memes 666 6 hours ago 100%
many such cases

spirit of slammer came to me and I made this

us_news US News The U.S. Navy is preparing for the possibility of military action against China by 2027. This was reported in the Navigation Plan by U.S. Navy Chief of Staff Admiral Lisa Franchetti.
  • 666 666 6 hours ago 100%

    many such cases

  • worldnews World News Update on the pager situation in Lebanon.
  • 666 666 1 day ago 100%

    You know, the ramifications of this are gonna be intense. Imagine the reality setting in for corporations worldwide that Israel could just be strapping lethal weapons; openly and brazenly, by the way, not like they're trying to hide this at all like some Five Eyes/NSA shit; to any devices passing through chains they have influence in. Even if you're the most West-gargling corporation or entity; this is the kinda shit that makes you go "huh".

    This is just...depraved.

  • memes memes target exclusive peppermint narcan
  • 666 666 2 days ago 100%

    Same. Would've been extra sad if it was still in that shitty "anti-theft" box.

  • memes
    memes 666 2 days ago 100%
    target exclusive peppermint narcan

    Do you actually taste the peppermint?

    memes memes Endorsements just keep pouring in
  • 666 666 3 days ago 100%

    Ya see jack, ya gotta have decorum when you're violently centralizing power and engaging in class warfare. Muh decorum!!!

  • memes memes Endorsements just keep pouring in
  • 666 666 3 days ago 100%

    "Scotus overturning wade and enshrining presidential immunity happened while the dems were in power and had ways to stop it but didn’t. The dems have proven that they either dont care about project 2025 or are purposefully helping it along." ~ Commiejones

    Oh also, biden should've packed the court in the first two years. Democrats don't give a shit about Project 2025 and they're going to do absolutely nothing to stop it as they have always done absolutely nothing in the face of the "evil republicans!!!". They sat there and let Obamacare get ruined lmfao.

    Even now Biden has essentially unchecked power. If Trump and project 2025 is so SCAWWWY then why not fucking outlaw it?

    Oh wait, because Democrats want it too. Might wanna take a look at all the donors for it...

    Centrist Democrats are useless. Right now your party is busy attacking PSL and Greens and still not doing a damn thing other than begging for money as your party always does. Womp womp.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say [CW:anti-semitism] Actual, open straight-up Nazism on stormfront.
  • 666 666 5 days ago 100%

    A little more veil. Not straight up "ze jews" level.

  • music
    music 666 6 days ago 100%
    Inhuman Creation Station - CKY

    *"Compatible reality* *Forming separate entities* *Dead-heads and holy water* *We instill the wants and needs* *Work with the team to meet the deadline* *Modern man cannot survive* *Drowning in formaldehyde* *Inhuman creation station* *That's where we control your lives* *And it's been happening since the dawn of time* *This blood's still flowing through a warped mind"*

    prolewiki ProleWiki It has been about 2 years since one of the biggest events in ProleWikis history (Currently)
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Didn't the CPUSA guy start a book club too because they didn't like prolewiki?

  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    On that proletarian gas

  • genzedong GenZedong Users of feel entitled to spread their own conspiracy theories on top of Western propaganda
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    New York's response to shoveling the elderly into nursing homes and locking them in was actually a SeeSeePee plot

  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

  • technology technology Serious question - how could people on Mars protect themselves from deadly solar and cosmic radiation? See body.
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Honestly, that's space in general. As time goes on, it becomes increasingly obvious that space is not only dead, but hostile too. Humans can't even live in low gravity for extended periods of time. The ships required to use centrifugal force would be massive and require insane amounts of resources that I don't even think a socialist country could achieve without unified effort or other nations.

    We look at a lot of exoplanets and we find that terrestrial planets in the Goldilocks Zone are quite rare in comparison to mercury like planets, gas giants and debris clusters. Take a look at the theorized habitable exoplanets and a good chunk of them have massive possible flaws.

    I do not believe you can give birth in space either.

  • genzedong GenZedong Patsocs somehow thinks Nazism was a Queer Anarchist movement.
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    The quality difference is astounding.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Anti war protests in Australia today "turned violent" and now the media is being smug about it.
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Then your partner needs the above; unless you're moving there for her. There is still plenty of risk in that, especially in marriage.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say This is somehow worse then the CPGB-TERF
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Leftypol guy saying problematic shit. A classic duo.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Anti war protests in Australia today "turned violent" and now the media is being smug about it.
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Most people's skills would be useless unless they're in some bullshit managerial/executive position, defense contract, IT skills, medical or basically a slave contract to go to Dubai.

    There aren't a lot of countries where your trade, shop or desk skills would be in high demands that wouldn't put you in slight risk of being the victim of America's foreign policy in bombs or it's global economic stranglehold.

    Of course, you can always know someone.

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse The SwiftieBorg supports Kamala
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    What fucking causes and rights? Did we watch the same debate? She tried to out-hitler Trump on border control, immigration and prisons. The only right I heard her mention was to "protect the elderly from scams" which was thrown in there during a stutter.

    Other than that, it's 20k to first time homebuyers (fuck the renters) and she won't even budge on the rights of Palestinians to not get bombed. What fucking rights? She didn't even have a big bill or plan other than "vote for me" and "I got Dick Cheney, drumpf"

  • chapotraphouse chapotraphouse Anti war protests in Australia today "turned violent" and now the media is being smug about it.
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    My usual response is "I don't want to be a victim of it's foreign policy"

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Nowadays? Well you had a "cute queen" (heavy quotes) for a while in the British monarchy. So people really didn't experience the true "horrors" of monarchism unless you were in a third world country getting couped for private interests that the crown had a hand in.

    In the 30s? IN RUSSIA? You had people who were alive under the Czar. Unbelievable.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Wikipedia isn't necessarily always bad; it's just that as Marxists have to examine the bias, reasoning and the "why" of a certain author writing a book, who funded the book and who's using the book, media or whatever example as a source. A lot of liberals misunderstand the sheer level of cold-war era disinformation and fear-mongering that is waged constantly by the ruling class. Communist parties are "banned" under the Communist Control Act of the 1950s. While technically not active, it could be easily invoked at any moment and exists as a sole reminder of how brutal the suppression of our very freedoms was during the Red Scare.

    With that precedent alone; we also understand both our domestic AND our foreign intelligence agencies had vested interests in suppressing dissent or "volatile revolutionary ideals" during the cold war. That much is obvious. Declassified documents and even Wikipedia itself documents "Operation Gladio" and the litany of other clandestine acts they committed against foreign nations or against activists at home in COINTELPRO.

    Do you think they just stopped? They just brushed their hands in the 90s, kicked back and retired off selling crack/cocaine? A lot of our opponents criticize us for using "CIA" or other organizations such as the Heritage Foundation (which, if you dig enough, as Comrade Pup Ivy showed, has literal CIA connections) to blow off Western media or sources; when in reality it is them who is completely denying the reality of information warfare. Truly, you see the consequences of that.

    As for sources you can use, Grayzone is good. Browse the news comm on Hexbear and a few more will pop up from time to time.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Well said.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    I've had the opposite experience outside of this website. Liberals on here are just especially gross.

    However, hihi seems to be a perfectly reasonable person. Here's to actually learning.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Man people really are psycho sometimes. Imagine thinking fondly of the czar in the 30s.

  • genzedong GenZedong General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 37
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    It's a day before the holiday and America deserved 9/11

  • palestine Palestine Reddit propagandists' take on recent news
  • 666 666 1 week ago 100%

    Worldnews was my first ban as well. It was for debunking holodomor bullshit; banned for "genocide denial".

  • thoughts_on Thoughts on ...? Thoughts on Joshua Graham from Fallout New Vegas: Honest Hearts?
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Rabid reactionary, realistically.

    Also, it's not very hard to get him to go full psycho with a bit of prodding and a bit of dehumanization of the tribals. I believe people constantly forget that.

  • games games Hexbear Magic The Gathering server is open for business!
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Y'all use Xmage?

  • the_dunk_tank the_dunk_tank Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    These people are fucking insane. Like actually.

    Here you go. This is the actual post that fucking moron made. You can see for yourself that the guy had multiple good-faith responses that he clearly ignored while hyper-focusing on all the ones dunking on him. Like I don't even have to be a liberal Einstein genius to connect the dots there.

    Just cram that link down their throats. The ones rational enough won't engage in this slop.

  • science Science Why Don't We Eat Carnivores?
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    People in the southern united states eat gator.

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say Liberal doing a bit
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Tagline material

  • capitalismindecay Capitalism in Decay U.S. diplomats in 1933 considered the Third Reich to be harmless
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Can we get an automated joke bot like that back?

  • chat chat touched liquid explosive and kept all 10 fingers
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Guys, they aren't making it for explosives.

    It's all for heart medication. Silly hexbears.

  • memes memes Hexbear scholars will look back and point to this moment when c/dredge_tank became supreme
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Damn hexbears!!

  • memes memes Hexbear scholars will look back and point to this moment when c/dredge_tank became supreme
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Prepare for a rage-block like that one CPUSA fella. Would be the most sensible thing at least.

  • memes memes Hexbear scholars will look back and point to this moment when c/dredge_tank became supreme
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hey, at least we're getting somewhere!

  • memes memes Hexbear scholars will look back and point to this moment when c/dredge_tank became supreme
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    I second this.

  • memes memes Hexbear scholars will look back and point to this moment when c/dredge_tank became supreme
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    What the fuck are you talking about?

    I also have a job, have a technical education and participate too. I spent my entire day doing landscaping. I sometimes only post once a day if we're doing contests for whatever stupid reason.

    That "he/him" loser shit is absolutely sus as fuck. How do you know they're not trans? Like really?

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say So glad the original post is getting destroyed in comments, but then the galaxy brain IQ is demonstrated by libs😭
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    "They quit because I was screaming my pig-feed propaganda at them like a deranged cultist! Truly, it works every time!"

  • shitreactionariessay Shit Reactionaries Say So glad the original post is getting destroyed in comments, but then the galaxy brain IQ is demonstrated by libs😭
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    I don't fucking get this whole poverty-pandering horseshit against socialism. I fucking despise it with every core of my fucking being.

    I grew up without proper electricity, warm water, basic electronics in the late 90s; fucking nothing. Demunincipalized slum drifting from my grandmother and to my parents. To shower I had to warm up tubs of water in the microwave and use a cloth to wipe my shit down in the tub. I didn't eat for fucking days at a time. Candles in pots and stovepipes were what kept me alive throughout some of the harshest winters and blizzards in this fucking nation AS A CHILD.

    Where is this same pandering and sympathy towards those who are victimized and destroyed by capitalism? Who's families are torn apart by the sheer atomization of society and the constant desire for escape that manifests in so many of the unhealthy behaviors that plague us day to day? Alcoholism, addiction, violence spurred by desperate poverty? No, no; those are the choices of rational actors choosing to be killed off by the thousands due to austerity.

    They'll crusade this against you, acting like you shouldn't support socialism because "my parents had to put their feets in shit to stay warm" (doubt) when the alternative hasn't GIVEN ME A GOD DAMN THING. Oh no no, I had to stay alive by curling around the open burning gas stove; that's much better, right?

    They'll find endless excuses to justify your poverty; but when a socialist talks about their grandfather's poverty after getting kicked off the slave farm it's all ears and brains.

  • memes
    memes 666 2 weeks ago 100%
    Lenin Joel says
    news news Live updates: Apalachee High School shooting | CNN
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Fuck this country.

  • comradeship Comradeship // Freechat Ventilate cellar of an abandoned building properly (for leftists reasons)
  • 666 666 2 weeks ago 100%

    Hey, a question I'm weirdly able to answer as a maintenance guy and grower.

    You want a quiet ventilation system that runs on little power as possible?

    Well, I grow marijuana [legal state] and you should consider something like this:

    Yes, I know, Amazon. I don't recommend buying from there if you can; search around online for small shops or even a "hydroponics store" located next to the local seedy smoke-shop for something similar. Explain your situation and they will absolutely help you; even if you live in a "bougie" area you can just phrase it that you're looking for something to control humidity, provide proper ventilation to an attic area for "herbs" if you have to be so discreet. If you live in a red area; Amazon has that one use, then. Sometimes a sacrifice has to be done while you're spiting the system ultimately if you know what I mean.

    Any small ventilation system for a grow tent should be stealthy, have cheap filters and some even have humidity control. The maintenance man side says that if you are in the attic you should see if any of the ventilation runs from room to room. In the attic in my apartment there are grey, shiny metallic-looking tubing that is flexible and runs in connection to each vent in the apartment. You could splice right into one of those with your ventilation kit and not even have to physically modify anything externally/hide anything. All you'd need is a knife and duct-tape.

    Being able to set up two systems to pump in at the top and pump out towards the bottom would be perfect. Seconding a Co2 sensor if you can.

  • music
    music 666 2 weeks ago 100%
    Soul Asylum - Misery

    *"We could build a factory and make misery* *We'll create the cure; we made the disease."*

    memes 666 2 weeks ago 98%
    games 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    Dwarven Fort of Litast/"Torch" and Electoralism

    In the third year so far of my fortress with 115 population...with only 48 losses so far! So, when starting the game I had a mayor who was an immediate suspicion, being 270 years old and having grey hair and pale skin. Soon enough, dwarves started being found drained of blood. This dwarf was a ***legendary weaponsmith, armorer and blacksmith.*** So, I let him feast a bit while farming him for masterpiece gear. In the end, after equipping my milita with full steel gear, I locked him away and convicted him with 4 murders, 5 witnesses testifying and another 14 unconfirmed murders alone. A small price to pay. However... After locking him away (the mayor, electable official), I've bricked him in a small 1x1 dark square while in a cage completely isolated from the entire world. I'm having a bit of a problem now where they keep electing this guy, despite being eternally sealed from society under 5 feet thick brick slate walls and not even talking to anyone or doing interviews. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but liasons and other alliances keep wanting to talk to him. How do I get my dwarves to stop electing the ghoul? Anyways, here's a tour. The Eternal Mayor: ![]( Entrance: ![]( 1st Level: ![]( 2nd Level 1/2: ![]( 2nd Level 2/2: ![]( 3rd Level [under construction]: ![]( The Boneyard: ![]( Would destroying the wall immediately let the elected ghoul out of the cage? Not sure if anyone knows.

    games 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    How to increase Dwarf Fortress room value (with bonus exploit) - FurtherReading

    Helped me a bit actually. Never seen a use for the traffic zones until now unless I'm in the caverns. Exploit is neat too if you wanna use it.

    games 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    Dwarf Fortress Alert
    chapotraphouse 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    From Bundeswehr

    something something history repeats as a fart brap

    music 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    Pass The Shovel - Gravediggaz

    *"I wanna go where the buffaloes roam* *Chop off ya head while I'm puffing on a bone"*

    music 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    Kaskad - At Any Price/каскад

    *"Farewell, mountains, you witnessed,* *Who we were in this distant land,* *Let them not judge biasedly,* *They, the desk scholars."*

    music 666 3 weeks ago 100%
    "I believe, my friends!/14 Minutes to Start"

    *"Packed into the tablets* *Are the space maps* *And the Navigator checks* *The route for one last time.* *Let us, guys,* *Smoke before launching: We still have fourteen minutes* *Left until the launch."*

    Comradeship // Freechat 666 3 weeks ago 95%
    [rant] FUCK NYSEG

    Nothing like having the local monopoly cut your electricity, charge your household with YOUNG children an extra 400 dollars because of random, variable "back-charges" and "late-fees" because we didn't pay at SIX O FUCKING CLOCK IN THE MORNING ON THE DAY IT'S DUE AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOT OUR FUCKING DIRECT DEPOSIT YET. (we get paid on the same day and they randomly decided to shut our electricity off earlier than usual despite normal payments; payment date changes from 30-31st sometimes and same with our checks.) Of course, we asked for an extension two days before, just for ONE FUCKING DAY. They agreed! Guess they fucking forgot! Or they don't give a fuck! Fuck these god damn fucking ghouls. Faceless, skinless walking pieces of soulless flesh that suck the resources out of every man, woman and child. They are fucking worth absolutely FUCK-ALL to this god damn world. OH AND I HAD TO WAIT 43 HOURS FOR MY FUCKING POWER TO BE TURNED BACK ON. FUCK THESE GHOULS. MY ENTIRE FUCKING FRIDGE SPOILED. ![](

    chapotraphouse 666 3 weeks ago 99%
    Tim Walz is my dad

    "Kamala grabs her cop badge" also not sure where to put this, dunk or not.

    music 666 1 month ago 100%
    Local H - Hands On The Bible

    Local H - Hands On The Bible. *"So hands on the bible* *Scared like a child* *God holds you liable* *For what ya done* *Homicidal* *Stare down your idols* *A pretty baby never to be born"*

    Comics 666 1 month ago 97%
    "The Golden Boy" Issue #54, The Sandman

    The story of literal "American Jesus". A good story, a good criticism of American culture as a whole and the internal desire of all Americans for some savior or politician to expunge them and save them from their national and personal sins. Enjoy! One of my favorite issues from a comic of all time. Edit: I've been told he's been accused of sexual assault, scratching my previous comment on being thankful he didn't end up a shitty person. Genuinely had no idea. ![](

    music 666 1 month ago 100%
    Private Life - Oingo Boingo


    chapotraphouse 666 1 month ago 98%
    U.S "Occupational Outlook"


    music 666 2 months ago 100%
    Terrorist - Lowkey

    Pigeon 666 2 months ago 100%
    Beautiful bird at the beach in Florida!

    They ponder the waves wistfully after we fed them corn.

    news 666 2 months ago 100%
    Pentagon finds accounting error worth 2$ billion under the cushions for Ukraine

    "The Pentagon announced on June 21, 2023 that it had overestimated the value of arms sent to Ukraine over the past two years by $6.2 billion. Now, the discovery of additional errors brings the total unspent sum to $8.2 billion." -- "U.S. Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) allows the president to allocate equipment from U.S. stocks, such as ammunition, vehicles, and medical supplies, to respond to crises abroad. PDA arises from the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Pentagon's "efforts to properly value defense articles for drawdown are hampered because the Foreign Assistance Act does not clearly define certain terms and DOD lacks PDA-specific valuation guidance," according to the GAO. Due to the errors, the Defense Department can send a further $2 billion in weapons to Ukraine to cover the amount already approved by U.S. President Joe Biden."

    Comradeship // Freechat 666 2 months ago 100%
    How do you think your nation's youth will deal with the future?

    Something interesting; France Gen Z unemployment rate: 7% Belgium: 15% Canada: 20% Colombia: 27% Spain: over 30% By all means, statistics straight up say that people around that age are rejecting work entirely. How is this done? Apartments with 8 or so people squeezed in. Vans/mobile. Living with parents, sure. Especially vans, though. A lot of people I went to high school with saved up for an RV or trailer-esque system. All though, the area was poor as shit. Is this sustainable? No. But it's cheaper than attempting to pay over a thousand dollars a month. Some are straight up trapped at home; even when working a trade some areas have such ridiculous rent that people are rejecting it entirely because they couldn't afford car insurance (incredible rates for Gen Z) on top of having to pay bills and food. No wonder electric bikes have seen a surge in popularity; not only for younger people. How do you think this will play out in the future?

    US News 666 2 months ago 100%
    BlackRock yanks 2022 ad featuring attempted assassin.


    US News 666 2 months ago 100%
    Mar-A-Lago case dismissed by judge.

    This just dropped right afterwards. Sharing it since I thought it was weird it moved so quickly after the attempted assassination. Also whenever I see the photo I imagine him sitting on the toilet reading about aliens while dropping a steamer.

    badposting 666 2 months ago 90%
    if you ever wonder why the population is going down

    blame it on the kkkiller kkklowns

    Comradeship // Freechat 666 2 months ago 100%
    Anyone use XMAGE/play MTG?

    Was curious if I could get a commie pod going for Magic. XMAGE is what I use for online play, awesome little tool for not having to shill out 1,000 dollars for cardboard. Also down to teach people if y'all never played Magic.

    memes 666 3 months ago 100%
    The Raven Man Imagine having to listen to this for four years. Also the current state of the election.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Film, TV, and Media 666 3 months ago 100%
    Countdown To Looking Glass - (1984)
    memes 666 3 months ago 100%
    Protracted Drugs
    memes 666 3 months ago 100%
    Green Stalin
    chapotraphouse 666 4 months ago 100%
    Current state of American politics

    source: U.S government sanctioned propaganda for children/teenagers recently released.

    chapotraphouse 666 4 months ago 100%
    chapotraphouse 666 4 months ago 100%
    Graham's Response to the ICC

    "“The Lord anointed you king over Zion. And he sent you on a mission, saying, ‘Go and completely destroy those wicked people" ~ Benjamin Graham reference

    shitposting 666 4 months ago 94%
    jump scare
    Comics 666 5 months ago 100%
    Careful, Sluggo!