Guilded DBGamer 3 years ago 66%

Two Way Bridging and Integrating From Discord?

Hiya again!

I am just starting out a Discord community (less than 30 "members" including bots) cause that's where the Minetest Community generally lives at, it's mass marketing and so on.

But I am considering to kick it up and notch and look at bridging the two together as a sorta "federated" communication platform of our own.

So I would like to ask the Guilded community at large (particularly if you are/were a Discord user/admin). If we could be filled in with this.

Firstly is this comparable to Discord to begin with? For instance can I as a discord user and "server" admin pick up Guilded in a jiggy? And would you say it worth the efforts required to bridge over?

Additionally I vaguely heard that Discord bots are able to be used on the platform? Is that true at all? If there is truth to this is this a "1:1" compatibility? Or is recoding would be required and would renders any SaaS styled bots useless on Guilded? Mainly the reason I am concerned about this is I am concerned about SFW grade automatic moderation (removing NSFW/NSFL contents mainly), suspicious members' detecting, global ban list as "early detection system" and invites' tracking for marketing reasons (NON rewarded for).

Finally what is the $$$ (if there is recurring please note if it monthly/annually/etc) if any for Discord class Level 1 perks (we don't care about anything in particular but the Custom Invite Page and the gifed logo)?

I would love to be filled in if this might be something to explore?

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