World News Provinto 3 years ago 100%

Helping hand: Israeli forces in the service of Jewish settlers

Striking passages:

“We never know when the next attack will be, what damage the settlers will cause, and whether they will kill somebody,” said Samir Sawalma, 65...
...the school has a special roof to prevent damage from settler stones, while one family simply abandoned their house, unable to deal with the constant violence.
The daily lives of many Palestinian villagers all over the West Bank are at the mercy of settlers – and the Israeli soldiers who support them – as the settlers cut down olive trees, burn agricultural fields, assault Palestinians and, in a growing number of cases, shoot at them – killing some and leaving others hospitalised.
While the soldiers are meant to protect both Israelis and Palestinians, over the years, human rights organisations – Israeli and international – have documented numerous cases where troops, in the best-case scenarios, stand by while settlers rampage.
The odds of a police complaint filed by a Palestinian resulting in the conviction of an Israeli civilian were a mere 1.9 percent, [said a report by Israeli rights group Yesh Din].

There's also some heart-breaking stories of murdered Palestinians and the families they'd left behind in the rampages back in May.

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