
Trans women are women!

It is a simple truth that has been accepted by all decent human beings for centuries. Trans woman should have the same rights as any other female, they should have the same rights as any other woman. However, despite how true it may be and how much progress we've made in the past twenty four years, there was trans-exclusionary radical feminists who wanted to fight this fact tooth and nail, to prove that it was wrong. They wanted to deny it to everyone and anything else on planet Earth. And when trans people couldn't agree with them or get along, they would resort to violent acts to prove their point. They'd pick up rocks and beat trans folk up for no apparent reason. Or if they did have a reason, they would throw those objects as hard as possible. It didn't matter which gender they were beating up. Sometimes even male trans men and enbys could be targeted as well. Some even died because of these actions. We need to change the way we look at things! We need to make the world realize that TERFs don't belong here. It's time to end this stupid argument about 'transgenderism' and accept what we truly are! A woman is a woman and she will always be one. Her biological sex has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not she is a girl or a boy. Her gender is what really matters and nothing more. That is why I'm proud to call myself a woman, because I am what I am. Not a man and not an ape, just me. And that is something that you can never take from me. Never forget that. And I know many will disagree with me because some people will spread lies that are so blatantly false that we need a new generation of activists who want to bring the truth out into the open. Chuds, nazis and extremists alike will tell us to shut up and go back to hiding under our rock. Well tough luck because we're not going anywhere anytime soon. We'll stay right where we are and fight until our blood is red. Because we have a right to exist. The world owes us justice.

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