portland Portland Atbyone else find the "surveillance monitors" they put on the buses kinda obnoxious?
  • 14specks 14specks 12 months ago 100%

    What do you mean by this?

  • asklemmy Asklemmy what phone(s) do you use and what's the default web browser on them?
  • 14specks 14specks 12 months ago 100%

    It's not that you're an idiot, but it's wise to avoid using a chromium/blink based browser since they are building a dangerous monopoly. Firefox is the best known alternative, but there are a couple other options.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Similiar to email filters, does Lemmy know of any IRL tips to filter out junk mail?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Yeah that tracks, do Google next haha

  • fediverse Fediverse There is a drop in monthly active Lemmy users (from 65k to 57k)
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    If I'm making a mistake, I don't think that would be it. I've been observing Bitcoin and its community since 2011.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Similiar to email filters, does Lemmy know of any IRL tips to filter out junk mail?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Right, many Europeans have basic consumer protections lol

  • fediverse Fediverse There is a drop in monthly active Lemmy users (from 65k to 57k)
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 97%

    Key difference is that Bitcoin people want/need their numbers to go up,up,up as a measure of success.

    Here, we are hoping to cultivate a healthy community (at either/both the instance and fediverse level). From my experience on various subreddits, focusing on growth is not a good way to do this.

    Communities are defined more by who is not allowed in than by who is in the community. Lemmy phase 2 kicked off back in June, and it still needs some time to find its footing at a sustainable rate of growth.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Similiar to email filters, does Lemmy know of any IRL tips to filter out junk mail?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Be careful about "unsubscribing" to various services.

    They will unsubscribe you, but then they also have all of your information (name, address, anything else) on record and confirmed. They can profit when the sell that data to another mailer "service". It's like a Hydra.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why was a post about "What's the worst Lemmy community you've run across?" removed due to rule 2 when it seemed kinda weaksause compared to what is normally here?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 66%


  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    The thing is that on leftist forums, the stakes for a veganism debate are pretty high cause it easily causes a 50-50ish flameout.

    Mods would appreciate if people like OP didn't intentionally troll to stir that sort of thing up (if the discussion takes place organically and respectfully, then whatever).

    Mods would also appreciate if people didn't feed obvious trolls who are just starting things up, like you pointed out, there are specific places to post about that sort of topic.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What is a hobby you enjoy, but seems too quirky or obscure to bring up in most conversations?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Please don't feed obvious trolls

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Why *is* everything going to shit?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Leave the personal attack off in the future please

  • asklemmy Asklemmy if you were going to die tomorrow and only you knew what would you do?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Don't do whatever this is.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy Is The 1975 'new' punk after the kiss in Malaysia?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Can you provide a source for this? Makes it easier to moderate if you can back up what you're saying.

  • worldnews World News China's real youth unemployment rate could actually be close to 50% - more than double the official rate
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 85%

    Before that can happen, we (as the non-ownership class) need to shift away from the capitalist mode of production, into a more advanced economy. On a global scale this is incredibly difficult, since the United States has a hegemonic influence over global economic affairs, and has been hostile to any states that attempt to subvert the capitalist mode. This is kinda sorta beginning to wane, but it'll be a couple decades still until we see some real progress IMO.

  • worldnews World News China's real youth unemployment rate could actually be close to 50% - more than double the official rate
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    They should clarify for themselves I guess, but by my reading they were commenting on the general topic of "unemployment metrics" rather than the specific situation in the article. If that's the case it'd be a different discussion entirely.

    I'd hope that people understand that the PRC doesn't have a robust social safety net as it stands currently.

  • worldnews World News Mastercard demands US cannabis shops stop accepting debit cards
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 33%

    Literally this, nobody really cares about your "online persona". If i haven't added you on discord or something you're just a star her to me IDC what your Lemmy account is

  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 75%

    Fair, I'd be interested in examples, since I mostly know of him from seeing people talk about him on Lemmygrad or wherever (who have their own issues, of course). I can go find them myself though, I appreciate you giving me a general idea about what's up wtih the guy.

    I do appreciate him bringing these interviews on the ground, but I always want to do my best to account for bias and spin, even for things like that that appear straightforward. I haven't even watched the second half of the video cause I figured it would feature him more (maybe that assumption was incorrect idk).

    Definitely sounds like a crackpot who shouldn't be taken too seriously from Wikipedia though. I just think calling something "propaganda" is a shallow criticism on its own.

  • worldnews World News Two protesters burn Koran in front of Iraqi embassy in Denmark
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    I see, I'm gonna make a low-ish effort post, but I'm happy to discuss further if you'd like:

    • Colonization still happens, but I think it matters that it happened in the past too. I would say that one of the most prominent recent examples would be the American invasion of Iraq. There are many political and economic aspects to the invasion, but one cultural angle is that it was widely supported by religious conservatives due to their opposition to Islam. American leadership was ghoulish in their own way, and to incompetent to actually colonize the country, but many of the literal footsoldiers joined the military to "get back at them for what they did to us", although as we know, none of the 9-11 terrorists were Iraqi.
    • Another example that springs to mind is the ongoing homophobic and transphobic hate crimes. One specific example would be the Pulse nightclub mass shooting. I would suggest that most American Christians don't support death for being gay, just the same as most American/Western Muslims don't support death for burning the Quran, but in other countries where religion overlaps more with politics, both of these can be considered serious criminial offenses.

    I only mean to suggest that both religions have a bit of bloodthirst in them, which doesn't apply to everyone, but is certainly comparable. We can go deeper into the details, I just felt like you were giving Christians a bit of a pass that they don't deserve.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you do with 100 billion dollars to have the most positive impact on the largest number of people?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Right, you can assume that people around here aren't racist/homophobic/transphobic etc... Cause even if they are, they're gonna catch a ban as soon as they expose themselves. They generally don't deserve your full wrath if we're fundamentally "on the same side" just cause they are kinda naive and not big fat theory nerds like some people around here.

    In the future you can go against the position, but you repeatedly used "you" in this post making it personal and right up against our civility guidelines.

  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 45%

    Can you substantiate that? I'm only tangentially familiar with his work. He's certainly softer on Russia than other sources, but is he doing more than bringing "balance" to the conversation?

    Watching the clip I showed, I could suspect that he may be leaving out other interviews he did where people were more pro-ukrainian, but at the same time, the woman in the video claims that about 80% of the town supports Russia, which would line up with what I previously understood about the politics of their region.

    I don't particularly care that much about the guys personal politics, and I haven't had that much exposure to them, since my only interest so far has been these two interviews which I personally interpret as primary sources. I would in now way claim that these two people speak for anyone besides themselves, but what they both say is loosely backed up by the data I've seen.

  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 61%

    Sure, like I said I don't think it's really important who is "worse", it's not a useful topic of discussion.

    I did want to make a couple of counterpoints though

    • just cause Zelensky is popular, doesn't necessarily make him a better leader. If we were to do a comparison (which we shouldn't!) Putin is also widely popular along Russians. In both cases support for a wartime leader is going to rally, especially in Ukraine.
    • you certainly have infinitely more experience in the country than I do (dividing by zero ofc haha), but wouldn't you have run into some of the same biases coming in as a foreigner (or foreign-born)? I don't know your itinerary, and I'm not asking you to share, but the who, when and where is gonna make a difference.
    • as an example, I was interested in the interviews of the first two people in this video that I saw recently [watch starting at 3:15 till about 20 mins in]: https://youtu.be/drhgjxSJG6M located in the warzone in eastern Ukraine. Both are supportive of the Russian forces and appear to claim that such support in their local area is widespread.
  • worldnews World News Two protesters burn Koran in front of Iraqi embassy in Denmark
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Because most Christians don’t feel so entitled to expect others to live by their rules, and threaten them with death when they don’t.

    Ok come on, my friend. I know a bible burning won't get you the death penalty, but many many many people have been killed and imprisoned for not living to Christian values, especially in the United States. It's "just a few crazies" or whatever, but it really isn't since these actions happen in an environment of indirect public support.

  • worldnews World News ‘Put learners first’: Unesco calls for global ban on smartphones in schools
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    UNESCO doesn't bear any authority, so the answer would be "none at all" or something like that, I guess...

  • worldnews World News Florida Has Approved PragerU ‘Curriculum’ for the Classroom
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 60%


  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 70%

    I'd encourage you to expound on this in your original comment, rather than start off with something inflammatory. It doesn't promote an interesting discussion.

  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 57%

    Like I mentioned in my other comment, I think that both leaders can and should be criticized independently, a comparison between the two is not useful.

    Neither leader is socialist, so in my opinion, neither truly has the best interest of their country's working class at heart. There could be some observation and speculation about how the possible outcomes of the conflict could promote socialist aims, but that is still independent of both guy themselves.

  • worldnews World News Corruption, treason in Ukraine won't be tolerated, Zelenskiy says
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 41%

    I'm not going to take a hard stance here cause I don't think a side by side comparison with Putin is a useful conversation to have, but I want to point out a couple things that may add some nuance to what you've heard before.

    • Since 1991, Ukraine has been in an increasingly precarious geopolitical position, with many differences among it's population and political leadership about how to proceed. One could argue that Zelensky ended up stuck between a rock and a hard place, but at the end of the day his fumbling around and repeated motions towards joining NATO were bad political moves that nearly forced (kinda, maybe not forced idk) Russia's hand into a military action. Even if going to NATO was definitively the correct choice (weird thing to think, tbh), he managed doing so incredibly poorly.
    • Be aware that Ukraine has had a lot of division among the populaton about whether the country should be Western/EU aligned or Russian aligned. There are many historical and cultural reasons for different regions, communities and individuals to have their particular views (like any political stance). Consider that if you spoke with a Ukrainian person somewhere outside of Eastern Europe, and used the English language, they are probably going to have a pro-western, pro-zelensky viewpoint. You probably won't hear much from Russian speaking Ukrainians who wouldn't prefer to emigrate to "the West", and support Ukrainian alignment with Russia.
  • worldnews World News Putin appeared paralyzed and unable to act in first hours of rebellion
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 86%

    I'd thought that even the most liberal people on nü-Lemmy had at least read some Chomsky (or even watched the documentaries based on his work), but I guess we aren't even there yet.

  • worldnews World News Putin appeared paralyzed and unable to act in first hours of rebellion
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    I'm not exactly with the other guy, but it's extremely important to realize that ALL sources are biased. The Washington post and the New York Times both function as propaganda. They often serve as the mouthpiece of the United States Department of State or Defense, and are happy to cultivate public support for military conflicts that are in the interest of the American ruling class.

    This is well documented in the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky. You can also listen to the podcast Citations Needed to gain a better understanding about how this works in the modern day.

    An example you may be readily familiar with is the Iraq War, in which US government officials repeatedly lied to the public and started a meaningless war, without any real journalistic pushback. This lead to an atrocity affecting millions.

  • asklemmy Asklemmy can the weight of millions of balloons be heavy enough to pop the balloons at the bottom?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 0%
  • asklemmy Asklemmy What would you do with 100 billion dollars to have the most positive impact on the largest number of people?
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    It seems like you had a point to contribute somewhere in there, but maybe try and communicate it in a way that isn't so pointed at the other user. We'd like to discourage that sort of toxicity here. Maybe if they were being a total shithead or reactionary, feel free to go off, but it seems unwarranted.

  • worldnews World News Yuan exceeds dollar in China's bilateral trade for first time
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    That sounds overly reductive to me

  • worldnews World News Yuan exceeds dollar in China's bilateral trade for first time
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 54%

    I mean, it's an article from a Japanese source, but yeah sure the OP is biased or whatever, but so is everyone else who regurgitates the top headline from the NYT or BBC. Since the others are part of the dominant ideology, it appears to be more transparent.

  • worldnews World News 1 in 10 flights taking off from UK are private jets
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    I mean, that's not strictly necessary either. Chinal allows a good many billionaires to exist, but they are hitting their emissions targets ahead of schedule, cause they don't let the billionaires run the entire show like they do in the USA.

  • memes Memes I'm an anarchist btw
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    It's true that Trump did some things that were not-bad, but you don't need to "hand it to him". He, just like every modern US present (not to mention those in more distant history) still stands for the capitalist economic system. And capitalists are happy to use command economics whenever it benefits them, "free-market ideology" is just propaganda, and they know it (which you correctly identify).

    There is no long term path toward the liberation of the working class under capitalist leadership, and giving them credit hurts you rhetorically, rather than helping you.

  • memes Memes I'm an anarchist btw
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    Sectarianism (which the OP is also guilty of) makes for a dull conversation.

    Particularly in the English-speaking world, there is no sect of socialism that has enough political power for that sort of conversation to matter. It's just shit-flinging over the internet. I know that Lemmy has a ton of "Reddit" in it's genes, but my hope is that we can try and build something more interesting here.

  • memes Memes I'm an anarchist btw
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 66%

    You think that all of them do it out of knowledge? Remember that if they weren't born before 1980, they've really only experienced the effects of capitalism on their countries. I've heard it happen before, that some 20-25 year old who immigrated with their parents in the mid-2000s is going off about how "communism ruined my country and that's why we had to leave", or something.

    In 1991 the referendum to dissolve the USSR was voted against by the population (of course it happened anyway).

    I don't mean to suggest that the political or economic systems implemented under communist governments were perfect, or even that great, but in the English-speaking world there is a tendency to assume that everyone (or even a majority of people) who lived there were against their own government, when it's much more complex than that.

    A modern example I noticed recently was in this video, where the people living in the warzone in Eastern Ukraine are generally supportive of Russia, and miss the USSR (I mean, if anything, the current conflict never would have happened). Of course these two people don't represent their whole community, but it's more complex than is commonly portrayed (all I'm trying to say).

    Watch from around 3:15 till about 20 minutes in when the old guy in the shirt is done talking (or just watch the whole thing idc): https://youtu.be/drhgjxSJG6M?t=197

  • worldnews World News Ukraine is now the most mined country. It will take decades to make safe.
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    You're right, but there's nothing humanitarian about a military conflict.

  • memes Memes How i feel on Lemmy
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 75%

    Everyone else just lived in pretty poor, if stable, conditions.

    That's the thing, they lived in a poor country. Not strictly because of their political system (as many flaws as it had), but because of global economics, and trade hostility from the USA that intentionally hampered growth. It's not like they were purposely kept poor for funsies or cause the government were big meanies (sure, they were meanies in other ways). The wealth inequality between modern political leaders and funding sources (where the real power comes from) and the average citizen (particularly in the USA) is far greater than it ever was in the USSR.

    Things are better for some and worse for many since then in Russia, but in other places like Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova everyone lost except for the rich guys who pillaged all the private infrastructure.

  • memes Memes How i feel on Lemmy
  • 14specks 14specks 1 year ago 100%

    People might not like it, but you can watch a couple of people who are living in Eastern Ukraine (yes, the literal warzone) in this video talk about how shit was better until 1991. Cause, you know, they wouldn't be living in a warzone for one thing. Watch from 03:15 till about 20 minutes in, if you'd like:


  • asklemmy
    Asklemmy 14specks 1 year ago 90%
    Now taking submissions for a new banner image!

    If anyone is interested in creating a new banner image for the comm, please submit it in the comments of this post!

    World News 14specks 1 year ago 92%
    Another 131 years to close gender gap, World Economic Forum report finds www.scmp.com

    > Iceland took the top position for the 14th year, having closed 91.2 per cent of its overall gender gap – the only country with a figure above 90 per cent > The US dropped to 43rd on the list, down from 27th last year, from the 146 countries examined in areas such as economy, education, health, and politics

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearUS
    'No dogs were found alive': 146 dogs found dead in Mantua home of animal rescue co-founder, group says www.news5cleveland.com
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearUS
    Why is US Secretary of State Antony Blinken going to China? www.aljazeera.com
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearUS
    $930 million in grants announced in Biden’s effort to expand internet access to every home in the US www.seattletimes.com
    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearRE
    Reddit 14specks 1 year ago 91%
    I'm ready for a word filter feature so I can filter the word "Reddit"

    Heard enough about that drama

    Music 14specks 1 year ago 100%
    Sam Fender - Aye youtu.be

    ``` They don't act up for the camera They just sit back and command them And collect and deflect and abandon They even wrote all the Ten Commandments They watched Jesus get nailed to the cross In real time and in their heads They watched Boudica fall to the Romans They watched Lennon as they shot him dead They watched Jackie pick up Kennedy's head They watched kids go to Epstein's bed They watched Hollywood whitewash remake movies Of napalm falling like water on rocks They watched the atom bomb reduce two cities to dust And paint the whole narrative as totally just They fly drones above our heads That paint the ground black and red Children's eyes clasped in dread They all knew where it led Trade ties steeped in guile They knew the fall was coming all the while And they double down on misery The age old blatant mystery Subterfuge in synergy Poor hate the poor Hate the poor Hate the poor Hate the poor Poor hate the poor Hate the poor Hate the poor Hate the poor It's a blame game It's a fame trap It's the martyrdom of the spoken It's the last breath of the awoken And the woke kids are just dickheads And the dickheads are all ages And everybody's pointing at somebody's sweetheart I'm a scumbag Making my peace with the internal drag Making my thesis on the faceless man He's got the whole world in his fucking hands I don't have time for the very few They never had time for me and you I don't have time for the very few They never had time for me and you I don't have time for the very few They never have time for me and you I don't have time for the very few They never have time for me and you I don't have time for the very few They never have time for me and you I'm not a fucking patriot anymore I'm not a fucking singer anymore I'm not a fucking liberal anymore I'm not a fucking anything or anyone I'm not a fucking anything or I'm not a fucking anything I'm not a fucking I'm not a I'm not Aye ```

    Videos 14specks 1 year ago 100%
    Suicide Water Heater & Deadly Experiments (Gone Too Far) www.youtube.com

    This video gets increasingly unhinged as it goes along

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Lemmy Support 14specks 3 years ago 100%
    When following a lemmy.ml comm from Mastodon, it submits a "follow request" instead of just following by default.

    According to this comment, this has been an intermittent issue from the initial introduction of federation several weeks back: https://lemmy.ml/post/89740/comment/105555 Have we figured out why this is happening yet?

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearLE
    Left Urbanism 14specks 3 years ago 100%
    Parking Ratios