wings vs the body vs the legs of the bumble bee reminds me of this

  • mechanicalkeyboards Mechanical Keyboards Looking for Recommendations: Portable MacOS-Compatible Keyboards for Remote Work
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 12 months ago 100%

    If you're willing to go down this rabbit hole: I have a Planck keyboard. It's super tiny, only weighs 300g and feels good enough that I use it daily for work (programming) even though I bought it for travel. Don't get too discouraged by the missing keys. It does have a slight learning curve and in my case I also tweaked the software quite a lot to get exactly what I want, but if you're up for it, it can be super rewarding. I got the pre-built Planck EZ but it's discontinued but there are other Planck-style boards out there.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Spotify vs Tidal - worth switching?
  • BlueFairyPainter BlueFairyPainter 12 months ago 100%

    I switched from Yt Music to Tidal because of audio quality and it's audible. But the difference between Spotify highest quality and Tidal is truly minimal. I did the tests and I couldn't hear it. I kinda prefer the UI and generally like supporting market alternatives if they're good and if they pay artists better, then that's even better. I don't listen to podcasts either, so those are my personal reasons for choosing Tidal over Spotify.

    I have never really used Spotify, but my partner insists that the recommendations on Tidal are actually better. I also think the recommendations are great, but work best for genres that Tidal is strong at. Of the genres I listen to, I've had really good experiences with the genres hip hop, rap, lofi, misc. electronic music, western pop, and less good experiences with classical music, soundtracks and more niche genres like J-Pop, African Pop and random trash (on Spotify, our we used to like to prank our friends by adding stuff like gangster's paradise kids bop version or "female orgasm sounds" to their playlists. I haven't really found prank-worthy stuff on Tidal yet).

    So it's really a personal decision and tbh, I think Spotify is the better choice for most people.

  • kindle
    Kindle BlueFairyPainter 1 year ago 90%
    Modern-looking fonts?

    For most books, the usual recommended fonts like Bookerly work well, but I also have some technical books and light novels, and that old, serious flair of most traditional book fonts just looks… off. Do you have any recommendations for nice modern-looking fonts that work well with e-ink screens?

    Frag Feddit BlueFairyPainter 1 year ago 83%
    Kennt ihr das Sprichwort "Da müssen schon Maschinen kommen, keine Ersatzteile"?

    Wenn nicht, was denkt ihr, was es bedeuten soll? Mein Kumpel ist mal wieder am Nachmittagsschizokopfkanonenpfostieren und behauptet, das sei ein richtiges Sprichwort, aber wir haben alle noch nie was von gehört.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Sunset Cat on Santorini, Greece