shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say "How Millennials Killed the Guest Room"
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 11 months ago 100%

    Truthfully, people only put up with pocket because Google is worse. It does have a silver lining in that it shows Mozilla's true colours which we should never forget or let them forget. They're still Western libtrash bordering on fascism, but ✨open source✨. Even ignoring their political stance, the even worse thing about them is the fact that they are a for-profit corporation posing as a nonprofit. They treat their developers like shit just like Google, have an internal attitude of management knowing better about the direction of their software than the people writing them just like Google (their devs have repeatedly spoken out against Mozilla's direction to no avail), their management still hoards the organization's capital and there is a massive wage disparity between the CEO and board and the workers just like Google, they barely pay their workers while management makes millions not including bonuses just like Google, and their position in open source allows them to leech off the free work of community contributions not to mention direct donations from people who don't know any better. Mozilla is bourgeoisie trying its absolute damnedest to convince you they're not. They are not leftist in any capacity, a lot of the developers and other proletarians who work for them are I'm sure, but certainly not the organization. Pray for the day when we have a truly leftist and libre software group and Mozilla dies along with Google.

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank "How Millennials Killed the Guest Room"
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 11 months ago 100%

    People like these are so threatened by those around them that they'll shame poor people for being poor as it doesn't conform to their worldview.

  • latestagecapitalism
    The Indignity of Grocery Shopping

    US News AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%
    When Pregnancy Is the Crime: An exit interview with Lynn Paltrow, who has spent decades representing women jailed for miscarriages and stillbirths.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    When Pregnancy Is the Crime: An exit interview with Lynn Paltrow, who has spent decades representing women jailed for miscarriages and stillbirths.

    dankleft DankLeft Western media when tragedy hits
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%

    What are you talking about? The US definitely doesn't have a child murder problem, and don't you know cLiMaTe cHaNgE is Chinese propaganda?

  • genzedong GenZedong How to spot a psyop?
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%

    Oh look! Literally how the US government currently operates in every single facet!

  • genzedong
    GenZedong AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%
    Do you think Jim Jones was an anticommunist plot by the CIA?

    Probably a conspiracy theory, but it's so, SO on the nose. Some raging idiot pretending to be communist, talking not like Marx or Lenin but rambling like a stereotypical evil commie movie villain, buying a huge plot of land and starting a commune that had none of the actual characteristics of Marxist or Leninist communism, before killing everyone in a massive, extremely publicized group suicide. This was still in the red scare era too. Not saying he was a CIA agent or anything, but I'm thinking the feds saw what he was doing and were wilfully negligent in protecting people from him or potentially even egged him on because they saw this as an opportunity to instill fear about socialism and communism in the general public. That whole compound seemed extremely out of place for something that happened in the US, and we know that the feds have silenced real communists for much less, so it's really weird that they let it go on for that long if it wasn't intentional.

    capitalismindecay Capitalism in Decay In 1933, the WSJ reported expectations that Hitler would not ‘disrupt’ Germany
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%

    Events always seem more obvious and predictable after they have already taken place.

    Events always seem more obvious and predictable if you're not a fucking moron. The German public was terrified of Hitler, he absolutely did not represent the majority sentiments, and lost horribly in the first and only election he ever ran in. Instead, he created his own paramilitary force called the SA and intimidated people and politicians alike until he was given power to appease him, and you know the rest.

    There were more communists and socialists than Nazis in Germany when Hitler first got into office. They actually attempted a revolution, which was actually what prompted Hitler to convince the German parliament to sign an emergency bill to make him dictator and round up all the communists in concentration camps.

    Austria saw a brief stint under partial socialist control as well. It's why there's a historic housing district in Vienna called Karl Marx Hof. Actually, the presence of socialism and communism in Austria was a major contributor in the eagerness by the government to let the Nazis take them over so they could deal with the communist threat.

  • genzedong GenZedong Newspeak rant
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%

    Sounds similar to simplified Chinese. Which was intended to, get this Orwell, increase literacy in a country where the vast majority of the population at the time was totally illiterate, and to, shocker of shockers, increase access to information by the common citizen. The exact opposite of Newspeak.

    And of course the Chinese supremacists (yes those exist, I've interacted with them as a Chinese person myself) hate Simplified Chinese because it's "destroying culture", it's not, and I shit you not this is a real argument I've heard at least once: "The Chinese script we know now was historically for the royalty and nobility. The commoners had their own scripts similar to how hieroglyphics was only for the Pharoh in Ancient Egypt. It's disrespectful to the history and culture of China to mess with this." Might be why HK and Taiwan didn't adopt it?

  • genzedong GenZedong Newspeak rant
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 80%

    Are they still trying to make "alternative facts" happen?

  • genzedong
    GenZedong AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%
    On civil disobedience, protest, strike, revolution, and "violating the social contract."

    The definition of a contract is that it is a bilateral agreement. If one side fails to keep their obligations, the other side is no longer required to honour the contract either. So, even assuming that the "social contract" is a real thing, if the ruling class decides to intrude on the rights of the working class, the working class is no longer bound to it. They can and should be stirring up some shit in response.

    trans Trans Gender identity law to be in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam’s 2024 parliamentary agenda
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%


  • genzedong
    GenZedong AgreeableLandscape 1 year ago 100%
    Newspeak rant

    Anyone who's studied the George Orwell novel 1984 want to explain to me what the fucking point of "newspeak" is and why it's not a strawman "we're gonna make the commies seem like supervillains and do random stupid shit for no reason" type trope? Because when has any prominent figure in socialism or communism ever suggested dumbing down language? Give me an example of a commie language reinvention please, 1984 is supposed to be the definitive manual on what happened under communism isn't it? Also detecting a hint of racism in that plotpoint because there really are real languages that evolved naturally where the positive and negative expressions are indeed structured as good, not good, very good, very not good, etc. Is it trying to say that people speaking those languages are bad at expressing their thoughts because it's not how English does it? Actually, Chinese is kind of like this with its use of pre/suffixes. Chinese is also one of the best languages for poetry and literature. Source: Native Mandarin speaker. [Crossposted from my Mastodon](

    GenZedong AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Russia/Ukraine] Wonder why they were exiled.
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Didn't they pull out of Kyiv and Ukraine's native territory ages ago and are just focusing on DPR, LPR, and Crimea?

  • china China Chinese parliament re-elects Xi Jinping and appoints other leaders
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Hold on gonna microwave some popcorn and jump on Western social media real quick...

  • technology Technology FBI finally admits to buying location data on Americans, horrifying experts
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    "horrifying the experts"

    In the same way a jumpscare in a Slenderman game horrifies you, I guess. Like, you had to have known it was coming.

  • africa Africa French military bases in Africa will now self-identify as schools
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Ask the Indigenous peoples of the US and Canada how well that went for them

  • leftsthetics
    Bay Area Jews redecorate JewBelong's racist billboards targeting UC Berkeley law students

    ![]( ![]( ![](

    GenZhou AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    Thoughts on the notion of "no advancement without conflict?"

    Every time someone brings up any sort of even half utopian vision (read: a world where people aren't actively trying to kill each other), communism for example, people are sure to bring up "but how will technological/societal/human progress be driven without conflict? Wouldn't humanity stagnate like the fatasses aboard the space ship in WALL-E?" I've never agreed with this, and though I'm obviously not a sociopolitical theorist, I have some vague justifications of my stance: First of all, human curiosity and desire to create are intrinsic to our species and does not require conflict. There are enough makers slapping together half baked DIY projects in their garage that do a whole lot of nothing aside from being fun to prove that, with many enjoying the process of making the thing more than the thing itself, but sometimes those pet projects do turn into real products that solve real problems. As are the scientists that research the weirdest things just for the hell of it, and surprise surprise decades later it turns out to actually be useful. Astronomers studying exoplanets and cosmic gas clouds are another example, they're never going to visit those things, certainly won't be colonizing them anytime in their or our lifetime, and it's not like there's an obvious path from that to any sort of weapon. Are they doing it specifically because there might be a war soon? When Galileo fought tooth and nail for his heliocentric theory, he never expected it to physically affect existence on Earth, nor could he have conceived any way of using said theory in battle, but he still advocated it simply because he believed it was the truth about the nature of our universe. Also, things like radar, nuclear fission, or any of the things commonly associated with war were not initially discovered because of war. The mechanisms of action were discovered by physicists probing and trying to understand the universe, simple as that. The Chinese developed the first forms of gunpowder, and they used it for fireworks at first, guns came much later with the European colonization of East Asia. Also also, in times of peace, art flourishes. Any period known as the golden age of a given culture or society are almost always in times of relative peace. Can't do much art if you're being raided from the neighbouring empire can you? Another thing, just because there are no longer external geopolitical conflict doesn't mean there are no conflicts period. Illness, mortality, minor inconvenience, hell even being bored are all conflicts that people have worked very hard to defeat. And there are sci-fi sounding things that can be explored even after all of that is solved. Transhumanism, transphysics, mind uploading, telepathy, faster than light travel, time travel, seeing into or visiting other universes or higher dimensions, do other universes or higher dimensions even exist? We genuinely do not know if these things are possible or what they can do for us, so do they not warrant exploration? Or, instead of exploring outer space, how about exploring inner space? The nature of life and consciousness, emotion, love, and attachment, higher and higher orders of mathematics and logic, do living things truly have spirits or life force within or are we just complicated, mostly self contained chemical reactions? Plenty to chew on in a post conflict world, no? Finally, one must consider, is no change or advancement really stagnation? Why do we *need* infinite advancement? Why can't we just focus on being human, living, and enjoying what we have now? This reminds me of the excuses European colonists made for the forced assimilation of Indigenous peoples, that, "well they aren't actively trying to build empires or advance themselves, we're doing them a favour by bring them our way of life because they were never going to achieve anything their way" meanwhile many Indigenous people believed that simply living life has intrinsic value, that being human and enjoying all the things that come with that is enough. IDK, what do you think of all this?

    comradeship Comradeship // Freechat I’m so tired of ‘revolution is bad’ storylines
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    This is what I call the paradox of revolution.

    Things that are generally agreed to be good (with a few vocal """critics""") and was gained at least in part through revolution, riots, or other violent societal pressure by the people:

    • Every single modern republic that was won from the old absolute monarchies.

    • Freeing slaves

    • Women's rights

    • People of colour's rights

    • LGBTQ+ rights

    • The paradigm that a criminal defendent is innocent until proven guilty

    • Freedom of religion (and the freedom to not believe in a religion)

    • Ending the holocaust and the Axis Powers

    • Five-day work week, child labour prohibition, and other worker's rights

    • Almost all of the other major legal protections and regulations we enjoy today

    BUT, any more revolution, no matter how good the cause, is unacceptable. Obviously.

  • leftistunix
    Linux for Leftists AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    What’s a good tablet and touch screen oriented Linux distro or desktop environment? Can any of them compete with something like Android?

    I'm looking to get a straight tablet (not a 360-hinge laptop with a keyboard) that will mostly be used for mobile centric applications like when I'm out and about or when I want to binge shows in bed. Ideally it will be a device that I can exclusive use the touchscreen with for when I'm either too lazy or can't practically prop it up and use it as a proper laptop. I want to keep at least the software as open source as possible, so my options are either an Android tablet that I can sideload an AOSP de-googled ROM like Lineage OS, or a Windows tablet with an x86 CPU that I'll install a Linux distro on (inb4 "Android is technically Linux"). I currently use KDE Plasma which is my favourite environment when I'm on my desktop, and I quickly found through testing on my touchscreen laptop that it's practically unusable without a mouse and keyboard. Here are some things that I found KDE lacking that I need: * Integrated onscreen keyboard that automatically pops up when you're in a text field, and/or can easily be brought in and out of frame when needed. * Smooth swipe-based scrolling. I find that swiping up on many KDE apps just selects text or drags an element, or does nothing, and you have to drag the tiny scroll bar to scroll. * Pinch to zoom * A terminal that works well with touch screen, namely one that makes it easy to use special characters and control keys with an onscreen keyboard. Termux on Android is what I consider one of the best implementations of this. * Active stylus support with palm rejection is a plus, like the Surface when running Windows or the iPad Pro. I consider myself very knowledgeable with Linux, and I do tinker with my computers a lot, but for this one, I do simply want something that "just works", because I'll either be using it at school/work and can't afford to start diving into conf files and searching up cryptic error messages because something broke, or I'll be in bed just wanting to relax before going to sleep. Finally, is this futile? If we're considering stock Android as a benchmark for a decent user experience on a tablet, can anything on the non-Android Linux side even compare?

    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Made in China Bad] Wonder which country's company owns those factories.
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%


  • genzedong GenZedong This article is about how a little girl's yt channel is propaganda 😐
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Personally, I think she shouldn't be on YouTube for a completely different reason. The internet is actually unsafe for children that young and there are a lot of disgusting pervs on YouTube. You're not supposed to be on social media till you're 13, and I think even that is too young, a safer age is probably 15 or 16.

    And as we've seen here, if you're from a country the west hates, you're a target. Even if you're a child. Not against people in the DPRK posting to YouTube, obviously, but for their safety it should be limited to full adults only.

  • genzedong GenZedong This article is about how a little girl's yt channel is propaganda 😐
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Wait, I thought those were banned! The west would never lie about countries they hate!

  • genzedong GenZedong Lol NY Times
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Are they going to write a "why are people racist to Russians all of a sudden" op-ed later?

  • genzedong GenZedong BBC education
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%


    It looks like a high altitude weather balloon, has typical hardware and sensors for a high altitude weather balloon, and is rated for the height of high altitude weather balloons?

    By god! It is a spying tool!

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Apt metaphor for the US:

  • memes
    Memes AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 98%
    Fucking hell
    shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Made in China Bad] Wonder which country's company owns those factories.
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Ok no seriously, so as far as I know Apple is vertically integrated for their non-semiconductor manufacturing. So you can't even make the excuse of "no, a Chinese company runs the factories and Apple just buys their services!" They own their factories and is managed centrally from California.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Lemmy/USA/monarchism]
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Good point!

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Shit Techbros Say?] "Can 3-D Printing Help Solve the Housing Crisis?"
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    To be clear I'm completely not against 3D printing. It's a game changer in material science and manufacturing. BUT, it has applications where it works amazingly, but it also has techbros trying to shorhorn it into industries that don't need it.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Shit Techbros Say?] "Can 3-D Printing Help Solve the Housing Crisis?"
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Here it's literally because the NIMBYs (and the goevrnment) refuse to build affordable apartments. It's either single family houses or luxury condos. In fact they're tearing down old low-rise, still kinda affordable apartments to build luxury high rises.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [Lemmy/USA/monarchism]
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    I upgraded his ban from 15 days to permanent because clearly a 15 day ban is not going to do anything to prevent him from coming back with the same behaviour. Also very likely he was intentionally saying all that to get a rise out of everyone else, which constitutes trolling which is a no-warning ban usually.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 66%

    Wait, you can get the PDF for free from the Red Nation website.

  • worldnews
    World News AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    South Korea prosecutes citizens for screening DPRK family flick

    "The Western Corporate Media often claims that “North Korea prosecutes (or even executes) its people for watching South Korean dramas.” It’s hard to ascertain if that’s actually the case, as fake news about North Korea is the norm. The only allegations of this phenomena come from unreliable defector testimony of known liars (like Park Yeon Mi), who are rewarded for telling hyperbolic lies; or from dubious South Korean sources like the rightwing Chosun Ilbo. These hyperbolic claims are then amplified by right wing anti-communist organizations (like Liberty in North Korea) and the US MSM. However, contrary to these dubious claims, we can ascertain with certainty that South Korea does prosecute people for screening North Korean films. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that much of what South Korea accuses North Korea of doing can actually be attributed right back to South Korea. In other words, these claims are projection—not cinematic, but psychological."

    Korea / 조선 AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    South Korea prosecutes its citizens for screening North Korean drama

    cross-posted from: > "The Western Corporate Media often claims that “North Korea prosecutes (or even executes) its people for watching South Korean dramas.” > > It’s hard to ascertain if that’s actually the case, as fake news about North Korea is the norm. The only allegations of this phenomena come from unreliable defector testimony of known liars (like Park Yeon Mi), who are rewarded for telling hyperbolic lies; or from dubious South Korean sources like the rightwing Chosun Ilbo. > > These hyperbolic claims are then amplified by right wing anti-communist organizations (like Liberty in North Korea) and the US MSM. > > However, contrary to these dubious claims, we can ascertain with certainty that South Korea does prosecute people for screening North Korean films. > > In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that much of what South Korea accuses North Korea of doing can actually be attributed right back to South Korea. In other words, these claims are projection—not cinematic, but psychological."

    World News AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%
    South Korea prosecutes citizens for screening DPRK family flick

    "The Western Corporate Media often claims that “North Korea prosecutes (or even executes) its people for watching South Korean dramas.” It’s hard to ascertain if that’s actually the case, as fake news about North Korea is the norm. The only allegations of this phenomena come from unreliable defector testimony of known liars (like Park Yeon Mi), who are rewarded for telling hyperbolic lies; or from dubious South Korean sources like the rightwing Chosun Ilbo. These hyperbolic claims are then amplified by right wing anti-communist organizations (like Liberty in North Korea) and the US MSM. However, contrary to these dubious claims, we can ascertain with certainty that South Korea does prosecute people for screening North Korean films. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that much of what South Korea accuses North Korea of doing can actually be attributed right back to South Korea. In other words, these claims are projection—not cinematic, but psychological."

    politics Politics South Korea prosecutes citizens for screening DPRK family flick
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Seriously, SK is projecting more than the projectors that were used to screen DPRK shows.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 83%

    Very highly recommended bit of theory!

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Accepting new moderators in preparation for the merger!
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Alright thanks!

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 88%

    The Red Deal is a manifesto, written by Indigenous peoples, about what Marxist decolonization could look like, and it should be mandatory reading for any socialist living in a settler colonial country.

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Accepting new moderators in preparation for the merger!
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Huh this is weird, you don't seem to have the moderator buttons that other users do. Think it might because you're an admin?

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say Accepting new moderators in preparation for the merger!
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Sounds like a plan!

  • genzedong GenZedong Fuck the west
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Failure to provide your child an extremely low risk and proven to be safe over many decades preventative medicine for a horrible deadly disease that affects not only your own child but everyone around them, and barring any allergies or other conditions that legitimately exempt your child from receiving it, should be considered a textbook case of child abuse under the law and an instant "you're not fit to be a parent" ruling with foster services getting involved. I'd even say this is not just child abuse but negligent homicide/attempted homicide of both your child and anyone else they come in contact with.

    There is no room for tolerance of antivaxxers here. It takes just one antivaxxer to potentially kill hundreds or thousands of people, or in the worst case set humanity's medical advancement back decades. You take the proven safe vaccine, period.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Absolutely. The Red Deal is a manifesto, written by Indigenous peoples, about what Marxist decolonization could look like, and it should be mandatory reading for any socialist living in a settler colonial country.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Holy crap BTD reference on Lemmygrad!

    I love that game, it ate so much of my time as a teenager.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Ok, that thing's over a decade old at this point. I doubt it's the "super weapon" it was when it first came out (if it ever was).

  • genzedong GenZedong Fuck the west
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    His parents need to be charged for murder.

  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    This post has a very specific energy that frightens me.

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court LAST CALL for the merging of Shit X Say communities [read this]
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    No worries. Just want this instance to run smoothly tbh

  • lemmygrad_court People's Court LAST CALL for the merging of Shit X Say communities [read this]
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    Got it!

  • shitliberalssay [ARCHIVED] Shit Liberals Say What less can one expect from a settler-colonial puppet state of the west than utmost heresy
  • AgreeableLandscape AgreeableLandscape 2 years ago 100%

    The official verified twitter account of a country replying all offended like to a shitpost account was not in my Bingo card.

  • shitliberalssay
    Accepting new moderators in preparation for the merger!

    ~~So it seems like this community will one of the ones where all the other shit_____say communities get merged into. In preparation for that and the incoming rise in traffic, we should have a few more mods here to make sure things run smoothly and keep reactionaries out (ironic). Anyone interested? Comment below. Looking specifically for users with reasonably active accounts and a reasonably long history of posting Marxist/ML content, either on Lemmygrad or on another instance.~~ Edit: nevermind, plans changed. Apply to ShitReactionariesSay instead.

    Chinese HX-D3D 1893 electric locomotive with a Mao Zedong plaque

    The locomotive number is Mao's birth year, which is why it has this plaque! ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![](
