Communism101 The_Lobster_Emperor 4 years ago 100%

Questions about National "Bolshevism" and related horseshit.

So I was looking up nazbols because I've been curious about them. Wikipedia (everyone's favourite website) considers the movement to a brand of fascism.

So of course whilst searching "nazbol" I saw the National Bolshevik Party's official page. Clicked on it, when to "questions" and then "concerns" and proceded to laugh my arse off after reading this:

Aren’t you just Commie-Nazis?

The National Bolshevik Party is not a “commie-nazi” organization. We reject both communism and nazism.

So they don't think they're "commie-nazis," and they also make it 100% clear repeatedly that "NO, WE'RE NOT RELATED TO LENIN, OR THE BOLSHEVIKS OR THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTIONS!"

So what are they related to? It's clear they don't think they're communists, but the Wikipedia page says early on they claimed to adhere to Marxism. The Serbian Radical Party (apparently another nazbol shitfest) apparently support a socialised economy and glorification of their communist past, as well as anti-imperialism (which, granted, is not actually inherently a left-wing stance) and support for left-wing leaders like Maduro and Gaddaffi.

So I ask: What the fuck is a nazbol? What is National Bolshevism? Why does a party that claims to have nothing to do with the Bolsheviks called the "National Bolshevik Party," why is their logo a hammer and sickle if they're not communists, what is their history, what is the best analysis of them, are they scum or misunderstood comrades (I fucking doubt it)? Why are they such a fucking meme?

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