California BaldProphet 4 months ago 100%
‘Many’ arrests as police descend on pro-Palestine encampment at UCSC

Droves of police officers descended on UC Santa Cruz early Friday morning, initiating a standoff with pro-Palestinian supporters, who have blocked off the campus' main entrance since Tuesday.

politics politics Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it | Moira Donegan
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 65%

    Let me rewrite this headline:

    "Democrats would rather elect a literal Nazi than Joe Biden"

    Which is bull, but essentially what the article is saying.

    If you won't vote for Biden because of Gaza, you are an ignorant, narrow-minded idiot and you are handing Trump the presidency.

  • worldnews World News Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state in historic move
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 15%
  • california California Why UC grad students are going out on strike
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 75%

    Yeah, UCSC feels like an odd choice. Maybe it's because they've had a lot of union activity there over the past few years.

  • california California How your dog’s breed could ban you from getting home insurance in California
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 66%

    Yeah, it's not like they need more excuses than they already have to drop insurance plans.

  • linux Linux How do you make Linux more popular?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 77%

    Why does Linux need to be more popular? This isn't some NRM with a proselytizing mandate. Use whichever OS you prefer and let others do the same.

  • linux Linux How do you make Linux more popular?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 87%

    This is an extremely sheltered view. Most people don't even know what an operating system is, and they assume that it is an unalterable component of the computer they purchased at Best Buy. They don't have a last straw because as far as they're concerned there isn't anything they can do about it other than perhaps switching to a Mac.

  • linux Linux Need a good resource to learn linux
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 66%

    Yeah, Microsoft is always trying to monetize things that shouldn't be monetized. Linux won't necessarily be easier, but it definitely won't force you to watch ads in your application menu.

  • linux Linux Need a good resource to learn linux
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 50%


  • linux Linux Need a good resource to learn linux
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 25%

    No problems that a person with "minimal computer expertise" has are likely to require editing the registry, and if they struggle with the Settings app in Windows, they will be completely befuddled by the vast array of configuration files they will have to search through for making changes on Linux.

  • california
    California BaldProphet 4 months ago 77%
    Why UC grad students are going out on strike

    > > > More than 1,500 graduate students, teaching assistants and researchers are expected to walk off the job at UC Santa Cruz today, launching the first labor strike over the University of California’s response to pro-Palestinian protests in the past month. > > > > > Workers will picket from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the two main roads leading into campus, disrupting package deliveries and transit into the university that’s become a hotbed for labor activity in the past few years. > > > > > The union, UAW 4811, won approval from its members last week to call for strikes at select campuses throughout the UC. > > > > > While many work stoppages are over pay and benefits, this one is in response to the union’s anger over the UC’s use of police to clear overnight encampments in support of Palestinians that propped up at multiple campuses. Some union members took part in those protests. The largely peaceful demonstrations sought to put pressure on the university to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, divest from weapons companies and cut various other economic ties to Israel. After Hamas, which governs Gaza, killed an estimated 1,200 people in Israel on Oct. 7, the country waged a military campaign in Gaza that has killed an estimated 35,000 Palestinians. > > > > > Days after police swept the encampments at UCLA and arrested scores of protesters, the union filed an unfair labor practice violation with a state labor relations agency. The union filed similar violations after police cleared encampments at UC San Diego and UC Irvine that also led to arrests of protesters. > >

    linux Linux Need a good resource to learn linux
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 33%

    I have minimal computer expertise.

    This is the source of your problem. Unless you learn more about computers and how to use them, you're guaranteed to have more problems on Linux than you've had on Windows.

    The majority of the Windows gripes this community complains about are unlikely to ever be encountered by people with minimal expertise. Windows is fantastic as a layperson's operating system (and many Linux distros are, as well), so your problems are probably user-caused.

    This might be cliche, but the For Dummy's books by Wiley were how I started learning about both Windows and Linux when I was a teenager. In fact, they were how I learned that Linux existed and sparked a curiosity in IT that is culminating in my graduation with an IT degree in July.

  • california California Trump is mainstreaming Christian nationalism. If elected, that agenda could greatly impact California
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 50%

    Sadly, in that circumstance I don't see California faring well. We need to do everything we can to prevent it from coming to that.

  • rpg rpg You're the GM, but haven't prep anything for tonight. How do you make tonight game a succes ?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 85%

    The Gamemaster's Apprentice is the single tool you need for this scenario. Add in a playing card oracle and you can basically randomly generate a session on the fly.

  • linux Linux Crapped my system
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 88%

    Yeah, OP definitely played hard mode lol

  • programmerhumor Programmer Humor 50 million rendered polygons vs one spicy 4.2MB boi
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 80%

    Technically every JSON file is a single line, with line break characters here and there

  • linux Linux Crapped my system
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 90%

    Anyone who tells you that gaming on Linux isn't somewhat experimental is lying. I think it's getting there, though.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Do we like Bill Burr now?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 96%

    This kind of "checking that I'm still orthodox" post makes my skin crawl. Who is "we"?

  • asklemmy Ask Lemmy Now that google is going all in on ai what are some sites you plan on bookmarking.
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 80%

    I haven't used Google Search in years (DuckDuckGo ftw). I do use Copilot from time to time, and it's alright.

  • worldnews World News The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Never Ended
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 13%

    Jacobin is a strongly biased source and unlikely to be trustworthy or accurate in it's "reporting".

  • world World News Secret Hamas Files Show How It Spied on Everyday Palestinians
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 20%

    They're also victims of Hamas' war crimes, because using civilians as shields and conducting military operations from civilian locations are also war crimes. If Hamas can even be accused of such, being a terror organization rather than a legitimate government.

  • world World News Secret Hamas Files Show How It Spied on Everyday Palestinians
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 58%

    Everyday Palestinians = Hamas' meat shields.

  • world World News United Nations halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 51%

    Of course, anyone who has been watching Hamas for the last decade knows that they routinely lie about civilian casualties while simultaneously using them as meat shields.

  • guns guns New York Proposes Crackdown On Major Gun Company (It's Glock)
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 83%

    "New York Considers More Legislation that will Expand Gun Rights After Litigation"

  • linux Linux [ META ] What is the community's opinion of Pop!_OS?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 50%

    For some reason, referring to a computer or VM that runs Linux as a "Linux box" triggers me.

  • california California Why Highway 1 is the climate challenge that California can’t fix | It is beloved by Big Sur road trippers and is vital for local businesses. But intense storms, slides and fires imperil this highway.
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 4 months ago 50%

    It's not just Highway 1, too. There are many towns on the coast with roads that are right over the eroding coastal cliffs. Time to not live along those roads anymore.

  • workreform Work Reform FTC Non-compete rule published in Federal Register
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 66%

    Now there is one fewer reason to work in California if you're in the tech industry.

  • birding birding Steller's jay showing off its mohawk
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 75%

    Wow, I had no idea stellers jays lived outside California. Great photos!

  • birding birding Steller's jay showing off its mohawk
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 80%

    Where were these taken?

  • news News As student protesters get arrested, they risk being banned from campus too
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 100%

    Not sure what you are asking. The university told them to leave, and they didn't. They are now trespassing.

    If they simply left the private campus property and continued their protest in a legal manner (i.e. not camping on private property) they wouldn't have been arrested.

  • news News As student protesters get arrested, they risk being banned from campus too
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 100%

    There's a difference between a peaceful protest and camping on the quad. These protesters aren't being arrested for protesting, they're being arrested for setting up their encampments and disrupting the other students who are simply trying to get an education.

  • linux Linux I'm back on that other OS for work
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 84%

    Your work hasn't upgraded to Windows 11 yet, I see.

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 85%

    It's disappointing that the effects of discrimination against childless men are downplayed in the article, which focuses on discrimination against mothers.

  • workreform Work Reform FTC bans non-competes: a business owner's thoughts [08:57 | Apr 26 2024 | Louis Rossmann]
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 66%

    My jaw dropped when I heard this self-identified business owner say that suppressing wages is a bad thing.

    We need more business owners like him.

  • buyitforlife Buy it for Life Where can I buy ebooks that will actually be mine for life?
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 93%

    Humble Bundle and sell DRM-free ebooks.

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 33%

    You’re just discounting the entire portion of people who don’t want families.

    No, I'm simply saying I don't know any men like that personally. I know they exist, of course. It's just that in my circle of influence I only know family-focused men. My whole point was that such men aren't necessarily a rarity, but now I'm starting to think that was the point all along.

  • pocketknife PocketKNIFE Looking for pocket knife direction for my wife
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 66%

    Yeah, exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.

  • politics politics Trump Lawyer Says Having Political Rival Killed Could Constitute 'Official' Presidential Act
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 80%

    While you're at it, write an executive order dissolving Congress and establishing the President as a dictator. It's an "official act" so it should be fine, right?

  • pocketknife PocketKNIFE Looking for pocket knife direction for my wife
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 75%

    Maybe a folding box cutter. The blades are very short and disposable, so you won't need to worry about sharpening them.

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 80%

    Nice to meet you, Mare. 🙂

  • mensliberation Men's Liberation The 'masculine mystique' – why men can't ditch the baggage of being a bloke
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 10%

    I don't know any men who would choose a career-focused woman over a family-focused one. I don't think this is as much ESH as you make it out to be.

  • amateur_radio Amateur Radio Regaining interest in amateur radio
  • BaldProphet BaldProphet 5 months ago 80%

    First of all, congrats on being able to sell a used UV-5R. They're worth literally nothing used, so you must have some mad salesmanship skills.

    But since you had to sell your 'Feng to make ends meet, you might want to just sit back a bit before getting back into the hobby. It can be done very inexpensively, but that's relative, and someone who is hurting enough for an extra $5-10 to sell their Baofeng definitely can't afford what it would take to get more active in amateur radio.

    I know this probably isn't what you were hoping to hear, but other than showing up to club meetings there isn't much you can do that won't cost more than the $20 to buy another UV-5R. Even homebrew projects like building antennas for your SDR will cost at least that much.

  • solorpg
    Solo Roleplaying BaldProphet 5 months ago 85%
    Do you roleplay differently in private?

    I was just working on my current Ironsworn story at work, and I suddenly wondered about whether I considered it to be personal or private, or how I would feel if someone started watching over my shoulder. It made me think if I would roleplay differently if I knew someone else was watching or would read the story later. How do you feel about your solo roleplays? Are they private, deeply personal stories or would you be happy showing them to other people?

    News BaldProphet 5 months ago 100%
    ‘This isn’t how good scientific debate happens’: academics on culture of fear in gender medicine research

    > > > Critical thinking and open debate are pillars of scientific and medical research. Yet experienced professionals are increasingly scared to openly discuss their views on the treatment of children questioning their gender identity. > > > > > This was the conclusion drawn by Hilary Cass in her review of gender identity services for children this week, which warned that a toxic debate had resulted in a culture of fear. > > > > > Some said they had been deterred from pursuing what they believed to be crucial studies, saying that merely entering the arena would put their reputation at risk. Others spoke of abuse on social media, academic conferences being shut down, biases in publishing and the personal cost of speaking out. > > > > > “In most areas of health, medical researchers have freedom to answer questions to problems without fear of judgment,” said Dr Channa Jayasena, a consultant in reproductive endocrinology at Imperial College London. “I’ve never quite known a field where the risks are also in how you’re seen and your beliefs. You have to be careful about what you say both in and out of the workplace.” > > > > > Her conclusion was echoed by doctors, academic researchers and scientists, who have said this climate has had a chilling effect on research in an area that is in desperate need of better evidence. > >

    Religion BaldProphet 6 months ago 33%
    Religious service attendance, mapped

    > > > Vermont (75%), New Hampshire (66%) and Maine (66%) have the highest share of adults who say they never or seldom attend church or religious services, compared to the national average of 49%, per a new Axios analysis of Household Pulse Survey data. > >

    News BaldProphet 7 months ago 100%
    Doxing or in the public interest? Free speech, ‘cancelling’ and the ethics of the Jewish creatives’ WhatsApp group leak

    > > > The recent release of a leaked transcript of a private WhatsApp group for Jewish writers, artists, musicians and academics has stirred a controversy that has led to threats of violence, a family in hiding, and the fast-tracking of new federal legislation to criminalise doxing. > > > > > The WhatsApp group in question, administered by writer Lee Kofman, was formed to give Jewish creative people a private and supportive space to connect, in the wake of the October 7 Hamas attacks and Israel’s war in Gaza. Not all members knew they had been added to the group at first, and many didn’t participate in the conversations that resulted in the leak. > > > > > Last week, a transcript from the group chat was leaked and uploaded onto social media by pro-Palestinians, including the writer Clementine Ford. The leak included a spreadsheet with links to social media accounts and “a separate file with a photo gallery of more than 100 Jewish people”. > >

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin BaldProphet 7 months ago 100%
    Interested in hosting kbin instance in Azure. Thoughts?

    Hey guys, I'm toying with the idea of deploying a personal kbin instance in Azure. Has anyone done this and have any tips to share? What kind of costs am I looking at?

    Work Reform BaldProphet 8 months ago 97%
    The end of workplace loyalty: Why work feels so broken right now — and how it can be repaired

    > > > In the two years I've been writing about Americans' changing relationship to work, there's one theme that's come up over and over again: loyalty. Whether my stories are about quiet quitting, or job-hopping, or leveraging a job offer from a competitor to force your boss to give you a raise, readers seem to divide into two groups. On one side are the bosses and tenured employees, the boomers and Gen Xers. Kids these days, they gripe. Do they have no loyalty? On the other side are the younger rank-and-file employees, the millennials and Gen Zers, who feel equally aggrieved. Why should I be loyal to my company when my company isn't loyal to me? > > > > > I knew it would happen again the other month, when I was reporting on white-collar workers who secretly juggle multiple full-time jobs. Overemployment, as the phenomenon is known, violates society's implicit norms of loyalty to one's employer more flagrantly than anything else I've encountered. But when I asked these overemployed professionals whether they felt bad that they were essentially cheating on their bosses, they were unapologetic. "My parents told me, 'Don't switch companies, grow in one company, be loyal to one company, and they'll be loyal to you,'" one guy told me. "That may have been true in their days, but it definitely isn't today anymore." > >

    Politics BaldProphet 8 months ago 100%
    Is Iowa the next step to civil war?

    > > > In the silence of the Civil War’s Antietam battlefield on a winter day, bucolic hills give way to rows of small, white gravestones in the nearby cemetery. Wandering over the deadliest ground in American history, a melancholy visitor may be excused for wondering if this November’s presidential contest poses the greatest threat to the nation’s future since the election of 1860. > > > > > After his victory in Iowa, Donald Trump is the favourite to become the Republican nominee. Leading commentators on the Left warn that, should he get re-elected, he will become a dictator and end democracy. On the Right, meanwhile, the belief is unshakeable that Joe Biden is mentally incapable of fulfilling the duties of president and won’t survive a second term. > > > > > These raw emotions are not simply the quadrennial outbursts of partisan feeling that emerge in an election season. Rather, they are portents of a much deeper dislocation in American society. For over two decades now, Americans have been battered by non-stop crises at home and abroad — from the long War on Terror to Covid and the George Floyd protests — leading to what feels like national exhaustion and a deep pessimism about the future of democracy. > > > > > Our pessimism has resurrected the once-unthinkable idea of disunion, or in today’s parlance, “national divorce”. In a 2021 poll conducted by the University of Virginia, more than 80% of both Biden and Trump voters stated that elected officials from the opposite party presented “a clear and present danger to American democracy”. Most shockingly, 41% of Biden voters and 52% of Trump voters stated that things were so bad, they supported secession from the Union. Two years later those numbers remained essentially the same in an Ipsos poll, with a fifth of Americans strongly wanting to separate. > > > > > For those who believe that such concerns are simply hysteria, we should remember that America’s road to the Civil War took decades. In March 1850, southern statesman John C. Calhoun gave a prescient warning to the Senate: “It is a great mistake to suppose that disunion can be effected by a single blow. The cords which bound these States together in one common Union, are far too numerous and powerful for that. Disunion must be the work of time.” > >

    Framework Laptop Community BaldProphet 9 months ago 78%
    11th Gen laptop 1 second intermittent charging

    On Windows 10, I often have a problem where the laptop will charge and then stop charging and then charge again with one second intervals. I've updated the firmware to the latest version and the issue persists. I'm not sure if this is caused by the charger, internal hardware, or is a Windows bug. Anyone else experience this?

    News BaldProphet 10 months ago 100%
    Church responds to AP story detailing 2015 Idaho abuse case

    An AP story claimed The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints tried to cover up a 2015 abuse case of a child by her father. The church strongly denied the allegation.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Starfield BaldProphet 1 year ago 0%
    Starfield mods - lessons Bethesda must learn from Skyrim's modding scene

    TechRadar shares some lessons that Bethesda can learn from Skyrim modding. What are your thoughts?

    Reddit Migration BaldProphet 1 year ago 100%
    Reddit says it won’t overrule mods and force subreddits back open

    “We are not... unilaterally reopening communities.” The first link was through MSN, my bad. Here's the link directly from The Verge.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    /kbin meta BaldProphet 1 year ago 0%
    Account migration to other instances?

    I'm quite sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find a relevant article. Is there a way to migrate an account from, for example, to a different Kbin instance? I'm thinking of creating my own instance to help take the load off, but I'd like to be able to transfer my account before I do that. Is this a current or planned feature?

    Fediverse BaldProphet 1 year ago 100%
    Federated wikis?

    On Reddit, communities could have their own wikis or knowledge base articles in a separate place from where the discussion happened. I don't see that kind of functionality in Kbin, so I'm wondering if there is a federated wiki type of thing somewhere out there.
