
China 2098, A Socialist Science Fiction Setting

China 2098 is a science fiction setting created by artist Fan Wennan, a graduate of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. It is a setting where socialism has won over capitalism on Earth but still faces challenges from climate change, bitter holdouts in space, and the new contradictions that arise. I like it as a setting in contrast to most other sci-fi settings where some form of capitalism underpins the economy and where there is no cause for hope or optimism.

Setting descriptions can be found on each individual post at the artstation profile.

Fan Wennan's artstation link: Link

CPUSA to celebrate 30 years:

"Don't worry about sleeping, each of us has a small sun in our hearts,"

Opening of a Synthetic Starch Plant

Wetlands Preservation

Lunar Settlement

Can't forget the giant Marx and Lenin portraits.

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