
[Venting] my mom is whining about me being too negative after she yelled at me for wearing her *blouse*. What a B\*tch.

I wore one of her blouses because I was cold. (I'm not trans.)

Then brother found out and he whined and yelled about me wearing a blouse. I said "Why does that matter? How does that matter to me?" He then called mom.

Mom had then whined to me about how "I shouldn't wear a blouse." I, once again, told her "why should it matter?" I also told her that if I ever came out about being transgender (I'm not), she would respond badly to that.

Then she had the nerve to go on about how "I'm being too negative!", "I don't have enough faith!", I "need to work more" stfu! She did this multiple times too!

She also went on about how she "is tired" all the time, even when she woke up 2 hours ago. I asked her "what work do you do?" She then whined "see? that's what I mean when I said that you're being too negative." (Because I asked her a question about what labor she does? No critical thinking in her lmao.)

She also had the nerve to state that "I should be working more-" Fuck'er! She does realize that I'd exhaust quickly right?! The audacity


This is the same person that told me to "eAt MoRe" when I already eat enough to live. She told me to stop putting heavy foods on soft foods after shopping, when she did just that the last time we went shopping.

What a *****! I want to punch her in the face!

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