Samson Drugging the Cat grysbok 1 year ago 100%

“When It Comes to the Lion, Business Between Ben and Jim, It’s Nip and Tuck”. Political cartoon. Thomas Nast. 1884.

“When It Comes to the Lion, Business Between Ben and Jim, It’s Nip and Tuck”. Political cartoon. Thomas Nast. 1884.

Image description: etched political cartoon. A lion is on a wheeled pedestal labeled "British". A man in a suit and befeathered top hat twists the lion's tail. A bald man in a suit twists its head. The lion's mouth is open. Behind the men and lion is a storefront labeled "furs". A man watched open-mouthed through the window. Next to the cartoon is a colored registry thingy, for calibrating colors.

A detailed explanation of the cartoon is at HarpWeek (and TBH their image of the cartoon is clearer than the one I uploaded. I chose the LOC one because the permissions were clearer). In summary: In American politics, the Republican presidential nominee and the Greenback-Labor nominee were both critical of Great Britain (represented by the lion).

Found at: Library of Congress

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