
Vauscist with yet-another blistering hot take on r/VaushV

Vauscist with yet-another blistering hot take on r/VaushV

Full text [formatting improved for legibility]:

Hammer and sickle is giga cringe and should go


Hello there,

Please forgive me for my indulgence, for I have sinned and decided to critically examine the expediency of using an ancient symbol of worker solidarity, mired in grim historical events, dragging its shady reputation across shitty political discourse.

But, for real, hear me out please.


1​. Being era-appropriate:

I mean, when we talk about worker solidarity nowadays, we talk, like, about Amazon warehouse workers, and onlyfans girls, and call center grunts, etc. None of them use freaking hammer/and or sickle. Do farmers even use sickles anymore? Yes, people of the working class use hammers and whatnot, but the symbol itself is not so all-encompassing, as it once was, for sure. Which kinda paints twitter warriors who unironically use said symbol in a LARP-y light, no? It's like going back to French revolution every time you advocate for freedom or democracy. Cringe.


2​. Being used by nazbols, tankies, and who knows what kinds of sad people

Nuff said, when you think tankie, you think hammer and sickle. Regrettably, the common language of shitty symbols and worshiping Theory in this case lets all kinds of weird people infiltrate the discourse posing as comrades. I do not need to remind you how many leftist subs are taken over by tankies, this is a disgrace.


3​. Shitty history and reputation

As a Ukrainian, I should say - good luck persuading anyone in Eastern Europe that hammer and sickle is anything more than a symbol of imperialism and genocide. Holodomor was a thing, you know. Which kinda puts a stop to the whole idea of using hammers and sickle as a symbol around-the-world class solidarity, does it not? Good luck redeeming old soviet relic, when the whole populations of people would rightfully scoff at the idea.


4​. China

PRC is a state that exists. A capitalist, proto-fascist state no less, whose ruling party isn't shy about using hammer and sickle as their jeweled crown. I mean, if we compete between several thousand twitter leftists and the whole of PCR - who wins to determine what the symbol really means? It's a losing battle, kinda.

Sorry for rambling, I bet there is a host of more points I could make more concisely, but alas.


Hammer and sickle is an antiquated symbol, that's hard to reclaim, dubious in terms of actual use, and looks and feels extremely LARPy. It couldn't go fast enough to be replaced by something truly glorious.

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