GenZedong witlessworm 2 years ago 100%

This tracks with my experience with working class types. The only people rabidly anti-LGBTQ are the petty bourgeoisie (almost always right-wing) and the right wing bourgeoisie.

This tracks with my experience with working class types. The only people rabidly anti-LGBTQ are the petty bourgeoisie (almost always right-wing) and the right wing bourgeoisie.

I live in a super red state and the actual working class types are the ones who are LGBTQ themselves, have been in their own shitty situations themselves, and generally have a ton of empathy for our LGBTQ comrades (POC is where you encounter deeper-seated issues in my experience). Obviously there are exceptions to this rule, but the only consistently anti-LGBTQ people I meet are petty bourgeoisie and bourgeois types (lawyers, small business owners, accountants, bankers, etc). The blue collar types are often living very cis lives but can surprise you with how accepting they are- they tend to be live and let live.

Edit: and the majority of the time if working class people are anti-LGBTQ it is because they have been misinformed about certain economic and political dynamics by the bourgeoisie.

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